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Tiêu đề Basic ship theory
Tác giả K.J. Rawson, E.C. Tupper
Trường học Butterworth-Heinemann
Chuyên ngành Naval Architecture
Thể loại sách
Năm xuất bản 2001
Thành phố Oxford
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Số trang 373
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Rawson and Tupper's Basic Ship Theory, first published in 1968, is widely known as the standard introductory text for naval architecture students, as well as being a useful reference for the more experienced designer. The fifth edition continues to provid

//SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 31-7-2001/BSTA01.3D ± 1 ± [1±22/22] 31.7.2001 5:52PMBasic Ship Theory //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 31-7-2001/BSTA01.3D ± 2 ± [1±22/22] 31.7.2001 5:52PM //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 31-7-2001/BSTA01.3D ± 3 ± [1±22/22] 31.7.2001 5:52PMBasic Ship TheoryK.J. RawsonMSc, DEng, FEng, RCNC, FRINA, WhSchE.C. TupperBSc, CEng, RCNC, FRINA, WhSchFifth editionVolume 2Chapters 10 to 16Ship Dynamics and DesignOXFORD AUCKLAND BOSTON JOHANNESBURG MELBOURNE NEW DELHI //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 31-7-2001/BSTA01.3D ± 4 ± [1±22/22] 31.7.2001 5:52PMButterworth-HeinemannLinacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP225 Wildwood Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801-2041Adivision of Reed Educational and Professional Publishing LtdAmember of the Reed Elsevier plc groupFirst published by Longman Group Limited 1968Second edition 1976 (in two volumes)Third edition 1983Fourth edition 1994Fifth edition 2001#K.J. Rawson and E.C. Tupper 2001All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced inany material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium byelectronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to someother use of this publication) without the written permission of thecopyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright,Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by theCopyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London,England W1P 0LP. Applications for the copyright holder's writtenpermission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressedto the publishersBritish LibraryCataloguing in Publication DataRawson, K. J. (Kenneth John), 1926±Basic ship theory. ± 5th ed.Vol. 2, ch. 10±16: Ship dynamics and design K. J. Rawson,E. C. Tupper1. Naval architecture 2. ShipbuildingI. Title II. Tupper, E. C. (Eric Charles), 1928±623.8H1Libraryof Congress Cataloguing in Publication DataAcatalogue copy of this book is available from the Library of CongressISBN 0 7506 5397 3For information on all Butterworth-Heinemannpublications visit our website at www.bh.comTypeset in India by Integra Software Services Pvt Ltd,Pondicherry, India 605005; www.integra-india.com //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 31-7-2001/BSTA01.3D ± 5 ± [1±22/22] 31.7.2001 5:52PMContentsVolume 1Foreword to the ®fth editionAcknowledgementsIntroductionSymbols and nomenclature1 Art or science?2 Some tools3 Flotation and trim4 Stability5 Hazards and protection6 The ship girder7 Structural design and analysis8 Launching and docking9 The ship environment and human factorsBibliographyAnswers to problemsIndexVolume 2Foreword to the ®fth edition xiAcknowledgements xiiiIntroduction xivReferences and the Internet xviiSymbols and nomenclature xviiiGeneral xviiiGeometryof ship xixPropeller geometryxixResistance and propulsion xixSeakeeping xxManoeuvrabilityxxiStrength xxiNotes xxiiv //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 31-7-2001/BSTA01.3D ± 6 ± [1±22/22] 31.7.2001 5:52PM10 Powering of ships: general principles 381Fluid dynamics 382Components of resistance and propulsion 384Eective power 385Types of resistance 386Wave-making resistance 387Frictional resistance 390Viscous pressure resistance 393Air resistance 393Appendage resistance 394Residuaryresistance 394The propulsion device 395The screw propeller 395Special types of propeller 398Alternative means of propulsion 401Momentum theoryapplied to the screw propeller 403The blade element approach 404Cavitation 407Singing 408Interaction between the ship and propeller 408Hull eciency410Overall propulsive eciency410Ship±model correlation 412Model testing 413Resistance tests 413Resistance test facilities and techniques 414Model determination of hull eciencyelements 415Propeller tests in open water 417Cavitation tunnel tests 417Depressurized towing tank 418Circulating water channels 418Ship trials 419Speed trials 419Cavitation viewing trials 420Service trials 421Experiments at full scale 421Summary 423Problems 42311 Powering of ships: application 427Presentation of data 