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Cheeky monkey 1 (course book) giáo trình tiếng anh cho trẻ mầm non

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Hello cheeky là bộ sách dành riêng cho việc dạy tiếng anh trẻ ở lứa tuổi mầm non. Sách bao gồm các bài học được minh họa sinh động, gần gũi với lứa tuổi của các em. Các bậc phụ huynh cũng có thể sử dụng tham khảo cuốn sách nhằm có phương pháp kèm thêm cho các bé trong việc học tiếng anh.

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MACMILLAN Kathryn Harper and Claire Medwell os `

_— y

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Macmillan Education

Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP, UK A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited

Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978 1 4050 9840 3

Text © Kathryn Harper, Claire Medwell 2008

Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008 First published 2008

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers

Illustrated by Baz Rowell ê Designed by Rani Rai-Quanirill

Cover design by Pryor Design Cover illustration by Baz Rowell

Recordings produced by James Richardson Music by Mark Fishlock

Authors’ acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank the fantastic team that worked on this project: Vale Noy for her invaluable guidance, eye for detail and unstinting patience; Kate Melliss and Sarah Meadows for giving us both this opportunity; Baz Rowell for his lovely Cheeky Monkey illustrations; Raquel Pastor, Fiona Miller and Rut Castilla for their essential market feedback and research; Clare Bunting for her editorial work, Nik Paull and Rani Rai-Quantrill for their great work on the design; Angela Reckitt and Lou Collins for their support throughout the project

The authors and publishers are grateful for permission to include the following copyright material:

Happy Birthday Words and Music by Patty $ Hill and Mildred Hill © Summy F Clayton Co USA, Keith Prowse Music Publishing Co Ltd, London, W8 5SW 1935, reprinted by permission of International Music Publications Ltd All Rights Reserved

These materials may contain links for third party websites We have no control over, and are not responsible for, the contents of such third party websites Please use care when accessing them


The authors and publishers would like to thank the following teachers and schools for commenting on the materials at various stages:

Agustin Trapero Hidalgo, C.P Jovellanos, Madrid; Barbara Wagner, Colegio Bienaventurada Virgen Maria, Sevilla; Belén Bellot Bet-Frigola, Colegio El Vedat, $ Torrent, Valéncia; Christine Brook Walmsley, Col-legi Les Alzines, Girona; Cristina Sanz Gonzdlez, C.P Elvira Espana, Tudela, Navarra; Cristina Victoria Liédn Jornet, C.P Alhambra, Madrid; Eva Elias Palacios, Colegio Rey Pastor, Logrofio, La Rioja; Fernando José Tallon Carmona, C.E.I.P Genil, Granada; Helena Urdangarin Armendariz, Colegio Cardenal Larraona, Pamplona, Navarra; Laura Benet Ganyet, Col-legi Claver, Raimat, Lleida; Loreto Pérez Garcia, C.E.I.P Vinya del Sastret, Sant Esteve Sesrovires, Barcelona; Maite Sopefia Parte, C.P Leon Felipe, Mdstoles, Madrid; Manoli Charcos del Fresno, Centre D’Estudis Etnies, Moncada, Valéncia; Mar Guerra Negre, Col-legi Maristas Champagnat Badalona, Barcelona; Marta Aguilar Lopez, Colegio Senara, Madrid; Marta Moreno Arroyo, C.E.I.P Joan Miré, Leganés, Madrid; Rosario Leon Ferndndez, C.E.|.P.Torrequebrada, Aguadulce, Almeria; Victoria Pérez Calatayud, C.P San Fernando, Albacete Printed and bound in China

Trang 6

Cheeky’s town Lesson 1 Lesson 2 4 >) (~

The hello Cheeky song 1 (®) CD1 track 2 Cheeky's town (s) CD1 track 9

Hello, Cheeky This is my town,

Monkey, monkey Cheeky’s town,

Hello, Cheeky! Cheeky’s town

We love you Come to Cheeky's town

Let’s have fun! Hello, Cheeky

Monkey, monkey Hello, Cheeky!

Hello, Cheeky! Hello, Tom!

A kiss for you Hello, Ellie!

* A Hello, Rory!

Let’s have fun!


Worksheet Page 3 Press out Cheeky's town

e Point to Cheeky and say Hello, Cheeky

| ° Complete Cheeky


e Remove the Press out e Make a Cheeky puppet

Trang 10

Unit 1 Look at me! Lesson 1 Lesson 2 (— YF Ầ

My body (8) CD1 track 10 Story song (®) CD1 track 14 (Head, shoulders, knees and toes tune) Ho, ho, hoo! He, he, hee!

What a big nose! Look at me!

Fingers, nose, tummy, toes,

Tummy, toes Ho, ho, hoo! He, he, hee!

Fingers, nose, tummy, toes, What big fingers! Look at me!

Tummy, toes

Ho, ho, hoo! He, he, hee!

And fingers and nose,

What big toes! Look at me! And tummy and toes

Fingers, nose, tummy, toes, Ho, ho, hoo! He, he, hee!

