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SECOND EDITION Online Practice Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Paul Seligson OXFORD Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Paul Seligson PaulSeligson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of English File and English File OXFORD VNIVERSITY PRESS Contents Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation A where are you from? word arder in questions camman verb phrases, spelling and numbers vowe l sounds, the alphabet B Charlotte's choice simple present describing people: final-sI -es appearance and personality e Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy present continuous clothes, prepositions of place {al and l'Jrl 10 PRACTICAL ENGLlSH Episode Hotel problems 12 A Right place, wrong pe rsa n simple past: regular and irregular verbs vacations regular verbs: -ed endings 14 B The story behind the photo past continuous prepositions of time and place: at, in, on sentence stress 16 e time sequencers and connectors verb phrases word stress One dark October evening 18 20 A Plans and dreams be going te (plans and predictions) airports sentence stress and fast speech 22 B let's meet again present continuous (future arrangements) verbs + prepositions e.g amvem sounding friendly 24 e defining relative clauses expressions for paraphrasing: like, for example, etc pronuneiation in a dietionary 26 PRACTICAl ENGlISH Episode Restaurant problems 28 A Parents and teenagers present perfect + yet, just, already housework, make or do? Iyl and Id3f 30 B Fashion and shopping present perfect or simp le past? (1) shopping e and eh 32 e something, anything, nothing, etc adj eetives ending -ed and -ing 1d, /mi , and IN What's the word? lost weekend 34 36 A No time f or anything comparative adjectives and adverbs, aS as time expressions: spend time, etc sentenee stress 38 B Superlative cities superlatives (+ ever + present pe rfect) deseribing a town or cit y word and sentenee stress 40 e quantifiers, too, not enough health and the body IAl, fui, lal/, and Id 42 PRACTICAl ENGlISH Episode The wrong shoes 44 A Are you a pessimist? will / won't (predictions) opposite verbs '11, won't 46 B 1'11 never forget you will / won't (decisions, offers, promises) verb + back word stress: two-syllable verbs 48 e review of verb forms: present, past, and future adjeetives + prepositions the letters ow 50 REVIEW ANO CHECK 5&6 How much is too much? The meaning of dreaming Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation uses of the infinitive verbs + infinitive: try to, forget to, etc weak form of to , linking uses of the gerund (verb + -ing) verbs + gerund the letter i have to, don't have to, must, must not, can't modifiers: a little (bit), real/y, etc sentence stress 52 A 54 B Being happy 56 e 58 PRACTICAL ENGLlSH Episode At the pharmacy 60 A I don't know what to dol should get Id and lul, sentence stress 62 B If something can go wrong, if+ present , will + base form (first conditionat) confusing verbs linking 64 e possessive pronouns adverbs of manne r sentence rhythm if + past, would + base form (second conditional) animals word stress Howto learn a language in a monthl You must be mine 66 68 A What would you do? 70 B I've been afraid of it for years present perfect + for and since phobias and words related to f ea r sentence stress 72 e biographies word stress, b rl 74 PRACTICAL ENGLlSH Episode Getting around 76 A passive verbs: invent, discover, etc IJI, -ed, sentence stress 78 B Could better used to school subjects used to / didn't use to 80 e Mr.lndecisive might word bu ilding : naun formation diphthangs 84 A Bad losers expressing movement sparts, expressing movement sports 86 B Are you a morning person? word order of phrasal verbs phrasal verbs linking 88 e so, neither+ auxi liaries similarities sentence stress, /01 and 1& 90 PRACTICAL ENGLlSH Episode Time to go home 92 A Strange but true! past perfect ve rb phrases contractions: had I hadn't 94 B Gossip is good for you reported speech sayor tel/? double consonants 96 e The American English Filequiz questions without auxiliaries review review 98 REVIEW AND CHECK 11&12 100 Communication 126 Grammar Bank 164 Irregular verbs 111 Writing 150 Vocabulary Bank 166 Sound Bank 118 listening Born to sing The mothers of invention present perfect or simple past? (2) 82 what a coincidence! G word order in questions V common verb phrases, spelling and numbers P vowel sounds, the alphabet What you do? I'min coLlege VOCABULARY & SPEAKING common verb phrases HOME AND FAMILY • Where you From? • Where you born? • Where you • Do you in a house or an apartment? • Do you any brothers and siste rs? • Do you any pets? JOB / STUDIES • What you • Where you _ _ _ • Do you • What school / college you _ _ _ to? you r job? • Can you ? • What year _ _ _ you in? any other languages? Which? • Where did you English beFore? FREE TIME • What