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Principles of Lasers FOURTH EDITION Orazio Svelto Polytechnic Institute of Milan and National Research Council Milan, Italy Translated from Italian and edited by David C Hanna Southampton University Southamptont England ~ Springer Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Svelte, Drazle [Prlnclpl del laser Engllsh] Prlnclples of lasers I Drazlo Svelte translated frem Itallan and edlted by Davld C Hanna 4th ed p cm Includes bibliegraphlcal references and lndex ISBN 0-306-45748-2 Lasers I Hanna, D C ( Da v de ), 194 II T1 t 1e QC688.S913 1998 621.36'6 dc21 98-5077 CIP Front cover photograph: The propagation of an ultraintense pulse in air results in self-trapping of the laser beam The rich spectrum of colors produced is the result of the high 14 intensity (;~ 10 W/cm ) within the self-focused filament, producing nonlinear phenomena such as self-phase modulation, parametric interactions, ionization, and conical emission due to the beam collapse The rainbowlike display with its sequenced color is due to diffraction of the different colors (copyright 1998 William Pelletier, Photo Services, Inc.), Back cover photograph: Interaction of an ultraintense (~1 20 W/cm 2) laser pulse with a target consisting of plastic and aluminum layers The 4S0-fs pulse, with peak power of 1200 TW, is produced by the petawatt laser at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Numerous nonlinear and relativistic-phenomena are observable including copious second harmonic generation (green light in photo) (courtesy of M D Perry, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), © 1998, 1989, 1982, 1976 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc All rights reserved This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 233 Spring Street, Ne\v York, NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now know or hereafter developed is forbidden The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks and similar terms, even if the are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights Printed in the United States of America 9876543 springeronl ine.com To my wife Rosanna and to my sons Cesare and Giuseppe Preface to the Fourth Edition This book is motivated by the very favorable reception given to the previous editions as well as by the considerable range of new developments in the laser field since the publication of the third edition in 1989 These new developments include, among others, quantum-well and multiple-quantum-welllasers, diode-pumped solid-state lasers, new concepts for both stable and unstable resonators, femtosecond lasers, ultra-high-brightness lasers, etc This edition thus represents a radically revised version of the preceding edition, amounting essentially to a new book in its own right However, the basic aim has remained the same, namely to provide a broad and unified description of laser behavior at the simplest level which is compatible with a correct physical understanding The book is therefore intended as a textbook for a senior-level or first-year graduate course and/or as a reference book The most relevant additions or changes to this edition can be summarized as follows: A much-more detailed description of Amplified Spontaneous Emission has been given (Chapter 2) and a novel simplified treatment of this phenomenon, both for homogeneous and inhomogeneous lines, has been introduced (Appendix C) A major fraction of a new chapter (Chapter 3) is dedicated to the interaction of radiation with semiconductor media, either in a bulk fonn or in a quantum-confined structure (quantum-well, quantum-wire and quantum dot) A modem theory of stable and unstable resonators is introduced, where a more extensive use is made of the ABCD matrix fonnalism and where the most recent topics of dynamically stable resonators as well as unstable resonators, with mirrors having Gaussian or super-Gaussian transverse reflectivity profiles, are considered (Chapter 5) Diode-pumping of solid-state lasers, both in longitudinal and transverse pumping configurations, are introduced in a unified way and a comparison is made with corresponding lamp-pumping configurations (Chapter 6) Spatially dependent rate equations are introduced for both four-level and quasithree-level lasers and their implications, for longitudinal and transverse pumping, are also discussed (Chapter 7) vii VIII Preface to the Fourth Edition Laser mode-locking is considered at tlluch greater length to account for, e.g., new mode-locking methods, such as Kerr-lens mode locking The effects produced by second-order and third-order dispersion of the laser cavity and the problem of dispersion compensation, to achieve the shortest pulse-durations, arc also discussed at some length (Chapter 8) New tunable solid-state lasers, such as Ti: sapphire and Cr: LiSAF, as well as new rare-earth lasers such as Yb 3+, Er3+, and H0 + are also considered in detail (Chapter 9) Semiconductor lasers and their perfonnance are discussed at much greater length (Chapter 9) The divergence properties of a multimode laser beam as well as its propagation through an optical system are considered in tenns of the M2 factor and in terms of the embedded Gaussian beam (Chapters 11 and 12) 10 The production of ultra-high peak intensity laser beams by the technique of chirpedpulse-amplification and the related techniques of pulse expansion and pulse compression are also considered in detail (Chapter 12) Besides these major additions, the contents of the book have also been greatly enriched by numerous examples, treated in detail, as well as several new tables and several new appendixes The examples either refer to real situations, as found in the literature or encountered through my own laboratory experience, or describe a significant advance in a particular topic The tables provide data on optical, spectroscopic, and nonlinear-optical properties of laser materials, the data being useful for developing a more quantitative context as well as for solvjng the problems The appendixes are introduced to consider some specific topics in more mathematical detail A great deal of effort has also been devoted to the logical organization of the book so as to make its content even more accessible Lastly, a large fraction of the problems has also been changed to reflect the new topics introduced and the overall shift in emphasis within the laser field However, despite these profound changes, the basic philosophy and the basic organization of the book have remained