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Restlet in action developing RESTful web APIs in java

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Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com Developing RESTful web APIs in Java Jérôme Louvel Thierry Templier Thierry Boileau FOREWORD BY Brian Sletten MANNING www.Ebook777.com Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com Restlet in Action www.Ebook777.com Restlet in Action DEVELOPING RESTFUL WEB APIS IN JAVA JÉRÔME LOUVEL THIERRY TEMPLIER THIERRY BOILEAU MANNING SHELTER ISLAND Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com For online information and ordering of this and other Manning books, please visit www.manning.com The publisher offers discounts on this book when ordered in quantity For more information, please contact Special Sales Department Manning Publications Co 20 Baldwin Road PO Box 261 Shelter Island, NY 11964 Email: orders@manning.com ©2013 by Manning Publications Co All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks Where those designations appear in the book, and Manning Publications was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, it is Manning’s policy to have the books we publish printed on acid-free paper, and we exert our best efforts to that end Recognizing also our responsibility to conserve the resources of our planet, Manning books are printed on paper that is at least 15 percent recycled and processed without the use of elemental chlorine Manning Publications Co 20 Baldwin Road PO Box 261 Shelter Island, NY 11964 Development editor: Copyeditor: Proofreaders: Typesetter: Cover designer: Jeff Bleiel Corbin Collins Elizabeth Martin, Melody Dolab Dennis Dalinnik Marija Tudor ISBN: 9781935182344 Printed in the United States of America 10 – MAL – 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 www.Ebook777.com To my father, Guy Louvel, for his love of life and people and for inspiring my passion for computers —J.L brief contents PART PART PART GETTING STARTED 1 ■ Introducing the Restlet Framework ■ Beginning a Restlet application 13 ■ Deploying a Restlet application 46 GETTING READY TO ROLL OUT 79 ■ Producing and consuming Restlet representations 81 ■ Securing a Restlet application ■ Documenting and versioning a Restlet application 151 ■ Enhancing a Restlet application with recipes and best practices 165 121 FURTHER USE POSSIBILITIES 201 ■ Using Restlet with cloud platforms 203 ■ Using Restlet in browsers and mobile devices 10 ■ Embracing hypermedia and the Semantic Web 274 11 ■ The future of Restlet vii 294 242 Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com contents foreword xvii preface xix acknowledgments xxi about this book xxiii about the cover illustration xxvii PART GETTING STARTED 1 Introducing the Restlet Framework 1.1 “Hello World” with Restlet Coding a ServerResource subclass Using the ClientResource class 1.2 ■ Overview of the Restlet Framework Running the server Main benefits of the Restlet API Overall design of the Restlet Framework 10 Available editions and deployment targets 11 ■ ■ 1.3 Summary 12 Beginning a Restlet application 13 2.1 2.2 The purpose of Restlet applications 14 The structure of Restlet applications 15 ix www.Ebook777.com INDEX ClientProxy interface 52 ClientResource 268, 270, 350, 353, 355–357 and helper methods 116– 117 source for calls 35–38 using 7–8 with GWT client side 252 ClientResource.get(Class) method 180 ClientResource.put(Object) method 168 ClientResource.setRequestEntityBuffering(true) method 208 client-side support, of Restlet edition for Android 268– 271 clientTrust.jks 140 cloud platforms 203–241 Amazon Elastic Beanstalk 211–214 deploying applications in 212–214 overview 211–212 Amazon S3 230–233 accessing resources 230– 233 benefits of 204–207 client access to services 206–207 SaaS portability 204–205 Google App Engine 207–211 deploying applications in 208–210 Google Accounts authentication for 210–211 overview 207–208 URL fetch service for 221 OData protocol 221–230 calling services for 228–230 generating classes for 226– 228 overview 222–226 SDC extension for 235–240 implementing 238–240 in Google App Engine 240 installing agent 236–238 overview 235–236 Windows Azure 214–220, 233–235 configuring storage accounts 233 deploying applications in 215–220 overview 214–215 using table service 233–235 Cloud to Device Messaging See C2DM cloudapp.net domain 220 cloud-scale databases 192 CloudWatch monitoring 212 CN (Common Name) 123 code annotations 302–303 com.google.gwt.json.client package 253 com.sun.security.auth UserPrincipal 139 com.sun.syndication.feed.synd SyndFeed 407 command line, compiling with 349 command pattern 247 Command-line tools 209 commit() method 33 committed property 33 Common Name See CN common services for applications 22–24 Comparator object 173 Component class 50–53, 317 declarative XML configuration 62 Component.defaultHost property 59 Component.hosts property 59 Component.internalRouter property 196 Component.main() method 63 Component.services property 61 Component() method 90 components 9, 47–48 in REST architecture style 364 models 368 structure of 48–49 XML configuration for 62–63 compressing representations 186–187 computeDigest() method 148– 150 conditional methods 190–191 processing property 33 conf/settings.xml file 329 ConfidentialAuthorizer 144, 320 configuration file 219 per module 244 419 Configure Variables button 339 Connector class 53, 317 connectors 9, 299, 405 in REST architecture style 364–365 Servlet engine as 68–70 ConnectorService 22 connectTimeout 54 ConnegService 22, 300–301 Console view 342 construction phase 374, 376 consuming feeds 180 linked data 291–293 Contact class 287, 381 ContactRepresentation 252, 254 Contacts class 252 Contacts resource 395 ContactsResourceProxy 256 ContactsServiceImpl 260–261 containers, Servlet engine as 70–71 content negotiation Content-Encoding 186 ContentHandler interface 290 ContentHandler() method 92 Content-Length header 221 problem 185 Content-MD5 header 148–150 Content-Type header 225 Context class 21, 143, 