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Đề thi HSG khối lớp 8 năm 2017 2018 các bộ môn

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Nội dung

1.0 point CITY ART MUSEUM The rnain part of mlrseum was built in 1 The 2 ...was built sixty years later.. Read the passage carefully then choose the best answer A, B or C for each quest

Trang 1

op cl-tixtt t'ttt it' '[hiti giun ldm bc\i: 150 Philt

(Ei rhi g6nt 0l trang)

B:ii 1:G,5 ctiAm)

rr, Quan sit sir rio itir,ir rC tr6 clrttlg ctt tl-ri nchi0m saLr.

hirl ric tlirrlt cric elrlt r l:- t i ).

Neu hion tuotlg','li i i.'t i'i,r-' lrlltLt.rt.tg lriLih hoi hoc rity ra'?

b" C(t 5 chir t'rin rririr.t iri,,g clan5r b6t gonr: CzrCO3

CaO Pz0.s, NaCl Nli3O iiil' Li'inh bi'r phLLone phiip hoa

hr.rc cLj phin biOt clc ciriiL trCrr VicL phLtottg trilrl-i phin

irng (n0r-r c6)

c, M0t sd gir cll;rh i;i0rr u:tt'cotl siL.clttng b6p than t6

oggtrolg silh hoat.'l'ltcc, i:ttt srt citrng ll['p thall t0 orlg ccl

gi)' o nhi6nt ut6i trLtiittl i'lrt)trg'l Girli tiricl-r

Brii 2: (5.5 diern)

a []ho ciic c[,iL i,., cing thirc htil ltoc slitt: IlBr, Cu(Oll)2, I'uOs, KOII SO3, H2SOa,

Ire0, NarP0.1" Naiil-Or lius()-, GQi rCri r ii phin loai cdc chit trcrl

b, viet phuo.ng Lririii Lrolr lioc., tlrc.r rti clo 1'rhirtr [ttlg sttt-t:

Cu (') > tluo l'r; 1110 Lr5 lllsor t'r) ) I{2 !5 F-e*rbFe3oa

PIIdNG clAo l)11{l \1,\ i} \(} T+t}

\,\hl I lt{ t

Ilr\i 3: ()rliim 1.

a" Llop chat A ci r,'i',rr'! illirc phin

li i02 Xiic dinh c0n!' lhiii cirii r\'

otr rHt I{sG cAP HUYEN NAM HQC 2017 -2018

Mdn thi: llOA I{QC- L6'P: 8

iii Ai,,X,, 1;hln tir A ch[La 5 nguy€n tu vd phfln tfr kh6i

dugc dr-rng diol-r

iiiin loai M cin dtrng 1.344 lit khi H2 o dktc vtii cltlng dich FICI dtr thu ducTc 1,008 lft khi

b, Clho 0.8 gartr ilirrr lLiai B tiic dLrng r'6'i nrLil'c du sar-t phlin frng thr"r

bazo vi\ 0.448 lit lilii hitlr.l iv tllttc Xric clinh Il.

Ilii 4: (2 diAD.lloil t:tn I i.2 gln-r Fc viio 400 gairr tltu-rg clich H2SOa 19,6oh

a 'l'inh th6 tich iilii itirlrtl tl-Ltt cliLoe ir tllttc

b"'finh nfing clii r)1i.:'Jur -riic chii tr-otlg clurrg tlich sar,r phan u'ng?

Eii 5: (3 ii\d: Nqir.ri tr: rii'trhirlh liai Lhi ttrilri0ttl slttt:

-'i'hi lghient i : ch.; ttt Lti.ttn N{g r io cdc,thtrr'linh ch[ra 29"4 gam H2SOa

- l-tri rignigpr 2 : ir,; ,,i garl itl vr'ro c6c tiriry tinh chitii 2(),4 gatn HzSO+ nhu o thi nghiOm l Xirc clinh nr ilt

a, I(ittt loiri trottg irrii lili nglri0rl tilrl h0i lrcirrg axit

b Cl6 m6t kin-r lorii rari irit vii liir-rllt;iii I'h0ng tan l-rOt

finh tlii Litrir l,iri l{2 ti nrOi ti'LLirtlg hrrp trerl

Ilii 6(i, 0 rtiAm)

a I(hir hciiii'i ttriin -i"'iii glilr mOt oxit cira

'l'oiin bd lLroltg liirrt ltxii tltit iltLi.r'c cho tiic cltitig

1-12 o cllitc 'fim liirn iutii Vi

',':r orit ctllt rlo

b Ciro I1.3 grrur i,iil lrrilr X goril h4g Vi '/.n I{tc dlrng v6i 500

ChLlng rlinh rang SrL) i)iiiiii iitrr: trti'i h0lr lro'11 ,X arit vin cdt-r dr-r'?


