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LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 40: Unit 5: INVENTIONS Getting started A OBJECTIVES - By the end of the lesson, students are able to: - Use words and phrases related to the topic Inventions - Role play, practicing listening and speaking B TEACHING METHOD: Communicative C.TEACHING AIDS - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, recording D PROCEDURE I Class organization: II Checking the old lesson: III New Lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Computers and our lives Pay attention Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: getting to know the topic, vocabulary related to inventions, and two grammar points Activity (15’) Ask students to look at the picture and tell them the two people in the picture are Phong - Look at the picture and guess and his father Let students guess what Phong and his father are talking about - Play the recording Have students listen and read silently - Tell students not to worry about the new vocabulary or grammar points The new items will be dealt with after Activity Activity (15’) This activity focuses on comprehension Have Key act students work in pairs to practice asking and He promises to reward Phong if Phong passes answering the lesson the English test Because his old mobiphone is still good Computers have changed our lives in many ways: faster communication (emails), free entertainment (online games), convenient shopping (online shopping), etc PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang1 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW Activity (10’ ) This matching exercise helps students to get the meaning of words used in the dialogue Ask students to use the context and clue in the dialogue He will use his laptop for listening to music, chatting with friends, playing games, researching topics on the web and typing his assignment (Answers may vary) Key 1.c 2.a 3.d 4.b IV Consolidation: (2’) - Summarize the main points V Homework: (3’) - Prepare for the next lesson Notes after teaching: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………… Date of planning: Date of teaching: PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang2 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW Period 41: UNIT 5: INVENTIONS Language A OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, students are able to: - Understand the formation of compound nouns and their meanings - Identify the stress patterns of compound nouns and noun groups - Use the gerunds and to infinitives to talk about the uses or purposes of something - Use present perfect tense to describe an event or action happening in the past but having result in the present B TEACHING METHOD: Communicative C.TEACHING AIDS: - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, recording D PROCEDURE: I Class organization II Checking the old lesson III.New Lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Vocabulary Key a Activity (10’) Video game: a game in which players Explain to the students that the meaning of a compound control and move images on a screen noun is not always based on the meaning of its parts (video: film or image; game: something Help them to use the dictionary to look for meanings of you play for fun) five compound nouns and their parts Smartphone: a mobile phone that has Prepare some pictures of a video game, a smart phone, a some functions of a computer (smart: laptop, and an ebook reader for illustration, if students intelligent, computer-controlled, phone: don’t know these things a telephone) Laptop: a portable, small computer that can work with a battery (lap: top part of your leg; top: upper surface) Ebook: A book that is displayed on a computer screen or an electronic device (electronic using microchips to control a small electric current; book: a written work) Email: a way of sending messages to other people by using a computer (electronic: using microchips to control a small electric current; mail: post, letter) b.No, not always (e.g: laptop) PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang3 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW Activity 2: (5’) The focus of activity is on the formation of compound nouns (N+N, Adj+N or Ving + N) Tell students that some compound nouns are written as one word ( e.g: bedroom), some as two words (e.g swimming pool), and some with a hyphen in between (e.g mother-in-law) Key act 1.d pencil case e blackboard a washing machine c headphones b food processor Pronunciation (5’) Activity and Focus on the stress pattern of compound nouns ( primary stress is usually on the first part) and noun groups (primary stress is on the second part) Model the pronunciation (or play the recording) for Ss to repeat chorally and individually Ask Ss to listen and tick the words that they hear Audio script GREENhouse soft WARE gold BRICK MOVING van tall BOY Grammar (5’) Gerunds and infinitives Activity1 Explain to Ss that V-ing (after the preposition FOR) or to-infinitive is used to describe the use or purpose of something Activity This activity encourages Ss to use the gerund or infinitive to describe things around them (e.g school things such as an eraser, a pen, or a calculator; things at home such as a bookshelf, a rice cooker, or a fridge) First, have two Ss model the example Then, divide the Ss into pairs and let them the activity The present perfect (5’) Activity1 The timelines