196, 317 context, of applications 20–22 ConverterHelper 321 converters 406–408 ConverterService 22, 39, 259, 290, 299–300 CookieAuthenticator 172, 410 cookie-based authentication 169 cookies 169–172 CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) 259 Create AVD button 264 create method 251 Create Project from Scratch option 345 Create storage account button 233 create() method 41 createQuery method 228 createChildContext() method 22 420 createClapReference() method 411 createElementNS(String, String) method 96 createInboundRoot method 18, 26, 51, 66, 170, 210, 261 createObjectMapper() method 107 createProductQuery method 229 createRiapReference() method 411 createTransformer() method 89 createwapackage 218 credentials 130–134 receiving in response 132– 133 setting in request 130–132 support for proxy authentication 133–134 verifying 136–139 DigestAuthenticator class 138 SecretVerifier class 136– 137 using JAAS 138–139 Credentials cookie 171 CRL (Certificate Revocation Lists) 129 cross-domain requests in Restlet edition for GWT 257–259 in server-side extension for GWT 261–262 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing See CORS cscfg file 219 csdef file 219 cspack.jar 216 CSR (certificate signing request) 125 cURL 355 currentLogger property 22 CUSTOM scheme 131 D Dalvik Debug Monitor Server See DDMS Dart edition 301 data layer 384 model for RDF 282–283 objects 244 package 317–318 INDEX database sharding, replication 192 Date class 83 DDMS (Dalvik Debug Monitor Server) tool 266 Debian Linux project 326 debug parameter 237 debugging 357–358 DecoderService 22, 186 deeplyAccessible property 173 DefaultHandler class 94 defaultMatchQuery property 29 DefaultSslContextFactory 128 defaultVerifier property 22 deferred binding 249, 259 activated during compilation phase 255 supported data format 257 DELETE method 38, 224, 232, 235, 389–390 delete() method 8, 34, 37 deleteProduct method 229–230 deploying applications 46–77 and Restlet components 47– 48 structure of 48–49 in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk 212–214 in Google App Engine 208– 210 in Java EE server 67–76 in OSGi environments 73– 76 Oracle XML DB extension for 71–72 Restlet framework as library 72–73 Servlet engine as connector for components 68–70 Servlet engine as container of applications 70–71 Servlet extension for 67–68 in Windows Azure 215–220 with Java SE 50–62 Component class 50–53 configuring services for 61– 62 server and client connectors 53–57 virtual hosting for 57–61 XML configuration for 62–67 with components 62–63 with Spring framework 63– 67 describeGet(MethodInfo) 157 Descriptor file 217 design implementation 40, 373 developed extensions 325 digest property 84 DigestAuthenticator 136, 138, 410 DigesterRepresentation 148– 150, 318 digesting representation digesting 148– 149 without losing content 149– 150 DigestVerifier 136, 138 Directory class 54, 172–173, 277, 319 discussion groups 414 Disk-based file 177 Display table 234 disposition property 84 distributed objects 366 systems 368 distributions 328–334 Eclipse update site 331–334 Maven repository 328–330 Windows installer 331 zip files 330–331 doCatch(Throwable) method 175 documenting 151–164 overview 152 pitfalls for 152–153 recommendations for 153– 154 WADL converting documents to HTML 163–164 overview 154–155 WadlApplication class 155– 156 WadlServerResource class 156–163 describing single resource with 162–163 improving description of existing server resources with 158–162 methods for 156–158 doInit() method 31, 34, 51, 115 DOM API, XML representations using 89–91 domain parameter 237 DomRepresentation 94–95, 99 properties and methods 89 doRelease() method 31, 34 421 INDEX download.vbs 217 DynamicContentServer 187 E Eclipse 336–341 support plug-in 209 update site for 331–334 Eclipse Modeling Framework See EMF editions 322–327 extensions for 324–326 for Android 324 for Google App Engine 323 for Google Web Toolkit 323 for Java EE 323 for Java SE 322 for OSGi Environments 323 logical versions 326–327 versioning scheme for 327 elaboration phase 373–376 EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) 104 EmfRepresentation class 104 EncoderService 22, 186 encodings property 82 enddef marker 302–303 Engine class 321, 358 Enroler interface 141–142, 210, 319 default for 143 ephemeralPort 54 error pages 174–176 errorHandler 98 ESB (Enterprise Service Buses) 308 E-Tag (entity tag) 189 exhaust() method 149 existing property 33 expand property 228 expirationDate property 84 Expires header 188 exposing feeds 178–179 extending variables 341 extensions 321–322 for editions 324–326 for Restlet edition for Android 267–268 external actors 379 Extractor filter 27 F Feed class 381 feeds 178–180 Feeds resource 395 feedTableList.getEntries() method 234 Fielding, Roy T 361 file attachment field 176–177 FILE client 55 file uploads 176–177 FileRepresentation 277, 318 Filter class 24, 27, 319 filter property 228 filtering for processing 24–27 Finder class 31 finderClass property 20 FoafBrowser, launch 292 followRedirects property 36, 182 Form class 167–168, 176, 277, 320 formattedOutput property 103 FormDataSet class 277 forms 166–168 framework 315–327 editions 322–327 extensions for 324–326 for Android 324 for Google App Engine 323 for Google Web Toolkit 323 for Java EE 323 for Java SE 322 for OSGi environments 323 logical versions 326–327 versioning scheme for 327 extensions 321–322 Restlet API 315–320 data package 317–318 representation package 318 resource package 318–319 root package 316–317 routing package 319 security package 319–320 service package 320 util package 320 Restlet engine 321 FreeMarker extension, template representations using 109–111 FreeMarker template 166, 175, 193 FTP_PLAIN scheme 131 future of Restlet 299–307 APISpark platform 306–307 connectors 299 contributing to 310 Dart edition 301 enhancements 299–301 CacheService 299 ConnegService 300–301 ConverterService 299–300 JAVA support 299 size optimization 301 unified bean converter 300 JavaScript edition 301 Restlet Apps 304–305 Restlet Cloud 305 Restlet forge 