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My next writing 3 student book

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t € 1-l \,tY." : < ** @future "s#ff *$f' lil.lttir:Eii:::iliiitrJ.li'iii.li:iiti;:.iiiirjlli:;i:L:i:rl:!iltUilr?:.irjr;tr:, ,i:r: :ri:i+j iji1ti.+ii'"rij;r':iririiijiti:r:,iii,riiiii:.r,iri s $ .Effi o;] i !i Hasy*ts*Follow #Ft #, ffi rW -qL W &ffi@ kesssn Frsgess ry Students discuss their topics and ideas with a partnBr, Students follow the step-by-step guide iorwritingrthe beginning paragfaph, the middle paragraph, and the ending paragraph s1udentsprac1iceidentifing]details'in.thqmodeteSsay StudAnt$r:pra*tice wriling details forlhe_ l$iyBn'dr*As,,,'.: :.,,:.:::,-'' I Strategy 1: Practice Writing Longer Sentences A key to fluent writing is using a variety of sentences A paragraph with short sentences one after another would soon be boring and sound choppy lt is important for students to practice writing sentences of different length and structure Students should practice adding various adverbial phrases, making compound sentences with coordinating conjunctions, and making complex sentences using subordinatin g conjunctions iit,r+:t:ii*ii;,,rli r Activities for Writing Longer Sentences Practice w'iling Longor S€nlerces A, Choose and complele lhe snten@ Discus you choic6 '"""F 'rcserwt.!oc!rriir.l.si ilnega,ic.l.r:r€vi*ir,,rlr,.Jnrri.lri.! !c1:oLroitrrlrl Addup€ch playerbscors prepositional phrases, to-inf initives, and present Participial Phrases Roll th€ dice Soread lhe game mal on the fl@r Drop the cneckers n the game rack , wih iurtci " pi!!cr.r a}xri! lil) ln Activity 3A, students practice adding adverbial phrases such as ' !n tht qanic boad anlnd:h rird Drvde up the game money Move lhe counrer clmkwise 11 is one of ihe most PoPUld ll :s a greal qame r 10 9am6 play evprlor &es I ,ryto(y orr wil " urc p ay I i ' lie l oulsid PaY I all tho ! I ( i .! ".> ln Activity 38, students practice making I L I lt is afun and easygame- lt is an exciting game ftat ftat is I I I is I I lt is a greatlamily game Thai is lt is a spelling game That is I I lt is an adive game That is i I lt is a chance game ftat is ! compound sentences with coordinating conjunctions such as and, but, for or, nor, so, andyet Students also practice making complex sentences with subordinating conjunctions such as after, as, because, before, if, so that, until, when, whenever, why, where, and white I Strategy 2t Practice Writing',Detail* Details make writing interesting and worth rgading Eeaders can visualize and understand the writing bettpg.1ryf1EB:the ideas are further described with details such as fact$;:,examples, and personal thoughts or feelings {E I have three goals this summer My first goal is I have three goals this5ummer My first goal is to learn how to play tennis My second goal is to to learn how to play tennis I am going to sign up for tennis lessons at the YMCA with my friends The lessons will be three times a week My second goal is read ten books before the summer is over My third goal is to read ten books before the summer is over I am going to visit the city library and check out books to keep my desk clean every week I have already made the list of the books want to read My third goal is to keep my desk clean My desk is usually very messy with piles of things This summeq I am going to put away my things right away I r Aetivities for Writing A Read tiE model e$ay on page i ; , ffiE€ Deteills 72 again, li,latch the He ls a small ydlow Adobol, and tu id€ with the deiails and write tusbms inlo a Chevrolei b I €n dale to Adobots rike my frends c Are ae lm mry ngr'ng *eB d [ ts aso Fer€sing Io * obors Lm.fom nsrm l} nro the lette6 Camaro ds rub ptanFs I l tE.sfomer ldy is Bumbl€ho b6aus6 he _ as _ l']:::,"11T:- - _ fre hing donl likesbut the movre isthar thm,s too much onry r'olence I i - ln Activity 44, students practice identifying the details that further describe the ideas in the model essay yo oher6ds i -:"-" - i:y'l1:11Y:l:5:Aofre robt ffe : """"! i i -! I I ln Activity 48, students practice writing details for the given ideas Thls will prepare them for writing details for their ideas when they write their own essays rl.i;;" {'!:t-!ri; :-5i-if"l1,!