sample bias test - how to design a good bias test with the rationale.Bias test in Methodology 6b một só bài adapt mẫu dạng bias giúp các bạn hình dung ra khung chính phải trình bày gồm có: bài gốc bài adapt gồm có 2 phiên bản các commnet cho phần thay đổi câu hỏi khung đáp án và bảng só sánh rationle theo cấu trúc mẫu sẵn
METHODOLOGY 6B ADAPT ACTIVITIES SAMPLE BIAS TESTS AUTHENTIC TEXT Unit/Grad Topic Activit e y Type of Language MixedLevel Source of Authentic Materials / Skill Activit y Unit 3/ Grade Music 10 Bias- text Reading * Original text: Vietnam's Next Top Model, Cycle is the fourth season of Vietnam's Next Top Model It was broadcast on VTV in 2013, featuring 18 finalists including male and 10 female contestants This is the first year the show includes male contestants in addition to female contestants in previous years The change was made after the 20th season of America's Next Top Model, which opened to male models When its audition round kicked off in August, the show attracted 1,200 participants, the highest number of applicants so far Fashion designer Do Manh Cuong and makeup specialist Nam Trung, previous season's judges, stayed on the jury this year The board welcomed two new judges, supermodel Thanh Hang, and famed Australian catwalk coach Adam Williams (briefly appearance due to become a judge on Asia's Next Top Model (cycle 2) J Alexander appeared as a special guest judge in the final show The winner received a prize of up to billion dong(US$95,080) The top candidates had chances to get trained in Paris The season premiered on October 6, 2013 at 8pm every Sunday on VTV3 (183 words) Type of mixed-level activity: Bias-text Aims: - Students will be able to get to know about Vietnam’s Next Top Model - This task uses for mixed-level students to help students to practice further reading skill - It gives a chance for stronger students can learn more new words and complex sentence structures 3 Time allotted: 10 minutes Work arrangement: individual work and pair work Teaching aids: computer, handouts, projector, blackboard Procedure: - T delivers handouts of versions for relevant groups: A for weaker Ss, B for stronger ones - T asks Ss to read their own tasks and answer questions in 10’ - Then T ask Ss A and Ss B to work in AB pairs and share their answers to make complete ones Version A: (for weaker students) The fourth season of Vietnam’s next top model was on TV in 2013 In this season, there were 1,200 people who registered for this show In this program, there were juries such as Nam Trung(makeup specialist) , Do Manh Cuong (fashion designer), Thanh Hang (supermodel), Adam Williams (famous Australian catwalk coach) and J Alexander (a special guest judge in the final show) The winner received a prize of up to billion dong(US$95,080) The top candidates had chances to get trained in Paris The show was on October 6, 2013 at 8pm every Sunday on VTV3 (101 words) Rationale for my changing: Firstly, I tried to make it’s more simple structures and low level vocabulary in order to my weaker students don’t have difficulty in doing this task and fix to their level of proficiency For example: I joined two first sentences: “Vietnam's Next Top Model, Cycle is the fourth season of Vietnam's Next Top Model It was broadcast on VTV in 2013, featuring 18 finalists including male and 10 female contestants” into the simpler one: “Vietnam’s next top model is the most of famous program on TV in 2013.” I changed this complex sentence : “When it was hold in August, the show attracted 1,200 participants, the highest number of applicants so far.” into the simple structure: “There were 1,200 people who registered for this show.” In term of vocabulary, I replaced some difficult words, such as “ be on” with “premiered on” Secondly, I cut down the second paragraph (from “This is the first ” to “ opened to male models” ) to make the length in version A is shorter than version B Also, in order to students A have no the information to answer Besides, I rewrote the third paragraph (talking about the juries of the show) with 61 words by listing the main juries with only 35 words: “there were juries such as Nam Trung(makeup specialist) , Do Manh Cuong (fashion designer), Thanh Hang (supermodel) and Adam Williams (famed Australian catwalk coach) and J Alexander (a special guest judge in the final show).” For Version B, I decided to keep the original text for version B and add some minor changes to fix and appreciate the real ability of my students Firstly, I tried to make the text more challenging and difficult with wide range of complex structures, high level vocabulary and grammar points, for examples: I combined two simple sentences: “But actually the umbrella was first used as a shade against the sun It was not invented for protection against rain.” Into one complex sentence: “But actually the first purpose of the use of umbrella was not invented for protection against rain, it was used as a shade against the sun” I rewrote the sentence: “The first people to use it were probably the Chinese “ into “The people who were regarded as the first ones use it were probably the Chinese”, and the sentence: “Then it appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century” into “Until in the late sixteenth century it reappeared in Italy” to make these sentences more complex structure and longer In term of vocabulary, I replaced some low level words into higher ones such as “hold” with “kicked off”, “ show attracted ” with “people applied for”, so that it will challenge the students B about aspect of vocabulary Secondly, I didn’t cut down the last sentence in the original like version A in order to its length is longer than version A But I cut down one sentence in the original to Ss B don’t have information to answer that was “It is believed that the first people to use