303–304 Restlet Studio 305 third-party projects 308–310 integration efforts 308–309 stacks 309–310 using code annotations 302– 303 G GAE (Google App Engine) 11, 14, 205, 207–211 deploying applications in 208–210 editions for 323 Google Accounts authentication for 210–211 overview 207–208 SDC extension in 240 URL fetch service for 221 GaeAuthenticator 210 GaeEnroler class 210 GData (Google Data) 222 Generator class 226 GET method 163–164, 279, 387, 390 and @Get 38 calling remote web resource 247 for information retrieval 391 retrieve state of resource 190 updating description 157 get() method 6, 8, 34, 37, 39, 115 getAttributes() method 21 getChallengeRequests() method 133 getChannel() method 84 getChild method 251 getClientResource method 52, 119, 257 getConverterService() method 32 getCookies() method 31 getCookieSettings() method 31 getCount property 229 422 getDefaultHost() method 60 getDocument method 89, 254 getElementsByTagName method 254 getEncoderService() method 186 getFirstChild method 254 getFirstValue(String name) method 168 getFoafProfile() method 288, 290 getJsonArray() method 253 getMetadataService() method 32 getName() method 141 getParent method 251 getQuery() method 31 getReader() method 84, 149 getReference() method 31 getRegisteredClients method 269 getRegisteredConverters method 269 getRepresentation(Status, Request, Response) method 174 getRequest() method 31, 35 getRequestAttributes() method 33, 35 getResourceInfo() method 156 getResponse() method 31, 33 getRoles() method 141 getStream() method 84, 89, 149 getText() method 84, 149 getUser() method 141 getValuesArray(String name) method 168 getWebRepresentation() method 168 Git server 414 GitHub platform 414 global library 344 Google App Engine See GAE Google SDC agent 236 Google search 389–390 Google Web Toolkit See GWT Gourley, David 391 Graph class 286 GraphBuilder class 291 GraphHandler 290–291, 293 groups, for user roles 142–143 GWT (Google Web Toolkit) 11, 242–246 and REST 246 Android 262–272 overview 263 INDEX requirements for 263–267 Restlet edition for 267–272 editions for 323 installing 244–245 overview 243–244 Restlet edition for 247–259 architecture flexibility 249 automatic object serialization support 255–257 client-side API 250–252 concepts of 248–249 handling cross-domain requests 257–259 JSON representations in 252–254 RequestBuilder class 247– 248 XML representations in 252–254 server-side extension for 259– 262 handling cross-domain requests 261–262 with GWT-RPC 260–261 GWT object 256–257, 259, 309 GWT.create static method 255 GWT-specific object 256 H handle method 31, 38, 251, 350 handle(Request, Response) method 316, 358 HATEOAS (hypermedia as the engine of application state) 274 principle 275 HEAD method 391 head() method 34, 37 headers, Restlet properties for 399 health check 212, 214 helloClientResource.get() method helloServer.start() method HelloServerResource 6, 182, 187 HelloWorld class 340, 345, 347 HelloWorld.java class 349 HelloWorld.main() method 347 help discussion groups 414 online documentation 413– 414 Javadocs 413 wiki 413–414 professional services 414 repositories 414 Helper class 321 homeRef property 174 Host header 221 hostDomain property 58 hostPort property 58 hostScheme property 58 HTML redirections 181 HTML table 166 HTTP Client 56 HTTP content negotiation 113– 119 combining annotated interfaces and converter service 117–119 configuring client preferences 116–117 declaring resource variants for 115–116 overview 113–114 HTTP protocol 8–9, 118, 214, 223–224, 255–256, 388 alternatives to 296–298 SPDY protocol 297–298 SSE 297 WebSocket protocol 296– 297 and REST architecture style 365–366 headers, Restlet properties for 399 history of 295 HTTP/1.1 bis initiative 296 main ones 390 Restlet classes for 398 using correctly 391–392 HTTP WWW-Authenticate header 132 HTTP_AWS_QUERY scheme 131 HTTP_AWS_S3 scheme 131, 231–232 HTTP_AZURE_SHAREDKEY scheme 131, 234 HTTP_AZURE_SHAREDKEY_L ITE scheme 131 HTTP_BASIC scheme 131 HTTP_COOKIE scheme 131 HTTP_DIGEST scheme 131 HTTP_NTLM scheme 131 HTTP_OAUTH scheme 131 HTTP/1.1 bis initiative 296 HTTP/HTTPS client 55 HttpAwsQueryHelper 410 INDEX HttpAzureSharedKeyHelper 410 HttpAzureSharedKeyLite 410 HttpBasicHelper 410 HTTPS, enabling 126–128 HttpServlet class 316 HttpServletResponse method 72 HttpURLConnection class 56, 221, 240, 268, 315 hyperdata 278–280, 383 hypermedia 275–280, 395 defined 276 HATEOAS principle 275 hyperdata 278–280, 383 hypertext defined 276 support for 276–277 hypermedia as the engine of application state See HATEOAS hypertext defined 276 support for 276–277 I IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) 204 IDE (integrated development environment) 334–349 command line compiling 349 Eclipse 336–341 IntelliJ IDEA 345–348 NetBeans 343–345 idempotent methods 391 requests identifier property 83 IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) 122 ifdef marker 303 If-Match header 190 If-Modified-Since header 190 ifndef marker 303 If-None-Match header 190 If-Unmodified-Since header 190 implementation testing 373 inbound root 16, 18, 26 server redirection 181 inboundRoot property 19, 66 inception phase 373–377 indexName property 173 Infrastructure as a Service See IaaS init() method 128 inlineCount property 229 InputEndpoint 217 installing 328–358 distributions 328–334 Eclipse update site 331–334 Maven repository 328–330 Windows installer 331 zip files 330–331 GWT 244–245 IDE 334–349 command line compiling 349 Eclipse 336–341 IntelliJ IDEA 345–348 NetBeans 343–345 instruction keyword 303 integrated development environment See IDE integration testing 355–356 ClientResource 355–356 cURL 355 RESTClient 355 IntelliJ IDEA 345–348 Internet Engineering Task Force See IETF Inversion of Control See IoC IoC (Inversion of Control) 20 isInRole() method 320 Issuer DN (Issuer Distinguished Name) 123 J JAAS, verifying credentials using 138–139 JaasUtils.doAsPrivileged() method 146 JaasVerifier 136, 138–139 Jackson extension, JSON representations using 107–108 JacksonRepresentation class 87, 107 JAR file 221, 244, 251, 