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Face2Face là giáo trình tiếng Anh có nhiều cấp độ thích hợp cho từng đối tượng học khác nhau. Face2Face Starter Student''s Book là cuốn giáo trình học tiếng Anh giao tiếp cho người mới bắt đầu, không chỉ giao tiếp, giáo trình này còn rèn luyện tích hợp các kỹ năng cho người học. Trong phần 1 này, giáo trình giới thiệu đến người học một số chủ đề cho người mới bắt đầu học tiếng Anh như: new friend, all about you, people and places, my world, day-to-day life,... Để tìm hiểu rõ hơn, mời các bạn cùng xem và tham khảo.

Trang 1

with cD-RoM/ Audio

Trang 2

t t i *

-C A M B R I D G E U N I V E R S I T Y P R E S S

Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sdo Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo

Cambridge University Press

The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK


lnformation on this title: www cambridge orgl9 87 05217 127 36

O Cambridge University Press 2009

This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception

and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,

no reproduction of any part may take place without the written

permission of Cambridge University Press.

First published 2009

Reprinted 2010

Printed in Dubai by Oriental Press

A catalogue record,Jor this publication is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-0-52L-7L273-6 Studenr's Book with CD-ROM/Audio CD ISBN 978-0-521-71274-3 Workbook with Key

ISBN 978-0- 521-7

Trang 4

1 New friends cD-RoM f.ftlEif

'lA Vlrhat's your name?

1E} \,vher€'s she from?

l, my, you, your Conversations at a party Real World saying hello; introducing

people; phone numbers; saying goodbye

he, his, she, her Reaf World Where are you from?

Real World first names and surnames: Conversations in class classroom language




pa plo p12

Review and Progress Portfolio p13

2 All about you cD-RoM r.lnril

be (singular): positive and negative ,e (singular): questions and short answers

Real World email addresses;

personal information questions Reaf World How old ?

True and false sentences

Email addresses

2 Review and Progress Portfolio p21

3 People and places cD-RoM fJEilif

3A Two cities

3E| Brothers and sisters

3c Eat in or take away?

3D Breadandcheese

p22 adjectives (1); word order with

adjectives; very p24 familyp26 food and drink (1) o2B food and drink (2); love, like,

eat, drink, a lot of

be (plural): positive, negative, questions and

Trang 5

Conversations at a party

Phone numbers

Where are you from?

Welcome to the class

Help with Listening word stress

Help with Sounds /a/ and /a/

Names Introducing people Phone numbers Names and countries What's his / her name?

Where's he / she from?

First names and surnames Conversations in class Talking about a photo

Sentences about famous people

Reading and Writing Portfolio 1 WB p60

Around the world

Interview your partner ouestions wilh How old ? Guess the ages

True and false sentences yes,/no questioni Filling in aform

Reading and Writing Portfolio 2 WB p62

Help with Listening numbers wilh -teen and -ty

Help with Sounds /r/ and /irl

Fona's family

0ur grandchildren


Two customers in a cafd

They love chocolate!

Help with Listening contractions

Help with Sounds /o/ and //

Talking about the two emails Your family

0rdering food and drink in a caf6 Food

Trang 6

6 Towns and cities CD-ROM

6 Review and Progress Portfolio p53

7 Love it, like it, hate il! 0D-RoM C'fnfttf

6A tufy home town

6Et Are there any shops?

I love tfre Internet

p54 things you like and don't like;

love, like, hate p56 abilities

places in a town or city (1) places in a town or city (2)things in your bag (2) clothes; colours; favourite

prepositions of place things people Oo ontine

adjectives (2) years and past iime phrases months and datei

big numbers

transpofi holiday activities

at the station question words

future plans; future time phrases phrases with have, watch, go, go to adjectives (3): feelings

a, some, a lot of;

there is / there are: positive there is / there are: negative, yes / no questions and short answers; any

Real World at the tourist information cenlre

object pronouns can for ability

Beal World asking for and giving directions

Past Simple of be: positive and negative

Past Simple of be: questions and short answers; was born / were bom Real World talking about days and dates; making suggestions

Susan's home town

Conversations at a tourist information centre

We're very different

Three conversations in

Trang 7

A town or city you know Sentences with there is / there are

Help with Listening linking (1) Places near Susan's flat

Places near your home

Questions with ls there a ? and Are there any ?