, uray, toes What a big tummy! Look at me! A Ne J

Worksheet Page 5 Worksheet Page 6

e Point to Rory and Cheeky e Stick on Rory’s nose and Cheeky's fingers

e Trace Rory’s nose and toes Then trace Cheeky’s

tummy and fingers

e Sing My Body and point to the fingers, nose,

tummy and toes e Stick on Rory's toes and Cheeky's tummy

Worksheet Page 7

e Complete the mirror

Trang 12

Unit 1 Look at me! Lesson 3 a >) My body (s) CD1 track 10

(Head, shoulders, knees and toes tune) Fingers, nose, tummy, toes,

Tummy, toes

Fingers, nose, tummy, toes, Tummy, toes

And fingers and nose, And tummy and toes

Fingers, nose, tummy, toes,

_ fummy, toes

Worksheet Page 9

e Point to the teddy bear’s eyes and tummy Then

point to the elephant’s ears and toes

e Trace the teddy bear's eyes and tummy Then

trace the elephant's ears and toes

Trang 14

Unit 1 Look at me! Lesson &

(- >

The big and small song (@) CD1 track 17

| Big tummy, big tummy Pointing at you! Big tummy, big tummy Pointing at you! Small ears, small ears 1) Listening to you! | Small ears, small ears Listening to you! Big eyes, big eyes Looking at you! Big eyes, big eyes Looking at you! Small toes, small toes Walking to you! | Small toes, small toes, _ Walking to you! Worksheet Page 11

e Point to Cheeky's big and small ears, fingers,

tummy and toes Then match

e Sing The big and small song and point to

Cheeky's big or small tummy, ears and toes


Trang 16

Unit 1 Look at me! Lesson 5


Move your body (s) CD1 track 20 |

Move your body

Move your body | look funny!

So do you

Hide your fingers Point to your nose

| Pat your tummy

Touch your toes

ll Point to your ears

Point to your eyes

| Move your body

Move your body | look funny! S0 do you Worksheet Page 13 | e Count the fish

| e Point to the big fish Then point to the smoll fish

e Colour the small fish blue ~# Lesson 6 ⁄

Storu song () CD1 track 14

Ho, ho, hoo! He, he, hee! What a big nose! Look at me!

Ho, ho, hoo! He, he, hee! What big fingers! Look at me! Ho, ho, hoo! He, he, hee! What big toes! Look at me!

Ho, ho, hoo! He, he, hee!

_ What a big tummy! Look at me!

Press out Unit 1

e Remove the Press out

e Make a Rory puppet

e Listen to the story and point to Rory's nose,

Trang 18

Unit 1 Look at me! Lesson 7 Worksheet Page 15

e Draw yourself in the mirror

e Show your picture and say Look at me!

e Stick on the award sticker

Trang 22

Unit 2 Baby is sad Lesson 1

Close your eyes (s) CD1 track 23 Close your eyes Who is this? It's your daddy! Blow a kiss Close your eyes Who is this? It's your mummy! Blow a kiss Close your eyes Who is this? It’s your sister! Blow a kiss Close your eyes 3 > Lesson 2 2

Story song @ CD1 track 27

Hush baby, don't cry! Baby, baby, go to sleep Daddy's here, mummy's here,

Sister’s here, brother’s here,

Cheeky’s here, Cheeky’s here! _ Close your eyes and go to sleep

Who is this? Worksheet Page 18

It's your brother!

| Blow a kiss e Stick on daddy, sister and brother


Worksheet Page 17 Worksheet Page 19

e Point to brother, sister, mummy and daddy

e Colour mummy's pyjamas yellow Then colour

daddy's pyjama's blue

e Sing Close your eyes and point to daddy,

mummy, sister and brother

~s |

Stick on mummy

Trang 24

| Unit 2 Baby is sad

I Lesson 3

| | (PP Close your eyes CD1 track 23 ¬

Trang 26

| Unit 2 Baby is sad

Lesson kh


Clap and be happy (s) CD1 track 30

Clap, clap, clap Let's be happy! Brothers and sisters, Mummy and daddy Jump, jump, jump

Let's be happy!

Brothers and sisters,

Mummy and daddy

Dance, dance, dance

Let's be happy!

Brothers and sisters,

Mummy and daddy

Worksheet Page 23

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Unit 2 Baby is sad

Lesson 5 Lesson 6

(—— ) (— 4

Three small lions CD1 track 32 Story song CD1 track 27

One small lion goes out to play Hush baby, don't cry!

Happy, happy, happy day Baby, baby, go to sleep

Sister, sister, let's have fun! Daddy's here, mummy's here,

Come and play Come, come, come Sister's here, brother's here,

Two small lions go out to play Cheeky's here, Cheeky's here!

Happy, happy, happy day | Close your eyes and go to sleep

Brother, brother, let's have fun!

