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discover english starter test book

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Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the perfect mix of variety and challenge to motivate young learners. The course uses simple tried and tested principles to address the needs of a modern student. The learners are encouraged to explore foreign countries and learn about different cultures. They are also involved and motivated by unusual tasks, such as designing computer games, breaking codes or learning more about themselves – all this and more, as their English improves The Central European edition is based on a thorough research that has been conducted among local teachers and students in selected regions.

Trang 1

Name: Class: Unit Test Vocabulary Grammar Functions Total Comment Starter /40 1 /40 2 /40 Skills Test Listening Reading Writing Speaking Total Comment Units 0 — 2 /40 Unit Test Vocabulary Grammar Functions Total Comment 3 /40 4 /40 Skills Test Listening Reading Writing Speaking Total Comment Units 3 - 4 /40 Unit Test Vocabulary Grammar Functions Total Comment 5 /40 6 /40 Skills Test Listening Reading Writing Speaking Total Comment Units 5 - 6 /40 Unit Test Vocabulary Grammar Functions Total Comment 7 /40 8 /40 Skills Test Listening Reading Writing Speaking Total Comment Units 7 - 8 /40 Vocabulary Grammar Functions Total Comment End of Year Test Bào pT

Total Scores (all tests)

Trang 3

6 Wpisz w nazwach koloréw brakujace litery 1 bluet+yellow=g 2w_i_et+red=p _ 3 yellow+red=o _ 4 black + red =b _ _/5 Functions

2 Zakresl wlaéciwe odpowiedii

0 What’s your name?

a Hello

1 How old are you? a This is Jenny b I’m eleven 2 Nice to meet you!

a Nice to meet you too b_ Bye! 3 Hi, I’m Matt a Hello, Matt b Tm ten 4 What’s your phone number? a_ Eleven b 6095541 5 How do you spell ‘Jenny’? a J-E-N-N-Y! b My name’s Jenny _/5

Discover English Starter © Pearson Central Europe wares PHOTOCOPIABLE

8 Uzupelnij dialog wyrazami z ramki

( meno too Em Nice This od )

Sonya Hi, °Ứm Sonya

Max 1 Sonya I’m Max

v2 1s Lola

Sonya * to meet you, Lola

Lola Nice to meet you 4

How 5 are you?

Trang 5

6 Wpisz w nazwach koloréw brakujace litery 1 yellow+red=o 2 red + white =p 3 black+r =b_oa 4 n yellow +b _ = green _/5 Functions 2 Zakresl wlaéciwe odpowiedii 0 This is Matt

a What’s your name?

1 Nice to meet you! a Hello

b Nice to meet you too 2 What’s your name? a 6992458 b Jenny 3 How old are you? a I’m ten b Em Oscar 4 How do you spell ‘Alex’? a I’m Alex b A-L-E-X! 5 What’s your phone number? a 6759481 b Jo-Jo _/5

Discover English Starter © Pearson Central Europe wares PHOTOCOPIABLE

8 Uzupelnij dialog wyrazami z ramki [ Heo meet I’m you phone whats) Ruben ° Hello, I’m Ruben ! your name?

Ella Hi! ? Ela

Ruben Hi, Ella Nice to * you

Trang 6

(1) Progress Test A Name:

Voca b u a ry 3 Podpisz obrazki 1 Uzupelnij krzyzówke wyrazami z ramki mum dad sister granny brother granddad m u m 1 b °d 8 4 S 5 5 _/5 2 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupetnij zdania dad brother Grammar

granddad 4 Zakreél whasciwe wyrazy

0 My mum is at the park O Matt am / (is) at school

My dad is at the We is / are happy

My sister is at I am / are thirsty

My brother is at They is / are at work

Trang 7

5 0 Wom OB N = Napisz przeczenia I / sad I'm not sad Mr Big / tired Jenny / at school We / lucky My cake / pink They / cold _/5 Napisz pytania I / hungry Am | hungry? Jenny / happy ? you / at home ? we / at school ? your birthday / today ? they / tired ? _/5

Polacz pytania ¡ odpowiedzi

Are you at school a Yes, I am

today? a

Are you hungry? b No, we’re not

It’s hot today

Is Mr Big tired? c No, it isn’t

It’s red

Is your bike blue? d Yes, they are

Are they at the e No, I’m not

beach? I’m thirsty

Trang 8

(1) Progress Test B Name:

