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Tiêu đề Click on 1 culture clips ukraine
Người hướng dẫn Virginio Evons Lorysso Kolinino Inno Somoi, Editor
Trường học Click on 1 Culture Clips Ukraine
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This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems. The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.

Trang 2

Edited ЬyVirginio EvonsLoгysso KolininoInno Somoi|yukevyсh



Trang 3

2o The Story of Kyiv g

2b The Heort of Kуiv ' 9

Unit 3 Ьssoпs of the Post

UniI4 From Еosl to wos'

4o Khorkiv: City of Students

7b Sсhoo|: ltЪ ol| in o Doy,s Work 19

Unit 8 Ukoinion Postime

Unit 9 C'oiщ Ploсes

Unit 10 Boсk & torth

l2o A DollЪ House 28


lr' I

.l il-

Trang 4

Ukrainе strеtсhеs from thе mountains in thе wеst to the stеppеs in

B) in the south

Ukrainе,s longеst с) is the Dnipro lt ranks asЕurope,s third |ongest waterwаy lt divides thе сountry into right-bank аnd lеft-bаnk Ukrаlnе, and flows South to thе Blасk Sеа.Ukrainе has piсturesque sсenery аnd а temperate сontinеnta|с|imаtе lt has сo|d wintеrs with snow аnd wаrm D) Thеtemoеrаturе ranqеs betwееn +25"С аnd -B"С

,ltll tltttr


: :l:.ttlt):



Trang 5

l o} Look ot the mop ond soy whiсh seos

Ьorder Ukroine

Ь) Nоme o гiver, o loke, o mounloin

2 Reod the title ond write three foсts you

expвсt to reod in the text Listen ond


3 Look ot the mop ond find your

Iown/citу/oгeo Soy ils nome in

Ukroinion, ond then in ЕngIish, in the

woy o foreigneг would pronounсe it.

Мotсh the words in boldwith the definitions l-2.

geogrophiсol nomes meпtioned in the

text Reod the text ond сheсk if you

missed ony

6 Lobel the piсtuгes l.5 with the nouns

from the |ist: steppe, mounfoin, seа,

river, foresf Find the poгogrophs in the

text where they ore mentioned

nеveг vеГy hot or сoldproduсes good сropsthе top of the mountain

|ow flat |and thаt is a|ways wet and sоftnatural features of a сountrу

a гiver oг a сanalniсe and intеrestingFind oll the words in the text thot soundthe some or simi|or in the Ukгoiпionlonguoge


o) |n poirs, reod out the geogrophiсoInomes fгom Ex 4 one of you reodsthe nomes in Eng|ish oпd tЁe othersoys whot it is in Ukroinion

There ore o lof of forests in lJkroine.Оok, Ьirсh, pine, Ьeeсh g,o* h,",:".Мost forests ore in the Саrpothionsond Polissio


2 3


фtl,t"n ond write down o|| the

ФI."",.the text ond try to filt in gops A-l.

lhen Iisten ogoin ond сheсk.

Ьl Choose one of the piсtures l-5 onddesсriЬe it to the сloss, fol|owiпg themodel

Ukrainе is mostly a flat plaln with еxtrеmetу

fertile bIасk еаrth soil.

Mount Hovеrlа (2,061 m) in thе

Саrpathians is thе highest Е) ' in thе

сountry Тhere arе many trеe|еss summits whiсh

are саlled polonynas

Ukrainе has 5o/o of thе world,s minеrаl

resourсes Тhеre аrе 80 differеnt typеs, inсludinq

сoаl, iron, ore, titanium, grаnitе and marblе

Ukraine is famous for its F)

with p|аntations of pinе, oak, beесh and birсh

Most forests arе in the Саrpathians аnd Polissiа

Ukrаine hаs morе thаn З,000 lakes ln thеShаtski lаkеs in thе North-West thеrе arе а lot offish: pеrсh, pikе and саrp

Тhе аnrmа| wor|d of thе Сrimеаn

Zonеs Hеre Wе сan find rаrе bjrds аndH) (сarrion еagle, bIaсk grrffon, rеddееr)

Тhе Blасk Sеа rs dееp аnd has а widе rаnge

of animа| ,l,500 lifе However, thеre is no lifе lowеr tnan

m l) ' Тhe deеpest point of thеB|aсk Seа is2,21Оm


Trang 6

Look ot the piсtures Whot notionolity

oгe these people? How do you kпow?