330–331 Android repackages 268, 324 JAVA support 299 Java annotations 38–41 Java class 208, 226, 244, 248, 349, 411 and compiled XML Schema 103 and JAXB extension 102 JAXB-annotated 103 423 Java Community Process See JCP Java Database Connectivity See JDBC Java EE server deploying applications in 67– 76 in OSGi environments 73– 76 Oracle XML DB extension for 71–72 Restlet framework as library 72–73 Servlet engine as connector for components 68–70 Servlet engine as container of applications 70–71 Servlet extension for 67–68 editions for 323 Java Enterprise Edition See Java EE Java interface 40–42 Java method 5–6, 8, 41, 167 Java object 246, 256, 259 Java Runtime Engironment See JRE Java SE (Java Standard Edition) 11 deploying applications with 50–62 Component class 50–53 configuring services for 61– 62 server and client connectors 53–57 virtual hosting for 57–61 editions for 322 Java Secure Socket Extension See JSSE Java security manager, authorizing user actions using 146– 147 Java Server Pages See JSP Java Standard Edition See Java SE java.beans.XMLEncoder class 256 java.io.File 92, 406, 408 java.io.InputStream 84, 406 java.io.ObjectInputStream class 256 java.io.OutputStream 85 java.io.Reader 84, 408 java.io.Serializable 406, 409 java.io.Writer 85 java.lang.Serializable 407 424 java.lang.String class 84, 406, 408 java.net.HttpURLConnection 322, 325 java.nio package 268 java.nio.ReadableByteChannel 84 java.nio.WritableByteChannel 85 java.security.Principal interface 141 Java.sql.RowSet 407 java.util.logging API 21 java.util.logging.config.file 357 Java-based command 209 Javadocs 55, 59, 66, 413 JavaMail 56 JavaMailClientHelper 410–411 JavaScript edition 301 javax.mail.Message 407 javax.net.ssl.SSLContext 140 javax.servlet 176 javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet 407 javax.xml.bind.XmlRootElement 407 javax.xml.parser package 88–89, 92 javax.xml.validation package 97 JAXB extension, XML representations using 102–104 JaxbRepresentation class 87, 103 JCP (Java Community Process) 38 JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), extension 197–198 JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 216 JSON representations 105–108 in Restlet edition for GWT 252–254 using Jackson extension 107–108 using JSON.org extension 106–107 type 253 JSON.org extension, JSON representations using 106–107 JSONArray 252–253 JSONBoolean 253 JSONNull 253 JSONNumber 253 JSONObject class 106, 253 JSONParser class 252 INDEX JsonpRequestBuilder class 258 JsonRepresentation class 87, 106–107, 252 JSONString 253 JSONValue class 252 JSP (Java Server Pages) 108 JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension) 123 jSSLutils 128–129 JsslutilsSslContextFactory 128 JUnit 352–354 JVM parameter 61 log4jPropertiesFile parameter 237 logical architecture, for RESTful web APIs 382–384 logical versions 326–327 LoginModule 138–139 logLevel 358 LogService class 61, 358 loose coupling 359, 370 Lucene extension 198 K m (milestone) 327 m variable 183 Mail class 107, 115, 117, 381, 386 Mail.gwt.xml 251 Mail.xsd file 103 MailApiApplication 193, 196 MailApplication 140 MailClient class 94, 99, 119 program 37 MailComponent 194 mail-editing form 168, 176–177, 194 MailResource interface 117–119 Mails resource 395 MailServerApplication class 91, 155–156, 170–171, 352 attach resource class to router 31 declaring supported roles 144 JAAS application name 139 resources in 42–45 route HTTP calls to 70 updating 42 MailServerComponent class 51, 55, 61, 142, 156, 196, 353 trimmed for Servlet deployment 69 MailServerResource class 89–90, 94–95, 101, 168, 197 exchanging JSON representations 106 MailSiteApplication 193, 196 MailStatus.ftl template 175 MailStatusService() method 175 main() method major.minor.release 327 MANIFEST.MF file 73 MapVerifier 135, 137, 320 Maven repository 328–330 maxRedirects property 36 MediaType class 114, 318 keyPassword parameter 126 keys, storing 124–125 keystore 124 configuring on a server 127 importing CA certificates 126 prompted for password and key 125 KeyStore class 124 keystorePassword parameter 126 keystorePath parameter 126 keystoreType parameter 126 keytool 125, 140 L languages property 83 Larman, Craig 374, 378 launcher.XXMaxPermSize property 264 LdapLoginModule 138 lib directory 227 library, Restlet framework as 72–73 Link class 287 LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) 228 lisa.getContacts() method 288 List interface 320 ListActivity 269 listingAllowed property 172– 173 Literal class 287 Local file 173 localConfig.xml file 237 localConfigFile parameter 237 localhost 271 LocalReference class 411 LocalVerifier 138, 320 location transparency 367 M INDEX mediaType property 83 MediaType.APPLICATION_ JAVA_OBJECT 256 MemoryRealm 142 Message class 100, 317 Message.cacheDirectives 188 MetadataService 22, 39, 117 META-INF/services folder 268 metamodels 281 MethodAuthorizer class 144– 145, 320 methodInfo parameter 157 methods for RESTful web APIs 390–392 consider each resource class 392 using HTTP methods properly 391–392 for WadlServerResource class 156–158 invocation 366 query parameter 167 microformats 278 MIME type 39 MobileMailClientMainActivity 269 mode property 183 MODE_CLIENT_FOUND 183 MODE_CLIENT_SEE_OTHER 183 MODE_CLIENT_TEMPORARY 183 MODE_SERVER_INBOUND 183 MODE_SERVER_OUTBOUND 183 Model View Controller See MVC modifiable property 169, 173 modificationDate property 83 modularizing applications 192– 197 and private applications 196– 197 RIAP pseudoprotocol 194– 196 server dispatcher for 192–194 MODULE-NAME module 244 .gwt.xml file 244 MOVE method 392 multithreaded subclasses 24 MVC (Model View Controller) 63 myApplication.getServices() method 23 MyService class 23 MyService() method 23 MySQL database 197 N NaiveCookieAuthenticator 169– 170 Name property 229 NameCallback 138 NamespaceContext interface 95 namespaces for XML representations 95– 97 property 95 needClientAuthentication parameter 126, 139 negotiated property 33 negotiatingContent property 173 Nelson, Ted 276 NetBeans 343–345 next property 36, 193 n-n cardinality 386 NodeList