Come and play Come, come, come

Three small lions go out to play

Happy, happy, happy day

Granny, granny, let's have fun!

| Come and play Come, come, come


Worksheet Page 25 Press out Unit 2

e Count Rory’s brothers, sisters and granny Then e Remove the Press outs

match them to the numbers ° Listen to the story and put daddy, mummy, sister,

brother, Cheeky and baby in the house

Trang 30

Unit 2 Baby is sad

Lesson 7

Worksheet Page 27

e Draw two members of your family

e Show your picture and say This is my (mummy)

e Stick on the award sticker

y F

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Trang 34

Unit 3 I'm cold! Lesson 1


Getting dressed (©) CD1 track 35

| put my jumper on One, two, three I'm ready! Let's plqu

| put my coat on One, two, three

I'm ready!

Let's play | put my hat on One, two, three I'm ready! Let's play

| put my scarf on

One, two, three I'm ready! Let's play ` Lesson 2 ( : Story song (e) CD1 track 41 Quick, quick!

It’s getting cold Put your scarf on

Quick, quick! It’s getting cold

Put your hat on Quick, quick! It’s getting cold Put your jumper on Quick, quick! It’s getting cold Worksheet Page 29

e Point to the hat, scarf, coat and jumper

e Complete Cheekựs hot, scarf and coat Then

complete Rory's jumper

_ Put your coat on Worksheet Page 30 se Stick on the scarf, jumper and hat Worksheet Page 31

se = Stick on the coat

Trang 36

Unit 3 I'm cold! Lesson 3 '

Getting dressed (5) CD1 track 35 | put my jumper on

One, two, three I'm ready! Let's play

| put my coat on One, two, three I'm ready! Let's play | put my hat on

One, two, three

I'm ready! Let's play

| put my scarf on One, two, three I'm ready! _Let's play Worksheet Page 33

e Complete the T-shirt, coat, hat and shorts e Colour the T-shirt and shorts yellow Then colour

the coat and hat blue

Trang 38

Unit 3 I'm cold! Lesson & (—

The hot and cold song (°) CD1 track 44

l’'m cold, cold, cold! | put my jumper on I’m cold, cold, cold! | put my coat on I’m cold, cold, cold! I’m hot, hot, hot! | put my T-shirt on I’m hot, hot, hot! | put my shorts on L I'm hot, hot, hot! =, Worksheet Page 35

e Point to hot and cold

e Match using yellow and blue

e Colour the T-shirt and shorts yellow Then colour

the jumper and coat blue

Trang 40

Unit 3 I'm cold! Lesson 5 = My big red jumper (9) CD1 track 45 Where's my jumper,

My big red jumper?

Brr! It's cold today Where's my hat,

My big blue hat?

Brr! It's cold today

Where's my scarf, My big yellow scarf? | Br! It's cold today Lesson 6 “ Storu song (@) CD1 track 41 Quick, quick!

It's getting cold

Put your scart on

Quick, quick!

It's getting cold Put your hat on

Quick, quick!

It’s getting cold Put your jumper on

Quick, quick!

It's getting cold

_ Put your coat on

Worksheet Page 37

e Point to yellow, blue and red

Press out Unit 3

e Remove the Press outs

e Listen to the story and take the coat, scarf,

hat and jumper off Cheeky Then put the scarf, hat, jumper and coat on Cheeky

e Colour the shapes following the sequence

Trang 42

Unit 3 I'm cold! Lesson 7 Worksheet Page 39 e Point to the hat, T-shirt, shorts, jumper, coat and scart

e Draw yourself wearing your favourite clothes e Show your picture and say This is my (jumper)

e Stick on the award sticker

Trang 46

Unit & Good morning! Lesson 1 Z

Farmer Brown (2) CD1 track 48

(Old Macdonald had a farm tune)

Farmer Brown has a farm


On the farm there is a duck Quack, quack! Quack, quack! E-I-E-l-O

On the farm there is a cow Moo, moo! Moo, moo!


On the farm there is a horse

Neigh, neigh! Neigh, neigh!


On the farm there is a sheep

Baa, baa! Baa, baa! E-I-E-|-O Farmer Brown has a farm | EIE-l-O Lesson 2 “

Storu song (s) CD1 track 51 Good morning, good morning!

Wake up Farmer Brown!

Cow's dirty Help! Sheep's dirty Help! | Duck's dirty Help!

Horse's dirty Help!

Farmer Brown, we're dirty! _ Please help us now!

Worksheet Page 4&2

e Stick on the sheep and duck

Worksheet Page 41

e Complete the horse, sheep, cow and duck

e Sing Farmer Brown and point to the duck, cow, horse and sheep


Worksheet Page 4&3

e Stick on the horse and cow

Trang 48

Unit & Good morning! Lesson 3 (— ¬

Farmer Brown (2) CD1 track 48

(Old Macdonald had a farm tune)

Farmer Brown has a farm E-|-E-l-O

On the farm there is a duck

Quack, quack! Quack, quack!


On the farm there is a cow Moo, moo! Moo, moo!


On the farm there is a horse Neigh, neigh! Neigh, neigh! E-|-E-|-O

On the farm there is a sheep

Baa, baa! Baa, baal! E-|-E-|-O Farmer Brown has a farm E-|-E-l-O \ _j Worksheet Page k5

e Colour and find the animals

e Colour the dog blue, the cat red and the duck


Ngày đăng: 25/12/2017, 21:25

