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Báo cáo tốt nghiệp ngôn ngữ anh Cao Đẳng Bình Định To help students find the answer to this question, especially they can learn English listening interestingly, and get high scores in English listening tests, we conducted this study to find the answer to the question,: “ What methods can students use to learn English listening effectively.?” The finding of the study shows methods that help and encourage the students to learn and maintain their excitement for learning. In addition, they also help teachers teach English listening easily and effectively.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was written as a special gift for students, especially students at Binh Dinh college, with the hope that students can learn English listening well and effectively We, therefore, would like to express our sincere appreciation to all of those who have helped to complete this study First and foremost, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our study supervisor, Mrs Vo Thi Kieu Diem – lecturer of foreign languages department at Binh Dinh college for her whole hearted guidance and support Without her help, this study would still be far from finished Furthermore, our sincere thanks are also sent to all the teachers of foreign languages department at Binh Dinh college for their precious and useful lesson during our three- year study Besides, our since thank is also extended to all the students who help us fulfill the survey questions Last but not least, we are grateful to our family and friends who have given us much encouragement during the time we carried out this paper \ ABSTRACT Nowadays the trend of international integration in many areas, including the education sector has taken up a position in English is very important English as a communication tool is the key to treasure of humanity On the other hand, the wide application of information technology has made learning English become urgent and indispensable So English has become one of the main subjects in the curriculum of students Learning and using English require a process of diligence of both the learners and the teachers Especially in the situation of education reform at the present, in view of teaching English is widely supported The students have more opportunities to communicate with friends, teachers for training language, actively participate in practical situation: Learning is to attach to practice Innovation content of this program is to create maximum opportunities for students to practice for skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing on the topics and the situations or what the communication is related to the habitat at home and abroad However, in practice English skills, students have had many difficulties, especially English listening skills Most students not know how to learn to listen, students often find the most difficult in learning English listening In the classroom, students often say that even though there are a lot of methods to learning English listening but learning English listening is not easy So how to help students be able to apply vocabulary and grammatical structure effectively in English listening? To help students find the answer to this question, especially they can learn English listening interestingly, and get high scores in English listening tests, we conducted this study to find the answer to the question,: “ What methods can students use to learn English listening effectively.?” The finding of the study shows methods that help and encourage the students to learn and maintain their excitement for learning In addition, they also help teachers teach English listening easily and effectively TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………………………i ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………….ii TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS……………………………………………………iv CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Real situation in learning English listening for students at Binh Dinh college Aims of the study Significance of the study Scope of the study Organization of the study CHAPTER 2: LITERRATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definitions of the study 2.2 The importance of listening in teaching and learning 2.3 Strategies in learning English listening 2.3.1 Predict what you will be heard 2.3.2 Concentrate on main ideas then listen and write quickly 2.3.3 Listen records, listen to English songs and watch English films regularly CHAPTER 3: METHODLOGY 3.1 Questionnaire CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDING 4.1 Opinions in learning English listening 4.2 Opinions on practicing kinds of listening tests 4.3 Some difficulties in learning English listening 4.3.1 Lack of vocabulary 4.3.2 Bad knowledge of grammar 4.3.3 Difficulties in catching native speaker’s speed 4.3.4 Poor equipment quality 4.3.5 Psychological stress 4.4 Some mistakes in learning English listening 4.4.1 Students don’t determine key words or main ideas before listening, they only concentrate on listening word by word 4.4.2 Student only concentrate on writing when they are listening 4.4.3 Students try to translate ever thing into first language when they are listening CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION ND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusion 5.2 Recommendation methods for learning English listening effectively REFERENCES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EFL ESL English as a Foreign Language English as a Second Language CHAPTER INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY This chapter begins with the real situation in learning English listening for students at Binh Dinh college and briefly states the aims, significance of the study, scope of the study Last comes the organization of the study 1.1 Real situation in learning English listening for students at Binh Dinh college If you want to