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Full superkids 4 teachers guide

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_) Aledo Krquse Greg Cossu with M H Newton Published by LongmanAsiaEIT 2/F Cornwall House Taikoo Place 979 King's Road Quarry Bay Hong Kong fax +852 2856 9578 e-mai} aelt@pearsoned.com.hk www.longman.com and Associated Companies throughout the world @ Pearson Education Asia Limited 2005 All rights reseryed; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form orby any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publishers The follo{ring pages, however, may be photocopied by a school or teacher for use in a classroom: pp 29-31, "._ 39-4I,49-51,541-55,58-59,67-69,77-79,87-89,92-93,96-97, 105-107, lI5-117, 125-127, I3f131,134-135, 139, 143, 146, 168-177, IB0-185,186 First edition 1997 This edition 2005 Produced by Pearson Education Asia Limited, Hong Kong NPCC/01 ISBN 962 00 s29s Publishing Manager: Gregg Schroeder Publisher: Christienne Blodget Managing Editor: Marie Webster Editor: Richard Vfhitbread Designers: Iunko Funaki, Tonic Ng Illustrator: Bernd Wong Aclcrowledgements I wish to express my thanks to my students, who taught me everything I have learned about them, to my editors, whose dedication and professionalism are responsible for all that is good in this edition, and to my mother, L€ona, who always knew I would write a book and whose encouragement led me to try And my gratitude to lesley, without whom this would not be AledaKrause Writing a children's course is a team effort I wor:ld like to thank all of the editors and the enttre SuperKids team at Pearson Education for making the new edition of SuperKids a reality I also want to thank my coauthor, Aleda Krause, for her support and encouragement Lastly, I want to thank my friend Lesley who believed in me I dedicate this book to my mother, Jewel GregCossu The Publishers would like to thank the following people for their contribution to the course; Christine Choi Daphne Chen Bainbridge Kathryn Burder Chen Dorothy Chiu Lee SeungEun Sharon Eun Daniel Fllarn Gu, Eun-Young Yumi Hamanaka Kazuko Kameyama Katsuko Kato Christina Ke Greg Kennerly Kim, Sun-Young Kim,Young-Soon Jessie Un Mark McTamney Ichizo Murakami Mari Nakamura Rie Noguchi Samuel Oda Ayako Ozasa Suh, Yoon-Ii Chizuko Takai Hideko Takasu ShinichiTanaka ShellyThies-ltoh NathanToleman Norikoyoshio Evazawadzka Susan Florencia Mary L Burkitt Cho, fin-Hee Allen Gilman Hiroko Kashimoto Kim, Soo-Kyeong Tim Lvon Kaoru Naritomi Song, Na-Young DerekY Takeda NaokoWatanabe The publishe/s policyislouse paper manufactured from sustainable lorests I \_,:l Course Description ^ Philosophy Components Student Book unit description Course timing and schedule Lesson olannine Syllabus Course Goa]s ActiviW Bank Unit 1: Countries (includingTRs l, atd3) Unit 2: In My Backpack (includingTRs 4, and 6) Unit 3: Animals inAustralia (includingTRs 7, and g) Recycle it! (includingTRs 10 and 11) Discoverit! 1: Australia (includineTRs 12 and 13) Unit 4: Souvenirs in Iapan (including TRs 14, 15 and 16) Unit 5: AFamilyin Mexico (includingTRs 17, 18 and 19) Unit6: PlacesinNewYork (includingTRs20,2land22) Recycle it!2 (includingTRs 23 and24) Discoverit!2: The U.S (includingTRs 25 and 26) UnitT: SightseeinginKorea (includingTRs27,28 and29) Unit 8: Fun Day in the U.K (including TRs 30, 3l and 32) Unit 9: lVtratWe Did (includingTRs 33, 34 and 35) it!3 (includingTRs 36 and 37) Discoverit!3: The U.K (includineTRs 38 and 39) Recycle Culturel: ChristmasAroundtheWorld (includingTR40) Culture2: HolidaysAroundtheWorld I can it! Rewards Activity Book Answer Key Reduced Picture Cards Test Script andAgswer Key Test I Test Test Certificate of Completion Word List (includingTR4l) Page Page Page Page Page Pase I Page 10 Page 12 Paqe 13 Page 22 Page 32 Page 42 Page 52 Page 56 Page 60 Page 70 Page 80 Page 90 Page 94 Page 98 Page 108 Page 118 Page I28 Pase 132 Page 136 Page 140 Page 144 Page 146 Page L47 Pase 168 Page 178 Page fB0 Pase 182 Page 184 Page 186 Page L87 Philosophy Components SuperKids is a six-level course for elementary school Sludenl Book children learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) SuperKids is based on the following philosophies The Student Book includes: Voriety of methods No one particular English teaching methodology works for all children in all classes Techniques from various approaches are used Detailed suggestions are provided in each lesson plan Approaches used include Total Physical Response (TPR) in Levels I and 2, Whole Language Learning, and the Communicative Approach, all of which have been proven successftrl with