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Phân tích diễn ngôn phê phán một số quảng cáo của NIVEA

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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES –––––––––––––––––––––––––– NGUYEN THI PHUONG A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF SOME NIVEA ADVERTISEMENTS (Phân tích diễn ngơn phê phán số quảng cáo NIVEA) M.A THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 8220201 THAI NGUYEN - 2019 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES –––––––––––––––––––––––––– NGUYEN THI PHUONG A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF SOME NIVEA ADVERTISEMENTS (Phân tích diễn ngơn phê phán số quảng cáo NIVEA) M.A THESIS (APPLICATION ORIENTATION) Field: English Linguistics Code: 8220201 Supervisor 1: Prof Dr Hoang Van Van Supervisor 2: Dr Nguyen Trong Du THAI NGUYEN - 2019 DECLARATION I hereby certify that the study entitled “A critical discourse analysis of some NIVEA advertisements” represents my own research result as the fulfillment for the Master Degree of Arts at School of Foreign Languages – Thai Nguyen University It has not been submitted to any other universities or institutions SUPERVISORS’ SIGNATURE STUDENT’S SIGNATURE Supervisor Prof Dr Hoang Van Van Nguyen Thi Phuong Supervisor Dr Nguyen Trong Du i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, my sincere thanks would like to be sent to my supervisors: Prof Dr Hoang Van Van – Vietnam National University, Hanoi and Dr Nguyen Trong Du – Thai Nguyen University This work would not have been completed without their valuable advice and guidance I am also grateful to my colleagues and friends for their assistance when I was doing my research I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all lecturers at the Department of Post-graduate Studies, School of Foreign Languages, Thai Nguyen University, whose support and considerations have enabled me to pursue the course I finally wish to give my deep thanks to all members of my family for their love, care, and in-time encouragement to inspire me finish my thesis ii ABSTRACT The study on advertising has been increasingly important There have been many critical discourse analyses of advertisements in the world, but little research has been found in Vietnam In addition, no study on NIVEA advertisements has been conducted although NIVEA is one of the most global famous cosmetics brands This study was conducted to achieve three objectives: (1) to analyze the linguistic features of NIVEA advertisements which are designed to attract customers; (2) to discover the discourse strategies used in NIVEA advertisements to construct the concept of ideal beauty; and (3) to investigate the social implications of NIVEA beauty product advertisements Fairclough’s three-dimension model was applied on the data sample of 18 NIVEA advertisements downloaded from the website https://www.nivea.co.uk The research results showed that in terms of lexical devices, NIVEA advertisers used both positive and negative vocabulary, scientific terms, foreign or exotic words, second personal and possessive pronouns Headlines were typically written in short simple sentences and phrases while body copies tended to be longer and more complex with the use of comparison, imperative sentences, active and passive voice, present and future tense Other linguistic features including the use of such rhetorical devices as repetition and simile contributed to create impression and attraction on viewers The discourse strategies including negative and positive self-representation, providing scientific proof, puffery, adding appeal to healthy beauty and setting close relationship with customers were applied to build the producers’ beauty concepts, deliver it to customers and persuade them to use the products The ideology hidden behind the discourse of NIVEA advertisements was the producer’s universal beauty standard of natural, youthful, energetic, healthy and smooth complexion iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ABSTRACT iii LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF TABLES vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale for the study 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Significance of the study .4 1.6 Structure of the study .4 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical description 2.1.1 Discourse analysis 2.1.2 Critical discourse analysis 2.1.3 Advertisement Linguistic features of advertisements 11 