class 94 Noelios Technologies 413 nonrepeating resources 388 NotFoundException class 175 Nottingham, Mark 296 O OAuth 2.0 131 OAuthAuthorizer 410 OAuthHelper 410 ObjectMapper class 300 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design See OOA/D object-oriented paradigm 363 ObjectOutputStream class 256 Object-Relational Mapping See ORM ObjectRepresentation 318 objects layer 384 OData 226–227 calling services for 228–230 generating classes for 226– 228 overview 222–226 protocol 221–230 onCreate method 269, 271 online documentation 413–414 Javadocs 413 wiki 413–414 onSuccess method 257 425 ontologies 281, 283, 286, 291 Ontology Web Language See OWL OOA/D (Object-Oriented Analysis and Design) 372 Open Specification Promise See OSP OpenID 2.0 131 OPTIONS method 23, 38–39, 153, 155, 157, 391 options() method 34, 37, 39 Oracle database 72 Oracle XML DB extension, for Java EE server 71–72 orderby property 224, 228 org.apache.commons.io 176 org.apache.velocity.Template 408 org.eclipse.emf.core.EObject 406–407 org.freemarker.Template 407 org.json.JSONArray 407, 409 org.json.JSONObject 407, 409 org.json.JSONTokener 407, 409 org.restlet package 6, 9, 250, 316 org.restlet. 329 org.restlet.app. modules 305 org.restlet.app.search application 305 org.restlet.Application 17, 19, 155, 164 org.restlet.client 250, 397 org.restlet.client.resource package 256 org.restlet.client.resource ClientProxy interface 255 org.restlet.Component 50, 397 org.restlet.Connector 397 org.restlet.Context class 21 org.restlet.data package class 83–84, 116, 282 org.restlet.data.Cookie class 169 org.restlet.data.CookieSetting class 169 org.restlet.data.Form class 168, 176, 277, 406, 408 org.restlet.data.LocalReference class 411 org.restlet.data.Metadata 398 org.restlet.data.Parameter 168 org.restlet.data.Status class 37 org.restlet.data.Tag class 83 org.restlet.engine.Engine class 269, 358 426 org.restlet.engine.security SslContextFactory 140 org.restlet.ext. package 322 org.restlet.ext. 324, 329 org.restlet.ext.atom extension 178, 227, 267 org.restlet.ext.atom.Feed 406 org.restlet.ext.atom.Service 406 org.restlet.ext.crypto extension 136, 231, 267 org.restlet.ext.crypto.CookieAuthenticator class 172 org.restlet.ext.fileupload extension 176 org.restlet.ext.fileupload RestletFileUpload class 177 org.restlet.ext.freemarker 110 extension 227 org.restlet.ext.gae extension 210 org.restlet.ext.gwt extension 256, 259 org.restlet.ext.html 267 org.restlet.ext.html FormDataSet 407 org.restlet.ext.httpclient 267 org.restlet.ext.jaas 267 extension 138 org.restlet.ext.jackson 105, 107, 119, 267 org.restlet.ext.jaxrs 42 org.restlet.ext.jdbc extension 197 org.restlet.ext.jdbc JdbcResultSet 407 org.restlet.ext.jetty.jar 127 org.restlet.ext.jibx package 105 org.restlet.ext.json package 106, 267 org.restlet.ext.lucene extension 198 org.restlet.ext.net 267 org.restlet.ext.net.jar 127 org.restlet.ext.odata 268 org.restlet.ext.odata extension 226–227 org.restlet.ext.rdf extension 268, 280 org.restlet.ext.rdf.Graph 407, 409 org.restlet.ext.rdf.jar 282, 290 org.restlet.ext.rome extension 178 INDEX org.restlet.ext.sdc extension 239 org.restlet.ext.servlet extension 211 org.restlet.ext.sip 268 org.restlet.ext.slf4j extension 62 org.restlet.ext.spring module 64 org.restlet.ext.ssl package 128 org.restlet.ext.velocity 112 org.restlet.ext.wadl ApplicationInfo 408 org.restlet.ext.wadl.jar file 155 org.restlet.ext.xml 88–89, 92, 94, 99, 102, 268 org.restlet.ext.xstream 87, 105, 119 org.restlet.jar 10, 54, 301, 335– 336, 339, 343, 347, 349 org.restlet.JSON 251 org.restlet.lib. 329 org.restlet.Message 398 org.restlet.representation package 81–82 org.restlet.representation Representation 398 org.restlet.representation.String Representation 34 org.restlet.representation Variant 398 org.restlet.Request 398 org.restlet.resource package 118 org.restlet.resource ClientResource class 21 org.restlet.resource Directory class 172 org.restlet.resource.Resource 398 org.restlet.resource ServerResource 31 org.restlet.Response 398 org.restlet.Restlet 19, 24, 30, 196, 251, 255 org.restlet.routing.Redirector class 261 org.restlet.routing.Router class 27 org.restlet.security package 130, 141 org.restlet.security.Authorizer 25 org.restlet.security.Enroler interface 141 org.restlet.security.Group 142 org.restlet.security.Realm class 142 org.restlet.security.Role 147 org.restlet.Server 398 org.restlet.service package 24 org.restlet.service.Service class 23 org.restlet.service.StatusService 174 org.restlet.Uniform interface 19, 398 org.restlet.util.Resolver interface 110 org.restlet.util.Resolver class 183 org.restlet.XML 251 org.xml.sax package 92 origin server 365 ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) 197, 384 OSGi environments 73–76, 205, 323 OSP (Open Specification Promise) 222 outbound root 16–17 server redirection 181 outboundRoot property 19 Output view 345–347, 351 OUTPUT_DIRECTORY parameter 227 OutputRepresentation 318 OWL (Ontology Web Language) 281 P PaaS (Platform as a Service) 204 Package location field 219 package.xml file 218 packagetype attribute 218 parent property 36 partial representations 9, 187 PasswordCallback 138 Pattern class 59 performance 185–192 caching information 188–189 compressing representations 186–187 partial representations 187 removing server-side session state 191–192 streaming representations 185–186 using conditional methods 190–191 INDEX persistence 197–199 JDBC extension for 197–198 Lucene extension for 198 tips for 199 PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) 123 PkixSslContextFactory 128 Plain Old Java Object See POJO Platform as a Service See PaaS POJO (Plain Old Java Object) 384 POP_BASIC scheme 100, 131 POP_DIGEST scheme 100, 131 Popper, Karl 369 portability, of SaaS 204–205 POST method 38, 56, 197, 224, 234, 256, 369, 390 when invoked 395 when to use 391 preauthenticating calls 19 Principal interface 141 priori 123 procedure call 366 professional services 414 profileRef property 287 section 329 properties for applications 19–20 for HTTP headers 399 Proxy-Authorization HTTP header 133 