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English file 3e intermediate workbook

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First line of 'Anna Karenina · by Leo Tolstoy, Russian wr i ter 1 GRAMMAR future forms a Co 111plete the sentences with the correct forrn of the verb s or phrases on th e right.. c Lo

Trang 1

Christina Latham-Koenig

Clive Oxenden with Jane Hudson


Trang 2

Christina Latham-Koenig

Clive Oxenden with Jane Hudson

Pau l Seligson and Clive Oxenden are th e orig inal co - autho r s of

English File l a nd English F ile 2



Trang 3

1 7 A Race across London

20 B Stereotypes - or are they?

23 PRACTICAL ENGLISH A difficult celebr i ty

2 4 A Failu r e and succ es s

27 B Modern manners?

30 A Sporting superstitions

33 B Love at Ex i t 19


3 7 A Shot on locat ion

40 B Jud g ing by appearances

43 A Extraordinary school for boys

46 B Ideal home

49 PRACTI CA L ENGLISH Boys' night out

50 A Sell and tell

53 B What ' s the right job for you?

5 6 A Lucky encounters

59 B Too much information!

62 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Unexpected events

63 A M o der n icons

66 B Tw o murder myster ies


Trang 4

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Trang 5

The two biggest best-sellers in any bookshops are the cookbooks and the diet books

The cookbooks tell you how to prepare the food and the diet books tell you how not to eat any of it

1 VOCABULARY food and cooking

a @ t h e word that is diff e r e nt Exp l ain \vhy

1 9 grapes peach r as pb er r y

T h e others are all fruit

2 chicke n duck lamb sa lmon

The others a r e a ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3 beetroot cab b age pear pepper

" [he others are a ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4 aubergine l emon ma n go me l on

Th e o th e r s a r e a ll _ _ _ _

5 c rab mussels beef pra\vns

The others are all _ _ _ _

6 cabbage che rr y courgette c ucumbe r

The others a r e all _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

b Com p lete t h e c r o s swo rd

Andy Roon ey, US humourist

c Co1np l ete the sen t e n ces > v i h t h e words in th e b o x

fresh frozen low-fat raw spicy takeaway tinned

I Tinned tomato es us ua lly las t fo r about t\ VO yea r s

2 I don ' t feel like cooking Let's get a _ _ _ _ _ _

fo r dinner

3 Arc there any _ _ _ _ _ _ _ peas in the fre eze r ?

4 I'm not very keen on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fish, so I neve r

eat s u s h i

5 Han n a h 's on a diet, so s h e's bough t some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yog hurt t o h ave for desse rt

6 1 ' hey eat a l ot of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ food i n Mexico

7 \Ve buy bread from the ba k er's every morning

Trang 6

2 PRONUNCIATION short and lon g vowel

so unds

a Wr ite the word s in th e chart

b ee f c art on ch i cken ch o col ate c oo k cr a b

Pronouncing difficult words

c Write the \vord s

3 GRAMMAR present simpl e I continuous,

action and non-action verbs

a Are th e high l ighted phra ses righ t ( t) or wr o ng ( X )? Correct the wrong phra ses

l Does your gi rlfri end like sea food? [Z]

2 Lu cy's in the kitchen She makes a cup of tea [l]

She's 1naki1J.8

3 Are you ea ting ou t every weekend? D

4 I don ' t know \vhat to cook fo r dinner D

5 Are you thinking the fish is cooked n ow? D

6 We ' r e having lunch \vith my parents every Sunday D

7 My mother 's in the garden She's c ut ting the grass D

8 I'm not wanting any potato es with nly fish , than k s D

9 Do you prefe r steamed rice to fried rice? D

10 Ja c k 's on the phone He orders some pizza s

b Comp l ete the se nte n ces with the present s imp l e

or continuous forn1 of the ve rb s in bracket s

1 Our neighbours gro\V all of their O\Vn vegetables (g ro\ v)


\veekend (not cook)

3 D o yo u \ Va nt to come for lunch on Sunday?

a football match o n TV (not go ou t )

with yo ur family? (spend)

6 That r esta uran t _ _ _ de licious mu sse l s a t

lun c h ti me (se rve )

7 H o'v of ten _ _ _ _ yo u _ _ _ _ in a typical

\ vee k? (eat out)

8 I - - - a starter because I'm not hungry (not have)

9 We oft e n _ _ _ _ steak (not buy)

10 M y bo yf riend's on a diet so h e _ _ _ _ _

on f r ied food (cu t down)

Trang 7


a Read the article o nce and put the headings in

the cor r ect place

A Can J eat app l es?

B Ho\v can I prevent serio u s illnesses?

C I lo " ' should I s t at t rhe d:iy?

D Do 1 really need to eat five a day?

healthy eating

Food experts are always telling us what we should

and shouldn't eat, but they often give us different

advice Our food writer, Teresa Gold, has had a look

at all the information to work out what is fact and

what is fiction

1 c

A ful -English breakfast will certainly stop you feeling

hungry, but it's high in calories which means that you'll

put on weight if you have it regularly A healthier

option is to have just the egg Boil it instead of frying

it, and eat it with a piece of toast made with brown

bread Breakfast cereals are very high in sugar, so

if you feel like cereal, have muesli - with no added

sugar You can also get your first vitamins of the day

by drinking a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice

2 _ _ _ _ _ _

Fruit and vegetables contain the vitamins and minerals

we need to stay healthy But five is actually a fictional

number thought up by an American nutritionist She

looked at what the average person ate and doubled it

According to more recent research, the right number is

actually eight The research shows that people who

have eight pieces of fruit and vegetables a day are

much less likely to suffer from heart disease than

those who eat three

3 _ _

This particular fruit has had some bad publicity

because dentists say it can harm our teeth While it's

true that apples do contain a little sugar, they are also

a source of fibre Nutritionists say that we need about

18g of fibre a day, and a medium apple - peel included

- contains about 3g Some varieties contain more

fibre than others, so you should choose carefully

4 _ _ _ _ _ _

The key to good health is a balanced diet which

contains fats and carbohydrates as well as proteins,

vitamins, and minerals Fats may be high in calories,

but they also contain vitamins According to the

World Cancer Research Fund, you should only have

about SOOg of red meat per week - a steak is about

lOOg One type of food on its own won't kill or cure

you, but eating the right amount of the right food

will stop you getting ill

b R ea d the art i cl e aga in Mark th e se ntences T (true) or F (fal se)

1 A fu ll -E ng l sh brea k fast every morning is n ' t good for yo u L

2 The best brea k fast is a n y type o f cereal

3 An American nutritionist ca ref ull y calculated t he amount

of fruit and vegetabl es \ve sho uld eat

4 We shou Id ear more than five pieces of fruit and vegetables per day

S Apples con t ain a lot of sugar

6 A II app l es have the same an1ou nt of fibre

7 Fats ca n be good for us

8 You can eat as m u ch red m eat as yo u \ Vant t o

c Loo k at th e highlight ed vvord s and phrases What d o yo u think the y n1ea n ? Use yo ur dictionary to look up th e ir n1eaning a nd pron un c i at i o n

a (tij, [it ~!G'j L i st en to a radi o phone-in programme about t h e

article in exer cise 4 T i c k (.I ) th e ca ller (s) \vho co1npletely agree \Vith it

A \Villi a rn D C Harr y D

b Li s ten agai n and answer the questio n s

Which caller ?

1 t h inks that some fruit and vege t ables are unhealthy

2 says that most children prefer fast food

3 ears ve r y litcle fruit

4 is very healthy because he/she eats a lot o f

fruit and vegetab l es

c Li sten agai n with the a udi oscri pt on p.69


L ea rn the s e word s a nd phr ases

car boh yd rares ko :h:io'ha rd relts

• protein pr:iut1:n awake :i\, c1 k

oily ' :1rli powerful ra<1:ii'I

r elaxed r1 I.ck 1

sleepy ,IJ:pi

st r essf ul 1 re, fol

vi o lent \ .11~l~nl ready-made food rcdi 1nc1d fu:d

Trang 8

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family

is unhappy in its own way

First line of 'Anna Karenina · by Leo Tolstoy, Russian wr i ter

1 GRAMMAR future forms

a Co 111plete the sentences with the correct forrn of the verb s or phrases on th e right

l My brother hat es his job He 'S[JQiU(J to lookfor a nc'v one he / look f o r (an intention)

6 A Are you re ady to order?

B Yes , - - - - th e steak I / have (an in s t a nt decis io n )

I / be (a fact)

7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21 on m y n ex t birthda y

8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yo ur pa r e nt s for a meal thi s \ Vee kend?

9 I'm going to th e s hops _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ long

I 0 a party for m y grandn1other's 80t h birthday tom orro v •

b Co mplete the dialogues wi t h the corr ect future fortn of th e verbs in brack ets

\Ve / in v it e (a s uggestion )

I / not b e (a promise)

we f have (an arra n gement)

1 A Are you BDiU(J aivay this weekend? (go away)

B No, we here Why? (stay)

A We a barbecue Would you like to come? (have)

2 A I'm too tired to cook _ _ _ we a Chinese takeaway? (order)

B Good idea I the restaurant What do you want for your starter? (call)

A I spring rolls, please (have)

3 A What time _ _ _ _ _ you in the morning? (leave)

A I you a lift to the station, then (give)

4 A What _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ tonight? (do)

B I the new James Bond film Do you want to come? (see)

A No, thanks I've seen it You it! (love)

5 A _ _ _ _ _ _ you do the washing up? (help)

B OK I and you can dry But please be careful with the glasses (wash)

A Don't worry I anything! (not break)

Trang 9

2 ftJ each other

Rewrite the se nt e nces with each othe r

1 My brother's shouting at my sister and she's shouting at him

My brother and s i ster are shouting at each other

2 Rob doesn't kn ow Alex and Alex doesn't knov• Rob

Rob and Alex _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3 l'm not speaking to my sister and s he isn't speaking to me

My sister and I - - -

-4 I don't understand you and you don 't understand me

We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

S The coach r espects the pla ye rs and they respect him

The coach and the players - -

-3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress

a m,t411~D Listen and complete the se ntences

book ho lid av ;>

are you going to you r -

b Listen again and repeat Copy the rh>:,thm

4 VOCABULARY fam ily, adjectives of personality

a Complete the sen t e nces with a famil y word

1 Your mother and father are your parents

2 Your grandfather 's father is your gr -gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3 A child who has no brothers or sisters is an on, _ _ _ _ _

ch, _ _ _ _ _

4 Your brother 's daughter is your n _ _ _ _ _

S Your father's sister is your a _ _ _ _ _

6 Your partn e r, yo ur children, your parents, and your brothers

and sisters are your im f _ _ _ _ _

7 Your fath er's new wife is yours _ _ _ _ _

8 Your wife's or husband's father is your

f -i -1 - - -

-9 Your aunts and uncles and your cousi ns are your ex _ _ _ _ _

f _ _ _ _

I 0 Your brother 's or sister's son is your n _ _ _ _ _

b Match the comments \Vith the personality adjectives in the box

aggressive ambitious independent jealous reliable self-confident selfish sensible spoil~ stubborn

1 ' When I \Vant so n1ething, my parents ah.vays give it t o me.'