;;:,:,,, i',i,',,,,-iruiY' ;;:;, ;;, ;;; ;;;;,;;; -'

IIo yti t?rt ltqtc sittlt

rnl dung dich HCl 2M.

Giritrt thi 1 " {iitit;t ihi


Trang 2


nrox srNH r{QC - LoP 8

T'ho'i gian kinr bii: i50 phfrt

(Di rhi g()m 02 trang)

Cf,u 1 (3,0 ili0nr)

1 NOu cA., tr,., tt i-rri.; cl6ng vdt vi chilc n[ng cua tinrg b6 phAn? Chrlrng'rninh t6 beo le

do'n vi ch[rc irLiiu ,-'ira co th6?

2 Vi sao hhi ni.iiit riO mdi trr-ri.r'ng thay c16i ma nhi6t ct6 trong co th6 ngudi ludn 6n dinl-r o t-n['c -17'(' ,,.i r1ao 6l1ing k1iOng qu6 0,5('C.

C/iu 2 (,t,0 cli$pl) tlhl i:;ic phdn xa satl

- Phan xa l: i'iirrirr ri:-,i gi rni dira voi lita

- Phin xa 2: ili iiLr.ii troi ning cla tro'nOr-r h6ng hdo

1 Cho bi0t.phiiir :<:r iu\o la phan xa co clidr-r ki0n (PXCDK)'i Ph6n xa nio ld phan xa lih6ng di0r-r Lirn (i',Xl(DI()?

2 So s5.r-rh tinlr iiiti rLia PXCDI( r,i PXI(Di(?

3 V0 so at6 ci,rrre r;hiiu ra md ta dtLong cli cua xung thAn kinh cia2 ph6.n xa tr0n

Cf,u 3 (3,0 tli0nr)

l MOt ban lio; siiih liim tlri nghi6nr v6i 4 6ng nghiOnr nhu sau:

A 2tnl trriiir-' brrt j- 2rn1 hd tinh b6t 3'.7'C n/\lr!

B 2nrl r[iri': ilich pepsin-J ?url h6 tinh bdt 3J,,C 71

C 2ttt rrr:6c llrit -l- 2rni vin lilng trdng tr(Lng ga 37'' C )\

D 2ml iliiirr clich pepsin-1 ?rll viin ldng trdng tr[rng 37'' C )5


FlSy cho biii i,irr righiirn nto cri phiur irng l-roa hoc xdry ra? N6u trong eothti nguoi thi phan ilng ilo c r lir-r \:r\, r'.r o co qlrarl niio cta 6nu ti0r-r hoa? Giai thich?

2, Can c[r \ri'r.r .iili, il0 khnng clirrir: " Rudt non Ii co' qlran chir y6u cira hC tiOu h5a

clAn-r nhi0m vai trii lril; LirLr ihit clinh cllLd'r-rg".



Trang 3

Cf,u 4 (2,0 dl6rn) Mdt iroc sinir ltrir 8 c6 nhr-r cdr.r Li0r,r clirng nitng luo-r-rg rrSi ngdy ld 2200 kPcal

Trong so nting liroirg ir:i_r'ti"ri pr6tein clrug cap 19oh, glr-rxit cung c1tp 68Y0 cdn Iai ld do

lipit cung cip 13iOt lertg

* 1 gam prdteir"r lihi tir-roc phin giai hoan todn bo'i 0,97 lit 6xi sC giAi phong ra 4,1 kcal

* I gail lipit khi ,-iir',;c ;;irurr giai hoar-i tor)n bo'i 2,03 lit 6xi s0 giai ph6ng ra 9,3 kcal

* I gam qllrxit l<hi .iiioc ;ririn giai hor\n toiin boi 0,83 lit 6ri sE giai phong ra 4,3 kcal

l Tinh hli6i ltLo-ng il,iiri) 1;r'6tein, lipit, gluxit ma co the can sut clpng trong i ngdy?