the same The basic IJhi/osophy is to resort, wherever appropriate, to an intuitive picture rather than to a detailed mathematical description of the phenomena under consideration Simple mathematical descriptions, when useful for a better understanding of the physical picture, are included in the text while the discussion of more elaborate analytical models is deferred to the appendixes The basic organization starts from the observation that a laser can be considered to consist of three elements, namely the active medium, the resonator, and the pumping system Accordingly, after an introductory chapter, Chapters 2-3, 4-5, and describe the 1110St relevant features of these elements, separately_ With the combined knowledge about these constituent elements, Chapters and then allow a discussion of continuous-wave and transient laser behavior, respectively Chapters and 10 then describe the lTIOst relevant types of laser exploiting high-density and low-density media, respectively Lastly, Chapters 11 and 12 consider a laser beam from the user's viewpoi nt, examining the properties of the output beam as well as some relevant laser beam transformations, such as amplification, frequency conversion, pulse expansion or compression The inevitable price paid by the addition of so many new topics, examples, tables, and appendixes has been a considerable increase in book size Thus, it is clear that the entire Preface to the Fourth Edition IX content of the book could not be covered in just a one semester-course However, the organization of the book allows several different learning paths For instance, one may be more interested in learning the Principles of Laser Physics The emphasis of the study should then be concentrated on the first section of the book (Chapters 2-8 and Chapter 11) If, on the other hand, the reader is more interested in the Principles of Laser Engineering, effort should mostly be concentrated on the second part of the book (Chapters 5-12) The level of understanding of a given topic may also be suitably modulated by, e.g., considering, in more or less detail, the numerous examples, which often represent an extension of a given topic, as well as the numerous appendixes Writing a book, albeit a satisfying cultural experience, represents a heavy intellectual and physical effort This effort has, however, been gladly sustained in the hope that this completely new edition can now better serve the pressing need for a general introductory course to the laser field ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to acknowledge the following friends and colleagues, whose suggestions and encouragement have certainly contributed to improving the book in a number of ways: Christofer Barty, Vittorio De Giorgio, Emilio Gatti, Dennis Hall, GUnther Huber, Gerard Mourou, Nice Terzi, Franck Tittel, Colin Webb, Herbert Welling I wish also to warmly acknowledge the critical editing of David C Hanna, who has acted as much more than simply a translator Lastly I wish to thank, for their useful comments and for their critical reading of the manuscript, my former students: G Cerullo, S Longhi, M Marangoni, M Nisoli, R Osellame, S Stagira, C Svelto, S Taccheo, and M Zavelani Milan Orazio Svelto Contents List of Examples xix Introductory Concepts 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission, Absorption The Laser Idea Pumping Schemes Properties of Laser Beams 1.4.1 Monochromaticity 1.4.2 Coherence 1.4.3 Directionality 1.4.4 Brightness 1.4.5 Short Pulse Duration 1.5 Laser Types Problems 9 10 11 13 14 14 Interaction of Radiation with Atoms and Ions 17 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Summary of Blackbody Radiation Theory 2.2.1 Modes of a Rectangular Cavity 2.2.2 Rayleigh-Jeans and Planck Radiation Fotnlula 2.2.3 Planck's Hypothesis and Field Quantization 2.3 Spontaneous Emission 2.3.1 Semiclassical Approach 2.3.2 Quantum Electrodynamics Approach 2.3.3 Allowed and Forbidden Transitions 2.4 Absorption and Stimulated Emission 2.4.1 Absorption and Stimulated Emission Rates 2.4.2 Allowed and Forbidden Transitions 2.4.3 Transition Cross Section, Absorption, and Gain Coefficient 2.4.4 Einstein Thermodynamic Treatment 2.5 Line-Broadening Mechanisms 17 17 19 22 23 25 26 29 31 32 32 36 37 42 43 xi XII Contents 2.5.1 Homogeneous Broadening 2.5 Inhomogeneous Broadening 2.5.3 Concluding Remarks 2.6 Nonradiative Decay and Energy Transfer 2.6.1 Mechanisms of Nonradiative Decay , , 2.6.2 Combined Effects of Radiative and Nonradiative Processes 2.7 Degenerate or Strongly Coupled Levels 2.7.l Degenerate Levels 2.7.2 Strongly Coupled Levels 2,8, Saturation 2.8.1 Saturation of Absorption: Homogeneous Line 2.8.2 Gain Saturation: Homogeneous Line 2.8.3 Inhomogeneously Broadened Line 2.9 Fluourescence Decay of an Optically Dense Medium 2.9.1 Radiation Trapping 2.9,2 Amplified Spontaneous Emission , , , 2.10 Concluding Remarks Problems References 44 48 49 50 50 56 58 58 60 64 64 68 69 71 71 71 76 77 78 Energy Levels, Radiative, and Nonradiative Transitions in Molecules and Semiconductors 81 3.1 Molecules 3.1.1 Energy Levels 3.1.2 Level Occupation at Thermal Equilibrium 3.1.3 Stimulated Transitions 3.1.4 Radiative and Nonradiative Decay 3.2 Bulk Semiconductors 3.2.1 Electronic States 3.2.2 Density of States 3.2.3 Level Occupation at Thermal Equilibrium 3.2.4 Stimulated Transitions: Selection Rules 3.2.5 Absorption and Gain Coefficients 3.2.6 Spontaneous Emission and Nonradiative Dccay 3.2.7 Concluding Remarks 3.3 Semiconductor Quantum Wells 3.3.1 Electronic States 3.3.2 Density of States 3.3.3 Level Occupation at Thermal Equilibrium 3.3.4 Stimulated Transitions: Selection Rules 3.3.5 Absorption and Gain Coefficients 3.3.6 Strained Quantum Wells 3.4 Quantum Wires and Quantum Dots 3.5 Concluding Remarks Problems References 81 81 85 87 91 92 92 96 97 101 103 109 111 112 112 115 117 118 120 123 125 126 127 128 Ray and Wave Propagation through Optical Media 129 4.1 Introduction 129 Answers to Selected Problems 591 T(~v):s 0.8, we obtain (2F/rrisin 2¢ '" (2F/rr)2¢2::o: 0.25, i.e F::o: (0.Srr/2¢) = 8.63 For Rl = R2 = R, Eg (4.5.14) can then be written as (1- R) = rrRl/2/F, from which, by an iterative procedure, we have R '" 0.7 We must also ensure that the mode near the next peak of the FP etalon is below threshold This occurs if exp[-(2~vftr/~v6)2In2] x exp(O'pNI- y):s I i.e., for (2~vftr/~v6)21n2::O: 0.223, where ~vftr '" (c/2n rLet ) is the FP free spectral range We obtain Let :s (ln2/0.223)l/2c/nr~vt '" 10.4cm, which shows that the preceding condition is