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101 internet business you can start from home

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Tiêu đề 101 internet businesses you can start from home
Tác giả Susan Sweeney
Người hướng dẫn Tony Sasso, Novanemedia.com, Dr. Harvey Silverstein, Concentrics Communications
Trường học Maximum Press
Chuyên ngành Business/Internet
Thể loại sách
Năm xuất bản 2006
Thành phố Gulf Breeze
Định dạng
Số trang 329
Dung lượng 3,26 MB

Nội dung

This book will provide you with a myriad of online business ideas for your consideration.

Live the New American Dream! If you want to break away from rigid schedules, unappreciative bosses, and soul-sapping commutes, this book is for you. Today’s Internet offers the golden business opportunities of our lifetimes. Running your own e-Business from home is the new American dream. But what kinds of Internet businesses work? Which one fits my needs and interests? How do I get started? You will learn the answers to these questions and countless others in the freshly updated Second Edition of this popular book. 101 Internet Businesses You Can Start From Home starts by helping you look inward and define what’s important to you (e.g., time with family, flexible schedule, money, part time vs. full time, risk level, etc.). This leads into an overview of how online business works followed by profiles of 101 proven Internet business ideas which will fuel your entrepreneurial thinking and help you pick just the right Internet business for you. Best-selling author Susan Sweeney has built her own successful Internet businesses and helped hundreds of others succeed online. She knows what you need to know, and in this book she shares many things that are vital to your success. Each book comes with a password that enables you to enter the companion Web site. This site is filled with the latest Internet business news, expanded information, and additional online resources of interest to Internet entrepreneurs. Buy this book and start planning today! $29.95 US ($35.95 Canada) Business/Internet Distributed by Independent Publishers Group (IPG) 605 Silverthorn Road Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 (850) 934-0819 www.maxpress.com This Book Will Help You: • Come up with the best e- Business idea for you • See how to get started right away • Understand what it takes to make your e-Business really work • Start making money from the comfort of your own home • Effectively promote your e-Business to maximize success • Stay current and get support through the “members only” companion Web site About the Author Susan Sweeney, CA, is a partner in VERB Interactive and a renowned industry expert on Internet marketing topics. She is the author of other leading books including 101 Ways to Promote Your Web Site, 3G Marketing on the Internet, and The e-Business Formula for Success. She has developed the Internet Marketing Boot Camp, webinars, seminars on CD, Internet Marketing Training Programs, and e-books related to Internet marketing. Besides being a well- known author, Susan is a CA (Chartered Accountant) and a CSP (Certified Speaking Professional). She is a frequent speaker on Internet marketing at many conferences, corporate seminars, workshops, and events. Susan lives in Bedford, Nova Scotia, and Ft. Myers, Florida. “ .great resource on starting a home-based Internet business. It is filled with lots of great tips on selecting the business that is right for you, building your site, e-Business model selection and getting lots of visitors to your Web site.” —Tony Sasso, Novanemedia.com “101 Internet Businesses You Can Start From Home is an excellent resource for anyone wanting to start an Internet-based business. It not only includes many business ideas but also includes great information on building a top-notch Web site and generating lots of traffic to it. Read it! I give it a 10!” —Dr. Harvey Silverstein, Concentrics Communications 101 Internet Businesses You Can Start From Home Second Edition Sweeney “I love this book! It will get you started on your successful home- based business in no time…” — Maurice Muise Gemma Group, www.gemmagroup.com Susan Sweeney, C.A. S E C O N D E D I T I O N Over 17,000 Sold! Main selection of Computer Books Direct book club How to Choose and Build Your Own Successful e-Business 101 Internet Businesses You Can Start From Home Second Edition 101 Int Biz Front.PMD 11/21/2006, 12:10 PM1 Other Titles of Interest From Maximum Press Top e-business Books • 101 Ways to Promote Your Web Site • 3G Marketing on the Internet • Protecting Your Great Ideas for FREE • and many more… For more information go to www.maxpress.com/ibmpromo1 or e-mail us at moreinfo@maxpress.com 