kind of music you to? • Do you _ _ _ a musical instrument? Which? • What TV shows you ? • Do you _ _ _ any sports? Which anes? • What kinds of books or magazines you ? • How aften you _ _ _ to t he movies? • What did you a Co mpl ete the questions w ith a verbo b p ))) Listen an d repea r the Free T ime qu estio ns Copy th e ffixthm e In pa irs, ask and answe r the qu estio ns Ca n you find at ¡east Ofie thing fro m each sectio n th at you have in comlTIoo? Sentence st ress Remember that we usually stress the important words in a sentence (the ones that carry important inFormation) and say the other words less strongly, e.g., Whe re are you from? What you do? last weekend? e /ive in the city GRAMMAR ward arder in questians a Reorder che words to make questions parenrs \Vere teacher our is ? ? your ha\\' yau spell Jast you go night out ? ? born where where from name did yO Uf PRONUNCIATION vawel saunds, the alphabet a 5l») Look at the sound picrures What are the words and vowel sounds? Li sren and check b )lo- p.126 Grarnmar Bank lA Lea rn more abo llr word arder in questions and practice it e Stand up and ask differenr studenrs rhe firsr question until somebody says yeso Then ask rhe follow-up question Conrinue wirh che other questions, askin g different students Do you drink a lot of caffee!] 0es, Ido b > p.166 Sound Bank Look at the typ ica l spellin gs of these so u nds e Add these ¡etters ro the cirdes E G How many cups of caffee you drink! l C;.: ve cups a day H J M a R K ~ Z V T cp e ~ W hat movie ? ~~! N D Q P Past / have a big brea kfast [Oday? W hat ? I go somewhere nice on Satu rd ay? Where ? I see a good movie ¡ast week? X y A "~ Preseot I drink a lot of cofEee (or tea)? Haw many cups ? I go ro bed early duri ng rhe week? What time ? I spend a long time on Pacebook every day? Haw long ? w ¿!f u W d 6l») Listen and check Pracr ice saying the letters in each cirel e e Ask and answer w ith a partner • Do you llsually get in rouc h \Virh yOll r friends by phone, ema il , or Facebook? • Do yOll have an ¡Pod or MP3 player? What kind? • Do you often watch DVDs? What kind? • Doyol! wa rch ESPN , CNN, or M T V? • Do you have any friends from rhe US or the UK ? SPELLlNG & NUMBERS a 7l») Listen and write six first na mes e lnrerview your parrner and complere rhe formo Student information b , Communication What's his name? Haw yau spell jt? A p.IOO B p.103 first name e H ow you say these numbers? address last name 13 30 76 100 150 375 600 1,500 2,000 10,500 d S l}) Listen and write the numbe rs Gare _ _ miles Te l: _ _ _ $, _ Popular ion: _ _ phone number email Online Practice G simple present V describing people: appearance and personality P final-s / -es Ilike good books He doesn't like sports VOCABULARY describing people a I 1}) Listen ro aman describing his gi rlfriend and I • check V) her picture b Listen aga in \Vhat two questions es Luke's friend ask him? How does Luke an swer the second question? p What does she look like? What ;5 she like? What does she look like? Tell me about her appearance (15 she tall / short? What cotar ir does she have?) What is she /ike? Tell me what kind of person she is (15 she friendty? 15 she shy?) = c p.150 Vocabulary Bank Describing people READING a or = Who you think knows you berter, your mo rh er (or fat her) or your best friend? Why? bRead the introduction and the firsr pa ragraph of rhe artide Whar is rhe idea of rh e experimenr? Who is Charlotte? Who are Alice and Katie? What Atice and Katie have to do? Then what happens? e Now read what Charlotte says W ith a partner gue ss rhe meaning oE the highlighted words and phrases d Cover the texto Can you remember? Whar does Charlatte Iike doing? What's she like? What kind of men does I doesn 't she like? Who does she think is going ro choose better? Why? In our weekly experiment, single people who are looking lor a partner ask their mother and their best Iriend to help hiS week's single person is Charlotte Ramirez, a 25-year-old web designer Her father is Argentinian and her mother is American She lives in San Francisco, and she doesn't have a partner right now Her mother, Alice, chooses aman she thinks is perfect for her daughter and her best fri end, Katie, chooses another Then Charlotte goes on a date with each mano Which one does s he prefer'? T love going to the movies, but often feel like staying al horne with a good book ," says Charlotte " I'm very friendly and sociable a nd get along well with most people think have a good sense ofhu mor." " What kind orme n I like? Well, J like interesting men who can make me laugh Physically, prefer men with a really niee smile who are taller than me And n't usually li ke men with beards! like men who are into literature and arL, and classical music." , , " I'm not sure who is going to choose better for me 80th my mom and my best fri en d know me very well Maybe Katie co uld find me a guy who is •• physically more