2 Tinh ltLong 6ri (iiti :ri:r ,:o th0 cfrrr ciirng trong 1 ngt\1, c10 tao.u tO ning luo-ngtr6n? Cf,u 5 (2,5 rli0rrr)

1 'frinh b:\-r,' c1r-r:i it'lrilr lilnl'r thiLnh rtLrti'c ti0r-r.

2 NhiLng hoat ;liric ilLro'i c1fly Anh huring nhri' th6 ndo c16n qLr6 trinh hinh thdnh nu6'c ti0u'l Giai tlriui ;','.

a, An tnOt lrtoirg i.,it thfrc iu mfu-r.

b Choi th0 tiri,.r (riitri' b(xrg cll )

Cf,u 6 (3,0 di0rn)

1 Giai thicii r:ii siirr lthi ditng chay' r6i chfms ta v6n phai thcr gip mdt thoi gian r6i

Irroi h0 ltill trrr llri i,:,.i r.r,i,irrt':'l

2 Tror-rg mCi ,:iu.lil'iii me c6 nh6ur uau O, bd nh6m nr6Lr AB Ho sinh duo-c m6t ngud'i con treri co niii'irri iliirr ,\ r,i\ 1161 ngr-rili con gai c6 nh6m rn6u B Ngud'i con trai bi bdnh phai trLr1,0fl iri:ii.r 1rip llrii rrhitng ai trong gia clinh co thd truy6n rr6u cho cAu con trai d6? Vi sao'l

3.1(hi trul'u\ri,l,iiii ,,'i\rr ilirr bao nirirng ngtiy0n tic ndo?

Ciiu 7 (2,5 di0uii

1 Phin bi0t rri;,'i:1, rriii tier vri tur,€n ngoai ti5t vO cAu 1ao va chftc n[ng?

2 Vi sao r-roi: '' iiivdn triv la tr-r.v0n pha"?

I I E'T.,


Trang 4

pHoNG GD & DT NAM TRUc or rnr Hoc srNH cr6r cAp uuvBN

NAvr Hec zotz-zotl

Mdn : OIa f,i - LOP 8 Thdi gian ldm bdi 150 philt (kh6ng ke thdi gian giao di)

(Di tht gim 0 t trang) Cfiu 1: (4.5 tli6m)

Dua r,do Allfu Dia li ViQt Narn trang 8 r'ir ki6n thric d6l"roc, hdy:

1 Chirng rninh vir giai thich nucic ta co tdi ngul'6n kho6ng sdn phong phf r'i da d4ng?

2 N€u tdn mo va ph6n b6 cua c6c 1o4i kho6ng san sau: than d6, apatit, boxit clAu mo,

khi c16t.

Ciu 2: (3 tli6m)

Dua vlro At lat Eia li Vigt Nam trang 9 r,d ki6n thri'c cld hoc, hdy cho bi6t:

1 Nr-r6c ta co mAy miAn khi h4u? NOu dac di6m tung midn?

2 Tai sao nr-r6c ta kh6ng co khi hALr nhiQt d6i kh6 han nhu mQt s6 nu6c cing vi d6?

Ciu 3: (5,5 cli6m)

DrLa vzio Atlat Dia li Viet Narn trang 10 va ki6n thrlc d6 hgc.hdy:

1 f6 ten cdc hC th6ng s6ng 16n o nuo'c ta?

2 Nhirng nguy6n nhAn ndo lirm cho s6ng ngoi cua nu6c ta bi 6 nhiSm? D6 dong s6ng nuci'c ta k1-r6ng bi 6 nhi6m chirn-e ta cin phai lam gi?

3 ''S6ng ngdi 1A san phdnt cua clia hinh vd khi hAr-r" clua ddc di6m s6ng ngdi Vi6t Nam em hd1' ldm s6ng to nhin dinh trdn

Ciu 4: (3 tli6m)

1 So sfnh su kh6c nhau cua c6c ki0u khi hau gio rnira vh c6c ki6r-r khi hflu luc dia chiLr A?

2 Cho bi6t dia diirn r a thoi gian ra dcri cua b6n t6n giao lcrn o chiu A?

Cfru 5: ( tli6m) Cho bang s6 1i6u sau:

Dan s6 D6ng Nam i giai doan 1990-201 I (Dv tri€tt ngtrdi)