' I'll hit you if you do tha t again!'

'I feel quite comfo rtable 'vhen l'n1 speaking in public.'

'I'd like to be the manager of a big national company.'

multi-9 ' That's \Vhat I think and I ' m not going to change my mind.'

I 0 ' I 'd prefer to do this on my O\Vn , thanks.'

c \Vrite th e oppo s it e adjectives Use a negative prefix if n eces sary

Trang 10


a Read the article once Why do the Bedouins prefer

to li ve together in a big family group?

Family can be an important part of a person's life,

and for some nationalities being dose to your family

Is more important than it is to others For example,

families in Southern Europe are generally quite close,

although in the past they spent even more time together

This is also true of families in the Middle East But it

is the Bedouin people who have the closest ties of all

Traditional Bedou i n families live in l arge tents about half the size

of a basketball court The tents are divided into two sect ion s: the

first is for receiving guests in true Bedo ui n style - they have the

reputation of being the world's most generous hosts Visitors are

always served a big meal as soon as they arrive The second part

of the tent is the fa m ily's shared kitchen, living roo m , dining room ,

and bedroom They don't have tables and chairs, as the whole

family sits on the floor to eat And instead of beds, everybody

sleeps on ma t tresses wh ich are pi l ed into a corner of the room

during the day

Severa l generations usua l ly share the tent The head of the

family is the mother , and she i s the one who gives the orders

Her husband and her children live wit h her, even when the chi ldre n

are married and have the i r own children The sons and sons-in- l aw

loo k after the animals, while the daughters and

daughters-in-law clean the tent , cook the meals, and look after the younger

grandchi l dren The older ones are left to run around outside

T here may often be as many as 30 people under the same roof

The few young people who have l eft the fam i ly to live in the city

vi sit their mothers nearl y every day It can be quite a surprise to

see a shiny new Mer ce des pull up outside one of the tents and

watch a smart young man get out to greet his re latives

Bedouin people do not like to be separated from their families

and there is a very good reason why If they are poor , sick, old, or

unemployed, it is the family that supports them Elderly peop l e are

never reft alone , and problems are always shared Children who

work in the city are often responsible for their families financially

In th i s way, Bedouin families aren't j ust close; the y are a l ifel i ne

b Read th e articl e again Choose the correct answers accord in g to th e information given

1 In the past, mo s t families in Southern E urope and the Middl e East were

a smaller @ closer c richer

2 There i s n ' t n1uch in a Bedouin tent

a furniture b light c space

3 Bedouin spend xnost of the da y in s ide

a men b ;vomen c children

4 Young Bedouins who live in the city

a hardly ever go home

b don't earn much money

c don't lose touch with their families

5 Mexnbers of a Bedouin fan1ily help each ot h er to

a survive b get a job c c h oose clothes

c Look at the highlighted word s and phrases What

do yo u think they mean? Use your dictionary t o loo k

up their meaning and pronunciation

a Wl [i3 ZD Listen to a couple , Terry and Ja n e, talking

~ bout going to live with the in - la\l'1S What do they

de cide at the end of the conversation?

b Listen again an d mark the sentences T ( true ) or F (false)

1 Terry and Jane are both ve r y tir ed L

2 Terry is more optin1ist ic about the future th an Jane

3 Terry's parents have s uggested the famil y move

in with them

4 Terr y says that if the y all lived together, his parents >vould babysit

5 Jane thinks that the new plan would m ean less

housework for her

6 Jane worries that the grandparents wou ld s p oil the children

c Li s ten again wi th the audioscr ipt on p.69


Lear n t hese wor d s a nd phr ases

boarding sc hool

!' b:i:d11J sku:l i

childhood !' tJaildhod ! gang /gre1y'

no wonder i n:io \v.\nd;i ,

Trang 11


Complete the dialogues

1 Ben

Charlotte Ben

Charlotte Ben

Mum Charlotte Mum

Yes, but it isn't a problem

What a 6 p ! I've made a meat lasagne But there's plenty of salad

That's fine Thanks, Mrs Lord

We have something to tell you We've found a house that we like

And it isn't too expensive

That's great 8 n ! Could I see it some time?

9 w a great idea! I'll call and make an appointment

Complete the dialogues with the phrases in the box

a-r-eaHy nice gtty Go ahead How do you see I mean

How incredible Not really That's because things like that

1 A What did you think of my dad?

B He's a r eally nice ,guy

B I think we'll be very happy together

3 A I hear you speak Spanish Are you bilingual?

B But I can speak it quite well

4 A I'm sorry I'm not feeling hungry

5 A You know, I think we went to the same school

B _ _ _ _ _ _

6 A Can I have another piece of chicken, please?

7 A What sort of books do you read?

B Biographies, history books, _ _ _ _

8 A You won't want to go to the concert with us

B But I will! , I love classical music

a Read the text and answer the questions

In \Vhich place ?

l can you see a celebrity

2 do musicians con1e to hear other

musicians perform

3 can you hear international styles of jazz

4 can you see \vhat's happening on line

S should you buy a ticket before you go

6 does the music finish very late


New York is famous for its j azz, and for music fans no trip to the city is complete without a visit to one of the many jazz

venues Here are four of the many plates

you can go to hear jau being perfor111ed


Cafe .r Ca r lvle ,

Barbes is a bar and performance venue in the South Slope part of Brooklyn Come here to listen to musical styles from all over the world, such as Mexican, Lebanese, Romanian, and Venezuelan along with traditional American styles Usually $10 to get in

55 Bar

Located in Greenwich Village, this small club, which started in 1919,

has a very interesting history Come to hear jazz guitarists play, and expect to see lots of serious jazz fans and music students from the local universities and music schools Usually $10- 20


This club was created in 1994, but has already become very famous in New York as it saw well-known players such as Norah Jones begin their career here The club closed in 2002, but opened again in 2004, with a more comfortable room and a website that features live streaming video of all performances It opens from

4 p.m to 4 a.m $20 to get in

Cafe Carlyle

Come to the ground floor of the famous Carlyle Hotel to visit the Cafe Carlyle It's particularly worth going on Monday nights - not only will you hear jazz from the Eddy Davis New Orleans Jazz Band, but you will also hear the famous film director Woody Allen play with them As well as being a director, Woody Allen is also a jazz musician Sets at 9:30 The venue holds only 90 and is often sold out, so it's a good idea

to book ahead But it isn't cheap - tickets start at $90

b Underline five \vords or phrases you don't knO\V Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation

Trang 12


a Comp l ete the sente11ces with the co rr ect verb

in b r ackets

1 My sister 1vastes a lot of money on clothes she

never wears (wastes / saves)

2 I ca n 't to buy a flat of n1y O\Vll

(pay/ afford)

3 You'll have to a lot of money if you

want to travel around the \v o rld n ext year (cost/ save)

4 Kevin about€ 1 ,000 a month in his

nevi job (wi ns / earn s)

S That painting _ _ _ _ a lot of money

(charges / is \VOrth)

6 My uncle is doing a bike rid e to _ _ _ _ _

money for charity (raise / save)

7 We s till the bank a lot of n1oney

(owe/ earn)

8 Mary £5,000 fron1 her grandfather

when he died (inherited/ inv ested)

9 T h e plumber me €100 for mending

tny shO\\ • er (cos t / charged)

(borro\v / lend)

b Comp l ete the sentences with the co rrect preposition

I I ' ll pay for t he n1eal if yo u get the drinks

2 They charged us €5 a bottle of water

3 They got debt when they bought their

ne"v h o u se

4 We've borro\ved some money n1y


::> M y grandparents al\vays pay cash

6 l don't mind lending money family

7 They spent a lot of rnon ey their son's

Don Marquis, US Wr iter

c Co mplete t he advertisement \vith the \vord s in th e box

banlfficcount bills cash machine loan mortgage note salary tax

• ,,~

~ e.~

""I ~ \)

What's so good about CASH Internet Banking pie


Open a 1 bank account with us and we'll give you a free gift - you'll get a tablet computer if you earn over €3,000 a month Consult our online

service 24/7 and use your card in the 2 _ _ _

of any bank to take out as much or as little money

as you want - coins aren't available, but you can

take out a €5-3 _if you wish Does your

company pay your• directly into the

bank? Then we won't charge you anything for your

card We'll even pay all your 5 for you,

free of charge


Do you need to borrow money for a car, a holiday, or

a new laptop? We'll give you a 6 of up

to €10,000 for whatever you want to buy

And how about a new house? We can give you a


at one of the lowest interest rates

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How much 8 do you pay? Talk to our specialists to make sure you're paying the right amount - they can help you pay less

Come to CASH Internet for the best accounts, the best services, and the best savings

Trang 13

2 PRONUNCIATION the letter o

a @ t h e ,.,,ord ,.,,ith a different so und

1 I iave n eve r 0 1 ve / n ever owed a n y money t o the bank in m y lif e

2 They have cha r 8ed / cha r 8ed u s t oo much fo r o ur meal la s t night

3 R ac hel \ va ne s t o bu y a flat , but s h e hasn ' t saved / didn ' t save

e n ough money y et

4 P aul hasn't inherited / didn ' t inherit anything from hi s

grandmother "vhen s he di ed

5 l can' t pay yo u bac k I hav e n ' t b ee n / didn ' t BO to the ca s h

machine ye t

6 How rnuch has your TV cost / did yo ur TV cost?

7 Ha ve yo u paid f Did yo u pay yo ur fa ther back yet?

8 I hav e n ' t had / d id n ' t have any coins, so I couldn ' t put an y m o n ey

in the parking meter

9 Have yo u ever in vested / Did ) ' O LI ever invest an y mone y in a company?

I 0 M y gi rlfri e nd has a re ally \v e il - p a id job She has ea rn ed / ea rn ed

€ 4 5,000 l as t ye ar

b Co mpl e te the dialogues w ith th e co rrect form of the verbs in

bra c k e t s

1 A When did your son bu y his car? (buy)

B When he his driving test last month (pass)

2 A How much money _ _ you _ _ from your sister

yesterday? (borrow)

B About €100, but I _ _ already _ _ it all (spend)

3 A you _ _ _ _ a new flat yet? (find)

B Yes, and the bank to give me a mortgage

Gust agree)

4 A you ever _ _ any money to a friend? (lend)

B Only to my boyfriend when he a new phone (need)

5 A your mother an appointment with the

doctor yet? (make)

B Yes, she him yesterday and she's seeing him

tomorrow (call)

a Read th e fir s t c h ap t er of a book about Dani e l

S uel o o n ce Wh e r e did he decide t o l ive?

