What is the sound signal and actions of vessel when navigating in foggy weather?. What is the sound signal when vessel navigating in restricted visibility?. What is the sound/ signal of
Trang 1ð
Define Huge Vessel ?
Draw statical stability
In ARPA- What is the meaning of super -refraction?
In ARPA- What is the meaning of sub- refraction?
Trim and stability calculation
What is the sound signal and actions of vessel when navigating in foggy weather? What are the specified rules in Japan port regulations law?
What is the meaning of turning circle & tactical diameter?
GPS and DGPS accuracy?
What is the meaning of unstable equilibrium?
Identify the following in weather chart ?
upper air weather chart 500 hpa, isothern & isohypis
Is the alteration of course to port is prohibited?
Give and enumerate radar alarms
Calculate GM / Free surface
What are the documents to be kept by master on board ? (as per Japanese
Mariner’s Law)
What is the meaning of negative GM?
Give and enumerate gyro compass alarms
Specified Japanese Traffic Route
What is the meaning of ISOBAR?
When do get gyro error?
What are the unwanted false echoes of radar ?
Explain bank suction & bank cushion ?
How to maneuver the vessel in dangerous semicircle ?
What is the speed limit in Port Regulation Law?
Calculate new fuel consumption
Caculate GM / Free surface correction
What is article 15 of Japanese Maritime Law?
When do change from automatic to manual steering using two steering motor? What is the sound signal when vessel navigating in restricted visibility?
What is the meaning radar bearing resolution?
What are the two types of radar?
In Maritime Traffic Safety Law What are the four traffic safety route and its
direction ?
What is the direction/path of the typhoon in dangerous and navigable semi-circle
in northern and southern hemisphere?
What light and shape to be displayed by huge vessel?
34 What is the effect of coriolis?
What are the effects felt by the vessel when navigating in of shallow water?
Trang 236 In Maritime Traffic Safety Law What is the sound/ signal of overtaking vessel?
37 In COLREGS What is the sound /signal of overtaking vessel ?
38 What is the sound signal of vessel in restricted visibility?
39 Signal of confirmation / agreement to other vessel How?
40 Why ARPA alarms to be activated?
41 What is the signal of vessel constraint by her draft?
42 Procedures of safe navigation on the track of typhoon
43 Port Regulation Law What is miscellaneous vessel?
44 Ports of designated anchorage from COTP
45 What port in Japan that vessel are restricted to enter after sunset?
46 What traffic route that don’t allow vessel to enter or to get out
47 Problem solving:
a Loss of 6m
b Free surface effect
c Consumption and speed
48 GPS principles for fixing position
49 Satellites consist of how many?
50 What are the procedures of picking pilot in rough weather?
51 How to compensate loss of GM?
52 In ARPA- what is audible alarm?
53 Draw/illustrate extra-tropical cyclone in northern hemisphere showing cold &
warm fronts
54 Area of high pressure in Lat 30 —35 N = horse latitude
55 What is the direction of trade winds in Northern and Southern hemisphere?
56 What is the meaning inter tropical convergence zone?
57 How to determine safe speed?
58 What is the meaning of safe speed?
59 What is the day signal of vessel carrying dangerous goods?
60 What is the signal of vessel when navigating in Uraga traffic route in tidal
61 How to conduct emergency steering drill?
62 What is the meaning miscellaneous vessel?
63 How to determine the danger lane in narrow channel?
64 What is the purpose and method of parallel indexing?
65 Give and enumerate one way traffic route?
66 In COLREGS What is the signal of vessel when navigating in restricted visibility?
67 What is the formula of GM and rolling period?
68 When do use 3cm and 10 cm RADAR?
69 Specified rules in Uraga Suido channel?
70 In crossing situation Which is give way vessel “ miscellaneous vessel or “ power driven vessel”?
71 ARPA What is visual and audible alarms?
72 In Northern Hemisphere- Why the wind turning clockwise and barometric falling?
73 Ship Safety Law- Items to be listed in the vessel inspection certificate
74 Mariners Law- What is disciplinary right and how to enforced action by master?
Trang 375
Mariners Law- Emergency drills required to be carried out
Mariner Traffic Safety Law — Which ships is directed to stay out?
Under what circumstances is the overtaking signal sounded?
What are the provision when alteration of course alone may be the most effective action?
Vessel navigating in a seaway - What are the factors that affect GM?
Vessel navigating in a rough seas- What are the stresses does the hull to undergo? When coasting taking into account the depth of water and nature of bottoms What are the factors that you will consider?
Trang 4Subj : Master’s Oral Exam 9" Dec 2009
1 What are those ARPA’s Alarms
2 How many targets does ARPA designed for auto acquisition
3 Basis of determining your speed when preparing voyage plan
4 Direction and maximum rate period of Counter Equatorial Current
5 Explain reason why typhoon moves NE’ly direction in Northern Hemisphere
6 In overtaking situation under MTSL what is the signal of overtaking to starboard
and the signal of the vessel being overtaking in case that the intention is very dangerous
7 Factors that affect Waves ( Suggest to include in your answer the causes of waves )
8 What is the speed restriction under MTSL
9 What are the Traffic Routes that has an speed restriction under MTSL
10 State the conditions/occasions wherein dropping of anchor inside the port is not allowed except for
emergency reason only
11 Statement about Labor Strike as per Mariner’s Law — Open Notes
12 Define the five parts of Stability Curve shown by the assessor
Additional Tips from other examinees Please study following :
1 Formula of Stability curves
2 Symbols found on the weather charts
3 Heights corresponding to every given barometric pressure
3° Grade Radio Elect Written Exam- 14 Dec 2009
Give two functions of Double Bottom Tanks
Sketch showing LOA and LPP ( Length Overall & Length Between Perpendicular )
Define or explain RADAR and Echo Sounder
Under what conditions and when it should be exhibited the Navigational Lights
What is huge vessel
What are the preparations onboard prior heavy weather
Circle the correct symbol for Cold Front
- Circle the correct answer for air/winds that reverse its direction seasonally
( Selections : Breeze, Monsoons, Jet Stream, etc )
9 What is the light to be displayed by huge vessel
10 Give four kinds of vessel inspection Ex Intermediate inspection
11 Give four Emergency Drills to be conducted onboard ( See Mariners Law )
12 Restriction for the use of lights under Port Regulation Law
13 Circle the correct answer : Who will keep the Mariners Ledger Book on board
14 Meaning of two Red Lights placed Vertically
Prepared bv:
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