giáo án chuẩn lớp 9 dành cho những trường đang áp dụng hệ 7 năm. bạn nào muốn tài liệu được thiết kế 2 cột và đầy đủ không cần chỉnh sửa nhiều chỉ chỉnh sửa ngày soạn và tên người soạn mà thôi chỉ cần 1 click. chúc tải về và dùng một cách tuyệt vời ha.
Trang 1Period 01; Week 1 Date of preparation: August 22nd, 2009
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Practice some phrases about classroom managements used during the years
- Revise the grammar points and structures that Ss learned in grade 8
- Have good attitude in learning English
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: ( review)
2 Grammar: (review)
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: Pre- teach, Open- prediction, Multiple choice,
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, tape, board,
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (No)
3 New lesson:( 43 mins)
Warm-up (3 minutes)
* Sing a song:
- Ask Ss to sing a song
New lesson (1 minute)
- Introduce the new lesson
- Sing a song in chorus
+ Request with : “ do/ Would you mind?”
+ Tenses: present simple, past simple, past progressive, present
- Check Ss to understand what T re- explain or not, by giving the
Activity 3 (9 minutes)
- Ask Ss to remember some classroom managements
*Some classroom managements
+ work in pairs + work in groups + stand up
+ sit down + open your books + close your books
+ listen to me + keep silent + don’t talk
- Guide Ss to reread the words above
- Brief- introduce English 9
- Listen and remember
- Repeat and read
- Listen carefully
Consolidation (2 minutes)
- Summarize the lesson:
4 Homework:
4 Homework: (1 minute)
Trang 2- Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart.
- Prepare unit 1: Getting Started & Listen and read
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Period 02; Week 1 Date of preparation: August 24th, 2009
Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read (Page 6- 7)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
-Talk some places in Vietnam they visited
- Know some places that MARYAM, LAN’S pen pal visited in Vietnam
- Revise some grammar and structure points
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (v): correspond, impress, pray, depend on
(n): friendliness, mausoleum, mosque, worship(exp): at least
2 Grammar: - Used to (review)
- “Wish sentence” with the past simple tense
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: Pre- teach, Open- prediction, Multiple choice,
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette player, tape, board,
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (No)
3 New lesson:( 43 mins)
Warm-up (7 minutes)
1 Getting started: (Page 6)
- Set the scene: “A foreign Pen pal is coming to stay with you for a week”
- Ask Ss to look at 6 pictures at page 6 and decide where they are
- Elicit these places:
1 Traditional festival 2 Van MIEU (temple)
3 Dong XUAN Market 4 Art exhibition/ Historical museum
5 Night market 6 Historical building
- Ask Ss to talk about where they took the foreign pen pal to and what they
did in groups
+ Places above
+ Or places where Ss live
- Call some Ss to perform their work
- Correct
New lesson (1 minute)
- Introduce the new lesson
- Listen T’s introduction
- Look at the pictures and find
- Pay attention and copy down
Trang 3- Introduce new words:
1 Where did MARYAM go?
2 What did she do during her stay?
- Ask Ss to guess and answer 2 questions above in pairs
- Call Ss to say their prediction
- Guess the meaning of the new words
- Practice reading the words in chorus and then in individuals
- Guess and answer in pairs
- Talk their prediction loudly
Practice (20 minutes)
- Play the tape two times
- Ask Ss to read the text and check their prediction
- Call some Ss to give the Answer keys
Answer key:
- Maryam went Hanoi, visited Hoan Kiem Lake, Ho Chi Minh’s
mausoleum, History museum, the Temple of literature, mosque.
* Multiple choice:
- Ask Ss to read sentences from 1 to 4 and the text then choose the correct
- Have Ss share the answers with a friend
- Call Ss to read the answers and explain why?
- Give answers
Answer key: 1.C 2 B 3D 4B
- Revise the structure “ Used to”
- Ask Ss to find a sentence in the text using “ used to”
- Elicit the structure using with “Wish” in formation, use, and meaning.
- Listen to the cassette player
- Read and check
- Read the answers aloud
- Read sentences, the text and decide the answers
- Ask Ss to make sentences using “Wish sentence” to talk about places of
interest in their village in groups
- Call on some representative to show their ideas
- Summarize the lesson:
+ Places Maryam visited + Wish sentence +”Used to” structure - Listen and remember.
4 Homework
4 Homework (1 minute)
- Do exercises in workbook
- Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart
- Prepare Speak and Listen
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Trang 4Period 03; Week 2 Date of preparation: August 26th, 2009
Lesson 2: Speak and Listen (Page 8- 9)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Put the dialogue in order
- Make and respond to introduction
- Develop listening skill; listen to specific information to select the right pictures
- Get good behavior in making, talking with friends and understand what should do
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (v): kill
(n): nem, park keeper, grass(adj): Industrial, especially(exp): Have you been there?
2 Grammar: - Present simple tense (review)
- “Must be” structure
- “Would rather + bare infinitive” structure
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: Dialogue ordering, dialogue build, picture description, multiple choice
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette player, tape, board,
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (3 mins) – Read the “Listen and read” part loudly Then tell the grammar points
3 New lesson:( 40 mins)
Warm-up (2 minutes)
- Ask Ss three questions:
1 Do you have any friends?
2 What do you say when you meet a new friend first?
3 What do you and your new friends talk about?
New lesson (1 minute)
- Lead to the new lesson
- Introduce the parts of the new lesson
- Answer teacher’s questions
- listen
- Listen carefully
3 SPEAK (Page 8, 9)
Presentation (4 minutes)
- Introduce the main content of the “speak” part
- Introduce new words and structures
+ Must be (exp): (Translation)
+ Have you been there? ( situation)
+ Nem ( spring roll): ( Example)
+ Especially (adv): ( Translation)
+ Industrial (a): (Translation)
- Guide Ss to read the new words and structures
* Dialogue ordering:
- Ask Ss to read the conversation of Nga and Maryam then match and
rearrange the dialogue in right order in pairs
- Read the dialogue
- Match and rearrange the
Trang 5- Call on some pairs to give answers.
- Check the answers of Ss
- Give answers
Answers key: 1c- 5b- 4d- 2e- 3a- 6
- Ask Ss to use answers key and practice the dialogue in pairs
- Call 2 pairs to read the dialogue loudly
dialogue in order in pairs
- Hang a model- dialogue on the board
Nga: Hello You must be Yoko
Yoko: That’s right, I am
Nga: Please to meet you Let me introduce myself I’m Nga
Yoko: Please to meet you, Nga Are you one of Maryam’s friends?
Nga: Yes, I am Are you enjoying your stay in Hue?
Yoko: Oh, yes, very much I like Vietnamese people and I love old city
in Vietnam
Nga: Do you live in city, too?
Yoko: Yes, I live in Tokyo Have you been there?
Nga: no What‘s it like?
Yoko: It’s a buzy big capital city It’s different from Hue
Nga: I see
- Ask Ss to replace the underlined phrases in the dialogue above and
make a similar dialogue using the cues in speak b) in pairs
- Go around and help if necessary
- Listen
- Pay attention
- Pay attention and read
-Make the dialogue as example inpairs
Production (8 minutes)
- Call on some pairs to show their dialogues they have completed
4 LISTEN (Page 9)
Pre- listening (6 minutes)
- Introduce the situation of the “listen” part (Tim Jones’s Mexican pen-
pal, Carlos is visiting the USA…)
* Picture description:
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 9 and tell:
+ What there is in each picture?
+ Where the place is?
+ What people are doing?