V0 hi6rr 116 thich hcrn nhit thc hi€n dan s6 Ddns Narl A ciai doan 1990-2011

2 Trr bi6u d6 da v0 rr-it ra nl'rAn x6t r,6 su thay A6i sO dAn cua E6ng Nam A giai.doan 1990-2011

HET Ltru i;: HS thrqc sfr ityng At ltit Dla t!, Viil Nam xuiit bdn th ndm 2009 trf tqi.

etAy ttO ldm biii


1 V0 bi0u cl6 thich hgp nhit thc hien din s6 Ddng Narn A giai doan

Trang 5


xAtu Hoc 2011-2018

Tho'i gian lant biri 1.50' (I{h6ng k€ giao dA)

D0 thi e6m 01 trang

Br\i 1 (5 c1i6ur): N401 chiec pha cli ruoi cldng s6ng tir lon e cion bon B' clirng lai o ben B 36

ffi t,rt'.ii,,*r,,;c cio'g ve be,r n not iil,i 2i phut" Bi.t van tdc cira phd luc xuoi dong

ia :S tirnltr; l[rc t.rgiLtic clong 1;'\ ]0 lirn/li' a/'l'inh kholirlq cltcir iiL birrA tlt-\rt I]'

1 \ r ,,


c/ f inh vin toc c[ra pirii so r''c-vi tlong ntro'Jt'd )'1' t9: :y: clons nuivc so vo'i bo s6ng'

Bni 2 (4 cti6,r): vr.oi'r.rrai g6 ninnl.,Of "r,* nh'1t ti6t cliQ, S

:):,lh'l;l!3:,,," ,u(rc Ti'i crri0u cao cra phnn g5 ,r6i tro^ mirt uttcvc' cho hh6i ri6ng cira

ilfillJiJ;i!|:ii'j,jic khoer m6r,16 hir.rn rru rr giira c5 tiet cliQn As:4crn2 sAuAs vd l6p t1iy, chi cir ri'6i lr-ri,rg ria,g o, ii:iiiii.rlrl rirri irr vi,o nJ6'c ng*d'i ta thAv mrrc chat

ldng nga,g bang

'tii ,l.,rt t,.J,',.cLra li55l g5 iir, clQ siu Al, cta t<tr6i g6f

rliri J (4.0 dienr), ilit'il;ta,rr-4,,"e ii .1.,,'''e" tv dLLoi bi6"

l3.o:^*{,:.:*ou' v6 td* chi

ffini pt:2.1)2.10(' N/ml MOt luc_s.tr rip Le t'5r ip.sLrat p2 : U,U(r' LU 1\/111 '

a/ .[.i*

c1i n6i lc, l.r1 tlii 1ii, xu6',g'/ vi sao khing cli,h nhu,'0y ?

b/.r,inh cro siu

" , ,,i,, ngir-,r o,haithoi cii6rn tr6n]cho bidt tro,g rLrong rieng ctra nu6c bien

bing 10300N/m'' Ilni 4 (4.0 clicim): N4Qt qua cau birng sit cl.r.rc mrng n6ng^t6i^t.oc-.N6u tha qua cau rJo viro

tro,g nrot birli cach ,hlot rrLrng 5rig n.r6c ., o]c iirl nrri€t cJo curoi cturg ctra chirng lir t1 :

4.2,,c.ct)n n0, di;':r;;' -i.,',jj i.i,, iinh i.t', nhiet cl-1ng 41<g trtr(rc d 25('c thi ,hiQt d0 cu6i ci,rg ctia cl.r[ruri I;';,:rs,glic r:o clL*r srr r,6t mat ,hi6t ra r,6i trudng xLl,1g qlranh' Tim:

a/ l(h6i 1Lo-nu .i,e lun cii, lliot nhi0t clung lie'g c[ia sirt vi ntrdc lin lugt la 460J/hg'K vi


bi Nhier c[6 ban cliLi cira qtlli caLr'

ffi^fJli'il,u,r* ty ,roi ,u(rc ctoLr bnt buoc ,roi r.rgtrd'i r-rgoi trong xe 0t0 phai thlt div an

tol\ rlLr rc c1a*! ci*ir 1t'ottg tha,t*nA-f-t,.,i'',,.e" .,r lf,' OayiO co tac clUng

!'.io vQ th6 na.o?

b/'l'ro*g tii\1 r c(r uroi qua ciin 500g, moi.tht'oc thing hin'r loqri co vach chiavdmQt sO sgi cliy, bLrQc i-;n t5e Lr.in ,iO xac nhan lii i.jroi ltrcrng ciri m6t vit niurg 2kg b[ng c6c vdt dung cl6' v0