proxyChallengeResponse property 133 pseudoconnector 198 pseudoprotocols 9, 192, 194– 195, 197 Public Key Cryptography 122 Public Key Infrastructure See PKI purpose, of applications 14–15 PUT method 38, 94–95, 107, 224, 390 and Amazon S3 service 232 conditional methods 190 not allowed by HTML 167 Q Query class 229 queue service 234 R range property 84 RangeService 23, 187 RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) 141 rc (release candidate) 327 RDF 281–293 consuming linked data 291– 293 data model for 282–283 exposing RDF resources 286– 291 representation variants 284– 286 rdf:Description element 284 RdfClientResource 291 RdfConverter 290 RdfRepresentation 284, 290– 291, 293 ReadableRepresentation 318 ReaderRepresentation 318 Realm class 48, 142 reason phrase 393 redirect keyword 395 RedirectedClient class 182 redirections 180–184 manual 181–182 Redirector class 182–184 Redirector class 181–184, 199, 249, 261–262, 319 Reference class 83, 282 reia 208, 218, 220, 234 reia.table.core.windows.net 233 reiabucket 230–231 release candidate See rc release() method 31 Remote Procedure Call See RPC remote service interfaces 244 RemoteServiceServlet 260–261 repositories 414 section 329 represent() method 5–6, 39, 41 Representation class 37, 82–87 method 97 parameter 293 Representation.expirationDate 188 Representation.size property 185 RepresentationInfo class 82–83, 318 RepresentationInfo modificationDate 188 RepresentationInfo.tag 188 representations 9, 81–120 classes for RESTful web APIs 394–395 427 digesting 148–149 HTTP content negotiation 113–119 combining annotated interfaces and converter service 117–119 configuring client preferences 116–117 declaring resource variants for 115–116 overview 113–114 JSON representations 105– 108 using Jackson extension 107–108 using JSON.org extension 106–107 package 318 Representation class 83–87 RepresentationInfo class 82– 83 template representations 108–112 using FreeMarker extension 109–111 using Velocity extension 111–112 Variant class 82–83 XML representations 87–105 and XPath expressions 94– 95 applying XSLT transformations to 99–102 namespaces for 95–97 using DOM API 89–91 using JAXB extension 102– 104 using SAX API 92–94 validating against schemas 97–99 XmlRepresentation class for 88–89 Request class 193, 317, 350 request.clientInfo.acceptedCharacterSets 399 request.clientInfo.acceptedEncodings 399 request.clientInfo.acceptedLanguages 399 request.clientInfo.acceptedMediaTypes 399 Request.getClientInfo() method 399 Request.hostRef.hostDomain property 58 428 Request.hostRef.hostPort property 58 Request.hostRef.scheme property 58 Request.loggable property 358 Request.resourceRef property 28 Request.resourceRef hostDomain property 58 Request.resourceRef.hostPort property 58 Request.resourceRef.scheme property 58 RequestBuilder class 246–248 requestEntityBuffering property 36 RequestInfo class 155 requirements analysis 373, 384 for Android 263–267 for RESTful web APIs classifying by priority 377– 378 collecting from sources 376 describing system sequences 381 describing usage scenarios 379 gathering 373 Resolver interface 110 Resource class 30–31, 47, 318 resource model, for RESTful web APIs 384–385 resource package 318–319 resource variants, for HTTP content negotiation 115–116 resource.get() method 234 resourceDomain property 58 ResourceException 37 ResourceInfo class 155–156 Resource-Object Mapping See ROM Resource-Oriented Analysis & Design See ROA/D resource-oriented paradigm 364 resourcePort property 58 resourceRules.xml file 237 resources 30–45, 362 authorizing user actions for 145–146 ClientResource class 35–38 for RESTful web APIs 385– 387 in MailServerApplication 42– 45 INDEX in REST architecture style 362–364 layer 383–384 Resource class 30–31 ServerResource class 31–35 using Java annotations 38–41 resourceScheme property 58 ResourcesInfo class 155 Response class 317 method 110, 164 statuses for RESTful web APIs 393–394 response.age 399 Response.serverInfo.address property 58 Response.serverInfo.port property 58 Response.status property 181 Response#dimensions property 300 responseEntityBuffering property 36 REST and GWT 246 and Semantic Web 280–281 architecture style 365 architecture, Restlet classes for 397 interface 30, 398 REST architecture style 359–370 and HTTP 365–366 components in 364 connectors in 364–365 example of 365 forms of web using 360–361 resources in 362–364 vs RPC 366–370 RESTClient 355 RESTful method 82 RESTful web APIs analyzing requirements 378– 381 defining domain model 381 describing system sequences 381 describing usage scenarios 379 designing solution 381–395 defining allowed methods 390–392 defining logical architecture 382–384 defining representation classes 394–395 defining response statuses 393–394 defining URI space 387– 390 deriving resource model 384–385 identifying and classifying resources 385–387 gathering requirements 376– 378 classifying by priority 377– 378 collecting from sources 376 ROA/D methodology 372– 376 constructing solution 375 elaboration phase 375 inception phase 375 overview 372–375 transitioning project 376 Restlet Cloud 305 contributing to future 310 engine 321 forge 303–304 property 399 Studio 305 Restlet API 315–320 data package 317–318 representation package 318 resource package 318–319 root package 316–317 routing package 319 security package 319–320 service package 320 util package 320 Restlet Apps 304–305 Restlet class 7, 14, 19, 30, 193, 316, 397–399 advantage 317 Restlet edition for GWT concepts 248–249 Restlet framework 8–12 as library 72–73 benefits of 9–10 design 10 design of 10 installing 328 platforms supported by 11–12 Restlet Internal Access Protocol See RIAP RESTLET_HOME variable 339– 340 Restlet.class file 55 Restlet-annotated method 256 INDEX RestletFileUpload class 177 RestletFrameworkServlet class 73 restletLogLevel 358 Result class 256 retryAttempts property 36 retryDelay property 36 retryOnError property 36 reverse proxying 319 rewrite(Representation) method 184 RIA (Rich Internet Applications) 242 RIAP (Restlet Internal Access Protocol) 49 client 55 