- Help Ss with phrases related to the pictures
Notes: Picture: (P)
P1: Don’t walk on the grass.
P2: Don’t pick flowers
P3: A bus number 103,
P4: A bus number 130.
- Listen-Look at the pictures and answer
- Look at the pictures and answer
- Pay attention and take notes
Trang 6P5: A Mexican restaurant.
P6: The Hamburger store.
* Picture prediction:
- Ask Ss to guess the pictures, which will be listened from the tape
- Write Ss’ prediction on the board - Guess the right pictures.
While- listening (6minutes)
- Play the tape two times
- Ask Ss to give their answers
- Play the tape again and correct the Ss’ answers
- Ask Ss to discuss and answer the questions:
1 Should you walk on the grass of pick flowers in the park?
2 Where can you go for dinner?
- Call some Ss from each group to answer loudly
- Work In Groups
- Show their work
Consolidation (2 minutes)
- Summarize the lesson:
+The ways of making and responding to introduction
+ The lesson from period
- Listen and remember
4 Homework
4 Homework (1 minute)
- Copy the dialogues into notebooks
- Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart
- Prepare “Read” part
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Period 04; Week 2 Date of preparation: September 1st, 2009
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Develop reading skill
- Have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries in the ASEAN
- Understand the importance of English subject in the future
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (v): comprise, separate
(n): Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, unit of currency, instruction, official religion
(a): compulsory
2 Grammar: - Passive voice (review)
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: Hang-man, Pre- teach, Open- prediction, True- false statements, grids
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette player, tape, board,
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
Trang 72 Check up: (3 mins) – 2 Ss make their own dialogue as the same in speak part.
3 New lesson:( 40 mins)
Warm-up (3 minutes)
* Hang-Man:
- Give the cues (the word has 8 letters it is a country in ASEAN)
- Draw the strokes on the board
- Ask Ss to take turn to guess the letters of the word If Ss guess wrong,
teacher draws a stroke Ss will lose if they guess wrong 9 times
* Chatting:
- Ask Ss to answer the questions:
1 How Many Countries Are There In ASEAN?
2 What Are They?
New lesson (1 minute)
- Introduce the new lesson about the country of Malaysia
- Introduce new words:
+ Comprise (v): (synonym) = consist of
+ Instruction (n): (Example- explanation)
+ Hinduism (n): (Translation)
+ Buddhism (n): ( Explanation)
+ Compulsory (a) (translation)
+ Unit of currency (n):(Example)
+Separate (v): (Translation)
+ Official religion (n): ( Translation)
+ ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations)
- Guide Ss to read the new words
* Open- prediction:
- Ask Ss to guess and complete the information about Malaysia in Read
a) page 10
- Help Ss understand the grids
- Call Ss to say their prediction
- Guess the meaning of the new words
- Practice reading the words in chorus and then in individuals
- Read the grids and guess
- Say their prediction
While- Reading (20 minutes)
- Play the cassette player two times
- Ask Ss to read the text and check their prediction
- Call some Ss to give the Answer keys
Answers key:
1 Area: 329.758 sq km 5 Capital city: Kula Lumpur
2 Population: over 22 million 6 Official Religion: Islam
3 Climate: Tropical climate 4 Unit of currency: RINGGIT
7 National language: BAHASA Malaysia
8 Compulsory second language: English
* True/ False statements ( sentences 1- 5 p.10)
- Make sure Ss to understand the sentences in b)
- Ask Ss to read sentences from 1 to 5 and the text then decide they are T
- Listen to the tape
- Read and check
- Read the answers aloud
- Take notes
- Listen carefully
- Read sentences, the text and
Trang 8or F.
- Have Ss share the answers with a friend
- Call Ss to read the answers and explain why?
- Give answers
Answer key:
2 F ( There are more than two religions)
3 F ( English, Chinese, Tamil are only widely spoken)
4.F ( one of three)
5 F ( English is compulsory second language, not primary)
decide the answers
- Work in pairs
- Give answers and explain
- Copy down
Post- Reading (8 minutes)
- Hang the chart, information about Vietnam
- Ask Ss to discuss and complete the grids
1 Area: 329.566 sq km2
2 Population: more than 80 million
3 Climate: tropical climate
4 Unit of currency: Vietnam dong
5 Capital city : Hanoi
6 Official religion: Buddhism
7 National language: Vietnamese
8 Foreign language: English, French, Russian, Chinese ….
- Call on some Ss from each group to show their ideas
- Summarize the lesson:
+ The country, Malaysia
- Give the lesson from the period
- Listen and remember
4 Homework (1 minute)Homework
- Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart.
- Prepare “Write” part
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Period 05; Week 3 Date of preparation: September 5th, 2009
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Write a letter to their family about a trip
- Know one of many ways having good relations
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (a): disappointed
2 Grammar: - Past simple, present perfect, future simple tenses
3 Language skills: Writing, Listening, speaking, reading,
C/ Techniques: Chatting, eliciting, pair work, correction
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, board, chalk
E/ Procedures:
Trang 91 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (3 mins) – 0ne student reads the text aloud and answers the questions
3 New lesson:( 40 mins)
Warm-up (3 minutes)
* Chatting:
- Ask Ss some questions
1 Have you ever visited any places in Vietnam?
2 When did you go?
3 How did you get there?
4 Did you buy anything?
New lesson (1 minute)
- Introduce the new lesson
- Answer the questions
- Listen
6 WRITE ( Page 11)
Pre- Writing (9 minutes)
- Set the scene ( Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in
another part of Vietnam, and you write a letter to your parents)
- Introduce new words:
+ Disappointed (a): (Translation)
- Guide Ss to read the new words
- Explain parts of a letter
- Give suggested questions: paragraph (P)
P1: - Whom did you visit?
- Where do he/ she live?
- How did you go there?
- When did you arrive?
- Who met you at the bus/ train?
P2: - Which places did you visit?
- What food did you try?
- What did you buy?
- Who did you met?
P3: - How do you feel now?
- What do you enjoy most?
- When will you return home?
- Note the tenses used in the letter
- Listen to the teacher
- Guess the meaning of the new words
- Pay attention
- Read and answer
- listen carefully
While- Writing (12 minutes)
- Ask Ss to write the letter by themselves
- Go around, help if necessary and take notes the basic mistakes that Ss
- Ask Ss to exchange the writing with a friend and self- correct
- Write the letter
- Share the writing with a friend
Post writing ( 13 minutes)
- Write the basic mistakes on the board and ask Ss to correct them
- Ask 2 Ss to write their writings on the board
- Ask Ss to correct two writings
* Suggested answers:
Dear mom,
I arrive at bus station at on Sunday Hoa met me at the bus
- look at the mistakes and correct
- Write the writings on the board
- Correct the mistakes
- Take notes
Trang 10station then she took me home by her motorbike.
I have visited many places like the beaches, temples .ect… I have
met many friends and I have tried different foods, I have bought some
hats for my friends.
I feel happy and enjoy myself so much The people are here so nice
and friendly, the foods are delicious and the sights are so beautiful I will
return home at next Sunday Please pick me up at the bus station.