children Conlexluol leorning Language is introduced contextually and in categories Children are able to learn and remember related vocabulary simple dialogs and structures more readily these are introduced in a common context Familiar themes and situations from children's lives are used in if order to ma-ke the task of learning English more interesting and less intimidating Listening firsl Many children studying in EFL siruations not hear spoken English outside the classroom and have no other base for their attempts to communicate in English In SuperKids, children hear and respond to language receptively before being required to produce it, that is they listen, then speak The CDs give maximum e)q)osure to native speaker competence Speoking needs proclice Children learn to speak English by saying things they want to say in meaningful contexts SuperKids proides activities and games that encourage children to speak out A storyline with familiar characters to stimulate student interest and to provide a sense of continuity Nine theme-based units with colorful double-page spreads Three Rerycle it! units to reinforce and expand on previously taught language Three Discover it! units to introduce cross-curricular topics Two double-page Culture units to introduce different events of universal interest to children, making learning English an international experience At least one song or chant per unit to help children practice and remember gr.rmmar points and dialogs Pictorial icons on each page to identify the focus of the lesson A gradual introduction to reading and wdting Sounds that have similar mouth positions are taught together so children can acquire the sounds more easily and learn to differentiate between them Sludent Book Level is based on the premise that children can read and understand sentences in English, and fill in blanks to complete words and sentences They are also able to make statements and ask / answer questions about themselves and others In Level 4, these Four skills SuperKids yystematically progresses through the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with each skill formally introduced and then practiced The emphasis is on listening and speaking (the natural order of language acquisition) so that children can immediately begin communicating orally in English Modeling The CD is used to model the language items and tasks before expecting children to speak or complete a task Children feel less threatened and more successful when working with new language or completing tasks in this way Review ond recycling In EFL situations, review of language is ver5, irnpelanl The language in SuperKids is carefully recycled within each level and between levels Fun Learning is made enjoyable through games and taskbased activiti es SuperKids aims to help children develop a positive attitude towards learning English Course Description skills are further developed Children learn to write short answers to questions after reading short passages, answer yes or no questions and spell key phonics words In Unit 1, the SuperKids are talking about their plans for summer vacation School will be out soon and the SuperKids are going on a class trip They are introduced to their tour guide, Mr Gray The characters interact throughout the book making learning enjoyable and stimulating Level focuses on: l Functional dialogs that are useful in daily life Vocabulary building ofnouns and verbs Nine structures to provide a strong foundation in English grammar The phonics sounds and spellings of common consonant and vowel blends Practice filling in blanks of sentences with words, writing short answers to questions after reading short passages and writing phonics n'ords Sludenl Book CD The Student Book CD includes: l Models for all the vocabulary-items, dialogs, and grammar points A narration of the storyline to add special interest Lively and rhythmic chants for Units l-9 Models for the phonics sounds The stories and listening actMties in the Rerycle it! units The vocabulary readings, listening activities and songs in the Discover it! units The vocabulary readings and listening activities in the Culture units Aclivity Book The Activity Book includes: l Furtherpractice of language items introduced in the Student Book Tasks Reproducible Reduced Picture Cards and Phonics Cards for each unit Note that throughout the Teacher's Guide, students is abbreviated to Ss Piclure Cords There are 72-lO3 Picture Cards per level One side is a color picture while the other side shows the corresponding word There is one card for each vocabulary item There is also one card for each SuperKids character in