pseudoprotocol 194–196, 411 RIAP_APPLICATION 412 RIAP_COMPONENT 412 RIAP_HOST 412 Rich Internet Application See RIA RNG (Relax NG) 97 ROA/D (Resource-Oriented Analysis & Design) methodology 372–376 constructing solution 375 elaboration phase 375 inception phase 375 overview 372–375 transitioning project 376 Role object 210 RoleAuthorizer class 144–145, 320 Role-Based Access Control See RBAC roles, user 141–143 Enroler interface 142–143 groups for 142–143 Principal interface 141 ROM (Resource-Object Mapping) 385 root package 316–317 rootRef property 172–173 RootServerResource class 33, 37, 39–40, 159, 352 refactor 40 Router class 27, 29, 57–58, 319 routing package 319 routing system 24–30 filtering for processing 24–27 URI-based routing 27–30 routingMode property 29 RowSetRepresentation class 198 RPC (Remote Procedure Call) 366 vs REST architecture style 366–370 rulesFile parameter 237 runOnUiThread method 270 S SaaS (Software as a Service) 204 portability of 204–205 safe methods 391 SAX API XML representations using 92–94 SaxRepresentation class 87, 92, 94, 99 Schema class 97 SDC (Secure Data Connector) 206, 221, 235–240 implementing 238–240 in Google App Engine 240 installing agent 236–238 overview 235–236 scheme 131 sdcServerHost 237 SDK (Software Development Kit) 244 command 215 SecretVerifier 136–138, 170, 320 Secure Data Connector See SDC Secure Socket Layer See SSL security 121–150 assigning roles to users 141– 143 Enroler interface 142–143 groups for 142–143 Principal interface 141 authenticating users 129–141 Authenticator class 134–135 certificate-based authentication 139–141 challenge-based authentication 135–136 credentials in client 130– 134 verifying credentials 136– 139 authorizing user actions 143– 147 Authorizer class 143–144 for particular resources 145–146 MethodAuthorizer class 145 429 RoleAuthorizer class 144– 145 using Java security manager 146–147 ensuring end-to-end integrity of data 147–150 digesting without losing content 149–150 representation digesting 148–149 using Content-MD5 header 148 for communications 122–129 enabling HTTPS 126–128 generating certificate requests 125–126 generating self-signed certificates 125 importing trusted certificates 126 SSL 122–124, 128–129 storing keys and certificates 124–125 TLS 122–124 security package 319–320 segments 388 select property 229 self-signed certificates, generating 125 Semalink 281 Semantic Web 280–286 and REST 280–281 using RDF in representations 281–293 consuming linked data 291–293 data model for 282–283 exposing RDF resources 286–291 representation variants 284–286 sendRequest method 247 Serializable interface 256 Series class 320 Server class 6–7, 47, 54, 317 server connectors 53–57, 365 server dispatcher, for modularizing applications 192–194 server, running 6–7 server.crt file 125 serverAddress property 58 serverDispatcher property 21, 183, 193 ServerHelper 321 ServerInfo 318 430 serverKey.jks 125, 127 serverPort property 58 ServerResource class 5–6, 30–35 ServerResource#getApplication() method 199 Server-Sent Events See SSE ServerServlet 260–261 server-side extension, for GWT 259–262 handling cross-domain requests 261–262 with GWT-RPC 260–261 server-side redirections 319 server-side session state, removing 191–192 server-side support, of Restlet edition for Android 271–272 Service class 61, 226, 320 service package 320 SERVICE_CLASS_NAME parameter 227 SERVICE_URI parameter 227 ServiceConfiguration.cscfg 216, 219 services, configuring 61–62 Servlet engine as connector for components 68–70 as container of applications 70–71 Servlet extension for Java EE server 67–68 ServletAdapter class 72 ServletContext class 21 servlet-mapping element 71 servlet-name values 71 session affinity 191 Session Initiation Protocol See SIP Set interface 25 setAttributes() 21 setChallengeResponse method 232 setOnResponse method 252 setUserPrincipalClassName() method 139 setVerifier() method 136 setWrappedVerifier() method 136 Simple Storage Service, Amazon See Amazon S3 SimpleWebMailActivity class 269 Single Sign-On See SSO Single-Entry Module Library option 347 INDEX SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) 268 size optimization of editions 301 property 84 skip property 228 SMTP_PLAIN scheme 100, 131 Software Development Kit See SDK solution design 373, 381 sourceRepresentation property 99 SPDY protocol 297–298 split browsing 297 Spring framework, XML configuration for 63–67 SSE (Server-Sent Events) 297 SSL (Secure Socket Layer) 122– 124 custom settings for 128–129 SSLContext 128 SslContextFactory 126, 128, 140 sslContextFactory parameter 126 SSO (Single Sign-On) 169 stacks for Restlet 309–310 Start after successful deployment option 219 Start Menu folder 331 start() method 7, 19, 51 Status class 181 Status.getThrowable() method 176 StatusService class 23, 61, 174 statusService property 175 StatusService.getStatus (Throwable, UniformResource) method 175 stop() method streaming representations 185– 186 StreamRepresentation class 318 String class 82, 84 String method 144 StringRepresentation 82, 318 Subject DN (Subject Distinguished Name) 123 super.describeGet(methodInfo) 157 System.getSystemClassLoader() method 55 T table service for Windows Azure 233–235 Tag class 386 Target class 408 targetTemplate property 183 TaskService 23 template representations 108– 112 using FreeMarker extension 109–111 using Velocity extension 111– 112 TemplateRepresentation class 110 TemplateRoute class 27–29 testing 350–358 debugging 357–358 integration testing 355–356 ClientResource 355–356 cURL 355 RESTClient 355 unit testing 350–354 JUnit 352–354 TestNG 354 TestNG 354 testRestlet project 336 third-party projects 308–310 integration efforts 308– 309 stacks 309–310 Thread.getContextClassLoader() method 55 TikaRepresentation class 198 TLS (Transport Level Security) 122–124 top property 229 toString() method 39 toText() method 39 Totty, Brian 391 TRACE method 391 Tracer class 26, 28–29 Transformer class 102 TransformRepresentation class 99–100 transformSheet property 99 transient property 84 transition phase 374 trust models 123, 140 