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The bar beverage book 5th

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This page intentionally left blank FIFTH EDITION THE BAR & BEVERAGE BOOK Costas Katsigris Chris Thomas John Wiley & Sons, Inc ffirs.indd i 15/11/10 11:42 PM This book is printed on acid-free paper Copyright © 2012, 2007, 2003 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400, fax 978-646-8600, or on the web at www.copyright.com Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions 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Thomas — 5th ed p cm Includes index Summary: “The Bar and Beverage Book explains how to manage the beverage option of a restaurant, bar, hotel, country club—any place that serves beverages to customers It provides readers with the history of the beverage industry and appreciation of wine, beer, and spirits; information on equipping, staffing, managing, and marketing a bar; and the purchase and mixology of beverages New topics in this edition include changes to regulations regarding the service of alcohol, updated sanitation guidelines, updates to labor laws and the employment of staff, and how to make your operation more profitable New trends in spirits, wine, and beer are also covered”— Provided by publisher ISBN 978-0-470-24845-4 (acid-free paper) Bartending I Thomas, Chris, 1956- II Title TX950.7.K37 2012 641.8'74—dc22 2010030441 Printed in the United States of America 10 ffirs.indd ii 15/11/10 11:42 PM CONTENTS PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vii xiii CHAPTER THE BEVERAGE INDUSTRY, YESTERDAY AND TODAY THE EARLIEST WINES • WINE AND RELIGION • A BRIEF HISTORY OF BEER • DISTILLED SPIRITS IN BRIEF • ALCOHOL AND HEALTH IN HISTORY • THE TAVERN: PLEASURES AND POLITICS 10 • PROHIBITION AND ITS EFFECTS 11 • TODAY’S BEVERAGESERVICE INDUSTRY 16 • SUMMING UP 25 • POINTS TO PONDER 26 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 27 • A CONVERSATION WITH BRET STANLEY 28 CHAPTER RESPONSIBLE ALCOHOL SERVICE 31 ALCOHOL AND HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY 32 • ALCOHOL AND HUMAN HEALTH 35 • ALCOHOL AND NUTRITION 41 • ALCOHOLISM AND OTHER DRINKING PROBLEMS 43 • LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS 46 • SOLUTIONS FROM A CONCERNED INDUSTRY 55 • MAKING A PLAN 60 • CRISIS MANAGEMENT 66 • SUMMING UP 67 • POINTS TO PONDER 68 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 68 • A CONVERSATION WITH CHRIS HOOVER 70 CHAPTER CREATING AND MAINTAINING A BAR BUSINESS 73 TARGETING YOUR CLIENTELE 75 • SELLING HIGH-END SPIRITS 80 • LOCATION AND MARKET FEASIBILITY 85 • ATMOSPHERE AND DÉCOR 88 • DÉCOR REQUIREMENTS 93 • LAYOUT AND DESIGN 94 • THE BAR: SIZE, SHAPE, PLACEMENT 103 • WORKING WITH A DESIGNER OR CONSULTANT 114 • SUMMING UP 117 • POINTS TO PONDER 118 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 119 • A CONVERSATION WITH TOM TELLEZ 120 ftoc.indd iii 15/11/10 11:45 PM iv CONTENTS CHAPTER BAR EQUIPMENT 123 UNDERBAR AND BACKBAR EQUIPMENT 124 • REFRIGERATION NEEDS 136 • BAR TOOLS AND SMALL EQUIPMENT 144 • GLASSWARE 156 • POINT-OF-SALE TERMINALS 164 • GENERAL EQUIPMENT GUIDELINES 167 • SUMMING UP 168 • POINTS TO PONDER 169 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 169 CHAPTER THE BEVERAGES: SPIRITS 171 TYPES OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 172 • SELECTING SPIRITS FOR THE BAR 177 • HOW SPIRITS ARE MADE 179 • BROWN GOODS: WHISKEY AND SCOTCH 183 • WHITE GOODS: VODKA, GIN, RUM, AND TEQUILA 194 • AFTER-DINNER DRINKS 207 • LIQUEURS, CORDIALS, AND MORE 215 • SUMMING UP 224 • POINTS TO PONDER 225 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 225 • A CONVERSATION WITH SHARON GOLDMAN 226 CHAPTER WINE APPRECIATION 229 WINE IN THE UNITED STATES: A BRIEF HISTORY 230 • TYPES OF WINE 231 • THE GRAPES 235 • HOW WINES ARE MADE 240 • HOW WINES ARE NAMED 248 • A WHIRLWIND WORLD WINE TOUR 251 • SUMMING UP 271 • POINTS TO PONDER 272 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 272 CHAPTER WINE SALES AND SERVICE 275 TASTING WINES 276 • CREATING A WINE LIST 279 • THE ROLE OF THE SERVER 289 • SERVING WINES 291 • WINE STORAGE 302 • WINE LIST FOLLOW-UP 303 • SUMMING UP 304 • POINTS TO PONDER 305 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 305 • A CONVERSATION WITH KEVIN SETTLES 306 CHAPTER BEER 309 A BRIEF HISTORY OF BEER 310 • BEER-MAKING BASICS 318 • TYPES OF BEER 326 • SELLING BEER 337 • STORING BEER 343 • SERVING BEER 350 • SUMMING UP 354 • POINTS TO PONDER 355 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 356 ftoc.indd iv 15/11/10 11:45 PM CONTENTS v CHAPTER SANITATION AND BAR SETUP 357 SANITATION 358 • LIQUOR SUPPLIES 363 • MIXES 365 • GARNISHES AND CONDIMENTS 376 • SERVICE ACCESSORIES 384 • OPENING THE “BANK” 385 • BEHINDTHE-BAR BEHAVIOR 387 • CLOSING THE BAR 390 • SUMMING UP 394 • POINTS TO PONDER 395 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 395 • A CONVERSATION WITH DALE DEGROFF 396 CHAPTER 10 MIXOLOGY, PART ONE 399 A BRIEF HISTORY OF MIXOLOGY 400 • ABOUT MIXED DRINKS 401 • DRINK FAMILIES 407 • COFFEE DRINKS AND HOT LIBATIONS 428 • SUMMING UP 431 • POINTS TO PONDER 432 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 432 CHAPTER 11 MIXOLOGY, PART TWO 433 THE MARTINI-MANHATTAN FAMILY 434 • SOURS AND SWEET-AND-SOUR COCKTAILS 439 • SHOOTERS AND SHOTS 448 • TROPICAL DRINKS 450 • CREAM DRINKS 451 • OTHER DAIRY DRINKS 452 • BLENDED AND FROZEN DRINKS 455 • ALCOHOL-FREE ALTERNATIVES 458 • FILLING DRINK ORDERS 459 • DEVELOPING DRINK MENUS AND SPECIALTY DRINKS 460 • SUMMING UP 466 • POINTS TO PONDER 466 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 467 • A CONVERSATION WITH GEORGE KIDDER 468 CHAPTER 12 EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT 471 STAFF POSITIONS 471 • HIRING AND SCHEDULING 482 • TRAINING THE STAFF 491 • LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAWS 502 • COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS 507 • PAYROLL TAXES, BENEFITS, AND PERQUISITES 516 • SUMMING UP 519 • POINTS TO PONDER 520 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 520 CHAPTER 13 PURCHASING, RECEIVING, STORAGE, AND