Whot do you know oЬout Ukroinion

people in terms of oppeoronсe,

сhoroсfer, longuoge ond гeligion? Reod

(Tгuet oг F {Folsel Then exploin the

words in Ьold

Ukrainians make up 90% of UkraineЪ


Тhe Ukrainian language be|ongs to

the Еastеrn-Slavoniс language grouP

The ltalian |anguage is moге me|odious

than Ukгainian

Ukrainian women aгe not attraсtive

r l.


o} lnteгview your poгtner ond moke

notes under the heodings Тhen,present him/her to the сloss:

aPPеaranсe language

Ьl Choose one of the people in thepiсtures ond desсгiЬe them to theсloss using the some heodings

Мention whot they weor

шПd уgц

Ukraine has a population of

47 million people lt is theseсond most popuIousсountry of the formerSoviet Union, after Russia

But its population is diminishing due toemigrаtion and |ow birth rаtes

72% of Ukraine,s population are Ukrаinians.other ethniс groups wide|y spreаd in Ukraineare: Russians (22o/o), Be|arussiаns, Polish, Jews,Bu|garians, Hungarians and Тatars (|ess than 1%eасh)

Мore and more people are moving from vi|lаges

to towns and сities Тhere are five сities with аpopulation of more than l million Тhese are: КyiиKharkiv Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk and Odessa.Тhe stаte languаge is Ukrainiаn lt belongs to theЕastern-S|avoniс languаge group Many peop|ebe|ieve that the Ukrainian lаnguage is verymelodious, the seсond most melodious in theworld, аfter ltalian

Ukrainians are very kind аnd hospitable Theywelсome visitors open-heartedly and treаt themwаrm|y and generously

Beсause of a diversity of ethniс groups,Ukrainians do not look аlike and саnnot bestereotyped to one kind of appearanсe However,many think that Ukrainian women are veryаttraсtive

Ukrаinians usually have сlose-knit families ofseveral generations and like to spend time withtheir family, dining, walking, playing and going onholidays together

Trang 7

2 Whot сo|ours is the Ukгoinion fIog?

Whot do they stond for? Reod orlisteп

ond сheсk.

Фt,,'"n ond motсh the dotes to the- symЬo|s Тhen, reod ond сheсk.

| 848

| 863

|Oth сеntury

thе anthemthe emblemthe flag

Reod the text ond motсh the nomes tothe nouns they refer to



Reod the text ond fill in the gops withlhe nouns fгom the Iist:

skу о melody text symbol о fields



l Еv9Y сountry hos its notionol symbo|s

Whot oгe Ukro]ne,s symЬo|s ond whotore they сo|Ied in Eng|ish?

Тhe Nаtiona| F|aE first apрeared in 1848

The flag has two stripes: а blue one above

a yellow one Тhe сolours are symbo|iс

-yellow for wheat in the fields and blue for

the sky above them The flag beсame a

symbo| of the аll-Ukrainian unity.

Тhe Ukraiпiап Anthem is a song сal|ed,,Ukrаine

Наs Not YеtPerished', Its lyriсs were

written by Pavlo Сhubynskyi and it wаs

published in 1863 Тhe sаme year it was

set to musiс by Mykhailo Verbytskyi Тhe

сatсhy melody and patriotiс words made

this song very popular among Ukrainians

Artiсle 20 in the Сonstitution of Ukraine of

'1996 defines it as the state anthem

Тhe Nationаl Еmblem (Coat of Arms) of

Ukraine is a trident lt is the most anсient

and dignified of а|| the Ukrainian symbols.

lts history goes baсk to the first сentury

A.D' The сlassiс shape of the Ukrainian

trident Was found on the сoins of

Volodymyr the Great, who

ruled in the lOth сentury.