Advertisement discourse strategy 11 Social implications of advertisements .12 2.2 Review of related studies .12 2.3 Theoretical framework 14 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 17 3.1 Research approach .17 3.2 Context of the study .17 3.2.1 Overview of NIVEA 17 3.2.2 Data source .19 3.3 Data analysis method 20 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 22 iv 4.1 Linguistic features of NIVEA advertisements to attract customers .22 4.1.1 Lexical devices 22 4.1.2 Syntactic features of the text components 29 4.1.3 Rhetorical devices 33 4.2 Discourse strategies used in NIVEA advertisements to construct the concept of ideal beauty and convince the customers 37 4.3 Social implications of NIVEA beauty product advertisements 39 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION 45 5.1 Recapitulation 45 5.2 Limitations 46 5.3 Implications 46 REFERENCES 48 APPENDIX A: DATA SAMPLE OF NIVEA ADVERTISEMENTS I v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Fairclough (2001)’s three-dimensional model 14 Figure 3.1 NIVEA category 17 Figure 4.1 NIVEA ad for men in 2011 42 Figure 4.2 NIVEA's "Invisible for Black and White" deodorant in 2011 43 Figure 4.3 NIVEA Natural Fairness product ad in 2017 43 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 NIVEA rankings in the period of 2010-2017 18 Table 4.1 Positive and negative vocabulary used in NIVEA advertisements 23 Table 4.2 Scientific, foreign and exotic terms in NIVEA advertisements 25 Table 4.3 Repetition and synonymy in NIVEA advertisements 33 vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the reasons for choosing the topic, the purpose of the study, the main research questions, the scope and significance of the research 1.1 Rationale for the study Advertising has been a topic for many studies and advertisement analysis has been increasingly important An advertisement is seen as a message to promote or sell a product Consumers can gather information about products or services through advertisements, based on which they can decide which product is good or bad for them (Rosul, 2011) Advertising is not only to promote branded products, but also to deliver the idea of texts which are intended to create the image of an individual, group or organization (Goddard, 2002) Hence, advertising is not a remote and specialized discourse, but a prominent discourse type in contemporary society (Cook, 2001) From a discursive point of view, advertisements in both written and spoken forms have the potential to employ social dominance, power abuse or inequality and they can change social practices While doing so, the persuasive language used in advertisements can sometimes mislead viewers either consciously or unconsciously (Tahmasbi & Kalkhajeh, 2013; Turhan & Okan, 2017) Advertisements are complex and interdisciplinary although they are very short Thus, for ordinary people, especially learners of English, it is very difficult to understand the meaning hidden under advertisers’ language Therefore, the study of advertisements is becoming increasingly important To find out the message, which is generally hidden, critical discourse analysis could be an effective method because critical discourse analysis has an interest in concepts like communications patterns in public institutions, media discourse such as reporting, advertisements, and television broadcasting (Baykal, 2016) Critical discourse analysis always concerns about social issues embedded in society and tries to analyze hidden power in it These advertisements have linguistic power through gender and social hegemony and ideologies (Islam, 2016) Recently, there have been many studies on advertisements from the critical discourse analysis perspective in the world For example, Tahmasbi & Kalkhajeh (2013) researched on banks advertisements in Iran Rosul (2011) caried out a critical discourse analysis research of Fairness-Product Advertisements for Women and Men in Banglkdesh Kaur et al (2013) conducted a critical discourse analysis research in Malaysia to analyze the influence of beauty product advertisements’ linguistic features and discourse strategies in constructing the standard of ideal beauty among Malaysian women Nugrawidhanti (2016) conducted a similar study in Indonesian context with the focus on Oriflame beauty product advertisements However, almost no critical discourse analysis studies on NIVEA have been found in the world while NIVEA is one of the oldest beauty brands with a history of over 100 