INVENTORY 521 PURCHASING IS PLANNING 523 • PLACING THE LIQUOR ORDER 539 • RECEIVING THE LIQUOR ORDER 541 • STORAGE 543 • ISSUING LIQUOR 546 • INVENTORY 548 • PURCHASING BAR SUPPLIES 556 • SUMMING UP 557 • POINTS TO PONDER 558 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 558 • A CONVERSATION WITH GEORGE MAJDALANI 560 ftoc.indd v 15/11/10 11:45 PM vi CONTENTS CHAPTER 14 PLANNING FOR PROFIT MANAGING THE NUMBERS 564 • PRICING FOR PROFIT 586 BEVERAGE CONTROLS 604 • BAR 612 • SUMMING UP 563 • A PRE-OPENING BUDGET 565 • THE CONTROL PHASE 577 • ESTABLISHING PRODUCT CONTROLS 600 • ESTABLISHING ESTABLISHING CASH CONTROLS 609 TECHNOLOGY AT THE 616 • POINTS TO PONDER 617 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 617 CHAPTER 15 MANAGING YOUR BAR BUSINESS 619 CREATING A BUSINESS PLAN 620 • MARKETING A BAR BUSINESS 625 • MARKETING TOOLS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS 634 • PRICING AS A PROMOTIONAL TOOL 642 • PROTECTING AND EXPANDING YOUR CONCEPT 643 • SUMMING UP 645 • POINTS TO PONDER 646 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 647 • A CONVERSATION WITH JULIE HANSEN 648 CHAPTER 16 REGULATIONS 651 REGULATIONS: AN OVERVIEW 652 • GETTING READY TO OPEN 655 • WHAT, WHEN, AND TO WHOM YOU MAY SELL 659 • CHECKING IDENTIFICATION 663 • REGULATIONS THAT AFFECT PURCHASING 664 • REGULATIONS THAT AFFECT OPERATIONS 666 • SUMMING UP 678 • POINTS TO PONDER 679 • TERMS OF THE TRADE 680 ftoc.indd vi GLOSSARY 681 INDEX 711 15/11/10 11:45 PM PREFACE This is the Fifth Edition of The Bar and Beverage Book—and it seems the industry gets more complex and interesting with every revision No matter how dismal the economic forecast, people remain willing to risk it all to start their own bar and restaurant businesses No matter how many brands the multinational corporations swallow up, there are plucky craft distillers, microbrewers and boutique winemakers all over the world, determined to enter the market with new and exciting products The changes and personalities are impossible to keep up with in textbook form, but what we attempt to is provide the basics—and entice you to continue to follow the industry news on your own To the Student There are many jobs other than bartending in the beverage industry, and we have tried to introduce them to you, particularly in the question-and-answer segments found between some chapters Our goal is that, when your college studies are done, you won’t be able to part with The Bar and Beverage Book —you’ll need it in your “real world” job! To the Instructor The Bar and Beverage Book presents a comprehensive treatment of a topic that is ever-changing We’ve tried to organize the material in logical, sequential teaching units; there is also an Instructor’s Manual (ISBN 978-0-470-65040-0) to help you create both in-class activities and enrichment assignments beyond the classroom walls The Instructor’s Manual, as well as an electronic test bank in Respondus and complete set of PowerPoint slides, is available to qualified instructors on the Wiley website at www.wiley.com/college/katsigris To the Prospective (or Current) Bar Owner Use this book as a springboard for testing your own ideas, freshening a current site or concept that’s not working as well as you know it could, and creating a solid, moneymaking, crowd-pleasing business fpref.indd vii 15/11/10 10:15 PM viii PREFACE Chapter Organization With the goal of effectively aiding the teaching and bar and beverage management, we have created a 16-chapter book to cover all the key areas of successful bar management The chapters are organized as follows: Chapter 1, The Beverage Industry, Yesterday and Today: After a brief history of alcohol and its uses in celebrations, religion, medicine, and everyday life, we have updated bar trends, from airport bars to hookah bars to hotel minibars Who’s drinking what, and how much? You’ll find out in Chapter Chapter 2, Responsible Alcohol Service: This chapter includes highlights from a growing body of research about the health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption Red wines and dark beers, for instance, can benefit heart health However, science also offers new findings about the dangers of alcohol, particularly to adolescents, and the problem of binge drinking among young people For those who own and work in bars, alcohol abuse is a legal issue as well as a health concern In Chapter 2, the dramshop, third-party liability, and drunken driving laws are discussed, with updated information about how the industry is working to promote responsible service Chapter 3, Creating and Maintaining a Bar Business, and Chapter 4, Bar Equipment: These chapters encompass the many details of how to plan and organize a new bar business There is new demographic information about potential customer segments, and Chapter is peppered with examples of successful bars around the United States Chapter describes the tools necessary for today’s top trend—drinks made strictly from scratch—which requires extraknowledge about ingredient preparation Chapter 5, The Beverages: Spirits: People appreciate any product more when they understand how much effort went into developing it, and spirits are no exception Most have fascinating histories, which are shared in this chapter We’ve added more information on the marketing powerhouses behind some of the major liquor brands, and details about such trendy products as cachaỗa, light whiskey, and absinthe Chapter 6, Wine Appreciation: Our winemaking discussion in this chapter features the recent emergence of China as a major wine importing and wine-producing nation Asian sake and shochu also are part of this chapter, although they are created by methods more similar to brewing and distilling We have included descriptions of more types of grapes used in winemaking, and updated the American Viticultural Areas (AVAs) to reflect those most recently designated Chapter 7, Wine Sales and Service: Here, we take the next step and open a few bottles! You will learn how to open, taste, decant, and store both still and sparkling wines This is also the place to discover how to create a