Level The Picture Cards can be used to teach and reviewvocabulary words as well as practice the dialogs Detailed suggestions on how to use the cards are provided in each lesson plan Student Book unit description ofuniversal enjoyment to children, e.g crossword and word search puzzles and craft activities Tolk qbout it! (Vocobulory functionol diologs, grommor diolog) Each unit opens with a double-page spread showing the following in an illustrated context: Onepageforevery lesson in Units l-9 and one page for every Recycle it!, Discover it! and Culture unit A Iistening activity on each page as well as another activity to practice reading and writing words and sentences l Target vocabulary items underneath the four illustrated scenes One functional dialog, one vocabulary substitution dialog and one review substitution dialog The unit's target grammar dia.log outlined in red Numbered dialogs so that Ss will know which dialog to Activity Book CD focus on when listening to the CD The Activity Book CD includep: l An Activity Bank of activities to supplement each lesson All the instructions necessary to complete the listening tasks Instructions followed by a beII sound sigaaling where the CD should be paused so children can complete the task, Teocher's Guide Some pictures of the phonics words for the target phonics sounds in the unit Humorous elements to add to the enjoyment of learning A hidden snake for Ss to find General teaching method Vocabulary The Teacher's Guide includes: There is one Picture Card and one Reduced Picture Card for each vocabulary item on these pages The philosophies and l Use Picture Cards, real objects or pictures to teach the vocabulary items under the main scenes Hold up and name each card or object Have Ss repeat Have Ss open their books: a Play the CD Have Ss listen and point to each vocabulary item under the main scenes b Play the CD again Have Ss listen and repeat the items c Play the next track on the CD Have Ss listen, find the words and write the numbers in the boxes Practice: Some vocabulary items sometimes appear in the main scenes Name items in random order Have Ss point to the corresponding items in the main scenes objectives of the course Detailed lesson plans, including culture notes, pronunciation notes and notes on language usage Audio scripts and answer keys for the Student and Activity Books Placement tests / assessments with answer Photocopiable supplementary activities keys Course Descriplion Introduce the dialogs as suggested intheTeacher's The dialog forms of the unit's grammar point Simple dialog practice exercises Guide Have Ss open their books: a Play the CD Have Ss listen to the story and point to the people or objects in the main scenes as they are General teaching method Dialags l mentioned The story helps to reinforce the vocabulary and provide a conte).t for it b Play the next track on the CD Have Ss first listen to the dialog and point to the characters who are speaking, and then repeat the dialog Practice: Divide the class into groups or pairs Have il! l statement Say the statement Have Ss repeat a Hold up the Picture Card of the vocabulary item to be used in the question b Ask a question, e.g Areyou goingto the U.K.?Have Ss The review substitution dialog is used to review vocabularywords learned in previous levels The dialog is built upon and e:ganded from a similar dialog found in a previous level This lesson includes: One illustrated scene containing the review substitution dialog from the previous lesson Four to six different vocabulary words leamed in previous levels for substitution into the dialog plus a personalization option in some units answer the question, e.g.Yes, we are Have repeat d Divide the class into two $oups e Hold up Picture Cards one at a time Have group A askthe question and group B answe! using the cards as cues Have Ss change roles Have Ss open their books: a Play the CD for partA" Have Ss listen and repeat b Have Ss the fo'rr Listen Say exercises in pairs c PIay the CD for part B Have Ss listen and repeat d Have Ss the fotlr Listen.Ask.Answerexercises in Ss pafus e Play the CD and the listening exercise in part General teaching method uo cabulnry Review the dialog as suggested in the Teacher's Guide Have Ss opentheirbooks: a Play the CD Have Ss listen and repeat the dialog b t\rt Ss into pairs and have them practice the dialog using the different recycled vocabularywords This is a short grammar chant which introduces the grammar point in each unit Ss can hear, understand and absorb the grammar pattems before being required to produce them The Chant-a-gramis on the CD Ss should only be introduced to