help Ss to have a deeper understanding of the uses of the present, past, and future tenses – with more focus on the present perfect Draw the timelines on the board and explain to Ss that Key 1.b 2.a 3.a 4.b Key 5.a getting; sending to creat; (to) contact to read to play chopping; mixing to store PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang4 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW they should write a word from the box above each line Have a student come to the board and write the answer in the timelines Activity (5’) The focus of this activity is the distinction between the present simple and the present perfect - Ask students to match the beginnings in A with the ends in B to make meaningful sentences or exchanges - Help students to use the correct verb tense in each case Activity (5’) This activity aims to help students to distinguish uses of the present perfect, the present simple and the past simple tenses Have students the activity individually and then check the answers as a class Key Past future present present perfect Key 1.b has broken d looks, has lost/lost e Do you know; have forgotten/ forget a have asked 5.c left; have disappeared Key Seems Have affected Were Have encouraged Has aided Have killed Prefer IV Consolidation: (2’) - Summarize the main points V Homework: (3’) - Prepare for the next lesson Notes after teaching: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… Date of planning: Date of teaching: PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang5 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW Period 42 Unit INVENTIONS Skills: Reading A Objectives By the end of the lesson, students are able to: - Use words and phrases related to the topic Inventions - Read a text about inventions based on nature for the main idea and specific information - Practice working in groups B Teaching method: Communicative C.Teaching aids - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, recording D Procedure I Class organization II Checking the old lesson III New Lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Wonderful nature Lead-in: Draw students’ attention to the heading of the Reading section: Wonderful nature Ask them to guess what the text might be about Activity (5’) Have students in pairs to discuss what the animals in the pictures can but people can’t ask students questions to help them think of some devices or equipments that people have created to allow them to what they normally cannot (e.g as people cannot fly, what have they made to help them fly??) Activity (10’) Ask students to read the text quickly and pick out repeated words or phrases (e.g inventions/ invent, imitating/ imitates, inspirational/ inspired) Tell them that repeated words in a text may reveal its main idea or general title Have students skim the text and choose the best title from three options Key act Picture a: A bird can fly Picture b: A dolphin can swim and stay underwater for a long time Picture c: A lotus leaf does not get wet It washes water away People have invented an aeroplane, a ship or submarine, and a waterproof raincoat to make up for what they cannot as well as these animals or leaves Key act a Imitating Nature Key act B PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang6 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW Activity (10’) Ask students to read the text again and underline the six words from Activity Encourage students to guess the meanings of these words from context and match them with the correct definition Activity (10’) Ask students to answer the questions individually Tell them to underline the key words in the questions and the relevant words or phrases in the text Activity (5’) Let students work in groups of or to discuss the question and decide which of the tour inventions is the best imitation of nature Remind students that the invention they choose needs to be very similar to the related animal or plant in aeroplane or function E A C F D Key act 1.The inventions that imitate animals are the aeroplane and the submarine 2.The inventions that imitate plants are Velcro, the self-cleaning glass window and umbrella fabric 3.The aeroplane is considered one of the greatest inventions in our history because it helps us to travel long distances in the air and encourages the development of tourism and trading 4.A submarine can help scientists to learn about life under the sea 5.The material that makes up the glass window has the ability to wash away the dirt in the rain 6.An aeroplane: “its wings and shape imitating those of a bird” A submarine: “imitates a dolphin’s shape” The Vecro: “hook and loop fastener”; “two fabrics sticking together thanks to the hooks on one surface and the loops on the other” IV Consolidation: (2’) - Summarize the main points V Homework (3’) - Prepare for the next lesson Notes after teaching: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 44 Unit INVENTIONS Skills: Speaking PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang7 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW A Objectives By the end of the lesson, students are able to: - Use words and phrases related to the topic Inventions - Practice a dialogue with a partner about a 3-D printer - Discuss about inventions - Introduce some inventions in front of the class B Teaching method: Communicative C.Teaching aids - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, D Procedure I Class organization