Voca b u a ry 3 Podpisz obrazki 1 Uzupelnij krzyzówke wyrazami z ramki mưu dad sister granny brother granddad 2 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupelnij zdania brother _/5 Grammar

Trang 9

5 0 Wom» OB N = Napisz przeczenia Functions L/ hungry Em not hungr 8 Uzupelnij dialog wyrazami z ramki My bike / blue Billy / a fish ( hot are Not thank I’m you ) You / at home 0 2 They / thirsty Sophie Hi, Alex How °are you: ? ‘ 1 It / my birthday today Alex I’m fine, you How 2 ? 5 are ° 3 4 Napisz pytania Sophie great ° Io 5S Ọ I/ happy Am | happy? tired It’s today I’m thirsty

you / tired ? Alex Me, too!

Mr Big / at the park —/5 ? your bag / green ? we / hungry ? they / at the beach ? _/5

Polacz pytania ¡ odpowiedzi

Are you hot? a a No, I’m not

I’m cold Are you at home b_ Yes, he is


Is Billy an c No, I’m not

octopus? I’m at school

Is your friend d No, we aren't

eleven? We’re happy

Vocabulary 15

Are they bored? e No, he isn’t

He’s ten Grammar 20

Trang 10

(2) Progress Test A Name: Vocabulary 3 Rozwiaz krzyzówlkce 1 Wpisz w nazwach panstw brakujace litery 0 Brazil 1 C_i_a 2 T k_y 3 Gr C_ 4á Br_.t n 5 P_1l d _/5 2 Z podanych liter uléz nazwy miejsc 0 evillga village 1 ountmain oF 2 yict C “4 3 kale t ‘d 4 isldan f |o 5 virer r 6 onwt _/6 _/4 Grammar

4 Uzupelnij zdania, wpisujac a lub an

O The Thames is d river

1 Ed Speelersis actor 2 Mr Bigis dog

3 Santoriniis _ island

4 Vanessa Hudgens is _ actress

5 My dad is from village


Trang 11

5 Zakreél whasciwe wyrazy

O Where’s / him from?

She / Her bike is green

Their / They sister is a dancer

My / I village is in the mountains We / Our are from Turkey Wom» OB N = You / Your village is fantastic _/5

Napisz wyrazy w liczbie mnogiej

© one dog — two dogs

one bus — two

one country — three

one camel — four one box - five pS OB N = one pen — six _/5 Functions 7 Zakreél whasciwe odpowiedzi 0 Who is he? a He’s my pen pal.) b He’s eleven 1 Where is he from?

a He’s at school b He’s from Portugal

Trang 12

Progress Test B Vocabulary 1 Wpisz w nazwach panstw brakujace litery 0 Egypt FT oS Q kè _8 t _ _—/5 2 Z podanych liter uléz nazwy miejsc 0 ritve river ntow slandi eas ciyt ountmain klae N NT HR Q NO Be /6 Name: d 4 _/4 Grammar

4ˆ Uzupelnij zdania, wpisujac a lub an

0 Vanessa Hudgens is a singer

1 New York is city

2 Billy is octopus

3 Keira Knightley is actress

4 Cristiano Ronaldo is football player

5 I’m from island


Trang 13

5 Zakreél whasciwe wyrazy

O She /(Her)name is Monica

You / Your football shirt is cool Our / We bags are green

They / Their are from Argentina I / My pen pal is from the USA Wom» OB N = He / His brother is an actor _/5

Napisz wyrazy w liczbie mnogiej

© one bag — two bags one city — three

one box — four one pyramid -— five

one bus — six pS OB N = one pencil — seven _/5 Functions

7 Zakreél whasciwe odpowiedzi

0 Who are you?

b I’m eleven 1 Where are you from?

a I’m at school b Tm from Poland

2 Are you from a village or a city?

a I’m Polish b Im from a city

3 Where’s Santorini?

a_ It’s in Greece b It’s a city

4 What’s in English?

a_ It’s ‘box’ b It’s ‘bus’

5 What’s her job?

Trang 14

Skills 1 Test A Gtarter, Unit 1 and Unit 2) Name: Listening 1 ) 1.1 Postuchaj wypowiedzi Liany i Harveya Napisz odpowiedzi Listen to Liana and Harvey Write the answers Liana

0 What’s her name? Liana Where is she from?

Is it a village or a city?