the chant in this lesson It serves as a preview of the grammar point to be taught in the next lesson The chant should be taught in detail in the next lesson Introduce the Chant-a-gram as suggested in the Teacher's Guide Play the CD Have Ss listen Play the CD again and have Ss follow alongwith the chant For example, give out Picture Cards or Reduced Picture Cards of the items in the chant and have Ss raise the cards when they hear the words in the chant Ss should not chant in this lesson Build il! lorommory Grammar is practiced in the foim of statements, dialogs and substitution exercises using illustrations This lesson includes: I The statement forms of the unit's grammar point Simple statement form practice t Course Description exercises C Note: Conuacted forms are used in all levels in order to be consistent with natural spoken English Chant-a-gram Have Ss look at the Chant-a-gran in the previous lesson Play the CD Have Ss listen Divide Chant-a-gram repeat c Nod and The Chant-a-gram l Introduce the grammar statements Hold up the Picture Card of the vocabulary item to be used in the Introduce the grammar dialogs: I (Review recycled vocobulory) Dialn g and recy cla d listening exercise to practice the grammar point Grammar groups A and B (or Sl and 52) say alternate lines of the dialog Have Ss change roles SOy A Ss into pairs or groups to chant different parts of the chant Have pairs or groups change roles and chant again Reod il! lrnonrcs sounds) Phonics is an integral part of each level Level teaches the phonics sounds and spellings of common consonant and vowel blends Ss can listen to and repeat the phonics sounds, and practice recognizing and writing the letters This lesson includes: I Words with target phonics sounds or spellings clearly illustrated Filling in the blanks in a short passage with letters of phonics sounds after listening to the passage Filling in the blanks of short sentences with phonics words after listening to the sentences, and matching the sentences to the correct pictures Pronunciation table General teaching method The following symbols are used to indicate the pronunciation of the phonics sourlds introduced in the Read it! section of each unit Phonics sounds Symbols Consonants p Kevwords pen t back ten d dav k key set b s f Write the letters of one of the target phonics sounds or spellings on the board Ss the Phonics Cards of words with that phonics sound Point to and read each word, emphasizing the target phonics sound Have Ss listen Ask Ss which sound is the same Have Ss answer Introduce the other target phonics sounds or spellings in the same way Practice: Place the Phonics Cards on the board, point to them in random order and have Ss name them Have Ss open their books and look at part A: a PIay the CD Have Ss listen and Point to each picture b Play the same track on the CD Have Ss listen and Show v fat vlew thine then s soon zero Have ship Practice: Have z repeat h hot loch f e, cheer tumD m sum n n sun sung w wet I let r red yet short Writing l.etter of sourtds l Have Ss open their books and look at part B: a Play the CD Have Ss listen and Ell in the blanks with letters of phonics sounds by referring to part A as a word bank More advanced Ss can cover up part A to increase the challenge b Have Ss read the passage or have individual Ss read each sentence Writingwords open their books and look at part C: the CD Have Ss listen and fill in the blanks with a Play phonics words, and match the sentences with the correct pictures Have Vowels I bit e & bed cat D hot cut U Dut e about look at the box of review words Have Ss name Ss find and name pictures of words in the main scenes that contain the phonicssounds they have just learned pleasure x Ss them Ss Prsctice it! This section contains a task-based speaking activity for pairs or small groups, designed to allow Ss to use the language they have learned happv Iong diphthongs u l: actuality o father D doe sheep a four u boot bird et make Iie at EI OU AU bov note now ua real actual la peculiar I: General teaching method Practice Have it! Ss open their books and look at the Practice it! activity Review the statement or dialog illustrated at the top of the page Put Ss into pairs or small grouPs Explain the rules of the activity (see lesson plan for Lesson ofthe unit) Have Ss complete the activity in pairs or SrouPs Recycle it! lnev:ew ol three uniis) After every three units, there is a Recycle it! unit which serves to ieinforce and expand on previously studied language items Included are an illustrated, humorous story and review exercises Course Description General teaching method Culture Story The Culture