Тhen, it was a mark of аuthority, and a symbol of the ethniс groups whiсh made up the Ukrainiаn nation.


Choose one of the Ukroinion symЬolsond desсгiЬe it to youг сlossmotes




Trang 8

When you aPProaсh Kyiv from the |eft bank of theDnipro Riveц you сan see a sma|l toy-like stгuсture _ St.AndгеwЪ Churсh Kyivites bui|t it in the I8th сenturу andnamed it afteг Saint Andrew, the disсipIе of Jesus Christ.Apostle Andrеw сame to this land in the first сentuгуA.D and prediсtеd that a magnifiсеnt сiql wouldaPPеar hеге He Put a сross on the hiI| and later onpeople built a сhurсh on that spot But thе name of theсity is сonneсted with another story.

Onсe upon a time there livеd three brothers - Kуi,Shсhek and Khoriv _ and thеiг sister LуЬid.They sett|еd

on the hills along the Dnipro, founded a town and namеd

it after thе eldest brother.Тwo hills were namеd aftеr theother two brotheгs _ Shсhekovуtso and Khoreцso _ whi|e

a naгrow riveг was named Lуbid after thе sister

Тhe сity appeared moгe than | ,500 years ago ln thе | Ithсentuгy it Ьесame the сapita| of a powerful SlavoniсState _ Kуivon Rus _ and was сa||ed ,,the mother of a|lRussian towns"

G\ кeod the text ond onsweг\э the questions

I Who сame to this land in thefirst сentur;r A.D.?

2 What was Apost|e AndгеwЪprediсtionl


1 Who is shown in the piсture? How ore these people

re|oted to the titIe? Reod or Iisten ond сheсk

e\Li,t"n ond сirсle the сorreсt onswer Then, reod ond*


St.AndrеwЪ Chuгсh is on thе bank of the Dnipro/Lуbid


Kyi was the eldest/youngest Ьrothеr

Lybid was thе mothеr/sistеr of Kуi, Shсhek and Khoriv

ln the l lth сеnturу Kуiv Ьeсame the сapital of Kуivan

With what story is the name

of the сity сonneсtеd?Whу was K;riv сallеd themother of all Russian towns"?ЕxpIoin the words in ЬoId

Trang 9

|{еаfi t

And heге we arе at the heaгt of Kyiц in

swamPу p|aсе wheге Kyivitеs hunted game |t was сriss.сrossеd and the stгеet whiсh appearеd hегe 200 уears ato

gates through whiсh Khan BatyiЪ hordes еnteгеd the сiqr in 1240'a monument to thе legеndarу founders of $iч an undеrgгound

CentraI Post offiсe with a g|obе in fгont of it and thе signs maгking

But the main stгuсturе in the squaгe is a monumеnt to the

Reod the text ond put the londmorks in the list inthe oгdeг they oppeor in the text

Тhe gloЬe in front of the Post OffiсeТhе Consегvatoire

Thе |ndependеnсе of Ukrainе Monument

Khгeshсhatyk StгeetТhe Zhovtnevyi Conсert Ha|ILoЬe| |ondmorks in the piсtures (1-4)with the nomes (A-E) One nome isnot needed

Еxp|oin the woгds in Ьold


In poirs, use the prepositions in fronf of,Ьehind, on the |eft of, on fhe right of toosk ond onswer questions oЬoutlndependenсe Squore

- Where is the globe?

- lf,s in fronf of the Сentrol Post office,


Е 8.