compatible, but my mother has '7 known me for longer! GRAMMAR simple present PRONUNCIATION final-s ! -es a From memory, try to complete che sentences using rhe sim pl e presento a I She have a parrner righr now She 011 a date \Vir h eac h mano Which Qne she prefer? What kind afmen Ilike? lI sua lly like men \Virh beard s 16 »)) Listen and repeat ~ snake She likes cars He works w irh his parenrs ~ zebra He has brown eyes She wears jea ns She relaxes w ith boxes of chocola tes He uses gla sses tú read /IZ) b In pairs, answer rhe quesrions Wh ich letter yau add ro mase verbs \Virh he, she, and it? How rhe verbs below change \V irh he, she, and it? tvatch I stlldy I 80 I have W hat auxili ary verbs yau use ro Ill ake question s a nd negatives \V irh ? a JI yOllllVe 1they p b Pronunciation of final-s / -es: verbs and nouns The final-s is pronounced /sl or IzJ The difference is small The final-es is pronounced 117) after eh, e, g, sh, $, Z, and x 17 )) How you say rhe he I she lit fo rm of rhese verbs and the plural of rh ese noun s? Li sten and check verbs: choose cook go Uve stop teach nouns: boy class date friend language parent b he 1she 1it e )lo p.126 Grarnmar Bank lB Learn more abour rhe simple present and pracrice it d e Can yau remember rhe kind oE men Charlotte li kes and doesn't li ke? SPEAKING & WRITING a Look at th e form below and prepare to give this informarion abour your friendo Look att he photos of A lexa nd er an d Olivero Find out abour rhe m Communication >- Do you have a friend who is looking for a partner? Help him / her find one! Alexander and Oliver A p.lOO B p.103 ~ Name Relationship Single Personal ity + :l Divorced J , Separated Age Job J J Likes Appearance f J W hi ch ma n yo u think is better for C harlotte? W hy? l Doesn't like LlSTENING a 14)) Listen to Charlotte talking about w hat happened w hen she met A lexander W hat did she think of him ? Does she wa nt to see him aga in ? b Li sten again and write down any adjectives o r expressio ns rhar C h arlotte uses to describe his appeara nce and personaliry e 15 )) Now rep ear for Oliver d W har does C harlotte de cide in rhe end ? Do you agree wirh her? b Work in pairs Ask and answer abour your people Compare the information Do you t hink th e rwo people a re compatible? hat's his (her) name? e , p.111 Writing Describing a persono Wrire a descriprion of a perso n you know 118 »)) SONG Ugly n Online Practice G present continuous V clothes, prepositions of place p J~J an d J~rl What·s the woman doing? She's standing in front of the window VOCABULARY clothes GRAMMAR present continuous a Look at the pictures What are the models weari ng? M atch the wo rd s and clothes a D D D D D D Look ar rhe painring on pa ge by anisr David Hockney (1937- ) rn pairs, describe the man and rhe woma n • Whac they look like? • W har are rhey wearing? • \Vhat are they doing? boots pants shirt b shoes sk irt Underline ch e correct form of rhe verb, presem com inuous or sim ple presenr top In the painting rhe man isn't lVearill[J I doesn't lVea r shoes In sorne cou mries women often lVear I are lVeari1l8 hats [O weddin gs In rhe painting a white cat sits I is sittill[J on rhe man's knee My son usually sits I is sittin8 ar rhe back ofrhe class so rhar rhe teacher can't see him e , p.126 Grammar Bank le Lear n more about rh e prese nt continuous and practice it b ~ p.151 Vocabulary Bank Things you wear d Look at the pictures on page Whar are the people wearing? What are they doi ng? PRONUNCIATION /;,/ and /;,r/ a 20 ))) Liscen chese words and sounds Practice say in g chem [Q ~ computer brace let card igan jacket necklace sh irc skirc T-sh irc LlSTENING a 24 ))) Look at rhe painting Mralld Mrs Cfarka lld Percy on page and listen ro the audio guide Focus o n the people and things in the painting as they are mentioned b Listen aga in Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) Percy is the name ofthe cae Mr and Mrs Clark mad e clothes b Look atthe highlighted leners in thewords helow Which sou nd chey h ave, or 2? actor chem istry f irst pa inter th ird arrive imagine world attractive instrument problem prefer c d 21 »)) Listen and check ~ p.166 Sound Bank Look at rhe rypica l spellings for chese sound s e As k and answer the quescions w ich a partner W har clorhes you usually wea r ? • ar work I college I school • when you go our ar nighr • when you want to relax on the weekend 10 11 12 for famous peo ple The painring shows their livin g room T he painting is very small Celia is pregnant in the paincing Ossie is putting his feet into the ru g because he is cald The position of the couple in the painring is unusual T he open wind ow is a sy mbol of che lave between chem The ca t is a sy mbol of infidelity Celia and Ossie larer got divorced Celia doesn't like the painting Ossie C lark died in 1995 MrandMts VOCABULARV prepositions of place a Look at some sentences rhar describe rhe painting