units introduce holidays enjoyed by children around the world Each unit provides an opportunity for further content-based learning, as well as for a fun break from more serious lessons l Review the dialogs and vocabulary found in the stor1, Have Ss open their books to the story section and look at part A Review the characters and items in the pictures Play the CD Have Ss listen and point to the corresponding pictures Play the same track on the CD Have Ss listen and rePeat Put Ss into pairs or small groups and have them practice the dialogs Give them props as necessary Have volunteer groups perform the story in front of the General teaching method Introductian Introduce the holiday in Ss'native language, ifpossible Notes about the holiday are included in the lesson plans Show Ss pictures ofthe holiday Vocabulary l lntroduce the vocabulary class items with your own pictures, or use t}re pictures in the Student Book Notes about the vocabulary are included in the lesson plans Reuiewqcrcises l Have individuat Ss read the dialogs in part A again Have Ss open their books to the review exercises and look at part B Play the CD Have Ss listen to the questions and circle the answers Check the answers as a whole-class activity Have Ss look at part C Have individual Ss read the words in the box PIay the CD Have Ss listen and fill in the blanks with the phonics words Check the answers as a whole-class activity Discover it! Have a Ss opentheirbooks: Play the CD Have Ss listen and point to each vocabulary item under the main scenes Play the CD again Have Ss listen and repeat the items c Name the vocabularywords in random order Have Ss find and point to the items in the main scenes Practice the vocabulary items with a game or activity Suggestions are in the lesson plans b Readings Have Ss open their books Play the CD Have Ss listen and read along Discover it! prpvides an additional content-based learning opportunity Qttcstions Play the CD Have Ss answer the questions orally by General teaching method referring to the readings Vocabulnryandrcadings Extcnsion l Introduce the vocabulary items with real objects or pictures (there are no Picture Cards for these items) Have Ss open their books and look at part A Play the CD Have Ss listen and point to the pictures Play the CD again Have Ss listen and repeat Play the next track on the CD Have Ss listen to the reading Do the same with the other two sets of words and readings listen to the questions and write the answers by referring to the readings in part A Ss The first exercise on each page is always a listening exercise The second exercise usually focuses on reading and writing skills Check the answers as a whole-class activity Song l There is oneActivity Book page for each lesson in Units page for each Recycle it!, Discover it! and Culture unit HaveSslookatpartB Play the CD Have Activiiy Book At the beginning of Activity Book4 is anAlphabet Chart for Ss to fill in phonics words for review and extrawriting practice, l-9 ofthe Student Book, and one Writinguercise l Do one or more of the optional activities (to help Ss understand the holiday) or any of the reproducible activities Have Ss look at part C Play the song on the CD Have Ss listen Play the CD again Have Ss sing along Do the wrap-up activity suggested in the lesson plans General teaching method l Have Ss open their books Ss look at exercise A: a Play the CD Have Ss listen and follow along in their Have b c books Pause the CD at each bel/ sound for Ss to complete the tasks Check Ss' answers and correct vr,here necessan' Have Ss lookat exercise B: a If it listening activity, follow the instructions abcve If it is a writing activiry demonstrate how to the activity b Give Ss time to complete the activily c Check Ss' answers and correct where necessary, The Activity Book may also be assigned for homework after explaining to Ss how to the exercises in class Alternatively, exercise A in ciass and assign exercise B for homework, or vice versa color the appropriate spaces on the Reward! page at the back of the Activity Book on completion of each unit Have Ss use t}le color indicated in the ActMty Book for that unit Have Course liming ond schedule is another Ss Suggested liming for one lesson plon 50- to 60-minute class 10-13 minutes Warm-up / review ($-7 minutes) Activity Book check' Introduce and practice 30-32 minutes newlanguage items Activity Book assignment* (5-7 minutes) 5-8 minutes Wrap-up 5H0 Total minutes 30-minute class Warm-up / review minutes Activity Book check* (5 minutes) Introduce and practice 15 minutes new language items Activity Book assi gnment* (5 minutes) minutes Wrap-up 