satisfied in our case Chapter 8,2, Since MnL' = (rr/2), one finds V = ),/4nhJ' 8,4, From Fig 8.14, for f* =f T = 2.3 and x = 10 kW /2.2 kW =4.55, we obtain N,/ Np '" 1.89, so that, from Fig 8.11, we find ryE '" 0.76 Sincey2 = 0.162 and Ab = 0.23 cm (see Example 7.2), from Eq (8.4.20) we find E", 18 mJ, which gives an average output power of (P) = Ef = 180W, i.e., very close to the cw value (202W; see Fig 7.5) Since 'I = 0.12 (see Example 7.2) and Lr = L + (n - 1)1", 56 em (where n = 1.8 is the refractive index of the YAG crystal), we obtain Tc = L/c'l = IS.6ns and, from Eq (8.4.21), Mp '" 90ns 8,7, (a) Since Ip is much shorter than the upper state lifetime, one has (dN /dl) = Rp' i.e., N = Rpl Since Rplp = 4Nth , where Nth is the threshold inversion, the time when threshold is reached is Ith = Ip/4 (b) The time behavior of the net gain is then given by gn" = O'(N - Nth)1 =(40'Nth l)(t -Ith)/Ip where Ith = Ip/4 (c) Neglecting saturation, one has (d¢/dl) = g"rt¢llr, where Ir is the transit time Using the expression for net gain, just derived, we find by integration ¢(I') = ¢;exp[(40'Nth l)(1'2/2Iplr )] where I' = 1-llh and ¢; '" I (d) At the end of the pump pulse one has I' = 3Ip/4; from the preceding expression for ¢(I') one then gets (90'Nth l/8)(lp/l r ) = In(¢p/20), where ¢p is given by Eg (8.4.14) Using the latter expression, we find Ip = Ir(8/9)') In(¢p/20), where y = (-In T2 )/2 = 0.35 To calculate ¢p from Eq (8.4.14), one notes that N;/Np = and VaNp = ;'A/O', where A is the beam area Thus one finds ¢p =5.54 X 10 10 and, since Ir =22.7 ps, it follows that Ip = 1.25 ns 8.12, Equation (8.6.14) can be expressed more conveniently as E(t) ex exp( _fI2) exp(j0Jol) where f = ~ - iP; i.e., it can be transformed into a Gaussian pulse with a complex Gaussian parameter f Its Fourier transform can then be written as E(w - wo) ex exp[ -(w - wo)2]/4f = exp(-{[(w - wO)2 /4(~2 + p2)](~ +iP))) The power spectrum is then IE(w - wo)12 ex exp{-[(w - wo)2~/2(~2 + p2)]} If we now write IE(w - wo)12 ex exp{-[4(w - WO)2 In2/~wzn, where ~WL is the bandwidth, a comparison between the two preceding expressions gives ~wZ = (81n 2)a[1 + (p2/~2)] This equation, with the help of expression (8.16.15) for ~ and using the relation ~VL = ~wd2rr, then leads to (8.6.16) 8.14, The average intensity is (I) = Jo"" Ip[ df = 10, The required probability is given by p = J2~p[dI/ J,;" p[dI = exp(-2) = 0.135 8.16, 21t = 21 - kP, in the fast saturable absorber case, we can write [see Eq (8.6.20)J: 2y, = 2y - 2i(P/P,) Comparison of these two expressions shows that k is equivalent to 2/ /P, According to Eq (8.6.22), the pulse duration can then be written as ~Tp '" (0.79/~vo)(2go/kPp)l/2 where Pp is the peak power For a hyperbolic secant function, the peak power is related to the pulse energy by E = 1.13Pp~Tp From the two preceding expressions we obtain Mp '" (0.79/~vo)2(2go/k)(l.13/E) '" 3.5fs 8.17, From Eq (8.6.35) with ¢" = p"l one gets 1= (bTp/Tp)l/2 x (M~/P")/2J21n2 '" 0.46mm, where p" is the GVD Answers to Selected Problems 592 Chapter 9.5 The emission solid angle is Q = rrrY /4[2 ~ 2.83 x 10-3 sr Assuming a Gaussian line, from Eq (2.9.4b), with 1> ~ 1, one gets G ~ 1.37 X 104, i.e., NIh = In G/O"pl ~ 2.38 x 10 19 cm- 3, where 20 (Ip ~ X 10- cm for Nd:glass (see Table 9.3) We then obtain E = NIh Vhv ~ 12.7 J, where V = 2.83 cm For Nd:YAG, at the same value of solid angle and assuming a Lorentzian line, we have, from Eq (2.9.4a), with 1> = 1, G ~ 2.5 X 104, i.e NIh = 3.61 X 10 18 cm- 3, so that E ~ 1.91J 9.7 Neglecting ground-state and excited absorption and under mode-matching conditions (wo ~ wp )' the threshold pump power from Eq (6.3,20) is given by: P,h = (y/ryp)(hvp/T)(rrWlo/O"e)' We have y = (Y2/2)+ y; = 1.5 X 10-2, ryp ~ - exp[ -raj)] ~ 0.86 where ap = cm -I is the pump absorption coefficient, hvp ~ 3.1 x- 19 J, T = 67 !JS, Wo = 60 !Jm, and rJe = 4.8 X 10-20 cm2 We thus obtain Plh = 190mW 9.8 Plh = [(y + y,)/ryp](hvp/T)[rr(Wlo + ~)/2(O"e - rJESA)] 9.9 Plh 9.12 ~s = (y/ryp)(hvp/T)[rr(Wlo + ~)/2(rJe - ksrTrrJr)] = dP/V dl = (hv/eV)[-lnR/(aL -lnR)] For ; = 850 nm, hv/e = 1.46eV, and V = 1.8 V we get ~s ~ 64% 9.13 One must have Wlo I [1 + (zl./rrWlo I )2]) = Wlo~[l + (z;./rrWlo~h which gives z = rrwOllwO~/;" For the given values of wOII' wo~, and )., we obtain z = 4.6 /lm (note the very short distance) 9.15 (2rrnIL/;.) = 2, Le., nl = ;./rrL ~ 8.22 x 10-4 Chaper 10 10.4 If we let rJ(v - vol be the unsaturated cross section of Ar+, oscillation will occur up to the nth mode, away from the central mode, when rJ(nl1v)Nl ::: y, where I1v is the frequency spacing between consecutive longitudinal modes, N is the unsaturated inversion, I is the length of the active medium, and y is the cavity loss The unsaturated cross section is then given by rJ(nl1v) = rJp exp{ -[(2nl1v / I1vt)2 1n 2]) In this expression rJp is the peak cross section and, with the laser pumped times above threshold, one has rJpNI = 3y From the preceding three expressions, one finds exp{-[(2nl1v/l1vti In 2]} ::: 1, from which one obtains n::: (ln3/ln2)1/2(l1vt/2I1v) Since I1vt = 3.5 GHz and I1v = c/2L = 150MHz (L is the cavity length), we find that n::: 14.7 The number of oscillating modes is then N,,, = 2n + ~ 30 10.6 For a homonuclear molecule, consisting of two atoms of mass M, the vibrational frequency, according to Eq (3.1.3), is given by Vo = (l /2n)(2ko/ M)I/2 where ko is the elastic constant For M ~ 14 a.u ~ 2.32 x 10-26 kg and Vo = 2300cm- 1, we find ko = 2180Nm- 1• 10.8 For the symmetric stretching mode, the carbon position is fixed, and the force acting on each oxygen atom is F = -k(x - xo), where k is the elastic constant and xo is the equilibrium separation between carbon and oxygen The resonance frequency of this mode is WI = (k/Mo)lI2, where Mo is the mass of the oxygen atom For VI = 1337cm- and Mo = 16 a.u ~ 2.65 x 10-26 kg we obtain k = 1683 Nm- 10.10 Let xo be the equilibrium distance between one of the oxygen atoms and the carbon atom A transverse displacement of the carbon atom by l1y corresponds to an elongation I1d of the spring given by I1d = (x5 + 111)1/2 - xo' For l1y «xo, one then gets I1d ~ I1I/lx o Thus the Answers to Selected Problems 593 force produced by the spring is proportional to L'11 This implies that the harmonic oscillator model, for oscillation in the y-direction, cannot be derived from the simpified spring model considered in this problem 10.13 All roto-vibrational lines merge when the collision-broadened linewidth L'1v, becomes comparable to the frequency separation between