t bvourite colour is pink Hefp with Sounds /t/ and /d3l Your clothes and colours

Favourite things and people

Reading and Writing Portfolio 6 WB p70

Things you love, like, don't like and hate Questions with Does like ?

ouestions with Do you like ? :f+ wifi the children Help wifi Listening can ot can't Things you and your family can True or false sentences with

Ouestions wilh can -trce conversations in the street n fins tor.rd SirhS dir*tir*

Help witt Sounds /s/ and /J/ Things you do online

Reading and Writing Portfolio 7 WB p72

'[LEt amazing days

f tda"


When I was ten Sentences with was and were

When and where people were born Your last wedding or party Help with listening linking

Trang 8

b) Listen and check.

c) Work in pairs Practise the

Hello, Il?J narne's Sue.

photo Read and listen to

conversation I Listen again

a) Fill in the gaps with

Trang 9

!i \\brk in pairs Say four numbers Write your

:artner's numbers Are they correct?

Vocabulary and Grammar

wh;i,; t;;;h";; ;;;.;i

It's 020 7622 3479

TIP! e In phone numbers 0 = oh and 44 = double four.b) Work in pairs Practise the questions and answers a) Listen to three conversations Write the phone numbers.

b) Work in pairs Compare answers.

-fl-r-1 A

Phone numbers ntroducing people

a -'-' Read and listen to conversation 3

-:sten again and practise

: \\brk in groups Practise conversation 3

Trang 10

Where's she from?

Q U I C K R E V I E W r r r

Write two phone numbers Work in pairs Say your phone

numbers Write your partner's numbers Are they correct?


6f Look at the map Match these countries

to l-12

itay r srazit Rissia the USA

GErmany Egyp, Austrelia M6xico

Tirkey the Uft China Spair',

rd notice the word

s t r e s s ( ' ) i n t h e c o u n t r i e s i n 1

itatv grazit

Vocabulary countriesGrammar he, his, she, herRea[ World Where are you from?Help with Listening word stressReview phone numbers; l, my, you, your

$ Wo.k in pairs Look again at the map Say a number

Your partner says the country

Trang 11

1E| Vocabulary and Grammar

Work in new pairs Ask and answer questions aboutthe people in the photos

1 - - - - _ ' _ - * - " * * _

1 What's -2./-""-' -" "^-'her name? -i

f wr,"i.t \ a ' , ' * - _ ' ' _ - * - - ' ' 1in fr"rz'';

i ]yji91te Binoche, :

france :

@ Wort in pairs Student A p87 Student B pg3.

's his name?


-.rtrk again at the photo of Stefan and Emel.

'tlllch questions 14 to answers a)-d).

' i:-.rr's his name?\ a) He's from Russia.

: i.:eres he from? \ b) His name's Stefan.

c) She's from Turkey

d) Her name's Emel

I GIE f,S Listen and practise

,i'iat's her name?

.i'ieres she from?

Trang 12

1 G ln class

Q U I C K R E V I E W o o o

Work in pairs Ask the names of students in your ctass:

AWhat's his name? B Marcus.What's her name? A Ana

The alphabet

O fi[q ffi Listen and say the alphabet Notice the

vowels and tlre consonallts.

A o B b C c D d E e F f G g

H h Ii J j K k L L M m N n

0 o P p Q q R r S s T t U u

Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

et ffi Listen and write the letters.

What's your first name?

@ ,l Look at photo A Then match the teacher's

questions I-3 to the student's answers a)-c)

t What's your first name, please? a) Molina

z What's your surname? b) M-O-L-I-N-A

3 How do you spell that? c) It's Pedro

U) 4lf,Il Listen and check

Vocabulary the alphabet; things in your

b a g

Trang 13


in pairs Look again at photo B


I , *

rf flr rtI

lC Real World

Kate :c thing.

' " m b e r 1 A bag.

O -oot at the words in 6a) Fill in

- ::le gaps wrl"h 6r or an.

\\ e use with nouns that

\\ e use with nouns that

besin with ? rr)\\'cl sound.

L' - '-hree Look at photo C Lislen to

conversations in class Match

:tudents l-3 to the words they ask

Listen again Tick (/) these

rentences when.you hear them.