understand clearly about custom and culture of any country, first of all, it is necessary to know about the language of that country As you know, today about two – third countries in the world use English as their mother tongue So English does not only become popular, but it is also a main international language Like students from other colleges and universities, we have faced with many difficulties in listening With three year experiences in learning the skill and from what we observed in practicing listening of other students, it can be found that many students failed in practicing listening skill Some of them complained that they felt unconfident with listening tasks, so they could hardly understand spoken messages In real life it is unusual for people to listen to something without having any idea of what they are going to hear When listening to a program -in show, they will probably know which topic is being discussed When listen an interview with a famous person, they probably know something about that person already In our first language we seldom have troubles in understanding listening However, in the second language, it is one of the harder skills to develop- dealing at speed with unfamiliar sounds, words and structures This is even more difficult if we not know the topic under discussion or who is speaking to whom Many students are fearful of listening and can be disheartened when they listening to something but feel they understand very little It is also harder to concentrate on listening if you have little interest in that topic or situation Methods which use to learn English listening effectively aim to deal with all of these issues: to generate interests, build confidence, facilitate comprehension All these above reasons have inspired us to this research 1.2 Aims of the study: With the real situation of learning listening, the study is, therefore, conducted in an attempt to: • To find the difficulties in learning English listening of students at Binh • • • • Dinh college To teach them a few basic listening strategies To develop listening abilities of students To remove the students’ flaws in learning English listening To help them remove mistakes which they often make 1.3 Significance of the study The English listening teaching and learning has been playing an important role in teaching English for a long time With the current development in Vietnam, the need of using English to communicate is very necessary As required by teacher’s textbook in which listening is introduced for communicative purpose, not for linguistic knowledge, teaching listening helps students not only pass the exams but also speak English together in daily life Before we start discussing listening, take a few minutes to reflect on the importance of the listening skill As language teachers and as learners of other languages, think of one or two reasons why listening is important Listening is also important because: • Occupies a big chunk of the time we spend communicating in language Think about the time you spend listening to others or listening to songs, news, lectures, YouTube, etc Recent advances in technology have served to • raise the profile of the listening skill in language teaching Provides input that can be very significant for second language acquisition in general and for the development of the speaking skill in particular As language teachers, we need to think of how we can incorporate listening into our teaching and provide opportunities both inside and outside the classroom for our students to be exposed to significant listening input However, this problem is a challenge to the current education Thus each teacher needs to develop a plan to effectively match the current reality to help students practice listening properly to improve listening skill In short, this thesis is designed to investigate to deal with obstacles and causes of difficulties in learning English listening for students at Binh Dinh college 1.4 Scope of the study The study limits at finding out the methods in learning English listening skill of students at Binh Dinh college Moreover we also concentrate on studying linguistic problems ( vocabulary, grammar, speed, and intonation) and non- linguistic ones ( skills, psychology, environment, social and cultural knowledge) accessed in the view of both students and lecturers 1.5 Organization of the study The study consists main parts: The introduction, the development and conclusion Part 1: Introduction presents the rationales, aims, significance, scope, and organization in chapter Part 2: Development is divided into chapters Chapter : Literature review- deals with the concept of listening, presents the importance of listening in teaching and learning, gives strategies in learning English listening Chapter 3: Methodology- shows questionnaire and observation Chapter 4: Data analysis and finding- shows the detail results of the survey, conducts some difficulties in learning English listening and some mistakes in learning English listening Part 3: Conclusion and recommendation- consists of conclusion and recommend methods for learning English listening effectively in chapter CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW In chapter one, the introduction of the study has been presented This chapter addresses prominent studies to support the study with the following main areas centering around the concept “listening”: (1) definition of listening, (2) the importance of listening in teaching and learning, (3) strategies in learning English listening 2.1 Definition of listening Listening is one of the most important parts of the oral communication The term is used in order to make oral communication effective There was an idea that “ Students spend 20 percent of all school related hours just listening If television watching and one- half of conversation are included, student spend approximately 50 percent of their time just listening For those hours spend