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a An English test MON THI: TIENG ANH L6P 10 SO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO THAI NGUYEN KV Ngi,Y rHI cHgN HQC SINH ct6l cAP rinH nAu ugc 2or3 -2014 oP cuiNH THuc s6 Di thi thi: 2813t2014 Thdi gian llrm biri: 150 phrit (kh6ng k€ thdi gian giao dA) (Thi sinh rirm biri trqc ti6p vho tI6 thi theo hu6ng dfrn ducri m5i ceu; 56 phich (do chir tich HD ehi) Gi6m kh6o sO (hq t0n, chir kf) Gi6m kh6o s6 I (hg t6n, chir k!) Di€m Bing * for gfied students year I 0, 20 I 3'20 I BSng chir ndy gdm trang ilro c itdnh sd t* 1- Thi sinh kidm tra sd trang trudc ldm bdi A LISTENING Questions 1-4: Complete the notes below writeNoMoRETHANTHREEwoRDSforeachanswer Childrenis Art and Craft Workshops Answer (00) Saturdav Example Workshops organized every (00) - Adults must accompany children under - (1) - Cost: t 2.50 Street' - Workshops held in: Winter House, (2) door' open (3) to - Security device: must push the - Should leave car behind the (4) (on 200765)' - Book workshops by phoning the (5) J Questions 6-10: Complete the table below writeNoMORETHANTwowoRDSforeachanswer Next two worksltoPs Children advised to wear Workshop title Date t6ltl Building 2311r (e) (6)- 10 Please (7) (8) (nothing special) (10) bring (if possible) An English test for gifted students - year I O, 2013-2014 B VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I Choose the most suitable word or phrase A, B, C or D to complete each sentence height 11 The police are looking for a man of D special C tall B extra A medium dares to swim in that nobody 12 It's D very deep pool C so a deep pool A such a deep pool B such deep pool just " passed the English exam." 13 "I've D You're welcome B Good idea C Well done A Thank you job application, we regret that the position has been filled 14 _your D With regard to C In addition to B Instead of A In spite of last 15 I hope that this winter won't be _ D as cold like C so cold like B so cold as A as cold than exams! 16 The worst part of the year is the summer, when we have toD take C answer B set A make jumper eyes her because it looked nice 17 The blue D combined C matched B fitted A suited you with those bags? 18 Hang on! - I help D Will I be helping C Am I helping B Shall A Am I going to help {' you?" 19 "You don't - like playing computer games, B No, I like A Yes, I don't like D Yes, I think so C No, not at all dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive 20 D However C As B Whatever A Although you! guitar well play as the as 2I.lf only I D might C should B could A would I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable 22.The party, D at which C to which B for which A.by which to hear the speech opportunity 23 Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone D should have C may have B must have A ought to have ? 24.lcanmeet you at Central Station Will B that convenient A convenient for you -an D yo,y be convenient C that be convenient 25."Do you mind waiting a few minutes?" D Not at all C I hope not B Never mind A Don't worry 11 12 13, 14 15 t6 17 18 19 20 2t 22 ZJ 24 25 II The following passage contains TEN errors Underline and correct them (26-35) Clean freshwater resources are essential for drinking, bathing, cooking, irrigation, industry, and for plant and animal survive Unfortunately, the global supply of freshwater is distributing unevenly Chronic water shortages exist in almost of Africa and drought is common over many of the globe The sources of most freshwater supplies - groundwater (water located below the soil surface), reservoirs, and rivers - is under severe and increased environmental stress because of overuse, water pollution, and ecosystem degradation Over 95 percent of urban sewage in developing countries is discharged untreated into surface water such as rivers and harbors About 65 percentage of the global freshwater supply is used in farm and25 percent is using in industry Freshwater conservation therefore requires a reduction in wasteful practices like inefflcient irrigation, refbrms in agriculture and industry, and strict pollution controls worldwhile An 'lish stude nts te.sl 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 JJ 34 - I O, 201 3-2014 3s III to form a word that fits in the space' Read the text below, using the word given in brackets Australia population distribution, with more people living in For years, Australia has had an irregular pattem of than in the interior of in (36 COAST)- ur.ur, rp.ciatty the east and south-east, towns and cities still more (37' EVEN)- distributed with a the country Since the 1940s, theffiulation has b-ecome c_ities Cities are now the (38' ECON0MY)significant rise in the numbei orpeopte living in these their (39 GROW)- has b-een the number of people centers of the country An important element in in the second half of the twentieth century' from Europe and Asia emigrating to Australia, especially cities because (41' EMPLOY)- was easy to The new (40 ARRIVE) dJcided to stay in the people who originally came from over 150 find there Today, tt e popurution of Austraiia includes of people in Australia's cities so countries At one time, what made the (42' CONCENTRATE)- (43.REMARK)-wasthecountry,sdependenceolthg.