In the first year of the twenty-first

century, a man standing by a busy

road in the middle of the United

States took his life savings out of

his pocket - $30 - laid it inside a phone booth, and walked away

He was 39 years old, came from

a good family, and had been to college He was not mentally ill,

nor did he have any problems


Man Who

Ou it


with drugs or alcohol The decision was made

by a man who knew exactly what he was doing

In the twelve years since then, as the stock market has risen and fallen Daniel Suelo has not earned, received, or spent a single dollar In an era when

anyone who could sign his name could get a

mortgage Suelo did not apply for loans As public debt rose to eight, ten, and finally thirteen trillion dollars he did not pay taxes, or accept any type of help from the government

Instead he went to live in a cave in Utah, where

he picks fruit and wild onions, collects animals that

have been killed on the roads, takes old food that

has gone past its sell-by date out of bins, and is

often fed by friends and strangers 'My philosophy

is to use only what is freely given or discarded: he

writes While the rest of us try to deal with taxes

mortgages retirement plans and bank accounts

Suelo no longer even has an identity card

Daniel is not a typical tramp He often works - but refuses to be paid Although he lives in a cave he is

extremely social, remains close to friends and family,

and has discussions with strangers on his website which he checks at the local library He has cycled far

travelled on freight trains hitch-hiked through nearly every state in the United States, worked on a fishing boat, collected mussels from Pacific beaches caught

salmon in streams in Alaska and spent three months living in a tree after a storm

'I know it's possible to live with zero money,' Suelo declares And he says you can live well

Trang 14

b Read the chapter again and choose the correct answers

1 What do \Ve learn about the n1an in the first


a He had just left school

(li) He had thought about his actions carefully

c He had had a difficult childhood

2 What has Daniel Suelo done since he changed his life?

a He has got into debt

b He has bought a house

c He hasn't used any money

3 Ho\v does he get enough to cat?

b He uses different methods of transport

c He always uses trains

c Look at the highlighted words and phrases What do

you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up

their meaning and pronunciation

d Con1plete the sentences 'vith one of the highlighted

\vords or phrases

l Clean fresh \Vater often comes from mountain

str e arns

2 Jr's important to have a _ _ _ _ _ _ for

when you get old

3 The giant fish sculptures in Rio \Vere made using

a m ifi3 :m Listen to four speakers talking about

hov.r they manage on their incomes Nlatch the

speakers with their situation

Speaker 1 d a a single parent

Speaker 2 b a family \Vith children Speaker 3 c a single retired person on a pension Speaker 4 d a young person \Vho lives \Vith

his / her parents

b Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)

Speaker 1

l He doesn't earn n1uch money £

2 He saves n1ost of his salary

Speaker 2

3 She doesn't own the flat where she lives

4 She thinks money is more important than family

Speaker 3

5 He can't live on his income

6 He isn't in debt


7 She only works in a shop at \veekends

8 She spends most of her money on her children

c Listen again \Vith the audioscript on p.69


Learn these words and phrases

cheques tJck ;

contracts ' J ontra ~kt., figures ' f140z ·

recession ri 'sc Jn

salesman · se1 lz1n;in

broke br;:iok

a gamble ;:i 4~crnhl

a 1nillionaire ;-i 111 ilj;-i ne;-i

go on sale g0u nn ~eil

set up a business set 'P ,"I 'b 1 7n:i"

Trang 15

-1 GRAMMAR present perfect

simple + for I since; present

perfect continuous

a Write the \vords and phrases in the box in

the correct column

2005 ages a fortn igh t Christmas

s ix months I was little the last two days

Tue s day years and years you la st ca lled



b Con1plete the sentences with the present

perfect sin1ple form of the verb in brackets

and for or since

1 1 've had my car _ja r about a month


last Friday (be)

3 We _ _ _ _ _ each other

4 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the same

con1pany _ _ _ five years (work)

_ _ _ _ they got n1arried (live)

_ _ _ _ the \veekend (go)

_ a long tin1e (want)

_ last year (not speak)

Only I can change my life No one else can do it for me

Carol Burnett, us actress & comedienne

c Complete the dialogues "''ith the present perfect continuous form

of the verbs

1 A Have you heard Heather's new band?

B No Ha ve the)' b ee n playing

together for a long time? (they I play)

2 A How long was your flight?

t-.' > B Twelve hours _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

all day (we I travel)

3 A My brother has a very good job in New York

B Really? How long _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ there? (he I work )

4 A Diana's found a new flat, at last

-one for ages (she I look fo r)

5 A Why does L i am's teacher want to see you?

the children all day! (I I look after )

d @ the correct forn1 I fboth forms are possible, tick ( I ) the sentence

1 How long have you lived / hav e yo u b een livinB abroad? .I

2 I 've studied JC[5i been studyiiijf) Chinese for t\VO years

3 Hannah lia s liad / has been havinB the same boyfriend since she \Vas

at school

4 Ho\v long has Mark play ed/ has Mark bee n pla yi n 8 the bass guitar?

5 H e's 1vorked / I ! e ' s been 1 vo rki11 {j in thi school since he started teaching

6 I 've k1101v11 / f 've been krzo1vin (J you for years

7 W e've {jOll e / W e ·ve been f30irzg to the sa1ne dentist since \Ve \Vere children

8 You 've ~vorn / You've been 1ve ari11B that co<1t for years'

Trang 16

2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress

a 'ijmm Li ste n and comp l ete th e se nt ences

1 I 've been travelling all day

2 Ho\v hav e they been goi n g

_ _ _ _ _ together?

3 She's b een ill since - - -

for long

5 We'v e b ee n - - - - -th e hous e

all _ _ _ _ _

6 I - - - been _ _ _ _ _ well lat e ly

b Listen again and r epea t the se ntences Copy t h e



a Read the artic l e once and 111atch the photos 1-3

with tl1e paragraphs A-C

b R ead t he ar ti cle again Answer the questions

\ v ith th e l e tt ers A , B , o r C

Which organ izati on ?

I take s p eople for a f o rtni gh t or a month Ji

2 encourages sightsee ing

3 offers acco1nmodation in tents

4 says '' ' hat vol unt eers sho uld bring

5 gives volunteers free afternoons

6 lets volunteers stay \vith others in a hut

7 arra n ges accommodation with local peop l e

8 only needs vol unteers in the sun1n1er

c Look a t the highlighted \Vords and phrases

Wha t do you think t hey n1ean? Check with

yo u r dictionary

d Com pl ete the sentences with one of th e

highlighted words or phrase s

1 M y little niece o n ly wan t s to play on t h e

sH 1 ing when \Ve go to the park

2 If yo u all _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , \v e'll be able to buy our

colleag ue a nice leaving present

3 I'd rath er see animals in - - -

-than in a zoo

4 The sc ho ol i s organizing an after-school cl ub

5 The people \\ ' airing for the buses w e re s tanding

u n d erneath th e beca use it

A The Book Bus

Do you enjoy reading? Do you like children? Then why not volunteer for our mobile library service in Zambia? We work with disadvantaged children in state primary schools, and it's a lot of fun We read stories,

do art projects, and organize activities to help the children learn English After breakfast at 7 a.m., we head to our first school in time for the

beginning of the school day Every morning we visit at least four schools, and we spend about an hour in each one We get back to camp at around

2 p.m for lunch, and after that you have the afternoon free to relax, or prepare activities The project takes place from May to September, and it's open to everyone Volunteers have to pay for their own flight and make a contribution to the project

B The Great Orang-utan Project

Are you an animal lover? If you are then you should come to Kubah National Park in Borneo We need people to help us look after our orang-utans Unfortunately you won't be able to touch the animals, as they are being prepared to be released into the wild, but you'll work very near them You'll spend your time in the Wildlife Centre repairing the shelters where the orang-utans live, or building new ones You might

have to make a swing, or install some ropes where the animals can play You'll have your own room in a wooden hut which looks out onto the rainforest The programme lasts for two or four weeks and it costs fl,280 or fl,865 respectively excluding flights

C Construction in Peru

Are you good at making things? If you are, and you'd like to take part in

a construction project how about coming to Peru to lend a hand? You'll

be based in Cuzco in south-eastern Peru and you'll be involved in the

construction of a small school and a community centre or an orphanage You may have to paint and do repairs to existing buildings or build

new ones in and around the city You'll live with a Peruvian family, and you'll eat all your meals together in their house All of the houses have electricity and running water, but you'll have to go to an internet cafe in Cuzco if you want to go online You are expected to work from Monday

to Friday and at the weekend you can explore some of the fantastic sights in the region Please bring your own work clothes

Trang 17

4 VOCABULARY strong adjectives

a Co1nplete th e adjective for each picture

l She's abs o lutely

b Complete the se ntence s with a strong adj ec tive

1 A Are you sure the meeting is today?

B Yes, I'm absolutely positive

2 A Is your boyfriend's flat small?

B Yes, it's really _ _ _ _

3 A Were your parents angry about your exam results?

B Yes, they were _ _ _ _

4 A Is your sister frightened of insects?

5 A Were you surprised when you passed your

driving test?

B Yes, I was really _ _ _ _

6 A Were the children hungry when they arrived?

B Yes, they were absolutely _ ,

a 4J! jtiit !G) Li s ten to a ne\.vs story about a n American

fan1i l y who are trav e lling around the world doing

vol untar y work T i c k ( I ) the places th ey have

2 How old a re the chi ldren?

3 How mu ch is the trip going to cos t?

5 \Vhat did they do in Thaila nd ?