Complete rhem \V irh a word oc phrase [rom (he lisr SPEAKING p When we describe a picture we usually use: • There is / There are to say what is in the picture, e.g., There is atable and a vase with flowers in it There are twopeople • The present continuous to say what the people are doing, e.g., The woman is standing and the man is sitting in (x2) on (x2) under in front of be hind between next t o on t he right on the left in the middle T here are [\VO people rhe room T he \Voman is sta nding , and rhe man is sitting _ _ ofr he painting, rhe man and rhe woma n , rhere's an o pen window A white cat is sitt ing rhe mano T here's a ru g rhe man's chair rhe flú or rhe There's a telephone man's cha ir rhe telephone rhere's a lampo rhe \Voman rhere's a rabIe, and a vase \Virh f10 wers it h 25))) Listen and check Th en caver rhe seme nces and look ar rh e painting Say where rhe rhin gs and people are Describing a picture (a painting or photo) • Sometimes we combine There is and t he present continuous, e.g., There is a woman standing near the window a >- Communication Describe and draw A p.lOO B p.106 Describe your picrure for your parrner ro draw b In sma ll g roups, ask and answer rhe quesrions \Vhich of rhe rhree painrings in rhis les son yo u prefer? W hy? Whar pictures or posters you have o n the wa ll in your bedroom or li vin g room ? Do yO l! have a favorite pa inting? W hat ? Can yOl! descri be it? Do you have a favor ire painrer? W ho? S Do you (or did you) paint or draw? W hat kind s of thillgs? Online Practice Housework, make or do? HOUSEWORK MAKEORDO? a a Write make or next ro rhe piccures Match rhe verb phrases and rhe picru res VOCABULARV BANK cd"'o" ' -_ a crossword _ _ _ a mi srake _ _ _ an exercise / homework _ _ _ anOlse _ _ _ a ph o ne caH _ _ _ hou sework _ _ _ fri end s _ _ _ lunch I di nn er clean rhe flo or clea n your room rh e di shes rhe ironing _ _ _ yoga rh e laundry rh e shopping m a ke lu nch _ _ _ plans make rh e beds pick up di rty elorhes (from rhe flú or) away your cloches ser rhe rabie (opposite clear) pUf take out rh e garbage b 13 ))) Listen and check e Cove r rh e phrases and look at rhe picture s Say rhe phrases b 14 ))) Listen and check e C over rhe phrases and lcok ae rhe pictu res S ay rh e phrases d Talk ro a partner • • • • What housewock you usua lly do? W hat have yau done today? W ho does rhe mose housework in your fa mily? Do you argue about housework in your family? G ive exa mples W har hotl sework you hare doing? \Vhar don'r yotl mind doing? Is there any housework yOl! like doing? « p.28 VOCABULARV BANK Shopping IN A sHOP OR STO RE a Match rhe word s and pictures checkour customer f ittin g room s rece ipr salesperson shopping cart ' basket take somerh in g back try something on b 5)28))) Listen and check e Cover rhe words and look at rhe pictures Say the words P fit or suit? If clothes don't fit you, it means they are the wrong size (e.g., too big, too 5mall, too tight, too loose) If clothes don't suit you, it means they don't look good on yau ONLlNE a Read rhe text abour sho pping online Then com plete ir \Virh word s from rhe lisr account fa'kaont/ auction /';)kJnl cart /kart! checkout /'tfckaotl delivery /dl'llv;-,ri/ item j'a¡l;Jml payment /'pclmvnt/ size /sal¿J website /'wcbsé1lt/ [t I l Search H&Ip ~ Shopping online When you are shopping online, first you go to the l website The first time you use a site, you usually have to create an ' _ _ _ where you give your personal information You then choose what you want to buy and click on each 3_ If you are buying clothes, make sure you get the right ,._ _ _ ! Everything you buy goe5 into your shopping bag or 5_ _ _ , usually at the top right of the page When you are ready to pay you c lick on "proceed to _ _ _ " You then have to give your 7_ _ _ address whe re you want th em to send you r things and give your information, tor example your credit card number and expiration date Many people today also buy and sell things online at _ sites like eBay b 29 ))) Listen and check -< p.31 VOCABULARV BANK Describing a town or city WHERE 15 IT? HOW BIG 15 IT? a Look at rhe map Then read rhe description ofRead in g and ~the correct word s or phrases Reading is a city in the east / west of the state of Pennsylvania in the US, on the SchuykiJl River / in the mountains It is about 60 miles east / west of Philadelphia It is a small / medium / large city, and it has a population of about 88,000 It is famous for its discount outlet shopping malls, which were the first in the USo b 46 »)) Listen a nd check WHAT'5 IT LlKE? adjectives to describe a town or city a WHAT 15 THERE TO 5EE? a Put the \Vords in the right colurnn Match rhe adjectives and sentences 1- easHe I'k::esll eathedral /k;)'Bidr;)11 ehureh ItJ;)rtJI department store Id¡'partm~mt st;¡rl market I'marbl/ mosque /mask/ museum /rnyu'zi:Jm/ palaee l'p::el:JsI shopping mall l'Jopll] m;)l/ statue /'st::etJul temple /'tcmpl/ town hall /'taun h;)1/ Opposite boring /'b~n!)