427Resistance data 427Propeller data 432Power estimation 434Resistance prediction 434Appendage resistance 436vi Contents //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 31-7-2001/BSTA01.3D ± 7 ± [1±22/22] 31.7.2001 5:52PM1978 ITTC performance prediction method 438Eect of small changes of dimensions 440Variation of skin frictional resistance with time out of dock 442Resistance in shallow water 443Calculation of wind resistance 445Propeller design 449Choice of propeller dimensions 449Propeller design diagram 453Cavitation 460In¯uence of form on resistance 460Reducing wave-making resistance 462Boundarylayer control 463Compatibilityof machineryand propeller 463Strength of propellers 463Eect of speed on endurance 464Computational ¯uid dynamics 466Summary 468Problems 46812 Seakeeping 473Seakeeping qualities 473Ship motions 475Undamped motion in still water 476Damped motion in still water 478Approximate period of roll 479Motion in regular waves 480Presentation of motion data 484Motion in irregular seas 486Motion in oblique seas 492Surge, swayand yaw 492Limiting seakeeping criteria 495Speed and power in waves 495Slamming 497Wetness 500Propeller emergence 501Degradation of human performance 502Overall seakeeping performance 503Acquiring data for seakeeping assessments 506Selection of wave data 507Obtaining response amplitude operators 510Non-linear eects 517Frequency domain and time domain simulations 518Improving seakeeping performance 520In¯uence of form on seakeeping 521Ship stabilization 522Contents vii //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 31-7-2001/BSTA01.3D ± 8 ± [1±22/22] 31.7.2001 5:52PMExperiments and trials 531Test facilities 531Conduct of ship trials 532Stabilizer trials 534Problems 53413 Manoeuvrability 539General concepts 539Directional stabilityor dynamic stabilityof course 540Stabilityand control of surface ships 542The action of a rudder in turning a ship 546Limitations of theory547Assessment of manoeuvrability 547The turning circle 547Turning ability550The zig-zag manoeuvre 551The spiral manoeuvre 552The pull-out manoeuvre 553Standards for manoeuvring and directional stability554Rudder forces and torques 555Rudder force 555Centre of pressure position 558Calculation of force and torque on non-rectangular rudder 560Experiments and trials 564Model experiments concerned with turning and manoeuvring 564Model experiments concerned with directional stability565Ship trials 567Rudder types and systems 568Types of rudder 568Bow rudders and lateral thrust units 570Special rudders and manoeuvring devices 570Dynamic positioning 574Automatic control systems 574Ship handling 575Turning at slow speed or when stopped 575Interaction between ships when close aboard 576Broaching 578Stability and control of submarines 578Experiments and trials 582Design assessment 583Modifying dynamic stability characteristics 583Eciencyof control surfaces 585Eect of design parameters on manoeuvring 585Problems 586viii Contents //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 31-7-2001/BSTA01.3D ± 9 ± [1±22/22] 31.7.2001 5:52PM14 Major ship design features 590Machinery 590Air independent propulsion (AIP) 595Electrical generation 597Systems 598Electrical distribution system 598Piping systems 599Air conditioning and ventilation 605Fuel systems 612Marine pollution 614Cathodic protection 615Equipment 618Cargo handling 618Replenishment of provisions 619Life saving appliances 620Creating a ®ghting ship 621General 621Weapons and ®ghting capabilities 621Integration of ship, sensors and weapons 623Accommodation 623Measurement 626Problems 63015 Ship design 633Objectives 634Economics 635Cost eectiveness 637Boundaries 639Economic, ethical and social boundaries 639Geographical, organizational and industrial boundaries 640Time and system boundaries 640Creativity 641Iteration in design 642Design phases 644Prime parameters 645Parametric studies 649Feasibilitystudies 652Full design 654Computer-aided design (CAD) 659Design for the life intended 661Design for use 661Design for production 663Design for availability663Design for support 667Design for modernization 667Contents ix //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 31-7-2001/BSTA01.3D ± 10 ± [1±22/22] 31.7.2001 5:52PMThe safetycase 668Conclusion 66916 Particular ship types 671Passenger ships 671Ferries and RoRo ships 673Aircraft carriers 675Bulk cargo carriers 678Submarines 681Commercial submarines 686Container ships 687Frigates and destroyers 688High speed small craft 691Monohulls 692Multi-hulled vessels 692Surface eect vehicles 694Hydrofoil craft 698In¯atables 700Comparison of types 701Oshore engineering 701Tugs 704Fishing vessels 706Yachts 708AnnexÐThe Froude `constant' notation (1888) 711Bibliography 720Answers to problems 723Index 725x Contents [...]