Consolidation (2 minutes)
- Summarize the lesson ( parts of a personal letter)
1 Heading: writer’s address
2 Opening: Dear…
3 Body: content of the letter
4 Closing: Your friend/ Regard/ Love…
- Give the lesson from the period
- Listen and remember
4 Homework (1 minute)Homework
- Write the corrected writing into notebooks
- Prepare “language focus” part
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Period 06; Week 3 Date of preparation: September 8th, 2009
Lesson 5: Language focus (Page 11- 12)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Use the simple past
- Understand and use the past simple with “wish”
- Have good habit in doing exercises
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (v): Perform, hold
(Pre): Versus (Vs)(exp): Much Ado about Nothing
2 Grammar: - Past simple tense
- Wish sentence (Present wish)
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, Writing
C/ Techniques: Matching, role- play, transformation drill,
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, board, chalk
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (3 mins) – Check Ss’ writings
3 New lesson:( 40 mins)
Warm-up (4 minutes)
* Matching:
1 Do a/ Was/ were
2 See b/ hung
Trang 11- Ask Ss to work in two teams and do the matching.
- Give answers: 1c- 2d- 3g- 4f- 5b- 6e- 7a
- Ask Ss to read the verbs in the matching loudly
New lesson (1 minute)
- Introduce the main parts of the lesson
- Work in teams
- Read words loudly
- Listen
Activity 1 (10 minutes)
* Language focus 1 ( page 11)
- Give the task of the exercise ( asking and answering what each person
did on the weekend)
- Introduce new words:
+ Versus (pre) (Vs): (Translation)
+ Perform (v): ( Situation)
+ Hold (v): ( Translation)
+ Much Ado About nothing (exp): (Translation)
- Guide Ss to read the new words
- Explain the exercise by letting Ss look at examples in the textbook
* Role-play:
- Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer about what Ba, Nga, Lan, Nam
and Hoa did on the weekend
- Call on some pairs to ask and answer loudly
Suggested answers:
1) A: What did Nga do on the weekend?
B: She went to the concert performed by Hanoi singers
A: When did she go?
B: She went there on Sunday at 8 pm
2) A: What did Lan do on the weekend?
B: She went camping held by Y & Y
A: When did she go?
B: She went camping on the weekend and on Saturday morning
3) A: What did Nam do on the weekend?
B: He watched soccer match Dong Thap Vs The Cong
A: When did he see it?
B: He watched/ saw it on Sunday at 4 pm
4) A: What did Hoa do on the weekend?
B: She went to see a play called “ Much Ado About Nothing”
A: When did she go to see it?
B: She saw it on Sunday at 7 pm
- Listen to the teacher
* Language focus 2 (page 12)
- Set the scene( Lan and her friends are preparing a farewell party for
* Matching:
- Listen
Trang 12- Ask Ss to look at the words on the box and match.
- Help Ss with new words if necessary
- Call Ss to give answers
* Language focus 3 (page 12)
- Highlight the structure with “ wish” (formation, use and meaning)
- Give examples to make sure Ss to understand
* Transformation drills:
- Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences using “ I wish”
- Have Ss share the answers with a friend
- Call some Ss to write the answers on the board
- Correct with Ss
Answers key:
b I wish I were in the swimming pool now
c I wish I had a computer
d I wish I lived close to school
e I wish I had a sister
f I wish I drew well
g I wish I had my friend’s phone number
h I wish I knew many friends
i I wish there were many rivers and lakes in my hometown
- Pay attention, and take notes
- Listen carefully
- Rewrite sentences using “i wish”
- Compare the answers
- Write the answers on the board
- Copy down
Consolidation (2 minutes)
- Summarize the lesson
+ The simple past tense
+ Wish sentence
- Give the lesson from the period
- Listen and remember
1 Tim and Carlo go to a restaurant downtown
2 There are many trees, flowers and a pond in the middle
3 They want the bus of number 103
4 There is a new American restaurant in town
Trang 135 Carlo loves Mexican food.
Answer key: tape transcript (teacher book: page16, 17)
1 T (2 marks)
2 T (2 marks)
3 F (1 mark)- They want the bus of number 130 (1 mark)
4 F 91 mark)- There is a new Mexican restaurant in town.(1 mark)
5 F (1 mark)- Carlo loves American food (1 mark)
Period 07; Week 4 Date of preparation: September 12th, 2009
Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read (Page 13- 14)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Know some information about AO DAI, the traditional dress of Vietnamese women
- Understand the beauty of the AO DAI in Vietnam and in the world
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (v): Slit, modernize
(n): A long silk tunic, inspiration, pattern, symbol, veil, sari, ethnic minority.(a): unique
2 Grammar: - Past simple tense, present perfect tense (review)
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: Pre- teach, Gap- fill, questions and answers, picture presentation…
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette player, tape, board, chalk…
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (3 mins) – Check “ wish sentence”
3 New lesson:( 40 mins)
Warm-up (5 minutes)
* Getting started: (page 13)
- Introduce and lead to the topic of the unit
- Elicit the new words:
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 13 and say where they come from
- Help Ss realize the country by using the dialogue
S1: What is she wearing?
S2: She is wearing a kimono.
S1: Where is she from?
S2: She is from Japan.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make similar dialogues
- Call some pairs to and answer before class
Suggested answers: She comes from Japan/ Vietnam/ Scotland/ India/
The USA/ Arabia (Saudi)
- Listen T’s introduction
- Guess the meaning
- Practice reading words
- Look at the pictures and find the places people come from
- Pay attention and copy down
if necessary
- Work in pairs
- Ask and answer loudly
Trang 14New lesson (1 minute)
Presentation (8 minutes)
- Introduce the main content of the “Listen and read” part ( The traditional
dress of Vietnamese women)
- Introduce new words:
+ A long silk tunic (n): ( Translation)
+ Slit (v): (mine- situation)
+ Inspiration (n) :( Translation)- take inspiration from
+ Pattern (n): (visuals)
+ Symbol (n): (drawing- explanation)
+ Ethnic minority (n): ( example)
+ Unique (n) ( Translation)
+ Modernize (v): (explanation)
- Guide Ss to read the new words
- Play the cassette player two times
*Gap- fill: a) page 14
- Ask Ss to read the text
- Ask Ss to read the 5 sentences in exercise a) and find words or phrases to
2 The AODAI described as a long silk tunic with slits up the sides and
worn over loose pants.
3 The majority of Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing at
Questions and answers:
- Make sure Ss to understand questions on p.14
- Ask Ss to read the text and answer the questions in groups
- Call some Ss from each group to answer loudly
- Correct
Answer key:
1 Traditionally, men and women used to wear the AODAI.
2 The majority of Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing at
work Because it is more convenient.
3 They have printed lines of poetry on it or have added symbols such as
suns, stars, crosses and stripes to AODAI.
- Read the text silently
- Read the text and find information to complete the gaps
- Read completed sentences
Trang 15+ The lesson from wearing AO DAI dress.
