Today, project management is very important, it helps us to study the planning, organization and management, monitoring the development process of the project to ensure the project is co
Introduction 6
For example: MY PROJECT 7
SWOT and TOWS of my Shop 8
Market Research 11
Financial plan 14
Calculate NPV & IRR 16
Risk management 17
Conclusion 18
References 19
Trang 2Today, project management is very important, it helps us to study the planning, organization and management, monitoring the development process of the project to ensure the project is completed on time, within the approved budget, quality assurance, achieving specific objectives of the project and the set objectives At Assignment 1 I introduced my project In this Assignment 2, I will go deeper into project appraisal and see if my project can be successful
Project management is the application of processes, methods, knowledge, skills and experience to achieve the
project objectives
A project is a single, fleeting effort that is made to
outputs, results or benefits A project is often considered
successful if the objectives are met according to their
acceptance criteria, within a agreed period of time and
budget An important factor that helps distinguish
project management with only "management" is that it
has the ability to deliver final and finite time, unlike
management that is an ongoing process Because of this a project expert needs a variety of skills; usually technical skills, and certainly a good person management and business awareness skill (apm, n.d, viewed 20 March 2019)
Risk management is what determines the analysis to set out measures to control and control unexpected
situations that adversely affect the project The importance of risk management is the task, which is the risk response that improves the success of the project Develop solutions to eliminate or minimize risks, providing a foundation for understanding the contribution of the project in every measure of the company
Human resources is used to describe both the people who work for a company or organization and the
department responsible for managing resources related to employees The term human resources was first coined in the 1960s when the value of labor relations began to garner attention and when notions such as motivation, organizational behavior, and selection assessments began to take shape
The due diligence process can enable you to spot potential deal breakers and supply checks that the acquisition
is the correct resolution on the proper value Due diligence process is a radical fact-finding mission that permits you to analyze your goal and decide whether or not the acquisition is sensible for your firm If accomplished
Trang 3properly, the due diligence process can enable you to spot potential deal breakers/shapers and supply assurances that the acquisition is the correct resolution on the proper value
SWOT is one of the five steps that make up the business strategy of an enterprise, including the establishment
of corporate mandates, SWOT a nalysis,
strategic targeting, formulation of strategic
objectives and plans Strategic, defining
strategic control mechanisms SWOT is the
abbreviation for the first letters of the words
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and
Threats This is a well-known model in
business analysis of business SWOT helps
bring insights into an organization, project,
or situation so it is particularly useful in decision making, strategic planning, and planning Let's take a look at SWOT analysis commonly used in specific cases such as brainstorming meetings, problem solving (organizational structure, resources, productivity, corporate culture) , Strategy development (competition, product, technology, new market), planning, decision making, product quality assessment, competitor assessment, self development plan
TOWS analysis is a tool which is used to generate, compare and select strategies Strictly speaking it is not the
same as SWOT analysis, and it is certainly not a SWOT analysis which focuses on threats and opportunities This
is a popular misconception TOWS may have similar roots TOWS is a tool for strategy generation and selection; SWOT analysis is a tool for audit and analysis One would use a SWOT at the beginning of the planning process, and a TOWS later as you decide upon ways forward
For example: MY PROJECT.
The project starts on April 1, 2019 and is expected to open September 4, 2019
Project title: Business project of fashion shop.
Objectives: Short-term objectives: to build a store that sells fashion, with the aim of giving customers the latest
and most trendy products With a moderate investment, the ability to recover capital and develop high Build a
shop selling all kinds of fashion with products that meet the needs of customers Long-term objectives: develop
home delivery service so that customers who don't have enough time to shop can still buy goods
Trang 4SWOT of my Shop.
STRENGTH (S) My shop products range from 200,000 VND to 1,000,000 VND and for ages 20 to 40 years old
Customers not only select products that are suitable for their age but also fit their financial capabilities Finally, my shop has a professional and friendly staff
WEAHNSSES (W) Newly established shop, there are not many familiar customers and not much experience
OPPORTUNITIES (O) My shop get a good product supply and there are always products that match today's
fashion Since my shop is located in the city center, there will be many opportunities to develop
THREATS (T) Must compete with other fashion shops
TOWS of my Shop
Internal Factors
External Factors
Promoting strong points to seize opportunities such as with quality products, reasonable prices, business space and convenient transportation plus marketing capabilities, enthusiastic and happy staff will attract many customers potential
Mobilize capital New businesses often lack capital, so my shop always needs the support of agencies, suppliers, investors and especially the support of customers to increase the feasibility of the project, increase capacity mobilize capital sources and business partners
Take advantage in the competitive process
Based on the advantages compared to competitors, my shop's employees have many skills and are always enthusiastic at work
Learn to get more experience In the current market economy, the business environment is always dynamic, with many potential risks, strong competition of the market makes me more mature in the way
of doing business as well as strengthening the experience
Work breakdown structure
Trang 5Resource
Needs specification
Needs specification
Marketing plan
Shop registration
Shop registration
Operation plan Shop opening
Trang 6Organizational structure
Gantt chart
Trang 7Market Research
This survey helped me better understand the current market and it helped me to know what customer needs are
In today's society, fashion is an indispensable thing for each of us And below is the market survey results related to people's fashion needs and related to my business project I created common questions and surveyed more than
50 people live in different districts ( district 1, 3, 5, 10, 11, GoVap, etc.)