II Checking the old lesson III New Lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Unique inventions Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: talking about inventions Activity (10’) Ask students what they think the heading of the speaking section Unique inventions means Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs Activity (10’) Have students complete the table with the information from the conversation Explain them that the four ideas suggested in the table are the key points they need to mention when talking about an invention Activity Ask students to look at the pictures of a portable solar charger and a USB stick (or flash drive) and discuss which benefits (suggested in the box) are suitable for each invention Key act Very special or unusual inventions Key act a.Name of invention b.Characteristics c Use d.benefits 3-D printer Bigger and heavier than n To produce solid objects Economical (saving lots o Key Portable solar charger: not dependent on electricity; environmentally-friendly; easy to carry, not costly USB stick: not costly; easy to use; easy to transport files Note: Some benefits can be suitable for both inventions: easy to use, easy to carry, not too costly Activity (10’) Ask students to use the information in the table (in Activity 3) and talk about one invention Tell them that they can make some changes in the sample conversation (from 1) PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang8 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW to make their own conversation natural and logical Activity (10’) Put students in groups of or Each group chooses one invention and discusses which information they may use to introduce the invention to other groups Their talk should include information about the characteristics, use, and benefits of the invention Or ask students to think about any other inventions, choose one, and talk about it IV Consolidation: (2’) - Summarize the main points V Homework (3’) - Prepare for the next lesson Notes after teaching: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………… Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 45: Unit Inventions Part Skills: Listening A Objectives By the end of the lesson, students are able to: - Use words and phrases related to the topic Inventions PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang9 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW - Read a text about inventions based on nature for the main idea and specific information - Practice working in groups B Teaching method: Communicative C.Teaching aids - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, recording D Procedure I Class organization II Checking the old lesson III New Lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Flying cars Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: listening for specific information Activity (5’) Ask students to look at the picture and answer the guiding questions a What does this flying car have on both sides of its body? Does it have wheels? b Can it fly? Can it run on the ground? Can it move in water? Activity (10’) Before students listen to the recording, ask them to look at words in Activity Explain the meanings of the words they not know Have students listen and tick the words they hear Activity (10’) Ask students to listen again and answer the questions Encourage students to take notes, Remind them that notes are key words and ideas that can be written down quickly Have students compare their answers with their partner’s Activity (10’) This task focuses on specific information about the flying car Ask students to guess what kind of information they may put in the gaps Activity (5’) Key act Traffic jams, collapse, garage, gallon, runway Key act In New York City He’s a businessman He’s considering owning a flying car to deal with the traffic problem It’s not too big, so it can be put in a garage This flying can cannot take off without a runway Key act Bigger (in the air); (on the ground) 200 (in the air); 120 (on the ground) PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang10 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW V Homework - Prepare for the next lesson Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 53 FIRST TERM TEST A Objectives - Students can check their knowledge after some lessons - T gives basic tips for memorizing grammar items B Teaching method: Communicative C Teaching aids - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, recording D Procedure I Class organization II Checking the old lesson III New Lesson IV Consolidation - Summarize the main points V Homework - Prepare for the next lesson PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang24 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 54 Unit GENDER EQUALITY Lesson : Getting started A Objectives - To teach Ss to listen and read a conversation about gender equality and tasks: True false exercise and questions and answers - To teach some lexical items related to the topic Gender Equality - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Use some lexical items related to the topic Gender Equality + Make simple dialogues using the given expressions B Teaching method: Communicative C Teaching aids - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, recording D Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities *Warm up: (5’) Ask Ss to discuss the questions: Why some couples prefer a son to a