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First friends 2 activity book

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Susanlonnuzzi ! - -_,4i 1.-L-.- / nY g G0 9,{;% \.' \ \n r\,1 v e) ffiivf;*klt Susanlonnuzzi OXTORD IJNIVBRSITY PRESS Toplc 5{rntturc I Hello Revision Revision l'm (nome) Doysof the week Le{rel: ard p.fgdlr Numbrrr 5on9r cnd chonfr Alphobet revirion Revirion: Lesson2: Doysof the week Lesson3: Lettersong Lesson4: Lettersong ^"il-* l 1-2 Number wordr: one,two Commonds l I f : I I I { J- -, -* I orr school j Revision: i friend 3-5 I I mu5rcroom Number wordr: three,four five Alphobet revision clossroom Whos this? ! ployground He's / She! sondbox I { schoolbus 5ee5clw : i te ocher | My friendr Are you ? Yes.lom / No, I'mnot , hoPPy 5neep hot shoes hungry fish l : : soo thirsty j Revirion: 6-8 Number wordr: srx,seven, eight Lerron3: Lettersong Lesron 4: lf you'rehcppy trred i I | I c on throw both Number words: nine.ten bedroom digroph'ch' il-12 diningroom chocolote kitchen beoch eteven, lvvelve livingroom kitchen thumb lomp plont sofo TV I I I l I {i I Revirion: 9-10 i, -_*,. *F Lerson 3: Lettersong Lesson4: I conlump Lesson3: Lettersong Lesson4: Beonplont,beonplont, Crow grow.grow I r'i, fl ' ,l ' Topic , ': My room Lil'il $ ,lwqil r;ii=-:=m qrr oed ph*rln* Xu.Ua* Where is it? bed CVC with'o': 13-14 lt'sin / on I under blonket coT shelf hot lhirteen, fourteen pillow mor wordrobe , Lesson3: Lettersong Lesron 4: Putyour hondon your heod tn on under On holidoy How monyore there? beoch Thereore, crab s ond sondcosfle CVC with'e': r5-16 )eJ ner fifteen, sixteen Leron 3: Lettersong Lesron4: Gn umbrellos in thesun wel 5eo shell umbrello blcck brown PurPle white Meoltime 5he/ Hes got cheese CVC with'i': t7-t8 chicken bis 5evenleen, dig eighteen fish juice fig pototo Lesson3: Lettersong Lesron 4: I love food, leti eot, please nce solod souP Circus fun 5he/ He I It t9-20 ocrobol CVC with'o': bicycle hoP nrneleen clown moP iwenfy orum juggler Lesson3: Letlersong Lesron 4: Letsoll go to the circus IOP parrol tent l0 Jobs ls she/ he ? builder CVC with'u': Yes,she/ he is / No, sheI he isn't docfor former bun run firemon policemon secreTory 5U n Numbers Lesson3: tl -20 Lettersong - revision Lesson4: How ore you todoy? Lerson 5: Twentyhorseson ihe form shopossistont (toxr)driver E LesronI I Troceond colour Write ond sog Drow gourself Unif I ActivityBook2 I Troceond sog Drow ActivityBook2 Unit I Lesson3 r-l l | | ro ce o n o m ot c n o o o o o o o o Unir I y Book Activit Lerson6 I Motch ond sog U o\ @ a E il g E @ Y4 wff ,tr"-*, ,,S ,ta_ .-R :: fe- Activity Book2 Unif I LersonI Write ond troce Acrrvrry ioox2 Unir lO g2 r.t Lesron I -=.=-=:=.-*"""j I Circleond sog policemq,n firemq,n doctor builder ocrobat teac her shop cssistant tq,xi driver clown jrgg ler school bus driver shop ossistant Unir lO Activity Book2 Leson -*.-.-*ri Troceond write \ (, Write ond sog un \ ,/ I a un A6rivirvBook2 Unit lO q Le;son4 I Look ond circlethe letters.Reod G Unir lo Ac''ry -ooox2 hqt mon sq,d dad bog Borz big sl,x fig Jig bin 1n box hoP on moP toP dog under sun j ^p bun nut mum Lerson6 I Reodond circle H e i s o Tlremq,Jt Yes No He is c farmer Yes No G She is o, secreto,rg.Yes No ffi Unit lO ActivityBook2 He is o, builder Yes No She is a juggler Yes No She is o teacher Yes No Urji JfJ iJs 'Jiei't I Circlethe pictureswith the un sound \t/ e r- Write the numbgr s l5 t6 tq ActivityBook2 Unit l0 q th ree m@ # msix NTTI I @@_@D ru@D@ q@@H Numbers ActivityBook2 Innl eight fi&f,f,&f,& ro f,ffi& ten I(.5elln) ff i - r e \*t=qry \&J *-i-^ {AGUry@ ilFailt ft ll @f.t ren 12 W# ffiffiffiffiffi ffi@@ffi , ; Wth irteen rQj (t.'=Q.gtr.t.q.-O '.,Q,rO:p.rQi p g2 14 - e,Q;.f;urteen S @ @#ffiffi@ &ee@ t5 @ @ t6Q$ Osi twelve o@@-@ @@0 @ f f i € @ fifte"" w xteen r r d E s 6% ( &bo0@ -=;\b - ilr_g_ ruffitry 17 g seventeen 18 ts-"eighteen loo on?oo obo 5Xc v ,qo#3;8"?20 VWtwentg ActivityBook2 Numbers q Wriring grid ActivityBook2 .t- \ _- - - t- \ ,\ brown gellow orange \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ ( \ blue PurPle 9reen \1.' Activity Book2 Moke o beoch umbrello I Colour,cut out qnd gluethe templateto mokegourumbrello Attoch gour umbrellsto o stick,pencilor strcw,usingstickg tope or modelling clcg ' \.