in the classroom, the amount of listening can be also 100 percent “Obviously, it is believed that listening is significant and essential of development in a native language and in a second language; therefore, there have been numerous definitions of listening and listening skill According to Howatt and Dakin(1974) , listening is ability to indentify and understand what others are saying This process involves understanding a speaker’s accent and pronunciation, the speaker’s grammar and vocabulary and comprehension of meaning And able listener is capable of doing these four things simultaneously In addition, Lesley Barker( 2001) states that “ Listening, however, is more than just being able to hear and understand what someone else says, listening skill involves etiquette, asking for clarification, showing empathy and providing an appropriate response.” According to Bulletin(1952), listening is one of the fundamental language skill It is a medium through which children, young people and adult gain a large portion of their education- their information, their understanding of the world and human affairs, their ideals, sense of values, and their appreciation Rubin (1991) defined listening as “the active and dynamic process of attending, perceiving, interpreting, remembering and responding to the expressed verbal and non- verbal needs, and information offered by the human beings” Carol (1993) described listening as a set of activities that involve “the individual’s capacity to apprehend, recognize, discriminate or even ignore.” Wolvin and Coalkley (1985) pointed out that listening is “ the process of receiving, attending to assigning to aural stimuli” This definition suggests that listening is a complex, prolem- solving skill The task of listening is more than perception of sound This view of listening is in accordance with second language theory which considers listening to spoken language as an active and complex process in which listeners focus on selected aspects of aural input, construct 10 Chart 3.1: The students’ opinion towards listening subject Difficult Normal Easy 3.2 The students’ opinion in kinds of listening tests Question In your opinion, which kind of tests are difficult in learning listening? Options % 5% 28% 5% 10% A True /False statements B Fill in the blanks C Matching D Choose right picture for each question E Answer the questions 52% 3.3 The students’ difficulties in learning listening Table 3.3 : Types of difficulties in learning English listening Problem Always Lacking of vocabulary x Difficult in catching native speakers’ speed Bad knowledge of grammar Often Sometimes Never x x Poor equipment quality X Stressfulness of psychology X 3.4 Activities that students often when they listen 16 There are questions in this part This part’s aim is to find out mistakes which students often have when they listen What you often before listening? A B C D E Go through the questions and guess what the topic is about Nothing to just ready to listen Guess the content of the listening Asks about the new words Read the tests’ introduction What you while you are listening? A Listen to word by word B Listen for the detail information C Concentrate on writing when you are listening D Focus on main ideas E Other answers E * What you if you can not understand words or phrases while listening? A Ignore it and keep on listening B Try to guess it’s meaning C Fell depressed and can not listen anymore D Guess it’s meaning later Other answers Statistic from asking questions Question What you often before listening? 2.What you while you are listening? 3.What you if you can not understand words or phrases while listening? A B C D E 11% 37,6% 16,4% 25% 10% 61,4% 8% 20% 10% 30% 46% 13,6% 10% 0,6% 0,4% 3.5 Results collected from the interview questions: 17 Thanks to questions in part 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 , which students at Binh Dinh college answered, the students have an opportunity to state out directly their difficulties in studying translation Beside that, we also listen to the students expectations developing during the time they pursue their studies in translation class From the students responses, we know that there are many difficult in learning listening such as difficult in vocabulary , grammar structures, catching native speakers’ speed, noises, etc Firstly, most students have already recognized vocabulary and grammar are their biggest challenges Most student feel puzzled because of shortage of vocabulary Most of students acknowledge that they lack of vocabulary in understanding what they heard The result is totally true with the result collected from the questionnaire; when listening, students usually encounter with new words and it makes them feel difficult in understanding the whole meaning of records Grammar errors are unavoidable mistake for most students in learning listening Virtually, there are many complicated structures and irregular cases being inserted in the English records, which sometimes make students puzzle If students not know about these structures, they cannot understand exactly its meaning This is the reason why students should be proficient in the use of grammar in order to understand what they were heard well Finally, because there are so many difficulties that students have to surmount in studying listening, they praise some expectations as well as suggestions to their teacher with the aim of being supported to overcome these obstacles In short, thanks to the questionnaires and interview questions, the researchers had collected lots of useful information about the reality, the difficulties, and the expectations of students in learning translation With the helpful results above, the researchers continue to complete the purpose of our research by giving some suggestions to the teachers and the students to help both teachers and students make a progress in teaching and studying 18 CHAPTER DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDING The result from the table of questionnaires for students are shown clearly in previous part through tables 4.1 Opinions on learning listening The student’s opinions in learning listening have been shown in the following chapter And the given question for students is “What you think about listening subject?” There are types of answers which students choose That is because of different levels of students There are 82% of major students and 73% of non- major students assert that listening is difficult Besides 12% of major students and 17% of non-major students think that listening is normal It still remains a few students who feel easy when learning listening, may be they can find out the suitable way to learn this kind of subject effectively The group of students who think that listening is easy, occupies 6% of major students and 10% of nonmajor students It can be inferred that learning listening is a difficult to master; however, there are still few students who think that listening is a normal and easy to learn This is a welcome message in teaching and learning listening 4.2 Opinions on practicing kinds of listening tests From the table in part 3.2, we knew that there are kinds of tests that students have to practice when studying listening As it can be seen from the table, almost all students (52%) think that answering the questions is the most difficult while there are 28% of students choose fill in the blank is less difficult than answering the questions Next, choosing the right picture for each question is answer which students choose with 10% The rest of students choose true/ false statements and matching The difficulties of students in kinds of listening tests reflect students’ common mistakes in learning listening In fact, listening is not easy to master What 19 difficulties they have as well as what mistakes they often make in listening are shown in part 3.3 and 3.4 4.3 Difficulties in practicing English listening From the table in part 3.3, we infer that when students study English listening , students often have some difficulties Most of the students said that they always have “difficulties in vocabulary” such as lack of vocabulary, spelling errors, word order… and “difficult in grammar” In addition, “difficult in catching native speakers’ speed” is also the answer which students often have Finally, poor equipment quality and psychological stress, which students sometimes have All of them make students have more difficulties when learn listening 4.3.1 Lacking of vocabulary From the table above, we can see that almost the students can't learn English listening well because of lacking of vocabulary Vocabulary is important to learn English listening If students know a lot of vocabulary, they will hear and know them easily For example, students learn English listening but they don't have vocabulary or have a little And when they listen to the tape, they don't know what speakers talked or what the tape was about, so they fail in learning English listening Another result of lacking of vocabulary is that when students hear a difficult word, they usually have a tend to guess the words or ignore those words Moreover there are some words which have similar sounds but they are different about the meaning, if students don't have enough words, they will fail For example, some words that students often confuse “south” and “sound” or “end” and “and” If students don't sure about their vocabulary, they will make mistakes 4.3.2 Bad knowledge of grammar Vocabulary is really important but it is not enough for listening Grammar is another special mean to make listening become meaningful If compared to other languages, English is a very flexible language It goes by very strict structures while the Vietnamese language is much more flexible By the way, it does not always use 20 articles In English, there are many tenses being used In many cases, ,listeners can not understand or misunderstand the meaning of sentence if they are bad about English grammar Example: I’ve learned English for years I learned English for years Native speaker not only says very fast but also link the sounds , so it’s hard to hear more clearly word by word The listener can not hear the sentences more exactly Example: What does it mean? 4.3.3 Difficult in catching native speakers’ speed The speaking speed is also one of the reasons that lead to learn English listening badly In learning English listening, students have to listen to the tapes by native speakers Native speakers always speak rapidly and link the sounds, so students can't hear clearly For example, a native speaker says “ There_ is / There_are / That_is / That_are If it is spoken rapidly, students will not able to recognize and separate that words Moreover, the speaking speed is so quickly, the students will miss some important words For example, the speakers say “There_are_eight people in my family” quickly and even link the sounds, the students will miss the words that they need to hear 4.3.4 Poor equipment quality The problem also come from the poor quality of the tapes For example, the cassette may be recorded while there are noises around or the cassette is used for such a long time so the quality is worn out The poor equipment is somehow an obstacle to students in listening For example, in listening comprehension, it is the best place for students to the listening in the laboratory room (lab room) This somehow will bring out the better result for the 21 noises outside can not get through the lab room A good cassette recorder or a CD player may give them the better rather than of the old one 4.3.5 Psychological stress Psychology refers to inspiration, energy, attitudes, rules, standards and also feelings Whenever learning English, psychology is really important To succeed just as one great English speaker, students must learn to manage their feeling Poor emotional status will probably leads to failure For