'i'h rnirrh

- *rE'f



Ht,t t'tr t,'tt l[.\

/'-t"i L.; (:'l' I


Chir ki GT 2:


Trang 6

pHoNG GD&DT NAM TRtIc on rnr Hoc srNH GIor cAp HUyEN NAwI Hoc z0t7-2018


uON: LICH sU- LoP 8

Thdi gian ldm bdi: 150 phrit

(Ei thi gim 01 trang)

r LICH StI Vrpr NAM (12,0 tri6m)

Ciu 1: (4,5 tli6m)

Triro luu cbi cdch duy t6n 6 Vigt Nam nua cudi the ki XIX ra ddi trong bOi canh

ndo? NCu ndi dung co b6n vd y nghia cua nhfing dC nghi chi circh do '|

Trinh bdy nguy6n nhdn thuc dAn Ph6p x6m lucvc ViQt Nam N6u mdt s6 phong trdo d6u tranh ti0u biOu ctra nhAn dAn ViQt Nam chdng thuc ddn Ph6p cuOi tfr6 ki XIX.

Ciu 3: (5,0 tli6m)

Bing nhtng s1r kiQn lfch su ditin hinh tt 1862 - 1884 vd th6ng qua ndi dung c<v bin cua 4 hiQp udc md trid)u dinh nha Nguy6n dA kf v6i thuc ddn Ph6p, em hdy 1dm s6ng to viQc nhd Nguy6n da dAu hdng trmg bu6c d6n dAu hdng hodn todn thyc d6n Ph6p? Theo

em, viQc Oe aat nu6c roi vio tay thyc d6n Ph6p, trirchnhiQm thuQc vd ai? Ngdy nay, chirng taphii ldm gi d€ g6p phAn git virng chir quydn lAnh th6 vd bi6n d6o cira T6 qutic?

II LICH Su THE GIoI (8,0 tli6m)

CAu l:(2,5 tli6m)

Bing v<in hi6u bi6t cua minh, em hdy n6u kh6i niQm th6 ndo ld cdch m?ng tu s6n,

c6ch mang v6 s6n? Trong c6c cuQc cfrch mqng tu sAn, cuQc c6ch m?ng tu s6n ndo ld triQt

Oo nfr5tr

C6u 2:(5,5 tli6m)

Trinh bdy nhirng n6t moi cua phong trdo dAu tranh gidnh dQc lpp d6n t6c o DOng

Nam A ttr tqt8 d6n tg3g Phong trdo d6u tranh ch6ng thup ddn PhSp o D6ng Duong diSn

ra nhu th6 ndo?

Trang 7

Thdi gian ldm bdi: 150 phrit (Kh6ng ke rhcti gian giao di)

(DC thi g6m 07 trang)

PHoNG crAo DUC - DAo rao

uuyfN NaM:n[c

Gi6rn thi 1:

Gi6m thi2:

Di6m bdi thi Bdng s6:

Bdng chft:

or ruAo sAr cuAT LUqNG HQC SrNH cror

Nim hgcz 2017- 2018 M6n:Tiiing Anh - Lfp 8

Ho, t6n vd chfr ky 2 Gi6mkh6o Gi6m kh6o 1:

Gi5m khtn 2:

PART I LISTENING (3.0 points)

Hu6ng d6n phfln thi nghe hiOu:

- Phfln nghe gdm 3 bii, mOi Uari thi sinh {oq nghe 2 lfln, tlia CD tg ch4y (Part I g6rn 5 hqi tho4i nh6 vi blng tlgc m6i hQi tho4i 2 IAn) .

- M& dAu vi t<i5t thnc phAn nghe c6 tin hiQu nh7c

- Huring d6n lim bii chi titit cho thf sinh (bnng ti6ng Anh) dfl c6 trong bii nghe

PART l, , You will hear 5 short conversations twice, There is one questionfor each conversation. For questions 1-5 put a tick fl) next to the right answer There's ni u*n*ple il the beginning (1.0


Example: Where did the man leave his camera?

rlA on the steps B in the bag C on the fountain

C a silver plate

1 Which prize has the man just won?

A a golden cup

2 What rvas the man's first job?

A a postman

B a glass bowl

B a window cleaner C a house builder

3 Where will they have something to eat?

A at the airport B at a cafe C at a service station

4 What does the woman's house looh like now?

A It has another bedroom B it has trees in the garden C It has a hedge in the front