*po.tofagriculturalproduce-indeed,the not *as founded on the iroduction of wtreaf and wool' This has since changed' of country,s (45' EXPAND) ".ono*y b1] also with the rapid only with increased (44 INDUSTRY) - activitV, tourist and recreational facilities Tourisffinow Australia's largest export industry' C READING COMPREHENSION C, or D, best fits each space' I Read the texts below and decide which answer A, B, What is the beautY in a Person? to another (47) It is said that what one (46)_ considers beauty may not be beautiful I think true beauty noionly to the y.r, but also to other senses that (4g) -beauty i; il;a;g (49) something of realization or insight you gir makes you see beyond the tovety sight rt *itt in people, we often refer to their (50) about-U.urty welalk beyond the appearance When - the But I find that face is pleasant to (51) attractiveness Of course, a beautiful or handsome ,,beautiful people" are those who have gbod personalities behind their pretty face' most memorable wtrat known as the inside beauty' People (52) _kind of beauty in people that attract us greatly is usually care abo_uJ their fellow-man, and try with this kind of u.uuty have attained inner p.u l They Mandela, princess Diana and Mother Teresa are to right the justice in th-is worrd As you know, Nelson ' well-known for these personalities' , , r ,r.\ +^ people in to -onnla whoare always ready to lend (53) In fact, around us, we know many people ' of floods inMekong Delta' the disabled or the poor trouble Many people in our city provid.ii+l p.ople go to rural, mountainous or island areas to help with clothes, money and food Many yourg better' This world pJople because they make the people there w g.#rv admire th d;;t oiir,.r inner beauty gives certain radiance to their looks' r^ L^-,^ +L -r Inshort,everyonehas(55)ideaofbeauty,andweneedtohavethings,peopleandplaces of beauty in our everyday life' Do you think so? A individual B Persons B' For me 47 A With me B' Pleases 48 A pleasant 46 C, people C To me C pleased D member D Of me D pleasing An Eng,li:;h lcst for gifted students - ,vear I 0, 201 3-2A l4 A interesting 50 A physic 5i A look for 52 A Another 53 A hands 54 A people's 55 A his own 49 D interestingly D physical D Iook in D Another's D the hands D victims D her own C interest C physicist C look at C Others C the hand C members C their own B interested B physics B look after B Other B a hand B individuals B our own 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 II Fill in each numbered blank ONE suitable word Going to party can be fun and enjoyable lf you are invited to a party, call your (56) up early to inform him or her of whether you are going If you want to bring someone who has not with you, you should ask for permission' bien invited (57) tt e party You will stick out like a sore thumb if Remember to dress appropriately (58) (59) _ everyone else is in T-shirt and jeans If you are not sure (60) you are dressed formally to wear, ask your host .During the party you may perhaps like to help your host by offering to serve drinks or (61) efforts If you happen to be in a party you _ the dishes.nour-host would certainly appreciate these attentions This is inconsiderate since host's Oo not know anyone, not (62) _to monopolize the your host has many people to attend to and cannot spend all his / her time with you Instead, learn to the ice by introducing yourself to someone mingle with otheri ut tt party You could try (63) _ who is friendly-looking to thank your host first If you have the time, you Before you leave the party, (64) _ up the place' could even offer to help your host (65) - III Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each question PART-TIME JOBS FOR TEENAGERS AND YOUNG ADULTS part-time jobs for American students are very popular but usually begin during their high school job for a teenager days Besides working in fast food restaurants and small cafeterias, a very popular in America is baby-si-tting This has its greatest appeal among teenage girls and a good baby sitter can earn quite a bit if she is reliable, responsible and mature It is not necessarily an easy job and requires both social skills and general competence A good babysitter should know how to ihung diapers and earn the respect of the children she is watching She must be able to get the children ieady for bed and keep an eye on them even while they are sleeping In addition, she ihould be able to handle any unexpected emergency with common sense and be calm which at all times She should know the emergency numbers of the hospital and police for situations require assistance If she is really Once the children are asleep the baby sitter is free to watch TV or listen to music not tie up conscientious about her studies, she may well spend the time doing homework but should with her the phone with personal calls just in case the parents want to be in contact An English test.for gifted students - yeqr 10, 2013-2014 Such a job often involves working on Friday and Saturday nights when many married couples like to their children in the night going to a movie 6r the theater On such occasions they will leave ,p.ra tire care ofa dependable babY-sitter young boys is managing a paper route or Other part-time jobs which are popular especially amgng jobs also require a sense of maturity and mowing the lawns of people i., tne's