girl? Do you think so? Why? Why not? - Ask some Ss to give their opinions -Lead in the new lesson: Gender Equality Task 1: (10’) Answer the questions - Ss listen and read the conversation at the - Get Ss look at the picture page then answer same time some questions: Who you see in the picture? Where you think they are? What are they doing? - T plays the recording - Get Ss in pairs read the dialogue again/ then ask two pairs to act out the conversation * Suggested answers: Task 2: (10’) F F T NG T -Make sense of the sentences in the text - Have Ss find out the answers for the questions individually - Go round and give help if needed - Check Ss by calling some Ss to read sentences aloud and decide if the statements are true, false or not given, the other Ss give comment - Ask Ss to refer back to the conversation to get necessary information Key: - Provide final feedback and correction Only 82 girls enrolled per 100 boys in Task 3: (15’) secondary school Answer the questions Because they might be forced to work at home - Ask Ss to read the conversation again and think and in the field of the answers to the questions PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang25 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW - Have Ss work with a partner and switch roles to ask and answer - Check the answers and provide the correct ones if necessary There are slightly more boys than girls in both primary and secondary schools Women Gender discrimination should be eliminated so that everyone has equal opportunities in education IV Consolidation: (2’) - Summarize the main points V Homework: (3’) - Prepare for the next lesson Notes after teaching: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………… ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 55 Unit GENDER EQUALITY Lesson : Language A Objectives - To teach Ss to pronounce two- syllable words with stress on the first or second syllable in isolation and in context - To teach Ss to use the passive voice with modals - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Understand and use the passive voice with modals + Pronounce two-syllable words with stress on the first or second syllable in isolation and in context + Use some lexical items related to the topic Gender Equality D Teaching method: Communicative E Teaching aids - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, recording D Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities *Warm up: 5’ I Vocabulary: Task 1: Matching * Key: - Ask Ss to work individually, read the words and d f e a phrases in the box, then discuss and find the c b meaning for each of them - T checks some Ss - Check answer as a class PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang26 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW Task 2: - Ask Ss to work individually in minutes then have them compare their answer with their partner - Check Ss' answers and give explanation if any - Exchange the answers with their partner - Make sure that Ss have the right answers by going over all the answers in class Allow Ss to look up the words in the glossary, if necessary II Pronunciation Task 1: Listen and repeat - Play the recording and let Ss listen and repeat - Play it again with pauses for Ss to repeat each word chorally - Have Ss work in pairs - Invite two or three Ss read again and then give comment - Give the meaning of the words if necessary Help Ss distinguish two-syllable words with stress on the first or second syllable - Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turns reading the words Task 2: Listen and mark - Play the recording and ask Ss to put a mark (’) before the stressed syllable in each word - Ask Ss to take turns reading the words - Invite some Ss to read the sentences in front of the class Correct mistakes if any Task - Have Ss work individually to put the words in the right box according to their stress patterns - Exchange the answers with their partner - Check as a class III Grammar: Activity 1: - Explain to Ss that modal verbs are special verbs that behave differently from other verbs They are used to express ability, advice, duty, permission, possibility, prohibition or request eliminate gender Stress on the first syllable Woman, gender, treatment, household, equal, college Key: shouldn’t (advice) May (permission) might ( possibility) Functions mustn’t (prohibition) Modals Can, could Should, ought to Must Can, could, may May, might, can, could Can’t, mustn’t, may not May, will, would * Key: enroll force discrimination equal must (duty) Will (request) can (ability) Ability Advice or duty Duty Permission Possibility Prohibition Request - Ask Ss to read the sentences, check if they understand PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang27 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW - Ss work individually first and pay attention to all modal verbs used in the sentences - Ask Ss to work in pairs to check the answer - Go over all the answers in class Activity 2: - Ask Ss to read the sentences Have them underline the passive voice with modals Let them work with a partner before checking answers as a class Activity 3: - Have Ss work in pairs first, and then write down the correct answers Observe and offer help if necessary * Key: may be kept might be forced shouldn’t be allowed should be eliminated * Key: Lan might be chosen (by our class) to represent us in the School Youth Union Will Korean be taught in our