years and has been one of the top skin care products for both men and women all over the world It has been ranked high by many trustworthy websites; for example: No.5 in Top 10 beauty brands in 2012 (https://www.forbes.com); No.5 in Global top 50 brands in 2015 (https://www.cosmeticsbusiness.com); No.2 in Top 10 popular skin care brands in 2016 (https://www.beautycrew.com.au) Therefore, the researcher decided to conduct a study with an interest in how NIVEA advertisements work to promote beauty products in order to attract customers to buy and use them The researcher also enjoyed the contribution of these advertisements to constructing the standard of ideal beauty and convincing customers to believe it Moreover, to my best knowledge, in Vietnam there have hardly had any research on analyzing advertisement discourses, so learners of English may encounter difficulties in reading advertisements (i.e those for NIVEA products which are familiar with Vietnamese users) Therefore, this research entitled “A critical discourse analysis of NIVEA advertisements” was also expected to be beneficial for learners of English in expanding knowledge about language use in particular context, especially linguistic features and discourse strategies of advertisements CHAPTER V CONCLUSION This chapter summarizes the main findings of the research; assesses its limitations and provides implications for English learners and teachers, advertisers and future study 5.1 Recapitulation Based on reviewing related theories and previous studies, the researcher applied Fairclough’s three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis to analyze 18 NIVEA advertisements, which were on the NIVEA main brand website https://www.nivea.co.uk After conducting analysis and discussion, the researcher has found the answers to the research questions The first research issue is about linguistic features used in NIVEA advertisements The linguistic features can be classified into lexical devices, syntactic features and rhetorical devices The lexical devices found in the data are positive and negative vocabulary, scientific terms, and foreign or exotic words, the use of the second personal and possessive pronouns In addition, the syntactic features of headlines and body copies of the data are also analyzed Headlines are typically written in short simple sentences and phrases while body copies tend to be formulated in long complex sentences to provide more information There are also the use of comparison, imperative sentences, passive voice, present and future tense Furthermore, the use of such rhetorical devices as repetition and simile contribute to create impression on viewers and attract them to buy the products As for the second research issue related to the discourse strategies used in NIVEA advertisements to convince women and construct the idea of beauty, the researcher found discourse strategies namely creating negative and positive selfrepresentation, puffery, providing scientific proof, adding appeal to healthy beauty and setting close relationship with customers 45 Moreover, there are social implications of NIVEA advertisements Lane et al (2011) assert that advertising sets a social agenda of what is expected, what is fashionable, and what is tasteful for a significant number of people In case of NIVEA, as a global brand, to avoid the previous failure of setting a beauty standard which was considered racist, in the data sample of this research, NIVEA advertisements contribute to creating a universal beauty of natural, youthful, energetic, healthy and smooth complexion which seems to be accepted and supported by customers of all colors 5.2 Limitations This research is only a minor thesis for the master degree; therefore, it unavoidably contains limitations Firstly, because of a qualitative study, it did not focus on the large number of data sample; only 18 advertisements of some NIVEA product types were chosen Thus they may not reflect all features of the studied object Besides, this thesis only stops in analyzing verbal components of NIVEA written advertisements, non-verbal components such as visual and audial effects in different formats of advertisements should be included in further study In addition, that the research did not discuss the social implications of advertisements in Vietnamese context, which is a big market of NIVEA products, need to be considered in future research 5.3 Implications The analysis of linguistic features used in advertisements, discourse