How old is she?

What’s her job?

What’s her phone number? 1 2 3 4: 5 Reading 3 Przeczytaj tekst i napisz, czy zdania sa prawdziwe czy falszywe? _/5

Katya, Oscar and Electra are my pen pals

Katya is ten She’s from Russia Russia is a big country! She’s from a village in the mountains Oscar is eleven He’s from Liverpool It’s a big city in Britain Electra is eleven too She’s from Greece She’s from Santorini It’s an island

She’s from a town 0 Katya, Oscar and Electra are Anton’s pen pals true Katya is eleven 2 She’s from a village in the mountains 3% Oscar is twelve He’s from Brazil

5 Electra is from an island


2 0 1.2 Postuchaj nagrania i zakresl whasciwe


Listen Circle the correct word O Matt is hot /Gappy)

Sophie is hungry / thirsty Matt isn’t thirsty / hungry Alex is hot / happy

Jenny is bored / tired FW RB Q NH = Rose is hot / cold _/5 4 Przeczytaj email i odpowiedz na pytania | From: || Anton | | To: || Pen pal | Subject:| Birthday | Hi pen pal!

How are you? I'm happy - it's my birthday today I'm eleven This is a photo of my things The guitar is cool It's from my granny and granddad The pens and pencils are from my sister The football shirt is blue and white It's from my brother The bike is great! It’s green and black It's from my mum and dad

O Is Anton happy or sad? He's happy

1 How old is Anton?

Trang 15

Writing 5 Popatrz na tabelke Napisz pieé zdaú o tym, gdzie znajduja sie cztonkowie rodziny Davida home park school work beach 0 mum ⁄ 1 dad x 2 | brother ⁄ 3 sister x 4 | granddad ⁄ 5 granny x O His mumis at the park Wp OB N = Speaking 6 Uzupelnij tabelke informacjami o sobie Odpowiedz na pytania zadane przez kolege/kolezanke lub nauczyciela

Teacher What's your name?

Trang 16

Skills 1 Test B (starter, Unit 1 and Unit 2) Name: Listening 1 ) 1.1 Postuchaj wypowiedzi Liany i Harveya Napisz odpowiedzi Listen to Liana and Harvey Write the answers Harvey 0 What’s his name? Harvey 1 2 3 4 5 Reading 3 Przeczytaj tekst i napisz, czy zdania sa prawdziwe czy falszywe? Where is he from? Is it a village or a city? How old is he?

What’s his job?

What’s his phone number? _/5

Katya, Oscar and Electra are my pen pals

Katya is ten She’s from Russia Russia is a big country! She’s from a village in the mountains

Oscar is eleven He’s from Liverpool It’s a big

city in Britain Electra is eleven too She's from Greece She’s from Santorini It’s an island

She’s from a town 0 Katya, Oscar and Electra are Anton’s pen pals true Katya is ten She’s from a big city in Russia Oscar is eleven He’s from London FT me Q kè = Electra is from a town on an island _/5 2 0 1.2 Postuchaj nagrania i zakresl whasciwe wyrazy

Listen Circle the correct word O Matt is hot /Gappy)

Sophie is thirsty / tired Matt is tired / hungry Alex is hungry / thirsty Jenny is bored / hot F RB OQ kè = Rose isn’t cold / hot _ /5 4 Przeczytaj email i odpowiedz na pytania | From: || Georg | | To: || Pen pal | Subject:| Birthday | Hi pen pal!

How are you? I'm happy — it's my birthday today I'm ten This is a photo of my things The football is cool It's blue and black It's from my granny The pens and pencils are from my sister The football shirt is blue It's from my brother The bike is from my mum and dad It's green and black

0 Is Georg happy or sad? He's happy

1 How old is Georg?

Trang 17

Writing 5 Popatrz na tabelke Napisz pieé zdaú o tym, gdzie znajduja sie cztonkowie rodziny Davida home park school work beach > | mum ⁄ 1 dad Jf 2 | brother X 3 sister xX 4 | granddad / 5 granny xX O His mum is at the beach Wp OB N = Speaking 6 Uzupelnij tabelke informacjami o sobie Odpowiedz na pytania zadane przez kolege/kolezanke lub nauczyciela

Teacher What's your name?

