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Writing 1: Writing transformation Her success went beyond her expectation Never Tony is very charming, but I wouldn'nt trust him Charming I left without dsaying goodbye as I didn't want to disturb the meeting Rather than If there is an emergency, ring this number In case The thieft must have come in through the window The thieft almost Driving at that spees is dangerous although you are an experienced driver or not However Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperanto to a unique language Unlike You won't find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs Jones Nowhere The play is so popular that the theatre is likely to be full every night Such is 10 Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves All dogs Writing 2: Our picnic was cancelled because it rained heavily last Sunday If They couldn't deceive customers although they used attractive advertidement Whatever Because the chemicals were properly combined, the prescription has brought about the expected result Because of Newspapers report that hundreds of people died in the eartquake last week Hundreds of people I dislike it when people criticise me unfairly I object Years ago women were too busy to take part in social activities Years ago women didn't " The Times" was first printed 200 years ago It is John outran the others in the race John was Although he was tired, he managed to finish the marathon race In spite of 10 I must have my suit cleaned before the interview My suit needs Writing 3: You wouldn't find any more affectionate animal anywhere in the world No Liz said unforgivable things to her father at the dinner party What The realisation that I had been swindled came much later Only It is fairly unlikely that he will be convicted of the offence There You won't find out if they are open if you don't phone them Without The rain brought about the cancellation of the tennis match The tennis match The reason why he applied for a job abroad was to earn more money With a The fog is heavier than usual tonight There The fete will take place on Sunday, come rain or shine Whether 10 Failing promt payment, The goods must be returned by you You must either Writing 4: It was more of an argument than a discussion It was not so Thanks to her uncle's legacy of 15,000 dollars she was able to buy the house she wanted Had her Batigol is the footballer I admire most of all There is the man's life was of great poverty Throughout There was no precedent for the king resignation Never These new machines have put an end to queuing Before these Tien Giang is a far less hilly province than Lamdong Lam Dong has There isn't a pair of jeans left in the shop, Miss! We are completely A house in this district will cost you at least 100,000 dollars You won't be 10 She doesn't know why they are attracted to spending all day on the beach She can't see Writing 5: The collision didn't damaged my sar much Not a great What has this axperience taught you? What conclusion To pass the time I look through some magazines I whiled Just thinking about his face at that moment makes me laugh The very I will only be satisfied if the manager apologises fully Nothing short Tony's very charming but I wouldn't trust him Charming I thought about what had happened all those years before I cast I almost gave up at one point I came very He said that he had won as a result of good luck He attributed 10 Scientists have tried very hard to find a cure for this disease Enormous Writing 6: They will not announce the dicision faormally No formal They believe that the robbers got into the bank through the roof The robbers Karajan was the first person to recognise her extra-ordinary musical gift It Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperabto a unique language Unlike Thanks to Laura's support I was able to finish the project Had it It was his over-confidence that led to his defeat in the Wimbledon final If They have been living in Germany for years now It I have never been to Paris before This is I am determined to refuse his offer I have no 10 " Why don't you buy a new coat?" – Mary said to her hussband Mary suggested Writing 7: In his recent article, Bob Lee pointed out all the faults in the government's new transport policy In his recent artilce, Bob Lee was The company have been reviewing their recruitment policy for the last three months The company's I'm absolutely sure he took the money on purpose He couldn't possibly He delayed writing his book until he had done a lot of research Only after They declaired war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights The excuse I feel that I don't fit with the people in the new office I feel like Skysrapers in the USA are on average taller than anywhere else in the world The average We were very impressed by the new cinema but found it rather expensive Impressed It's more than a fortnight snice anyone saw Julian Julian 10 The deadline for the receipt of complete application forms is 00p m on Friday, 18th Dcember Complete application Writing 8: Whoever did that must be very brave person Only Doris tipoeed up the stairs because she didn't want to wake anyone up To Nancy is proud of being a good cook Nancy prides My protests were ignored by everyone Nobody Kate is the only real friend that Doris has Except Rita doesn't realise how serious her husband's operation is going to be Little He decide to repair the things