I Reod the title ond soy

where "the heort of Kyiv" is

Look ot the piсtuгes ond soy

lhe nomes of oll the

londmorks thot you

reсognise Reod or Iisten

ond сheсk

i(eоdlng & Listening

фtl,t"n ond deсide whiсh- figures from the list: /.5;

200; 75; | 240 onswer

whiсh questions Then,

гeod ond сheсk

l How wide is Khreshсhatyk?

2 Whеn did Batyi еnter Kyiv?

3 How long is Khгеshсhatyk?

4 How manу yеars ago was

Khгеshсhatyk Ьuiltl


Trang 10



How oId ore the ruins in the piсture? Do

they remind you of ony сountry or сity?

Reod the questions in the text ond try to

onswer them Тhen, reod or Iisten ond

сheсk your onswers

The City of Chersonеsе didnt haveany dеfenсе stгuсtures

Тhe City of Chеrsonese was destroyеd

6\Li,t"n to the inleгview ond mork the

sentenсes I (Тrue) or F (Folse) Then, in

poirs, reod ond сorreсl the folse


You сan find the ChersoneseTauriсa

ruins in the Cгimea

Тhe City of Chегsonesе Tauriсa was

founded more than 24 сenturies ago

Agora, Aсropo|is, tempIe' What do these words meаn? |t,s Greеk to me! |t reaI|y

is, bесаuse a|l thesе words deа| with the сity states whiсh wеrе founded by the

Grеeks Тhеir ruins are stiiI found on the territories of Ukraine Тhe Сhеrsonese

ruins are one еxampIe

Wherв йn уъu fiпd thе Сhеrsоnж ruins?

They arе Ioсated in thе western part of Sebаstopo|, on thе Hеrас|ian PeninsuIa

What vrг*s tumed intо иЁrat is nоw сallrd thе Сhersо*esе ruins?

The Сity of Сhеrsonеsе Тauriсa wаs founded in 5 B.С It was а сity stаte with demoсratiсse|f-government and Wаs an impoгtant poIitiсaland сultural сеntre of the B|aсk Sеa Region

What did thr {i* оf {hеrsспеs* Таu*са сonsist *fl

Therе were morе than З0 streets and a large number of gardens in the сity Тhе сityсentre сontalnеd an aсropoIis and an agora, а theatrе and a templе lt aIso had а

mighty defenсe system: 24 towers, еaсh ,l0-15m high

lrl/trо ruined thr Сitу оf Сheнeng* Таuгiсa ?

|n 1299 it was сaptured аnd destroyed by the Tatar

Trang 11

Yaroslav thе Wisе _Grand Prinсе of Kyiv _was born in Kyiv in 978.

Hе was a son of GrandPrinсe Volodymyr, whoсonvеrted Kyivan Rus to Christianity

After his fathеr's dеath, Yaroslav wagеd

war against his brother Svyatopolk I and

gained thе Kyiv thronе Undеr the rulе of

Yarоslav the Wisе, Kyivan Rus, with Kyiv

as its сapital' grеw more powerful than

еver Trade with thе Еast and the West

playеd an important role in Kyivan Rus in

thе 1lth сеntury Yaroslav rstablishеd

diplomatiс relations with Еuropеan

сountries His daughters Еlizabеth, Anna

and Anastasia Wеre married to thе kings of

Norway, Franсe and Hungary Yaroslav

himsеlf was marriеd to the daushter of thе

King оf Sweden

Yаroslav thе Wise defendеd his statе

from thе attaсks of nomadiс tribes Hе

dеfeated the Pесhenegs, who had attaсkеd

Kyiv for 120 yеars To honour this viсtory

hе laid the foundatiоns of St Sophia's

Cathеdral, thе main сhurсh of Kyivan Rus

Yaroslav the Wise valuеd wisdom,

knowlеdge and books most of all He

foundеd a primary sсhool and a library

Thеrе wеre morе than 1,000 books in it

He also Wrotе a book of laws сallеd

Yaroslav's Justiсe No wondеr he was

саlled Yaroslav thе Wisе

Hе diеd in 1054 in Kyiv and was buried

in St Sophia's Cathedral in a sarсophagus

madе of white marble In fюnt of thе

Cathеdral, there is a marblе stonе with his

portrait on it to сommеmoratе thе first

librarv of Kvivan Rus



l Look ot the piсtures ond soy how they oгereIoted Who is the mon in the piсture? Whot ishis role in the history of Kyivon Rus?

n l o r.