rotational lines Assuming L'1vc = L'1v, = 60GHz, from the given value of L'1vc we obtain a total pressure of P"" 13,997 Torr = 18.4 atm From Fig 10.11 we see that the width of the gain curve, L'1vo, corresponds to l'-values ranging from J' "" II to l' "" 41, i.e., M' "" 30 From the solution of Problem 10.11, we find that the rotational constant B of a CO, molecule is B "" 0.3 cm - I The width L'1 va of the gain curve is then given by L'1 va = 2BM' "" 60B "" 18 cm -I t 10.16 The energy left, after a reaction, as vibrational energy is E, = ,vN(v)M where N(v) is the population of the vibrational level with vibrational quantum nu:nber v, and L'1E is the energy spacing between vibrational levels (assumed the same for all levels) On the other hand, the total energy of reaction, E" is given by E, = WtvN(v) where W"" 3M is the reaction energy From the preceding equations: ~ = (E,./E,) ~ t,.VN(v)/t,.3N(v) = 68.5% Chapter 77 11.3 The field of the beam along the C direction, due to the superposition of the two beams of the interferometer, can be written as: Ec = KAE(t) + KBE(t + r) If the power reflectivity of mirror SI is 50% and neglecting, for simplicity, any phase shift arising from reflections at mirrors SI' S" and S], we can assume KA = KB = K Then (f,(t)) = (EJt)Ei(t)) = 2IKI2{(/) +Re[rll)(r)]} where (/) = (E(t)E*(I)) = (E(t + r)E*(I + r)) and Re stands for the real part From Eqs (11.3.4) and (11.3.9) one then gets (fe(t)) =2IKI2(/){1 + ly(\)lcos[(w)r-!/J(r)]} Around a given time delay r, since both 11'(1)1 and!/J are slowly varying functions of r, one then has Imox = (IAr))mox = 2IKI2(f)[1 + ly(l)(r)I].Imm = (/e(r))m" = 2IKI2(/)[1 -ly(1)(r)l], so that Vp = ly(1)(r)l 11.5 For a Gaussian spectral output, {(l)(r) is also a Gaussian function, i.e., it can be written as y(l) = exp{ -(r/rco)2In 2J, where rw' the coherence time, is defined as in Fig I!.! According to Eq (11.3.28) one then has (I, = 1/4n(Ie' In our case we have (Ie = L'1vL while the standard deviation (I, of the function (y(l))2 = exp{-[2(r/r co i In2]) is (Ie = r,,/2(1n2)1/2 From the preceding expressions we obtain reo = M/2n(Ie "" 13.25 JlS, and Leo = creo "" 3.98km 11.7 10 = 2P'/[n(!f/nwo)2] To avoid excessive diffraction losses and the creation of diffraction rings from beam truncation by the finite lens aperture DLo we choose a large enough DL , typically DL = nwo {see (5.5.31)] From the preceding expressions, we then find 10 = (2/n)P,DUW)2 while, from Eq (11.4.4) with D = DL , we find /0 = (n/4)P,rYz/wl 11.9 If we let x and y be the coordinates along the smaller and larger dimensions, respectively, of the near-field pattern, one has W,o = 0.5 cm and W,(J = cm From Eq (11.4.19), one then has WAz =3 m) "" 3.28 cm while, from the equivalent equation in the y-direction, one gets W,(z = m) "" 2.16cm Chapter 72 Wo = 0.54 mm, one has w(z = I m) =wo[l + (z/zRi]I/2 = 0.83 mm and = 1m) = z[1 +(ZR/Z)2] "" 1.74 m, where ZR = n wi/; "" 86.lcm The lens of focal length f can be divided into a first lens, of focallengthJi = R = 1.74 m, to compensate for the wave- 12.1 Since R(z 594 Answers to Selected Problems front curvature, and a second lens, offocallengthJi =iif/Ui -f) '" 10,61 cm, to focus the beam, To a good approximation, the waist position then occurs at a distance of zm "'Ji '" 10,61 cm from the original lens, The spot size of the embedded Gaussian beam is wa '" (f./rrw)Ji '" 0,043 mm, and the corresponding spot size parameter is Wo = (M2)1/2wa '" 0.274 mm, 2 12.3 One has f, = hV/lT '" 4,71 J/cm and S = rrIY /4", 63.6 cm , so that f", = Eo"/S '" 7,07 J/ cm' The total energy available in the amplifier is Eo,' = hvNV = Sfs In Ga = 415 J, where N is the initial inversion and V is the volume of the amplifier To calculate the required input energy, Eq, (12.3,12) can be solved for f;, to give fm = [{[exp(f",/fs) -I]/Ga) + I] '" 2,95J/cm which results in E;, = fmS = 187,8J, Thus, out of an available energy of 415J, the energy extracted from the amplifier is En = E", - Em'" 262,21 Note that the length of the amplifier does not enter into this calculation, 12.9, With the help of Eq, (l2.4,27a), substitution of Eq, (12.4,29) into Eq, (12.4.2) pNL = (Ea d/2}{t;E;(z)exp[j(w,t - k;z)] + c,c,f After manipulating the right-hand side preceding equation, since WI = w) - W2' the only term at frequency WI is found p~~ = (Ea d/2}{E{(z)E)(z)exp[j(wJ - (2)t - j(kJ - k2)z] + c,c,), Using the relation w) - W2 and Eq, (l2.4.27b), we then obtain Eq, (12.4.30), gives of the to be WI = 12.11, From Eq, (l2.4.58a) the second harmonic conversion efficiency is obtained as ~ = 12w/ljO) = IE2wl2 /IE~(0)12 = [tanh(z/lsH)f, From Eq, (12.4.52), since Ew(O) is related to the incident intensity 1= IjO) by Ew(O) = (2ZI)I/2, where Z = I/EaC ~ 377 Q is the freespace impedance, one gets ISH ~ ;.no/[2rr deff (2ZI)I/2] = 2,75 cm, where no is the ordinary refractive index of KDP at frequency ()), Substituting this value of ISH into the preceding expression for ~ and assuming z = 2,5cm, we obtain ~ = 51.9%, Index A, Einstein coefficient, 3, 30, 43 relation to B coefficient, 42 ABeD law of Gaussian beam propagation, 149, 154-156 ABeD matrix, see Ray matrix Absorption coefficient, 41 for atomic transitions, 41 for a bulk semiconductor, 103-105 for a quantum well, l20-12l saturated, 65-66 unsaturated, 66 Absorption cross-section, 4, 37-40 Absorption rate, 33-36 Acousto-optic modulator Bragg regime, 316-317 for mode-locking, 341-342 for Q-switching, 316-317 Raman-Nath regime, 317 Active medium, Active mode-locking AM, 337-340 FM,340-341 by synchronous pumping, 338 Ail)' disk, 478 Ail)' formula, 477 Alexandrite laser, 381-383 Allowed transition, 31-32, 36-37 by electric dipole, 31, 36-37 by magnetic dipole, 31, 36-37 Ambipolar diffusion, 241 Amplified spontaneous emission, 71-76 threshold, 74-75 Anamorphic prism-pair, 216 Anhannonic pumpmg, 443 Antireflection coating, 139-140 Approximation electric dipole, 33 rate-equation, 249, 300 scalar, 145 semiclassical, 32, 300 ArF laser, see Rare gas-halide lasers Argon ion laser, 427-430 B, Einstein coefficients, 42 Back-transfer process, 52-53 Ballast for a gas discharge, 228 Bandwidth, absorption or gain line, 44-49 cavity mode, 168-169 of a laser mode, 292-293 Beam divergence, 476-477 and degree of spatial coherence, 479 Beam waist, 153 Birefringent filter, 280-281 Blackbody radiation, 17-18,22-23 Planck's theory, 22-24 Rayleigh-Jeans equation, 22 Bloch wave functions, 92 Boltzmann thennodynamic equation, 5, 58, 85 transport equation, 238, 497 Bom-Oppenheimer approximation, 83 Bremsstralung