Excuse me.


Trang 14

1 D People and things


Write four Engtish words Work in pairs Spell your words to your partner

Wtite your partner's words ls your spetting correct?

Vocabulary people; things;

pluralsReview the alphabet

O ^l Look at the photo of Kate forone minute Close your book

Write all the things in the photoyou can remember

b) Work in pairs Compareanswers and check your partner'sspelling Who has more words?

Look at these words Writethe missing letters



t h i n g _boy -+ -eswatchessandwich

y ) -ies

d i a r i e s

b a birregularmen

I women

I people

ffiffi proo

Trang 15

bag G,:-,rTlput;,

b) Listen again and practise

lal c:rmput wom n teach,

I t r t y C h i n B r z i l J ,panund stand camer atph betb) Listen again and practise

1 Review Language Summary 1, plOO

B 4 ,.,, 's from the UK

I Whats s h_er name?

B 6- name's Kara.

I Where's z from?

B 8- - ,, 's from the USA.

b) Work in pairs Practise the conversations.

c) Work in new pairs Ask the questions in 4a) about students

in your class.

Write the vowels (a, e, i, o, u)

in these things Then put a or

1 Is your camerli from Chin'?

2 Your apples are in my bag.

3 Practise the alph.,bet.

4 M y c , m p u t i s f r o m J , r p a n

5 Is he from It rly or Br,,zil?

6 Is your teach, a man or a

W O m , l n ? b) Work in pairs Practise the sentences.

a) Find 12 things or people

(+ r).

b) Write the plurals

Trang 16

2 AII about you She's British

Q U I C K R E V I E W o o o

Write five singular words (awatch, etc.).Work in pairs.Take turns to say

your words Say the plurals of your partner's words: A a watch B watches

' * /.: :-\

i l ' m Japanese i ( l ' m F r e n c h ) l ' m C o l o m b i a n

Around the world

Vocabulary nationalitiesGrammar be (singutar):positive and negativeReview plurals; countries;

my, your, his, her

Trang 17

O ,, Fill in the gaps with'm or 3

Listen and practise the sentences in 4.

n ) l'm British.

' She ls- from Sio Paulo and she ,-.,,,, a student.

z I from London and I a teacher.

3 It isn't a Mercedes It - a Chrysler.

: She isn't Australian She from the UK.

! He isn't from Beijing He from Shanghai.

a I'm not American I from Havana, in Cuba.

i Ol Work in pairs Compare answers Then match the

| 'cntences to photos A-D.

I O Look again at 6a) Then fill in the gaps with

I nr t:o| aren't or isnt

Trang 18

Vocabulary jobsGrammar be (singutar): questionsand short answers

Review countries and nationalities;

be (singutar): positive and negative

Q U I C K R E V I E W o o o

Work in pairs Take turns to say a country Your partner says the

nationality and a person or thing of that nationality: AThe UK

B British James Bond is British

@ ^l Check these words with your teacher.

a friend mirried singte beiutifut

b) Look at the photo of Amy and Ben Listen and match these names to photos l-4 on Amys computer.

Claire Steve Daniela Karl

c) Listen again Complete the table.

Karl Steve ClaireCermany

Trang 19

2B Vocabulary and Grammar

:, Look again at the table in 2c).

Trck (/) the correct answers.

- l: Karl a musician?

a) \'es, he is b) No, he isn't /

: s Steve from the USA?

a) \'es, he is b) No, he isn't.

-s Claire an actress?

a) \'es, she is b) No, she isn't

^' Daniela Italian?

a) \'es, she is b) No, she isn't

-\re I'ou from Russia?

a) \'es, I am b) No, I'm not.

: -s vour cameraJapanese?

a) \es, it is b) No, it isn't.

:, \\brk in pairs Compare answers.

Trang 20

,,-2c^ Personal information Vocabulary titles; greeti

RealWorld email adpersonal informationquestions

Q U I C K R E V I E W r r o

Write four jobs.Work in pairs Take turns to mime your jobs to your

partner Guess your partner's jobs: A You're a doctor B Yes, that's right.

t Mr (Brown) a) a married woman

2 Mrs or Ms (King) b) a single woman

s Ms or Miss (Roberts) c) a man (married or single)

b) m,ffi Listen and practise

Mr ) Mr Brown

a) Look at pictures A-D Complete the

conversations with these

Trang 21

2C Real World

Looking for a job

O ^ l L o o k a t th e p h o r o


and complete the form.