6 Ho'v did they help the c hi ldren in R\vanda?

7 \ Vho did they help in Ken ya?

8 What do es J 0 Lewis hope hi s orga ni zatio n will do

in the future?

c Listen again wit h the aud i oscript on p.70


L ea rn th ese word s a nd phra s e s blisters ' h l 1~tJZ '

Trang 18

1 VOCABULARY tr ans p ort

a Complete the cross\vord

b Complete the cornpound nouns with one \vord

1 Don ' t forget co put your seat belt on

2 You'll get a fine if you leave your car there

3 Sorry we're lace We ;vere s t uck in a jam in

the c it y cen t re

4 We got held up by the works on the

7 The traffic is ahvays \Vorse during the _ _ _ _ _ hour

8 There aren't any cabs \Vaiting at the rank

9 Slo\v do,vn! There are _ _ _ _ _ cameras on this road

10 We stopped at the lig h t s and waited for

th e m to turn green

A good tr av e ll e r has no fi xed p l ans

Lao T z u, Taoist Philosopher

C lu es dow n~

1 It 's where you \vait for a c rai n in the station

2 It ' s bigger than a car but s1naller than a lorry

4 It 's l ke a n1ocorbi k e but less po,verful

5 It 's used for transporting large quantities of things b y road

8 It's a t ype of bus t hat n10ves by elec t r i city along special rails i n the r oad

C lu es acros s -+

3 It ' s one section of a train

6 I t's a type of rail\vay system , called th e Tube

in London or Metro in other cities

7 It's a fast road ;vhere traffic can travel long distances bet>vee n large tO\vns

9 lt ' s a comfortable bus t hat's u sed for long iour n eys

~ sta t ion t raffic j am depart ure

b ~1G) Lis t en and chec k T h en listen again

and repeat the \vords

Trang 19

3 GRAMMAR comparatives and superlatives

a Co1nplete the senrences \.vith one \.vord

1 Petrol isn'r as expensive in the USA as it is in rhe UK

2 My father drives n1ore slov.rly _ _ _ my mother

3 They said that today 'vas hottest day of the year

4 Let's go by train It's con1forrable than rhe coach

S This is the _ flight I've ever been on I'll never fly \virh

rhis airline again

6 Ithinkrrainsare - - - - dangerous than cars There are fc,vcr


7 It's - - - - to go by tube than by bus Buses arc much slo"vcr

8 T he M25 is the - - -- busy nlotorway in the UK

9 You're at the Sheraton? We're staying at the same hotel you

10 \.Vhy don't \Ve go hitchhiking? It's the _ expensive way

to travel

b \Vrite sentences with the inforn1ation frorn the survey Use the

comparative or the superlative

Where to go?

We reveal the results from our reader survey of three popular holiday destinations

Canc u n Cope n hagen Sydney

(Mexico) (Denmark) (Australia)

I Cancun/ cheap/ Copenhagen

2 Cancun f cro,vded f of the three destinations

3 Copenhagen/ easy to get to/ Sydney

4 Sydney f exciting / Cancun

5 Sydney / hot / Copenhagen

6 Copenhagen / relaxing/ of the three destinations

c Rewrite the con1parative sentences in b

using (no t) as as

1 expensive (sentence I )

Cat10Ln isn't as exp~nsive as Coµenhageu

2 difficult (sentence 3)

than going by coach

5 They should have the party at their house It's n1uch

than ours


b Listen again and repeat the sentences

Listen carefully to the linked \vords Copy the ~thm

Trang 20


a Read the a rti c l e once Which is the oldest form

of transport?

Bamboo trains

This is the best way to see rural Cambodia A bamboo train, or nori

as the l oca l s call i t, is a bamboo platform on wheels which travels

a l ong t racks It's powered by an eng ine, and i t can reach a speed

of 40 kilom e t res per hour Passengers s i t on a grass mat on the

nori N or i s may not be as comfortab l e as conven tion al t ra ins, b ut

they're certa i n l y a lot chea pe r Pi ck up a nori from Battam ba n g

Station, but remem ber to ag ree on a p rice before yo u get on

Totor a reed boats

These boats have been around

fo r centur i es They are made

from t he reeds t hat grow on the

banks of Lake Titicaca, one of the

l argest l akes in South Amer ica

As we ll as making boats from totora reeds, the lo ca l peopl e u se

them to make t heir houses, which they build on floating i s l a nds

Totora reed boats a re sti ll us ed for hun t ing and fishing, but today

some of the loca l people transport people across the l ake in t hem

Travelling on a reed boat among the floating i s l a nds of t h e lake

is a must fo r visitors to Per u


A jee pne y i s the most common

f orm of pub l c transport in the

Ph i i pp i nes Th ey are made out

of the jeeps left on th e isl an d s by

the America n army at the e n d

of the Second World War Th e peopl e gave the jeeps a roof, put


i n two l ong seats on either s id e and pa i nted t h em, turning t hem

i nto small buses Jeepneys have open windows i nstead of a ir

condit io n in g They'r e often packed with passengers and th e r e

are no bus stops - th e driver just s l ows down to l et the passengers

jump on and off

Dog s led s

Dog sledd i ng i s a unique

e xperience as it ' s someth i ng you

can't do in many other parts of the

world I t was once the only way t o

get around in the snow of Al aska -

-in the US, but now it s use is limited to winter sports and tourism

The best time to try it i s from J anuary to M arch-in the summer there

isn ' t enough snow so the dog s pull s l e ds on wheels T h e r i de can be a

b i t bumpy as the sled so m eti me s goes over stones and the dogs

bark a lot All the same , i t' s an opportunity not to be m i sse d

b R ead th e art i c l e aga in Mark t h e sen tences T (tr u e)

o r F (fa l se)

1 N o ri s a r e a good \va y of see ing Can1bodian citie s _f_

2 The train fare i s n o t a h vays th e same

3 Totora r eed boars a r e rn adc f r o m special planes

4 Today the boa t s a re o nl y used r o carry touri s t s

5 J eep n eys h ave been u se d in the Philippines for about t\venty yea r s

6 There a r c usua ll y a l o t of peopl e in jeepne ys

7 M ost people in / \l as ka don ' t tra ve l b y dog s l ed

a n y rn o r c

8 D og s l eds arc a ve r y relaxing 'va y co travel

c Look at th e highlight e d words a nd phrases What do

yo u think they n1ean? Use y our di c ti on ar y to l ook up

th e ir m ea ning and pronunciation

a ~m Li s t e n to th e ex p e ri ences of five s p eakers 'vh o

were doing dang e rous things \vhi l e they \Vere dri v ing

Match th e s p ea k e r s with th e things they \Vere d o ing Speak e r I E A Putti n g on n1ake-up

Speaker 2 _ B Listening t o his / her fa vo urite music Speake r 3 _ C Wri t ing a text message

Speake r 4 _ D Setting or adjusting a sat na v Speaker 5 _ E Talking on a mobile

b Li sten again a n d ans\ver the questions

l What did Speake r l ' s car crash into? _A~ v~a=n ~

2 H o\v far h a d S peaker 2 driven past Exeter before she reali:t e d h e r mi s take?

3 \Vh cre did Speaker 3 end up ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4 Wh o did Spea k e r 4 n ea r l y hit? _ _ _ _ _ _

S What co l o ur \V ere t h e t r affic li ghts when the accident happ e n e d to Spea k e r 5? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

c Li s ten aga in \Vith the a udi oscr ipt o n p.70


Learn the se wo rd s a nd phr ase s

adjust (satnav) ;1J:i \'L

Trang 21

Men want to be a woman's first love Women like to be a man's last romance

Oscar Wilde, Irish writer

1 GRAMMAR articles: a I an, the, no article

a @ t h e correct answers

I I think~ / the airls a r e better a t l ear ning lanauages I th e lan8ua8 eS than boys I the boys

2 Did you lock door / th e door \vh en yo u left house / the h o u se th is morning?

3 My sis t e r is married to Gern1an / a German He ' s engine e r / an e nBineer

4 I don ' t usually like fish / the fish, but sa lmon / the salmon \VC had last night was delicious

5 \ Ve go to ci n ema/ the cinerria once a 1veek /the 1veek

6 Don't \VOrr y ! lt's not th e end/ e nd of the world/ 1vorld

7 Do yo u think ivornen /the 1 vorne 11 a r e mor e sensitive than rn e n /the 1n en?

8 What beautiful/ a beautiful day! Let's have lunch / a lunch in th e ga rden

b A r e the hi g hlighted phrases right ( I ) o r \vrong ( X )? Correct th e wrong phrases

He' s hoping to visit hi s parents t he nex t weekend 0

3 The money doesn't make people happy 0

4 My g randfather left school when h e was 14 D


:> They go to the de n tist about twice the yea r D

6 Hav e you \Vatched DVD t h at I lent you? 0

7 That \Vas one of the best meal s I 've ever had 0

8 Wh a t noisy child! \.Vh e r e arc hi s parents? D

9 Al ex is st ud ying to become doctor 0

10 I l ove the ca t s , but my boyfriend doesn't like them 0

11 Il e r husband sits in front of the TV all dav , 0

12 She al\vays gets to the work at half pas t five D

2 PRONUNCIATION /' J/ , sentence stress ,

! o'd ! or / oi: / ?

a ~!itiii~~· Listen and com plete the sentences

1 l'd l ike to speak to the mana&er

2 l 've put the on the

b Listen again and repeat CQpy th e rhythm

c (S it[ @ Listen and repeat the phrases P ay

attentio n t o th e pro nun ciation of the

1 The co n versation \Vas about the \voman n ext door

2 The university invited a guest to spea k at the meeting

3 I so metime s go t o~ theatre in the evening

4 We took the li ft in stead of walki n g up the sta ir s

s The office gave n1e a lt the inf o rmation I need ed

6 The grey s kirt i s nice, but I prefer th e black o n e

Trang 22

Men have a reputation for wearing clothes that don 't look

good together - if men do look good, it's because their

girlfr ie nds or wives have helped them get dressed Why ' s that?

t ha t con t ro l m a ny t h i n g s a bout u s T he co lou r re d is ca r r i ed o nl y by

t h e X ch r omo s om e Wom e n h ave two X ch r om o so m e s a n d so t hey a r e

more l kely to be able to s ee re d M e n o nl y hav e one X c h romos o m e

H ow w e see c ol ou r dep e nds o n t he a b i i y t o s ee r ed b lue an d g r ee n

so wom e n a r e m or e l ke ly t o see co l o u rs b e tt er B ei n g a b le to s ee

colo u rs 1-v el l was i mporta n t i n p reh i stor i c t i me s w he n wome n l ooked fo r

f u it for foo d T hey had to b e a bl e to t el l t h e d i ffe r e n ce betwee n t h e

t yp es of fru i t on t he t rees so that t he y d id n't c h oo se a typ e t ha t was

poisonous For th e m se ei n g di ffe r en t colo u rs me a nt t he y c ou ld su rv i v e

2 ~

-Most men have a natura l ability to read maps while women

usually need to turn t hem round How come?