Trang 19

5 Zakreél whasciwe wyrazy

0 How much is€haty those skateboard?

This / Those camera is new How much are those / this cars? Those / That robots are yellow Is this / these Jenny’s bag? Wom» OB N = Are those / that your planes? _/5 6 Zakresl whasciwe wyrazy

O Those man / (men)are small

These child / children are hungry

That woman / women is beautiful Those person / people are happy

This man / men is at the beach pS OB N = These woman / women are at work _/5 Discover English Starter © Pearson Central Europe wares PHOTOCOPIABLE Functions

7 Zakreél whasciwe odpowiedzi

0 , how much is that bag?

b Thank you

1 Excuse me, how much is that kite?

b_ It’s seventeen


a Here you are

2 Excuse me, is this watch?

a how much b here much

3 Excuse me, how much are those cars? a They’re eight pounds b They’re big 4 It’s nine pounds fifty

a Bye! b Here you are

5 Here you are

a Thank you b How much is it? _/5 8 Uzupelnij dialog wyrazami z ramki (_ Excuse you how pounds is is )

Matt ° Fxcuse me, *

much are those planes?

Salesperson They’re six ”

Trang 21

5 Zakreél whasciwe wyrazy

0 How much are that /G@hoseycars?

This / Those kite is ten pounds

These / That bike is red

How much is that / these skateboard?

Are those / this your computer games? Wom» OB N = This / These is Matt’s watch _/5 6 Zakresl whasciwe wyrazy

0 Those child / Ghildren)are happy

That woman / women is bored These man / men are at work

This child / children is hungry

Those woman / women are at the beach pS OB N = These person / people are tired _/5 Discover English Starter © Pearson Central Europe wares PHOTOCOPIABLE Functions 7 Zakreél whasciwe odpowiedzi is that bag? b here much QO Excuse me, 1 Excuse me, how much is this pen? b Thank you 2 Excuse me, how much are these bags? b They’re twelve pounds a_ It’s five pounds

a_ It’s twelve pounds 3 They’re five pounds

a Here you are b_ They’re big

4 Here you are

a Excuse me b Thank you

5 , how much are the CDs?

a Thank you b Excuse me _/5 8 Uzupelnij dialog wyrazami z ramki ( they're mutch Here are Thank ws) Jenny Excuse me, how ° much is this skateboard? Salesperson ! twenty-five pounds Jenny 2 you How much 2 those robots?

Salesperson “ seven pounds

Jenny 5 you are

Trang 22

(4) Progress Test A Name:

Vocabulary Grammar

1 Popatrz na obrazki i napisz nazwy zwierzat 3 Zakreél whasciwe wyrazy O hamster 0 Sophie(has)/ have got a cat

You has / have got green eyes

They has / have got a new car

He has / have got a big dog We has / have got a nice teacher WW Be OQ NO = She has / have got two rabbits + _/5

4 Przepisz zdania z éwiczenia 3, u2ywajac ’s got i “ve got

0 Sophie's got a cat 3 1 2 4 3 á 5 5 _/5 5 Napisz przeczenia

/5 0 I/horse | haven't got a horse 2 Wpisz w nazwach czesci ciata brakujace litery 1 you / snake

0 head 2 he/ fish

Trang 23

6 Ul6s: pytania z podanych wyrazéw i odpowiedz


na nie

got Has Sophie adog ?

Has Sophie got a dog?

No, she hasn't blue eyes Joss Has got ? œ) ~) they got Have a computer game ? œ®) apet Have got you ? œ®) got I Have a brother ? ~) we Have got a newcamera ? ~) _/5 Functions

7 Uzupelnij dialog wyrazami z ramki

( mm that Yes is got he ) Magda Hello

Ben Is ° that Magda?

Magda Yes, it *

Ben Hi My name’s Ben I’ve ?

a small cat here Maybe it’s your cat, Tibby

Magda _ Really? > he got white

legs and black ears?

Ben 4 , he has

Magda _ And has * got two black

spots on his body?

Ben Yes, he has!