101 Int Biz Front.PMD 11/21/2006, 12:10 PM2 101 Internet Businesses You Can Start From Home Second Edition How to Choose and Build Your Own Successful e-Business Susan Sweeney MAXIMUM PRESS 605 Silverthorn Road Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 (850) 934-0819 www.maxpress.com 101 Int Biz Front.PMD 11/21/2006, 12:10 PM3 Publisher: Jim Hoskins Manager of Finance/Administration: Joyce Reedy Production Manager: Gina Cooke Cover Designer: Lauren Smith Copyeditor: Ellen Falk Proofreader: Jacquie Wallace Indexer: Susan Olason Printer: P.A. Hutchison This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the sub- ject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If legal, accounting, medical, psychological, or any other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. ADAPTED FROM A DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES OF A JOINT COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN BAR ASSO- CIATION AND PUBLISHERS. Copyright 2007 by Maximum Press. All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, Maximum Press. Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, it is a policy of Maximum Press to have books of enduring value published in the United States printed on acid-free paper, and we exert our best efforts to that end. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Sweeney, Susan, 1956- 101 Internet businesses you can start from home : how to choose and build your own successful e-business / Susan Sweeney. — 2nd ed. p. cm. ISBN 1-931644-48-9 (pbk.) 1. Home-based businesses. 2. New business enterprises. 3. Internet. 4. Electronic commerce. I. Title. II. Title: One hundred one Internet businesses you can start from home. III. Title: One hundred and one Internet businesses you can start from home. HD62.38.S94 2007 658.8’72—dc22 2006021704 101 Int Biz Front.PMD 11/21/2006, 12:10 PM4 Acknowledgements Many, many, many thanks to my great team at Verb Interactive (http:// www.verbinteractive.com)—Ed Dorey and Andy MacLellan, who have been with me since their university days, and our whole team of Internet marketing experts. Thanks to Maureen Welsman for all the help with this edition of 101 Inter- net Businesses You Can Start From Home. The Internet is a fascinating, vast, and publicly accessible resource from which we can learn a great deal. I’d like to thank all those people who share their information so freely on the Net through such sites as Wilson Web (www.wilsonweb.com) by Dr. Ralph Wilson, SearchEngineWatch by Danny Sullivan, and newsletters such as I-Search by Detlev Johnson. Many thanks to my large network of experts whom I know I can always call to get the latest scoop on what’s really happening. Joe Mauro of inBox360.com and Ken Teeter of nTarget.com are always extremely knowl- edgeable and helpful in terms of the ever-changing world of private mail list marketing. Thanks to Jim Hoskins, Gina Cooke, and Joyce Reedy at Maximum Press. This is our eleventh book together. It’s always a pleasure to work with you. One of these days we’re going to have to meet face to face! Special thanks to my absolutely wonderful husband, Miles, who makes all things possible. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do if not for you. Also thanks to our three amazing children—Kaitlyn, Kara, and Andrew—for their love, en- couragement, and support. Love you more than the last number! Special thanks to mom and dad, Olga and Leonard Dooley, for always being there and for instilling in me the confidence to know that I can do anything to which I set my mind. It’s amazing what can be done when you “know you can.” Disclaimer The purchase of computer software or hardware is an important and costly business decision. While the author and publisher of this book have made rea- sonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information con- tained herein, the author and publisher assume no liability with respect to loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by reliance on any information con- tained herein and disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of said information. 