Science says: M en a r e a ble to see t h e si ze an d po si i on of t h i n g s

much q u i ck er t h a n wom e n T h i s a b il i ty i s ca l ed ' s p at i a l awa r e nes s ·

Resea r c h ers discov e r ed in a s t ud y of fou r- yea r- old c h ildre n t h at only

one g i rl h a s t h is a bil i ty f o r e v er y f o u r b oy s O nce agai n , t he e xpl a n a ti o n

ca n b e fou n d i n t he pas t D o you remem b e r t ho s e pr e h is t ori c 1-vom e n ?

W e ll , w h il e t he y vve r e l oo ki ng fo r fr u i t, t he me n t r avel l e d long d ist a nces

to hu n t an i m a l s Whe n th e y ha d ca ug h t e nou gh , t he y ha d to fi nd t he ir

way h ome agai n And this is w h ere t h ey l ear n t 's p a ti a l awarenes s ' Th e

wome n d id n 't need it beca u se they hardly ever wen t o u t of sight of the i r

h omes but fo r t h e men, i t was vita l

-Humans are social animals, so why is it that men don't like

sharing their problems while women tell their best friends


Sc i ence says: T h e answer is i n t h e br a i n The p a rt s res2ons 1 ol e for

lang u age are 1 7°/o l arger i n a woma n 's bra i n than i n a m an 's brain A l so

1-vome n u se b oth the l eft an d th e r i ght s i de of the b r a i n to use l a n guage,

1-vhile me n use o n ly o n e s id e - the i r strongest si de And there·s more

T h e p a rt o f the b r a i n t ha t connects the two par t s t oget h er - the corp u s

ca l os u m - is la r g e r i n women t oo whic h m e ans th a t th e y ca n m o ve

info r ma t io n f om on e p a rt to t he ot h er part mo r e q uick l y N obo d y

i s su r e 1-vhy t h ese diffe r e n ce s e xi st, b ut i t' s c l ea r t ha t 1-vomen have a

de fi n i te advantage ove r men w h en i t comes to c o mmu n ica t i on

1 Men ca n find it difficult to perceive

@ one colour

c any colours

2 Seeing colours \Veil helped prehistoric \V01nen

a f ind interesting things to eat

b cook food correctly

c choose the right fruit

3 T h e r e sults of the stud y sho,ved that

a four - year-olds don ' t ha v e spatial awar e n es s

b bo y s learn spatial awaren e ss befor e girls

c girls don ' t have spatial awareness

4 Women didn ' t need spatial a w a reness in prehistoric times because

a the m e n w e re al\vays with then1

a part of their brains are smaller

brai n is

c to control the language process

c Look at the highlighted \Vords and phrases

\ Vhat do yo u think they mean? Use yo ur

dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunc1at1on

d Comp l ete the sentences with one of the

1 It ' s a definit e advantage to have good exam results if you wa nt to go to university

outside! They could be _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Trang 23

4 VOCABULARY collocation: verbs I

adjectives + prepositions

I ·rhey're arriving at / o n /@> London on Friday

2 "fhat suitcase belongs for / f r o n1 / t o me

3 Shall we ask someone at/ for/ o f directions?

4 We might go camping, but it depends

i 11 /of/ on the \veather

5 Everybody laughed about/ at / to me when

r fell off the chair

6 \Vho's going to pay for / of / 1vith the meal?

7 r drea1nt about / fron1 / 1vith my old school

friends last night

8 That girl ren1 i nds me about / of/ t o n1y cousin

b Complete the sentences \vith the correct


I Tony used to be married to Teresa

2 My boyfriend isn't very keen

5 I'm very different my sister

6 Adan1's very good maths

7 J'n1 fed up this \veather

8 He's fan1ous his role in



1 A Who did you argue with ?

a ~if4~.m Listen to a radio phone-in programme \.Vhich

speaker has the most traditional view about men doing

2 He \vouldn't like to be a chef

3 Eve cooks all the meals in her house

4 She spends a lot of time cleaning the kitchen

5 Frank thinks that girls \VOrk harder than they used to

6 Frank thinks that girls nowadays can cook

7 Martina's partner does all the cooking

8 Martina respects men chat can cook

c Listen again with the audioscript on p 7 1


Trang 24


Con1plete the dialogue

John I love this song Can you turn it up?

Anna Do I have to? I t's really old

John It may be old, but it's one of my

favourites 1 Personally , I think pop music was better in the past than it is now What do you

of them write their own music I f you

musicians are the ones who write the songs and then perform them l ve on

know a lot about it I j ust put the radio

on and listen to what they're p l aying !

Complete the dialog u es Use a phrase

containing the word in brackets

1 A Hello! I'm back ! (back)

B Hi! Did you have a good day?

2 A I'm going out for a wa l k now Do you want

to come?

B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I'll get my coat (minu t e)

3 A I've brought you some flowers

B Thank you That's _ _ _ _ _ _

- - - · (k in d)

4 A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- - - - what you said about moving abroad? (mean)

B Yes I t hink it'll be a great opportun i ty for us

5 A You look upset What's the ma t ter

a Read the text Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)

1 New York taxis are all the same model of car

2 A medallion number has four numbers and one letter

3 An off - duty cab won't pick you up

4 You should stand in the street until a taxi stops for you

S When you get in a taxi, the price starts at 40 cents

6 You pay per minute if there are problems with traffic

7 Taxi dri ve rs like to be paid in cash

NEW YORK TAXIS v.•.•.• •,", ' ,

serv i ce to New Yorkers and tourists for getting around the city There are over

It doesn ' t take long to see one

What does a New York taxi look like?

New York taxis come in many d i fferent s h apes and s i zes, but to be

of f icia l tax i s they must be ye l ow T hey m u st also have a specia l code called a medall i on number: one number, then one l etter, and two

more numbers A bro n ze badge wit h the same code shou l d also be

d i splayed on t he h ood

On ly taxis with the above a r e lega l ly l censed to pick you up!

How will I know when a New York taxi is available?

I ' s all in t h e l ig h ts! When just the centre light i luminates t h e medall i on number, the taxi is ava i ab l e to be hailed When the centre light i s off and both sidelights are on ( i lluminating the words 'Off Duty'), the taxi is off duty and won ' t stop fo r you

How to hail a New York taxi

F i rst, try to hai l a taxi in the d i rection you are a lr eady going; i t saves time and money Whe n you see an ava i lab l e taxi, make sure i t's safe and step off the pavement whilst hold i ng your hand up high If for any reason you don ' t get the dr iv er's attent io n, step back onto the pavement and wait for the next available taxi and repeat t h e process

It's as s i mp l e as that

New York taxi fares

Once you step i nto the cab the meter w i ll be turned on Th i s i s called the 'f l ag - drop fare' and i s $2.50 A f ter that it w i ll cost yo u 40 cents for every 400 metr es, or 40 cents per minute if you are stuck in traffic There i s a f l at - ate c h arge of $45 from Manhattan to JFK A i rport

If you ' re happy w ith the journey, you shou l d tip your dr i ver between

15% and 20% of t h e to t a l fare Pay i ng by cash is preferred, however all taxis now accept credit cards

b Underline five words or phrases you don't kno\v Use yo ur dictionary to look up their n1eaning and pronunciation

Trang 25

1 GRAMMAR can, could, be able to

3 Luke co uld / wa s abl e t o read when he was

only three years old

4 If it doesn't rain tomorrow, ive can / 1 ve' ll b e

able to go for a long \valk

5 Sorry, I've been so busy that I ha ve n ' t co uld /

ha ve n ' t bee n a ble t o call until now

6 If Millie had a less demanding job, she

could/ 1v o uld be able t o enjoy life more

7 I've never co uld f bee n able t o dance \vell,

but T'd love to learn

8 We're really sorry we c ouldn ' t / weren ' t abl e to

come to your \vedding

9 I us e d t o ca n / u se d t o be ab l e t o speak a bit

of Polish, but I've forgotten n10St of it no\v

10 Can yo u / Will you b e abl e t o make the dinner


11 To 'vvork for this company, you rnu s t ca n /

rnust b e a bl e to speak at least three


12 I hate rrot ca n / n o t be i11 8 ab l e t o communicate

"vith the local people \vhen I'm travelling

Failure is not falling down Failure is falling down and not getting up again

Richard Ni x on, former US President

b Read Matthew Banks' C V Then con1plete the sentences with the correct forn1 of c an , co uld or b e a bl e to

I Matthe\v c an sail

started working in Hong Kong

7 He - - - speak a little Russian soon

Name: Matth ew Banks

Date of Birth: 22/09/1980


Master ' s in Business Administration (2006 ) Started Ph Din Business (2009)- incomple t e

Work Experience

1998-2000 : Trainer and Operator with Texas Instruments , London

2003-2009 : Ass i stant then Marketing Manager , Texas Instruments , Dallas, USA

2009-present : Manag ing D i rector, AHH Marketing Se rvices Ltd, Hong Kong

Other Skills

IT skills - advanced Course i n web design 1999

Ful l driv i ng licence


French (fluent ) Chinese ( bas i c ) certificate 2008

I hope to start Russ i an classes next January

Hobbies and Interests

Watersports especially sailing and windsurfing

(! rn n:) Listen and repeat the sentences Cop y the ~thm

1 She can s in g very we ll

2 I've ne ve r been able t o s ki

3 Can you r ea d a m a p ?

4 You \Von't be able r o go out romorro\v

5 He hasn't bee n able t o walk very fast since he hurt his le g

6 They aren't able to co m e tonight

Trang 26


a Read t h e articl e once and match th e paragraph s A - D with th e phot os 1 - 4