strategies of advertisements and social practice of advertisements can be beneficial not only for those who deal with advertising but also for English teachers and students studying language Moreover, this study can be reference for conducting further research on advertisement discourse analysis 46 Firstly, for advertisers, to deliver their ideology positively and successfully to the customers, it is necessary to use appropriate language that avoids conflicts in culture, race, and religion For English teachers and learners, this research makes a few contributions to broaden knowledge of linguistic features in a special type of texts that is advertisement In addition, due to the limitations of this study, there will be many gaps for the future research For instance, some can be conducted on both English and Vietnamese website of NIVEA to see if there is any difference in the linguistic features, discourse strategies and social implications due to the differences of culture In addition, analysis of advertisements from other media such as magazines and television can be undertaken Apart from this, future studies need to consider other components of the advertisement text such as images, music and voice 47 REFERENCES Ahmed, N (2000) Cross-cultural Content Analysis of Advertising from the United States and India, PhD Dissertation, University of Southern Mississippi, US: Dissertation.com Baig, M (2013) Analyzing the Advertising Discourse - A Journey from Sight to Mind International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2(1), pp.126-135, doi:10.7575/ijalel.v.2n.1p.126 Baxter, J (2010) Discourse-Analytic Approaches to Text and Talk In L Litosseliti (Ed.), Research Method in Linguistics (pp 117-137) London: Continuum International Publishing Group Baykal, N (2016) Multimodal Construction of Female Looks: An Analysis of Mascara Advertisements, Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2016/2, 39-59, Boaziỗi ĩniversitesi Yaynevi, stanbul Boltz and Seyer (1982) Language Power London: Palgrave Brown, G & Yule, G (1983) Discourse Analysis Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Chauhan, G S (2006) Advertising Language: The Psychology behind Advertising Messages Language in India, Vol Retrived September 20th 2017 from http://www.languageinindia.com/june2006/chauhanadlang.pdf Cook, G (1992) Discourse of Advertising London and New York, Routledge Cook, G (2001) Discourse of Advertising New York, NY: Routledge Dasgupta, S (2015) Discourse Analysis of Telecom Ads: A Critical Insight from the Applied Linguistics Perspective, Master Thesis of Arts in English, BRAC University Dohaei M & Ketabi S (2015) A Discourse Analysis of Coffee and Chocolate Print Advertisements: Persian EFL Learner’s Problems in Focus, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), S1, pp 220-231, Doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s1p220 Dyer, G (1995) Advertising as communications London: Routledge Fairclough, N (1989) Language and Power United Kingdom: Longman Fairclough N (1995) Critical Discourse Analysis New York: Longman Fairclough, N (2001) Language and Power United Kingdom: Longman Goddard, A (2002) The Language of Advertising (2nd ed.) 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https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/beauty/face-body/NIVEA-embroiled-in-racerow-in-africa-after-releasing-lighter-skin-moisturiser-commercial/newsstory/865fa588331f6b7e7b221dc5ec1146ad https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/NIVEA-skin-lotion-advertracist-africa-lightens-moisturiser-social-media-reaction-a8009141.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/41683890/NIVEA-accused-of-racist-advertafter-showing-product-lightening-black-skin https://qz.com/africa/1106557/NIVEA-accused-of-racism-with-fair-skinadvertising-campaign-in-africa/ 50 APPENDIX A: DATA SAMPLE OF NIVEA ADVERTISEMENTS (https://www.nivea.co.uk, retrieved 20/6/2018) Vital Soja Anti-Age Night Cream (4,7 of stars, 142 reviews) NIVEA OFFER CARING, TRUSTED SKINCARE PRODUCTS VITAL SOJA ANTI-AGE NIGHT CREAM Vital Soja Anti-Age Night Cream reduces all major signs of mature skin ageing and works during the night when skin is most receptive This Anti-wrinkle night cream with natural Soy extract reduces the appearance of wrinkles and lines are visibly reduced NIVEA Vital Soja Anti-Age Night Cream with natural Soy extract reduces the appearance of all major signs of skin ageing It’s specially formulated to