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Recycling elementary english

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Recycling Elementary English is for students at elementary level who want to learn general English. It also offers useful extra practice to those preparing for the Cambridge Key English Test (KET). It can be used to supplement any coursebook at this level, and is suitable for use in the classroom, for homework, or (in the case of the With Key edition) for selfstudy. The book aims to provide: • coverage of the four main areas of difficulty at this level — situations, vocabulary, grammar and writing • short, clear explanations and examples • a variety of exercise types, with illustrations to aid learning • a clear, attractive layout, so that the material is easy to use. Recycling Elementary English is divided into four distinct sections: Section 1 SITUATIONS (20 units) This section covers a wide range of situations and functions needed at elementary level, selected from the KET syllabus. It comes first in the book to show students how important it is to be able to use English in reallife contexts. Section 2 VOCABULARY (15 units) This section presents and practises vocabulary from twelve KET topics. Section 3 GRAMMAR (35 units) This is the longest section of the book, covering all the major grammatical points at KET level. Section 4 WRITING (10 units) This section offers clear guidance on a variety of different writing tasks, with study tips, help with spelling and correcting mistakes, and useful expressions to learn and practise. RecyclingUnits are an important element of this book. They occur in Sections 2 and 3 after every four units, to help students remember and practise new material. Previous items are also recycled, not just those from the previous group of units. How should the book be used? Each section is independent of the others and can be used at any stage. In Section 3 there is a planned progression of grammar items from Units 36 to 70, so students studying on their own should work through the units in order. Recycling units are also best used in the correct sequence for example, Unit 25 after Units 2124.What comes next? This book is part of a series by the same author, ranging from elementary to advanced. Recycling Intermediate English is for lowerintermediate to intermediate students, and those preparing for the Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET). Recycling Your English is for upperintermediate students, and those preparing for the Cambridge First Certificate examination (FCE). Recycling Advanced English is for advanced students, and those studying for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) or the revised Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) examinations.

Trang 2


Trang 4

Recycling Elementary English is for students at elementary level who want to learn

general English It also offers useful extra practice to those preparing for the Cambridge

Key English Test (KET) It can be used to supplement any coursebook at this level, and is

suitable for use in the classroom, for homework, or (in the case of the With Key edition)

for self-study

The book aims to provide:

• coverage of the four main areas of difficulty at this level — situations, vocabulary,

grammar and writing

• short, clear explanations and examples

• a variety of exercise types, with illustrations to aid learning

• a clear, attractive layout, so that the material is easy to use

Recycling Elementary English is divided into four distinct sections:

Section 1 SITUATIONS (20 units)

This section covers a wide range of situations and functions needed at elementary level,

selected from the KET syllabus It comes first in the book to show students how

important it is to be able to use English in real-life contexts

Section 2 VOCABULARY (15 units)

This section presents and practises vocabulary from twelve KET topics

Section 3 GRAMMAR (35 units)

This is the longest section of the book, covering all the major grammatical points at KET


Section 4 WRITING (10 units)

This section offers clear guidance on a variety of different writing tasks, with study tips,

help with spelling and correcting mistakes, and useful expressions to learn and practise

Recycling Units are an important element of this book They occur in Sections 2 and 3

after every four units, to help students remember and practise new material Previous

items are also recycled, not just those from the previous group of units

How should the book be used?

Each section is independent of the others and can be used at any stage In Section 3 there

is a planned progression of grammar items from Units 36 to 70, so students studying on

their own should work through the units in order Recycling units are also best used in

the correct sequence - for example, Unit 25 after Units 21-24

What comes next?

This book is part of a series by the same author, ranging from elementary to advanced

Recycling Intermediate English is for lower-intermediate to intermediate students,

and those preparing for the Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET)

Recycling Your English is for upper-intermediate students, and those preparing for the

Cambridge First Certificate examination (FCE)

Recycling Advanced English is for advanced students, and those studying for the

Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) or the revised Certificate of Proficiency

in English (CPE) examinations

Trang 5

A VERB is a doing word, which tells you what is happening, what happened in the past,

or what will happen It can be used in different forms, depending on the time of the action and the number of people who are doing it:

I wrote a letter • She speaks very quietly • People were surprised.

A SENTENCE is a group of words with a working verb Many English sentences have a subject, verb and object:

• The dog ate the biscuit.

The SUBJECT of a sentence usually comes before the verb:

The bus arrived a little late • They live in Spain.

The OBJECT of a sentence usually comes after the verb:

• I put the cheese in the fridge.

An AUXILIARY VERB helps another verb to do its work Auxiliary verbs are be (used to make passive and continuous forms), have (used with the present perfect), and do (used

to make questions and negatives):

• He was born in Paris • Have you seen her? • I don’t know the answer.

A NOUN is a way of naming people, animals or things It can be singular, plural or uncountable:

• a Scottish castle • all the students • some new information

SINGULAR means only one of something If the subject is singular, the verb is also singular:

• A boy was climbing the tree.

PLURAL means more than one of something If the subject is plural, the verb is also plural:

The paintings were very expensive.

An ARTICLE is used before a noun:

Definite article: • We enjoyed the sunshine.