A Some people consider this man to be the greatest scientist that has

ever lived However, his early life was nothing special He was very

small as a child and he was a very poor student When he was twelve,

his mother took him out of school so that he could learn how to run the

family farm Unfortunately, he wasn't very good at that either, so in the

end he was sent back to school After eventual! passing his exams, he

went to Cambridge University where he became a brilliant scholar Later,

he developed his law of gravity

B This man is one of the most famous inventors of all time, which is

incredible when you think he only went to school for three months After

his teacher ~ tience with him, his mother taught him from home and

he learnt many im portant lessons from reading books His working life

started as badly as his schooling had, and he was fired from his first two

jobs However, this gave him more time to experiment - by the end of his

life he had in vented over a thousand devices His most famous invention

was a certain type of light bulb

C Ask anyone to name the most famous film director in Hollywood and

many of them will say this man's name However, his career in cinema

started badly, as he was rejected three times from film school He eventually

started his studies at a different school, but he drop~out to become a

director before he had finished Since then he has won the Oscar for Best

Director tw ice and three of his films have broken bOx Office records He

went back to school in 2002 to finish his studies and earn his BA degree

D Although he is one of the most successful businessmen and computer

programmers of all time, this man didn't actually finish university He was

very bright at school and went to Harvard University, but he spent most

of his time using the university's computers for his own projects and

didn't do much studying After dropp ing out , he dec ided to start his own

company w ith a friend This company failed, but he persisted and won

a contract with IBM wh ich eventually resulted in his company becoming

one of the most powerful and recognized b rands in the world today

b Read the article again Mark the sentences T (true)

or F (false)

1 Isaac Newton nearly becan1e a farmer I_

2 He \ vas never a very good student

3 Thomas E dison missed thr ee mon t hs

of school vihen he \.vas a child

4 He didn't make a good impression on his

b osses at the start of his \vorking life

s Steven Spie l berg couldn't go to the film

schoo l he wanted to

6 He has never finished his universit y course

7 Bill Ga te s failed university

8 His first company \.vasn't successful

c Look at th e highlighted words and phrases What

do yo u think the y n1ean? Use yo ur dictionary to look up their rneaning and pronuncia t ion

d Complete the sentences \.vith one of the

high l ighted words or phrases

1 The child's parents lost patience >vith her

and sent her to her room

2 He \Vasn 't enjo y ing university, so he _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ after the first year

t o persuade her boyfriend to see an opera

sending personal en1ails from work

S My hu sband refuses to buy expensive _ _ _ _ _

of clothing

6 There \Vas an enormous queue at the

- - - because it was the opening night of the film

Trang 27

4 VOCABULARY -ed I -ing adjec t ives

a Ri ght ( I ) o r w r o n g ( X )? Co rre ct th e w r ong adjectives

1 M y sister ca n 't swim She's fright e n ing 0

of the water


2 Looking after s mall chi l dren can be very tire d D

3 Hi s exam r es ult s "vere ve r y disappointing

4 I was ver y e m bar r ass ed w h en m y phone

rang in th e me e ting

S Cla re \vas very s urpri s ing becau se s h e

didn't kn ow they were coming

6 We took l ots of photos becaus e th e view

b Complete the sente n ces \Vith the c orr ec t form of

the adjectives in brac k ets

1 I enjoyed th e book, but the film "va s a bit

bor i n[J (bored/ boring)

my mistake (emba rr asse d f e mb a rr assi ng)

3 H e's of dogs He can't go

any,vhe r e near them ( frightened / frightening)

4 T he fi n al quart e r of the match \Va s r eally

- - - · (excited / e xciting)

5 We haven ' t h ea rd fro m her since s h e arr ived

in Bangk o k - it 's ve r y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

("vo rrie d / \ VO r ryi ng)

6 You r trip so und s really - - -

tell me mor e! (interested/ interesting)

7 I 'm fed up w ith th i s terr ibl e weath e r - it 's so

- - - ·( depre sse d / depress in g)

8 Max \Vas very when

he \vasn't chosen for the job ( di sappoi n ted /

2 J on a nd H ar r y help t o food whenever

they come to my house

3 H elena painted the bathroom - - -

-4 The computer turns _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ off if nobody

u ses it for a while

s I alwa ys s i ng to - - - when I ' m i n the

s h owe r

6 W e found the flat _ _ _ _ _ _ ,without any help from a co mpan y


a ~!1f~lt1) You are go in g to h ea r five speake r s t alking

about mi s take s th ey ha ve mad e in a foreign language

Li sten a nd com pl e t e th e se nt e n ces

Speaker I \v as spea king Fr ench to _ _ _ _ _ _

S peak er 2 \ Vas spea king to _ _ _ _ _ _

Speaker 3 was spea king to _ _ _ _ _ _

Speaker 4 wa s spea king t o _ _ _ _ _ _

Speaker 5 was spea king to _ _ _ _ _ _

b Lis t e n again and co mplet e th e table

Speaker! inha l e r Speaker2


Speake r 4 Speake rs

c Listen again with t he audioscript on p 7 1


bas i c phr ases / he1s 1 k 'fre1z171

language barri er ' l cc1Jq\\ ' Id3 b<cri:i

teach - yo ur se lfb oo k s ' ti:tJ j:i-.elf ho"-"

more exceptions than rule s 1n;):r 11- ·se pJnz o:in ru : lz

Trang 28

1 VOCABULARY phone language

Con1plete the se11tences

2 \Vhen you finish a phone call, you h _ _ _

9 If someone is already talking on their mobile \\•hen you call,

-2 GRAMMAR modals of obligation: must, have to, should

When a man opens the car door for his wife

it's either a new car or a new wife

Duke of Edinburgh, husband of Queen Elizabeth II

b Correct any 111istakes in use or form in the

1 People mustn't use their nlobile phones \vhen

they're talking to you

Peopl e shouldn ' t use

2 I must go to \vork by bus yesterday My car

4 You don't have to play football here It says


6 I didn't have to cook last night because \ve

English and Chinese

8 You don't look well You should to go home

1 You have to / must have a visa to enter the country .I

_._ 2 You mustn't I don't have to drive on

the left! Here we drive on the right!

3 You mustn't/ don ' t have to pay to

visit most museums and art galleries

Entrance is usually free

4 You have to / should go on a ferry

to visit the Statue of Liberty You can't

go by bus

5 You have to/ must wear a seat belt

at all times in a car

6 You must/ should always try to arrive

on time for an appointment or meeting

Americans are very punctual!

7 If you are sightseeing in New York,

you must I should buy a MetroCard which gives you cheaper travel on the subway and buses

8 You mustn ' t/ don ' t have to

smoke in any public bui ding It is prohibited by law

9 When talking to American people,

you shouldn ' t I don't have to ask them about their salary Some people might think this is rude

10 You must/ have to answer some

questions when you go through immigration

Trang 29

c Li s ten and repeat th e se nt e n ces Try to

link the words

I Y o u s h o uldn ' t speak on th e phone \vhen

d ~~im!tb Listen and check Then li s ten

is still relevant, and if men should continue respecting it

used to pay for meals - but we'll come back to that one later All of these

a restaurant of his choice on their first date, and then asks her to pay her half

treated as the weaker sex which leaves men in a dilemma On the one hand,

men are conscious of the 'Ladies First' tradition but on the other, they do not

pay the bill Actually, it's the invitation to dinner itself that is important here, not the amount of money spent In general, women appreciate a picnic or a

So the answer to our original question is: yes 'Ladies First' is still relevant

today, but not in the same way as it was in the past Most women appreciate a

Trang 30

b Read the article again and choose the

right ans\ver

I According co the article

a che idea of'Ladies first' started in the

Middle ages

b the idea of 'Ladies first' is a ne"v idea

© it's not knO\¥n "vhen the idea of

'Ladies first' started

2 In the past

a rnen didn't kno\v how to behave

tO\vards \Vomen

b 'Ladies first' \vas very polite

c it didn't matter if men broke the rules

c have ne\v rules to follo\v

4 According to the article, 1nen should

a not think about \vhat \von1en '"ant

b follo\v the rules of'ladies first'

c not follow the rules of'ladies first'

S According to the article, wo1 en

a always \Vant expensive things

b don't l ke it \vhen men cook

c like a meal at home or in a restaurant

c Look at the highlighted \vords and

phrases What do you chink they mean?

Use your dictionary to look up their

meaning and pronunciation

d Find the highlighted \vords or phrases

in the text to inatch the definitions

1 not right for a particular situation

a (!91t:t~ :m Listen co a radio prograrnme about good manners in

different countries \Vhat kind of advice do the four people ask about? Tick(./) the correct answers There is one piece of advice you do not need to use

1 Advice about ho"v to behave in business situations

2 Advice about body language

3 Advice about meeting ne'"' people

4 Advice about queuing

5 Advice about visiting someone's house

b Listen again and choose the right ans\.vers

1 According to the expert, in Thailand you should not give a '"vai' to

a people who are older than you

b anyone

© people \.vho are younger than you

2 How many flov1ers are OK to give someone in Austria?

4 A foreign person in South Korea

a n1ustn't bo"v to anyone

b must bo\v to everyone

c can bo\v to sho\v politeness

S According to the expert, if a Korean person is happy they bo\v very

a quickly

b slo,vly

c deeply

c Listen again w i h the audioscript on p.72


L ea rn th e se '"vords and phra se s

allergic to >I :d:i11- t >

shou Id have (\vritten) Jud :i'

Trang 31

1 GRAMMAR past tenses

else hadfinished (finish) their lunch and they

were sittiniJ (sit) in the garden having coffee

suddenly (ren1e1nber) that they

\Ve (turn on) the TV England _ _

(lose) and they (play) very badly

_ _ _ (change) a lot in t\venty years

say that he (not can) con1e because his car

_ _ _ (break do\vn)

yesterday United (\vin) 1 -0 in the frrst half,

o'clock train (already/ leave)