neighborhobd Th.tt Young boys who run ,.rponribility and un b.'u source of gooa income for a high school student' the daily news regardless of the paper routes are required to get up uriy in the morning to deliver to be delivered every day without weather This job hu, no noliOayi and requires the newspaper exception In America there are no newspaper holidays' that they also periodically rid If they choose to mow lawns, part of the job responsibilities may require sun or thinned out by wear' the it of weeds and occasionally re-seed areas whicir have been burned by for the teenager' The young During the winter u ,ro*.to.rn can become another Source of income with a shovel and offer to clear boys make their rounds through their neighborhood equipped buried in a meter of snow' These jobs' sidewalks or stoops in front of ho*e, or t; dig out a car and a spirit of the entrepreneur' dependent on the weather, require stamina, diligence, discipline in Japan, in American they are While part-time jobs for high schools students may be frowned upon responsibility and respect for others' often seen as an opportunit! to teach young peopll about work and to share in the making of society' The young people learn how to become purt oitr, adult world 66.Wen most American students ossltme part time iobs? B' During the summer' A In the early mornings and evenings' D on the weekends c During higir school 6T.Whichoftheseisproboblyexpectedfromababy-sitte-r? be over eighteen to be an adult' A She should be a good st;de;t at hi;h school B She should not get impatient or lose herself' C She should be conscientious about-her studies D She should 68 Which is not a responsibility for a baby-sitter? B To keep a careful watch over the children' A To make sure the children are safe to their homework' c To be sure the children go to bed on time D To get the children 69 Wen is the most popular time to work part-time? D' During the holidays' A In the evening B On weekends c In the early morning 70 Which is a popular job for young boys? B Gas station attendant A Baby_sitting- D' Tutoring' C Mowing a neighbor's lawn job besides the chance to make money? 71 What is the valie of a part-time B' It teaches responsibility' A It fills in the time D It protects against boredom' c It fills up free time 72 What is ihe disadvantage of maintaining a morning paper raute? B It often rains in the moming' A There are no holidays D The pay is not very good' C Students are often late to school 73 Why young boys enioy a winter 'snoutstorm? A There is no school when it snows B They can make snowrnen and igloos' C They can enjoy winter sports such as skiing' D They can make money shoveling snow from driveways' 74 How many newspaper holidays are there in America'? one in the spring and one in the fall' A There are four: one in each season B There are two: D' There are 12: one in every month' C There are none johs be.sicles responsibility and respect.fbr others? 75 What ao yourg people learn on their part-time A They learn thi value of money to make a better life' B They learn that all is not study and play' C They learn more at work than they learn at school' D They learn how to become part of thd adult world' 66 67 68 69 - yeqr 70 l1 72 t3 74 75 lest An students I 0, 20 I 3-20 I D WRITING given word I Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first onen using the Do not change the given word 76.Her ability to run a company really impresses me (IMPRESSED) 77 A child cannot sit still for 15 minutes' (IMPOSSIBLE) 78 I was never allowed to walk barefbot when I u'as a child (LET) My parents (TOO) 79 They couldn't understand the lecturer because she spoke so fast The lecturer spoke g0 I haven't seen my brother since he left for Australia (LAST) The "' was before he left for Australia' has a similar meaning to the first sentence Use the word given and other words to complete each sentence' 81.I'm only interested in why he did it II Complete the second sentence so that it The only thing 82 My brother works better when he's pressed for time' The less 83 Their chances of success are small It is not g4 I was not surprised to hear that Harry had failed the exam It came 85 Whoever did that must have been a very brave person' Only 86 It's nobody's fault that the meeting was cancelled' Nobody 87 The policies of the two parties are very similar' There isn'1 people to bolunce their work ond leisure time in order to ltave study and relaxiltion"' cretrtiveness ot wori iimiiarty, students olso neecl to bohnce their lll ,,h is necesssry for To what extent you agree with the above statement? Write a composition around 180 words' (88-100) An English Total mark: 100:5: 20 , The end test for gifted students - year I 0, 201 3-20 I ... (46)_ considers beauty may not be beautiful I think true beauty noionly to the y.r, but also to other senses that (4g) -beauty i; il;a;g (49) something of realization or insight you gir makes... r^ L^-,^ +L -r Inshort,everyonehas(55)ideaofbeauty,andweneedtohavethings,peopleandplaces of beauty in our everyday life' Do you think so? A individual B Persons B' For me 47 A With me B' Pleases... extent you agree with the above statement? Write a composition around 180 words' (88 -100 ) An English Total mark: 100 :5: 20 , The end test for gifted students - year I 0, 201 3-20 I