- Listen and remember
4 Homework
4 Homework (1 minute):
- Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart
- Prepare Speak part
Lesson 2: Speak (Page 14- 15)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Ask and answer about the habit, personal references
- Talk about their references in wearing clothes
- Choose suitable clothes to wear
B/ Language content:
1.Vocabulary: (n): strip
(a): sleeved, sleeveless, baggy, faded, plain, casual
2 Grammar: - Present simple tense (review)
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: Chatting, matching, survey, interview
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, board, chalk…
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (3 mins) – Call on two Ss to read the reading and answer the questions related to
3 New lesson:( 40 mins)
Warm-up (3 minutes)
* Chatting:
- Ask Ss some questions
1 What kind of clothes do you like wearing?
2 Do you like wearing Jeans to school?
- Answer teacher’s questions
Material: (silk)
Design: (slit on the sides, worn over loose pants)
Worn by traditional: (men and women)
Now worn by: ( women)
When: ( on special occasions)
Modernization: (lines on poetry printed traditional designs And
symbols such as sun, stars,
Character: (unique, traditional, fashionable)
Trang 16New lesson (1 minute)
- Lead to the new lesson
- Introduce the parts of the new lesson - Listen.- Listen carefully
Pre- Speaking (8 minutes)
- Introduce the main content of the “speak” part
- Introduce new words and structures
+ Plaid (a): (drawing)
+ Plain (a): ( Example)
+ Sleeve (a): (example) # sleeveless
+ Fade (a): (Realia)
+ Casual (a): ( Translation)
- Guide Ss to read the new words and structures
* Matching:
- Ask Ss to read the phrases in speak a) aloud
- Ask them to match the phrases to pictures
- Call Ss to give answers
Answers key:
b/ a sleeveless sweater c/ a striped shirt d/ a plain suit
e/ faded jeans f/ a short sleeved blouse g/ baggy pants
h/ a plaid skirt i/ blue shorts
- Listen
- Guess the meaning of the new words
- Read in chorus and individuals
- Read the phrases in speak a) aloud
- Elicit the questions for clothes for special occasions
1 What type of clothing do you wear at Tet/ on your birthday?
2 What would you wear to a party?
- Introduce the task of speak b)- answer the questions and complete
the survey
Name Casual clothes Favorite clothes School uniform Clothes for special occasions
- Go around and help if necessary
- Listen and take notes
- Pay attention
- Work in groups and answer the questions in b) then complete the survey
Post- speaking (13 minutes)
- Ask Ss to read speak c) on page 16
- Guide how to report which information in the survey
- Call on some Ss from each group to report
- Summarize The Lesson:
+ The clothes Ss wear
+ The clothes Ss should wear
- Listen and remember
4 Homework
4 Homework (1 minute):
- Write about the favorite clothes
- Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart
- Prepare “Read” part
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Trang 17………
Period 09; Week 5 Date of preparation: September 20th, 2009
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Describe or identify someone throw what they are wearing
- Develop listening skill
- Know helping other people
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (n): Announcement, doll, album
(a): missing
2 Grammar: - Present perfect tense (review)
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: Picture description, multiple choices, substitution drill, pair work
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, board, chalk, cassette player, tape
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (3 mins) – Ask Ss to talk about their favorite clothes
3 New lesson:( 40 mins)
Warm-up (3 minutes)
- Call on some Ss to write some words related to clothing on the board
New lesson (1 minute)
- Lead to the new lesson
- Introduce the parts of the new lesson
- Write words that T requires
- Listen
- Listen carefully
Pre- Listening (7 minutes)
- Introduce the situation of the listening (Mary, 3 year old girl, is
missing and what type of clothing and shoes she wears)
- Introduce new words
- Ask Ss to call names of things in each picture
- Write on the board
Suggested answers:
a) a flower pants b blue shorts c white shirt
b) a a long sleeved white blouse
b a short sleeved pink blouse
c a short sleeved white blouse
c) a sandals b boots c brown shoes
- Listen
- Guess the meaning of the new words
- Read in chorus and individuals
- Name the things in pictures
- Read names of the things aloud
Trang 18* Open- prediction:
- Ask Ss to guess What Mary is wearing when she is missing
- Write Ss’ guessing on the board - Guess and tell their prediction.
While- Listening (13 minutes)
- Play the cassette player two times or more
- Call Ss to give answer key
- Play the tape again and check Ss’ answers
- Correct
Answers key: a) B b) A c) C
- Listen and check their guessing
- Read the answers loudly
- Listen again and check the key
- Take notes
Post- Listening (14 minutes)
* Discussion:
- Hang three pictures and ask Ss to say what they are wearing
- Call on some Ss from each group to answer
- Summarize The Lesson:
+ The present perfect tense
+ The ways of realization a person through clothes
- Listen and remember
4 Homework
4 Homework (1 minute):
- Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart
- Describe your father/ mother and tell what they are wearing
- Prepare “Read” part
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Develop reading comprehension skill
- Have some knowledge about jeans
- Love and keep clothing clean and nice
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (v): wear out, embroider, go up and up
(n): cotton, style, label(a): hardly
(exp): Name after somebody
2 Grammar: - Comparative (more and more)
- Structure (be named after somebody)
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: I win, chatting, gap- fill, Qs and As, discussion, group work
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette player, tape, board,
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
Trang 192 Check up: (3 mins) – Check “ Present perfect tense”
3 New lesson:( 40 mins)
Warm up ( 3 minutes)
* I win:
- Give the cues (the word has 5 letters it is a kind of clothing
- Draw the strokes on the board
- Ask Ss to take turn to guess the letters of the word if Ss guess
wrong, teacher draws a stroke to become word “I WIN” Ss will lose
if they guess wrong 9 times./
* Chatting:
- Ask Ss to answer the questions:
1 Who loves wearing jeans?
2 Where was jean cloths made from?
3 Are jeans expensive?
4 Are they fashionable?
New Lesson ( 1 minute)
- Introduce the new lesson about jeans
- Listen
- Pay attention
- Play as teacher’ s guide
- Answer the questions
- Listen to T
Pre- Reading ( 7 Minutes)
- Introduce new words:
+ Go up and up (exp):( synonym)= grow fast and fast
+ More and more (exp):( translation)
+ Name after (v): ( Translation)
- Guide Ss to read the new words
- Guess the meaning of the new words
- Practice reading the words in chorus and then in individuals
While- Reading ( 20 Minutes)
- Play the cassette player two times
- Ask Ss to read the text silently
*Gap- fill: a) page 17
- Help Ss understand the content of sentences from 1 to 5 in Read a)
on page 17
- Ask Ss to read the text, fill in the gaps of sentences above
- Have Ss share the answers with a friend
- Call on Ss to give answers
- Listen to the tape
- Read the text silently
- Listen carefully
- Read the text and fill in the gaps
- Share the answers with a friend
- Read the answers
- Take notes
Trang 205 1990s ……… sale………
* Questions and Answers: b) on page 18
- Ask Ss to work in groups to read the text then answer 5 questions
in b) on page 18
- Go around and help if necessary
- Call on some Ss to answer the questions loudly and explain why
- Correct with other Ss
3 In the 1970s, more and more people began wearing jeans
Because jeans became cheaper.
4 Jeans at least became high fashion clothing in the 1980s.
4 The sale of jeans stopped growing because the worldwide
economic situation got worse in the 1990s.
- Work in groups and answer the questions
- Answer the questions loudly and explain why
- Correct with teacher
- Copy down
Post-Reading ( 7 Minutes)
* Discussion:
- Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss and answer the questions
1 Do you like wearing jeans? Why? Or Why not?
2 Do you think jeans are in fashion?
- Go around and help if necessary
- Call on some Ss from each group to show their ideas
- Summarize the lesson:
+ Summarize the main content of the text
- Give the lesson from the period
- Listen and remember
4 Homework ( 1minute)
- Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart
- Copy answers in a) and b) into notebooks
- Prepare “Write” part
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Period 11; Week 6 Date of preparation: September 27th, 2009
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Write an exposition presenting one side of an argument
- Write their point of view about wearing casual clothes
- Know suitable type of clothing to wear
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (a): Self- confident, practical, comfortable
Trang 21(v) : Encourage(exp): Be equal in, be proud of, bear one’s name, freedom of choice
2 Grammar: - Gerund as an subject
- Transitions ( Firstly, secondly, … finally)
3 Language skills: Writing, Listening, speaking, reading,
C/ Techniques: Chatting, pre- teach, pair work, correction
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, board, chalk……
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (3 mins) – Talk about Jeans
3 New lesson:( 40 mins)
Warm up ( 4 minutes)
* Chatting:
