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Ebook Streamline English Departures: Part 2

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Part 2 this book includes these contents: vocabularies. This vocabulary contains all the words in the student''s book, and the number of the unit where they first occur. Invite you to consult this book.

Vocabulary This vocabulary contains all the words in the student's book, and the number of the unit where they first occur A a1 about 15 Academy Award 53 accident 38 accommodation 64 across 25 action 12 actor 12 actress 12 address 19 address-book 63 afraid 47 after 26 afternoon 29 again 45 against 48 age 29 ago 51 agent air 64 air-force 52 air-hostess airport album 57 all 28 all right along 25 always 35 am ambulance 56 American an and angry announce 77 another 23 any anybody 74 anything 16 anyway 23 anywhere 74 apple apple-pie 11 April 41 Arabic 14 are area 52 arm 56 army 69 arrive 32 as 31 ash-tray ask 22 asleep 47 astronaut at 12 athletic 14 attack(v) 52 attacker 56 August 41 autumn 67 average 68 away 31 B back 48 backache 39 bad 38 badly 38 baker 45 balcony ballet 36 banana 10 bank bath bath-room be(v) 12 beach 42 beard 29 beat(v) 71 beautiful because 25 become 53 bed bedroom beef 11 beer 10 before 26 begin 52 behind 25 belt 24 bend 25 Ben Nevis 52 beside best 40 best man 28 best wishes 20 better 68 between 25 bicycle big bill 19 billionaire 53 biography 53 Biology 70 birthday 44 biscuit 11 black blonde 78 blouse blue boat 15 boiled 11 bomb(v) 52 bone 55 boo(v) 77 book 23 boot 31 boring 60 borrow 23 boss both 28 bottle bottom 78 box 22 boy 25 bra (brassiere) 53 brake(v) 55 brandy 19 Brazilian 20 bread break(v) 52 breakfast 32 bride 28 bridesmaid 28 briefcase bring 19 bring (back) 48 broke 16 brother brown brush(v) 63 build(v) 53 bullet 47 burn(v) 52 bus (on) business 62 businessman bus station 19 bus-stop busy 20 but 14 butcher 45 butter button 18 buy(v) 25 by 29, 60 bye 19 C cafe cafeteria 60 cake call call(v) calmly 47 camera can 14 Canada canteen 33 Captain car cardigan 15 career 75 careful 63 carefully 38 carelessly 38 carrot 11 carry 22 case case (legal) 78 cashier 25 casino 33 casserole 11 cassette 23 cassette-player 13 cassette-recorder 19 castle 60 cat 29 catch(v) 32 caviare 33 centigrade 68 central 41 certainly chain 24 chair champagne 27 champion 37 (a) change 54 change 31 change (v) 31 cheap check into 58 cheer (v) 77 cheese 10 chemist 45 cheque 73 chess 29 chicken 10 Chinese 15 children (a) chocolate 15 chocolate 18 Christmas 19 church 20 cigar cigarette 17 cigar-lighter 13 cinema 20 class 20 classical 18 clean (v) 22 cleaner clearly 61 clock close (v) 12 club 21 coach 48 coal 69 coast 40 coat 18 cocktail-cabinet 13 code 59 coffee 11 coin 31 cold (a) cold 39 college 67 colour come comfortable 13 company 36 competitor 34 complete (v) 29 composition 80 computer 29 computer-dating 29 concert 23 conductor 51 Conservative 77 contact 58 continuous 59 cook cook (v) 14 cooker corner 55 cornflakes 33 cotton 24 cough 51 could (request) could (ability) 57 country 64 country- house 75 cousin 67 cowboy 22 crash (v) 49 cream 19 cricket 14 criminal 75 crowd 64 cry (v) 28 cup cupboard customer 11 Customs 17 Customs officer 17 D daffodil 79 daily 78 dance 39 dance (v) 14 dancing 29 dangerous 58 Danish 43 dark 24 darling 26 date 29 daughter 11 day 23 Dear 20 deaf 63 dear 22 December 41 declare 17 deep 68 degree 68 dentist 34 design 53 dessert 11 dial 59 diamond 24 diary 63 dictate 32 dictionary 23 did 44 die (v) 53 diet 15 different 73 difficult 22 dinghy 49 dinner 32 dinner-party 67 diploma 34 direct 59 direct (v) 53 director 12 Directory Enquiries 59 disco 20 discover (v) 58 dish 22 dislike 29 divorce 78 divorce (v) 53 (v) 12 doctor! Dr does 30 dog 29 doing 21 dollar 53 done 61 door double down dozen 79 draw 21 dress dress (v) 32 (a) (drink) 15 drink (v) 11 drive (v) 14 driver 33 drop (v) 56 dry 70 dust 69 E early 60 earn 69 ear-ring 24 Easter 35 eat 21 economical 31 egg eighth 26 either 24 elbow 63 election 53 electric 13 elephant 48 eleventh 26 emergency 59 empty end 47 engaged 30 engine 13 England English enjoy 47 enormous 33 enough 64 h l escape (v) 75 Europe 65 evening 18 ever 36 every 33 everybody 12 everything 16 everywhere 74 example 29 excitement 64 exciting 20 excellent 14 excursion 15 Excuse me! expedition 78 expensive eye 12 foreigner 63 for ever 28 for example forget 19 fork form 29 fourth 26 France free 23 freezer French Frenchman 60 fresh 64 Friday 23 fridge fried 11 friend 22 friendly 20 from 12 (in) front (of) 25 face 71 fruit 11 factory 16 fruit salad 11 full fail (v) 78 fall (in love) (v) 75 funny 63 family famous 13 far gamble (v) 53 farmer 29 fashion 24 General Election fashion-show 24 77 Geography 68 fast 13 fat gentleman 34 father get 19 favourite 26 getaway car 78 February 41 get into 28 feel (sorry for) get married 75 (v) 69 get up (v) 32 few 28 girl 56 fifth 26 girlfriend 25 fight (v) 71 give (v) 30 film 12 glass film director 12 glasses go (v) 12 find (v) 51 goal 52 film star 12 going to 27 fine fine (weather) 78 gold 24 finish (v) 40 golf 29 fire (v) 47 good fire 59 Good afternoon first 29 First World War Good evening 69 Good morning fish 49 17 fishing 29 Goodnight 18 fit 71 (a) good time 27 got (have got) 16 flag 61 granddad 69 flared 24 grandfather 69 flower 28 grandparent 42 flat fly (v) 28 grandson food 20 great! 16 foot 39 green football 14 grey football match (bride)groom 28 for 31 group 50 guess (v) 34 foreign 48 F G J I guitarist 50 gun 47 H hair 78 haircut 44 hairdresser 14 half half-past 26 hamburger 10 hand 12 handbag handsome 14 hang on 59 happen 56 happy 13 hard 38 hat hate (v) 80 have (got) 14 he head 56 hear (v) 59 heavy Hello help (v) 22 her (poss) her (obj) 12 hers 18 Hi! 16 high 68 The Highlands 52 hill 73 him 12 his (poss) his (pronoun) 18 history 68 hit (v) 56 hitch-hike (v) 48 hold (v) 28 holiday holiday-maker 63 home 26 homework 22 honeymoon 28 horror 36 hospital 56 hot hotel hotel room 20 hour 39 house housewife How 31 How are you? How about 15 How you do? How many? 10 How much? How old? 29 hundred 17 hungry (a) hurry 19 hurry (v) 47 husband I I ice ice-cream identity card 17 I'd like 11 I'd love to 15 if 23 ill 73 immediately 55 important 34 in indeed 79 inflation 58 information 15 inherit 53 insist 51 intelligent 71 interesting 20 international 19 In ternational Service 59 interview 32 interview (v) 32 into 12 investigation 80 Iranian iron 14 is island 75 it (pronoun) it (obj) 12 Italian itinerary 65 Jjacket January 41 Japan Japanese jar 10 jazz 29 jeans jewel 78 jeweller 78 job join (v) 69 jockey 37 joke (v) 27 journey 44 July 41 junction 73 June 29 juice 11 just 64 K key kill (v) 47 kilo kilometre 68 kind 79 kiss (v) 12 kitchen knife know 30 KO 71 L Labour 77 ladder 61 lady 34 lamb 11 landlady 39 language 14 language school 37 large last 34 late 25 later 41 laugh (v) 47 laugh (n) 12 learn 40 least 70 leather 24 leave (v) 27 leave (money) (v) 53 lecture 44 left 28 leg 52 lemon lend 62 let me see 43 letter 39 less 68 lie 25 life 16 lift (v) 19 lift (n) 59 light (adj) light (n) 12 light (colour) 24 lighter 23 like (v) 29 likes (n) 29 like (What's it like?) 42 line 25 listen 47 litre 17 little 27 living room lock 