wine list and by-the-glass program, and how to price wines for profitability Chapter 8, Beer: Most breweries are small businesses and in Chapter 8, we explain the size classifications of breweries and what that means in a very fpref.indd viii 15/11/10 10:15 PM 708 GLOSSARY vini da tavola A Italian table wine produced outside the government’s D.O.C quality standards, although not necessarily of lesser quality vintage A term on a wine label indicating the year that the grapes were crushed and the winemaking process began for that bottle vintage-dated A wine that has its year printed on the label, indicating all the grapes used to make it were harvested in that year vitus vinifera The ancient, original grape species from which almost all of today’s wine grapes are descended vodka Neutral spirit treated to remove distinctive character, aroma, and taste VS On a Cognac label, stands for Very Superior, aged at least one and a half years VSOP On a Cognac label, stands for Very Superior Old Pale, aged at least four and a half years W-2 form A summary of an employee’s wages, taxes and deductions, given to the employee at year’s end and used to prepare their income taxes The employer also reports this information to the Internal Revenue Service waiter’s corkscrew A combination worm (the screw itself), small knife, and lever for extracting a cork from a wine bottle at tableside The corkscrew folds up, much like a pocketknife Also called a waiter’s friend wedger A hand-operated device that speeds up the process of cutting fruits into uniform chunks for garnishing Also called a wedging machine weighted average A method of determining the potential sales value of a bottle of liquor Weinbrand A generic name for German-made brandy well The supply of most-used liquors at a pouring station The area of the underbar in which these liquors are stored together; also called the bottle well well brand The brand of liquor poured when a customer does not specify a brand wet area An area (e.g., county or voting precinct) in which the sale of alcoholic beverages is legal wheat beer A top-fermented beer made with both wheat malt and barley malt; light in color, with a slightly fruity flavor and aroma wheat malt A beer made with malt that consists of half barley and half wheat wheel A round slice of lemon, lime, or orange used as a garnish whiskey A spirit distilled from grain Also spelled: whisky white goods An industry nickname for the colorless spirits such as vodka, gin, rum, and tequila White Zinfandel A wine of pink or peach color made by crushing Zinfandel grapes but separating the juice from the grape skins early so that it does not take on the dark color of the red grape wholesaler’s basic permit A federal permit that allows a liquor or wine wholesaler to sell to retailers widget A marble-sized pellet of carbon dioxide placed in some bottled or canned beers The pellet bursts when the beer is opened, creating foam wild fermented A beer-making or winemaking process in which the liquid ferments by using natural yeasts found in the air rather than by the addition of yeast bgloss.indd 708 16/11/10 3:12 AM GLOSSARY 709 wine Fermented juices of grapes and occasionally of other fruits wine bar A bar with a theme of wine appreciation and featuring a wine list that encourages sampling and learning about different types of wines wine basket A wicker basket used for carrying a bottle of wine horizontally from cellar to table to avoid agitation wine cabinet A storage unit for wines in which partially full bottles are filled with inert gas to keep the remaining wine fresh A popular brand name is Cruvinet wine chiller A bucket or container into which ice and water are placed to surround a wine bottle and chill it quickly wine gallon In the United States 128 fluid ounces of alcoholic beverage of unspecified alcoholic content wine flight Several types of wine served simultaneously in small portions, to allow the taster to sample and compare them wine spritzer A drink made by combining wine and sparkling water over ice wine steward A person who handles customers’ wine orders and service Also called a sommelier wing corkscrew A rather bulky style of corkscrew with handles, known as ‘‘wings,’’ that rise as the screw or worm is twisted into the cork; the cork is extracted when the wings are pushed downward wood management A distiller or winemaker’s system of using wooden casks or barrels to store, age, and blend liquids Variables include the type and age of the wood, what was previously stored in the barrels, and whether they are charred or uncharred word of mouth Publicity generated by customer recommendations of for example a place of business workweek The fixed and regularly recurring period of 168 hours; seven consecutive 24hour periods worm In a still a coil in which the hot alcoholic vapors are cooled and condensed The spiral part of a corkscrew Also called the screw or augur wort In beer-and whiskey-making the liquid in which starches have been converted to sugar yeast The ingredient responsible for fermentation in making alcoholic beverages by breaking down sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide Zero Tolerance The catchphrase for a strict no-drinking or no-drinking-and-driving policy zest The thin outer skin of a lemon or orange containing flavorful oils zester A tool that cuts a narrow strip of zest Also called a router Zinfandel (ZIN-fun-DELL) An adaptable red grape that is used to make light, fruity White Zinfandel wines and the dark, full-flavored regular Zinfandels Grown primarily in California bgloss.indd 709 16/11/10 3:12 AM This page intentionally left blank INDEX A Absinthe, 217, 218 Absolut, 197, 198 Accountants, 586 Accounting errors, 581 Acidity, 277, 278, 282, 319 ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), 103, 502–504 Advertising, 316, 677–678 After-dinner drinks, 207–215, 591 Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 504 Aggravation, 453 Aging, of alcohol, 39–40, 185, 202, 203, 245–246 Agua fresca, 369 Air conditioning, 102 Airline beverage service, 24–25 Airport bars, 18, 95, 96 Alberto, 425 Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), 205, 327, 330, 655, 672 Alcohol content, 175–177, 318–319 Alcoholic beverages, 9–10, 16–17, 172–177 See also specific headings Alcoholism, 39, 42–46 Alcohol tolerance, 58 Ale, 5, 158, 160, 317, 323, 332–336, 338 Ale/lager hybrids, 336 Amaretto, 221 Amber rum, 202 American brandies, 208–209 American Viticulture Area (AVA), 260, 261 American wine, 260–264 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 103, 502–504 Amer Picon, 223 Amontillado, 260 Anejo tequila, 206 Angel’s Kiss, 426 Angostura, 223 Anheuser-Busch Company, 6, 7, 55, 96, 314, 330, 546, 663 bindex.indd 711 Anheuser-Busch InBev, 314, 316, 317, 321, 324 Anisette, 221 Anton Airfood, 18 Apertifs, 215 Apple brandy (applejack), 209, 214 Appletini, 438–439 Apricot brandies, 214 Aquavit, 198 Argentinean wine, 264 Armagnac, 211–212 Arrack rum, 204 Assault and battery insurance, 662 Assorted discount, 538 Atmosphere, 88–89, 91–93, 629–632 Auditors, 676 Australian wine, 267–268 Auto insurance, 662 Automated pouring systems, 130–131, 601–602 AVA (American Viticulture Area), 260, 261 B B-52 (cocktail), 449 Baby Boomer customers, 78 BAC, see Blood alcohol content Bacardi, 201 Backbar, 107–108 Backbar equipment, 124–127, 141 See also specific equipment Bacterial hazards, 359–363 Balance sheets, 564 Bank, opening the, 385–387 Bank-count slips, 385, 394 Bar(s) See also specific headings atmosphere in, 88–89, 91–93 beverage-only, 18–19 clientele of, 75–80, 86 closing, 390–394 and competition, 86–87 décor in, 93–94 design of, 95–97 16/11/10 2:21 AM 712 INDEX Bar(s) (continued) with entertainment, 19–20 with food service, 20–22 layout of, 97–103 location of, 85, 87–88 purchasing supplies for, 556–557 selection and placement of bar, 103–114 selling high-end spirits, 80–85 and smoking, 22–23 working with designers/consultants, 114–116 Barback, 475 Bar Code, 66 Bar-code scanners, 550 Bar mixes, see Mixes (mixers) Barspoons, 147, 148 Barstools, 101, 107 Bar strainers, 147, 148 Bartenders, 84, 387–391, 472–475, 494–496, 610 BATF, see U.S Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Bathtub gin, 199–200 Batidas cocktails, 204 BDA (budget deviation analysis), 578, 579 Beefeater’s Gin, 79 Beer(s), 309–354 See also Ale; Lager alcohol content of, 175, 318–319 ale/lager hybrids, 336 beer-making process, 322–323 craft, 309, 311–313 domestic beer market trends, 315–317 draft-, 140–144 fermenting of, 172 and food service, 21 and Generation X and Y customers, 79 and health, 36 history of, 5–7, 310–311 importing and exporting of, 317 from macrobreweries, 313–315 mixing, 341–343 nonalcoholic, 336–337 on-premise promotions for, 338–341 packaging of, 323–325 pasteurization of, 325–326 popularity of, 17 pour-cost analysis, 599 private-label, 341 raw ingredients in, 319–322 sampler packs of, xi selling, 337–343 serving, 350–354 storage of, 143–144, 343–350, 546 Beer boxes, 140, 141 Beer lists, 337–338 Beer sommelier, 479 Benedictine, 221 bindex.indd 712 Beverage controls, 604–609 Beverage-cost method, 588 Beverage directors, 480 Beverage industry, airline beverage service, 24–25 bars with entertainment, 19–20 bars with food service, 20–22 beverage-only bars, 18–19 hotel beverage operations, 23–24 and smoking, 22–23 taverns, 10–12 types of sales in, 16–17 Beverage laws, 497–499 Beverage-only bars, 18–19 Beverage stewards, 480 Bin cards, 546 Binge drinking, 44–45 Biodynamic wine, 263 Bitters, 223–224, 382 Black malt, 320 Black Russian, 421 Blended American whiskey, 193 Blended grain Scotch whisky, 186 Blended malt Scotch whisky (BMSW), 186, 188 Blended mixed drinks, 455–458 Blended Scotch whisky, 186 Blended straight whiskey, 193 Blenders, 131–133, 455 Blend method, 442, 444 Blendtec, 132 Blood alcohol content (BAC), 33, 48–52, 54, 56 Bloody Mary, 414, 417–418 Blush wines, 232 BMSW (blended malt Scotch whisky), 186, 188 Bock beers, 331 BODs (born-on dates), 343, 546 Bois Communes, 211 Bons Bois, 211 Borderies, 211 Born-on dates (BODs), 343, 546 Bottle chillers/coolers, 136, 143 Bottle wells, 127 Bouncers, 479 Bourbon, 9, 189–192 Boxed wines, 526 Brandy, 8, 9, 208–215, 232, 591 Brandy Alexander, 451 Brazilian wine, 269 Break-even point, 573, 576 Breweries: macro-, 313–315, 326, 329 micro-, 17, 311, 324, 341 regional, 312 Brewing, 322, 323 16/11/10 2:21 AM INDEX Brewpubs, 21, 311–312 Brown-Forman, 192 Brown goods, 16, 17, 183–194 See also specific brown goods BTG wine programs, see By-the-glass wine programs Budget deviation analysis (BDA), 578, 579 Budgeting, 88, 565–577 Bud Light, 316, 317 Bulk process (sparkling wines, 247 Bundling (pricing), 642–643 Business identity, 643–644 Business plans, 620–625 Business valuation, 624 By-the-glass (BTG) wine programs, 286, 287, 289, 302303 C Cachaỗa, 204–205, 451 Caipirinha, 204, 451 California wines, 252, 261–263 Call brands, 17, 128 Calvados, 214 Campari, 223 Campbeltown malts, 188 Canadian beer, 317 Canadian whisky, 192–193 Cap catchers, 154 Cape Codder, 416 Capital risk, 536 Captain Morgan’s Rum, 201 Carbonated mixes, 128–129, 370–371 Carbonators, 128, 129 CARE (Serving Alcohol with Care), 498 Carrying costs, 536 Cash controls, 609–612 Cash drawers, 164 Cashflow, 564, 573–575 Cashiers, 611 Cash registers, see Point-of-sale (POS) terminals Casinos, 19 Certificate of Occupancy (CO), 659 Chairs, 101 Chambord, 221 Champagne, 232, 247, 256, 292, 298–300 See also Sparkling wine Chapitalization, 241 Chartreuse, 221 Chateuneuf-du-Pape, 236, 256 Cherry brandy, 214 Chilean wine, 268–269 Chinese beer, 317 Chinese wine, 269–271 Cigar bars, 22, 76 Civil Rights Act, 502, 505 bindex.indd 713 713 Classified growths (French wines), 254 Closeouts, 531 CO (Certificate of Occupancy), 659 Cobra guns, 109, 128 Cocktails, 17, 342, 400, 590 See also Mixed drinks Cocktail freezers, 131, 132 Cocktail shakers, 146–147, 440 Cocktail stations/units, 127 Codes (bar layout), 102–103 Coffee drinks, 428–431, 455 Cognac, 9, 209–211 See also Brandy Cointreau, 216, 221 Collins drinks, 422, 446, 447 Collins glasses, 162 Compensation, of employees, 507–516 Competition, 86–87, 595, 622, 627, 629 Compound gins, 201 Concept bars, 95 Condiments, 381–383 Condiment