/ crowded Pkraud:xll Religious buildings dangerous /'delnJ3afgsl Places where you can buy things modern /'mad;-,rnl Historie buildings and monuments castle n oisy j'n:JILi/ po Huted /pd'lutld/ There are a lor Df restaurants and clubs \Vit h loud mu sic b The air is very dirty There are too many peop le The buildings \Vere all built very recently There's norhing to You have to be careful, especially at night Match rhese adject ives w irh rheir oppos ires in a clean Iklinl empty j'cmpli/ €}«: tang /lk'saltll]/ interesting I'mtrgstIl)I old /oold/ quiet I'kwalgt! safe /se¡f/ e ~47 »)) Listen a nd check yo ur answers ro a and b d Cove r rhe \Vord s and look at the sentences Remember the ad jectives and their opposites 48 »)) Liste n and check b e Which of the places in a are there I aren't there in your ciry? ( !,here's a cathedral and some churches isn't a castle ~re -< p.39 Opposite verbs VOCABULARV BANK a Match the verbs and pictures Opposite arrive (earry) /::/r3lv/ leave break (your lJlasses) /brcl k/ buy (a hOllse) Iball find (yollr k eys) Ifalndl forget (a llame) /f~r'gLlI lend (money to somebody) Ilend! mi ss (a train) 1m rsl pa ss (an exam) /presl push (the door) IpuJI send (an email) /scnd/ start (a raee) ¡slon! teach (En[jlish) 1I itJI turn on (tite TV) !LJrn 'onl win (a [Jam e) /wm/ b Find the opposire verbs in the lisr Write them in rhe Opposite calu mn borrow (from somebody) I'borou/ eateh IkretJI fail /felll fix / repair Iflksl /n'pcrl get / receive /gctlln'sivl learn Il'drnl leave ¡livl lose (x2) Iluz} pull /pull remember /n'mcmbgrl sell /sd/ stop / Finish /stop! l'flmII turn off /Igrn 'off c 2')) Listen and check d Cover rh e verbs and look at rhe pictures Remember rhe verbs and rheir opposites -< p.44 File Edit View VOCABULARY BANK Verb forms VERBS + INFINITIVE a Complete rhe r:o + verb calumn \Virh to + a verb from rh e lisr be bring buy catch drive find get married ge (x2) help pay rain see turn off S 10 11 12 13 14 b d ec ide forget ho p e Icarn n eed offer plan pretend promise remember sta rt try want would like to + verb uto"BiJ'0" _ We've decided to Fra nee foc our vacarían Don'r forger all rhe ¡ighr s We hope you again soon I'm lea rning My drivin g test's next l11 o nrh I need ro rhe supermarket We don'r have a ny m ilk He o ffered me \V irh my resume T hey're plan n ing 50011 He pretended sick, but he wasn't rcally He's promised me back when he gers a jobo Remembe r your dicrionaries ro cJass romorrow It was very cJoudy and ir starred I'm rrying a job, but it's very hard th e six o'dock rrain I want l'd li ke a newcar next month 325 »)) Listen and check e Cover rh e to + verb column Say the sentences « p.S3 VERBS + GERUND (VERB + -ING) a Co mple te t he gerund co lumn with a verb [rom rh e ¡¡st in rh e gerund be cook have make rain read enjoy finish talk dean up wake up work in hedo Have yau finished gerund readiug J cl1joy go o n (= co nti nu e) \Vant ro go on your room? unril I'm 60 h ace hate like Ilike late when I'm meeting so mcone breakfast in a ca fe love Ilove on a sunny m OrIlmg S (don 't) mind spend (time) start* 10 stop 11 feellike I don't mind the iro nin g Ir's very relaxing She spend s hours 11 rh e ph one Ir srarred ar 5:30 in the morning Please stop thar noi se I can'r rhink roday Let's go out for lu nch _ _ I don'r feellike • start can be used with a gerund or infinitive, e.g., It started ra;n;ng It started to rain b 29 »)) Listen and check e Cover rhe gerund column Say rhe sentences « p.5S VOCABULARV BANK get P get get [i] is one of the most common verbs in English It has several different meanings, e.g., B(r;Ve, become, and can also be used with many prepositions or adverbs with different meanings, e.g., get up, get on with a Match che phrases and rhe pictures become (+ adjcctive I past participle) ger angry get divorced get in shape ger lost Bet;;; get married ger nervous Bet =become (+ comparative) ger berrer gec ca ld er get \Vorse Bet = buy I obtain get a job ger a newspaper ger a ticket Bet + preposition (phrasal verbs) get along (we ll) \Virh gec on I off a bus get up Bet (to) = arrive get hame get ro sehaol get to work Bet:;;: receive get an ema il ger a present get a (rext) message b 54))) Listen and check e Cover rhe phrases and look ar rhe pinures Test yourself ur a parrner -c: p.61 / VOCABULARV BANK Confusing verbs a Match the verbs and pictures wear /wcr/ carry /'heril jcwelry e/otltes a baB a baby win /wml ear n /:xn/ a medal a prlze a sala ry maney [TI Qgame somebody well something meet /mitl somebody for titefirst time al /1 o'dock hope Ihoopl wait /welt/ tltat something Bood will happen for a bus for a loftB time know /nou/ to sometltinf3 watch /watfl TV a photo aBame you r watch look /lokl look like /lok lalkl happy abolir 25 yea rs old yOll r motlter miss ¡mls/ lose /luz/ tite bus a class yOllr glasses loo k at Ilok ret! a model