Trang 24

(4) Progress Test B Name:

Vocabulary Grammar

1 Popatrz na obrazki i napisz nazwy zwierzat 3 Zakreél whasciwe wyrazy O hamster 0 Ihas / got blue eyes

Jack has / have got a dog

She has / have got a green snake

They has / have got two bikes

You has / have got a big car y WW Bm QO NO = We has / have got six cats 0 I've got blue eyes 2 _/5

4 Przepisz zdania z éwiczenia 3, u2ywajac ’s got i “ve got 4 $ 5 _/5 Napisz przeczenia 0 I/ pink bag | haven't got a pink bag WW Be OQ NO = Ul _/5 1 you / green eyes 2 Wpisz w nazwach czesci ciata brakujace litery 2 he/ bike 0 head 1 e_es 6 dy 3 she / hamster 2 e s 7 ta

3 m th 8 or 4 we / big teeth

Trang 25

6 Ul6s: pytania z podanych wyrazéw i odpowiedz


na nie

got Lara Has a hamster

Has Lara got a hamster? No, she hasn't you acat Have got ? ? œ&) Have got we a new teacher ? Lucky got Has_ brown spots ? Have got they a new camera ? got I Have big eyes ? _/5 Functions 7 Uzupelnij dialog wyrazami z ramki ( xo ts Really got name’s hasnt) Marek Nina Marek Nina Marek Nina Marek Nina Marek Nina Discover English Starter © Pearson Central Europe wares PHOTOCOPIABLE Hello Hi °/s that Marek? Yes, it is

Hi My ! Nina I’ve got

a dog here Maybe it’s your dog, Letty 2 ? Has she > black legs and a white tail? No, she 4 Has she got a brown spot on her head? : , she hasn’t

Trang 26

Skills 2 Test A whrit3 and Unit 4) Name:


1 ) 1.3 Postuchaj nagrania i zakres] whasciwe


Listen Circle the correct word

0 Sophie is with Alex /

1 The blue skateboard is thirty-four / thirty-five pounds

pounds pounds

4 The red cars are big / small

2 ) 1.4 Postuchaj nagrania i napisz, czy zdania sa prawdziwe czy falszywe

Listen and answer True or false?

0 Sally’s got two pets true 1 Her dog is four

He’s black

He’s got five white spots on his body

Sally’s snake is green

5 He’s got yellow eyes

The yellow skateboard is twenty / thirty @ © `

The green kite is twenty-nine / thirty-nine

The blue cars are ten / twenty pounds _ 1/5 _/5 Reading 3 Przeczytaj opisy oséb i odpowiedz na pytania from Poland His car Tomek is collection is fantastic

He’s got twenty small cars and ten big cars His favourite car is his blue car

It’s new and very fast Carla is from Argentina She’s got eleven is from the USA

robots They’re His favourite

cool! Her f things are

favourite his kites His is her red collection is big

robot It’s He’s got thirty -

new and kites His favourite kite is very old big

very D8 It’s black and

O Where is Tomek from?

He's from Poland

Trang 27

4 Przeczytaj tekst i zakresl wlasciwe odpowiedzi Writing

5 Napisz pie¢ zdafi o tym, co lubi Sophie

Max’s favourite animal is his pet cat, Zippy

She’s black but she’s got white ears and a

long white tail She’s got two white spots

on her body Zippy’s got big green eyes and a small pink nose She’s beautiful! Carla’s favourite animal is her pet rabbit, Sophie

Favourite thing bike

Colour blue and pink

Old / New new Big / Small big

Bobby He’s white but he’s got black ears Favourite animals

cats and hamsters

and a black tail He’s got a brown spot on

his body Bobby’s got big blue eyes and a Favourite colour blue

pink nose He’s fantastic!