school next year? IV Consolidation: (2’) - Summarize the main points V Homework: (3’) - Prepare for the next lesson Notes after teaching: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang28 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 55 Unit GENDER EQUALITY Lesson : Reading A Objectives - To teach Ss to read for general ideas and for specific information about gender equality in employment and answer the questions and decide whether the sentences are true, false or not given - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Read for general ideas and for specific information about gender equality in employment and answer the questions and decide whether the sentences are true, false or not given B Teaching method: Communicative C Teaching aids - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, recording D Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Warm up: 8’ Gender equality in employment Activity 1: 5’ Key: They are the symbols of genders, gender - Focus Ss’ attention on the heading of the section equality and gender discrimination Gender equality in employment Ask Ss to guess what the text about - Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Read for general ideas and for specific information about gender equality in employment - T elicits the answers and leads Ss in the lesson Activity 2: 7’ - Ask Ss to match each of the words with its meaning - Have Ss work individually first, and then check * Key: c e d b a with a partner Let Ss use a dictionary, if necessary - Go over all the answers to make sure they have the correct answers Activity 3:5’ - Ask Ss to read the text quickly and find the repeated words and their collocations (e.g firefighter, firefighter’s, female, women, women’s, * Key: b A woman Who Did a ‘Man’s Job male, man’s, gender, discrimination, gender differences) - Explain to Ss that repeated vocabulary in the text may imply its main idea or title - Have Ss skim the text to choose the best title Activity 4: 8’’ - Ask Ss to look back at the reading text to check if the statements are true, false or not given - Ask Ss to underline the key words in the statements and relevant words/ phrases in the text - Check Ss' answer and give feedback Activity 5: 7’ Key: 1.F 5.T 6F NG PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN 3.F 4.T - Trang29 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW - Ask Ss to scan the text to find answers to the questions - Let them highlight the key words both in the questions and in the text - Have Ss take turns asking and answering in pairs - Check answers as a class Key: She wanted to become a firefighter She sued New York City and the FDNY for gender discrimination and won They became the targets of laughter and anger from the co-workers and local people They were unwelcomed at meals, faced loneliness and even violence They had to exactly the same jobs as all other male firefighters IV Consolidation: (2’) - Summarize the main points V Homework: (3’) - Prepare for the next lesson Notes after teaching: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 55 Unit GENDER EQUALITY Lesson :Speaking A Objectives - To teach Ss to talk about equal job opportunities - To teach Ss to express agreements or disagreements about equal job opportunities for men and women - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Express their opinion about equal job opportunities for men and women + Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life B Teaching method: Communicative C Teaching aids - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, recording D Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Warm up: 8’ -Ask Ss to call out some phrases to express their point of view - Lead in the new lesson - T informs Ss of the lesson objectives: Exchanging opinions about equal job PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang30 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW opportunities for men and women * Key: Task 1: 3.D A 5.A D - Write Equal job opportunities on the board Give A 2.A Very true, but………………; Sure, Ss time to read through the useful expressions but…………… (D) - Let Ss work in pairs That’s for sure / Exactly / I couldn’t agree - Go round and help if necessary more (A) - Have them compare the answer with others Check Ss' answers - Call on individual Ss to read aloud these activities and the reasons why they are important Task 2: - Have Ss in pairs read the example, and then ask all Ss to share their opinions - Guide Ss to prepare the ideas to support their reasons - Invite some students to perform their opinion in front of the class - Give feedback Task 3: - Ask one student to read out loud the opinion Married women should not pursue a career and explain the activity to the class - Divide Ss into groups of three/ four Ss - Ask one group to model the activity using the example conversation Then ask all Ss to discuss and note down their group’s discussion - After 3-4 minutes, have some Ss from different groups report the results of their group work back to the class IV Consolidation: (2’) - Summarize the main points V Homework: (3’) - Prepare for the next lesson Notes after teaching: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 55 Unit GENDER EQUALITY Lesson : Listening A Objectives - To teach Ss listen for specific information about wage discrimination - To teach Ss about wage discrimination against women - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Listen