-j;11.;., ' r"."{}!,rt-r::: i : t'.,,- ,,;a i''t-.,i;} r':i r t:.r .3 :, r'.ir.: i.rl.::':::;:f:l!:.;|l.i,.,t-,, ,::; , ,l ,il,:'i,,,:, 1,, , ,,,,1, ' 1.r, @ q3*,ee,#a ,.i*EWsr6iS ! @,*+qrd+re1i s" ff5lf?''"-",' ;;i**, '* u I @ffi :- * -ii ,, :"1 , :" ::, m ,re # i = ; ;, - o' -r;iJ [sd iee;6r.g ,.; ,._ t'*" ";:;.::',:'_ /cdr$ -" '*o'J" fT;,; ;=,,ffi ;f I*r-*r *,' iid rid, 3*# -ns*r sis*sr sr*rielsi Write Your Ending Paragraph The ending paragraph adds one last thought to the topic A Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 96 again and complete the chart i :.t Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of the Model Essay I lgve- Hello y9ry.9119h, buJ it-:c_glgs me ft is not on ordinory mountoin How you feel about the mountain? Explain B Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of Your Essay How you feel about the mountain? Explain Complete Your Essay >> Photocopy the writing task form on page 13 and complete your essay Step Title i wrlte the title of your essay step2 Beginning Faragraph Step3 Middle Paragraph Step4 Ending Paragraph Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it Step5 Revise and Edit Read your essay and make necessary changes, Warm up A Talk about the picture and read the essay Magnus Scheving the Sporticus A famous person from my country is Magnus Scheving He is a famous gymnast, and he won several world competitions Today, he is most well known for his work for children Magnus Scheving encourages kids to live healthy and active lifestyles He wrote the book, Go, C,o LazgTbun!, for children The book is about a superhero, Sporticus He teaches children about healthy eating and physical fitness He also teaches about sharing and being kind to others Magnus Scheving is also on the television show for children,l,a.zgTbton He plays Sporticus himself on the show Now, children all over the world can watch him on television In addition to the show, Magnus Scheving visits schools and other places regularly He wants to tell kids about the importance of healthy living Magnus Scheving inspires me to live a healthy life I want to be healthy and active just like him I am proud that he is worldfamous, and we are both from the same country, Iceland B Discuss the questions about the essay Who is Magnus Scheving? What is he famous for? What does he encourage children to do? How does Jens feel about Magnus Scheving? Practice Vocabulary A Who is a famous person from your country? Choose and complete the sentence iecn' saeeerplayer niekname Edison Arantes Nascimento is a famous from Brazil and a soccer of the world He is better known by his instruments Pele astronorner Joseon Dynasty Jang Yeong-sil was a scientist and during the of Korea He is famous for inventing many scientific exp€rien-€si the Atlantic Ocean Amelia Earhart from America was the first woman She wrote best-selling books on her flying dying ,,,, ,.,11U11: ,, ' 'lndia Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic from Albania She worked all her life helping the poor, sick and people throughout and in other countries movernent Maftin Luther King Jr was leader', a in America '10 He is famous for his "l Have a Dream" ,' ,:,sp,eech.,., in the civil rights B What does or did the person do? Choose and complete the sentence of Brazil Pele is "The King of Football" of the world, and a during his career as a professional soccer player He made He became the of the world He helped to improve the of the poor children in Brazil , but he became a great scientist to study the courses of the sun, the moon and stars in the sky He built a He invented water clocks and He invented the water gauge and the too Amelia Earhart was twelve years old when she saw an airplane 10 She became the first woman pilot to cross the Atlantic Ocean 11 She other women to follow their dreams 12 She wrote the book, 20 Hr, 40 Min., about her across the Atlantic Ocean 13 Mother Teresa took her 14 She served poor and 15 She 16 She received the people all her life the Missionaries of Charity in 1950 in 1979 Practice tYriting Longer Sentences A Choose and complete the sentence Discuss your choices oroUhd the world for his great