0 Sophie's favourite thing is her bike

0 Max’s favourite animal is 1 2 b his rabbit 3 1 Zippy is 4 a black and brown 2 _ /10

b black and white

2 Zippy’s got Speaking

a two white spots on her body 6 Uzupelnij tabelke informacjami o sobie Odpowiedz na pytania zadane przez b two white spots on her legs kolege/kolezanke lub nauczyciela 3 Zippy’s got Teacher What's your favourite thing?

a big blue eyes You My favourite thing's my kite

b big green eyes 1 Favourite thing

4 Bobby’s got 2 Old / New

Trang 28


1 ) 1.3 Postuchaj nagrania i zakres] whasciwe

Skills 2 Test B unit 3 and Unit4) Name:


3 Przeczytaj opisy oséb i odpowiedz na pytania


Listen Circle the correct word

Matt is withGophie / Jenny

The red skateboard is fifty / forty pounds The blue skateboard is twenty-five / thirty-five pounds

The green kite is ten / twenty-nine pounds The red cars are six / seven pounds

The blue cars are big / small _/5 2 () 1.4 Postuchaj nagrania i napisz,; czy zdania sa WW oS OQ kè oe

prawdziwe czy falszywe

Listen and answer True or false?

Sally’s got two pets true Her dog is three

He’s big

He’s got brown eyes

Sally’s snake is yellow He’s got green eyes _/5 José is from Portugal His car collection is fantastic

He’s got thirty small cars and ten big cars His favourite car is his green car

It’s new and very fast Carolina is from Brazil She’s got fifteen robots They’re cool! Her favourite is her pink robot It’s very big Miles™ is from Scotland His favourite j things are his kites His collection is big He’s got thirty kites His favourite kite

is very old It’s yellow and blue

Where is José from?

He's from Portugal

How many big cars has he got?

What colour is his favourite car? ~

What colour is Carolina’s favourite robot? Where is Miles from?

What colour is his favourite kite?


Trang 29

4 Przeczytaj tekst i zakresl wlasciwe odpowiedzi Writi ng

B5 _Napisz pieé zdaó o tym, co lubi Matt José’s favourite animal is his pet dog, Pepe

He’s brown but he’s got black ears and Matt

a black tail He’s got two brown spots on Favourite thing skateboard his body Pepe’s got big brown eyes and ; - Colour orange and black

a small pink nose He’s fantastic! Old / New new

Carolina's favourite animal is her pet cat, Big / Small big

Loli She’s white but she’s got brown ears 5 it imal 1 dh,

and a brown tail She’s got a black spot avourme anima's ogs and horses

on her body Loli’s got big green eyes and Favourite colour red

a pink nose She’s beautiful!

0 Matt's favourite thing Is his skateboard

0 José’s favourite animal is 1 ; b his cat 3 1 Pepe is 4 a black and brown 2 _ /10

b brown and white

2 Pepe's got Speaking

a two white spots on his body 6 Uzupelnij tabelke informacjami o sobie Odpowiedz na pytania zadane przez

b two brown spots on his body kolege/kolezanke lub nauczyciela

5 Pepe's got Teacher What's your favourite thing? a big brown eyes You My favourite thing's my kite

b big blue eyes 1 Favourite thing

4 Loli’s got 2 Old / New

Trang 30

(5) Progress Test A Name:

Voca bu a ry 2 Ut62 wyrazy z podanych liter 0 roomathb bathroom 1 Rozwiaz krzyzowke deboorm tchiken clssamoor mB QW N -_ gnlivi rmoo / 4 Grammar

3 Zakreél whasciwe wyrazy

OQ There’s a mirror / under the wall There’s a chair next to / under the door There’s a bed on / in the bedroom



3 There’s a bag in / under the table

4 ‘There are people in / under the restaurant 5 There’s a mouse on / in the floor

A MM 4 Uzupelnij zdania, uzywajac There is lub x There are

, if 0 There are tables in the restaurant

: 1 a skateboard under the chair

iw *q 0 2 pyramids in Egypt

r 3 a CD player next to the TV

ái a camera under my bed

Trang 31

5 Napisz pytania, uzywajac Is there lub


Discover English Starter © Pearson Central Europe wares PHOTOCOPIABLE Are there ?

pen / your desk ?

Is there a pen on your desk?

dragons / your bedroom ? bathroom / her house ? TV / your living room ? books / your classroom mirror / his bathroom ? Polacz pytania i odpowiedzi Is there a TV in

your living room? b

Are there pens in your bag? Is there a CD player in your bedroom? Are there books in your kitchen? Is there a cat under your bed? Is there a mirror in your bedroom? _/5 No, there aren’t There are books Yes, there is No, there isn’t There’s a dog! No, there isn’t, but there’s one in the bathroom Yes, there are No, there isn’t I haven’t got a CD player _/5 Functions 7 Uzupetnij dialog wyrazami z ramki (this Where’s Is on My ¬

Alex ° Where S my pen?