example, if they are generally exhausted, annoyed and depressed, they can find it difficult to listen English well because they have bad concentration They will give up listening or even learning listening skills with lazy way 4.4 Some mistakes in learning English listening 4.4.1 Students don't determine key words or main ideas Key words or main ideas help students listen easily Before listening, students read the requirements or the statements to find out the key words or main ideas so that students can determine what they will hear, students not need to listen all words in the tape But students often have the habit of listening to word by word and try to remember all words in the tape In fact, they can not it and they not know where their answers are? That is the reason why they fail in learning English listening 4.4.2 Students only concentrate on writing while listening When students are listening, they both listen and write word by word Students always think that they just need to write all things what they hear, they can pass English listening But in fact, they can not listen and write all words that they hear because of speaker's speaking speed and students' knowledge Moreover, concentrating on writing very waste time For example, when you are listening to the tape, you afraid that you can not remember the words, so you always 22 concentrate on writing And when you finish writing a sentence, you miss an important sentence, even you don't know what the speakers is talking 4.3.3 Students try to translate into first language when they are listening It takes a lot of efforts if you try to translate into first language when they are listening But you might this because of course you are familiar with and comfortable with your native language And you want to make sense of English, you want to understand, so you naturally try to translate it into your first language so that you can understand what's you going on But translating actually is waste of time You are putting a lot of efforts into converting the meaning of a word into your native language and then converting your thoughts back to English In that time you are not hearing the words that are being spoken while you are translating, and you are not able to focus on the tape So your mind is wasting a lot of energy trying to translate the words that you hear in English into your native language and then back to English so that you can add to the conversation 23 CHAPTER CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter draws conclusion It also recommends some methods for learning English listening well 5.1 Conclusion: Listening is the active process of receiving and responding to spoken (and sometimes unspoken) messages “Listening is not merely talking,” said poet Alice Duer Miller “You can listen like a blank wall or like a splendid auditorium where every sound comes back fuller and richer.” Listening is one of the subjects studied in the field of language arts and in the discipline of conversation analysis 5.2 Recommendations: These are some methods to improve listening skill: 5.2.1 Use mind- mapping for English listening Most of people often take note when they are listening and most of people also feel that what they wrote, it is really confused However, instead of you take note, you can draw a mind- mapping and you will realize that your effectiveness of remembering will increase surprisingly It is because details which you united together and imaged in your memory It is the strong of drawing mind- mapping which is compared with taking note When you are familiar with this method, your score will increase from 20% to 30% Especially in IBT examination, listening skill 24 occupies from 50% to 60% total of score Thus, it is really necessary for listening skill You can draw by hands or draws by software of MindJet MindManager First , you list some subjects and find general points After that you make a form for those subjects I sure that when you look at your mind- mapping, you will remember many details and you also guess many phrases or sentences which you don’t know Example 5.2.2 Listen texts with aim Listen texts with aim is activeness to listen English When you start to listen English, many people give advice that “The more you listen English, the better you 25 will be” However, it is wrong Whether you are studying any language, activeness to learn is always a determined factor that you are successful or not Practice to listen English actively will help you guess meaning of words, phrases, sentences in texts better Moreover, you will remember structure longer If you are active to make a plan to learn English listening and concentrate completely on that plan, you will get higher scores 5.2.3 Teacher should activities before, while and post listening Pre listening, teachers should give some words relating to the topic, ask the students to try to translate and understand words After that the teachers ask the students to find out the key words and underline them While listening stage gives students a guide or framework to practice listening In other words, it helps students to listen better, more accurately, thoroughly through carefully designed comprehension tasks When we listen to something in our every day, we so for a reason Students too need a reason to listen that will focus their attention Ideally, the listening tasks that are designed should guide them the text It is a must that teachers provide useful techniques to facilitate students’ comprehension The following techniques include giving clear instruction, playing tapes on purposes, classifying levels of difficulty of task from easier to more complicated, and so on Post listening stage is like the following-up stage After students have practiced the target skill in the while listening stage, they an extension This help them take the information or whatever they have produced in the previous stage, and other meaningful activities There are