101 Int Biz Front.PMD 11/21/2006, 12:10 PM5 This book is not intended to replace the manufacturer’s product documen- tation or personnel in determining the specifications and capabilities of the products mentioned in this book. The manufacturer’s product documentation should always be consulted, as the specifications and capabilities of computer hardware and software products are subject to frequent modification. The reader is solely responsible for the choice of computer hardware and software. All configurations and applications of computer hardware and software should be reviewed with the manufacturer’s representatives prior to choosing or using any computer hardware and software. Trademarks The words contained in this text which are believed to be trademarked, ser- vice marked, or otherwise to hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by use of initial capitalization. No attempt has been made to designate as trademarked or service marked any personal computer words or terms in which proprietary rights might exist. Inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express judgment upon, the validity of legal status of any proprietary right which may be claimed for a specific word or term. Your “Members Only” Web Site The Internet world changes every day. That’s why there is a companion Web site associated with this book. On this site you will find updates to the book and other Web site promotion resources of interest. However, you have to be a member of the “101 Internet Businesses Insiders’ Club” to gain access to this site. When you purchased this book, you automatically became a member (in fact, that’s the only way to join), so you now have full privileges. To get into the “Members Only” section of the companion Web site, go to the Maximum Press Web site located at www.maxpress.com and follow the links to the “101 Inter- net Businesses” area. From there you will see a link to the “101 Internet Busi- nesses Insiders' Club” section. When you try to enter, you will be asked for a user ID and password. Type in the following: 101 Int Biz Front.PMD 11/21/2006, 12:10 PM6 • For your user ID, enter: 101Inte2e • For your password, enter: space You will then be granted full access to the “Members Only” area. Visit the site often and enjoy the updates and resources with our compliments—and thanks again for buying the book. We ask that you not share the user ID and password for this site with anyone else. Susan Sweeney’s Internet Marketing Mail List You are also invited to join Susan Sweeney’s Internet Marketing Bi-weekly In- ternet Marketing Tips, Tools, Techniques, and Resources Newsletter at www.susansweeney.com. 101 Int Biz Front.PMD 11/21/2006, 12:10 PM7 viii 101 Internet Businesses You Can Start From Home viii Table of Contents Introduction xii Internet Business—The Opportunity of Our Lifetime xii Defining What’s Important to You xiii Part 1 Doing Business Online 1 Getting the Point Across 2 Storefront Development Options . 2 ASP Storefront Model 3 Storefront Software Packages 4 Program and Develop Your Own Storefront . 4 Storefront Features 5 Shopping Cart 6 Purchase Notification 6 Inventory Management Integration . 6 Client Database Management 6 Integrated Mail List . 7 Searchable Product Database . 7 Thumbnail Image Capability . 7 Customer E-mail Notification 8 Unlimited Autoresponders . 8 Shipping and Delivery Options 8 Coupons, Discounts, and Special Offers 9 Technical Support 9 Affiliate Programs 9 Payment Processing Methods . 9 The Advantages of Taking Online Payments . 10 Acquire an Internet Merchant Account 10 What Level of E-business Is Appropriate for You? . 12 E-business Level 1—Interactive Order Taking . 12 E-business Level 2—Taking Electronic Payment 13 101 Int Biz TOC.pmd 11/21/2006, 12:10 PM8 Table of Contents ix E-business Level 3—Storefront Selection and Payment Automation 15 E-business Level 4—Total Integration . 15 Closing E-business Comments . 17 Part 2 101 Profiles of Top Internet Business Concepts 18 1. Ad Network . 18 2. Apartment Locator 21 3. Art Supply Store 23 4. Association Management . 26 5. Auction Site . 29 6. Auto Advice . 31 7. Banner Ad Designer . 34 8. Beauty Products . 36 9. Blog Software/Blog Directory 39 10. Bookstore 41 11. Business Opportunity Center . 44 12. Business Broker 46 13. Business Plan Writing Service . 49 14. Cartoon/Joke Writer 52 15. Classified Ads 54 16. Collector Store—Rare Books and Records Finder . 56 17. Commercial Cleaning 58 18. Community Events Web Site 61 19. Concierge Service . 63 20. Cookbooks and Recipes 66 21. Copy Writing . 69 22. Coupon Site . 72 23. Craft Store . 74 24. Custom-Made Calendars . 76 25. Custom-Printed Products . 79 26. Cybermall Owner/Operator . 81 27. Desktop Imagery 85 28. Dining Guide . 87 29. Direct Marketing/Direct Mail 90 30. Do-It-Yourself Site . 93 31. E-Books . 95 32. Educational Products . 97 101 Int Biz TOC.pmd 11/21/2006, 12:10 PM9 . Communications 101 Internet Businesses You Can Start From Home Second Edition Sweeney “I love this book! It will get you started on your successful home- based business. your Web site.” —Tony Sasso, Novanemedia.com 101 Internet Businesses You Can Start From Home is an excellent resource for anyone wanting to start an Internet- based

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