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Ebook Những nội dung cơ bản của Luật sở hữu trí tuệ: Phần 2

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Số trang 263
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Nội dung

Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo phần 2 cuốn sách Những nội dung cơ bản của Luật sở hữu trí tuệ được xuất bản dưới dạng song ngữ Việt - Anh sau đây. Cuốn sách sẽ cung cấp cho bạn đọc các nội dung chính của Luật sở hữu trí tuệ.

KEY ISSUES IN THE LAW ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 249 IN T R O D U C T IO N To dissem inate the m ain contents o f enacted im portant codes and ỉauis, such as the Civil Code, the Law on Investment, the Laiv on Inteỉlectual Property a n d the L aw on Enterprise to the business com m unity, Vietnamese a n d foreign read' ers, the Ju d ìcia l P ublishing House, in coordination with the International Law D epartment, the M inistry o fJu stice, pubỉishes some books in both Vietnamese a n d E nglish to introduce the code a n d law s sa id above It is our hope that the publicatìons o f the Judicial Publishing House iviỉl be useful for those dom estic a n d (oreign individuaỉs a n d organũations w ko are interested in learning about the Vietnamese laivs Vỉe also hope that these books w ill contribute to ensuring transparency o f the Vietnamese legal system ■ one o f the requirem ents fo r this country to become a m em ber o f the World Trade O rganixation CWTO) We, therefore, have the honor to introduce this book to readers! A p r iỉ 2007 T H E JU D IC IA L P U B L ISH IN G HO U SE 251 'V I ị i P art one IN T R O D U C T IO N T O T H E LAW ON IN T E L L E C T U A L P R O P E R T Y 253 Part one Introduction to the Law on Intellectual Property I STRU CTU RE F THE LAW ON IN TELLEC TU A L PR O PER TY The Law on Intellectual Property w as passed by the XI L egislature of the N ational Assembly at its 8th Session on 29 November 2006: and comes into effect on 01 Ju ly 2006 The Law comprises ổ Parts, 18 Chapters a n d 222 Articles as follows: P a r t one: G e n e l p ro vision s, comprising 12 Articles (Articles ■ 12) P a r t tw CịDg ty lo & V&D hóa phẩm K ếboệch xufi ^ sổ: ì 37-2007/C X Đ /2(M Ỉ7nTdtf^ Cục Xu& bÌD x ìc n h ịn dỈDg kỷ ngày I3/Ữ2/2007 ỈD xoRg nộp luu chiếu Iháog 05 năm 2007 ... works and dramatic vvorks 326 Article 22 Copyrights to Com puter programs and compilations 327 27 9 Article 23 Copyríghts to folk artistic and literary vvorks 328 Article 24 Copyright to literary,... 324 S e e tio n I CONTENTS, LIM ITATÍO NS AND TERM S O F PR O TEC TIO N F CO PYR IG H TS 324 Article 18 Copyrights 324 Article 19 Personal ríghts 325 Article 20 Property rights 325 Arlícle 21 ... Session on 29 November 20 06: and comes into effect on 01 Ju ly 20 06 The Law comprises ổ Parts, 18 Chapters a n d 22 2 Articles as follows: P a r t one: G e n e l p ro vision s, comprising 12 Articles

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2020, 12:08