himself and not to take it back to the shop Rather Offering her more money wouldn't make any difference Answers: I Never had she expected she was so successful./ such success Charming as/ though Tony/ he is/ may be, I wouldn't trust him/ Tony Rather than disturb the meeting, I left without saying goodbye In case of emergency, ring this number The thieft almost certainly came in through the window However experinced a driver you are/ you are as a driver, driving at that speed is dangerous Unlike other languages, Esperanto has no irregular verbs Nowhere will/ can you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs Jones Such is the popularity of the play that the theatre is likely to be full every night 10 All dogs are thought (by experts) to have evolved from wolves II If it hadn't rained heavily last Sunday, our picnic woudn't have been cancelled Whatever attractive advertisement they used, they couldn't deceive customers Because of the proper combination of the chemicals, the prescription has brought about the expected result Hundreds of people were reported to have died in the earthquake last week I object to people criticising me unfairly Years ago women didn't have (enough) free time to take part in social activities It is 200 years since "The Times" was first printed John was the fastest runner in the race In spite of his tiredness, he managed to finish the marathon race 10 My suit needs cleaning before the interview II Nowhere in the world would you find a more affectionate animal What Liz said to her father at the party was unforgivable Only much later did I realize that I had been Swindled There is little likehood of his being convicted of the offence Without phoning them, you won't/ can't find out if they are open The tennis match was rained off With a view to earning more money, he applied for a abroad There is more fog tonight than there usually is Whether it rains or shines, the fete will take place on Sunday 10 You must either pay the bill at once or return the goods IV It was not so much a discussion as an argument Had her uncle not died and left/ given her (a lagacy of) $15,000, she would not have have been able to buy the house she wanted There is no footballer (that/ who/ whom) I admire more than Batigol Throughout his life the man was very poor/ suffered from great poverty Never before had a/ any/ the King resigned Before these machines were invented people had to queue Lam Dong has more hills than Tien Giang We are completely (sold) out of jeans, Miss! You won't be able to buy/ get a house in this district (for) less than/ under $100,000 10 She can't see the attraction of spending all day on the beach V Not a great deal/ amount of damage was done/ caused to my car in/ by the collision What conclusion have you drawn/ come to from/ as a result of/ because of this experience? I whiked away my time (by) looking through some magazines The very thought of his face at that moment makes me laugh Nothing short of a full apology from the manager will satify me Charming as Tony maybe, I wouldn't trust him I cast my mind back to what had happened all those years before I came very close/ near to giving up at one point He attributed his win/ vitory/ success to good luck 10 Enormous efforts have been made (by scientists) to find a cure for this disease VI No formal announcement of the dicision eill be made The robbers are believed to have got into the bank through the roof It was Karajan who first recognised her extra-ordinary musical gift Unlike other languages, Esperanto has no irregular verbs Had it not been Laura's support, I would not have been able to finish the project If he hadn't been (so) over-confidence, he would'n have been beatn in the Wimblendon final It is years since they moved to/ went to live in Germany This is the first time I have been to Paris I have no intetion of accepting his offer 10 Marry suggested to her brother that he should buy/ buy/ bought a new coat VII In his recent article, Bob Lee was critical of the government's new transport policy The company's recruitment policy has been under review for the last three months He couldn't possibly have taken the money by mistake Only after he had done a lot of research did he begin to write the book The excuse for the declairation of war was the defence of their territorial rights I feel like a fish out of water in the new office The average skyscraper in the USA is taller/ higher/ bagger than anywhere else in the world Or : The average height/ size of skyscraper in the USA is greater than anywhere else in the world Impressed as we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive Julian was last seen (more than) a fortnight/ two weeks ago 10 Complete application forms must be handed in/ returned/ redeived/ submitted by/ no later then 00 p m on Friday, 18th December ... damaged my sar much Not a great What has this axperience taught you? What conclusion To pass the time I look through some magazines I whiled Just thinking about his face at that moment makes... Rather than disturb the meeting, I left without saying goodbye In case of emergency, ring this number The thieft almost certainly came in through the window However experinced a driver you are/... as a result of/ because of this experience? I whiked away my time (by) looking through some magazines The very thought of his face at that moment makes me laugh Nothing short of a full apology

Ngày đăng: 19/08/2019, 21:45