Jenny ! it in your bag?

Alex No, it 2

Trang 32

(5) Progress Test B Vocabulary 1 Rozwiaz krzyzowke iw] i jon diol|w f v 2? it Ỷ T] °b "b *b ?c “d 11 d —/11 Name: 2 Ul6: wyrazy z podanych liter 0 chtkien kitchen livngi oomr robedom throomab mB QW N -_ lasscoomr / 4 Grammar

3 Zakreél whasciwe wyrazy

QO There’s a table (in) / on the kitchen

1 There’s an apple in / under the chair 2 There’s a TV next to / in the door 3 There are pictures on / under the wall 4 There’s a bed on / in the bedroom 5 There’s a door next to / under the bed _/5 4 Uzupelnij zdania, uzywajac There is lub There are 0 There are bedrooms in the hotel a dog on my bed

a chair next to the bookcase candles on the cake

Trang 33

5 Napisz pytania, uzywajac Is there lub

Are there ?

0 apple / your bag ?

Is there an apple in your bag?

1 cat / the chair ? Functions 7 Uzupetnij dialog wyrazami z ramki ( sen to No Is it Wheres Great ) Sophie ?

2 bookcase / his bedroom : , Matt

3 sharks / your bathroom ? Sophie ? Matt 4 CD player / her kitchen ? Sophie ? Matt ? 5 magazines / the table : , Sophie _/5

6 Polacz pytania i odpowiedzi

O Is there a computer _b a No, there

Trang 34

Name: Vocabulary Grammar 1 Podpisz obrazki 3 Napisz zdania, uzywajac can lub can't „5 0 ride a bike 1 tennis 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 the guitar 4 _/5 2 Wpisz brakujace litery w nazwach dni tygodnia

i napisz nazwy instrumentéw —/⁄5

4 U1óz pytania z podanych wyrazów 0 swim you Can ?

oMenaay guitar Can you swim?

Trang 35

5 Polacz pytania i odpowiedzi 7 Zakreél whasciwe odpowiedzi 0 Can you cook? b Yes, they can 0 It’s hot today

1 Can he dance? b Yes, I can a_Let’s go to the beach!

2 Can she play the No, he can’t! b I'm sorry, I can't

clarinet? — 1 Let’s play football!

3 Can your dog play No, I can’t a That’s a shame

football? I can speak '

English! b OK!

2 Let’s go to school!

4 Can they play No, she can’t, a It’s a surorisel

tennis? but she can TpHSC

play the b_ No, thank you It’s Sunday today! saxophone % [m tired 5 Can you speak Yes, he can a Let’s go home French? b_Let’s play football —/5 4 I’m bored = a_ Sorry, I can’t Functions 6 Uzupetnij dialog wyrazami z ramki

b_Let’s go to the park 5 Let’s go to the beach

a No, it’s cold today b_ I can’t play the piano

(_ play Fm Let’s ride can’t pity ) Jenny °/'m bored

Matt 1 øo to the park

Jenny OK! Let’s ” football

Trang 36

Progress Test B Vocabulary 1 Podpisz obrazki i _/5 2 Wpisz brakujace litery w nazwach dni tygodnia

i napisz nazwy instrumentéw OMonday —— 1_u_sd a 2We_n_sday Be G2 b Thursday 3Fr_ _ay —/10 Name: Grammar 3 Napisz zdania, uzywajac can lub can’t ¢ 0 She (x) She can't cook N 3 4 5 _/5

4 Utéz pytania z podanych wyrazów

0 you dive Can ?

Can you dive?

1 your sister Can cook ? 2 playtennis he Can ?

3 Can play they thedrums ? 4 abike we Can ride ?

5 Can the saxophone you play ?


Trang 37

5 Polacz pytania i odpowiedzi

0 Can you ride a b a Yes, they can


1 Can he act? b_ Yes, I can

2 Can she play the c No, she can’t!

violin? She can speak


3 Can they play d Yes, she can


4 Can your sister e No, I can’t,

speak English? but I can swim 5 Can you dive? f No, he can’t _/5 Functions 6 Uzupetnij dialog wyrazami z ramki (ø it’s Let's swim What can't)

Sophie ° /t's hot today

Alex Lets ! to the beach

Sophie Yes! Lets ? in the seal

Alex Sorry, I % swim!