- \ _ _ e-? I I I I \ I I I \ \ tlofc o broch urnblrllo Aeriviry Book2 Uni t Lesson Unit Lesson Sundog,Mondog,Tuesdog, Wednesdog, Put gour hond on gour heod Thursdog,Fridog,Soturdog Put gour hond on gour nose It's o nicedog! Put gour hond on gour leg It's Mondog Put gour hond on gour toes U nit Lesson Put gour hond in gour bog Put gour hond in the oir Put gour hond under gour book Shoke gour honds evergwhere lf gou'rehoppgond you know it, clopgourhonds lf gou'rehoppgond gou know it, clopgourhonds lf gou'rehoppgond gou know it, ond gou reollgwont to show it , lf gou'rehoppgond gou know it, I clopgourhonds f gou'r"sqd ond gou know it, I stomp gour feet I lf sod ond gou know it, gou're I stompgour feet I lf gou'resod ond gou know it, | ond gou reollgwont to showit I lf you'resod ond gou know it, I stompgour feet I I I seeo juggler I seeo juggler I seeo juggler Shecon throw ond cotch (Chorus) I seeo clown I seeo clown I seeo clown He plogo drum Unit 10 , Unit Lesson4 Lesson4 How ore gou todog? How are gou todog? Tenumbrellosin the sun There'sa colourfor evergone Block,white, brown,blue Greenfor me; purplefor gou Yellow,oronge,pink, ond red Sunis shining Hidegour heod! Unit Lesson I'm not verg well ls the doctor on the wog? How ore gou todoy? How ore gou todog? Thonks to the doctor I plog! Unit 10 Lesson Twentg horseson the form I U nit4 Solod ond soup Chicken ond cheese I love food! Let's eot, pleose! | -esson4 | jump | | conclimb | | | sing ond countto five Fish ond pototoes Juice ond rice I love food! Yummg! lt's nice Nineteen horseson the form I I throw I I I kick | { cotchond run ond hide I I I I-: L I-' , I I lon plont,beonplont I tttior- drow_ I I f*ar a*z{ lI r b - -t -r^rrr drow! c.'* -r^rrrl Unit EE-t-EE-t-O Twentg horseson the form Oh, no! One must go EE-l-EE-l-O Nineteen horseson the form Oh, no! One must go Lesson4 (Chorus) Let's oll go to the circus Let's oll go to the circus Let's oll go to the circus Whot gou see? One horse on the form EE-t-EE-t-O Onehorseon theJorm Oh, no! One must 9o I see on ocrobot I see on ocrobot I see on ocrobot He jump ond climb (Chorus) Activity Book2 Songs OX-FORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6DP Odord University Pressis a department ofthe University ofOxford It furthers the University's objective ofexcellence in research,scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown DaresSalaam HongKong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Thrkey Ukraine Vietnam oxronp and oxroRD ENclIsH are registered trade marks of Oford University Pressin the IJK and in certain other countries @Oxford University Press2oo9 The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press(maker) First published zoog 2(J73 2072 2077 2O1O2OO9 1098765 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved.No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior perrnission in writing ofOxford University Press, or as expressly permifted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scopeofthe above should be sent to the ELTRights Deparfinent, Oxford University Press,at the addressabove You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Any websites referred to in this publication are in the public domain and their addressesare provided by Oxford University Fressfor information only Oxford University Pressdisclaims any responsibility for the content rsBN: 978o 194432115 ltinted in china ACKN OWLE DGE M E NTS Illrstratronsby:PaulGibbs andJohn Haslam pp 4, 9,77,72,13, 45 (top), 56, 59 (t op),70:C a t h yH u g h e sp p , 8,7 ,1 ,1 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,3 ,3 23, ,3 6,38,40, 42, 44, 46, 48,s0, s2, s4, 58, 60, 52, 54, 66, 68, 77, 73, 77, 78; LisaWilliams/ Sylvie PoggioArtists Agency pp 5, 10, 15, 77, 19, 27, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37,39,41,43,4s (bottom),47,49,51, 53, ss, s7, s9 (boftom),67,63,6s,67, 69, 72, 74 , First Friendsiso two-yeor beginnerl course thot developsvocobulory,procfisesphonics, ond teochesfomily vofues r ClossBook with Audio CD o Acfivity Book o NumbersBook o Teocher'sBook o ClossAudio CD o ResourcePock: lO0 floshcords, posfers OXFORD LTNIVBRSITY PRESS www.oup.com/elt O X F O R DE N GL ISH sBN 978-0-r9-443211-5 ,llililllili ... AcriviryBook2 Lerson2 I Motch ond write I' m o I'ln o I' m o hoPPg tired sad hungrg I' m ActivityBook2 Unit q Leson i Circlesh Troceond write ) fish o :h.eB Write ond sog fl oes Unit ActiviryBook2 lesron... ,q Colourthe pictureswith the sh sound ActivityBook2 Unit Lesron5 I Troceond motch ffi O %t Qoeo5d oa Countond circle cc€r W &@ Fd-@ Unir ActivityBook2 57 i t:, ffi "€r€ 78 gv tt- la-la g... iFoI I L rrcre ,,///,, q,cd t shu nuv kdt s f Unir ActivityBook f P P o w nuc q, iJs iejJ I Sog ond write Countond circle f3 r4R5 5 Activity Book2 Unir [| Leson I Circleond sog hoPPg hungrg tired

Ngày đăng: 31/07/2017, 13:22