Listen to the interview

@ frff in the gaps with are or \

What lf your first name, please?

What,, -.- - your surname?

you married?

Trang 22

2 D How old is she?


Write the numbers 0-12 in words (zero, one, etc.) Work

in pairs Check your partner's spelling Say the numbers

I ^1fiffl Listen to these numbers Notice the stress.

fourte'en f6rty sixte'en ttoty eighte'en e'ighty

b) Where is the stress in these numbers?

seventeen ninety fifty thirteen

thirty nineteen seventy fifteen

c) f,[f,E Listen and check

@ m [En f,f Listen again and practise.

0 ^l Write the numbers.

@ "lwrite four numbe.rs.

b) Work in new pairs Say your numbers Write your

partner's numbers Are they correct?

O tl Look at the photo Match these words to I-5

a c a r 3 a g i r l a h o u s e a c a t a d o gb) f,ff,U Listen to five conversations

Trang 23

Hrih Sounds

O Look at the pictures.

iir'Il to lhe sounds and words o

s x n i n e t n

: Listen again and practise

Listen to these words.

Notice how we say the pink and vowels.

s i x t h i n g h i s s i n g l e M i s s women British watches evening fifteen

litl ninet n h 's sh 's p pte

p t s e C h i n s e p o l c e m a i l vening fift n

b) Listen again and practise.

@ ri"a eight jobs.

p $nte the nationalities'

Australia Mexico ltaty

Russia Cermany Brazil

the USA Egypt Spain

Turkey the UK China

: -stralia ) Australian

Frll in the gaps with 'm,'re, \,

- r r t C r Z n l O r 'n t n O l

-ibb)' /.snlt (-) from the USA,

she |s (+) frorn the UK

Ross (-) his first name,

2 you / Where / from / are ? : s / W h a t / j o b / y o u r ?

4 f r o m / s / W h e r e / h e ?

s j o b / W h a t / h i s / s ?

o What / name / 's / her ?

t ' s / j o b l W h a t / h e r ? b) Match the questions in 4a)

to lhese answers.

a) I'm a doctor.

b) Hes from Pisa, in Italy.

Trang 24

3 People and places Two cities


Work in pairs Count from 1 to 100 in threes: A one B four A seyen

Then count from 1 to 100 in fours: A one.B five A nine.

a) Match the adjectives to

b) ffi ffi Listen and practise

Vocabulary adjectives (1); wordorder with adjectives; veryGrammar be (plural): positive,negative, questions and short answe6Help with Listening contractionsReview numbers; be (singutar)

Adjectives (1)

big I

tte* I

bad cold small old cheap


[ 3 , f ] O f l 'new teply reply all tbrwlRl

a / Itls / computer / old / very

It's a very old computer.

a / H e ' s / g o o d / v e r y / a c t o r .

an / camera / Its / expensive

Trang 25

3A Vocabulary and Grammar

@ nead emailA again Tick (/) the true

sentences Change the adjectives in the

Where are they?

false sentences.

'I Moscow is a beautiiul city /

z The people are unf+iendly friendly

r lt's very hot in Moscow.

+ The restaurants are good.

s Sally and Dan are in an old hotel.

6 The hotel rooms are nice.

z The rooms are very small.

\\'e.-.-.- -.-.- in a new hotel.

\bu ?e from the UK.

Thev verv bis.

(= we are)(= you are)(= they are)

0 W Sf tisten and practise the

sentences in 6

t We aren't !"ta.lian" , we're

2 \bu're a verv

3 Thev're in a

+ He's a and he isn't _, _, _,_

b) Work in pairs Underline the

contractions (aren't, w e're, etc.)

in 8a).

C) Listen again Notice the



\\ e - - in the hotel now (= are not)

\bu a-rerlt from Russia.

Thev verv exnensive.

- iD\ Yolt is singular and plural:

\ou're a student.

\ou're students.

p r 0 5

@ nead email B again Choose the correct answers

Where are Fiona and Nick?

a) London b) New York.