radiation, 207 Brewster's angle, 136 595 596 Index Brightness, II, 486-487 Broadening collision, 44-46 Doppler, 48 49 homogeneous, 43 inhomogeneous, 43 natural,47 phonon, 46 Carbon dioxide (CO,) laser, 432 436 capillary waveguide, 438 diffusion cooled, 440 fast axial flow, 439 gas-dynamic, 203 sealed-off, 437 438 slow axial flow, 436-437 transverse flow, 440 441 TEA,441 442 Carbon monoxide laser, 442 443 Cascading, 443, 451 Cavity blackbody, 17 dumping, 359-360 frequency stabilization, 295-296 mode, 20, 161 photon lifetime, 162, 167168 Q- factor, 169 rate equations, see Laser rate equations rectangular, 19 Chemical lasers, 202-203, 448 449 Chirped multilayer mirrors, 353, 529 Chirped-pulse-amplification, 501-503 CO, laser, see Carbon dioxide laser Coherence area, 9, 466-467 first order, 464, 491, 577 higher orders, 577-579 length, 466 measurement of, 468 471 of multimode lasers, 474-475 spatial, 9, 466 temporal, 9, 465 of thermal light source, 475 476 time, 466 Collision broadening, 44-46 deactivation, 50 of first kind, 51, 52, 230 of second kind, 51, 52, 230 superelastic, 51 time between, 46 Complex beam parameter q definition, 149-150 transformation by ABeD law, 149, 154-156 Concentric resonator, 163 Confocal resonator, 163 diflTaction losses, 182 modes, 177 resonance frequencies, 179 Confocal unstable resonator, 190 Cooperative up-conversion, 56 Copper vapor laser, 425 427 Cr: LiSAF laser, 385-386 absorption bands, 386 transition cross section, 383 Critical inversion, 6, 258, 265, 273, 275 Critical pump rate, 259, 266, 273, 275 Cross relaxation, 55 Cross section absorption, 4, 37, 39 effective, 60, 62 by electron impact, 231-235 for homogeneous broadening, 37 for inhomogeneous broadening, 39 Nd:YAG,62 of solid-state laser materials, 372, 375, 383 Crossing, intersystem, 390 Decay cavity, 161, 167-168 nonradiative, 50-55 radiative, 25-31 Degenerate levels effective cross sections, 60 effective decay time, 60 equilibrium population, 5, 59, 85 Density of states in a bulk semiconductor, 96 in an e,m cavity, 21 joint, IOJ in a semiconductor quantum well, 115-117 Diatomic molecules rotational transitions, 87 rotational-vibrational transitions, 87 typical energy levels, 444, 447 vibronic transitions, 87 Differential gain, !O8, 122-123 of selected semiconductor lasers, 109 DiflTaction limited beam, 11,479 DiflTaction losses, 161, 166, 181-183 Diffusion length in a semiconductor, 397 Diode-laser pumping, 212-221 array, 213 bar, 214 longitudinal,214-217 pump rate, 221-223 single stripe, 212-213 stacked bars, 214 transverse, 219-220 Dipole moment, 27, 549 Index Directionality, 10 of beams with partial spatial coherence, 479-480 of beams with perfect spatial coherence, 477-479 Discharge preionization, 441-442 Dispersion compensation, 351-353, 529 of group velocity, 350 of pulse delay, 349 relation, 347 Distributed feedback laser, 408-411 Distributed Bragg laser, 411 Distribution function, electron definition, 235 in CO, laser mixture, 238 in He-Ne lasers, 239 Maxwellian, 237 Doppler broadening in Ar+ laser, 429 in CO laser, 90 in He-Ne laser, 49 Double heterostructure laser, 398-399 Drift velocity of electrons, 235 Dye lasers, 386-394 absorption and fluorescence bands, 388 Rhodamine 6G, 387 photophysical properties, 387-391 Dynamical instabilities in lasers, 310 anti-phase dynamics, 310 irregular spiking, 310 Dynamically stable resonators, 184-187 Efficiency of a laser longitudinal, 270 output coupling, 261 pumping, 209, 242-243 quantum, 261 slope, 260, 267, 276 transverse, 261, 267 Einstem coefficients, see A and B coefficients Electric dipole approximation, 33, 539 Electric dipole moment, 27, 550 Electric dipole transitions, 32 Electrical pumping, 228-244 by electron-impact, 230, 231-235 pump rate, 242-243 scaling laws, 241-242 spin-exchange collisions, 234 Electron gas distribution function, 237-238 dnft velocity, 235-237 thermal velocity, 235-237 Electron impact excitation, 231 cross section, 232-235 Electron temperature, 237 597 Electron temperature (cont.) and if Ip ratio, 238 and pD product, 241 Electronic states for a bulk semiconductor, 92-96 for a molecule, 83-84 for a quantum well, 112-115 Electro-optical Q switch, 313-315 Embedded Gaussian beam, 494-495 Energy of a molecule electronic, 81-83 rotational, 81-83 vibrational, 81-83 Energy density of radiation, 18 Energy levels Alexandrite, 63, 382 Argon ion, 428 CO 2,433 Copper vapor, 425 Dye laser, 389 Helium-Cadmium, 431 Helium-Neon, 421 (KrF)*,447 Nd:YAG, 62, 370 Nitrogen, 444 Ruby 368 Ti : sapphire, 384 Tm: Ho: YAG, 377 Yb: Er: glass, 376 Yb:YAG,374 Energy transfer back-transfer, 52 Forster type, 54 for laser pumping, 377, 421, 434 near-resonant, 52, 54, 421, 434 Energy utilization factor, 323 Equivalent Fresnel number, 190 Etalon, for single mode selection, 285-287 Excimer laser, 445-448 "Extra photon", 251 Fabry-Perot etalon, 285 Fabry-Perot interferometer, 140-145 finesse, 143 free-spectral range, 142 as a spectrometer, 144 Fabry-Perot resonator, 162 Far infrared lasers, 432 Faraday isolator, 288-289 Fermi level, 97 Flashlamp, 205-207 Fluorescence, 91, 390 quantum yield, 57 Forbidden transition, 31, 36-37 Four-level laser, 598 Index Franck-Condon factor, 88 Franck-Condon principle, 87 Free electron lasers, 452-456 Free spectral range, 142, 145 Free-running laser, 14 Frequency, of a laser beam, chirp, 335, 574 fluctuations, 293-294 pulling, 291 stabilization, 295-297 Fresnel number, 182 Fringes, interference, 468 g-parameters of a cavity, 172 Ga,_,Al,As lasers, 413 GaAs DH lasers, 398-399 limit to laser linewidth, 292-293 relaxation oscillations, 308, 309 GaAs QW lasers, 403-404 Gain coefficient, 41, 68, 105, 107-108, 121 differential, 108 material, III modal, 111,401 Gain coefficient for atomic transitions, 4l for a bulk semiconductor, 105, 107-108 saturated, 68 for a semiconductor QW, 121 unsaturated, 69 Gain saturation homogeneous transition, 68, 282 inhomogeneous transition, 282-283 Gain switching, 329-330 of a dye laser, 329 of a semiconductor laser, 329 of a TEA CO2 laser, 329 Gas dynamic lasers, 203 Gaussian line shape, 39-40 shape, 489 Gaussian beams, 148-158 and the ABeD law, 149, 154-155 divergence, 153, 478 focusing, 156 free-space propagation, 152-154 higher-order modes, 155-158 lowest-order mode, 148-150 parameter q, 149 radius of curvature, 150-151, 153-154 Rayleigh range, 152 spot size at beam waist, 154 Gaussian linewidth, 48-49 Gaussian resonator modes, 180-181 Glass-laser media, 366 Group Group Group Group delay, 349 delay dispersion, 349, 572 velocity, 348, 572 velocity