... //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 3 1-7 -2 001/BSTA01.3D ± 14 ± [1±22/22] 31.7.2001 5:52PM Introduction Volume 1 of Basic Ship Theory has presented fundamental work on ship shape, static behaviour, hazards and protection and upon ship strength It has also described in detail the environment in which marine vehicles have to work and the properties of the sea and the air Now we are in a position to discuss the dynamic behaviour of ships... cannot be used directly for assessing her maximum power Clearly, this method is not valid when a new ship form is introduced such as the SWATH (Small Waterplane Twin Hull) ship or the trimaran 381 //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 3 1-7 -2 001/BSTC10.3D ± 382 ± [381±426/46] 30.7.2001 3:46PM 382 Basic ship theory Theory has been used as an aid to more practical methods and continues to develop Computational... 10.2) Fig 10.2 Wave system associated with moving pressure point //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 3 1-7 -2 001/BSTC10.3D ± 388 ± [381±426/46] 30.7.2001 3:46PM 388 Basic ship theory Fig 10.3 Ship wave pattern The wave system associated with a ship is more complicated To a ®rst approximation, however, the ship can be considered as composed of a moving pressure ®eld sited near the bow and a moving suction... model to full-scale The product of //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 3 1-7 -2 001/BSTC10.3D ± 385 ± [381±426/46] 30.7.2001 3:46PM Powering of ships: general principles 385 RT and the ship' s speed V de®nes a horsepower which is known as the e€ective power (PE ) This e.h.p can be regarded as the useful work done in propelling the ship The power actually delivered to the shafts for propelling a ship is the... in direction of x-, y-, z-axes linear velocity weight density weight in general body axes and Cartesian co-ordinates Right-hand system ®xed in the body, z-axis vertically down, x-axis forward Origin at c.g ®xed axes Right-hand orthogonal system nominally ®xed in space, z0 -axis vertically down, x0 -axis in the general direction of the initial motion angular acceleration speci®c gravity circulation thickness... resistance of its naked hull EXAMPLE //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 3 1-7 -2 001/BSTC10.3D ± 386 ± [381±426/46] 30.7.2001 3:46PM 386 Basic ship theory Solution: PE ˆ 1  44:74 ˆ 22:37 MW 2   30  1852 Therefore 22:37  10 W ˆ …Resistance† newtons  m=s 3600 6 i.e Resistance ˆ 1:449  106 newtons TYPE S O F RE S ISTANC E The classical theory of hydrodynamics has shown that a body deeply immersed in ¯uid... designer can use full-scale data from ships built over a considerable period of years, theoretical analysis or models Generally speaking, full-scale data is limited in usefulness because of the process of evolution to which ships are subject To mention two factors, the introduction of welding led to a smoother hull, and ships have tended over the years to become larger Again, the new ship is often required... model with theory acting as a guide and full-scale data providing the all-essential check on the model prediction The model is relatively cheap and results can be obtained fairly rapidly for a variety of changes to enable the designer to achieve an optimum design An example of the results obtainable by a judicious blend of theory and model data is provided by what is known as regression analysis Basically,... energy of the wave system created The total resistance of a ship moving on a calm water surface has several components They are: wave-making resistance; skin frictional resistance; viscous pressure resistance; air resistance; appendage resistance //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 3 1-7 -2 001/BSTC10.3D ± 387 ± [381±426/46] 30.7.2001 3:46PM Powering of ships: general principles 387 Each component can now be... 2 Because the wave pattern moves with the ship, C must be equal to the ship velocity V and  being a length measurement can, for dimensional analysis, be represented as proportional to the ship length L for a given speed Thus it isp seen that of the non-dimensional parameters deduced earlier it is V 2=gL or V= (gL) which is signi®cant in the study of wave-making resistance p As stated in the section . //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 3 1-7 -2 001/BSTA01.3D ± 1 ± [1±22/22] 31.7.2001 5:52PMBasic Ship Theory //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 3 1-7 -2 001/BSTA01.3D ± 2 ±. Conferences.xiii //SYS21///INTEGRA/BST/VOL2/REVISES 3 1-7 -2 001/BSTA01.3D ± 14 ± [1±22/22] 31.7.2001 5:52PMIntroductionVolume 1 of Basic Ship Theory has presented fundamental work on ship shape,static

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2012, 08:34