56 London lonely 22 long long (time) 73 look (v) 12 look at 12 look for 23 look into 12 lorry lorry driver 33 lose (v) 51 lot 10 love 30 lovely 18 L.P 18 Ltd 36 luck 58 lucky 27 luggage 19 lunch 32 luxury 75 M Madam 19 magazine main course 11 make 13 man 13 manager manufacture (v) 53 March 41 Market Research 36 married 20 marry 30 match 49 May 41 me meal 54 mean (v) 64 measure (v) 43 meat 10 mechanic medium 11 meet (v) 15 mend (v) 72 menu 11 message 59 metre 68 Metro 40 Mexican microphone 12 midnight 77 milk millimetre 68 million 53 millionaire mine (pro) 18 miner 69 minus 68 miserable 80 Miss miss (v) 47 mission 58 Mission Control 61 modern 31 moment 37 Monday 23 money 16 month 41 moon 44 more 18,68 T r morning 17 morning suit 28 most 70 mother mother-in-law 27 motorcycle 68 moustache 25 move (v) 12 M.P 75 m.p.h 53 Mr Mrs mushroom 10 music 29 my N name nationality near nearly 45 necklace 24 need (v) 30 neither 77 never 35 new news 26 newspaper 23 New York next 27 nice night 18 nightclub 21 nightdress 43 nil 52 ninth 26 No no (not any) 74 nobody 74 noise 64 none 77 normal 44 normally 54 nose 74 not note 31 nothing 33 notice 78 November 41 now 12 nowadays 35 nowhere 74 number nylon 23 o obey (v) 69 occasion 53 occasionally 35 occupation 29 ocean 49 o'clock 26 October 41 \t of 11 off 12 office 19 officer 69 often 35 Oh! 17 oil oil-drilling company 53 old omelette 11 O.K 12 on once 36 one 18 onion 10 only 49 opera 29 open (v) 12 operator 59 opposite 55 or 35 orange (colour) orange (fruit) orchestra 42 ordinary 32 other 60 our ours 18 out 12 out of 25 outside 25 over 56 over there p paint (v) 63 pair 15 palace 52 pan pardon Paris park (n) 60 party 23 pass (v) passenger 53 passport 17 past 26 patient 52 pea 10 pen pencil 63 pension 69 people 25 pepper per cent 11 perfect (v) 63 perfume 17 personal 29 phone phone (v) 22 photo-copy 46 photograph 29 piano 57 picnic 23 picture 20 piece 15 pilot pineapple 49 pink pint pip 59 place 27 place (v) 61 plaice 11 plain 18 plan plane plate play (v) 14 playboy 33 please pleased 77 plug (n) 72 plus 68 police 52 policeman politician 75 politics 29 pollution 64 poor porter Portuguese 11 post (v) 29 postcard 19 post office possible 31 postpone 78 potato 11 pound 31 practise 22 prefer (v) 43 present (n) 28 President 52 press (v) 59 prison 27 private 42 problem 44 produce 53 professor 34 programme 26 promise (n) 72 promise (v) 80 protest (v) 52 pub 45 public 53 pull 47 pullover 15 purring 59 purse 51 put 12 Q quarter past 26 quarter to 26 Queen 37 question 22 questionnaire queue (v) 25 quickly 55 quiet 20 quite 36 S R sad sail 57 salary 34 saloon 47 salt same 73 sandwich 15 Saturday 23 save (money) 58 scene 25 school 19 schoolboy 33 schoolgirl 78 Science 68 scientist 34 score (v) 52 screen 25 screwdriver 72 sea 28 seat 23 second secretary see 20 sell 53 send 19 sensational 78 sense 75 September 41 service 11 seventh 26 sew (v) 14 shampoo 79 shave (n) 44 she shelf sheriff 47 shine (v) 48 ship 49 shirt shoe shoot (v) 52 short shorts shoulder 63 shout (v) 25 show (v) 19 show (n) 24 shower 20 sick 73 sign (v) 46 signature 29 silly 79 silver 24 sing 14 single 20 sink sister sit size 15 sixth 26 ski (v) 14 skirt sleep (v) 21 sleepy 80 racehorse 37 radio rain 68 rainy 20 rapid 59 rarely 35 read (v) 21 really 14 rebel 50 receiver 59 reception (wedding) 28 reception (hotel) receptionist recommend 79 record recreation 29 red refuse (v) 78 regards 40 remember 80 rent 27 reply 32 reporter 32 repair (v) 31 rescue (v) 49 reserve (v) 46 reserved 20 rest (v) 21 restaurant 11 result 23 retire 24 return 44 reunion rice 10 rich ride (v) 37 right (opp