кeoо|ng e LlsrеnIng


C\Li't"n to the tope ond moгk the sentenсes I (Truel

or F {Folse) Then, in poirs, reod ond сorгeсt thefolse stotemenls

a Yaroslav the Wise was a brothеr ofGrand Prinсe Vo|odymyr

b Under the rule of Yaros|av the Wisе

Kyivan Rus grew less powerful thanever

с Prinсе YarosIav was married to thеdaughtеr of the King of Noгway

d Yaros|avЪ daughters wеre married toforeign kings

3 Reod the text ogoin ond сhoose the сorreсtonswer A, B or С

l playеd an importаnt role in Kyivan Rus in thе

l lth сentury

2 Yaros|av the Wise dеfeated the , who had attасkedKуiv for |20 years

Trang 12

Kharkiv is the seсond |argest сity in Ukгaine

peгiod l9 |8- |934 lt is situated in the

Drotесt southern Russian bordeгs from thе Crimеan

Tatars and named it Kharkiv afteг the river flowing

thгough it Thе wooden fort had ten toweгs and was

sсhoo|) was foundеd whеre thе famous Ukrainian poet

N Kaгazin who worked hard to raise monеy foг this


Тhе eduсation and researсh potеntia| of the сity is

еxpеrtise arе trained in Khaгkiv state instituсions

Univеrsity, Khaгkiv State Law Aсadеmy,


Фк"od the titlв ond write three questions* ,ou would like to osk oЬout Klrorkiv.Reod or listen ond see if the textonswers your queslions

2 3

6\к"od or Iislen to the text ond fil| in the* сorreсt words or numЬers


Its population is million


Khaгkiv University was in I805.Reod the lext ond motсh Porogrophsl-5 to heodings A-E

Еxpert knowlеdgeGeographyFiгst steps in eduсational dеvelopmentHistoгу

A big brеak in higheг eduсationExp|oin the words in ЬoId


Trang 13

l-l }Look ot the stotue ond soy whlсh

onimol it is How is this onimol гeloted

to the сity of Lviv? Reod or listen ond


Ч\Li't"n to the guide tel|ing touгists obout

Lviv ond motсh fhe two сo|umns Then

reod ond сheсk

fountain a сup of сoffее

Venetian House Тoweг

|talian сouгtyard winged |ion

3 Reod the fext ogoin ond nome three

Ьuildings the guide mentions Whiсh of

them is nol shown in the piсtures?

4 Reod ogoin ond сross out the words

thot do not oppeor in the text

A statuеs _ Ьas-rеliefs _ monuments _ arсhеs

B faсadе _ еntranсе - сoгner - гoof

с sуmЬol - logo - emb|em _ сoat of arms

5 Exp|oin the words in Ьold


ln poiгs, сhoose one of the two

Ьui|dings in the piсtures ond desсriЬe it

to youг poгtner

Sightsееing iП Lviv

Wе аre approaсhing аn oldmаrketp|aсe, сa||ed Ploshсha Rуnok, one of the mаinLviv attraсtions Тhe сentraI struсture in the square isthe Town HaI| with а tower and four fountaIns atthe сorners, deсorated with the statuеs of Nepтune,Diana, Adonis and Amphitrita

Now IetЪ have а look at some of the buildingssurrounding the squarе Еaсh of them has its ownhistory аnd а proper name, as in medievаt towns,houses hаd no numbers Тhese 44 buiIdings сreatеthe unique atmosphere of the square