trays, 151, 153 Congeners, 42 Construction costs, 565 Consultants, 115, 514 Contract brewers, 312, 341 Contract labor, 514, 515 Contribution margin, 583, 587 Control phase, 577, 579–586 Control states, 529, 530, 653 Coonawarra wines, 267–268 Coors, 314, 315, 325 Copyrights, 644 Cordials, 215–222 Corks, 243–245, 296–297 Corked wine, 301 Corkscrews, 154–155, 295 Corn whiskey, 193 Cortese, 240 Cosmopolitan (cocktail), 439 Cost percentage, 570, 587 Cost-percentage method (beverage control), 605, 606 Cote Rotie, 236 Cover charges, 479 Craft beer, 309, 311–313 Craft Beer Institute, 479 Cream, 376 Cream drinks, 451–452 Cream sherry, 260 Credit memos, 541, 542 Credit restrictions, 665 Creme de cacao, 221, 452 Creme de menthe, 221 Criminal liability, 47 Crisis management, 66–67 Cruzan, 203 16/11/10 2:21 AM 714 INDEX Curacao, 221 Customers: age of, 660 and cash controls, 611 estimating amount of potential, 86 and marketing, 626–627, 630, 632 types of, 75–80 watching behavior of, 59 and wine lists, 279 Cutting boards, 153 Cynar, 223 D Daiquiri, 440, 442, 445, 457 Dairy drinks, 451–455 Dark rum, 203 Data analysis, 584–586 Debt level, 564–565 Decanters, 300 Decanting wines, 300–301 Décor, 93–94, 631 Demerara rum, 204 Dependent care accounts, 517 Depletion-allowance forms, 552, 553 Depression, 57–58 Design, of bar, 95–97, 114–116 Dessert wines, 233, 292 Development costs, 566 Digestifs, 216 Direct draw (draft beer), 344 Direct shipments, 527–529 Disability compliance, 103 Discounts (purchasing), 537, 538 Discounted drinks, 595–597 Dispensing towers, 130 Distillation, 3, 7–9, 173, 197, 201 Distilled spirits, see Spirits Distilleries, 22 Door staffers, 62 Draft beer, 140–144, 323–324, 344–350, 546 Drambuie, 221 Dramshop laws/liability, 47–48, 56, 661 Drinking-age laws, 54–55, 660 Drink menus, 460–465 See also Beer lists; Wine lists Drink size, 601–602 Driving under the influence (DUI) laws, 50, 52–53 Driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses, 50–53 Drug interactions, with alcohol, 37, 58 Drunken-driving laws, 50–54 DUI (driving under the influence) laws, 50, 52–53 Dutch gin, 200 DWI (driving while intoxicated) offenses, 50–53 bindex.indd 714 E ECR (electronic cash register) units, 164, 612 EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission), 103, 504, 505 Eggnog, 453 Eighteenth Amendment, 14 See also Prohibition Electrical wiring, 102, 110, 658 Electronic cash register (ECR) units, 164, 612 Employee management, 471–520 barback, 475 bartenders, 472–475, 494–496 and beverage control, 606 compensation, 507–516 feedback from employees, 642 hiring and scheduling, 482–491 labor and employment laws, 502–507 management positions, 480–482 and responsible alcohol service, 64–65 security positions, 479–480 servers, 475–476 training, 491–501 wine stewards/sommeliers, 476, 478–479 Employee Polygraph Protection Act, 506 Employer Identification Number, 517–518 Employment laws, 502–507 English gin, 200 Enology, Entertainment, 19–20, 76 EPA (U.S Environmental Protection Agency), 140, 367 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 103, 504, 505 Equal Pay Act, 503–505 Equipment, 123–169 automated pouring systems, 130–131 costs of, 566 draft-beer service, 140–144 garnishing, 151, 153–154 glassware, 156–164 guidelines, 167–168 ice and ice machines, 136–140 mixers and blenders, 131–133 mixing and pouring, 144–151 for mixing drinks, 127–129, 144–151 point-of-sale terminals, 164–167 for serving, 154–156 sinks and glasswashers, 133–136 underbar and backbar, 124–127 Event marketing, 316 E-Verify, 489 Exclusives (alcohol sales), 531 Extractive distillation, 197 16/11/10 2:21 AM INDEX F FAE (fetal alcohol effects), 38, 58 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 506–510, 518 Family and Medical Leave Act, 503, 506 Farmhouse ale, 143, 334 FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome), 38, 58 Fatty liver, 42 Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA), 516 Federal minimum-wage requirements, 507–508 Federal Unemployment Taxes (FUTA), 516–517 Fermentation, 6, 7, 172, 241, 323 Fermented beverages, 172 Fernet Branca, 224 Fetal alcohol effects (FAE), 38, 58 Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 38, 58 FICA (Federal Insurance Contribution Act), 516 FIFO (first in, first out) system, 546 Filtration, 197 Financial statements, 571 Fin Bois, 211 Fine Champagne, 211 Finlandia, 198 First in, first out (FIFO) system, 546 Fixed expenses, 570 Fixtures, 97 Fizz, 446, 448 Flake-ice machines/flakers, 139 Flavored vodkas, 197, 199 Flexhoses, 128 Floor, bar, 112 FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act), 506–510, 518 Flutes, 292 Food, 84, 282–283, 338, 339, 384, 633–634 Food service, 18–22, 630 Footed ware, 159, 160 Forecasting, 567, 568, 573–575 Fortified wine, 232–233 Framboise, 214 Frangelico, 221 Frappes, 419 Free drinks, 595–597 Freezers, 136 French wine, 252–257 Freshness dating (beer), 343 Front bar, 107 Frozen drinks, 131, 455–458, 591 Frozen drink dispensers, 131, 132 Frozen Peach Margarita, 457 Fruit garnishes, 377–379 Fruit-juice drinks, 414–417 Fruit squeezers, 150 Functional water, 362–363 bindex.indd 715 715 Funnels, 150 Furniture, 97, 101–102 Fusel oils, 180 FUTA (Federal Unemployment Taxes), 516–517 Futsuu-shu sake, 234 G Galliano, 221 Garnishes, 376–381, 402 Garnishing equipment, 151, 153–154 Gastro pubs, 95 Gay-Lussac (G-L) proof system, 176 Generic wines, 248–249 German wine, 265–267 Gin, 8, 36, 198–201, 436 Gin and Tonic, 412–413 Gin Fizz, 448 Glass, mixing, 146, 147 Glass brushes, 133, 134 Glass frosters, 136 Glass rimmers, 151 Glassware, 156–164, 286, 291–293, 351–354, 362, 363, 602–604 Glasswashers, 110, 133–136, 351 G-L (Gay-Lussac) proof system, 176 Golden gin, 201 Gold rum, 202 Gold tequila, 206 Grain Scotch whisky, 187 Grand Champagne, 210 Grand Marnier, 221 Grape varietals, 231, 235–238, 240 Grappa, 213–214 Grasshopper, 451 Grasshopper Blend, 455 Graves wines, 238, 254 Gravity-feed machines, 132 Green Mountain Beverage, 223 Grey Goose, 198 Gross operating profit, 583 Gross profit, 583, 587 Gross-profit method, 589 Guinness, 315, 320, 335 H HACCP (Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points) system, 359 Half-kegs, 140 Hand-crafted beers, 311 Handheld point-of-service devices, 613 Hand shakers, 146–147, 440 Hangovers, 42–43 16/11/10 2:21 AM 716 INDEX Happy hours, 66, 642, 643 Happy Hour specials, 21 Hard ciders, 209, 222–223 Hard lemonade, 223 Harvey Wallbanger, 416–417 Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP) system, 359 Health, 9–10, 35–40, 358 Health department inspections, 658–659 Heating, 102 Heineken, 315 Hendrick’s, 201 Hermitage, 236 Highballs, 408, 410–413, 590 Highball glasses, 162, 412 High-end spirits, 81–84, 524 Highland whiskies, 187–188 Himbeergeist, 214 Hiring employees, 482–491 Honjozo sake, 234 Honkaku, 235 Hookah bars, 22 Hostesses, 62 Hot drinks, 428–431 Hotel beverage operations, 11, 23–24, 83 House brands, 127, 128, 524 Hydrometers, 176 I I-9 form, 489–491 Ice, 136–140, 294, 383 Ice chests/bins, 127 Ice-cream drinks, 453–455, 591 Ice crushers, 139 Ice machines, 124, 136–140 Ice scoops, 147, 149 Ice tongs, 147, 149 Identification, checking, 62, 663–664 Immigrants, 73, 487 Immigration Control and Reform Act, 502, 505 Imported beers, 17, 317 Imported fruit brandies, 214 Incident reports, 61 Income, 518–519, 583 Income statements, 579, 582–584 Industry comparisons, 478, 577 Inferno Pepper-Pot, 197 Infusion, 199, 200, 668 Inlet chillers, 139–140 Inspections, 658–659, 675 Insurance, 517, 661–663 Interior designers, 94, 115–116 bindex.indd 716 Internet sales, 527–529 Inventory, 280, 535, 546–556 Invoices, 540–541, 676 Irish whiskey, 188–189 Island malts, 188 Italian wine, 257–259 J Jack Daniel’s, 192 Jagermeister, 223–224 Jiggers, 145, 404, 405 Jim Beam, 192 Job analysis, 482 Job descriptions, 482–485 Jose Cuervo, 207 Jug wines, 248–249 Juices, 372–375 Juice drinks, 414–417 Julep, 424 Junmai sake, 234 K Kahlua, 79, 221 Kamikaze, 449 Kegs, 140, 144, 323, 324, 336, 344–345, 347–349, 541 Keg-and-tap systems, for wine, 286, 287 Kentucky whiskey, 190 Ketel One, 198 Kir, 214, 423 Korn, 198 Krausening, 323 L Labels and labeling laws, 231, 318, 666, 668–673 Labor laws, 502–507 Lager, 318, 326–329, 331 on beer lists, 337–338 glass mugs for serving, 158 history of, hybrids of ale and, 336 top-fermented, 323 Latino customers, 73, 77–78, 325 Laws: beverage, 497–499 blood alcohol content, 48–50 disability, 103 dramshop, 47–48, 56 drinking-age, 54–55, 660 drunken-driving, 50–54 labeling, 668–673 labels and labeling, 231, 318, 666, 668–673 labor and employment, 502–507 16/11/10 2:21 AM INDEX local option, 655–657 minimum-wage, 507–508 per se, 50–51, 56 Layered mixed drinks, 425–428 Layout, bar, 97–103 Lemongrass Margarita, 445 Liabilities, 564, 565 License states, 529, 530, 653–654 Licensing regulations/restrictions, 102–103, 657–658, 677 Light beers, 17, 316, 326, 327 Lighting, 93, 102 Limited drink menus, 462–463 Limoncello, 221 Line extensions, 195, 371 Liqueurs, 215–222 Liquor, see Spirits Liquor liability, 661 Liquor licensing, 102 Local option laws, 655–657 Location, of bar, 85, 87–88, 622 London Dry gin, 200 Long-draw system (draft beer), 344, 345, 348 Long Island Iced Tea, 425 Loss of earnings insurance, 662 Low-carbohydrate beers, 327 Lowlands malts, 187 M Maceration (liqueurs), 216 Macrobreweries, 313–315, 326, 329 Maderized wine, 301 Magellan, 201 Mai Tai, 450 Malternatives, 55, 316, 329, 330 Malt liquor, 318, 329, 330 Malt Scotch whisky, 186–187 Management positions, 480–482 Manhattans, 434–436, 438–439 Margarita, 445, 457 Marketing, 625–642 atmosphere components in, 629–632 bar food/snacks, 633–634 and business identity, 643–644 of light beers, 327 with personal contacts, 638–640 positioning your business, 626–629 and pricing, 642–643 promotional events, 639–641 and publicity, 636–638, 640 word-of-mouth, 634–636 Market segments, 81, 625 Martinis, 201, 434–439 bindex.indd 717 717 Martini glasses, 157–158 Mashing, 320, 322 Mash tun, 323 Mass-market brewers, see Macrobreweries Mechanical dispensing systems, 114 Medicare, 516 Medication, 37, 58 Mescal (mezcal), 207 Metaxa, 213 Mexican beer, 316, 317 Michelob, 321 Microbrews, 17 Microbreweries, 17, 311, 324, 341 Milk, 376 Milk punches, 452, 453 Miller, 314–315, 324 MillerCoors, 315, 317, 321, 330 Minibars, 23–24 Minimum wage, 507–508 Mint Julep, 424 Mixes (mixers), 131, 131–133, 365–376 carbonated, 370–371 juices, 372–375 simple syrup, 375–376 and water safety/potability, 366–370 Mix can, 146 Mixed drinks, 400–432 See also specific drinks alcohol-free, 458–459 blended and frozen, 131, 455–458, 591 coffee/hot drinks, 428–431, 455 Collins drinks, 422, 446, 447 cream/dairy drinks, 451–455 defined, 177 developing recipes for, 402–407 fruit-juice drinks, 414–417 highballs, 408, 410–413, 590 layered, 425–428 liquor drinks on ice, 418–421 martinis and Manhattans, 201, 434–439 old-fashioned, 423–425 pricing, 588, 589 Rickey drinks, 422 shooters, 218 shots/shooters, 448–450 sours/sweet-and-sour, 439–448, 457 structure and components of, 402 terminology, 401, 407 tropical, 450–451, 457 Mixing cups, 146, 147 Mixing drinks, 127–129, 144–151, 341–343 Mixing glasses, 146, 147 Mixing steel, 146 16/11/10 2:21 AM 718 INDEX Mixologists, see Bartenders Mixology, 400–401 See also Mixed drinks Mix ratio, 129 Mixtos, 206 Mocha Rum Cooler, 431 Mocktails, 17, 371, 464 Modular bar designs, 103 Mojito, 413–414 Molson Coors Brewing Company, 315, 319 Muddlers, 147, 150, 151 Mugs, 158, 160, 161, 354 Multiple facings, 108 Music licensing, 677 Myers’s rum, 203 Mystery shoppers, 641–642 N National Labor Relations Act, 506 National Sanitation Foundation International (NSFI), 124, 363, 367, 658–659 Net income, 583 Net profit, 564 Net-worth capital, 564 Neutral spirits, 181, 185, 196 Noisette, 221 Nonalcoholic beers, 17, 336–337 NSFI, see National Sanitation Foundation International Nutrition, 41–43 See also Health O Occupancy requirements, 658 Oenology, Old Fashioned, 423–424 Old Forester Bourbon, 183 Old Tom gins, 200 151-proof rum, 204 Oregon wineries, 263–264 Organic wines, 263, 674 Ounce method (beverage control), 606–607 Ouzo, 221–222 Overrun, 132 Overtime pay, 503, 510–513 P Packaging, 323–325, 526 Palo cortado, 260 Par stock, 363–364, 