Tài liệu tham khảo |
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68. (A) They need more chairs for the meeting. (B) They are rental chairs, but there is no mention of cost.(C) Company and customers are associated with a store, but there is no mention of anything being closed.(D) The meeting has not taken place yet and, there is no mention of it being too long |
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more chairs "for the meeting. (B) Theyare"rental chairs, "but there is no mention of "cost."(C) "Company "and "customers "are associated with a "store,"but there is no mention of anything being"closed |
81. (A) In this introduction, the speaker says that everyone knows Mr. Makowitz as the Personnel Director. (B) This~ntrodu:ti?n j~ being given at a fund~ralser, but tundra/singIS not his Job ,n the company. (C) With his efforts, Mr.Makowitz has helped underprivileged chiidren iearn to read, but there is no suggestion he was a tutor. (D) Mr.Makowitz is a board member at the Literacy Crusade, not at the company |
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Personnel Director. "(B) This~ntrodu:ti?n j~being given at afund~ralser,but"tundra/sing"ISnot his Job ,n the company. (C) With his"efforts, "Mr.Makowitz has helped underprivileged chiidren iearn toread, but there is no suggestion he was a "tutor. "(D) Mr.Makowitz is a board member at the"Literacy Crusade |
82. (B) A fund-raiser is an event intended to raise money.(A) The event is to raise money to hetp children read, but tutoring them is not going to literaily happen at thisgathering. (C) Mr. Makowitz is acknowiedged, but this is not the purpose of the gathering. (D) The Literacy Crusade has already been formed |
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fund-raiser "is an event intended to "raise money."(A) The event is to raise money to"hetp "children read, but"tutoring "them is not going to literaily happen at thisgathering. (C) Mr. Makowitz is acknowiedged, but this is notthe"purpose "of the gathering. (D) The "Literacy Crusade "has"already |
83. (C) During this period, onty mana,.gementwiil report to work. (A) Management is the only group who must report.This option excludes (but) management. (B) The entire housekeeping staflis on leave, or on holiday, with pay.(D) All personnel is repeated in both the announcement and the option, but this is not the correct answer |
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onty mana,.gementwiil "report towork. (A) Management is the"only "group who must report.This option"excludes (but) "management. (B) The "entirehousekeeping staflis on leave, "or on holiday, "with pay."(D)"All personnel |
84. (D) The re-opening wiil take place on the eighth of April.(A) The hotel closes for renovation in November.(B) February is not mentioned. (C) The hotel renovations should be complete in March |
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eighth of April."(A) The hotel closes for renovation"in November."(B)"February "is not mentioned. (C) The hotel renovationsshould be complete |
85. (B) All personnel wiil be provided with new uniforms.Outfits can mean uniforms. (A) Paychecks are given to staff throughoutthe period via direct deposit. (C) In theannouncement, banquefis used only in reference to the banquet staff (D) The changes taking place might be associated with a revised work schedule, but this is not mentioned |
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new uniforms."Outfits "can mean "uniforms. "(A) "Paychecks "are given to staff"throughoutthe "period via direct deposit. (C) In theannouncement,"banquefis"used only in reference to the"banquet staff "(D) The changes taking place "might "beassociated with a"revised work schedule |
86. (A) The announcement is about a fire marshal who is there to supervise a fire drill. (B) Front offices, rear offices, the east wing, could all be associated with officerenovations, but there is no mention of any renovations being planned. (C) This option confuses accounted for and accounting. (D) Stairs are used repeatedly in theannouncement. New is also used. However, this is not the right answer |
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fire marshal "who isthere to supervise a"fire drill. "(B) "Front offices, rear offices,the east wing, "could all be associated with "office"renovations,"but there is no mention of any renovationsbeing planned. (C) This option confuses"accounted for "and"accounting. "(D) "Stairs "are used repeatedly in theannouncement."New |
87. (B) After everyone has evacuated the building, they wiil gathenn the parkmg lot. (A) Everyone wili exit through a stairweil, but they will not gather there. (C) No one is allowed to use the elevators, there is no mention of gathering there. (D) The front offices are mentioned in the dialog, but this is not where people wiil gather |
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gathenn "the "parkmg lot. "(A) Everyone wili "exit "through astairweil, but they will not"gather "there. (C) No one isallowed to"use"the elevators, there is no mention of"gathering "there. (D) The "front offices |
88. (C) The tire marshal will discuss the new fire detection equipment. (A) Elevators are mentioned in the dialog but the fire marshal does not intend to talk aboutthem. ' (B) Speed has a similar meaning to proceed quickly..(D) Parking is mentioned in the announcement, but parkingIS not the tOPiC to be spoken about.204 Answer Key Practice Test Three |
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new fire detectionequipment. "(A) "Elevators "are mentioned in the dialog butthe fire marshal does not intend to"talk aboutthem. "'(B) "Speed "has a similar meaning to "proceed quickly.".(D) "Parking "is mentioned in the announcement, but "parking"ISnot the tOPiC to be spoken about."204 |