common forms that post listening tasks can take They are reactions to the content of the text, and analysis of the linguistic features Therefore, the students can use language naturally in target situations Also, they acquire more deeply the language knowledge ( words, forms, and structures) and develop an understanding of the text much easier 5.2.4 Practicing to listen English with various topics 26 Practicing to listen English with various topics will help you get many new words, update information from a lot of fields in life and you can use them to communicate with others every day Therefore, it will be helpful with your English listening, you can listen through channel Text with more than 30.000 video from 130 countries There are many famous speakers For example, the old president of US is Bill Clinton, he also created Wikipedia and got Nobel prize 5.2.5 Learn words, pronunciation and intonation in records Before you listen, you should choose unknown sentences so that you can look up in the dictionary or through internet After that you can listen and look at the materials to pronounce words and words’ intonation rightly You should also learn by heart those words It means that whenever you need them, you can remember about them immediately, but you needn’t to look the materials again They bring you many benefits if those words appear in other records If you continue doing so in the second, third, etc, you will have much vocabulary When you know many new words and practice to pronounce rightly, of course English listening will become easier and easier for you Listening is a difficult skill, so you need to practice every day If you stop practicing, you will get many difficulties about pronunciation, new words, grammar, etc when you listen 5.2.6 Listen what you like It is humorous for you to listen something which you like, but it is an effective way for improving listening skill If you like music, you can listen English songs If you like films or daily news in English, you can also watch films or listen to daily news regularly It is also the good way so that you can practice speaking skill Moreover, you can get many new words, know how to pronounce of new words correctly Furthermore, you can have other benefit knowledge about Britain Especially you will be familiar with voice of native speakers and you can catch their speaking speed 5.2.7 Practice to listen English with favorite topics 27 According to AJ Hoge, if you listen English every day with your favorite topics, you will maintain desire to listen English better Because you won’t feel pressure and you have interests to listen English more Moreover, you will like to research, and learn knowledge so much With the small tips, you not only update, but you can practice to listen English effectively 5.2.8 Listen with challenge You often leave difficult records whenever we listen However, if you agree to listen difficult records, it will help you practice to guess context, new words or sentences better In addition, it also help you practice to solve suitably when we have difficulties in English listening This is one of the good way to practice listening skill, but you need patience because if we are not patient, we will be discouraged Moreover we also need be quite good about listening skill because if your level are normal, it will be really difficult for you 5.2.9 Listen English about 30 minutes every day Listening is a difficult skill You can’t be good English if you practice or days Therefore, you should practice English listening with a suitable plans regularly even you are busy Listening English about 30 minutes every day will create a good habit for you Thus, you will not be discouraged, but you will practice listening skill happily Thanks to your good habit, your ears will be familiar with voice of native speakers and you will know many new words Moreover, you can guess context, meaning of phrases and sentences in records If you are patient to practice every day, your English listening skill become better 5.2.10 Use abbreviations when you are listening While listening records, you need to write quickly, may be write the words in shortly Example: “comfortable”- “comfort”, “very important person”-“V.I.P” And try to write information as much as possible That things help you listen more information and don’t interrupt the text 28 References Berman, M (2003) Listening strategy guide Dyed international Inc Brown, G (1992) Listening to Spoken English London: Longman Press Cohen, L & Manim, L (1998) Research methods in Education Croom Helm Cross, D (1998) Teach English Oxford: Oxford University Press Flowerdew, J and Miller, L (1996) Student perceptions, problems and strategies in second language lecture comprehension RELC Journal 23 (2), 60–80 Goh,C (1997) Metacognitive awareness and second language listeners ELT Journal 51 (4),361–9 Hasan, A (2000) Learners’ perceptions of listening comprehension problems Language, Culture and Curriculum, 13, 137-153 Hedge, T (2000) Teaching and Learning in the language classroom Oxford University Press Herron, C and Seay, I (1991) The effect of authentic aural texts on student listening comprehension in the foreign language classroom Foreign Language Annals 24, 487–95 Higgins, J.M.D (1995) Facilitating listening in second language classrooms through the manipulation of temporal variables Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Kent at Canterbury Rost, M (1994) Listening London: Longman 29 Weir, C & Robert, J (1994) Evaluation in ELT Oxford: Blackwell Wenden, A (1986) What second language learners know about their language learning? A second look at retrospective account Applied Linguistics (2), 186–205 Willis, J (1981) Teaching English through English London: Longman Yagang, F (1994) Listening: Problems and solutions In T Kral (ed.) Teacher Development: Making the Right Moves Washington, DC: English Language Programs Divisions, USIA 30

Ngày đăng: 12/10/2019, 23:21