Indefinite article: • I saw a film last week.

A PRONOUN is used instead of a noun:

She watched television • They looked happy.

An ADJECTIVE describes a noun, or is used with verbs like be or seem:

• a wonderful day • She is unhappy • He seems helpful.

An ADVERB describes a verb, or an adjective, or another adverb:

• He’s very intelligent • They walked extremely fast • She sings well.

Trang 6

Grammar vocabulary

LINKING WORDS are used to join up sentences or parts of sentences:

• I like chocolate, but it makes me ill • He came in and went to bed.

A PREPOSITION is a small word used before a noun or pronoun to link it to the rest of

the sentence:

• I went to London • We live near the school • The key is on the table.

A POSSESSIVE is a word which shows that something belongs to somebody:

• She’s the teacher whose class we’re in.

REGULAR means following the rules of grammar, spelling etc

IRREGULAR means the word does not follow the rules, so you need to learn it


Regular verb: • ask ~ asked ~ asked

Irregular verb: • write ~ wrote ~ written

Regular plurals: • pen ~pens • baby ~ babies

Irregular plural: • man ~ men

(See the list of irregular verbs on page 144, Unit 36 for irregular plurals and Unit 71 on


A CLUE is anything which can help you to find the right answer (Detectives use clues

to catch criminals!)

E x a m p l e :

Singular or plural verb?

The books on the desk yesterday Answer: were

The clue is books Because books is a plural subject, you need to use a plural verb form,

like are or were, not is or was.

A VOWEL is one of these letters: a e i o u

A CONSONANT is any of the letters in the alphabet except the vowels

Trang 7

H e llo and g ood b ye

("Good m orning.J

Meeting someone you know

A Hello, how are you? B Oh, not bad, and you?

A Fine, thanks B Good How's college?

A It's OK How's work? B Fine, thanks.

A Well, see you later B Yes, see you Bye.

Meeting someone you don't know

A Hello, pleased to meet you B Pleased to meet you, too

A What's your name? B Tm Julia What's yours?

A I'm Alex Can I get you a coffee? B Yes, please.

It's good afternoon,

I think!

A Complete the

conversation with words

from the study box

A Hello, John, how 1)

A They’re all OK

B Well, see you 5)

A Yes, 6 )

How’s the family?

, Fred

you Bye

Trang 8

U nit 1

B Put this conversation in

the right order

C Now do the same with

this conversation

S p e a k e r A

a Oh, not bad

b Hello, how are you?

c Well, see you later,

d It’s OK How’s work?

a I’m Mick Can I get you a coffee?

b Hello, pleased to meet you

c What’s your name?

S p ea k er B

e Yes, see you Bye

f It’s fine, thanks,

g Fine, thanks, and you?

h Good How’s school?

d I’m Jane What’s yours?

e Yes, please,

f Pleased to meet you, too

Ways of saying goodbye

Goodbye Bye See you soon See you later See you.

A Well, good luck with the exams B Thanks A Goodbye

A Well, have a great time at the party! B I will A Bye!

A Have a good weekend B And you! A See you.

A Have a wonderful holiday B Thanks, I will A Bye.

A Hope you enjoy yourself B Thanks A Bye then.

D Someone is saying

goodbye to you Choose

the best answer from the


Have a great time at the party!

(Thanks / Please.)Have a good weekend

I hope you enjoy yourself _

Have a wonderful holiday

(And you / You also.) (I will enjoy / I will.)

(Thank you for your wishes / Thanks, I will.)

OVER TO YOU Someone says

Hi there!

How are you?

Pleased to meet you

What’s your name?

How’s school?

How’s work?

Have a good weekend!

Have a wonderful holiday!

What’s your reply?

Trang 9

Talking about yourself

My name is Susie I live at 82 Hinton Street I live in Cardiff.

I live in Wales I come from Wales I'm Welsh.

I'm single I'm engaged I'm married I'm divorced.

I live in a flat I live in a house.

I speak English I speak Welsh I speak French and Arabic.

I'm a student I'm a nurse I'm a teacher I'm a doctor.

I'm studying maths I'm studying art I'm studying science.

I work in an office I work on a farm I work in a shop.

I like reading I like travelling I like listening to music I like playing tennis

(See Unit 43 on the present simple, and Unit 57 on prepositions.)

A Complete each sentence

with one or two words

from the study box

B Complete the sentences

with the correct







I liv e _ Buenos Aires

We liv e 104 Wilbury Drive

Trang 10

On Saturdays I

What’s your nationality?

Are you a student, or do you have a job?

If you have a job, where do you work?

What subjects are you studying?

What do you like doing in your free time?

C Look at the pictures and 1

complete the sentences 2

about this man ^


6 8

Trang 11

M aking con v ersa tion

What's your name? Where do you come from?

What languages do you speak?

Are you a student? What subjects are you studying?

What do you do? (to ask about someone's job) Where do you live? What do you do in your free time?

What kind of music do you like?

(See Unit 43 on the present simple, and Unit 39 on question forms.)