dispersion, 350, 572 h and ~ (Planck's constant), 23, 581 Hannonic generation, 505-507 Helium-Neon laser, 420-425 limit to laser linewidth, 292-293 single-longitudinal-mode, 285 transient behavior, 309 Helmholtz equation, 20 Hennite-Gaussian modes, 180-181 Heterostructure laser, 398-399 Higher order coherence, 491, 577-579 Higher order modes, 180-181, 191-193 Hole burning spatial, 283-284 spectral, 70, 282-283 Homogeneous broadening, 37, 43-47 causes of, 44-47 effects on laser operation, 284 and laser mode locking, 340, 342-343, 563-569 Homogeneous linewidth, 46, 47 Homojunction lasers, 396-398 Hot bands, 87 Huygens's principle, II, l46 wavelets, 146, 469 Incoherent light source, 476, 489 Index ellipsoid, 507-508 Inelastic collisions, 231 Inhomogeneous broadening, 38, 43 causes of, 48-49 effects on laser operation, 282-283 and laser mode locking, 339 Intensity noise, 297-299 Interferometer Fabry-Perot, 140-142 finesse, 143, 145 free spectral range, 142, 145 Michelson, 470-471 scanning, 144-145 Young's, 468-470 Internal conversion, 91-92 Intersystem crossing, 390 Inversion, partial, 443 Iodine laser, 449 Ion lasers, 427 Ionization balance, 238-240 J, quantum number, 83 Index Kerr effect (optical), 345 Kerr-lens mode-locking, 344-345 Lamb shift, 30 Lambert source, 12 Lamp radiative efficiency, 209-210 transfer efficiency, 209-210 Laser amplification, 495-498 input-{)utput relatlOn, 498 transverse variation in, 500 Laser amplitude modulation, 338 in actively mode-locked lasers, 338-340 Laser cavity, see Optical Resonator Laser efficiency longitudinal, 270 output coupling, 261 quantum, 261 slope, 261 transverse, 261 Laser-frequency fluctuations, 293-295 Laser-frequency modulation, 296 for active mode-locking, 340-341 Laser linewidth quantum limit, 292-293 Laser mirrors, 137-138 Laser oscillation steady-state condition for, 258 threshold current density, 402, 404 threshold inversion for, 6, 258, 265, 273, 275,401, 403 threshold pump power, 259, 266, 273, 275 Laser output power, 260, 274 optimum coupling, 277-279 relation to photon number, 255 versus pumping, 260-265, 267, 269, 272, 274, 276 Laser pumping, 210-211 by diode-lasers, 212-214 longitudinal, 214-219 transverse, 219-221 pump-rate and pump efficiency, 221-223 threshold pump power, 224-226 Laser range-finder, 369, 372, 377 Laser rate equations for four level lasers, 253 for Q switching, 322 for quasi-three-Ievellaser, 257 space-dependent, 553-561 Laser speckle, 483-486 Laser spiking, see spiking Laser tuning by a birefringent filter, 280-281 by a diffraction grating, 279 by a dispersive prism, 279 Laser, types of 599 Laser, types of (cant.) Alexandrite, 381-383 AI1o,Ga,As(AI,Ga1_,As, 413-414 Ar+, 427-430 chemical, 202-203, 448-449 CO,442-444 CO" 436-442 copper vapor, 425-427 Cr: LiSAF, 385-386 Cr: LiCAF, 385-386 DF,452 distributed feedback, 408-411 distributed Bragg, 411 dye, 391-394 Er: glass, 376-377 excimer, 445-446 far infrared, 432 fiber, 378-381 free-electron, 452-456 GaAs, 405-408 gas-dynamic, 203 HF,449-452 He-Cd, 430-431 He-Ne, 420-425 InGaAs(GaAs, 414 InGaAsP (InP, 414 InGaN, 394-415 InGaP(InGaAlp, 405 KrF, 447-448 N,,444-445 Nd:glass, 373 Nd: YAG, 370-372 Nd: YLF, 373-374 Nd: YV04, 373-374 rare-gas-halide, 446-448 ruby, 367-370 self-terminating, 258, 426, 444 semiconductor, 405-408 Ti: sapphire, 383-385 Tm: Ho: YAG, 377-378 Yb: Er: glass, 376-377 Yb: glass, 374 Yb:YAG,374 up-conversion, 380-381 vertical-cavity-surface-emitting, 411-413 vibronic, 382 X-ray, 457-458 Lifetime cavity-photon, 161-162, 168 nomadiative, 51, 53, 55 radiative, 28, 30, 32 Line shape, g(v) Gaussian, 40, 49 Lorentzian, 35, 46,541-544 Voigt profile, 49 600 Index Line-broadening mechanisms collision, 4~6, 541-544 Doppler, 49 homogeneous, 43, 4~7 inhomogeneous, 43, 48-49 natural, 47 phonon, 46-47 Linewidth cavity, 168-169 due to collisions, 46 Doppler, 49 of laser light, 292-294 natural, 47 Longitudinal mode, 179 frequency difference between, 162, 179 single, 179 Lorentzian line shape, 35 Losses diffraction, 161, 166-167 internal, 6, 252 logarithmic, 6, 252 mirror, 7, 252 for stable resonators, 182-183 for unstable resonators, 189, 193 M' factor, 481-482 Magnetic dipole transitions, 31 Magnification factor, round trip, 189 Manley-Rowe relations, 517, 521 Maser, Matrix element of electric dipole moment, 27, 550 Matrix formulation of geometrical optics, 129-135 Maxwellian velocity distribution, 237 Michelson's interferometer, 470-471 Mirrorless lasers, 75 Mode-locking, 330-337 active, 337-342 additive pulse, 342 AM type, 338-340, 341 by fast saturable absorbers, 342-344 FM type, 340-341 frequency-domain description, 330-336 fundamental, 337 harmonic, 337 Kerr-lens, 344-345, 358-359 passive, 337, 342-347 regimes, 355-356 by slow saturable absorbers, 345-347 soliton-type, 353-355 by synchronous pumping, 338 systems, 356-359 time-domain description, 336-337 Momentum conservation of interacting photons, 507, 512 in a QW semiconductor, 119 Momentum conservation (cont.) in a semiconductor crystal, 10 1-102 Monochromaticity, 9, 463-464 and temporal coherence, 471-472 Multilayer dielectric coatings, 137-140 Multiphonon deactivation, 53-54 Natural broadening, 47 Nd: glass laser, 373 Nd: YAG laser, 370-372 cw operation, example, 261-263, 271-272 energy levels, 62, 370 linewidth, 46-47 pumping efficiency of, 209-210 Q-switched, examples, 325-328 relaxation oscillations, example, 308-309 transition cross section, 62 Near-planar resonator frequency spectrum 179-180 spot sizes, 177 Near-resonant energy transfer, 52, 54, 421, 434 Negative-branch unstable resonator, 187 Nitrogen molecular laser, 44~45 role in CO, laser, 434 Nonradiative decay, 2, 50-55 in bulk semiconductors, 110-111 due to collisional deactivation, 50 cooperative up-conversion, 55 cross relaxation, 55 by dipole-dipole interaction, 54 Forster-type, 54 by internal conversion, 91-92 of molecules, 91 Optical cavity, see Cavity; Optical Resonators Optical diode, 164, 288-290 Optical isolator, 288-289 Optical Kerr effect, 345 Optical pumping efficiency of, 208-210 power quantum efficiency, 209 radiative efficiency, 209 systems for, 204-206 transfer efficiency, 209 Optical resonators confocal, 163 diffraction losses, 161, 166, 181-184 dynamically stable, 184-187 eigenrnodes, 165-167, 174-177 eigenvalues, 165-167, 177-179 linewidth, 168-169 modes in, 174-177 near-concentric, 163 near-planar, 177, 179-180 601 Index Optical resonators (cont.) negative branch unstable, 187 plane-parallel, 162 positive branch unstable, 187 resonant frequencies, 167, 179-180 ring-type, 164 