Look аt building numbеr 14 Сan you guess what

it is са|led? Corrесt, it is са|Ied Venetian House,beсause in the 17th сentury it be|onged to theСonsu| of Veniсe You саn see a winged lion with аnopen book - the emb|em of Veniсe Look around andyou wil| sеe many |ions in the square |t is the svmbo|

of our сity, whiсh was foundеd by Prinсe oanytoHalytsky and named after his son Leo

We аre in front of building number 4, сal|edBlaсk Stone House, |t got its name in the 19thсentury when the stone faсade went dаrk beсаuse

of age You саn see the ownerЪ сoat of arms abovethe entranсe аnd white bаs-reliefs standing outаgаinst the b|асk baсkground

Nearby you сan see a house famous for its lta|ianсourtyard Please, go inside for а сup of сoffee llsten

to musiс аnd enjoy thе renaissanсe fee| of thе opengaIleries аnd the beаutifuI arсhes!


Trang 14

trlllr" Viсtory Day is a saсrеd holiday for еvery Ukrainian сitizеn It is сelеbratеd

on 9th May as thе day of viсtory ovеr fasсist Gеrmany in thе Grеat PatriotiсWar, knоwn to thе rеst of the world as World War II

The war lasted for four yеars During that diffiсult timе' womеn andсhildrеn worked at thе faсtoriеs and fiеlds while men lеft for the front Thеwar brought many tragеdies to Ukrainе A]mоst evеry family lost some ofthеir loved onеs Thrеe million Ukrainians perishеd in thе battlеs dеfеndingthеir Mothетland Fivе million morе people diеd in the Nazioссupiеd territories Many Ukrainians wеrе sеnt to thе соnсеntration сamps

There are a lot of eternal flamеs and monumеnts to thе hеroеs of theGrеat Patriotiс War evеrywhеre in Ukrainе The most remarkablе of themarе the Sеbastopol panoгama building, Babyn Yar and thе Park of Glory in Kyiv Еvеry yеar

on 9th May, vetеrans who fought in the war takе part in a paradе Peoplе givе thеm flowers,

go to thе monumеnts and stand for a minutr's silеnсе to pay tributе to thosе who diеd in this

war Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten

ry Day


l look ot the piсture of o monument

Who is it for?

2 Look ot the postсord Whot is it foг?

Who is it for? Whot do the dotes



one word is not needed Тhenexp|oin the words in ЬoId

A holiday is too important

to forget

ln Gегmanу thegoYernment was extreme|у powerfuI andсontгolIed peopIeЪ livеs

A lot of pеoplе in thebattles

Тhousands of ;roung men were sent to the

to fight

This Ьuilding shows onе

of the episodes ofWorldWar ll

1J r'*

@\ti't"n to the tope ond motсh the pieсes

- of informotion Then reod ond сheсk

a foг 4 уeaгs

b |ost rеlatives in the war

с perishеd in the Ьatt|es

d died in thе oссupied territoriеs





Trang 15

Неrо Сitiеs

-l) is o seoport on the 2) It is

o populor resort with sonotэrio ond ho|idoy сomps The сity sutгedgreot|y in Wor|d Woг l| Loter odessq wos owoгded the stotus of ,,hero сity,, forthe heroism ond сouгoge disp|oyed Ьy the сitizens, who defendеd it from the Nozis for Z3doys, olong with the Red Army hoops ond port of the B|oсk Seo f|eet

3l ' is o hero сity ond o lorge seoport, too' |ts сitizens o|so monifestedgreot heroism, ,,Assou|ting defending the p|oсe from thе Nozi troops Noщ tourists сon visit o dioromo

Sopun Hil|,,, whiсh provides o |ot of evideпсe of this SeЬostopo| withstood theNozis, ottoсks for 250 doys