aBame bring /bnol you r dictionary take Itel kl an lImbrella something back from vacatían your children look for Ilok forl find /famd/ yOllr glasses your [Jlasses ajob ajob say Isel/ ,el! l[el! ajoke sorry rn ro scltool a lie somethin8 to somebody somebody somerhing helio b lend /lend/ borro\V /'baroo! money to somebody money frorn sornebody )) Listen a nd check e Work w ith a pa rtner A saya verb, B say a possible conti nuation A Wait~ -c: p.63 for a bus P hope and expect hope = t o wa nt something to happen and think it will happen, always for positive things, e.g., I hope /'11 pass the exam expect =to think somethi ng will happen, usually for a reason (not necessarily a positive thing), e.g., I expect /'11 faíl because I haven't worked very hard look and look like After Jook we use an adjective or an age After look like we use a noun Animals a Match che \Vords and pictures bee Ibil butterfly /'b¡\t~rrla]/ fly I[[all mosquito Irna'skitooJ s pider I'spalddrl bull /bull chieken l'tIJkdn/ CQW /kaol gaar /90U1/ ho rse /h;JfS/ pig Iplgl sheep IJipl bar Ib",!1 bear /bcrl bird Ibordl ca mel /'ka::mll crocodile j'krakadall/ dolphin I'dalr:m/ elephanr f'd;)f;mt/ giraffe Id3;)'raefl jellyfi sh I'd3"li IIJI kangaroo Ikaeoga'rul tian /'Ialao/ m onkey l'mAlJkil m ouse (plural mice) /maus/ rabbit l'raeb:JtI shark IJarkl s nake Isnelk/ tiger I'talgarl whale ¡wed! b 171») Listen and check e Cover rh e \Vord s and look at ch e picrures Test yourself or a parrn er -< p.68 VOCABULARV BANK VOCABULARV BANK Expressing movement a Match rhe \Vo rds and pictures , V O [TI under (the bridBe) /'And;:.rl a long (the street) /;)'b1]1 o around (tite lake) j;)'raund/ ,"- th rough (tlle twmel) IOru/ - - into (the store) /'101 uf across (th e road) /o'krJs/ ayer (th e bridBe) /'cuY';)r! up (the steps) IApl rn past (the c1wrch) /pa:st/ towa rd (the lake) !'too;)rdl clown (the steps) /daon/ om of (tite store) /'aot ;Jv! P ¡neto) and out (of) After a verb of movement we use either in I out or into/ out of + place, e.g., Come in Come into myaffice He ran out He ran out o( the room b 57 »)) Liste n and check e Cover (he words W here did Snowy go? 0e went down the steps P away, off, and back We use away to express movement to another place, e.g., Go away! I don't want to speak to yOU The man ran away when he saw the poUce officer We use back to express movement to the place w here something or somebody was before, e.g., After dinner we went back to our hotel Their dog ran away and never carne back We use off to express movement down or away, e.g., Get off the bus at the train station The man ran off when he saw the po/ice officer -< p.84 ~ "¡.::- ' ¡::; ¡.t t ~ '\n k.- ~ I ~ ¿f; A~ - = 'Voo - VOCABULARV BANK Phrasal verbs a Match che sente nces and rhe picrures T he game \Vi II be over at abour 5:30 need ro give up fase foacl Dan'( throw away that letter! Turn down rhe musid 1t's very loud Turn up rhe TV! can't hear He looked up (h e \Vords in a dictionary Cou ld you fill out chi s form? 1\Vant to find out abour hotel s in Mexico Ci ry 1r'5 bed time - go and pur on yaur pajamas Cou ld you cake off your baots, picase? My sister's lookingafter Jirnmy for me roday ¡'m really looking forward to che holidays b )) Listen and check f / e Cover rhe sentences and look ae rhe picrures Remember rhe phrasal verbs d Look ar these orhcr phrasal verbs from Files 1- 10 Ca n you remember w hat rhey mean? getup corneon go away (for rhe weekend) go out (at n;ght) stand up sir down turo on (the TV) turo off (the TV) try on (cloth es) give back (somerhin g you've borrowcd) take back (somerhin g to a store) caU back (la ter) pay back (money you've borrowed) write down (rhe words) put away (e.g., clothes in a c\oscr) pick up (something on rhe flaar) look for (somcrhing you've lost) get on I off (a bu s) get alongwith (a persan) « p.87 p Type ;: no object The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) are never separated J get up at 7:30 Type =+ object The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) can be separated Turn the TV on QR Tum on the rv Type =+ object The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) are never separated Look (or your keys NOT Look your keys foro Irregular verbs 29 l)) 164 Present Simple past Past participle learn Ilorn/ learned /larnd/ learned leave llivl left Ileftl left lend llendl lent llentl lent letlletl let let lose 11uLI lost Ibstl lost Present Simple past Past participle be lbil was /w::ul were /w~rl been Ib lnl beco me Ibl 'kl\ml became /bl'keJml become begin /bl'gln/ began /bl'gxnl begun /bl'gAnl break Ibrclkl broke Ibrook/ broken I'brookon/ make ImClk/ made ImCldl made bring IbnlJI brought Ibrol/ brought meet /mit/ met Imet/ met build Iblidl built /bJl¡( built pay Ipe,l paid Ireld/ paid buy Iba ,l bought Iboll bought put Ipotl put put can Ikxn/ could Ikod/ - read !ridl read !redl read Iredl catch Ikrelfl caught /bt/ caught ring Imj/ rang