stability condition, 169-172 stable, 173-187 standing and traveling waves, 179- 180 unstable, 187-197 with variable-reflectivity mirrors, 194-198 Optimum output coupling, 277-279 Optimum pD product, 242 for CO, laser, 437 for He- Ne laser, 424 Overtone transitions, 88 Oxygen-iodine laser, 449 Parabolic band approXimation, 92-93, 114, 124 Parametric oscillator, 512 doubly resonant, 513, 518-519 singly resonant, 513, 519-520 Paraxial approximation ray, 129 wave, 145-148 Partial inversion, 443 Passive mode-locking, 337, 342-347 colliding-pulse, 357-358 Kerr-lens, 344-345, 358-359 by fast saturable absorbers, 342-344 by slow saturable absorbers, 345-347 Passive Q switching, see Q switching Perturbation theory, time dependent, 33 Phase fluctuations of monomode lasers, 293-295, 488 Phase velocity, 347 Phase-matching angle, 510-511 Phasor analysis of mode-locking, 333-334 Photon lifetime, 161-162, 168 Planck's law, 23 Pockels cell for AM mode-locking, 341-342 for cavity-dumping, 360 for FM mode-locking, 342 for Q-switching, 313-315 Populatiun in a level, Population inversion, 5, 253, 257 damping of, 259, 266, 275 Positive branch unstable resonator, 187 Pound-Drever technique, 295-297 Principle of detailed balance, 51 Pulse compression, 524-529 duration, mode locking, 339-340, 343, 355 duration, Q-switching, 324 Pulse (cant.) expansion, 529-530 frequency chirp, 335, 574 transform-limited, 335-336 Pulsewidth in mode-locked lasers, 339-340, 343, 355 in Q-switched lasers, 324 Pump efficiency, 208-209, 242-243 quantum efficiency, 209 rate, 9, 210, 222-223, 242-243 transfer systems, 204-205, 214-220 Pump power, threshold value, 224-226 Pump rate, 9, 210, 222-223, 242-243 effective value of, 222-223 threshold value of, 9, 259, 266, 273, 275 Pumping, anharmonic, 443 chamber, 204 chemical, 202-203 by diode lasers, 201, 212-227 by an e-beam, 202 efficiency, 208-209, 242 electrical, 20 I, 228-230 gas-dynamic, 203 laser, 210-212 longitudinal, 214-219 optical, 20 I radio frequency, 229-230 threshold value of, 224-226 transverse, 219-221, 228-229, 439, 440, 441, 442 by x-rays, 202 Q-branch rotational-vibrational transitions, 89-90 Q, quality factor definition, 169 relation to cavity bandwidth, 169 relation to photon lifetime, 169 Q-switching,311-313 acousto-optic, 316-317 electro-optical, 313-315 fast-switching, 312 methods of, 313-319 multiple pulses from, 313 natural mode selection in, 319 operating regimes, 319-321 pulsewidth, 324 rate equation analysis of, 322-324 repetitive, 328 rotating prism, 315 saturable absorber, 317-319 slow switching, 313 theory of, 321-328 Quantum dots, 125-126 602 Index Quantum theory "extra photon", 251 laser linewidth, 292 of spontaneous emission, 29-30 Quantum well, 112-125 lasers, 402~05 strained, 123-125 Quantum wire, 125-126 Quantum yield of fiuorescence, 57 Quasi-Fenmi levels, 98-100, 395 Quasi-monochromatic wave, 463 Quasi-three-Ievel laser, R-branch, rotational-vibrational transitions, 89-90 Radially variable refiectivity mirrors, 194-198 Radiation trapping, 71 Radiative decay, 25-30 of a molecule, 91 Radiative lifetime, 28 Rare-gas-halide lasers, 446~8 Rate equation approximation, 249, 300 Rate equations cw behavior, 258-261 four-level laser, 250-255 Q-switching, 322 quasi-three-levellaser, 255-258 space-dependent, 261-270, 274-276, 553-561 space-independent, 258-261, 273-274 Ray matrix for cascade systems, 132-133 definition of, 130 and Gaussian beam propagation, 149, 154-156 for reverse propagation, 133-134 for selected optical elements, 132 and spherical waves, 134-135 Ray stability, 169-173 Rayleigh range, 152 Rayleigh-Jeans fonmula, 22 Recombination Auger, III electron-ion, 240, 429 deep-trap, 108 radiation, 207 Relaxation oscillations damped, 306-307 linearized analysis, 307-309 Repetitive Q switching, see Q switching Resonant energy transfer, 52, 54, 421, 434 Resonator g parameters, 172 Resonator, see Optical resonators Ring resonator, 164 frequency separation between longitudinal modes, 164 for single mode dye laser, 289-290 for single mode Nd: YAG laser, 290-291 Ring resonator (cont.) unidirectional operation, 288 Rotating prism Q switching, see Q-switching Rotational states energy levels, 84 level occupation, 86 selection rules for radiative transitions, 89-90, 550-551 Rotational transitions, 87 Rotational-vibrational lasers, 432 Rotational-vibrational transitions, 87 Ruby energy levels of, 368 laser linewidth for, 4~ Ruby laser, 367-369 relaxation oscillations in, 310 Saturable absorber fast, 342-344, 356 mode-locking, 342-344, 345-347 Q-switching, 317-319, 326-327 slow, 345-347, 356 Saturable absorber Q switches, see Q-switching Saturation, 7, 64-70 of absorption, 64 energy fiuence, 67, 69 of gain, 68-69 hole burning effects, 70 homogeneous line, 64-69 inhomogeneous line, 69-70 intensity, 65 Scaling laws for electrical discharge lasers, 241-242 Schawlow-Townes fonmula, 292 Schrodinger equation, 536 Second-hanmonic generation, 505-512, 520-523 nonlinear polarization, 505 phase-matching angle, 510-511 type I and type /I, 511 Selection rules for atomic transitions, 31-32 for bulk semiconductors, 10 I-I 02 for rotational transitions, 90, 550-551 for rotational-vibrational transitions, 89, 551 for semiconductor quatum wells, 119-120 for vibronic transitions, 87-88, 551 Self-focusing, 345 Self-phase-modulation, 353, 524 Semiclassical treatment, 25, 32, 535 Semiconductor bulk, 92 quantum dot, 92, 125 quantum well, 92, 112 quantum wire, 92, 125 Semiconductor laser, 394-396, 405~08 array, 212 Index Semiconductor laser (cont.) bar, 213 beam confinement factor, 401-402 distributed Bragg reflector, 411 distributed feedback, 408-411 double heterostructure, 398-402 emission spectrum, 408 external quantum efficiency, 407 gain-guided, 405-406 homojunction, 396-398 index -guided, 406 internal quantum efficiency, 400 mode partition noise, 299-300 multiple quantum well, 404-405 output power, 407 quantum noise, 292-293 quantum well, 402-405 relaxation oscillations, 308-309 separated confinement, 403 single-stripe, 212 slope efficiency, 407 stripe geometry 405 surface emitting, 412 vertical cavity surface emitting, 412-413 Single longitudinal mode by Fabry-Perot etalons, 285-287 in passive, Q-switched lasers, 319 with short-cavity-Iength laser, 285, 288 by unidirectional ring lasers, 288-291 Single transverse mode by beam aperturing, 284 by longitudinal laser pumping, 289, 291 by radially variable reflectivity mirrors, 284-285 using unstable resonators, 192-193, 284-285 Slope efficiency, 260-261, 267, 270, 274, 276 of a CO, laser, 