left) 28 right (opp wrong) 43 ring 24 river 60 road 55 roast 11 rob 27 robbery 78 roll (bread) 45 roll (of films) 66 room rose 79 rose 11 rosette 77 round (prep) 18 royal 37 rubber 49 rugby 14 run (v) 12 rush (v) 47 Russian slow 13 slowly 38 small smell (v) 74 smile (v) 12 smile (n) 28 smoke (v) 21 smoke (n) 25 snow (v) 52 so 31 soap 79 sober 76 sock soda sofa some somebody 56 someone 22 something 22 sometimes 35 somewhere 74 son soon 30 sore 39 sore throat 39 sorry 19 sound (v) 74 soup 11 south 69 souvenir 66 Soviet Union 52 space 44 Spanish speak (v) 14 special 54 speech 28 spell (v) 20 spend 28 spoon sport 14 spring 67 spy 58 square 18 square km 68 stadium 52 stand (v) 21 star 13 start (v) 12 starter 11 stay (v) 22 steak 11 steal 78 steps 25 stereo 13 still 64 stocking 56 stolen 78 stomach-ache 39 stone 78 stop (v) 51 story 47 stranger 63 street 40 striped 18 strong STD 59 rI L thick thief 78 thin thing 20 think 31 third thirsty this those throat 39 throw 78 Thursday 23 ticket 17 time 15,36 tired title 23 to 12 tobacco 17 today 21 together 66 toilet tomato 10 tomorrow 15 tonight 22 too (also) 24 too 43 top 78 top hat 28 table touch (v) 63 take 12 tour 48 talk (v) 40 tourist tall towards 47 taste (v) 74 towel taxi town 45 tea town hall 50 tea (meal) 27 traditional 28 teach 37 traffic-lights 35 teacher train team 38 transport cafe 33 teenager 29 travel (n) 30 telegram 79 telephone (n) travel (v) 34 telephone (v) 46 trip 60 trousers television trouser suit 24 tell 31 temperature 39 tryon 15 T-shirt tenth 26 tube 39 terrible 16 Tuesday 23 terribly 72 tulip 79 terylene 24 Turkish 43 test (n) 80 thank goodness! turn off 12 turn on 12 51 twice 36 thanks type (v) 14 thank you thank you very much that ugly the umbrella theatre 20 uncomfortable their 44 theirs 18 under them 12 understand 22 then 32 unhappy 22 there uniform 34 these United States 52 they student studio 12 , study (v) 47 successful 75 sugar suit 24 summer 67 sun 48 Sunday 23 sunglasses 24 sunny 20 supermarket supper 44 supporter 77 sure 43 surname 20 surprise survivor' 49 sweet (n) 79 swim (v) 14 swim (n) 44 swimming pool 13 sympathetic 69 T , I U n t I until 32 up 25 us 12 use (v) 58 usually 35 V vanilla 18 V.A.T 11 vegetable 11 Venezuelan 39 very vicar 35 villa 28 village 60 vinegar visa 17 visit (v) 36 vodka 17 vote (n) 77 vote (v) 77 W wait (v) 25 waiter wake up 32 walk (v) 12 Wales 52 wallet 51 want 30 warm 20 warplane 53 war 69 was 41 wash 22 wash up (v) 27 washing up (n) 72 water 10 watch (n) watch (v) 22 we weak wear 24 weather 20 wedding 28 Wednesday 23 week 23 weekend 31 well t well (adv) 38 welcome (v) 32 well done 11 Wembley Stadium 52 were 41 wet 68 what what about 22 what a pity 23 what colour what kind 15 what make 13 what's the matter 39 what time 15 wheel 13 when 15 where which 12 which one 18 whisky white who whose why 25 wide 68 wife will 72 win 51 window wine 10 Winter 67 wishes 20 with woman 25 wonderful 14 won't 72 woollen 24 word 22 work (v) 21 worker 16 work for 27 world record 53 worried 51 worry about 58 worst 70 worth 78 would 7, 15 write 48 wrong 43 XYZ yacht 75 year 38 yellow yes yesterday 41 you young your yours 18 Irregular verbs Infinitive Past form tense be beat become begin bite break bring build burn buy catch choose come cost cut drink drive eat fall feel fight find fly forbid forget freeze get give go grow have hear hide hit hurt keep know learn leave was/were beat became began bit broke brought built burnt bought caught chose came cost cut did drank drove ate fell felt fought found flew forbade forgot froze got gave went grew had heard hid hit hurt kept knew