Trang 8We can see that the number of female customers has a higher demand for fashion shopping than male customers Female customers account for 58.3% and male customers account for 41.7% Besides, customers aged between 20 and 30 account for the majority So if my shop imports female fashion items from the age of
20 to 30, it will sell more and get higher profits
Trang 9Next, according to my survey results, people often go shopping once a week or twice a week, most of them go shopping on weekends, especially in their free time Moreover, people like to go shopping with family and friends The rest often go shopping alone, and few people go shopping with their boyfriends / girlfriends
Trang 10Based on the survey results, it can be seen that the amount of money people spend on shopping ranges from
200,000 VND to 1,000,000 VND Some people want to spend less than VND
Perhaps these
students aged
20 or younger They have not worked and do not have much money Finally, The fashion that people like to wear the most is
fashion according to the current trend and office fashion Some people want to wear dynamic fashion and fashion to party Through the above survey, I think that if I sell fashion items between the ages of
20 and 40 and cost between VND 200,000 and VND 1,000,000, I will sell more products Besides, most people when shopping want clear advice, and my shop's sales staff are very friendly people Customers need advice on any item, the employees will enthusiastic consultants With such things, I believe my project will be successful After my project is successful, I will try to develop it by importing more new items, having more delivery services and expanding more branches
Trang 11Financial plan
Estimates of items and capital sources
Since the initial capital is not enough, it is necessary to borrow more capital from TP bank with an interest rate
of 10% 1 year and the payment time is within 3 years Shop will pay a fixed amount:
X= 1−(1+r ) M∗r −3 = 24.126.888VND
(M= 60.000.000VND, r=10%)
Bank repayment plan
Debt Balance At The
Beginning Of The Period
Refund In The Period Debt Balance At The End Of
The Period
Loan Interest
Original Capital
Capital use structure (Unit:VND)
REVENUE (Average price 650.000 VND a product)
Time Average selling quantity VND revenue / day VND revenue / year
Depreciation of fixed assets: the initial investment value is 279.600.000 VND, estimated residual value after three years is 30%
CIT (Corporate income tax): 25%
Cash flow out 279.600.000 1.647.720.166 2.005.767.183 2.304.450.151
Trang 13CIT 25% 241.593.278 596.827.606 813.516.616
Value of liquidation = 279.600.000*30% = 83.880.000 VND
Calculate NPV & IRR
Net Present Value ( NPV)
I: Initial Investment
r: The Discount Rate
CF: Net Cash Inflow-Outflows During
Get The Discount Rate is 10% per year
NPV > 0 the investment would add value
to the firm
the project may be accepted
NPV < 0 the investment would subtract
value from the firm
the project may be rejected
NPV = 0 the investment would neither
gain nor lose value for the firm
We should be indifferent in the decision whether to accept or reject the project This project adds no monetary value Decision should be based
on other criteria, e.g., strategic positioning or other factors not explicitly included in the calculation
NPV = -279.600.000 + 724.779.8341+0,1 + 1.790.482 817(1+0,1)2 + 2.440.549 849(1+0,1)3
= 3.692.649.847 > 0
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Calculate IRR through NPV, give NPV = 0, calculate r in NPV formula, r is IRR, we have IRR = r when:
Trang 14-279.600.000 + 724.779.834
1+IRR + 1.790.482 817(1+IRR)2 + 2.440.549 849(1+IRR)3 = 0
=> IRR = 3,46
We can see the actual rate of return of the IRR project > 10% => THE PROJECT MAY BE ACCEPTED
Profitability Index (PI)
PI = NPV +I|I| = 3.692.649 847+279.600 000|279.600 000| = 14,21 > 1 => THE PROJECT MAY BE ACCEPTED
Risk management
Possible risks: Currently, there are many different fashion shops, so I will have a lot of competitors and there will
be many risks Besides, indirectly affected by changes in natural conditions (rain, storm, etc.), shortcomings in evaluation , damaged materials in transportation transfer, storage Market prices fluctuate leading to the price
of products will increase
Some risk remedies: My shop will always have new items compared to other shop, so it will attract how many
customers and can reduce the risk.Keep track of relevant information sources I will always pay attention to the development direction of competitors as well as the needs of customers And finally is risk mitigation planning Risk prevention plan is implemented separately according to business requirements and business characteristics Restoring the system requires compliance with the investment plan and the specific requirements of the business Risk mitigation plans are implemented, screened, and continuously updated
In short, in order to have a successful project, I need to know how to spend capital and make a reasonable financial plan Besides, knowing how to manage risk also helps my project succeed
Trang 15Apm, n.d, viewed 20 March 2019 from