A Complete the questions 1 What’s vour ?

with words from the 2 do vou come from?

study box

B Look at this conversation 1 What’s your name? A I’m from Spain.

and find the right 2 Where do you come from? B I live in Barcelona

answers to the 3 What languages do you speak? C I’m studying economics.questions 4 What subject are you studying? D Maria Fernandez Garcia.

and English

Trang 12

U nit 3

You can use short questions to keep the conversation going:

A I'm a teacher B Are you? A Yes, I teach history.

A I live in Paris B Do you? A Yes, it's a lovely city.

A I like Italian food B Do you? A Yes, it's my favourite.

Make your voice sound interested when you say Are you? Do you?

Here are some more ways of showing interest in the other person:

Really? How interesting! How lovely! What do you think?

C Write B's short questions 1 A I’m from Iceland B

showing interest from

1 A My wife and I had a romantic dinner for two

4 A I met Brad Pitt the other day B

5 A William usually has a holiday

E Ask the questions, and

then answer them






Where / you / come from?

Where / you / liv e ? _

What languages / you / speak?

You / student? _

What subjects / you / study?

What / you / do / free time? _ What / music / you / lik e?

Trang 13

Talking about language

What does it mean? What does that mean? What does ' _ _ I'm sorry, I don't understand Can you explain?

Can you repeat it, please? Can you speak more slowly, please?

Sorry? Pardon? What did you say?

Is it a noun or a verb? Is it a number or a preposition?

Is it an adverb or an adjective?

Is it singular or plural? Is it regular or irregular?

How do you spell it? How do you use it?

(See Grammar vocabulary on page 6.)

' mean?

A Complete the questions

or sentences with words

from the study box



8 Is it regular or

‘bench’ mean?

I’m sorry, I don’t _

_you repeat it, please?

Can y o u _more slowly, please?

Sorry? What did y o u _?

Is i t _or plural?

B Match the questions 1

with the answers to 2

make three short ^

What does ‘luggage’ mean?

Can you repeat it, please?

D It’s a noun

E It means your job

F OK What’s your occupation?

1 Sorry? What did you say?

2 What does ‘hesitate’ mean?

3 How do you spell it?


H I said ‘hesitate’

I It means you’re not sure what to do

Trang 14

U nit 4

C Look at the signs Ask

someone what they

mean, using questions

from the study box

D Ask someone about

these words Use

questions from the study

box and the words in

brackets ()



1 export (noun or v erb?) _

2 slowly (adverb or adjective?) _

3 people (singular or plural?) _

4 forget (noun or verb?

(regular or irregular?) _

5 for (number or preposition?) _

1 You’ve won a million dollars!

2 I bought a clematis yesterday

3 It’s a difficult name to remember

Trang 15

Likes and dislikes

I like computer games I love watching TV I enjoy skiing.

I like football very much.

I don't like meat (at all) I dislike potatoes I hate rude people.

I'm interested in science I'm keen on rock music.

I'm fond of reading love stories.

My favourite pop group is The Corrs.

What do you think o f ? I love it I like it I hate it.

What kind of food do you like? Do you like oranges?

I like meat and I like fish too I don't like sweets or cakes.

I don't like fantasy films, and I don't like horror films either.

It's a really good / great / fantastic magazine /CD/ team / book

It was a really bad / awful / boring game / film / concert / party.

A Complete the sentences 1 I love TV

with words from the 2 I ice hockev verv

8 It was a really film I hated it!

B Match the two parts of 1 My favourite singer A dancing very much

the sentences Use each 2 I’m fond B on learning languages.part only once

conversation with words B It’s reallv 2) You must 3) it!

from the study box A But I don’t 4) love stories!

Trang 16

U nit 5

D Put this conversation

between two people in

the right order Start

with b.

E Choose from the box

two things you hate, two

things you don't like,

two things you like or

enjoy, and two things

you love (or use your

own ideas) Complete

the sentences


a Oh, it’s my favourite book!

b What did you think of Lord o f the Rings? You saw it last night,

didn’t you?

c I didn’t like that either I only read a few pages,

d Awful? No, it was great! Why didn’t you like it?

e Really?

f Oh I see What about the book?

g I thought it was awful What about you?

h I don’t like fantasy films very much

going shopping for food buying new shoes

using the internet cooking for my friendsgoing for long walks formal clothes, like suitswriting letters people who never say they’re sorry

holidays with my family hot weather

What kind o f food do you like?

What food do you dislike?

What do you like doing in your free time?

What kind of music do you like?

What sports do you like watching or playing?

(See U nit 32 for names o f food, and U nit 26 for hobbies and sports.)

Trang 17

A t a cafe or restaurant

At a cafe

A Hello, what would you like? B I'd like a coffee and a croissant, please.

A What can I get you? B An apple juice, please.

A Yes, can I help you? B A cheese and tomato sandwich, please, and a

mineral water with ice and lemon.

Can I see the menu, please? How much is that, please?

A Answer the waiter's

questions, using the

food and drink in the


1 What would you like? I’d

a mineral water with ice and lemon

a packet

of crisps

a piece of chocolate cake

, please

2 What can I get you?

At a restaurant

A Good evening How many of you? B There are eight of us.