533–535, 546, 609 Participatory bars, 95 Pasteurization, 6, 325–326 Pastis, 218, 222 Payroll costs, 584–585 Payroll taxes, 516–517 Peat, 186, 188 bindex.indd 718 Pedro Ximenez (grape), 260 Periodic order method, 539 Permits, 657 Pernod Anise, 218 Perpetual inventory, 539, 552, 554 Per se laws, 50–51, 56 Petite Champagne, 210 Physical inventory, 549–556 Pickup stations, 109, 127 Pilsners, 318, 320, 328 Pilsner glasses, 160 Pinas, 205–206 Pina Colada, 450 Pirassununga 51, 205 Pisco, 213 Place-of-origin wine names, 249–250 Plastic bottled beer, 324–325 Pliny, 3, Plumbing, 102, 110, 658 PlumpJack, 245 Plymouth gin, 200 POs (purchase orders), 539, 540 Point-of-sale (POS) terminals, 113–114, 164–167, 523, 606, 612, 614–616, 675 Poire William, 214 Policies, developing, 63–64 Pomace brandies (grappa), 213–214 Port, 233, 293 Portable bars, 114 Port houses, 265 Portuguese wine, 264–265 POS terminals, see Point-of-sale terminals Postmix dispensing system, 128–129 Post-offs, 531, 537 Potential sales-value method (beverage control), 607–608 Pour-cost analysis, 598–600 Pourers, 145, 146 Pouring brands, 127, 128 Pouring drinks, 144–151, 352–354, 601 Pouring stations, 109, 110 Pouring systems, 130–131 Pousse-café, 425–426, 428 Pregnant women, 38, 58 Premium brands, see High-end spirits Premium lagers, 326 Premix dispensing system, 128 Pre-opening budget, 565–577 Press releases, 637 Price, purchasing, 536–538 Pricing, 586–600 cost/price relationship, 587–590 demand/price relationship, 590 free and discounted drinks, 595–597 16/11/10 2:21 AM INDEX pour-cost analysis, 598–600 price categories, 590–591 as promotional tool, 642–643 on wine lists, 279, 288–289 wines, 597–598 Printers, 164 Private-label beer, 341 Private-label beers, 341 Product controls, 600–604 Profit planning, 563–616 beverage controls, 604–609 budgeting, 565–577 cash controls, 609–612 cashflow, 564 control phase, 577, 579–586 debt level, 564–565 net profit, 564 and point-of-sale terminals, 612–616 pricing, 586–600 product controls, 600–604 Pro forma statements, 571, 573 Prohibition, 2, 11–15, 187, 230, 652 Promotions, 66, 289, 338–341, 639–641, 676 Proof (alcohol content), 175–176, 180–182, 426 Property insurance, 661–662 Pubs, 10 See also Bar(s) Publicity, 66, 636–638, 640 Pull dates, 343 Purchase orders (POs), 539, 540 Purchasing, 523–541 bar supplies, 556–557 glassware, 162, 163 Internet sales/direct shipments, 527–529 placing orders, 538–541 price factors in, 536–538 quantity, 533–536 regulations on, 664–666 and suppliers, 529–533, 665–666 timing of purchases, 536 wine, 526–527 Pure malts, 186 Q Questionnaires, 641 R Radio stations, 637 Ramos Fizz, 455 Raspberry brandies, 214 Ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages, 329 Receiving, 541–543, 581 Recipes, drink, 602, 603 Records, 61, 517–519, 674–677 bindex.indd 719 719 Red grape varietals, 235–237 Red label rum, 203 Red wines, 231 glassware for, 292 process of making, 241, 243 South African, 268 tasting, 276 temperature for serving, 294 on wine lists, 281 Refrigerated storage space, 110, 141–143 Regional breweries, 312 Registration regulations, 657–658 Regulations, 651–679 See also Laws on advertising, 677–678 on age of customer, 660 alcohol content on wine labels, 317 and checking identification, 663–664 and insurance, 661–663 on items being sold, 659 and keeping records, 674–677 labeling, 668–673 licensing and registration, 102–103, 657–658, 677 local option laws, 655–657 on products, 666–668 purchasing, 664–666 taxes and revenue, 654–655 on time of sales, 659–660 wine labeling, 231, 318 Religion, 4–5, 14 Relish forks, 154 Remodeling, 565, 632 Remy-Martin, 79 Reports, 61, 517–519 Reposado tequila, 206 Requisition forms, 546–548 Responsible alcohol service, 31–68 and alcoholism, 43–46 blood alcohol content laws, 48–50 crisis management, 66–67 dramshop laws and third-party liability, 47–48, 56 drinking-age laws, 54–55 drunken driving laws, 50–54 and health, 35–40 and human physiology, 32–35 making plans for, 60–66 and nutrition, 41–43 and risk factors, 57–60 Responsible Beverage Service Council, 498 Restaurant industry, 11 Restaurant reviews, 637–638 Restaurants with bars, 20–22, 75–76, 633 Restrooms, 630 Retailers, 529 16/11/10 2:21 AM 720 INDEX Revenue, 654–655 Rickey drinks, 422 Riedel Crystal, 156 Rimming, 416 Root:1 wines, 269 Rose’s Lime Juice, 373, 374 Rosé wines, 232, 241, 243, 264, 276, 292 Routers, 154 RTD (ready-to-drink) beverages, 329 Rum, 8, 201–204 Rum Milk Punch, 453 Rum vieux, 203 Rye whiskey, 193 S SABMiller, PLC, 315 Sabra, 222 Sake, 199, 233–234 Sales forecasting, 567, 568 Sales training, 496 Saloons, 12 Salt, 382, 383 Sampler packs (beer), xi Sanitation, 133–135, 358–363 Sauza, 207 Scheduling employees, 482–491 Schnapps (aquavit), 198 Schnapps (liqueur), 222 Scotch, 185–188, 419 See also Whiskey Screwdriver, 414, 416 Seasonal beers, 329, 331 Security positions, 479–480 Selling drinks, 65, 337–343 Servers, 289–291, 475–476, 523, 610–611 Service accessories, 384 Service bars, 114 Service napkins, 295 Serviettes, 295 Serving trays, 156 ServSafe Alcohol, 56, 498 Sex on the Beach, 449 Sexual harassment, 503, 505 Shake mixers, 131 Shake-mix method, 442, 443 Shaojiu, 234 Sherry, 233, 259–260, 293 Shift-change policies, 65 Shochu, 234–235 Shooters, 218, 448–450 Shots, 448–450 Shot glasses, 145, 601 Shrinkage, 604–605, 676 Signature drinks, 82 bindex.indd 720 Silver rum, 202 Simple syrup, 375–376, 382 Singapore Sling, 448 Single-barrel Bourbon, 190 Single grain Scotch whisky, 186 Single-malt Irish whisky, 189 Single-malt Scotch whisky, 186–188 Singles bars, 76 Sinks, 133–136, 362 Six-shooters, see Cobra guns Skimming, 613 Skyy, 197 Sloe gin, 201 Slush freezers, 131, 132 Small-batch Bourbon, 190–192 Smallware, 144–151 Smirnoff Vodka, 195, 198 Smith & Kerns, 453 Smoking, 22–23, 640 Snifters, 159 Sobriety tests, 50 Social Security taxes, 516 Sodas, 370, 371 Soju, 234 Solera system, 260 Sommeliers, 300, 476, 478–479 Sours, 439–448, 457 Sour-mash yeast process, 190 South African wine, 268 Southcorp, 267 Southern Comfort, 222 Spanish beer, 318 Spanish wine, 259–260 Sparkling wine, 232, 246–247, 259, 292, 298 