Fгom l941 to 1943 4| ., the сopito| of 5l ' ' ' '., Wosoссupied Ьy the Nozis qnd wos Ьodly domoged Six thousond Ьui|dings ond monymonuments were destгoyed 6} ' the moin street of Kyiч wos in гuins ButKyiv did not give in From the vеry first doys of the oссupotion, the peop|e of Kyiv defendedtheir сity The Dynomo Kyiv footbo|| teom p|oyed o ,,motсh of deoth,, ogoinst Nozi soldiersond won it ot fie сost of their |ives To mork the heroism of the peop|e of the сity, Kyiv woso|so honoured with the tit|e of hero сity Soon ofter the wor, the сity wos гestored to itsprevious beouty ond the street of Khreshсhotyk wos Ьuilt onew

4 , the сity on the shores of Kerсhensko Shoit in the eostern oort of the

8l wos oссupied ЬyGeгmon invodeгs fгom Мoy 1942 to Аpri|

1944 on the top of the Мitridot Hi|| there

is o monumеnt to the perished worгiors ofthe SpeсioI Prymorsk Aгmy ond theseomen of the B|oсk Seo Novy ond AzovЬott|e fleet' SeЬostopo| ond Kerсh ore thetwo hero сities on the Crimeon рninsu|o.




look ot piсluгes A.D ond |oЬe] them

with the English nomes of the сities, os

shown in exomple D

@\wьo' do these сities hove in сommon?

- Reod or listen ond сheсk.

n l, о t.

.(rссlng & LIsrrnIng

Ф.'''"n to the tope ond fil| in gops l-8

with proper nomes Then гeod ond

сheсk your spelliпg.

Reod the text ond write out oll thewords lhot oгe the some oг similor iпUkгoinion Then expIoin the words inЬold

Reod the text ond write out oll thewords reloted to woг thot oppeor in thetext Then, in poiгs, сomPoгe the Iists


Choose one of the four hero сities oryouг own ci|у/|own/oreo ond tel| theсIoss oЬout it, mentioning how it isreloted to the wor period


Trang 16

In smoll groups or othome сreole o posterdevoted to

Independenсe Doy

Present it to the с|oss


Ukrainе has many ho|idays honouting impoгtant еvеnts in its history And, of сourse, one 0f the

greatest ho|idays is Indepеndenсe Day It is сelebratеd on 24th August The Aсt of Indеpendenсе of

Ukraine was proсIaimed on this day in 1991, and a new сountry appeаred on thе map of thе wor|d.

0n this day, Ukrainians се|ebrate the birthdаy of Ukraine as a sovereign сountry There is a miIitary

parade with orсhestras and nationa| b|ue-and-ye||ow f|ags in Kyiv, the саpita| of Ukrainе Many peop|e

in different сitiеs, towns and vi||ages takе paft in mаrсhes and various festivitiеs As part of thе

сrrеmony, peop|е bring flowers to thе monumеnts honouring Taras Shevсhеnko, the greatest nationa|

poet and painter, and aIso a patriot of this сountry Еvеrybody is we|сome to attend or join in thе musiс

festiva|s and сonсeгts hеId on this day'

ln the evening, the Ukrаinian sky bIazes with thе beauty of massive firеworks

disp|аys' |ndеpendеnсе Day is the ho|iday whiсh unitеs a|| Ukrainians.

фtook ot the piсlures ond soy whiсh holidoy they

- ore гe|oted to How? Reod or Iisten ond сheсk

ФLi,t"n to the lope ond moгk senlenсes \s l-4 I (True) or F


lndеpеndenсe Day is сeIebrated on 4th JuIу

Thе Ukгainian national f|ag is b|ue-and.yelIow

Ъras Shеvсhеnko was a сomPoser and musiсian

Еveгуbody сan takе part in the musiс fеstivals

Reod the text ond onsweг questions l-4 Then exploin the

words in Ьold

l Why is lndepеndenсe Day се|ebrated on 24th August?

2 How do Ukгainian peopIe сeIebratе this holiday?

3 What are the symЬo|s of the holiday?

4 Who was the greatеst nationaI poеt and Patгiot of Ukгainеl

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2018, 08:40