5 Which sport will they do tomorrorv?

Thi sinh lim bii vio tlij thi niy

56 ph6ch

Trang 8

****-PART 2 Whut FIVE things will the students clo during their museum internship? Put a tick fl)

next tothe rieht answer (1.0 rloint

A art conservation

B administrative duties

C guide tours

D attend board meetings

E give classes

F, research

G write brochures

H plan a reception

I meet artists

PART j Complete tlte notes below" v{trite No M0RE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A

NUMBERfoT each answer (1.0 point)

CITY ART MUSEUM The rnain part of mlrseum was built in (1)

The (2) was built sixty years later

Collections: modern art, worhs by (3) , sculpture, European art.

Classes: (4) classes for adults

Arts and crafts rvorkshops for children

Weekly (5) in the fall and winter


Trang 9

1 A sure B measure C in ure D pleasure

D head

PARTtr PHONETIC (1.0 point)

L Choose one wotd rvhose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others by circling A, B, c or D

1{l < ^+\

II' Choose one word whose stress paffern is different from the others by circling A, B, C or D


I circle the word or phrase that best complete each sentence (2.0 points)

i Children should to respect their elders

A be teach B be taught C be teaching D taught

2' We are here today the men and women who gaue th*ir lives for their country.

A to honor B honoring C to honoring D so that

3 Let's paint the house , If wiil be much cheaper

A themselves B ourselves C myself D yourself

4' The boy


on the beach asked me if I tikeo his kite

5 Wood is used making desks and tables.


A prepared-well B prepare-well C well-prepared

8.My dog as well as my cats '

6 "Do you rvant this one or that one?" _ ,,

A I'11 say it again for you

C Never mind" It doesn't matter

7 That was a

4 She is one of the greatest

5 The book rvas so

B I don't mind You choose

D Yes? Can I help you?

D well-preparo

D have eaten

9 What 7' YY I.1r can uztrl we we do oo to prevent peopleto prevent people- throwing drink cans away.

l0' His brother is a


boy He alrvays tells a joke

D from

A handsome B humorous C" sociable D energetic

II Give-the correct form of the words in the brackets().0 points) .


twice a day

C, has eaten

to appear in this theater


3 A photograph 13 necessary C beautiful D traditional

D interesting

that we didn't want to read it

Trang 10

6 The accident happens because of driving (cARE)

(cHrLD) (FLY) (suDDEN)


7 During his

8 Every week, there are trvo


10 His parents are very

Your answers:

the family lived in Cornwall

from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city

, dark clouds appeared and it began to rain

of him

III There is one mistake in each of the following sentences Underline and correct it

(2.0 points)

1 Tourists are traveling to the countryside by a bus.

2 He has waited there for a quarter past six

3 He slept in his room when the fire alarm rang

4 She often complains on everything that she has.

5 We took part in a six-hours journey to the eastern coast.

6 Tim drives too f-ast that no one likes to ride with him

7 The toys heeping in the box are worth 30 dollars

8 There are much than eighty stores in the mall

9 People think cornputers never do any mistakes, but in fact, they do

10 I really love the peace of rny neighbor










PART IV READING (5.0 points)

I Read the passage carefully then choose the best answer A, B or C for each question.(1.0 point)

One of the most urgent environmental problems in the world today is the shortage of clean water Having clean drinking water is a basic human right But acid rain, industrial pollution and garbage have made many sourcgs of water undrinkable Lakes, reservoirs and even entire seas have become vast pools of poison Lake Baikal in Russia is one of the largest lakes in the world It

contains a rich variety of animals and plants, including 1,300 rare species that do not exist anywhere else in the world But they are being destroyed by the massive volumes of industrial wastes which pour into the lake every day Even where law existed, the government did not have the power to

enforce them Most industries simply ignores the regulations The Mediterranean Sea occupies l% of

the world's water surface But it is the dumping ground for 5Q%,of all marine pollution Almost 16

countries regularly throw industrial wastes a few miles off pllb're.

Water is free to everyone A few years ago people.thought that the supply of clean water in the world rfas limitless, Today, many water supplies have been ruined by pollution and sewage Clean

water is now scaree, and we are at last beginning to respeet this precious source We should do something now

1 One environmental problem in the world today is

A acid lain

C safe rvatel shortage

B industrial pollution

D population explosion


Ngày đăng: 19/10/2018, 10:02