Speakeasies, 14 Specialty drinks, 463–464, 591, 635 Spill trough (front bar), 107 Spindle blenders, 131 Spirits, 173–174 after-dinner drinks, 207–215 aging of, 182–183 bitters, 223–224, 382 blending of, 182–183 bottling of, 183 brown, see Brown goods characteristics of, 179–180 and congeners, 180 distillation proof of, 180–182 hard ciders, 222–223 history of, 7–9 liqueurs/cordials, 215–222 sales statistics on, 171 selection of, 177–179 16/11/10 2:21 AM INDEX selling high-end, 80–85 white, see White goods Sports bars, 19, 20, 76 Spritzer, 423 Staff schedules, 483, 486 Stainless-steel equipment, 124, 144 Standard (faucet), 140 Standard lagers, 326 Standards of Identity, 175, 190, 196, 200, 202, 208, 231, 317 Steam beer, 331 Steeping (liqueurs), 216 Steins, 160 Stemware, 156, 159, 160 Stills, 181, 182 Stinger, 421 Stolichnaya, 196, 197 Storage, 323, 543–546 access to, 99 of beer, 143–144, 343–350, 546 equipment for, 141–143 refrigerated, 110 of wine, 143, 302–303, 544–545 Stouts, 318, 335–336 Straight whiskey, 193 Strawberry Daiquiri, 457 Stress, 40, 57–58 Strippers, 154 Strip stamp, 666 Sugar, 382 Sulfites, 246, 674 Supervisors, 509–510 Suppliers, 282, 529–533, 665–666 Sustainable winegrowing, 263 Svedka, 198 Sweet-and-sour mixed drinks, 439–448 Swizzle, 424–425 SWOT analysis, 622 T Table tent, 283 Table wine, 231–232 TAM (Techniques of Alcohol Management), 498 Tannins, 35, 235, 236, 277 Taps, 140 Tap boxes (beer boxes), 140 Tasting wine, 21, 276–279, 290 Taverns, 10–12 See also Bar(s) Taxes, 516–517, 654–655 Tax stamp, 658 TCA (2,4,6-Trichlorophenol), 244, 245 TEAM (Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management) Coalition, 317 Techniques of Alcohol Management (TAM), 498 bindex.indd 721 721 Teenagers, 39 Temperance movement, 11 See also Prohibition Tennessee whiskey, 190 Tequila, 8, 205–207, 436 Tequila puros, 206 Tequilarias, 207 Tequila Sunrise, 416, 417 Theft, 581, 604–605 Thermal shock (glassware), 163 Third-party liability, 47–48, 56, 64 Tia Maria, 222 Tip income, 518–519 Tip pooling, xi, 509 Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment (TRAC), 519 TIPS (Training for Intervention Procedures by Servers of Alcohol), 498 Tom and Jerry, 431 Top-fermented ale, 323 Touch-screen monitors, 164, 165 TRAC (Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment), 519 Trade dress, 644 Trademarks, 643–644 Training, 290, 291, 347, 481, 491–501 Training for Intervention Procedures by Servers of Alcohol (TIPS), 498 Trays, serving, 156 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (TCA), 244, 245 Triple sec, 222 Tropical drinks, 450–451, 457 TTB, see Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Tumblers, 159 Turnover, 499–501, 632 Twenty-First Amendment, 14 ‘21’ Club, 15 Twenty-Sixth Amendment, 54 U Unallocable expenses, 570 Underbar, 107, 109–112 Underbar equipment, 124–127 See also specific equipment Underberg, 224 Undocumented employees, 487, 489 Unemployment taxes, 516–517 Uniforms, 387, 493–494 UK Bartenders Guild, 477 United States Bartenders Guild (USBG), 477 U.S Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF), 5, 655, 668 U.S Department of Agriculture, 34–35, 674 U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 140, 367 U.S Food and Drug Administration, 223, 322, 360, 368 U.S Justice Department, 103 U.S Tax and Trade Bureau, 263 16/11/10 2:21 AM 722 INDEX Unlimited bars, 462 Utensils, 362, 363 Utilities, 102–103 V Vacuum sealer, 302–303 Value, 624 Van der Hum, 222 Variable expenses, 570 Varietal wines, 248 Variety packs (beer), xi Vatted malts, 186, 188 Vending machines, wine sold in, x Ventilation, 22, 23 Vermouth, 233, 436 Vienna lagers, 329 Vintage clearances, 531 Vita Mix, 132 Viticulture, Vodka, 16, 195–198, 436 W W-2 forms, 519 Wage complaints, 518 Wallace and Hinz, 120 Waring, 132 Washington wineries, 262, 263 Water, 16, 129, 137, 319, 320, 362–363, 366–370 Watermelon Margarita, 445 Web sites, 639 Wedgers, 154 Weinbrand, 212 Well, 127, 178–179 Well brands, 127, 128, 524 Wheat beers, 332, 336 Wheat malts, 320 Whiskey (whisky), 8, 9, 183–194, 419 Whiskey Sour, 440, 442 White goods, 8, 16, 77, 194–207 See also specific white goods White grape varietals, 237–238, 240 White rum, 202 White tequila, 206 White wines, 231, 243, 276, 281, 292, 294 Wholesaler’s basic permit, 664 Widgets, 325 Wine(s), 14, 229–271, 275–304 aging and blending of, 245–246 alcohol content of, 175 bindex.indd 722 biodynamic, 263 corks, 243–245 decanting, 300–301 fermenting of, 172 fortified, 232–233 and Generation X and Y customers, 79–80 and health, 35–36 history of, 2–4, 230 labels on bottles, 668, 672 naming of, 248–251 and nutrition, 41 organic, 263, 674 as part of airline beverage service, 25 popularity of, 16–17 portion served, 56 pour-cost analysis, 599 pricing, 597–598 purchasing, 526–527 red grape varietals, 235–237 and religion, 4–5 sake, 233–234 server’s role in selling, 289–291 serving, 291–301 shochu, 234–235 sparkling, see Sparkling wine storage of, 143, 302–303, 544–545 table, 231–232 tasting, 276–279 white grape varietals, 237–238, 240 winemaking process, 241–243 Wine bars, 21 Wine chillers, 293 Wine.com, 527 Wine cooler, 422 Wine flights, 286 Wineglasses, 291–293 Wine lists, 279–289, 303 Winemaking, 241–243 Wine spritzer, 177, 423 Wine stewards, 300, 476, 478–479 Women, 34, 37–39, 57, 77, 288 Wood management, 185 Word-of-mouth marketing, 634–636 Workers’ compensation insurance, 662 Working capital, 566 Z Zesters, 154 16/11/10 2:21 AM ... Chris Thomas — 5th ed p cm Includes index Summary: The Bar and Beverage Book explains how to manage the beverage option of a restaurant, bar, hotel, country club—any place that serves beverages to... to follow the industry news on your own To the Student There are many jobs other than bartending in the beverage industry, and we have tried to introduce them to you, particularly in the question-and-answer... studies are done, you won’t be able to part with The Bar and Beverage Book —you’ll need it in your “real world” job! To the Instructor The Bar and Beverage Book presents a comprehensive treatment of

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