A There's a table for eight here B Thank you Can we see the menu?

A Here it is Would you like a drink? B Yes, please Can we see the wine list?

That was delicious! Can I have the bill, please? Do you take credit cards?

Trang 18

U nit 6

B You and three friends

are entering a

restaurant Put this

conversation in the right


C Match what the

customer says with the

a Good evening A table for d Yes, three Pepsis and an

b Here it is Would you like e Thanks Can we see the

c This way, please Over here f Yes, please

1 Can we have the bill, please? A I’m glad you enjoyed it

2 Do you take credit cards? B Certainly, I’ll get it for you

3 Are you open at weekends? C It comes to £35.50


Before the meal

Soup, right, and then for your I’ll just have a cheese

OK, and what would you like A sparkling mineral water,

and lemon

After the meal

Was everything all right? Delicious, thank you

Oh good Would you like a No just the 7)


OVER TO YOU Do you have a favourite restaurant?

What’s your favourite thing on the menu?

Trang 19

T elep h on in g

A Can I speak to Mr Lodge, please? B I'm afraid he's in a meeting Can I help?

A Can you take a message, please? B Yes, certainly

A Just say Beth phoned B I will.

A Thank you Goodbye B Goodbye.

A Hi, Liz, it's Mandy here B Oh hi, Mandy How are things?

A Oh, not bad, you know B Are you going to the cinema tonight?

A I think so Are you? B Yes Shall we go together?

A Good idea I'll collect you at 7 B Thanks Ring me on my mobile if you're

going to be late.

A OK See you later B See you!

Hello, can I speak

b Hello, can I speak to d Can I have your name,


Mrs Walker, please?

c Just say Edward rang g Right, I’ll tell her

Trang 20

U nit 7

B Complete the sentences

with words from the

study box

C You are answering the

phone What would you

say in this conversation?

D Find the best answer to

each question Use each

item only once


10 o’clock OK?

at 10 o’clock with Dr Ellis

e Thanks very much Bye j And your name, please?

It's Jeff Jones speaking

Just ask her to ring me on

my mobile when she's free

She has the number

( Thanks Goodbye?

1 Can I speak to Matt Peacock, A This week or next

2 Hello, Steve How are you? B 0793 8705144

3 Can I make an appointment C Not bad, and you?

for Friday?

4 Can you take a message, please? D That would be great

5 Shall I collect you at 6.30? E I’m sorry, he’s not here

6 What’s your mobile number? F Yes, o f course

Trang 21

Staying at a h o te l

a single room a double room a family roomwith air conditioning with a balcony with a view of the sea / the mountains bed and breakfast half board full board

to book a room to spend a night in a hotel

to check in to check out to pay the bill manager receptionist room service credit card

Is there a private bathroom? Is it a non-smoking room?

A Match these words or

phrases with their


2 a double room B something attractive to see out of the


4 book a room D to give the hotel money to pay for

your stay

5 bed and breakfast E having food or drink brought to

your room

arrived at the hotel

7 a receptionist G to arrange to stay at a hotel

8 a credit card H a person who answers the phone at a

hotel, or deals with people arriving

10 room service J a way of paying without using cash

B Now use some of the

words and phrases to

complete these


rooms.because I enjoy

1 There are four of us, so we’ll need t w o

2 I always ask for a room with a _

looking at the mountains

3 We’re only spending a night at the hotel, so we just want a n d _

4 Can you phone the hotel a n d our rooms fortomorrow, please?

5 We want to have all our meals in the hotel, so we’ve booked

in the evening If we arrive late, they may let someone else have our room

7 The bath was dirty, so I complained to th e

8 Can you c a ll and ask them to send up somecoffee and biscuits?

Trang 22

Unit 8

C Mr Marsh is phoning the

Blue Bay Hotel

Complete the

conversation with words

from the study box

D Mr and Mrs Marsh are

now in room 15 at the

hotel Mrs Marsh is on

the phone Complete the

conversation with

phrases from the box

There are two more than

you need

E The Marshes are leaving,

and Mr Marsh is paying

the bill Match the

A 2 ) _or a double, sir?

A double, please, with private 3 ) _and a

4 ) of the sea

You can have number 15, sir What time will you

5 ) in?

About 5 o’clock this afternoon

And would you like full 6 ) _?

That’s fine, sir We’ll see you later

Yes, goodbye

chicken sandwich credit card room service halfboard mineral water ten minutes

Mrs Marsh: Hello, is that 1 )

Hotel employee: Yes, madam, can I help you?

Mrs Marsh: Yes, can you send up a 2 ) _

and a bottle o f 3 ) _ toroom 15, please

Hotel employee: Certainly, madam The waiter will be there in

4 ) _

Mrs Marsh: Thank you very much

1 We’d like to check out, please

2 Do you take credit cards?

3 Oh good Here’s my card, then

A Visa and Mastercard only, sir

B Thank you very much, sir

C Here’s your bill, sir

Do you like staying at hotels? Why or why not?

Have you stayed in a hotel you really liked or didn’t like?

What was good or bad about it?

