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Thủy lực học là ngành kĩ thuật nghiên cứu về các vấn đề mang tính thực dụng bao gồm: lưu trữ, vận chuyển, kiểm soát, đo đạc nước và các chất lỏng khác.

The Project Sponsored by ROC, SEMA RESEARCH AND APPLICATION ON A NEW FNN CONTROLSTRATEGIES *Wang Sun’an and Du HaifengXi’an Jiaotong University, 710049, Xi’an, P.R. Chinasawang@xjtu.edu.cnABSTRACTAs the precise model of most practical mechatronicssystem cannot be obtained, the practice of typicalcontrol method is limited. Accordingly, numerous AI(Artificial Intelligence) control methods have been usedwidely. Fuzzy control and Neural Network control havebeen an important point in the developing process of thefield. However, shortcomings exist in each of thesemethods. For example, the fuzzy control is unable tolearn, and the physical meanings of learning result ofthe Neural Network control are not clear. Combining thestrong points of above two methods, a new controlmethod of FNN (Fuzzy Neural Networks) is explored inthis paper. Additionally, a problem concerning thetraditional network learning is discussed and a solutionto such a problem is obtained subsequently. The newcontrol strategy does not depend on the classical modeland the algorithm is simple. The results of theexperiments applying the new strategies are discussed.Through different researches on control system, whichmodel is unacquainted, the reasonableness, effectivenessand applying universality of the new control strategies isproved.INTRODUCTIONThe mechatronics system becomes more and morecomplicated. According to the Incompatibility Principle[1], the higher complicacy of the system is, the lowerability to describe becomes. So the typical controlmethods based on the precise model cannot meet theneed. AI offers new strategies for the mechatronicscontrol system.Since the AI Project was launched at MIT in 1957, ithas achieved great success in many fields. It attractsmore and more attention to AI and many AI methodshave been put forward [2]. Fuzzy and NN (NeuralNetworks) are important aspects in AI, simulatingdifferent functions of the human brain. The formersimulates the macroscopical functions, such assyllogisms, but the latter simulates the associatron,classification, memory by way of imitating themicrocosmic structure. But the Fuzzy cannot learn andthe NN cannot deduce. In addition, the Fuzzy can beunderstood and the learning results of the NN cannot[3]. The new AI method, FNN , which integrated thegood qualities of the two methods, has been the hotspotin AI fields.Firstly, this paper will discuss a new object function ofFNN learning and a problem in NN control system.Then a new FNN control structure will be put forwardbased on them. Finally, some conclusions will beacquired, supported by related experiments.THE OBJECT FUNCTIONObject function is very important for the control system.∫e2dt is usually taken as the Object function in timefields. The smaller the area, like figure 1, whichsurrounded by the phase track in the phase space is, thebetter performance of the system is. So the integratedobject function can be defined asdeedteJ∫+∫=&βδ2 (1)where e is the error between the sysytem’s real outputand the reference input. e& is the differential coefficientof e . ∫e2dt is the general object function, ∫dee& is thearea. δ and β are the weighted coefficients.Fig. 1 A example of phase spaceOn second thoughts ( )dtedtdtdedtdededtdedee2&&=∗∗==(2) dtedee∫ ∫=2&&(3)The area surounded by the phase track is the integrationof the error’s differential coefficient. So the error and itsdifferential coefficient are synthetically considered inthe new object. A PROBLEM IN NN CONTROLNN control just applies the NN’s approximating ability.A typical NN control system likes figure2.Systemf(U)uee&+-WryaFig. 2 The typical structure of NNWhere y is the real output, r is the reference input,u is the NN’s output, and e is the system error. Theobject of the control is made y=r, namely e becomes 0.The learning method adopted is usually GradientSearch. Obviously, the error is the main parameter inthis method.In theory, the error which is needed by the NNlearning is e’, defined asouue −= (4)Where uo is the NN’s desired output. uo can beobtained:)(1rfuo−= (5)So the general object function can be defined as:21))(( rfuJe−∗−=(6)ThenwrfrfuwJe∂∂−−=∂∂−−∗)())((11(7)Because the precise model of the system can not beobtained, even though the precise model is obtained,most practical mechatonics system is very complex.Therefore, the equations cannot be solved. So uo is notknown. Practically, y usually is used to replace uo, as aresult, the object function is defined as2)( yrJe−=(8)So wyyrwJe∂∂−−=∂∂)((9)Generally the following equation is not true.wrfrfuwyyr∂∂−=∂∂−−−)())(()(11(10)In fact, the signs are different from each other betweenthese at the two sides of the “=”. So the NN can notapproach the desired value, even the NN’s astringencycan not be guaranteed.THE NEW CONTROL STRUCTUREBased on the above discussion, a new control structureof FNN can be put forward. It looks like figure 3.Where the network NN1 is FNN network and NN2 isthe RBF network. W is the weight of NN1 and W’ is theweight of NN2. NN1 is employed to obtain the controloutput u. NN2 is just as the system’s inverse model, it isused to acquire the uo, u’s desired output.Systemf(u)uee&+_Wr yaW'a'NN1NN2the learningalgorithmu1+_adjustadjustee&euFig. 