trusted certificates, importing 126 TrustManagers 140 truststore 123–124, 126–128, 140 431 INDEX truststorePassword parameter 126 truststorePath parameter 126 truststoreType parameter 126 TunnelService 167 browser workarounds 23 U UML (Unified Modeling Language) 19, 156, 283, 374 UML class 380, 388, 392 uncomment keyword 302–303 unified bean converter 300 Unified Modeling Language See UML Unified Process See UP uniform interface 9, 25, 316 UniformResource 318 unit testing 350–354 JUnit 352–354 TestNG 354 unzip.vbs 217 UP (Unified Process) 373 updateProduct method 229– 230 URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) 251, 362 fetch service for Google App Engine 221 space for RESTful web APIs 387–390 URI-based routing 27–30 URLConnection class 221, 267 useAlphaComparator() method 172 useAlphaNumComparator() method 172 user agents 364 User-Agent header 114 util package 320 V validating XML representations 97–99 validatingDtd property 97 Validator filter 27 Variant class 82–83 variants 413 property 33 Vary header 221 Velocity extension 111–112 Verifier interface 134–136, 138, 320 versioning, for editions 327 Via header 221 virtual hosting 49, 58 for deploying applications 57–61 VirtualHost 319 W WADL (Web Application Description Language) converting documents to HTML 163–164 overview 154–155 WadlApplication class 155– 156 WadlServerResource class 156–163 describing single resource with 162–163 improving description of existing server resources with 158–162 methods for 156–158 WadlApplication class 156–157, 159, 163–164 WadlDescribable interface 156 wadlRepresent(Request, Response) method 164 WadlRepresentation class 155 WadlServerResource class 156– 163 describing single resource with 162–163 improving description of existing server resources with 158–162 methods for 156–158 wantClientAuthentication parameter 126, 139 WAR file 14, 209, 212, 217 Web Application Description Language See WADL web applications 7, web elements 166–177 cookies 169–172 error pages 174–176 feeds 178–180 consuming 180 exposing 178–179 file uploads 176–177 forms 166–168 serving file directories 172– 174 Web resources 244 web.xml file 217, 260–261 webapps directory 217–218 WEB-INF/web.xml file 69 WebRowSet interface 198 WebSocket protocol 296–297 wiki 413–414 Windows Azure 214–220, 233– 235 configuring storage accounts 233 deploying applications in 215–220 overview 214–215 using table service 233–235 Windows, installer for 331 windowsazurepackage 216, 218 WindowsAzurePackage.cspkg file 219 wrap method 251 WritableRepresentation 318 write() method 149–150 write(Writer) method 186, 277 writer.endDocument() method 93 WriterRepresentation 186, 277, 318 X XdbServerServlet class 72 X-Forwarded-For header 221 XML configuration, for deploying applications 62–67 with components 62–63 with Spring framework 63–67 XML representations 87–105 and XPath expressions 94– 95 applying XSLT transformations to 99–102 in Restlet edition for GWT 252–254 namespaces for 95–97 using DOM API 89–91 using JAXB extension 102– 104 using SAX API 92–94 validating against schemas 97–99 XmlRepresentation class for 88–89 432 XMLConstants class 95 XMLDecoder class 256 XMLHttpRequest object 258 xmlns attribute 96 XmlRepresentation class 88–89, 94–95, 97 -Xmx argument 264 INDEX XP (eXtreme Programming) 373 XPath expressions, and XML representations 94–95 XSD (W3C XML Schema) 97 XSLT stylesheets 300 transformations to applying 99–102 Z zip files 330–331 ZIP/JAR client 55 Free ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com JAVA/REST Restlet IN ACTION SEE INSERT Louvel Templier Boileau ● ● I n a RESTful architecture any component can act, if needed, as both client and server—this is flexible and powerful, but tricky to implement The Restlet project is a reference implementation with a Java-based API and everything you need to build servers and web clients that integrate with most web and enterprise technologies “ Broad, deep, and example-driven Restlet in Action introduces the Restlet Framework and RESTful web APIs You’ll see how to easily create and deploy your own web API while learning to consume other web APIs effectively You’ll learn about designing, securing, versioning, documentation, optimizing, and more on both the server and client side, as well as about cloud computing, mobile Android devices, and Semantic Web applications “ Accurate, informative, and extremely useful ” —Dustin Jenkins, National Research Council of Canada “ A must-have for RESTful web services Java developers What’s Inside Written by the creators of Restlet! ● How to create your own web API ● How to deploy on cloud and mobile platforms ● Focus on Android, Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit, and OSGi technologies ● The book requires a basic knowledge of Java and the web, but no prior exposure to REST or Restlet The authors are founders and technical leads of Restlet Inc and Restlet SAS Jérôme Louvel is the creator of the Restlet Framework “ “ To download their free eBook in PDF, ePub, and Kindle formats, owners of this book should visit manning.com/RestletinAction MANNING ” —From the Foreword by Brian Sletten Bosatsu Consulting $49.99 / Can $52.99 [INCLUDING eBOOK] www.Ebook777.com ” —Fabián Mandelbaum NeoDoc SARL A broad reach for a perfectly minimalist framework ” —Tal Liron, Three Crickets Thoroughly recommended helps the reader come to grips with REST ” —Dave Pawson Pawson Software Services, Ltd ... ebooks ==> www.Ebook777.com Restlet in Action www.Ebook777.com Restlet in Action DEVELOPING RESTFUL WEB APIS IN JAVA JÉRÔME LOUVEL THIERRY TEMPLIER THIERRY BOILEAU MANNING SHELTER ISLAND Free ebooks... the Restlet Framework 315 Installing the Restlet Framework 328 Introducing the REST architecture style 359 Designing a RESTful web API 371 Mapping REST, HTTP, and the Restlet API 397 Getting... Part Getting started D o you want to blend your web services, websites, and web clients into unified web applications, exposing and consuming RESTful web APIs? The three chapters in part show

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