Ir¡col rung Irllol choose ¡tfud chose 11Jou/) chosen /'I[oOl:n/ run Ir/lnl ran /rren! run come /kAm/ carne Ikcl m/ come cost Ibsl! cost cost say /sel/ said Is~dl said cut /ki\t1 cut cut see /sil saw /s:» seen /sinl sell lsel/ sold Isouldl sold Id"1 drink IdrJl)k/ did Id,dl done ¡dAn/ send Isend/ sent Isentl sent drank Idra::l)kl drunk IdrAl]k/ shutlfAtl shut shut drive /dralvl drove /droov/ driven f'drtvn/ sing /slol sang /s¡co! sung ISlIo! eat lit! ate /eltl eaten f'iLnl sit /Sll/ sat /sret/ sat sleep Islipl slept Isleptl slept fall lfol/ fell lfell fallen /'bl;m/ speak /spik/ spoke /spookl spoken I'spoubnl feel mI/ feltlfeltl felt spend /spcndl spent Ispcntl spent find Ifa lnd/ fo u nd /faundl found stand Istxndl stood /stod/ stood fly Ifta,l flew Iflu/ flown !fIoon/ steal /stil/ stole /stoull sto len I'stoulonl forget /f;)r'gctl forgot If;)f'9011 forgotten swim /swlml swa m Iswrem/ swum Iswllm/ get /gell got /gotl gotten /'gol nI take /tclk/ took /tok/ taken /'tclbn/ give /glvl gave Igelvl given I'glvnl teach Ililfl ta ughtlloll taught go Igoul went Iw~ntl gone Igonl tell llc11 told Ilouldl told grow Igroo/ grew /gru/ grown /grounl think IO'Qkl thought 10,,1 thought have Ih¡cvl had Iha:d/ had throw /9roo/ threw /Oru/ thrown /9roonl hear Ihlr! heard Ih~rd/ heard hit hit understand /11 ndar'st rend/ understood IlIndar'stod/ understood hit Ihltl keep Ikipl keptlkcpll kept wake /wClkl woke /wookl woken /'woubnl know Inool knew Inul known Inoonl wear /wer/ wore /w~rl worn Iw:;rnl win Iwm/ won /WAn/ won write IraJtI wrote Iroull written I'ntnl Irregular verbs Online Practice /f;)r'golnl Appendix have got I've got a brother and two sisters 44 »)) I haven't gm a ny pets She's got a beau tiful house He has n't got ma ny friends H ave rhey got any childre n? No, they haven 't Has [he hotel got a sw imm ing pool? Yes, it has I fuI! form contraction negative I have got ]'ve got I haven't got You have got You've got You haven't got He / She / It has got He / She ¡It's got He / She / It hasn't got We have got We've got We haven't got You have got You've got Vou haven't got They have got They've got They haven't got rn a caro I have I haven't Have yau got yau have yau haven't Have we got a car? , Have I got Has he / he / jt got Yes, he I she I jt has we have No, he / she / it hasn't we haven't Have yau got yau have yau haven't Have they gat they have they haven't a Write G, G, and rn sentences w ith the correer form of llave Bot 10 rhey I big house El They've Bot a biB hOllse she ! any brothers G yau ! big apartmenr \Ve ! a lor ofwork roday ¡:j your sister ! a smartp hone Roger and Val ! a beaurifu I yard G 1! a rea lly good teacher G My brorher ! a job righr now G they ! the same co lor eyes G we ! a meering roday he / many fr iend s ar \Vork G rn rn rn • You ca n use llave Bot insread oE have for possession in rhe presento I've Bot a bike = have a bike HaveyouBot a car? = Do you have a ca r? • We also use have Bot to calk abour family and sicknesses, and [O describe people J've Bot two sisters He's Bot a caldo She's fjot 101% bro\Vn hair • lla ve Bar is nor used in the pasr For pasr posse ssion use hado litad a per cat \Vlten I Ivas a e/á/d Did you have a pet? • Ilave / Da JOu have ? is more comlno n rhan /'ve Bot I Have yau Bot in cOllversarion in rhe USo b Complete rhe senrences \Vith [h e ri ghr for m of have Bot S 10 They love a nimals T h ey~ r\Vo dogs and f¡ve cars my umbrella roday hope ir doesn '[ rain -1 a good ca mera? your phone a new iPad Do you wanr ro see it? Sorry kids, enough money ro buy candy 50 pairs of shoes - can you believe ir? Jane 1ca n'[ ca l! him no\V - any service for my phone you your keys? can'r find mine Maria's so lucky - she beauriful, curly ir One more qllesr ion, M r Jones yOll _ _ anyexperience? We mighr have problems gett in g there because \Ve _ _ a GPS in our caro p.59 Appendix 165 SOUNDBANK Vowel sounds ~ usual spelling ! but also ee ea e people machille key niece taxi recei ve Eee l teeth teach m ea n she \Ve usual spelling ~ th in lips history kiss if since rn E nglish \VQmen busy dec id e gyrn b uild eer cheers engineer ser ious ere here we're ear near fear a hand har back catch ca rry m atch e spell lend sm ell send ver y red car air airport srairs fait hair are squ are careful o top rock a socks college hor box farher ' ,' their rh ere \Vear bear where yacht qu ality or bor ing wo m ore more seOte oor door fl úor fout shour a round mourh blouse ow crowded down sehaol choo se u* r ud e use ew n ew knew sui t Juice shoe lose rhrough u \Vould shou ld woman 00 00 pull push foor boo k look rook ~ snow thro\V alth ough shou lder ar far arm s scarf dark heart a* ay faee wa ke brain fai l away pay break stea k great eight they oa train ~ I ~ bike bull vowels especially before co nsonanr + e o pen ho pe won't so coat goal gray oi oy coi n noisy boil ing toy enj ay boy boút ·t i ~ "~ walk tal k bought thought al abroad