- Ask Ss some questions
1 Do you like wearing shirts? Why? Or why not?
2 What type of clothing do you wear to school?
New Lesson ( 1 minute)
- Introduce the new lesson
- Answer the questions
- Listen
Pre- Writing ( 8 Minutes)
- Introduce how to present one side of an argument ( showing the
table on page 18)
- Introduce new words:
+ Be equal in (exp): ( Translation)
+ Be proud of (exp): ( Example- explanation)
+ Bear one’s name (exp): (Explanation)
+ Freedom of choice (exp): (explanation)
+ Comfortable (a): ( leading)
+ self- confident (a): ( Translation)
+ Encourage (v): ( translation)
+ Practical (a): ( translation)
- Guide Ss to read the new words
- Present gerund used as subject
- Explain and lead Ss to understand the outline A
- Listen to the teacher and take notes
- Guess the meaning of the new words
- Read the new words
- Take notes
- Pay attention and listen carefully
While- Writing ( 12 Minutes)
- Ask Ss to read the outline B
- Ask Ss to write a paragraph of 100- 150 words using cues provided
in the outline B
- Go around, help if necessary and take notes the basic mistakes that
Ss got
- Ask Ss to exchange the writing with a friend and self- correct
- Read the outline B
- Write a paragraph
- Share the writing with a friend
Post- Writing ( 15 Minutes)
- Write the basic mistakes on the board and ask Ss to correct them
- Ask 2 Ss to write their writings on the board or read them aloud
- Ask Ss to correct Ss’ writings
* Suggested answers:
My opinion is that secondary school students should wear
- Look at the mistakes and correct
- Write the writings on the board or read them loudly
- Correct the mistakes
Trang 22casual clothes.
Firstly, wearing casual clothes makes students feel more
comfortable They do not feel constrained (not natural) to wear
uniform that they do not like.
Secondly, wearing casual clothes gives students freedom of
choice They have the rights to choose sizes, colors and fashion of
clothes that they love.
Finally, casual clothes make school more colorful and lively
Students feel self- confident when they are in their favorite clothes.
In conclusion, students, particularly secondary school students
should wear casual clothes Wearing casual clothes is convenient,
comfortable and fun
- Take notes
Consolidation ( 2 minutes)
- Summarize the lesson :
+ Ways of writing one side of an argument
- Give the lesson from the period
- Listen and remember
4 Homework ( 1minute)
- Write the corrected writing into notebooks
- Prepare “language focus 2,3,4,5” part
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Period 12; Week 6 Date of preparation: September 30th, 2009
Lesson 6: Language focus (Page 20- 21)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Practice the dialogue using the present perfect tense
- Revise and use the present perfect tense with “already, yet, ever”
- Revise and enlarge using passive voice
- Distinguish the deference between the past simple and the present perfect tense
- Have good habit in doing exercises
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (n): Reunification palace, zoo and botanical gardens, vegetarian
2 Grammar: - Past simple tense
- Present perfect tense
- Passive voice
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, Writing
C/ Techniques: word cue- drill, transformation drill, Noughts and crosses, pair work
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, board, chalk……
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (3 mins) – Check Ss’ writing
3 New lesson:( 40 mins)
Trang 23- Ask Ss to work in two teams, go to the board and write the right
form of the verbs
- Give answers: 1 done/ 2 seen /3 visited/ 4 made/ 5.gone/
6.eatten/ 7 been/ 8 read/ 9 found/ 10 grown/ 11 built
- Ask Ss to read the right verbs loudly
New Lesson ( 1minute)
- Introduce the main parts of the lesson
- Work in teams
- Read words loudly
- Listen
Activity1 ( 10 Minutes)
* Language focus 1 (page 19- 20)
- Highlight the present perfect tense( formation, use and meaning)
- Give examples to make sure Ss to understand
* Substitution drills:
- Make sure Ss to understand the dialogue on page 19
- Read the dialogue once
- Guide Ss to change information in the box on page 20 to make new
- Ask Ss to make the new dialogues in pairs
- Go around and help if necessary
- Call on some pairs to show the dialogues in front of the class
- Correct with Ss
Answers key:
b) A: Come and see my photo album.
B: Lovely1 Who’s this boy?
A: Ah! It’s Quang, my brother’s friend.
B: How long have you known him?
A: I’ve known him for seven months.
B: Have you seen him recently?
A: No, I haven’t seen him since January.
c) A: Come and see my photo album.
B: Lovely1 Who’s this girl?
A: Ah! It’s Hoa, my new friend.
- Pay attention, and take notes
- Listen carefully
- Pay attention
- Repeat then read in pairs
- Listen carefully
- Work in pairs, making new ones
- Show their dialogues loudly
- Copy down
Trang 24B: How long have you known her?
A: I’ve known him for three weeks
B: Have you seen her recently?
A: No, I haven’t seen her since Monday.
Activity2 ( 8Minutes)
* Language focus 2 ( page 20)
- Explain the task of language focus 1 ( practice asking and
answering the things Ss have done using the present perfect tense)
- Introduce new words
+ Reunification palace (n): ( Translation)
+ zoo and botanical gardens (n): (Situation)
+ vegetarian (n): (Explanation)
- Guide Ss to read the new words
- Highlight the use of “ Already and Yet”
- Explain the exercise by letting Ss look at examples in the textbook
* Word- cue drill::
- Ask Ss to work in pairs, to make the dialogues using words
- Go around and help Ss if necessary
- Call on some pairs to ask and answer loudly
- Correct
- Listen to the teacher
- Guess the meaning of the new words
- Read as T’s guide
- Pay attention and take notes
- Repeat and pay attention
- Work in pairs
- Ask and answer aloud
Activity3 ( 10 Minutes)
* Language focus 3 (page 20- 21)
- Guide Ss to read and understand meaning of words in the box on
page 20
- Make sure Ss to understand examples on the textbooks
* Noughts and crosses:
- Guide Ss to play in 2 teams
+ Ask Ss to look at the words on the box on page 20, choose one
word and ask other team
+ Give one mark if Ss ask and answer correctly
- Listen and repeat or take notes
- Pay attention
- Play as teacher’s guide
Activity 4 ( 8 Minutes)
* Language focus 4 (page 21)
- Ask Ss to tell how to change an active sentence into a passive
- Give examples to make sure Ss to understand
* Transformation drills:
- Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences using passive voice structures
- Help Ss with new words if they need
- Have Ss share the answers with a friend
- Call some Ss to write the answers on the board
- Correct with Ss
Answers key:
a Jean cloth was made completely from cotton in the 18 th century.
b Rice is grown in tropical countries.
c Five million bottles of champagne will be produced in France next
- Answer
- Listen Carefully
- Rewrite sentences
- Compare the answers
- Write the answers on the board
- Copy down
Trang 25d A new style of jeans has just been introduced in the USA.
e Two department stores have been built this year.
Activity 5 ( 9 Minutes)
* Language focus 5 (page 21)
- Elicit how to change an active sentence into a passive sentence with
: modal + be + V (past participle)
- Give examples to make sure Ss to understand
* Transformation drills:
- Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences using passive voice structures
- Help Ss with new words if they need
- Have Ss share the answers with a friend
- Call some Ss to write the answers on the board
- Correct with Ss
Answers key:
a The problem can be solved.
b Experiments on animals should be stopped.
c Life might be found on another planet.
d All the schools in the city have to be improved.
e A new bridge is going to be built in the area.