Trang 23

Finding your way

Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post office?

Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the market?

Could you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?

Go up / down / along the road Turn right at the corner / traffic lights

Turn left at the roundabout into Church Street.

Take the first turning (on the) left Go straight on.

Go over the bridge / crossroads Go past the library.

It's very near the cinema It's opposite the theatre.

It's on the corner of North Street and Market Street.

You'll see it on the left / right It's not far You can't miss it.

(See Unit 29 on places and buildings.)

A Look at the map

Choose different places

to start from, and ask

for directions to

1) the hospital

2) the police station

3) the post office


Secondary school Swimming

pool ^ Police


Cinema Post


Bus station

Railway station Tourist

office Supermarket

Market Museum

Library Bank

Petrol station


Trang 24

U nit 9

B Complete the four

conversations about

finding the way, using

words from the study

box Put one word in

A Thank you

1 A Excuse 1 ) _, could you 2 ) _ me the way

to the supermarket?

B Yes, 3 ) _left into North Street You’ll see

4 ) _on the right

A Thank you

3 A Excuse me, could you tell me the way 1 ) _the postoffice?

B Yes Take the first 2 ) _on the right It’s not

3 ) _ You can’t 4 ) _ it

A Thank you very much

4 A Excuse me, 1 ) _can I get to the cinema?

B Go over the bridge and 2 ) _left You’ll see thecinema 3 ) _the right It’s very 4 ) _ thegarage

A Thanks a lot

C Choose the correct

words to complete the


1 You can cross a river by using a bridge / roundabout.

2 The best place to buy stamps is a post office / museum.

3 If you break your arm, you need to go to the hospital / police station.

4 Most people go to school / the cinema in the evenings or at


5 At the supermarket / garage you can buy everything you need

for the week’s meals

6 The bus driver waited for the bus station / traffic lights to turn


7 If you want to get to the bank, turn / take left at the next


8 Could you tell me the way / road to the hospital please?

OVER TO YO U Where is the hospital in your town?

Where is the police station?

Where is your home?

Trang 25

A Match these words from

signs and notices with

their meanings

B Where can you see

these notices? Choose

the correct answer

Reading signs and n otices

2 no parking B how much money you have to pay for


3 residents C you buy a ticket for this and watch it in a


5 danger E when a shop sells its goods more cheaply

than usual

7 a flight G people who live in an area

8 a show H the money you pay for a bus, train or plane


9 change I a shop selling medicines and make-up

10 a chemist’s J the money you get back in a shop when you

give more than the price of something

11 repair K things which you buy or sell

12 sale L a place or situation which isn’t safe


a) in a cafeb) in a schoolc) in an office


a) on a bank window

b) outside a post office c) 0n a shop windowc) outside a theatre



a) at a stationb) at an airportc) at a bus stop

a) in a bankb) in a restaurantc) on a train

a) on a busb) outside a housec) in a shop

Trang 26

U nit 10

C Match each sentence A

with the correct notice NO CHANGE GIVEN




1 Tourists must not leave their cars here

2 Tickets for children are half price

3 You must have the right money for this

4 It is not safe to go in

5 They can develop your films very fast for you here

6 Use the stairs to get out, if there is a fire

7 Do not drive fast - there are children here

D Look at the notices Are 1

the sentences true (T) or






1 You can buy things at specially low prices in September

2 People here can speak Finnish to you

3 You can buy medicines here

4 This shop is open at weekends

5 You can buy vegetables here

6 They can mend your video recorder here

7 This is a good place for you to take photos

8 This is the way out

Trang 27

W h a t ’s on T V ?

What's on television? What's on TV (tonight)? What's on tonight?

What time does the programme start? Which channel is it on?

Let's watch We could watch Shall we watch ? We could video

BBC1 BBC2 CNN Channel 4 Channel 5 Sky Sports

a film

a quiz show the news

a play

a chat show commercials

a soap opera

a cartoon

a documentary

a series

(See Unit 18 on suggesting.)

A Match these words with

B Complete the sentences

with the correct words

from the study box

1 The Simpsons - that’s my favourite _ The whole

family are drawn so well

2 I really enjoy a good T V _, especially if I’ve alreadyseen it at the theatre

3 I love watching o ld _ _ on TV Gone with the Wind is on

Trang 28

U nit 11

C Why do you watch TV

programmes? Match the

sentences (1-5) with the

best reasons (A-E)

D Complete this


E Put this conversation

between two people in

the right order, starting

with c


7 That programme sounds good W h ich is it on?

8 We’ll be out tonight, so we’d better _ that film

1 I like watching the news because

2 I like watching quiz shows because

3 I like watching cartoons because

4 I don’t like commercials because

5 I like watching soap operas because

A you get to know the people

B it tells me what’s happening in the world

C they interrupt the programmes

D it’s fun trying to answer the questions

E the drawings make me laugh

B Wait a minute, there’s a good film 4 ) _, too

A Oh, is there? Well, let’s forget about the 5 ) _and the


B Yes, let’s just watch the 7 ) _ It’s got Tom Cruise in it

A Fantastic! What time does it 8 ) _?

a And what channel is the film on?

b Oh, let’s just listen to some music instead,

c What time does the documentary start?

d Channel Four

e So we could video the film and watch the documentary,

f 8 o’clock, I think

What kind o f TV programmes do you like, and why?