learnt left ~ Past participle Infinitive Past form tense Past participle been beaten become begun bitten broken brought built burnt bought caught chosen come cost cut done drunk driven eaten fallen felt fought found flown forbidden forgotten frozen got given gone grown had heard hidden hit hurt kept known learnt left lend let light lose make mean meet pay put read ride ring run say see sell send shine shoot show shut sing sit sleep smell speak spend stand steal swim take teach tear tell think throw wake wear win write lent let lit lost made meant met paid put read ridden rung run said seen sold sent shone shot shown shut sung sat slept smelt spoken spent stood stolen swum taken taught torn told thought thrown woken worn won written lent let lit lost made meant met paid put read rode rang ran said saw sold sent shone shot showed shut sang sat slept smelt spoke spent stood stole swam took taught tore told thought threw woke wore won wrote i I I l STREAMLINE GRADED READERS good books for STREAMLINE students Level Departures Units 1-40 I III I oc I, I I) CIOI{(,I SI IS" I \I\S 1\00 \ A man wakes up in a beautiful room in a strange house The door is locked Who is he and why is he there? And who is the person in black clothes? Slowly the man remembers George is the manager of the Happy Holiday Hotel He isn't very clever but he is happy and excited because a famous TV star is going to stay in his hotel But poor George makes a terrible mistake \ SO:,\(, lOR HI \ 1111 :'\1 \\ 1\0 \1) Beth Armstrong is a photography student and her favourite place is Raintree Wood But people are going to build a new road through the middle of the wood Beth and her friends want to stop the new road, but her brother doesn't agree-he wants a job What will Beth chose? An American pop-singer, Katie Brown, visits Britain She meets nine-year-old Ben and they become friends One day she is teaching Ben her new song Some strange men arrive and push Ben into their car Katie follows them and her new song saves Ben's life Level Departures Units 41-80 I J I 1I1I \ lSI I Police Constable Harry Evans is driving along a country road when he suddenly sees some bright lights in the sky There is something very large and strange in the road ahead of him Is it a UFO? The experience changes Harry's life S I 1\ \ \ \ IH 1\In vx I) I III SI :'\ S \ I Ir », S Strawberry and the Sensations are a rock group on tour Just before their last concert, a police officer arrives with a strange message for them Is there a crazy killer somewhere in the audience? 3,000 fans are waiting to see Strawberry-will she stop the show? 1I111'IlILI\I Peter's best friend is his grandmother When she dies he can have one thing from her house Peter chooses the picture of an old lady When Peter's life is very unhappy, the picture brings him good luck 1111 I"" I S 01 \10:'\ II /L \1 \ Shelley Marn is a student from California She is on holiday in Europe Clare and Nick Harman invite Shelley to lunch but Shelley never arrives ... 12 understand 22 then 32 unhappy 22 there uniform 34 these United States 52 they student studio 12 , study (v) 47 successful 75 sugar suit 24 summer 67 sun 48 Sunday 23 sunglasses 24 sunny 20 ... (n) 12 light (colour) 24 lighter 23 like (v) 29 likes (n) 29 like (What's it like?) 42 line 25 listen 47 litre 17 little 27 living room lock 56 London lonely 22 long long (time) 73 look (v) 12 look... (v) 32 few 28 girl 56 fifth 26 girlfriend 25 fight (v) 71 give (v) 30 film 12 glass film director 12 glasses go (v) 12 find (v) 51 goal 52 film star 12 going to 27 fine fine (weather) 78 gold 24

Ngày đăng: 17/01/2020, 09:40