work over night when skin is most receptive The intensive moisturising cream supports the skin’s own renewal process and works in harmony with the nightly recovering process The skin is regenerated to provide a smooth complexion in the morning • • • • The appearance of wrinkles and lines are visibly reduced Skin is noticeably firmer, skin contours are improved Skin is replenished with nourishing moisture For rejuvenated looking skin that radiates with vitality Urban Skin Detox +48H Moisture Boost Night Gel Cream (4,4 of stars, 119 reviews) SKINCARE SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR CITY LIVING URBAN SKIN DETOX +48H MOISTURE BOOST NIGHT CREAM NIVEA Essentials Urban Skin Detox +48H Moisture Boost Night Gel Cream restores your skin while you sleep for a healthy looking complexion the next morning NIVEA Daily Essentials Urban Skin Detox +48H Moisture Boost Night Gel Cream pampers your skin overnight leaving it looking healthy, radiant and smooth the next morning Providing skin with 48h moisture, this overnight detox night cream comes with bio green tea extract, anti-oxidant and hyaluronic acid On top of I the lightweight formula, NIVEA's overnight detox moisturiser also invigorates your senses with a refreshing scent • • • • Detoxifies skin by reducing environmental stressors on skin Helps restore skin's anti-oxidative capacity for a healthy looking complexion the next morning Provides skin with a 48h moisture boost Refreshes with a light formula and invigorating scent URBAN SKIN DEFENCE +48H MOISTURE BOOST DAY CREAM (4,1 of stars, 127 reviews) SKINCARE SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR CITY LIVING URBAN SKIN DEFENCE +48H MOISTURE BOOST DAY CREAM Intensively moisturises and helps protect against external influences, pollution and sunlight and provides skin with effective anti-oxidative care that support skin's own biology in a highly effective way to bring out the natural healthy beauty of your skin - to help you look and feel your best NIVEA Daily Essentials URBAN SKIN DEFENCE +48H MOISTURE BOOST Day Cream helps protect skin from external influences, pollution and sunlight with SPF 20 Providing skin with 48h moisture, this protective skin care cream comes with bio green tea extract and anti-oxidant This protective skin care cream gives your skin a moisture boost and refreshes the skin with a light formula and invigorating scent • • • • Provides skin with effective anti-oxidative care Helps protect skin from external influences, pollution and sunlight with SPF 20 Provides skin with a 48h moisture boost Refreshes with a light formula and invigorating scent II Q10 PLUS C ANTI-WRINKLE + ENERGY DAY CREAM (4,3 OF stars, 133 reviews) NIVEA OFFERS CARING, TRUSTED SKINCARE PRODUCTS Q10 PLUS C ANTI-WRINKLE + ENERGY DAY CREAM This energising Q10 plus C Anti-Wrinkle + Energy Day Cream combines two powerful anti-oxidants: Q10 and Vitamin C This anti-ageing face cream supercharges tired and dull skin by visibly reducing fine lines and first signs of wrinkles It visibly decreases signs of fatigue for fresh and energised looking skin This revitalising day cream has SPF15 and UVA/UVB protection that helps to protect the skin against sun-induced wrinkle formation and premature skin ageing • • • Visibly decreases signs of fatigue Alleviates first wrinkles and fine lines For fresh and energised looking skin MINUTE URBAN DETOX MASK (4,4 OF stars, 247 reviews) A FAST, HIGHLY EFFECTIVE DETOX MASK FOR YOUR FACE MINUTE URBAN DETOX MASK PURIFY A minute skin detox mask with white clay and active magnolia extract NIVEA Daily Essentials Minute Urban Detox Mask allows you to exfoliate dead skin cells and deep-cleanse your skin A simple skin detox that takes just minute and can easily become part of your daily skin care routine Refine your skin's natural beauty and reduce environmental stressors on skin • • • Detoxifies skin by reducing environmental stressors on the skin Exfoliates dead skin cells, providing extra deep cleansing Purifies skin, refines its appearance, and supports a perfect complexion III PURE & NATURAL MOISTURISING DAY CREAM NORMAL/COMBINATION NIVEA OFFERS CARING, TRUSTED SKINCARE PRODUCTS PURE & NATURAL MOISTURISING DAY CREAM NORMAL/COMBINATION NIVEA Pure & Natural Moisturising Day Cream for Normal/Combination Skin is formulated with ingredients that are 95% of natural origin This Cream contains Bio Argan Oil & Bio Aloe Vera and helps provide deep moisturisation to skin without clogging pores It