Au gust aw awful deaw augh caught daugh ter horse aS W o' ear n work world worse pi ct ure ear saw ~ ~ - ou phone =t c:1) ~ er person verb ir d irty shirt ur nurse t urn erforpainter writer (unstressed) i11venror s u~ owl chair d ock come does someone enou gh you ng touch ~ bird friendly hea d sw eater any said says egg ~ '.m sunny must fu nny run lucky cut Many different speUings , usually un stressed nervou s arri ve polire agree terr ible problem computer eae ~ u up fi sh ~ A very unu sual sound plural Euro pe fur ious sure rour ist t ree i ! but also i* smile bite shy w hy y igh migh t sigh ts buy eyes height o vowels followed by frI o diphth ongs SOUNDBANK Consonant sounds usual spelling promise possible copy fli p flo ps o pposite appearance l' paHar PI' W:b [ ! but also belt body probably ¡o b cab rabbir robbed key k ck skirt kind checko ut piek chemistryaccQunt grow gaat forget begin fo ggy leggings guest spaghetti -~ - f ph ff fi nd afraid sa fe elephanr nephew off di fferent enough lau gh -~ - [!] V video visir love invent Qver river of -~ - ~ :t ' [!J d og ~ t ry teH sra rt late better sitting walked dressed -~ - did dead hard raid add ress midd le d dd loved [ired + s ss ci/cc e snake [~r stop s faster mi ss message place cicele cent eiry cycle (before e , i, y) SClence answer psychology zoo !azy fre ez ing reasa n lo se has coes -~ - J)f shower sugar sute shut shoes wash fini sh machine ti (+ vowel) moustach e patient information ci+a speci al mu sici an sh An unu sual sound Asia decision confu sion usually garage television o voiced th in g th ro\V hea lthy south math both [lJ th neith er th e clothes sunbath e th at with ~ eh o unvoiced ! but also I mother ch ess [!J :g [ fl:'r ) & th thumb ~ ] e -c-a-In-p~i-n-g a-c-r-O s-s +-S-C~h-O-O~I-s-to-rn a-c-h k usual spelling [IJ rn chicken ch ild beach teh catch match t (+ure) pict ure fu t ure j dge II [!] r V w [!J ~ ~ y witch yacht &! rr re wh jacket just June enjoy bridge judge question generous teenager giraffe age little less plan incred ible \Vi II silly rea lly rest practice t ry borrow married we're here wr itten wrong website t w in s worried \V in why wh ich whale one once quest ion yet year youn g yoga beforeu usefu l uniform mountain modern re mem ber email summer swinlluing colu mn comb need necklace none a ny fu nny di nner know knoc k ng a ng ry n ng along thi ng bri ng goi ng thi n k tha n k h hat hate a head perhaps hife helpful who whose wh ole m mm n nn smger [¡] Online Practice OXFORD UNIV1; RSITY ['RIiS!' 198 Madison Avenue New York NY 10016 USA Grcat Clarendon Street 01Úord, OXl 6op, Unitcd Kingdom Oxford Un iversity Prcss is a depa rtment ofthc Universiry ofOxford It furthers the University's objective of cxccllence in rescarch scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide Oxford i5 a rcgiste rro ttade mark ofOxford University Press in lhe UK and in certain other countries () Oxford University PreSS 2013 The moral rights ofthe author have bcen asserted First published in 2013 20 17 2016 2015 2014 2013 10 No unauthorized photocopytng A11 rights rcserved No part ofthis publicatíon llIay be reproduced, storcd in a retrieval system er transmined, in any fo rm er by any means, without the prior pennission in writing ofOxford University Press, or a s expressly pcnnitted by law, by license or unde r t ernUi agreed with the a ppropria t e reprogra phi cs rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction oUl"sidc the scopc oft.h e above should be sent to the ElT Righl s Oepartl.llent , O"ford U niversity Press, at the address above YOIl musI nOI circulate this work in any olhe!" fonn and you must impose t h is same co ndirion on any acquirer Links to third pa:rty websites are ¡¡rovick'd by Oxford in good faith and for inforntatio n only Oxford disdailns a n y re5¡x:msibilityfor tbe ntaterials contained in any third p \l1)' website referenced in this work Ge neral Manager: Laura Pearson Executive Publishing Manager: Erik G undersen Senio r Managing Editor: Louisa van Houten Associate Editor: Yasuko Morisak i A ssociale Edilor: Hana Yoo Design Director: Susan Sangl.1ily Execl.1tive Oesign Manager: Maj-Britt Hagsted Associate Design Manager: Michae l Ste inhofer Se n ior Des igner: Yin Ling Wong Elecrron ic Production Manager: Ju lie Anllstrong Production Artists: Elissa Santos, Jl.1lie Su ssman-Perez Image Manager: Trisha Masterson lmage Editors: Liaht Pashayan , J oe Kassner Production Coordi nator: Brad 1\lc k e r ISBN: 978 o 19 477624 o MULTl-PACK A (PAC K) I SBN: 97 o 19 477588 STUDENT BOOKI WORKBOOK A (PACK COMPONENT) ISBN: 978 o 19 47767 t IC HECKER CO-ROM Printed in C hina This book is printed 011 p lper fmm certified and wellmanaged sources STUOENT BOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Coverdt5!gn by: Yin Ijng Wong The~ul~ors would likew tl!QnkQlllhe It(lfhm alld sutde!1!.! 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