(\vait) for the next train

8 It (start) raining when I _ _ _ _ _

(not have) an umbrella

b ~f.!11!'.!'~!G) Listen and check Then listen again and

but whether I win or lose

Sandy Lyle , Scottish golfer

1 According to the article, people usually learn

2 Blank tiles can be used \Vhen players haven't

8 He \vasn't allov1ed co continue playing

c Look at the highlighted 'vords and phrases \Vhar

do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to

look up their nieaning and pronunciation

d Con1plete the sentences vvith one of the highlighted words or phrases

I James discretely bought the present \vhen his

\vife \vasn't looking


three false starts

4 My computer is broken, so l'm going to

it with a ne\v one

- -

the train tickers in his pocket

lying because there \Vas no proof he had done anything bad

7 Jack beat his 6-1, 6- 3

their jobs

Trang 32

t ' s fairly normal for young children to cheat when they're playing board games As they grow older they realize that the fun is actually in taking part in the game not necessarily

in winning it By the time they reach their teens they have

usually l earnt not to cheat Sadly this was not t h e case of a player i n a national board game championship he l d annually

in the USA The player wanted to win so much that he resorted to cheating

The board game was Scrabble This is a word ga me that was created in 1938 by an American architect called Alfred

Mosher Butts In the game p l ayers have to make words from individual le tte rs on small squares called 'tiles', and then put the words on a board Two of the most usefu l t i les

in the game are the blanks which are ti l es without any letters on them A blank isn't worth any points, but a p l ayer can use it to replace any le tter of the alphabet

The cheat in this particular tournament was a 15-year-old boy from Orlando in t h e USA He ha d surprised organizers

in the early stages of the competition by beating some of the best p l ayers despite the fac t that he had never played





before and Moo re had won the match although the boy

had ha d bo t h of the blank tiles In Scrabble, be f ore a new

game starts the p la yers put the tiles f rom the prev io us

game back into a smal l b ag This time Moore had a good

look at the ti l es on the table before he and his opponent put them i n the bag to start the game He was not surprised

to see that the two b l anks were together on t he table in

He saw the boy pick up the two b l anks, and put his hand

the organ i zers and accuse the boy of cheating

When the boy was taken away for questioning he admitted tak ing the two blanks during the game and h iding them

director disqualified h i m and banned him from playing in the competition a ga i n

Trang 33


a Read the definitions and \vrite the words

1 an area of water that swimn1ers use

10 a large structure, usually with no roof,

\vhere people can sit and watch sports

St _ _ _

b Complete the sentences \vich the past

simple of the verbs in the box

beat draw get injured lose pl-ay

score throw train warm up win

1 The USA played Russia in the final

of the basketball last night

2 The team _ _ _ hard every day

before the tournament

3 The French runner the

race He got the gold medal

4 T he players _ _ _ _ _ _

by jogging and doing short exercises just

before the game started

match 2-2

6 I didn't play well in the sen1i-final

brother, but his brother dropped it

n1uch better team

9 The Argentinian striker _ _ _

four goals in the last n1atch

10 Ourbestplayer _ _ _ _ _ _

in the second half, and was taken off the

pitch to see the tean1's doctor


a ~ Listen to a radio programme about a sporting scandal

Which country won the competition in the end?

b Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)

1 The scandal happened during the tennis tournament of the 2012 Olympics

2 South Korea and India were involved in the scandal

3 lt happened during the first stage

4 One \vay they cheated \Vas by hitting the shuttlecock into the net

5 The same thing happened in another n1atch

6 The tean1s cheated because they had been offered money

7 The crowd didn't enjoy the matches

8 South Korea \VOn the silver n1edal

c Listen again with the audioscript on p.72


Learn these words and phrases

Trang 34

1 GRAMMAR usually and used to

a Correct any mistakes in the hig h lighted phrases

Tick ( w"' ) the correct sentences

I Where did you used to live before you moved here?

did)'OU us e to live?

2 Jerry used to have a beard , but now he's shaved it off

3 J usually go to the gym when I l eave \vork

4 My wife doesn't use to wear rnake-up She doesn't like it

5 Did you use to have long hair?

6 J use to walk to \Vork My office is only ten minutes

from my house

7 Carol didn ' t used to talk to rne, but no\v she al\vays

says hello

8 Do you use to get up late on Sundays?

9 Did you used to watch cartoons when you \Vere little?

10 We don't usually stay in expensive hotels, but th is

weekend is special

b Complet e th e sentences with usually or the correct

form of used to, and the verbs in brackets

1 She us e d to ivear glasses, but no\v she has

contact lenses (wear)

2 He animals, but now he has

a dog (not like)

It's good to talk to them (call)

5 We never , but now \Ve go to

restaurant s t\vice a week (eat out)

6 I late, but today I hav e a l o t

to do (no t \VOrk)

7 My sister very s h y , but now

8 T h ey me a present on my

birthday, but this year they forgot! (give)


2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress;

the lette r s

a Wjjtfiim Li ste n and repeat Copy the rhvthn1

I Wher e did you u se to liv e?

2 Did you u se to we a r glas s e s?

3 They u s ed to have a lot of mone y

4 He u s ed to g o to my s chool

5 \Ve u s ed to w ork tog e th e r

6 You u s ed to have long hair

7 We didn't u s e to get on

8 l didn't use to lik e it

b ~the word \Vith a different sound

J s ugar music


repeat the words

3 VOCABULARY relationships

a Complete the se ntence s with the people in the box

c l assmates close friend colleague couple

ex f i ance flatmate w i fe

I We're nlarried She's my ~w~""'fe~-

-2 I share a flat with her She's n1y _ _ _ _ _ _

3 I \vork \vith hin1 He's nly _ _ _ _ _ _

4 We used to go to school

5 l'n1 going to n1arry hirn

6 J used to go out with her

7 We've known each other

for a long time I t ell her ever y thing

8 \Ve've been going out together for thr ee years

She's my _ _ _ _ _ _

She's a _ _ _ _ _ _ _

We're a

Trang 35


ve rb s in th e box

be togeth er become friends break up

go out t ogether have (sth) in common

lo se touch me e E propose

They 2

_ _ _ _ _ each ot her qui ckly because

they sat next to each other in the offi ce They

a few tim es after work and they fell in love

that , Anna go t a new jo b in a different town and

so they 8 _ Ten years later th ey

too They decided to try again and thi s time

six months Luke 11

to t h e wedding'


a R ead th e article onc e l l ov; many friends does th e average

Ameri can have?

O\V MANY FRIENDS does the average person have?

A researcher ac Co rnell Univ e r s ity in the USA has

r ece ntly done a s tudy into thi s question, by finding

just pub li s hed t he r esults The researcher interviewed more than 2,000 adults aged 18 and over in his study He asked

serious matters with in the last six months Abouc 48 % of the peopl e taking part gave the research er one nam e, 18% gave

him t wo, an d about 29 % gave him more than two

by social networking s ire Facebook recently T hey said that the average user on th e site has 130 friends The Cornell University st ud y found the average number of friends t o be a

Joe low e r - 2 03 to be e xact The researcher from Cor n ell has

explain e d that che diff e r e nce lie s in th e definition of the word

friend A friend on F aceboo k ma y be a person chat the user has

met by chance or som eo ne that they will never meet in real

life However, t he friends in his s t udy are cl os e friends, who

In a simi l a r study conducted 25 yea r s ago, participants had

\Vas thr ee Despite the lower number , the researcher does not be li eve that peopl e are getting m ore isolated I nstead he

chink s it 's a sign chat the y are becoming better at choosing

who they ca n trust with their secret s

cou l d n o t ch ink of any names of close friends th ey wou ld

di scuss th e ir personal problems \Vith The percentage of these

particip an t s is the same this time as it was 25 years ago In

borh stud i es, jusr over 4 % of th e participants gave researchers

no n ames Apparently, rhe peop l e who fall into this ca t ego r y are n1 ore l ikely co b e m e n, or people with less education

In general, the r esea r c h e r from Co rn ell regards these findings

as positive In hi s opinion, they suggest cha t , at lease in the case

of Americans, people are not becoming less sociable

Trang 36

b Read the article again and choose the best answer

1 Most people in the Cornell University study had

spoken about something in1portant \vi th

@ one person

b two people

c more than two people

2 The ne\vS published by Facebook is different

fron1 the results in the Cornell study because

a the people are different ages

b the studies are from different years

c the relationships aren't the same

3 According to a previous study, people had

_ _ _ _ _ close friends in the past

a more

b the san1e number of

c fe\ver

4 The nu n1ber of people \Vi th no close friends

is it \Vas in the past

a higher than

b the san1e as

c lower than

5 The results of the Cornell study sho\v that

Americans today are they

used to be

a more sociable than

b as sociable as

c less sociable than

c Look at the highlighted \vords and phrases

\Vhat do you think they n1ean? Use your

dictionary to look up their nleaning and


d Cornplete the sentences with one of the

highlighted \Vords or phrases

1 I found an old painting by ch 1J.m: e _ while

I \vas cleaning the attic

2 I \vouldn't my son >vith nly

phone He'll probably break it

3 How much money does _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ earn per year?

4 1' hey talked about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ first, and then moved on to the

less important things

5 The richer parts of to\vn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ \vith the poorer outskirts

6 Son1e teenagers are _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because they

spend so much time on their con1puters

a §.i!• f!t3 m You are going to hear a radio prograrnme about

research on love and attraction Nun1ber the topics in the order you hear theni

a How to use your eyes at a first n1eeting

b Body language at a first n1eeting

c Ho>v to use your voice at a first meeting L

d How much to sn1ile at a first n1eeting

b Listen again and n1ark the se11tences T (true) or F (false)

1 It's very important to say the right thing the first tin1e

you talk to son1eone you Ii ke £

2 A person is often attracted to someone else because

of their body language

3 Looking into son1eone's eyes can n1ake them feel nlore attracted to you

4 There were t\VO \Veddings after an experin1ent in Ne\v York

5 Standing up straight is a good \vay to keep someone's attention

6 A person \Vill copy your body language if they think

you are interesting

7 It is i1npossible to kno\v if son1eone is s111ili ng \Vhen

you're talking to them on the phone

8 Often \vhen one person sn1iles, other people srnile too

c Listen again with the audioscript on p.73


candle i'krc nd I, con1111uter k;:i'n1j u: l;-1 '

night shifts ; n~ut .f1fts

turn out (to be) t :i:n 'aot

exchange a fe\v >vords 1ks ' tJc1nd3 ~(ju: ,,·3:dz find the courage (to do sth) .1~11nd c'\;:i 'k \r1d3

"mm tm0 FILE 5

Trang 37


a Con1plete th e r eq u es t s \Vith the cor rect form of

th e ve rb s in th e box

de Join pass meet take visit

1 Could yo u do _ n1 e a big favour?

6 Do you think yo u co uld _ _ _ _ _ _

b Match th e r eq u es t s from a with the responses a - f

a Of co ur se not Take a sea t

b Sure Here it is

c Ye s, of cou r se What time's yo ur t r ain?

d It depends "' · hat it is!

e ot at a ll \Vh e n do yo u land?

f Sure ~ ' hi c h da y \v o uld be best?