Sophie Really? 4 a pity!

Alex 5 play football at the


Sophie OK! Let’s go!


Discover English Starter © Pearson Central Europe wares PHOTOCOPIABLE

7 Zakreél whasciwe odpowiedzi

0 It’s my birthday today a_Let’s sing and dance! b_ Sorry, I can’t 1 I’m hot! a_ Let’s swim in the sea b_Let’s go to school 2 Let’s play tennis on Tuesday a Im hungry too b_ Sorry, I can’t ’'ve got football on Tuesday 3 I’m bored a_ Let’s go to the park b_ It’s a surprise! 4 We're tired a_ Let’s play tennis b_Let’s go home

5 Let’s go to the park

Trang 38

Skills 3 Test A (nit 5 and Unit 6) Name: Listening 1 ) 1.5 Postuchaj nagrania i zakres] whasciwe FT PR QQ kè 2 wyrazy

Listen Circle the correct word Ella is late for football /

Ella’s bag is under / behind the chair Her hat is green / red

Her hat is on the table / chair Ella’s pens are under / in her bag Her bag is blue / orange


) 1.6 Postuchaj nagrania i napisz,; czy zdania sa prawdziwe czy falszywe

Listen and answer True or false?

Sophie can play tennis on Tuesday false Alex has got dance class on Tuesday Sophie’s got music class on Thursday Alex has got football on Thursday

Sophie’s got a football game on Saturday Sophie and Alex can meet on Sunday _/5 Reading 3 Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania F pm OQ DN =

My bedroom is cool! The walls are pink and

the floor is purple There are big pictures on the walls My bed is next to the window There’s a desk and a chair next to my bed I’ve got a photo of my pet dog on the desk There’s a computer on the desk too I’ve got a new CD player in my bedroom It’s on the

Ne ee we Oe

What colour are the walls? pink

What colour is the floor?

What is on the walls?

What is next to the bed?

Where is the computer?

Where is the CD player?


Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz, co umieja W, a czego

nie umieja Ơ robi Max i Milly

Trang 39

Writing Speaking

5 Popatrz na obrazek przedstawiajacy pokéj 6 Uzupelnij tabelke informacjami o sobie Napisz o nim pieé zdaú Odpowiedz na pytania zadane przez

kolege/kolezanke lub nauczyciela Teacher Can you sing? You Yes, | can! You

1 Can you sing?

2 Can you dance?

3 | Can you play the guitar?

4 Can you cook?

Trang 40

Skills 3 Test B (unit 5 and unit 6) Name: Listening 1 ) 1.5 Postuchaj nagrania i zakres] whasciwe WF RP QQ kè 2 wyrazy

Listen Circle the correct word Ella is late for@chool basketball

Ella’s bag is red / green

The bag is under the table / chair Ella’s hat is on / under the table Ella’s pens are blue / black They are in her box / bag


) 1.6 Postuchaj nagrania i napisz,; czy zdania sa prawdziwe czy falszywe

Listen and answer True or false?

Sophie can play tennis on Tuesday false Alex has got English class on Wednesday Sophie’s got football on Thursday

Alex has got basketball on Thursday

Sophie’s got a basketball game on Saturday Sophie can play tennis on Sunday _/5 Reading 3 Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania

My bedroom is cool! The walls are blue and

the floor is yellow There are photos on the

walls My bed is next to the window There’s

a table next to my bed I’ve got a photo of my pet cat on the table There’s a CD player on the table too I’ve got a new light in my bedroom It’s on the bookcase

What colour are the walls? blue

What colour is the floor?

What is on the walls?

What is next to the bed?

Where is the CD player?

What is on the bookcase?


4 Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz, co umieja W, a czego

nie umieja ¥ robi¢ Sid i Sally

Sid and Sally are brother and sister Sid can dance, but he can’t sing Sally can sing but she can’t dance Sid can play tennis but he can’t play basketball Sally can play basketball but she can’t play

football Sid can play the guitar but Sally

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2018, 16:15