What kind of programmes do you dislike, and why?

What’s your favourite programme?

How much television do you watch every day?

Trang 29

Talking about p e o p le and objects

Shape: fat slim thin short tall

Hair: dark blonde grey short long straight curly

Character: (positive) kind polite generous sociable

(negative) selfish rude mean shy

What does he / she look like?

He has a beard / a moustache She has blue eyes She wears glasses

What is he / she like?

He's a very kind person She's very mean He's polite to everybody.

A Match these words from 1 sociable A attractively thin

the study box with their 2 mean B interested in meeting people

B Match the opposites 1 generous A thin

C Look at the pictures and

the descriptions of Sam

and Lizzie Which

picture shows Sam and

which picture shows


{" L ' i

Trang 30

U nit 12

My friend Sam is tall and thin

He has short dark curly hair

He always wears glasses

He’s a sociable person, and he’s very generous

He’s always polite to our teacher

My little sister Lizzie is short and not very thin!

She has long blonde hair

People say she’s pretty, but I don’t agree

She smiles a lot, but she’s very selfish

Shape: square EH round O rectangular

Size: big small long short thick thin

Weight: heavy light

Material: plastic metal leather wood glass

Colour: pale dark black white brown

What's it like? It's sharp It's in three parts.

It has a window / a face / a strap / a handle It has three legs

It's made of glass It's used for cutting.

D Complete the sentences

with the words from the

box There are three

more than you need

Can you guess what the

five things are?

wood for long time parts window o fhandle strap books made square put end

1 It’s square and black It has aput round your neck It’s m ostly

little _that you can open and close You need to

strap that you can _ of plastic It has a

a film in it before you can use it

2 They’re made o f metal They have two which openand close They’re very sharp, and they’re u se d _


3 It has a round face with numbers on it It’s on a leather _so that you can wear it on your wrist You look at itwhen you want to know th e _!

4 It’s made o f _ _ It has a rectangular top and four legs.

You can have big ones, small ones, low ones and high ones! You can p u t _, magazines and coffee cups on it

My favourite one is quite light but holds a lot o f clothes It has a comfortable _ for carrying it

OVER TO YOU What does your best friend look like?

Can you describe something on your desk / in your bag / in your room?

Trang 31

T h e daily routine

What do you do every day?

I wake up I get up I have a shower I have a bath.

I have breakfast / lunch / dinner / supper.

I leave the house at 7.30 I catch a bus / train at 8 o'clock /8a.m.

I drive / walk / cycle to school / work / the office.

I work at home / in an office / outside / in a factory all day.

I study at school all day.

I have lunch at my desk / in the park / in the canteen / at a cafe / at home

What does Tim do after work?

On the way home he visits his friends or goes to the supermarket / squash club / gym / swimming pool.

In the evening he does his homework / cooks dinner / listens to music / sees his friends / watches a video /plays chess / uses his computer / watches TV / checks his e-mails.

(See Unit 43 on the present simple, and Unit 39 on question forms.)

A Complete the sentences

with words from the

study box

1 _is the first meal of the day

2 I’m going t o _ to school on my new bike

3 We need some more fruit juice and biscuits, so I’ll go to the _on my way home

4 I always _my e-mails in the evening

5 I go to th e three times a week, because I’m trying toget fit!

B Billy goes to school

every weekday Put the

sentences about his

routine in the right


a I catch a bus to school,

b School starts just before nine,

c On weekdays I wake up at about 7 a.m

d I have breakfast at 8

e I arrive at school at about ten to nine,

f I get up half an hour later

C What does Billy do every

morning? Answer the

questions, using

complete sentences

1 What time does Billy wake up?

2 When does he get up?

3 What happens next?

4 How does he get to school?

5 What time does he arrive at school?

6 What time does school start?

Trang 32

U nit 13

D Sophie is a hospital

doctor Match the

pictures with the

sentences describing her


1 In the morning I visit patients who are in bed in the hospital

2 I only have time for a quick cup o f coffee at 11 o’clock

3 At lunch time I have a sandwich in the park

4 In the afternoon I work in a clinic where patients come to see me

5 I go to the supermarket on my way home

6 I listen to music in the evening

Here are the answers to

some questions about

Sophie's daily routine

Can you complete the


When _What _WhereWhereWhereWhat

9 9

She listens to music

OVER TO YO U What time do you wake up?

What time do you get up?

What time do you have breakfast?

What do you do in the morning?

What do you do in the evening?

Trang 33

T elling p eop le what to do

to switch it on to switch it off to push to pull

to lock to unlock to open to close First Then/Now Finally

Turn the handle / dial / key to the left / right Don't press that button.

Put some coins / washing powder / your card in.

Tap your number in Wait for a moment Say what you want.

Ask for cash / a receipt / help Take the money / receipt / ticket out.

What can I do? What should I do?

Say you 're sorry You should go home Why don't you write him I her a letter?