264-265 ofa Nd:YAG laser, 262, 271 of a semiconductor laser, 407 of Yb: YAG laser, 277 Soliton, 354 Spatial coherence, and beam divergence, 479-480 degree of, 466 measurement of, 468-470 of multi-transverse-mode lasers, 474-475 Spatial hole burning, see Hole burning Speckle, laser, 483-486 Spiking of multimode lasers, 310 rate equation analysis, 306 Spontaneous emission, 2, 26-32 Einstein treatment, 43 and laser rate equations, 251 quantum electrodynamics approach, 29-31 rate of, 3, 30, 43 603 Spontaneous emission (cont.) semiclassical approach, 26-28 for a semiconductor, 109-1 \0 Spot size, 150 at the beam waist, 153 for symmetric resonators, 177 fora two-mirror cavity, 176 Spot-size parameter, 149-150 Stability of optical resonators, 169-172, 173-174 Statistical properties of laser light, 487-488 of thermal light, 489 Steady-state solution to rate equations, 259-260, 267, 269-270,274, 276 Stimulated emission, cross section, 3-4 effective cross-section, 60, 62 rate of, 3-4, 35 Stocke's law, 91, 390 Strained quantum wells, 123-125 Superelastic collision, 51, 423, 426 Super-Gaussian beam, 196 reflectivity profile, 196-198 Synchronously pumped mode-locked laser, 338 TEA CO, lasers, 441-442 Temperature electron, 237 ion, 429 Temporal coherence, 9- \0 degree of, 465 measurement of, 470-471 and monochromaticity, 471-472 of multimode lasers, 473-474 nonstationary beams, 473 Threshold inversion, 6, 258, 265, 273, 275 pump power, 224-226 pump rate, 9, 259, 266, 273, 275 Thermal activation, 51, 435 Thermal distribution of degenerate levels, 5, 59 among rotational states, 85-86 Thermal equilibrium and blackbody radiation, 17-18 and Boltzmann factor, 5, 58, 85 for a bulk semiconductor, 97 for degenerate levels, 5, 59, 85-86 for a molecule, 86 for a QW semiconductor, 117 Thermal light, 475 first-order coherence, 476 higher-order coherence, 578-579 statistical properties, 489 604 Index Thennal velocity of atoms, 46 of electrons, 235 Thennalization of atoms or molecules, 5, 58-59, 85-86 Thennodynamic equilibrium, see Thennal equilibrium Third-order dispersion, 351, 352 Three-level laser, Transfonn-Iimited pulse, 335-336 Transition cross section, 4, 37, 39, 60, 62 electric-dipole allowed, 31-32, 36-37 electric-dipole forbidden, 31, 36-37 infrared active, 88, 551 P-branch, 89-90 Q-branch, 89 R-branch, 89-90 Transparency condition, 106 Transparency density, 106 Transverse mode, 179 diffraction losses, 181-183 frequency difference, 179 higher order, 180-181 of unstable resonators, 191-192 Trapping of radiation, 71 Threshold inversion, 6, 258, 265, 273, 275 pump power, 224-226 pump rate, 259, 266, 273, 275 Triplet states in dyes, 389 Tunable solid-state lasers, 381 Two-grating compressor, 527-528 Two-grating expander, 529-530 Two-prism-couple for dispersion compensation, 351-353 Unidirectional ring laser for single mode dye laser, 289-290 for single mode Nd:YAG laser, 290-291 Unstable resonators, 187-197 advantages and disadvantages, 187, 193-194 confocal, 190 equivalent Fresnel number, 190 geometrical-optics description, 187-189 magnification factor M, 189 mode patterns, 191-192 negative branch, 187 positive branch, 187 radially variable reflectivity, 194-198 wave-optics description, 190-193 Variable reflectivity unstable resonators, 194-198 Vibrational-rotational lasers, 432 Vibrational-rotational transitions, 87 Vibronic lasers, 432 Vibronic transitions, 87 Visibility of fringes, 468-469, 470-471 Voigt integral, 49 Waist of Gaussian beam, 153 Wave equation, 19,514-515 paraxial, 147 Schriidinger, 536 Wave-number, 46 Wigner-Weisskopf approximation, 30 X-ray lasers, 457-458 Young's interferometer, 468-470 Zero-point fluctuations, 30 and laser Iinewidth, 292-293 and spontaneous emission, 29-30 Orazio Svelto is professor of Quantum Electronics at the Polytechnic Institute of Milan and Director of the Quantum Electronics Center of the Italian National Research Council His research has covered a wide range of activity in the field of laser physics and quantum electronics, starting from the very beginning of these disciplines This activity includes ultrashort-pulse generation and applications, development of laser resonators and mode-selection techniques, laser applications in biology and medicine, and development of solid-state lasers Professor Svelto is the author of more than 150 scientific papers and his researches have been the subject of more than 50 invited papers at international conferences He has served as a program chair of the IX International Quantum Electronics Conference (1976), as a chair of the European program committee for CLEO '85 and CLEO '90, and he was general co-chair for the first CLEO-Europe Conference (1994) He is an elected member of the Italian "Accademia dei XL" and a Fellow of the IEEE .. .Principles of Lasers FOURTH EDITION Orazio Svelto Polytechnic Institute of Milan and National Research Council Milan, Italy Translated... multiple-quantum-welllasers, diode-pumped solid-state lasers, new concepts for both stable and unstable resonators, femtosecond lasers, ultra-high-brightness lasers, etc This edition thus represents... more interested in the Principles of Laser Engineering, effort should mostly be concentrated on the second part of the book (Chapters 5-12) The level of understanding of a given topic may also

Ngày đăng: 23/11/2017, 15:06

Nguồn tham khảo

Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
I. D. 1. Kuizenga and A. E. Siegman, FM and AM Mode Locking of the Homogeneous Laser-Part 1: Theory, IEEE J Quantum Electron. QE-6. 694 (1970) Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: IEEE "J "Quantum Electron
Năm: 1970
2. H. A. Haus. A Theoty of Fotced Mode Locking. IEEE J Quantum Electron. QE-ll. 323 (1975) Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: A Theory of Forced Mode Locking
Tác giả: H. A. Haus
Nhà XB: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics
Năm: 1975
3. H. A. Haus, Waves and Fields in Optoelectronics (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984), Sect. 9.3 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Waves and Fields "in "Optoelectronics
4. A. E. Siegman, Lasers (Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1986), Sect. 7.4 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Lasers
Tác giả: A. E. Siegman
Nhà XB: Oxford University Press
Năm: 1986
5. H. A. Haus, Theory of Mode Locking with a Fast Saturable Absorber, J Appl. Phys. 46, 3049 (1975); sec also Ref. 3. Sect. 10.3.569 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: J "Appl. Phys