30 minutes TotaI One-yeor schedule peryear 70 classes units x classes each Recycle classes classes classes 70 classes 45 classes it! units x classes each classes I classes classes 58 classes it! units x classes each Discover it! units x classes each Culture units x classes each Tota] 58 classes peryear units x classes each Recycle Discover it! units x class each Culture units x classes each Total 47 classes 54 classes peryear 35 classes Rerycle it! units x classes each classes Discover it! units x I class each classes I classes 47 classes units x classes each Culture units x Total class each 'Assign homework after every other class and check the homework during the following class Course Description Suggested scheduling for one unii classes per unit (70 classes per yefi) Lesson plans in the Teacher's Guide follow this schedule title Class Page t Talk about it! In class ActivityBook Review previous unit's vocabulary Teach and practice new vocabulary Talk about it! (Vocabulary) Talk about it! (Vocabulary) Review previous lesson's vocabulary Teach and practice dialogs (Dialogs) Say Talk about it! (Dialogs) Review previous lesson's review substitution dialog Practice dialog with substitution exercises, using vocabulary rerycled from previous levels it! Say it! Introduce the Chant-a-gram Build'it!/ Review the unit's vocabulary items and grammar dialog Practice the grammar statement and dialog with substitution exercises Teach and sing the Chant-a-gram Build it! Chant-a-gram Read it! Review previous unit's phonics sounds Teach and practice new phonics Read it! sounds and words Practice it! classes per unit Review the unit's grammar statement and dialog Do the task-based practice Review the unit (58 classes per year) title Class Page I TaIk about it! In class Acttvity Book Review previous unit's vocabulary Teach and practice new vocabulary Talk about it! (Vocabulary) Talk about it! (Vocabulary) Review previous lesson's vocabulary Teach and practice dialogs (Dialogs) Talk about it! (Dialogs) Say it! / Chant-a-gram / Build it! Practice the review substitution dialog using recycled vocabulary Do the Chant-a-gram Introduce the grammar statement and dialog Say Build ir! / Teach and practice the grarnmar statement and dialog Review previous Build it! Read it! unit's phonics sounds Introduce new phonics sounds and words Read it! / Teach and practice new phonics sounds and words Do the task-based practice Review the unit Practice it! classes per unit (47 classes title Class Page I Talk about it! Read it! / Practice it! In class Activity Book Teach and practice newvocabulary Introduce dialogs Talk about it! (Vocabulary) Talk about it! (Dia]ogs) / Say itl Review previous lesson's vocabulary Teach and practice dialogs Practice the review substitution dialog using recycled vocabulary Talk about it! (Dialogs) / Say it! Build it! / Chant-a-gram / Review the dialogs Do the Chant-a-gram Teach and practice the Build it! Read it! it! peryear) (Vocabulary) Read it! / Practice it! Practice it! Course Description grammar statement and dialog Introduce new phonics sounds and words Teach and practice new phonics sounds and words Do the task-based practice Review the unit Read it! / Practice it! rx post office drugslore condy store 174 Unit 6, Reduced Piclure Cords bonk I hospitol gift shop @ Peorson Educotion Asio Limiled r lr go sightseeing @ toke pictures I @ ploy cords toke o boot ride buy some souvenirs send e-moils @ L _ ll t/i\ @ go to the oquorium @ Peorson Educolion Asio Limiled see o show Unil7, Reduced Picture Cords I75 merry-go-round I 176 bumper cors Ferris wheel roller cooster coble cors cotton condy corn dogs snow cones Unil8, Reduced Picture Cords @ Peorson Educotion Asio Limited sowoplotypus I mode o new friend climbedomountoin i T;- ote @ went to o r^ i@ r* It_ porty _r_ I ZAr went to o museum tocos -l I I rode o roller cooster l@ (a t t=- hodopicnic _l | @ took o boot @ ride Peorson Educolion Asio Limiled I bought some souvenirs Unit 9, Reduced Piclure Cords L77 Test script Tests I, and on Teacher's Guide pp 180-185 are to be given after Ss have completed Recycle it! 1,2 and or after Units 3, and respectivell' Number Can I uacation I can't either (2x) C mine l It's not hers It's is is (2x) small, but a platypus smaller (2x) Areyou going to the U.K.? Yes, we are (2x) Is thisyour toothbrush? No, it\ not It's his Is awombat slow?Yes, it a koala k These three tests can also be used as placement tests Use them as follows: Ss score more than 80% Test 1, give themTest If a If on they also verywell on this test, they should be in Level If Ss score between 3OVo-80To on Tests L, or 3, they are