and the tasks PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang31 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW + Develop the listening skills for specific details + Talk about gender equality/ inequality in wages and employment B Teaching method: Communicative C Teaching aids - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, recording D Procedure : Teacher’s activities *Warm up: 5’ - Inform Ss of the lesson objectives: Listening for specific information about wage discrimination - Ask Ss to explain “Same work-same pay ?” - Explain “Same work-same pay ?” Task 1: - Let Ss look at the picture and elicit their answers to the questions Ask them to use the caption as suggestion Task 2: - Have students tell the meaning before listening to make sure they know the meaning of each word - Play the recording and ask Ss to repeat the words one by one Possibly play the recording again - Check students' answers and comments Task 3: - Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a talk on (gender) discrimination - Ask Ss to read all the statements and guess if they are true (T) or false (F) - T explains if there are any new words to make sure Ss understand all the statements - Play the recording and let Ss the activity - Check their answers - Play the recording again and pause at the place where they can get correct information Task 4: - Ask Ss to read the instruction and the sentences 1-4 Make sure that they understand the sentences - Provide help with the new vocabulary, if necessary - Play the recording once or twice again for Ss to fill the gaps - Ask Ss to work with a partner to compare Students’ activities *Suggested answer: The man looks happy but the woman looks sad because she gets less pay/ money Key: F T T F T F Key discrimination happens paid more perform 66% own 1% encourage women like nursing PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang32 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW their answer - Check students' answers and comments IV Consolidation: (2’) - Summarize the main points V Homework: (3’) - Prepare for the next lesson Notes after teaching: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 55 Unit GENDER EQUALITY Lesson : Writing A Objectives - To teach Ss listen for specific information about wage discrimination - To teach Ss about wage discrimination against women - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Listen and the tasks + Develop the listening skills for specific details + Talk about gender equality/ inequality in wages and employment B Teaching method: Communicative C Teaching aids - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, recording D Procedure : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities *Warm up: 7’ - Inform Ss of the lesson objectives: Writing a short text with detailed explanations as supporting Answer: 1b ideas Task 2: - Ask Ss to read the sample writing again and complete the outline Help Ss analyse the structure of the text - Call on some students to answer and give feedback Task 3: - Tell students to read the letter again and discuss the words in pairs - Offer help if Ss cannot give the answer c a Key: A Life is getting expensive, so women’s salaries are becoming important B They discover strengths and weaknesses, become more knowledgeable and look for good ways to educate children C Children see parents work hard and share domestic responsibilities, and they learn from them PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang33 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW - If necessary, explain to students Task 4: - Focus on the instructions and the pictures Give Ss time to read the suggestions - Call on some Ss to say what they will write as the topic sentence, supporting ideas 1, 2, 3, and concluding sentence - Tell Ss to write a draft first, then write a short text about the disadvantages of being a working mother - Have Ss write the text in class When they finish, ask them to exchange it with partner for peer comments/ correction - Walk around and offer help if necessary - Get students' answers and comments - Get some outputs to highlight and comment and correct the possible mistakes of students - Group work - Write the text in class IV Consolidation: (2’) - Summarize the main points V Homework: (3’) - Prepare for the next lesson Notes after teaching: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 55 Unit GENDER EQUALITY Lesson 7: Communication and Culture A Objectives - To teach Ss about the present situation of gender equality in the United Kingdom - To teach Ss to talk about Viet Nam’s achievements in addressing gender equality - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Understand and talk about the present situation of gender equality in the United Kingdom + Talk about Viet Nam’s achievements in addressing gender equality development B Teaching method: Communicative C Teaching aids - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, recording D Procedure : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities *Warm up: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Further skill development PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang34 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW Communication: Gender equality in Viet Nam Activity 1: - Focus on the instructions and pictures Inform Ss that they will have more chances to practice speaking - Give them