effectively controls shine for a lasting, beautifully matte complexion The mild formula with skin-loving ingredients provides excellent caring properties and is suitable for sensitive skin • • • • • Supports the natural skin balance Leaves it smooth and fresh all day long Your complexion regains its natural healthy glow Provides 24h intensive moisture With Bio Argan Oil & Bio Aloe Vera 48H INTENSIVE MOISTURISING CARE RICH NOURISHING BODY LOTION (84 reviews, 4.7/5 stars) The New improved formula contains NIVEA Deep Moisture Serum to lock in deep* moisture leaving you with noticeably smoother skin for 48 hours *upper layer of the epidermis **compared to previous formula • • • 48h intensive moisturising care Formula infused with the NIVEA Deep Moisture Serum and 2x Almond Oil than the previous formula The rich and creamy formula intensively nourishes for 48h to noticeably improve the roughness of your very dry skin - after just application IV SMOOTH BODY MOUSSE 200ML (66 reviews, 4.8/5 stars) New NIVEA Nourishing Body Mousse: a fresh new way to moisturise with a weightless mousse texture that instantly and deeply* hydrates for noticeably smooth skin For the first time NIVEA has captured its caring Shea Butter and NIVEA Deep Moisture Serum in a creamy yet light body mousse - providing an intensive moisturising care whilst being so easy to apply and fast absorbing For 48 hours deep* moisture with no sticky skin feel *upper layer of the epidermis • Instantly transform your dry skin into noticeably smoother and softer skin for 48h • The rich and creamy yet fast-absorbing mousse formula melts into the skin • Intensively moisturises for noticeably smoother and softer skin from the first application • No sticky skin feel • Infused with NIVEA DEEP MOISTURE SERUM and precious Shea Butter FAST ABSORBING HAND CREAM WITH INDULGING SCENTS HAND CREAM VANILLA & ALMOND OIL (69 reviews, 4.8/5 stars) Hand Cream with indulging scent and caring oils, that has no greasy feeling after use For 24hr protective care: try NIVEA Hand Cream Vanilla & Almond Oil NIVEA Hand Cream Vanilla & Almond Oil: enjoy the gentle vanilla scent and get 24 hours protective care with no greasy feeling For incredibly soft feeling hands all day long: try this fast absorbing hand cream • Fast Absorbing Hand Cream • Enjoy the gentle formula which combines the caring benefits of Almond Oil with the delicate scent of Vanilla • 24h protective care V 10 SUNSHINE LOVE SHOWER GEL (63 reviews, 4.7/5 stars) REFRESHING AND CARING SHOWER GEL SUNSHINE LOVE SHOWER GEL This refreshing and caring shower gel, with the uplifting and sunny scent of NIVEA Sun, will remind you of summer days with every shower This caring shower gel, with the unique scent of NIVEA Sun will remind you of a day at the beach! The uplifting sunny fragrance will lighten your mood, while the refreshing formula with Aloe Vera richly lathers to gently cleanse and care for your skin, effectively removing residues of suncream, saltwater and chlorine Enjoy a soft skin feel and a fresh, sunkissed scent in your shower everyday, with NIVEA Sunshine Love Shower Gel • • • • Refreshing shower gel, with the unique scent of NIVEA Sun Enriched with Aloe Vera for a caring, soft skin feel Does not protect the skin from UV rays Suitable for daily use 11 NIVEA CRÈME (80 reviews, 4.7/5 stars) INTENSIVE, PROTECTIVE CARE; WHEREVER YOUR SKIN NEEDS IT NIVEA CREME 200ML NIVEA Creme is the original moisturiser for the whole family This iconic product is enriched with Eucerit®, a formula which provides the skin with all the protective care it needs to stay soft and supple Ideal for daily use wherever skin needs care Skin compatibility dermatologically approved: NIVEA Creme • • • • Intensive protective care Moisturising creme for soft and supple skin Ideal for daily use wherever skin needs care Skin compatibility dermatologically approved VI 12 KIDS PROTECT & SENSITIVE SUN ROLL-ON (56) 4.8/5 SUPERIOR SUNCARE FOR YOUR CHILDREN'S SENSITIVE SKIN KIDS PROTECT & SENSITIVE SUN ROLL-ON SPF50+ NIVEA SUN Kids Protect & Sensitive Roll-on protects immediately against sunburn and other UV-induced skin damage The unscented caring formula for children's delicate and sensitive skin has a child-friendly handy roll-on format for easy application NIVEA SUN Kids Protect & Sensitive Roll-on is especially suitable for children's sensitive skin Highly effective UVA/UVB protection immediately protects against sun exposure and long term UV-induced skin damage The unscented