- Listen and take notes
- Listen Carefully
- Rewrite sentences
- Compare the answers
- Write the answers on the board
- Copy down
Consolidation ( 2 minutes)
- Summarize the lesson
+ The present perfect tense
+ Passive voice
- Give the lesson from the period
- Listen and remember
Period 13; Week 7 Date of preparation: October 2nd, 2008
ONE PERIOD TEST ( The first time)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- use the learned knowledge to do the test
- self- valuate their ways of learning
Teacher can control method in better ways for next lessons
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: Vocabulary that students have learned in two units before
2 Grammar: grammar points that students have learned in two units before.
3 Language skills: Reading, Writing
C/ Techniques: Observation
D/ Teaching aids: A4 papers
Trang 26E/ Procedures:
Period 14; Week 7 Date of preparation: October 2nd, 2009
Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read (Page 22- 23)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Talk about the life and activity in the country
- Tell a picnic trip of Liz and Ba’s family to the countryside
- Know loving hometown and country
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: Picture drill, pre- teach, True/ False statements- prediction, Qs and Ans
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette player, tape, board,
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (No)
3 New lesson:( 43 mins)
Warm up ( 7 minutes)
* Getting started:
- Introduce the topic of the lesson
Picture drill:
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 22 and describe what people are
doing in each picture
- Elicit and explain the new word if necessary
- Call some Ss to read content of the pictures loudly
- Correct
Suggested answers:
1 The girl is watering the vegetables.
2 Some boys are swimming in the river.
3 A girl is collecting the eggs.
4 The farmers are harvesting.
5 A man is feeding the pigs.
7 A boy on his buffalo is flying his kite.
8 Some boys are playing soccer.
- Introduce the new lesson
Trang 27Presentation ( 8 minutes)
- Introduce the main content of the “Listen and read” part
- Introduce new words:
+ Home village (n): (Translation)
+ Bamboo forest (n): ( Explanation)
+ Banyan tree (n): (Example)
+ Entrance (n): (explanation)
+ Shrine (n):( synonym)
+ Snack (n)( Explanation)
- Guide Ss to read the new words
- Introduce the new grammar: future wish ( formation, use and meaning)
- Give examples to make sure Ss to understand the new item
* True/ False statements- prediction:
Sentences 1 to 9 page 23
- Ask Ss to read the sentences and guess they are true or false
- Call Ss to say their prediction
- Write Ss’ guessing on the board
- Play the tape two times
- Ask Ss to read the text and check their prediction in groups
- Elicit some prepositions: after, before, in, on, at…
- Call some Ss to give the Answer keys
Answer key:
2,5,7,9: True
3 F ( There is a big old banyan tree at the entrance to the village)
4 F ( People had a snack under the banyan tree)
6 F( people had a picnic on the river bank)
8 F ( Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to her parents)
* Questions and answers:
- Make sure Ss to understand the content of questions from 1 to 7 on
page 23 in the textbook
- Ask Ss to read the text and answer the questions in pairs
- Call on Ss to read the answers loudly and explain why?
- Give answers
Answer key:
1 It is 60 kilometers to the North of Hanoi.
2 Ba and his family got to the village by bus.
3 The banyan tree is at the entrance to the village.
4 They saw the shrine of Vietnamese hero on the mountain.
5 They had a picnic on the river bank.
6 Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to her parents.
7 Liz wishes she could visit Ba’s village again.
- Listen to the cassette player
- Read and check in groups
- Read the answers aloud
- Ask Ss to make sentences using “ future Wish sentence”
-Call on some representative to show their ideas
- Make sentences with their friends in groups
Trang 28- Correct - Present in front of class.
Consolidation (2 minutes)
- Summarize the lesson:
+ Content of the text
+ Wish sentence ( future wish)
- Listen and remember
4 Homework (1 minute)
- Do exercises in workbook
- Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart
- Prepare Speak and Listen
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Period 15; Week 8 Date of preparation: October 7th, 2009
Lesson 2: Speak and Listen (Page 24- 25)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Develop speaking skill: ask and answer about their home village
- Develop listening skill: listen and find the information about Ba’s trip to his home village by car
- Know how to care other people
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (v): flow, raise
(n): bus route, pond, parking lot, dragon bridge
(exp): go Westward, turn left onto a road, pick somebody up, go in the opposite direction, for a living
2 Grammar: Wh- question words.
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: Brainstorming, word cue drill, write it- up,
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette player, tape, board,
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (3 mins) – Ask Ss to read the passage loudly then answer the questions
3 New lesson:( 40 mins)
Warm up ( 3 minutes)
* Brainstorming:
- Ask Ss to say: “ The things they often see in a village”
Suggested words:
+ A rice paddy fields + A pepper garden
+ A cottage + A rubber garden
+ A vegetable garden
- Lead to the new lesson
- Introduce the parts of the new lesson
- Think and say
- listen
- Listen carefully
Pre- Speaking ( 5 Minutes)
Trang 29- Introduce the main content of the “speak” part.
- Introduce new words and structures
+ For a living (exp): (Translation)
+ To the North (exp) : (explanation)
+ To the South (exp) : (explanation)
- Guide Ss to read the new words and structures
* Word cue- drill:
- Make sure Ss to understand content of the questions from 1 to 6 on page 24
- Elicit the words or phrases in the cue words in the box if necessary
- Ask Ss to use the cues in the box in order to ask and answer the questions in
- Call on some pairs to give answers
- Check the answers of Ss
- give answers
Suggeted answers :
A) 1, My home village is to the South of the city.
2 It is about 30 kilometers from the city.
3 I often got to my home village by bus.
4 It takes about one hour to get there.
5 The people in my home village often raise cattle, chicken, plan rice and
vegetables for their living.
6 Yes, there is a river running through my village.
B) 1, My home village is to the North of the city.
2 It is about 15 kilometers from the city.
3 I often got to my home village by motorbike.
4 It takes about 50 minutes to get there.
5 The people in my home village also raise cattle, chickens, plan rice and
vegetables for a living.
6 No, there are no rivers but there is a lake in my village.
- Ask Ss to ask and answer about their own village in pairs
- Go around and help if necessary
- Call some pairs to show their work
- Correct
- Listen
- Work in pairs
- Pay attention and read
- Ask and answer loudly
Post-speaking ( 7Minutes)
* Write it- up:
- Ask Ss to write a small paragraph about their own village using while-
speaking part
- Call on one or two Ss to read their writings loudly
- Correct
- Write a paragraph
- Read the writings
Pre- Listening ( 6 Minutes)
- Introduce the situation of the “listen” part
- Introduce the new words and phrases:
+ Go Westward (exp): (Translation)
- Listen
- Guess the meaning of thenew words and phrases
Trang 30+ Bus route (n): (eliciting)
+ Pond (n): ( drawing)
+ Parking lot (n): ( example0
+ Dragon bridge (n): ( translation)
+ Pick somebody up (exp) : ( translation)
+ Go into the opposite direction (exp): ( Translation)
- Guide Ss to read the new words and phrases
* Matching prediction :
- Ask Ss to guess and match 9 places with ones on the map
- Write Ss’ prediction on the board
- Repeat and read in chorus
& one
- Guess and match
While- Listening ( 7 Minutes)
- Play the tape two times
- Ask Ss to give their answers
- Play the tape again and correct the Ss’ answers
Answers key:
A Banyan tree B Airport C High way number one
D Dragon Bridge E Gas Station F Store
G Pond H Bamboo forest I Parking lot
-Listen and check their guessing
- Ask Ss to discuss and talk about the bus rout of Ba
- Call some Ss from each group to answer loudly
+ For weak Ss: Vietnamese
+ For other Ss : English
- Correct
- Work In Groups
- Show their work
Consolidation (2 minutes)
- Summarize the lesson:
+ The questions asking about home village
+ The lesson from period
- Listen and remember
4 Homework (1 minute)
- Copy the writings into notebooks
- Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart
- Prepare “Read” part
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Period 16; Week 8 Date of preparation: October 11th, 2009
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Develop reading comprehension skill
- understand the text in details about the life on the farm of an exchange student
- complete the summary
- Help their families in their free time
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (adv): still, nearby
Trang 31(n): exchange student, maize, grocery store, hot- dog, state, part- time
2 Grammar: - Present perfect progressive tense
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: brainstorming, pre- teach, gap-fill, matching, questions and answers
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette player, tape, board,
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (3 mins) – Ak Ss to answer the questions in Speak
3 New lesson:( 40 mins)
Warm up ( 4 minutes)
* Brainstorming:
- Ask Ss to talk about life on the farm in groups
- Call 2 groups to write their ideas on the board
Suggested answers:
+ Raise chickens, pigs, cattle.