some time to read about the achievements Viet Nam has made in addressing gender equality - Give Ss more freedom by allowing them to add more achievements from reliable sources Activity 2: Exchange your opinion - Have students work in pairs to talk about achievements in addressing gender equality in Viet Nam, using the information given in Activity and from other sources - Have two Ss model the example - Ss work in pairs to exchange their points of view based on the example - Go around to offer helps and comments - Check answers with the whole class Culture: Gender equality in the United Kingdom Activity 1: - Focus on the instructions and pictures Elicit answers from Ss by asking the class questions like: Who you see in the pictures? What is the man doing? Are there many man teaching young kids? What is the woman doing? Is her job popular with women? Activity 2: - Tell the students to read a text and answer the questions - Give Ss time to read the text Pre-teach some words that might be new to Ss - Walk round to monitor the class and offer help, if necessary - Read the text on their own, find information to answer questions, and compare with other students - Take notes if necessary - Check students' answers and comments * Suggested answers: Seventy per cent of all public school teachers are women Forty-nine per cent of lecturers of two-yearcolleges and forty-three per cent of university lecturers are women * Key: Girls perform better than boys at all levels of education in the United Kingdom Women make up 47 per cent of the British workforce Millions of women and girls still experience domestic violence, and the gap in full-time wage between men and women is 10 per cent and most of the people in low-paid jobs are women PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang35 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW IV Consolidation: (2’) - Summarize the main points V Homework: (3’) - Prepare for the next lesson Notes after teaching: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 55 Unit GENDER EQUALITY Lesson : Looking back and project A Objectives - To help Ss pronounce correctly two-syllable words with stress on the first or second syllable in isolation and in context - To teach Ss some lexical items related to the topic Gender Equality - By the end of the lesson Ss are able to: + Pronounce correctly two-syllable words related to the topic Gender Equality + Use some key words of the same topic and the passive voice with modals B Teaching method: Communicative C Teaching aids - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook, recording D Procedure : Teacher’s activities * Checking - Ask students to recall what they have learnt in Unit - Speak out their ideas and opinions, knowledge that they have learnt in Unit Pronunciation: Activity 1: - Ask Ss to put the two-syllable words in the box in the correct columns according to their stress patterns - Help Ss review the stress patterns of twosyllable words Activity 2: - Play the recording Ask Ss to listen and repeat the words Vocabulary: Activity 1: - T has Ss work in pairs, read the sentences carefully and choose the words to complete the sentences Students’ activities Key: Stress on the first syllable symbol, letter, healthcare, challenge, income, workforce, army Key: gender equality preference eliminated right caretaker discrimination progress PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN access - Trang36 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW - T goes around and gives helps if necessary - T checks with the class by saying the number Grammar: Activity 1: - Remind Ss to use the forms of the passive voice - Give time for Ss to make their own choice - Have them check in pairs - Call on some Ss to read their sentences for the class to comment - Correct the errors, if necessary Activity 2: - Remind Ss to use the forms of the passive voice - Ask Ss to work in individually first - Elicit the answers and correct the answers - Give explanations, if necessary Project: Students the survey in PROJECT in groups at break time Teacher design the form and students hand in the results in written form as assignment Key: c f e d a b Key: An essay on gender equality must be written (by each student) This exit door can be opened in case of emergency Men and women should be given equal pay for equal work My mother might be given an award More progress will be made (by the Vietnamese government) in gender equality Obesity may be considered as serious health problem IV Consolidation: (2’) - Summarize the main points V Homework: (3’) - Prepare for the next lesson Notes after teaching: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang37 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10.NEW PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang38 ... PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang25 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10. NEW - Have Ss work with a partner and switch roles to ask and answer - Check the answers and provide the... about 100 ,000 VND Supporting idea and further explanation: Use anywhere We not disturb anybody PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang12 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10. NEW... act Bigger (in the air); (on the ground) 200 (in the air); 120 (on the ground) PHẠM THỊ PHỤNG – THPT PHAN CHU TRINH- NINH HẢI- NINH THUẬN - Trang10 LESSON PLANS – ENGLISH 10. NEW Ask students to