(See Unit 18 on suggesting.)

A Your friend is staying in

your house Tell him / her

how to use the washing

machine Match the

pictures with the


1 Put the dirty clothes in the machine

2 Close the door

3 Put some washing powder in the drawer

4 Turn the dial to programme 6

5 And then switch the machine on

B Someone asks you

'What should I do?' Find

the best answer (A-E)

for each problem (1-5)

1 I don’t understand the lesson

2 I’ve broken my sister’s pen

3 This is a new TV, but it doesn’t work

4 I’ve lost my wallet with $100 in it!

5 My boyfriend doesn’t love me any more!

A Take it back to the shop

B You should forget about him!

C Go to the police station and ask them if they’ve found it

D Say you’re sorry, and buy a new one for her

E Why don’t you ask the teacher to help you?

Trang 34

U nit 14

C You and your sister drive

into a public car park

You are telling her how

to use the ticket

machine Put the

sentences in the correct


D You are helping a friend

to get money from a

cash machine Complete

the sentences with

words from the box

There is one extra word

E More problems for you

to solve! Tell these

people what to do,

using the clues in

brackets ()


a Put them in the slot,

b First decide how long you want to stay,

c Then find the right coins,

d Now wait for your ticket

e After putting the money in, press the green button

say tap take put receipt cash wait

1 F irst _your card in

2 T h en _ your number in

3 Ask to take out som e _

4 how much you want

5 Ask for a _

6 your card, the money and the receipt

1 The door’s locked, (turn / key)!

2 My new jacket’s too big (take / back / shop!)

3 My walkman isn’t working, (switch / on!)

4 I haven’t done my homework, (tell / teacher)

5 I haven’t got enough money, (find / part-time job?)

6 Where’s my newspaper? (look / living room)

7 I’m worried about my Canadian friend, (write / letter)

8 I need some cash for shopping, (go / cash machine)

This radio isn’t working _

Someone’s stolen my bike! _

This maths is too difficult _

Trang 35

U sing buses, trains and taxis

Buses and trains: fare timetable driver passenger inspector express day return ticket weekend return ticket student reduction ticket office to book a ticket luggage lost property no smoking

to get on to get off to catch a bus / train to miss a bus / train

Buses: bus coach bus stop conductor bus station

Taxis: fare driver passenger luggage tip to get in to get out

Trains: platform carriage buffet car railway station the Underground / the Tube (in London)

A Match the words or

phrases with their


1 luggage A the person who checks bus or train tickets

2 fare B the person who sells tickets on a bus (not

the driver)

3 conductor C extra money you can give a taxi driver, if

you like

4 buffet car D suitcases, bags and rucksacks

5 passengers E a ticket to go and come back in one day

6 inspector F people who travel on a bus or train

7 day return G the money you pay for a bus, train or taxi


8 lost property H things that passengers leave on buses etc

9 coach I the carriage on a train where you can buy

drinks, sandwiches etc

B Choose the correct

words from the brackets

to complete the


1 ‘Which(coach / bus) The b u s

goes to the castle, please?’ ‘Number 27A.’

_ was going much too fast One old ladynearly fell off her seat! (driver / conductor)

Can you tell me how much th e _to the station is,please? (fare / price)

I asked for a _return ticket because I was spendingSaturday night away, (day / weekend)

T h e _walked through the train, checking all ourtickets, (conductor / inspector)

I was a _on the 5.25 from Manchester yesterday.(customer / passenger)

If you wait at the , the bus will be here very soon.(ticket office / bus stop)

Trang 36

10 I think the taxi driver’s hoping for a _! (tip / ticket)

11 A n _is a fast train or coach, which doesn’t oftenstop, (underground train / express)

12 I’ll use t h e _to plan my journey

(ticket office / timetable)

C Travelling by taxi, train or

bus? Match the

conversations with the

A I’d like a day return to London, please

B That’ll be £14.60 If you hurry, you can catch the 12.20, from platform 3

A Thanks a lot

A Preston Park, please

B OK Lovely day, isn’t it?

A Yes, but I think it’s going to rain

B Here we are then That’s £3.50

A Here you are Keep the change

B Thanks very much

D Choose the best answer

(A-E) to the questions


1 Does this train stop at Croston?

2 I think I left my coat on the train yesterday

3 What time is the last bus?

4 Where can I find a taxi round here?

5 Is it cheaper going by Tube than by bus?

A You should go to the lost property office

B On the corner of Queens Road and Market Street

C No, this is an express The one you want is on platform 9

D No, but it’s usually quicker in the rush hour

E I think it leaves the town centre at midnight

OVER TO YOU Which do you prefer - travelling by bus, train or taxi?

Explain why

Trang 37

Planning a h oliday

Where shall we go on holiday? What shall we do?

We could book a package holiday / a beach holiday / a skiing holiday / an activity holiday

Shall we travel by plane / car / coach / train / bike?

Let's g o t o Mexico / China / Egypt / Thailand.

We could visit Spain or Italy Shall we go to Fiji or the Caribbean?