the umbrella as protection against rain were the ancient Romans” Thirdly, in version B contains very explicit information so that Ss are hard to get information For example, Ss have to use addition to answer the question (how many juries were there) : male and 10 female contestants and write the answer 18 contestants Task: Read a text about Vietnam Next Top Model and answer the following questions: When was the fourth season Vietnam's Next Top Model on VTV? How many people registered for this show? What was the new change in this 4th Vietnam’s Next Top Model Show? How many candidates were there in the final round? How many juries in total for the 4th Vietnam’s Next Top Model? Who are they? What did the winner of Vietnam Next Top Model received? Suggested answers: Questions Version B Version A Q.1 √ It was on TV in 2003 X Q.2 √ 1200 people X Q.3 X Q.4 X √ It included both male and female contestants √ There were 18 candidates in the final round Q.5 Q.6 √ There were people: Nam Trung, Do Manh √ There were people: Nam Trung, Do Manh Cuong, Thanh Hang and Adam Williams Cuong, Thanh Hang and Adam Williams √ He/she received billion dong(US$95,080) √ He/she received billion dong(US$95,080) and and get trained in Paris get trained in Paris Rationale: For version A, I adapted the original text by reducing the length by cutting “August 2, 1922” as well as “Bell considered his invention an intrusion on his real work as a scientist and refused to have a telephone in his study” Then I used simpler words and structures For example, instead of using “was credited with”, I used “was recognized as Besides, I used “He was born in Scotland” instead of “Scottish-born” As for structures, I change these complicated sentences Alexander Graham Bell …… in 1885” into “Alexander Graham Bell (March 3, 1847), who was a scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator, was born in Scotland He was recognized as patenting the first practical telephone and founding the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1885“ In paragraph 2, I replaced the first sentence with ” Although both his mother and wife were deaf, he received many helps from his father, grandfather, and brother in his work on elocution and speech” Besides, I changed sencond sentence into “He continued to study hearing and speech reseaches about hearing devices and was awarded the first U.S paten for the telephone in 1876” In the last paragraph, I changed the first sentence into “Many other inventions marked Bell's later life, including groundbreaking work in optical telecommunications, hydrofoils, and aeronautics” as well as “Although Bell … until 1903” into “Although Bell was not one of the 33 founders of the National Geographic Society, he had a strong influence on the magazine America from 1898 to 1903” These changes make the sentences become clearer and shorter In terms of version B, I found it quite dificult and already suitable for stronger students, so I decided to keep the orginal text In this text, the vocabulary load is challenging and there are some “red herrings” such as “Scottish-born”, “was credited with”, “intrusion”, “culminated”, “associated with”, “profoundly”, “groundbreakin” Besides, the sentences construction is more complex, for instance, some long relative clauses: “Alexander Graham Bell (March 3, 1847 – August 2, 1922) was a Scottish-born scientist, inventor, engineer, and innovator who was credited with patenting the first practical telephone and founding the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1885”, “His research on hearing and speech further led him to experiment with hearing devices which eventually culminated in Bell being awarded the first U.S patent for the telephone in 1876” Regarding the purpose of the questions, both student A and student B can read at their own pace They can answer question 5,6 about the “juries of Vietnam Next Top Model” and” the prize that the winner could achieve” because all these information appear in versions, in which version B contains But neither A nor B students are able to answer all the questions by simply reading their own text For example, students A can’t answer questions 3,4 by reading their own text because in their version don’t contain these information to answering two questions and In contrast with Ss A, students B can’t find out information from their own text to answering question The activity therefore ends in student-student collaboration where students work in AB pairs to pool their knowledge and to answer all their own questions In other word, my adaptation is to produce complementary results for student pairs, leading to student-student feedback Version A, with 101 words, is shorter than original one (181 words) because we delete some Besides, all of the information is explicit so students can easily answer For example, the answer for the question about “number of people registered for the show” is in line Version A is easier in terms of vocabulary and structures Instead of using the For version B, it contains red herrings, which is more difficult and challenging for Ss For example, Besides, more difficult words are used in version B such as “the show kicked off” instead of “ the show was hold” ... featuring 18 finalists including male and 10 female contestants This is the first year the show includes male contestants in addition to female contestants in previous years The change was made after... addition to answer the question (how many juries were there) : male and 10 female contestants and write the answer 18 contestants Task: Read a text about Vietnam Next Top Model and answer the following... premiered on October 6, 2013 at 8pm every Sunday on VTV3 (183 words) Type of mixed-level activity: Bias- text Aims: - Students will be able to get to know about Vietnam’s Next Top Model - This task