Co n1pl c t e th e dial og ue

Jay Dani It's great to 1 see you

Dan You too, Jay It's been years

Dan My flight was delayed and then I had to wait

ages for a taxi

Jay Well, you're here now Do you want something

to eat?

and see the city!

Jay Don't you want to unpack first?

Dan No, I can do that later But I'll take a shower,

if you don't• m _ _ _ _ _

Jay Sure Go ahead

Dan This is great You and me getting ready to

go out

Jay Yeah It's just like the old 5 d _ _ _ _ _

Dan Right, I'm ready Let's go We have a lot to

Old friends


A the country It can be expensive though, so here are some other ways of getting around

If you aren't in a hurry, the best alternative is to go by car You have to be at l east 25 years old to rent a car in the States, and you need a valid driver' s li ce nse and a major credit card to do so There are a lot of rental car companies, and their prices vary a

lot Compare companies before you decide which one to use , and remember it can b e c heaper to book for a week than for a day

If you prefer to be driven rather than driving yourself, the next best way t o travel is by bus Greyhound is the major long- distance bus compa n y, and it has routes through the USA and Canada Tickets are much c heaper if you buy them seven days

in advance , and there are often other offers If you're travelling with a friend, your companion gets 50 % off if you buy the

tickets three da ys before you travel, and children aged between two and 11geta40 % discount

An alternative to using the bus is to take the train Amtrak

is the American rail co mp any, and it has long - distance lines connecting all of America's biggest cities It also runs buses from major stations to smaller towns and national parks Fares vary dependin g on the type of train and the seat, but you need

to reserve at least three days ahead to get a discount Students with an Internati ona l Student Card get 15% off the standard fare Bring your own food as the dining car is quite expensive

a Read the text and a n s w e r the questions

I \.Vhat d o yo u n eed to hir e a car in America

You 11eedil valid.drive r 's license and a 1nai o r credi t ca rd

2 \.Vh a t is the difference bet\veen all the car rental con1pani es?

3 \.Vh e r e does the Greyhound bus compa n y operate?

4 Ho\v can you save money if you' r e travelling alone by bus ?

5 H o ' v much do st ud e nt s pay o n Amtrak trains?

6 \Vh a t s h o uld l o n g-d i s t ance rail pas se ngers t ake \Vith them?

b U nderlin e fi ve vv o rd s o r phra ses yo u don't know Use your dictionar y to l oo k up th e ir n1eaning and pronunciation

Trang 38

1 VOCABULARY cinem a

a Read the clues Complete tl1e puzzle on the right

to find the hidden kind of film

l A filn1 \\"here i1nages are dra\vn is an a n in 1 a t ion

b Complete rhe sentences

I The star of the film \vas a famous British actress

2 1 didn't understand the film because the

pl \vas very complicated

3 The actor accepted the part as soon as he had read

6 They only had to shoot the sc _ _ _ once

7 \Ve don't speak French, so \ve sa\v the French film

JO "fhe best thing about the filn1 \vas thesp _ _ _ _ _

cf T hey looked very realistic

1 1 The director is looking for ex co act

in the cro,vd scenes

A1 erican actors

Jean - Lu c Goda rd, French director

2 GRAMMAR passiv e ( all tenses)

a Complete the sentences wi h the correct passive forn1 of the

verbs in the box Use the tense in brackets

eltFeet dub invite play release shoot show write

-1 The film i s d i r ec t ed by Kathryn Bigelo,v {present simple)

2 The part of Spiderman _ _ _ _

by Andrew Garfield (past simple)

3 Ir was very windy \Vhile rhe scene - - - - -

Trang 39

b ~t h e co rrect form, active or pa ss iv e

Anna Kar enina is a film 'vhich 1 dire c ted wa s d ir e ct ed

by J oe Wrighc Most of the film 1 s h ot I was s hot in an old

theatre outside L ondon, but some scenes 3 film e d I we r e

fi l me d in Russ i a It 4 t e lls I i s t o l d the story of a young

Ru ssian woman who is marri ed to a government official,

but 5 fall s I i s fa ll e n in lov e \¥ith an ar i stocrat K e ira Knightl ey

6 pla ys I i s p l ayed t h e part of Ann a Karenina, an d the part

of her l ove r , Count Vronsky, 7 p l ays I is play e d by Aaron


The film 8 sta r t s I is sta rt ed \Vh e n Anna arrives in Moscow

H e r brother 9 h as see n I has been see n with ano ther \voman ,

a nd Anna must speak to her sister-in-law about th e

situation It is during this meeting that Anna 10 introduce s I

i s introduced to the Count The film 11 ha s ba se d I i s based

on the novel by L eo To l s t oy

T h e supe rb sound t rack 12 composed I was co mposed b y

Italian co mposer Dario J'v1a rian e l li, ,.,,ho also 11 \vro t e I was

wri tt e n the music for Pri de and Prejudice and Atonement

B ot h of hi s previous soundtracks 14 n omina ted I \Vere

n om in ated for Oscars, and Atonen1e11t \Von an Oscar

The filn1 15 c an see I can be seen at cinemas all over the country

3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress

a ~ Listen and repeat th e se nt ences

l T h e film is bas e d o n a tru e s tory

2 These sce ne s \viii be film e d o n lo ca tion

3 T h e ac tor ha s been nomin ate d for an O sca r

4 The sc ript \vas written by the a uthor o f the nov e l

5 T h e se qu e l i s going to b e relea se d ne x t week

6 Th e cos tumes ar e b e in g m a d e by hand

b U nd e rlin e the s tre ssed sy ll ab i c in these \Vords

1 audience 6 horror fil m

2 hi sto ri cal fil m 7 rev ie w

4 di rec tor 9 sound track

5 drama 10 sub ti ties

c ~m Listen and check T h e n li s t e n aga i n and

r e peat th e \vords


a R ea d the text once Tick ( I ) \ v here yo u think it comes fr o m

I an online ne,v spaper 0 3 a \ Ve bsire for tourist s 0

2 a travel blog 0 4 a cinen1a progran11n e 0

On location at

Knebworth House

K nebworth H ouse is fa mous worldwide for the major open-air

rock concerts that have been held in its grounds since 1979

K nebwo rt h is in the sou t h-east of Eng l and, and the Lytton family have liv ed there for over 500 years The house itself i s one of the oldest stately homes in the UK It is also one of the m ost popular locations for the world's film ma k ers

N ot surpris i ng l y, the Gothic architect u re of the house appealed

to Amer ica n film director Tim Burton, when he saw it He was in the UK filming a ne w version of the fi l m Batman at the time He thought t hat the fa~ade of the building would be perf e ct as the exterior of Wa yne Manor , the home of Bat man But the inside of

Wa yn e Ma nor was actually shot at another big house in the same area - Hatfield House

The insid e of Knebworth House has also been used in many films

A n importa nt scene from t he 2010 Oscar - win ning film The King 's Speech w as s h ot i n the ballroom This fi l m was made by the

British director Tom Hooper It starre d Colin F irth as the young

King Geo rg e VI of E ngland, who h ad a speech impedim e nt

The ballroom was the venue for a party which was held by his old e r brother Edwa rd In a corner of the room, Edward tells George t h at h e is planning to marry divorc ed Americ an wo man,

Wa llis Simpso n, something which m akes i t impossible for him

to be K i ng of Eng land It is George who becomes K ing instead

A nd, of course, l ke m any other h i storic buildings in the UK,

Knebworth has m ade an appeara nce in the Harry Po tter films

I n the fourth fi lm of th e se ri es, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,

a Christmas ball i s hel d in Hogwarts School of M agic Before

the da nci ng starts , there i s a sc ene where one of Harry's

fr ie nd s appears in a beautiful long dress The staircase that she descends wh ile h e r friends look on in amazement is, in fact , the one in K n e bworth Ho use

T hese are just a few of t he famous scenes filmed at Knebworth

H ouse To discover more, why not vis it Knebwort h yourself?

The house is only 45 ki lometres f ro m L ondon, and is easy to get

to by ca r or by train Knebworth H ouse is a must f or all cinema

l ove r s visiting the UK


Trang 40

b R ea d the text agai11 Mark the se nt ences

of the h o u se in one of hi s films

5 You can see th e o ut s id e of the

hou e in The Kine ' s Spee c h

an n o un cemen t to all hi s g u ests

at Kneb,vorth

7 H arry Potter wa lk s do\ Vn the

s tair case in Kn eb,vorth in one

o f th e filn1s


c Look a t th e highlighted \ VO rd s and

phra ses Wha t do yo u think th ey m ea n?

m ea nin g a nd pronunciation

d Co mplete the se ntence s \Vith o n e of

I M y siste r didn't really like the 11e1v

version of Pride and Prejudice She

prefers th e old one

very rich fami li es li ved in th e pa s t

4 In s un1n1 e r , I l ove going t o

S\v irnrning pools Tt' s m o r e fun

than S\vimrning indoors

5 A hotel in the co untr ys id e is a

b Li s ten again and co rrect any nii s t a k es in the

se nt e n ces Tic k ( I ) th e se ntence s th at a r e co rr ec t

I Th e t o ur \Vi I I l as t for f o ur hour s

three hours

2 Ian F l e n1ing was bor n a t 37 Gr ee n St r eet

3 Flern in g's fav o urite car was th e Bentl ey

4 Casi110 Roya le \Vas the second Jan1es Bond novel

5 The large building n ea r the Than1 es is :'v115

6 The traffic "vardens ' vho ge t "v e t ar e m en

7 T he S\.vimming pool scene in Sk ) fall \Va s filn1ed

in Shanghai

8 Jarnes Bond ac t o r s ha ve been to the Dukes Hotel t\VICe

c Li s t en again \ V i th the audioscript o n p 73


L ea rn t h ese wo rd s a nd phra ses

Ngày đăng: 15/07/2018, 15:15