89. (D) The office is located at the intersection of two main roads: Highway 55 and Route 1. (A) University is not :nention:d in th.is recor~ed announcement. (8) EmergencyIS associated With hospital, but there is no reason to believe the office is in a hospital. (C) The office is at an intersection of two main roads. It is unlikely to be on a quiet back street |
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two mainroads: Highway "55 and "Route "1. (A) "University "is not:nention:d in th.isrecor~edannouncement. (8)"Emergency"ISassociated With"hospital, "but there is no reason to believethe office is"in "a hospital. (C) The office is at an "intersection"of"two main roads. "It is unlikely to be on a |
90. (B) Because people may be calling with a dental emergency or about teeth cleaning, we can conclude that this is a dentist's office. (A) Highway is repeated in the option, but in the announcement it is used to state the location of the office. (C) Emergency is repeated, but there is no indication that this is a hospital. (D) Clean refers to teeth in the announcement. There is nothing about a cleaning service |
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dentalemergency "or about "teeth cleaning, "we can conclude thatthis is a"dentist's office. "(A) "Highway "is repeated in theoption, but in the announcement it is used to state thelocation of the office. (C)"Emergency "is repeated, but thereis no indication that this is a hospital. (D)"Clean "refers to"teeth "in the announcement. There is nothing about a |
91. (D) If there is an emergency, pressing 9 gets immediate attention. Immediate means right away. (A) Staying on the line and waiting for the beep allows you to leave a message. (B) Regular office hours are given in the recording, but there is no promise that calling then will get you an immediate response. (C) This option confuses the words beep and beeper |
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pressing "9 gets "immediateattention. Immediate "means "right away. "(A) "Staying on theline "and "waiting for the beep "allows you to "leave amessage. "(B) "Regular office hours "are given in therecording, but there is no promise that calling "then "will getyou an immediate response. (C) This option confuses thewords"beep "and |
92. (A) The advertisement is for a publication called Investor's Choice. (B) Invest is repeated in the option. Fast- paced, rapidly and breathtaking might suggest the idea of investing quickly. However, this is not what is being encouraged. (q Columnist is repeated, but listeners will rea.d what the columnists say in the magazine. They are unlikely to talk to any of them. (D) Being conservative may be a good investing policy, but it is not mentioned in the ad |
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publication "called"Investor's Choice. "(B) "Invest "is repeated in the option. "Fast-paced, rapidly "and "breathtaking "might suggest the idea ofinvesting"quickly. "However, this is not what is beingencouraged.(q"Columnist "is repeated, but listeners willrea.d what the columnists say in the magazine. They areunlikely to"talk "to any of them. (D) Being "conservative |
93. (D) The columnists are giving advice to deal with arapidly changing global economy, or worldwide economic change. (A) Temporary is repeated in both theadvertisement and the option, but temporary conditions are not being discussed. (B) Stuck in the past and worried are associated with fear of failure, but this is not the answer.(C) Inflation is not described as short-term in the advertisement |
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rapidly changing global economy, "or "worldwide economicchange. "(A) "Temporary "is repeated in both theadvertisement and the option, but"temporary conditions "arenot being discussed. (B)"Stuck in the past "and "worried "areassociated with "fear of failure, "but this is not the answer.(C) "Inflation "is not described as "short-term |
94. (A) This announcement ',S intended to reiterate, or repeat, an old policy which has been in effect for some time. (B) Expense reports are mentioned in the announcement, but they seem to have already been explained. (C) This announcement reminds employees how to coHect money from expenses, but to collect it now is not intended. (D) The policy has been in effect for some time now, so we know that It's not new |
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reiterate, "orrepeat, an old policy which"has been in effect for "some"time. "(B) "Expense reports "are mentioned in theannouncement, but they seem to have"already "beenexplained. (C) This announcement reminds employees"how "to coHect money from expenses, but to collect it "now "isnot intended. (D) The policy has been in effect for sometime now, so we know that It's not |
95. (C) People are trying to be reimbursed without the required, or proper, paperwork. That is, they are disregarding company policy about paperwork.(A) The computers referred to in the announcement are new, they are not breaking down. (B) Compensation, payday and accounting are associated with paychecks, but there is no reason to believe that any are missing.(D) Receipts is repeated in both the announcement and the option, but there is no mention of any being misplaced |
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proper, "paperwork. That is, they are"disregarding company policy "about paperwork.(A) The computers referred to in the announcement are"new, "they are not "breaking down. "(B) "Compensation,payday "and "accounting "are associated with "paychecks, "butthere is no reason to believe that any are missing.(D)"Receipts |