+ Collect eggs.
+ Work hard.
+ Busy all year around.
+ Have a hard life.
+ Struggle with the nature
- Introduce the new lesson
- Talk about life on the farm in groups
- Write their ideas on the board
- Listen
Pre-Reading ( 8Minutes)
- Introduce The Text About Van ( Van Is A Student From Ho Chi Minh
City Now He Is Living With The Parker Family In Columbus, Ohio)
- Introduce New Words:
+ Maize (N): (Realia)
+ Part- Time (N): (Explanation)
+ Hot- Dog (N): (Translation)
+ Grocery Store (N): (Example)
+ State (N) :( Synonym)
+ Nearby (Adv): (Synonym)
+ Still (Adv): ( Translation)
- Guide Ss To Read The New Words
- Explain the present perfect progressive tense in brief
* Matching:
- Ask Ss to read a) on page 26 and match the words in column A to
phrases in column B
- Call some Ss to give answers
Correct and help Ss with right pronunciation
Suggested answers:
Maize corn
Feed give food to eat
Grocery store where people buy food and small things.
Trang 32Part time shorter or less than standard time.
Collect bring things together.
While- Reading ( 16 Minutes)
- Play the cassette player two times
- Ask Ss to read the text silently
* Questions and answers:
- Hang the chart of questions and ask Ss to read the text and answer the
1 How long will Van stay there?
2 What do Mr and Mrs Parker do?
3 How long children do they have?
4 What does Van do after finishing his homework?
5 What do the Parker family and Van do while they what Peter plays?
- Have Ss to share the answers with a friend
- Call on Ss to read the answers loudly
Suggested answers:
1 He will stay there still the beginning of October.
2 Mr Parker is a farmer, and Mrs Parker works part time at a grocery
3 They have two boys.
4 He feeds the chicken and collects their eggs.
5 They eat hamburgers or hot- dogs while they watch Peter plays.
- Listen to the tape
- Read the text silently
- Read the text, answer the questions
- Work in pairs, sharing answers
- Read the answers
Post-Reading ( 8 Minutes)
*Gap- fill: b) page 26
- Help Ss understand the content of paragraph in Read b) on page 26
- Ask Ss to read the text, fill in the gaps of summary above
- Have Ss share the answers with a friend
- Call on Ss to give answers
- Correct
Suggested answers:
1 Ohio 2 farmer 3 works part time at a grocery store 4 Peter
5 Sam 6 After 7 farm
8 they watch 9 baseball 10 member
- Summarize the lesson:
+ summarize the main content of the text
- Give the lesson from the period
- Listen and remember
4 Homework (1 Minute)
- Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart
- Copy answers into notebooks
- Prepare “Write” part
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Period 17; Week 9 Date of preparation: October 17th, 2009
Trang 33Lesson 4: Write (Page 26- 27)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Write a short paragraph describing a story happened in the past about a picnic in the country
- Develop making sentences skill
- Choose the suitable way of entertainment
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (n): picnic site, blanket,
(v) : put down, lay out, gather,(exp): go on a picnic
2 Grammar: - past simple tense.
3 Language skills: Writing, Listening, speaking, reading,
C/ Techniques: pre- teach, picture drill, word cue drill, correction,
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, board, chalk,
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (5 mins) : - Ask Ss to read the text and translate into Vietnamese
3 New lesson:( 38 mins)
Warm up ( 4 minutes)
* Revision;
- Ask Ss to write form in past simple and past participle of some verbs
Take, put, lay, run, catch, be, look, gather, enjoy
- Call some Ss to write answers on the board
- Introduce the new lesson and the aim of it
- Write as T’s requirements
- Write answers on the board
- Listen
Pre- Writing ( 8 Minutes)
- Set the scene: ( You and your friends had a picnic in the countryside,
write a paragraph to tell that picnic.)
- Ask Ss to look at 5 pictures on page 26- 27 and retell the story in
- Introduce the new words and explain words or phrases provided
+ Picnic site (n): ( Translation)
+ Put down (v) : (mine)
+ Blanket (n): (picture)
+ lay out(v): ( example)
+ gather (v): ( translation)
- Guide Ss to read the new words
- Note Ss verbs used in paragraph is in past form
- Ask Ss to work in groups to speak the writings
- Listen to the teacher
- Look at the pictures and tell the story in Vietnamese
- Guess the meaning of the new words
- Practice reading the new words
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and cue words then write the story
- Go around, help if necessary and take notes the basic mistakes that Ss
- Ask Ss to exchange the writing with a friend and self- correct
- Read the outline B
- Look at the pictures, cue words and write a paragraph
- Share the writing with a friend
Trang 34Post- Writing ( 13 Minutes)
- Write the basic mistakes on the board and ask Ss to correct them
- Ask 2 Ss to write their writings on the board or read them aloud (or
student by student write answers on the board)
- Ask Ss to correct Ss’ writings
* Suggested answers:
It was a beautiful day, so my friends and I decided to go for a
picnic We took a bus to the country site and walked about 20 minutes to
the picnic site next to a river When we arrived, we put down the
blankets and laid out the food, after meal, we played some games such
as “What song is it?, blind man’s buff” Late in the afternoon, we
went fishing and we enjoyed the picnic ( The wind blew gently, the air
was so fresh) But when we looked at the time, it was nearly 6.30 pm, we
hurriedly gathered the things and ran to the bus stop We were lucky to
catch the last bus and we arrived home late in the evening
- Look at the mistakes and correct
- Write the writings on the board
or read them loudly
- Correct the mistakes
- Take notes
Consolidation (2 minutes)
- Summarize the lesson :
+ Verbs used in writing story
- Give the lesson from the period
- Listen and remember
4 Homework (1 minute)
- Write the corrected writing into notebooks
- Prepare “language focus part
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Period 18; Week 9 Date of preparation: October 20th, 2009
Lesson 5: Language focus (Page 28,29, 30- 31)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Revise and use the present wish
- understand and use future wish
- understand and use prepositions of time and adverb clauses of result
- Have good skill in doing exercises
- Adverb clauses of result
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, Writing
C/ Techniques: gap fill, word cue drill, picture drill, matching,
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, board, chalk……
E/ Procedures:
Trang 351 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (5 mins) : - Check the writings
3 New lesson:( 38 mins)
Warm up ( 3 minutes)
* Chatting:
- Ask Ss “ If you have a chance/ a wish who do you want to be?”