3 The structure of the new FNNThere are lots of types of FNN, but generally they canbe classified two kinds. One is the NN which directly isconstructed by the Fuzzy’s rule,another is the NN whichis fuzzied from the unfuzzy NN.In this paper, The FNN has two layers. Its topicalstructure is achieved by the Fuzzy, and the fuzzylearning ability becomes strong by taking advantage ofNN. The number of NN’s hidden layer’s nodes is justthe same with that of the fuzzy’s section and the acceptfunction of the nodes is corresponding to themembership function of the Fuzzy section.So define the object function again:∫+∫+∫= dtedtedteJu222γβδ&(12)THE ALGORITHMThe new algorithm’s detail process is the following:(1) Partition the fuzzy section according to e and e&(2) Initial the network(3) Calculate TWu *α=where ) (21 maaa £¬£¬=α is the acceptfunctionm is the number of the nodes(4) Modify the weight W and W’For the j th node, because:dtegraddtegradJgradjjjwww∫+∫=22**&βδdtegraduwj∫∗+2γ (13)dtegraddtegradJgradjjjwww∫+∫=22'''**&βδdtegraduwj∫∗+2'γ(14) )()(TWfrufryre α−=−=−=TTuWWuue αα −=−= ''1 TjTTjuWWweααααα)''(2−−=∂∂TjTTjuWWwe''')''('2ααααα −=∂∂jjwuuufufrwe∂∂∗∂∂∗−−=∂∂ )()]([2αααTjuufufr ∗∂∂∗−−=)()]([uuyauyydtegradjTjjRwj∂∂∗−−=∫)())((2ααjjjwuuyyrwyyrwe∂∂∗∂∂∗−−=∂∂∗−−=∂∂&&&&&&&][][2 Tjuyyrααα∗∂∂∗−−=&&&][ (15)At the k th sample time:  )()1()()1()(kukukykyuuf−+−+≅∂∂tkukukykykyuy∆∗−+−+∗−+≅∂∂)]()1([)1()(2)1(&yrtyrteett&&&−=∆−=∆=→∆→∆ 00limlimtkykytkrkrtt∆−+−∆−+=→∆→∆)()1(lim)()1(lim00t∆ is the interval of sample time))(1)(('')1()(2)1(])()1()()1([)]()([)()1()()1(*)()1('kukutkykykytkykytkrkrkykrkukukykykwkwTjTjjj−∗+∆−+∗−+∗∆−+−∆−+∗+−∗−+−+∗∗+=+αααγβδαααη))()(1('''*)()1('''kukukwkwTjjj−+=+αααη(16)In this way, plenty of information is used in the learningprocess for the NN1, and the damp of the system isincrease, which is useful for the stability of the system.This point is proved in the experiments.(5) If J supplies the demand, then stop, else go to (3).ExperimentSome experiments using the above methods have beendone.A three order system’s open-loop model is thefollowing:ssssG322210*311*975.4*975.4*041.0*2975.4)(−+++=Its step response likes figure 4. The result that is usedthe new FNN control is also shown as figure 4.Fig 4. The result of the physical emulational experimentThe result is obtained after six times learning.Apparently it is better than that of PID and BP (Theresult of PID and BP is not given). It is found in theexperiment that δ and β are very important for the resultMotor is the typical mechatronics system, but its precisemathematics model cannot be obtained. Regulating themotor’s speed is the normal work in the practice, and alot of methods in such an aspect have been broughtforward [4][5][6]. Figure 5 is the result of theexperiment about regulating the motor’s speed. Fig. 5 The result of the experiment about motorFig 6. The result of the PID controlThe result of the new FNN is obtained after three timeslearning. Comparing the results of the experiments, thestrengths of the new FNN are outstanding. In addition,PID’s parameter is confirmed hardly. The PIDoptimized result shown in Fig.6, which is caused byregulating again and again. According to theexperiments, the availability of the new FNN proposedabove is proved.SUMMARY AND OUTLOOKAt first, a new object function based on the phase spaceis defined, then a problem about NN’s learning isdiscussed and a new FNN control Strategies isproposed, at last two related experiments are practised.Through the experiments, some results can be obtained:(1) The new FNN is available.(2) The new FNN does not need the precisemathematics model of the system.(3) The new object function is valid.(4) The new FNN is good for overcoming the problemin NN control.It is very easy for the control rules to be mined from theNew FNN. There are some papers concerning this point[7][8].Finally, we would like to point out that both real timeability of this new control and astringency are thefurther work we will explore.REFERENCE[1] Sugeno M, K Tanaka, A fuzzy-logic-basedapproach to qualitative modeling. 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Ngày đăng: 25/10/2012, 10:38