at the correct level c If Ss score less than 30% onTest l, they should be placed in slower (2x) is, but (2x) plane brush flowers printer grapes cloudy (2x) (2x) (2x) (2x) (2x) (2x) theu.S suitcase wombat Japan flashlight crocodile It's a It ,L Listen and circle.Write mugs (2x) (2x) (2r) \ Smile! (2x) grandpa postcards candy store aunt B It's June candy (2x) them C Lbten and circle.Wite Number Is he a tour guae? The wallets are aboue the (2x) Number Did you see a wombat? No, I didn't, but I saw a Who's olde\ your mother are (2x) (2x) My grandpa is taller than m1, father (2x) Where are the T-shirts? Tlrcy're infront of the mugs Where was she? (2x) In the drugstore aunt? My mother's (2x) ov ys117 older (2x) 23d C, Listen and circb.Write Shewantstoseeashow They want to go to the j aquarium (2x) (2x) Qx) goingto go on the Ferris wheel Then we're going to get We're some caramel corn, (2x) goingto Eo on the cable cars Then we're going to get some snow cones Qx) Hebought some souuenirs (2x) We're D.Lktenandwite bike ball book a firefighter kangaroos sausage sweatshirts see your ticket and passport, please? (2x) Here they Number Excuse me.Where\ the restroom? It's ouer there, next to the telephones (2x) Test Script ond Answer Key (2x) (2x) dollars B Lbten and read Checlc plarypus (2x) sweatshirts? Number May I (2x) Number What\ the date today? Number It's really hot and sunny today.Yeah,I know (2x) Number How much are the (2x) (2x) (2x) That's a great go the merryon Can we comerightback I'mfromJapan They're 25 wasfantastic! go-round now? OK But What's she doing? She's made (2x) idea Number Lkten and read Checlc Numberl boomerang Number Do you want to 4et sorne com dogs? (2x) (2x) (2x) (2x) (2x) (2x) policestation Number These tacos are delicious! Thankyou My aunt (2x) (2x) (2x) (2x) (2x) (2x) Yes,heis 178 sigh*eeing Number How was your trip? Number Where are you from? Listen and circlc.Write go bumper carc atetacos Sure Tesl2: Unils 4-6 eatingsome Unils I -3 Lkten and circlc.Write L Number CouWyou take our picture, please? It\Wed,nesday ,4- ,4- B-LLsten and rend." Chech Number2 Whatdayb it today? l: Tesl3: Units 7-9 takeaboatride (2x) ice cream Qx) went to a rnuseum (2x) D Lkten andwrite Level Test (2x) (2x) (2x) (2x) (2x) (2x) gloves turtle slide Listen and circle.Write A koala car passport sunny Number What is it? Plocement b D Listen and write (2x) Number I can't wait for summer Before giving any test, review the target language in the three units Make a copy of both pages of the test for each student Have Ss write their names on each test page The test scripts are not recorded on the CD, so read out each script and give Ss sufficient time to complete each task (approximately 5-I0 seconds) If you the speaking option at the end of each test, put Ss ipto pairs and walk around the classroom and listen to Ss as they speak Circle your assessment on each student's test page (big smiley face for very good, smiley face for good, small smiley face for needs improvement) Try to keep the atmosphere relaxed Tests can be fun, too! Answers for all three tests are on Teacher's Guide p 179 your camera? use Sure.Goahead (2x) (2x) Qx) (2x) (2x) (2x) Test onswer key C-orrect the tests in class with Ss or collect them and correct them out of class Ivlake sure you go over the answers with Ss Have Ss take the tests home and show them to their parents Each test consists of four parts of six questions each, making a total of 24 points (one point for each correct answer.) If the speaking option is done, award six points to a very good speaker, four points to a good speaker and nvo points to a speaker who needs improvement, making a,total of 30 points for each test Ss who obtain over 17 124 or 2Il30 (if the speaking option is included) are doing well (approximately TOTo) T€i I m "-g bhtuw , r'- mim"* *-_@ , ^*" -_@ ilo*ru.-rrElls-,' ".pa",@-Eii.' - -Y.sreei.ra*iE @' hb r rsu vr r, t t,1=-_1@.1' rarruoun -s[rye-_ Olhh OlhdtuL r4f { { mtud l rrdkad bhrew ryr@tu{M tu*@ { ,h6tu ltgr , i, hr6lM ^ Er6lu *o - wo '- ffi{ CD O:erocm lffim**- ar@ Z I lole tdioEl t€d2 f6d2 Olho4h rlrn{ h sweehi4 E@ Tro'*.,q-@' bft lqiltu ow.-riEE-:@r' ,r |M inft6d6f tu@ ru.- i$lEi r hi -dd€EloL ptrdwd ,,*.'@E & n6rhs 3e (rleh -trodp.Fily dN G)llh.4tuL th3q!d(d JAt- *16*o IEMM Z t',6rh lr@ z a'rhp&qfu Mp&Mld { _ /_ ry,.2!e T€r3 - I tOE.Ol Td3 El h 'q_9, Olhe4h E-,@_ "'-@-l@_-1E@, -gosighrseiqr- -bmpeccs- q=s;!m - lokaboqtdde -det@s OllcdtuL ,,!.# / 1*.w I btl* r !*E( t6ffi' ! d k(d,flEr trbaw rr rvrof M:dEd& I 1/ " e / G)lhq*sf, -recqihoL '* @:-; , {@ 6E gato:i.@im ,r.q" r+68-r_i* r-t hrnF.- [FlSnL (d

Ngày đăng: 31/05/2017, 07:35