We could rent a villa / rent an apartment / stay in a hotel / stay with friends / stay in a youth hostel / buy a tent and go camping / stay at a campsite

I'd like to / I'd prefer to / 1 think it's better t o goby plane, and then hire a car.

When I'm on holiday, I like going to museums / sunbathing / eating out / learning a language / sightseeing / reading novels / cycling / going swimming / doing water sports What about you?

(See Unit 18 on suggesting.)

A Choose the correct word

from the brackets to

complete the sentences

holidays because everything is organised for

1 I lik e _

you (package / skiing)

2 Because we’re students, the best place to stay is in a youth

8 We could _swimming in the morning a n d _

water sports in the afternoon, (be / go, do / go)

B Some people are

planning their holiday

Complete the sentences

with words from the

study box

2 I’ll take my bike and go keep me fit!

3 W e _go b y _

every morning That willand take a taxi to the hotelfrom the railway station

Trang 38

U nit 16

4 _ we go by car? Then we can take a tent and stay at _sites

5 If we want to save money, we c a n _in a _

hostel What do you think?

a guidebook a passport tickets foreign currency a credit card travel insurance a camera sunglasses sun cream swimming trunks

a swimsuit a rucksack walking boots a map


C What do people need on

holiday? Match these

words with their


1 foreign currency A you use this to take photos

2 travel insurance B this tells you the best places to visit

4 guidebook D you need this in case something goes

wrong on holiday

if you’re on a walking holiday

D Put the words in brackets

in the correct order, to

complete the sentences

I need sun cream

(my / stop / skin / to / burning)

I usually take a credit ca rd _

(more / in / money / need / 1 / case)

A passport is necessary

(foreign / most / for / countries / visiting)

4 Have you got the tickets? We can’t _

(plane / them / get / without / the / on)

5 Without my sunglasses, I can’t

(in / sun / the / read)

6 You’ll need your sw im suit _

(swim / to / if / want / you)

7 I’m taking my walking boots to Switzerland(because / it’s / walkers / perfect / for)

E These are all things that

you may have to do

before you go on

holiday Match the two

halves of each sentence

Use each item only once

1 I’ll ring the travel agent and book A at the hotels online

2 I’ll ring the bank and order B in my camera

Trang 39

Inviting, accep tin g and refusing


Can you come to a party?

Would you like to come for a


Accepting / saying yes

I'd love to What time?

Yes, that would be lovely

Yes, I think so When is it?

Refusing / saying no

I'm sorry, I can't.

What a pity I can't come!

I'm afraid I'm too busy.

More formal (people you don't know well):

I'd like you to come to dinner Thank you That would be very nice I'm sorry I don't think I can come.

Notice: I'd like / love = I would like / love

A Choose the correct

words from the brackets




(I’l l / I ’d)What a pity I Yes, th a t

you come to my birthday lunch? (Can / May) like you to come to dinner with me and my wife

come! (don’t / can’t)

I’m sorry, I don’t Yes, I

be lovely, (would / could) _ I can come, (think / sure)

so (say / think) _ you like to play tennis with me? (Would / Will) _ afraid I’m too busy (I’d / I’m)

9 Thank you That would be v e ry _ (well / nice)

10 I’d to What time? (wish / love)

B Match each invitation

(1-5) with the best

answer (A-E)

C You are speaking to a

friend Invite him or her,

using the words in


1 Can you come to lunch on Monday?

2 Would you like to come in for a coffee now?

3 Would you like to go for a picnic this weekend?

4 I’d like you to come to a party at my house

5 Come round for dinner tonight!

A Sorry, I’ve got a meeting this evening

B That would be very nice When is it?

C I’m sorry, that’s my day in London

D I’d love to Where shall we go?

E That would be lovely, but I prefer tea!




? (come / cinema / with me) ? (play squash / with me) ? (come / pizza / with me) ? (come ice-skating / with me) ? (come / concert / with me)

Trang 40

U nit 17

Read the story about

Lulu's birthday In each

sentence there is one

extra word, which should

not be there Find the

twenty extra words

1 When Fiona came into the work office, she found her friend Lulu crying

2 ‘What’s all the matter, Lulu?’ she asked

3 ‘I haven’t got any friends!’ replied the Lulu sadly ‘Nobody does invites me anywhere!

4 I never go to out! And I’m getting be old!’

5 ‘But you’re young only 24!’ said Fiona, trying not to laugh

6 ‘Yes, but it’s just my birthday tomorrow and then I’ll be 25!

I’m too old to make the new friends!’

7 Fiona went away and once e-mailed all the people she and Lulu knew

8 Soon Lulu’s her phone was ringing

9 ‘Can you do come to a party? Please us come, Lulu!’

10 ‘Come to dinner it’s tonight! Say a yes!’

11 ‘Can we go to the cinema in this week? There’s a one good film on!’

12 Lulu phoned to Fiona ‘I’ve had the lots of invitations!’ she said happily

13 ‘Oh, what a very surprise!’ said Fiona, smiling to herself

Would you like to meet me at a cafe?

I’d like you to have dinner with me

Can you come to a beach party tonight?

Ngày đăng: 28/07/2018, 20:00