- Ask Ss to write their sentences on the board
- State the aim of the lesson
- Introduce the main parts of the lesson
* Language focus 1 ( page 28- 29)
- Ask Ss to retell the present wish about formation, use and meaning)
- Help Ss remember and write on the board
Present wish:
- S+ wish + (that) + S + V_ed/ V2/ were…
- We use it when we want to wish something that is
not real at present
- Introduce the future wish sentence
Future wish:
- S + wish + (that) + S + could/ would/ should + V
(bare inf)
Were + V_ing
- We use it when we want to wish something that is
not real in the future sometimes at present
- Give more examples to make sure Ss to understand
* Word cue and picture drills:
- Ask Ss to speak out the sentences using words provided
- Go around and help Ss if necessary
- Call on some Ss to read the answers loudly
- Correct
Suggested answers:
b Hoa wishes she could visit her parents.
c I wish I passed the exam.
d We wish It did not rain.
e He wishes he could fly.
f They wish they stayed in Hue.
- Retell the present wish
- Pay attention and take notes
- pay attention and take notes
- Say the wish
- Read the answers loudly
- Pay attention and take notes
Activity2 ( 10Minutes)
* Language focus 2 (page 30)
- Ask Ss to retell some prepositions of time they know
- Elicit some prepositions of time: on, at, in, for, up to, after, between, till
and the use of them
Gap- fill:
- Make sure Ss to understand information in the table on page 30 in the
- Elicit the word “ itinerary”
- Read prepositions of time
- Listen and repeat or take notes
- Pay attention
Trang 36- Ask Ss to read the sentences and use the prepositions of time in the box
- Read answers loudly
- Read answers loudly
- Listen Carefully
- Copy down
Activity 4 ( 7 Minutes)
* Language focus 4 (page 31)
- Introduce the target language: “Adverb clauses of result using
therefore, so
- Give examples to make sure Ss to understand
- Elicit new words:” turn on, air conditioner”
* Matching:
- Ask Ss to match and rewrite the sentences using Adverb clauses of
- Help Ss with new words if they need
- Have Ss share the answers with a friend
- Call some Ss to read the answers loudly
- Correct with Ss
Answers key:
2- a: It was hot, so I turned on the air conditioner.
3- d: Nga is sick today, so she won’t go to school.
4- b: Na woke up late, so she didn’t have time for breakfast.
5- c: The new camera didn’t work, so Mrs Robinson took it back to the
- Listen and take notes
- Listen Carefully
- Take notes
- Match and rewrite sentences
- Compare the answers
-Read the answers aloud
- Copy down
Consolidation (2 minutes)
- Summarize the lesson
+ Present wish (review)
+ Future wish
+ Prepositions of time
+ Adverb clauses of result
- Give the lesson from the period
- Listen and remember
4 Homework (1 minute)
- Write the corrected answers of language focus into notebooks
- Do exercises in workbooks
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Trang 3715 MINUTE TEST
Period 19; Week 10 Date of preparation: October 14th, 2009
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Learn from the errors in the test
- change the better way of learning
Teacher can evaluate the Ss’ knowledge exactly and change the teaching method in suitable way for next units
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (review)
2 Grammar: (review)
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: eliciting, guiding
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, board, A4 papers.
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (No) :
3 New lesson:( 43 mins)
Warm-up (5 minutes)
- Ask Ss to talk about the test ( good or bad)
- Comment the result of the test
- Ask the monitor to issue the test
- Introduce the new lesson
- Talk about the test
- Listen
- Receive the test
- Listen
Test correction (20 minutes)
- Ask Ss to compare the test with a friend then correct the errors in
each paper sheet
- Write the common mistakes on the board
- Help Ss correct the errors
- Work in pairs and correct the mistakes
- Pay attention
- Correct the errors
The lesson from mark (13 minutes)
Trang 38Period 20; Week 10 Date of preparation: October 20th, 2009
Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read (Page 32- 33)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- understand new words and English learning experience
- produce the questions for an oral examination
- practice pronunciation and intonation
- exchange English learning experience with their friends
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (n): examiner, written examination, oral examination, aspect of learning
English, college, candidate, stage(v): be able to, attend
2 Grammar: - reported speech
3 Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: pre- teach, True/ False statements, Transformation drill, pair work, grids
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette player, tape, board,
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (No) :
3 New lesson:( 43 mins)
Trang 39Warm-up (7 minutes)
* Getting started:
- Introduce the topic of the lesson
- Ask Ss to read sentences on page 32 and check things they do
from the list with a friend
- Elicit and explain the new word if necessary
- Call some Ss to read the things they do in learning English loudly
- Introduce the main content of the “Listen and read” part ( Lan is
talking to Paola about the oral examination that she has just taken)
- Introduce new words:
+ Examiner (n): (example)
+ Aspect of learning English (n): ( translation)
+ Attend (v): (Translation)
+ Oral examination (n): (explanation)
+ Written examination (n): (explanation)
+ Be able to (v): (synonym)
+ Candidate (n): ( Example)
+ College (n): (situation- explanation)
+ Stage (n): (Translation)
- Guide Ss to read the new words
- Introduce the new grammar: the reported speech with Wh- and
yes/ no questions ( formation, use and meaning)
- Give examples to make sure Ss to understand the new item
- Play the tape two times
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue in pairs
- Call on 2 pairs to read the dialogue loudly
- Help Ss with right pronunciation and intonation
* True / False statements:
- Ask Ss to read 14 questions and commands on page 33
- Ask Ss to decide what exactly the examiner asked Lan by
- Call some Ss to give the Answer keys
Answer key: 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14
- Listen to the cassette player
- Practice the dialogue in pairs
- Read the dialogue aloud
- Correct the errors
- Read questions and commands
- Read the dialogue and decide by checking
- Give answers and explain
- Copy down
Production (10 minutes)
* Transformation drill:
- Ask Ss to change questions and commands in practice part into
reported speech in groups
- Go around and help if necessary
-Call on some representative to write sentences that they do on the
Trang 40- Correct.
Suggested answers:
1 She asked me what my name was.
2 She asked me where I came from.
6 She asked me why I was learning English.
7 She asked me if I spoke any other language.
8 She asked me how I learned English in my country.
9 She asked me how I would use English in the future.
10 She asked me what aspect of learning English I found most
14 She asked me to read a passage.
- Copy down
Consolidation (2 minutes)
- Summarize the lesson:
+ The ways of learning English
+ Reported speech with wh- and yes/ no questions
+ Questions used in oral examination
- Listen and remember
4 Homework (1 minute)Homework
- Practice read the dialogue
- Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart
- Prepare Speak and Listen
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Period 21; Week 11 Date of preparation: October, 27th, 2009
Lesson 2: Speak, Listen (Page 34- 35)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Develop speaking skill
- persuade friends to attend the school they like
- Listen and decide true or false information
- Give own opinions
B/ Language content:
1 Vocabulary: (n): dormitory, reputation, Western culture, scenery, national bank,
international bank(a): terrible
(exp): on campus
2 Grammar: - structures related to expressing opinion.
3 Language skills: speaking, Listening, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: Chatting, dialogue build, group work, true/ false statements, true/ false prediction
D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, board, chalk…
E/ Procedures:
1 Class organization: (1 min)
2 Check up: (3’) : - Call on two Ss to read the dialogue and answer the questions related to
3 New lesson:( 40 mins)