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Richman, N. Stevenson J. E. and Graham P. J. 'Prevalance of Behaviour Problems in Three Year Old Children: An Epidemiological Study in a London Borough', journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, vol. 16, October 1975 | Sách, tạp chí |
Robertson J. and J. 'Young Children in Brief Separation: A Fresh Look', Psychoanalytic Study of Child, vol. 26, 1972.Robertson, Joyce 'Mother-Infant Interaction from Birth to Twelve Months. Two Case Studies', in Detnminants of Infant Behaviour, III, ed. B.Foss (Methuen, London, 1965) | Sách, tạp chí |
Rutter, M. 'Why are London Children so Disturbed?', Proceedings of the RoyaISocietyo/Medicine, vol. 66,1973.Rutter, M. 'A Child's Life', New Scientist,June 27th, 1974.Wedge, P. and Prosser, H. Born to Fail (Arrow Books, London, 1973).Winnicott, D. W. The Family and Individuo.l Development (Tavistock, London, 1965).Chapter 2: Workinlf with Small Group. of Children in Primary School.Barnes, Gill Gorell 'The Potential for Growth: The Parents', NA.M.H.Inter-Clinic Conference, 1973.Boxall, Marjorie 'Multiple Deprivation: An Experiment in Nurture', Occasional Paper Two, Spring 1973, Division of Education and Child Psychology of the B.P.S.Boxall, Marjorie 'The Potential for Growth: The Children', NA.M.H.Inter-Clinic Conference, 1973 | Sách, tạp chí |
Institute of Group Analysis, Mimeographed report circulated to memben of the Institute, 1974.Chapter 5: The Child P.ychotherapi.t in a Day Centre for Younlf Children and Parent.Bentovim, A. and BOlton, M. 'A Day Centre for Disturbed Young Children and their Parents', journal of Child Psychothtrapy, vol. 3, no. 3,1973.Chapter 8: Workinlf in a Ho.pitalBurton, L. (ed.) Care of the Child Facing Death (Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1974).Klein, H. S. 'The Use of Analysis in a Child Psychiatric Clinic',journal 0/Child Psychology and Psychiatry, vol. 1, no. 4, 1961. . Meltzer, D. 'The Differentiation of Somatic Delusions from Hypochondria-sis', InttrnationalJournal o/Psychoanalysis, vol. 45,1964 | Sách, tạp chí |
Rutter, M. and Graham, P. 'Psychiatric Disorder in Ten and Eleven Year Old Children', Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 59,1966.Rutter, M. and Graham, P. 'Epidemiology of Psychiatric Disorder' in Education, Health and Behaviour, ed. Rutter, M., Tizard,J. and Whitmore, K. (Longman, London, 1970).Rutter, M. Maternal Deprivation Reassessed (Penguin Books, Harmonds- worth, 1972) | Khác |