caring formula has a child-friendly handy roll-on format for easy application • • • • • • High UVA protection to help reduce the risk of sun-induced allergies Unscented caring formula suitable for children's sensitive skin Roll-on format for easy application Highly effective UVA/UVB protection Immediately protects against sun exposure and long term UV-induced skin damage Very water resistant 13 HYDRO CARE LIP BALM PROVIDES LONG-LASTING MOISTURIZATION AND REHYDRATES HYDRO CARE LIP BALM HYDRO CARE caring lip balm provides long-lasting moisturisation and rehydrates HYDRO CARE caring lip balm Pamper your lips with a moisture Sensation The rehydrating formula of NIVEA Hydro Care with Water and Aloe Vera provides long-lasting moisture leaving a soft feeling on your lips Skin compatibility dermatologically approved VII 14 NIVEA MEN PROTECT & CARE REPLENISHING POST SHAVE BALM (4,6/5 stars; 65 reviews) MEN, GIVE YOUR FACE OPTIMAL PROTECTION AND CARE NIVEA MEN PROTECT & CARE REPLENISHING POST SHAVE BALM A post shave balm to protect and replenish shaven skin NIVEA MEN PROTECT & CARE REPLENISHING POST SHAVE BALM soothes and regenerates your skin immediately after shaving The formula with Aloe Vera and Pro-Vitamin B5 moisturises your skin and reduces redness and tightness Your skin is smooth and protected and feels comfortable 15 NIVEA MEN Sensitive Shower Gel (4,9/5 stars; 11 reviews) NIVEA OFFER CARING, TRUSTED SKINCARE PRODUCTS SENSITIVE SHOWER GEL A mild shower gel especially made for men to care for sensitive skin It cleanses the skin gently and leaves it revitalized and cared for NIVEA MEN Sensitive Shower Gel Give your sensitive skin the right care: NIVEA MEN Sensitive Shower Gel respects the needs of sensitive skin The mild foam with bamboo extracts cares the skin • • • • • The ultimate in soothing and refreshing shower care Calming formula with a masculine scent Delivers a long lasting fresh feeling Suitable for body, face and hair pH Skin Balanced Skin compatibility dermatologically approved 16 NIVEA MEN Energy Shower Gel (3.4/5 stars; reviews) NIVEA OFFER CARING, TRUSTED SKINCARE PRODUCTS ENERGY SHOWER GEL An energizing shower gel especially made for men It provides the skin with long-lasting freshness every day NIVEA MEN Energy Shower Gel Face every day with energy: NIVEA MEN Energy Shower Gel with energizing mint extract and a fresh masculine scent refreshes the skin, providing VIII men with energy and freshness It cares for hair and skin, giving it long-lasting freshness • For men who want the ultimate energising skincare experiece • Masculine scent leaves a long-lasting fresh feeling • Suitable for body, face and hair • pH Skin Balanced Skin compatibility dermatologically approved 17 DEEP ANTI-PERSPIRANT DEODORANT SPRAY (4.7/5 stars; 61 reviews) WANT TO FEEL CLEAN? CHOOSE DEEP DEEP ANTI-PERSPIRANT DEODORANT SPRAY For a DEEP clean skin feeling, just like after the shower NIVEA MEN DEEP Anti-perspirant protects the skin from sweat and bacteria for a long-lasting dryness and a clean skin feel just like after the shower The effective formula with Black Carbon acts powerfully against bacteria and is complemented by a modern and masculine Dark Wood fragrance • Long- lasting dryness • Clean feeling skin, just like after the shower • Anti-bacterial formula with black charcoal - powerful against bacteria • No visible black residue • 48h effective anti-perspirant protection that cares for your skin • Skin tolerance dermatologically approved 18 NIVEA MEN PROTECT & CARE DEEP CLEANING FACE WASH A WASH GEL TO EFFECTIVELY CLEAN AND PROTECT YOUR SKIN NIVEA MEN PROTECT & CARE REFRESHING FACE WASH thoroughly cleanses your skin and helps to clear away impurities and oil The formula with Aloe Vera and Pro-Vitamin B5 refreshes your skin while protecting your skin's natural barrier IX ... –––––––––––––––––––––––––– NGUYEN THI PHUONG A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF SOME NIVEA ADVERTISEMENTS (Phân tích diễn ngơn phê phán số quảng cáo NIVEA) M.A THESIS (APPLICATION ORIENTATION) Field: English Linguistics... of NIVEA NIVEA is one of the brands of Beiersdorf Company, Germany The word NIVEA is derived from the Latin word “nix, nivis” meaning snow So NIVEA means “snow white.” In 1911, the first NIVEA. .. A: DATA SAMPLE OF NIVEA ADVERTISEMENTS I v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Fairclough (2001)’s three-dimensional model 14 Figure 3.1 NIVEA category 17 Figure 4.1 NIVEA ad for men in

Ngày đăng: 18/03/2020, 16:31


