A On B Without C In D To predict trans v: dự đoán predictable a: có thể dự đoán được unpredictable a: không thể dự đoán được economy n: nền kinh tế supply n: cung demand n: cầu function
Trang 1Test 8
101 A general strike by the company’s employees
should the board of directors to listen to
their demands
(A) force
(B) forcing
(C) forces
(D) forced
strike (n): cuộc đình công
by + N: bởi
force (trans v) force sb to do sth: ép ai làm gì
demand (n): yêu cầu, nhu cầu
102 _ today’s unpredictable economy, the law
of supply and demand does not function the same
as it once did.
(A) On
(B) Without
(C) In
(D) To
predict (trans v): dự đoán
predictable (a): có thể dự đoán được
unpredictable (a): không thể dự đoán được
economy (n): nền kinh tế
supply (n): cung
demand (n): cầu
function (intr v): hoạt động
once (adv): đã từng
104 Data shows that the recent tax imposed on
cigarette products has been _ effective at
reducing their use.
(A) surprised
(B) surprisingly
(C) surprises
(D) surprising
recent (a): gần đây
impose (trans v): áp đặt lên, thực hiện
107 on the way to an important client
meeting, Mr Arnold realized he had forgotten the
(A) Though
(B) During
(C) While
(D) About
realize (intr v): nhận ra
paperwork (n): hồ sơ
110 The consumer rights organization questioned whether the company was truly improving the safety of its product
(A) committed to
(B) committing (C) committed (D) committing for
consumer (n): người tiêu dùng right (n): quyền lợi
be committed to + N/V-ing: cam kết với cái gì improve (trans v): cải thiện
112 Serious injury even death can result from any use of this product other than that described in the manual
(A) both
(B) or
(C) but (D) as
serious (a): nghiêm trọng injury (n): chấn thương, vết thương other than: khác hơn
describe (trans v): miêu tả
113 Two of the instructors who normally _ the training course have asked not to participate this year.
(A) holds (B) holding
(C) hold
(D) to hold
instructor (n): người hướng dẫn course (n): khóa học
participate (intr v): tham gia
115 An adventure story about mountain climber’s trip to Africa will be featured _ next month’s issue.
(A) with (B) to (C) about
(D) in
adventure (n): sự phiêu lưu feature (trans v): có tính năng, có sự đặc biệt
117 you feel any severe pain after the operation, contact your doctor at the hospital immediately
(A) Having (B) Had been
(C) Should
(D) Would have
severe (a): cực kỳ, khủng khiếp, to lớn operation (n): sự mổ, cuộc phẫu thuật
Trang 2108 The opportunity for promotion is offered to
_ who demonstrate the ability to excel at their
(A) nobody
(B) each
(C) all
(D) every
opportunity (n): cơ hội
promotion (n): sự thăng tiến
demonstrate (trans v): biểu lộ, chứng minh
ability (n): khả năng
excel (intr v): làm việc xuất sắc, làm tốt
109 The marketing strategy employed by Devo &
Co in the last quarter increased the firm’s sales
(A) dramatized
(B) dramatic
(C) dramatically
(D) dramas
strategy (n): chiến lược
employ (trans v): áp dụng, thực hiện
dramatic (a): đáng kể
119 Not everyone is convinced that the
restructuring is _ responsible for the
improvement in employee performance
(A) truthful
(B) true
(C) truth
(D) truly
convinced (a): bị thuyết phục
be responsible for: chịu trách nhiệm
restructure (v): tái cấu trúc
improvement (n): sự cải thiện
performance (n): năng suất lao động
121 Please make sure that you have the _
form of photo identification available to show to
the ticket agent
(A) appropriate
(B) appropriately
(C) more approximately
(D) most appropriately
appropriate (a): phù hợp
identification (n): sự xác định danh tính
agent (n): người đại lý
122 We will begin to offer loans again _ the market
recovers from the current down
(A) whether
(B) from (C) by(D) once
loan (n): tiền cho vay
recover (intr v): phục hồi
immediate (a): ngay lập tức
118 All of the funds should be transmitted to the account the afternoon of June 16, 2008
(A) within
(B) by
(C) until (D) as
fund (n): quỹ, tiền quỹ transmit (trans v): chuyển, lưu chuyển
128 Tyson Products manufactures thousands of children’s toys, many of _ are top sellers in their markets
(A) that (B) whom (C) what
(D) which
manufacture (trans v): sản xuất top seller: hàng bán chạy nhất
129 Donations private citizens like you are essential for keeping high-quality radio programs
on the air
(A) from
(B) among (C) between (D) onto
donation (n): sự quyên góp private (a): riêng tư, cá nhân citizen (n): cư dân
essential (a): cần thiết
on the air: lên song, phát sóng
130 Ms Greely’s colleagues, who discovered that her birthday is on Thursday, are preparing a special celebration for
(A) her
(B) she (C) hers (D) herself
132 The _ trends in the stock market generally follow the predictions made by Ms Wentworth
(A) observably
(B) observed
(C) observation (D) observing
observe (trans v): quan sát trend (n): xu hướng, xu thế stock market: thị trường chứng khoán prediction (n): sự dự đoán
133 When the visitors their tour of the facility, they will have an opportunity to purchase items at the gift shop.
(A) will be completed
Trang 3123 After _ your order via our website, you will
receive an email confirmation within a few minute.
(A) placed
(B) place
(C) placement
(D) placing
confirm (trans v): xác nhận
125 The speaker will be available to answer
questions after the presentation for _ who are
able to stay
(A) their
(B) those
(C) them
(D) these
126 A skilled manager knows how to address
personality conflicts _ they become major
problems that can threaten an entire department.
(A) before
(B) regarding
(C) into
(D) whether
skilled (a): có kỹ năng
address (trans v): giải quyết
conflict (n): mâu thuẫn
major (a): chính
threaten (trans v): đe dọa
entire (a): toàn bộ
136 The mayor suggested that among the
public for her revised tax policy would increase
over time.
(A) support
(B) supporting
(C) supports
(D) supported
revise (trans v): kiểm tra lại, xem xét lại
policy (n): chính sách
137 Under a new law, accountants who produce
false documents are subject to _ penalties than
they were a few years ago
(A) harsh
(B) harsher (C) harshly(D) harshest
harsh (a): thô, xù xì, xấu, khó khăn (nghĩa bóng)
(B) should complete (C) will complete
(D) complete
facility (n): cơ sở vật chất purchase (trans v): mua
135 Today, stock markets around the world are showing the drop in value this year.
(A) sharply (B) sharp
(C) sharpest
(D) sharper
drop (n): sự rớt value (n): giá trị
139 The firm has hired a top _ to review the financial documents that are believed to contain the error
(A) analyzed (B) analysis
(C) analyst
(D) analyzing
analyze (trans v): phân tích analyst (n): nhà phân tích review: xem lại, kiểm tra lại contain (trans v): chứa đựng
140.Marilyn Rahman is viewed by most in the department as a _ coworker with a talent for exceeding expectations.
(A) depending (B) dependent (C) depended
(D) dependable
depend on (intr v): phụ thuộc vào dependable (a): có thể phụ thuộc vào được talent (n): tài năng
exceed (trans v): vượt quá expectation (n): sự mong đợi
138 Despite his recent success with the Pietersen contract, Mr Dobson faces criticism for his mishandling of the company’s temporary financial crisis last year
(A) yet
(B) still
still (adv): vẫn criticism (n): sự chỉ trích mishandle (trans v): xử lý sai temporary (a): tạm thời crisis (n): khủng hoảng