Are they in a small hotel?

a) Yes, they

Trang 26

Write four adjectives.Work in pairs.Take turns to say an adjective from your

list Your partner says the opposite adjective: A new B o/d Then say one

thing for each adjective: A A new car B An old computer

Our family

Vocabulary familyGrammar possessive 's; sub :-pronouns (t, you,etc.) and pcadjectives (my, your, etc.)Review adjectives; jobs; Hov,


both/ girls


O ^ , to:I at the photo of the Cooper family

Kead and lrsten

O ^l Complete the table with the words in bold in 1



Trang 27

Heke sentences about these people.

' \rck ) Kevin Nick is Kevin's father.

I i:rrna -) Nick

i {er-in ) Fiona

e -inne ) Nick

i ler-in ) Anne

6 -\nne and Kevin ) Nick and Fiona

3B Vocabulary and Grammar

:r 4,

a) Look at these sentences Then complete the table withthe words in blue and pink

I'm Mary and this is Sid, my husband

Her husband's name is Nick and he's a doctor.

These are their two children - our grandchildren

Itb a very nice photo, I think

subject you sne

P r o n o u n spossessive your his itsadjectives

b) Are these words verbs (V) or nouns (NX

a) Look at the photo Sid and Mary are

lierin and Anne's grandparents Then

complete the table with these words

grandparents grandson grandmother

a) f,lBl Listen

Trang 28

Eat in or take away? i


Write the name of a friend and the names of two peopte in his / her famity

Work in pairs Tel[ your partner about your people Ask questions if possibte:

A My friend's name is Liliana She's 26 B What's her job?

O ul Match prices l-6 to a)-f)

a) ten dollarsb) ten p (= pence)c) ten eurosd) ten centse) ten (pounds) fiftyf) ten pounds

Vocabulary food and drink (Rea[ World money and pricesHow much ?; in a caf6Review famity;numbers

n l , b

Prirrln )1,t,tnn*r,

= = = = O t f 0 0 { f r l55; =ooor,orl: = = = 0 r ) o 0 t ) 0

b) f,TfTil f,l Listen and pracrise

b) ff;lll f,f Listen and check Listen

again and practise

a)ffif,tf Listen to five

Trang 29

Can I lrbe-/p you?

Sure Anything etse?

Eat in or take 3 .-.,.,,-,,-, ?

OK, that's (f s.85), please.

You're welcome.

p r 0 5

@ ^ t Listen and practise the sentences in 9.

b) Work in pairs Practise the conversation in g Take turns to bethe customer

a) Work in new

Trang 30

3 D Bread and cheese

Q U I C K R E V I E W o o o

Write four prices (E55, f.|O.50, etc.).Work in pairs Say your prices

Write your partner's prices Are they correct?




lot of coffee.

of rice.

@ O ^l Complete these sentences for

you then wTrte two more sentenc(about you

t I l o v e

z I l i k e

3 I e a t a l o t o f + | drink a lot of . . .

O ul Work in pairs Look at the photo Match these words to 1-16.

0 ^l Look at the photo for one minute Remember the food and drink.

b) Close your books Work in pairs Say all the food and drink in

Trang 31


Ib with Sounds

Look at the pictures

sten to the sounds and words

a coffee

: Listen again and practise.

Listen to these words Notice how we say the pinli and vowels.

coffee dog doctor hot watch chocolate orange

I ^, Fill in the gaps with 3, 're,

-irc isn't or aren't.

. : Ivan!

=' a and I ' ar-e- (+) at an English

.:hool in Londonl It'z (+)

, tood school, but it 3 (-)

-::eap The teacher o (+)

.:n- good and the students

(+) friendly We 5

.:: a hotel near the school The

:roms 7 - (+) nice, but they

(-) very bigl

- i-e Olga

b) Make questions with these


' are / Eva and Olga /Where ?

Where are Eva and OIga?

z cheap / Is / the school ?

3 the teacher / good / ls ?

e -{re / friendly / the students ?

; s / the hotel / Where ?

e big / Are / the rooms / very ?

5 6 7

O zr \\rite the vowels (a, e, i, o, u)


t l m y

2 you

a h e+ she

c) Work in pairs Ask andanswer the questions in 2b).Look at this

Ngày đăng: 17/01/2020, 09:32