inventions on the show by his nickname, Pele He plays Sporticus himself He is very famous She helped poor and sick people He is better known to be treated equally to live heatthy lifestyles to go after my dreams to achieve their goals He encourages children They inspire me She helped other women He wanted everyone B Choose and complete the sentence using and,because or when Discuss your choices he had many great talents she saw an airplane for the first time he won severalworld competitiong r she quickly began taking flying he was a teenager she heard and understood God's call He is a famous gymnast, She became a nun She was thrilled by her first plane ride, She was 12 years old He was hired by the king He began playing for minor-league clubs lessons Practice llUriting Details A Read the model essay 0n page lM again Match the iGa with the detaits and write the letters a Now, children all over the world can watch him on television b He wants to tell kids about the importance of healthy living c He teaches children about healthy eating and physical fitness d He also teaches about sharing and being kind to others e He plays Sporticus himself on the show f The book is about a superhero, Sporticus ldea He wrote the book, Go, Go LazyTown!, for children Magnus Scheving is also on the television show for children, LazyTown ln addition to the show, Magnus Scheving visits schools and other places regularly B Ghoose and write the details of the idea Make your own sentences for question The speech is about living in racial harmony He was a leader in a civil rights movement Many people were inspired by his speech ldea Martin Luther King Jr is a famous person from America He is famous for his "l Have a Dream" speech We celebrate Martin Luther King Day every year He made a difference in the world a It is on January 15, on his birthday a He was also a pastor of a Baptist church It became a national holiday in 1986 Write Your Beginning Paragraph The beginning paragraph introduces the topic of the essay A Discuss your topic with a partner Who is a famous person from your country? What is he or she famous for? What did he or she do? How you feel about him or her? B Read the beginning paragraph of the model essay on page 104 again and complete the chart Beginning Paragraph of the Model Essay Writing Guide Questions l: Who is a famous person from your country? What is the person famous for? i, n fo*ous person f rom my country is Mognus " He i1 o f9moy1 gymnast, and he won severcl world competitions c Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart '-.: * Writing Guide Questions Who is a famous person from your country? I i What is the person famous for? Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay 6, Write Your Middle Paragraph The middle paraEraph describes the main idea of the topic A Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page 104 again and complete the chart I + Writing Guide Questions Middle Paragraph of the Model Essay Write the topic sentence rWhat did the person do? Write or things and explain B Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart i + Writing Guide Questions Write the topic sentence eWhat did the person do? Write or things and explain l Middle Paragraph of Your Essay Write Your Ending Paragraph The ending paragraph adds one last thought to the topic A Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 104 again and complete the chart Writing Guide Qu"rtion, Ending Paragraph of the Model Essay Mognus Scheving inspires me How you feel about the to live o heolthy life person? Explain B Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart Writing Guide Questions , ; Ending Paragraph of Your Essay " How you feel about the person? _ txplarn Complete Your Essay >> Photocopy the writing task form on page 13 and complete your essay 9l"rl -ri!9 -B9_sitl'ls ryIlql?gh Step3 Middle Paragraph :!:q? i y:1Pl!"_!tr:_'f v_o_!IgT-lv_ ; $91!? ?l3ftu:1iy'tvJ! ldwitelt Use the chart in Activity 68 and write it Unitl ,** i> Follffi tlamgl **lirR***r*.{.{4.;'.5*Er*iri(*, the steps:and complete your es$ay Step'l' Title ;;t p4{gl B";iilirsi;;il;ph i Write the tifle of Your essaY U." in" "n"ir' Activitv 5c and write it xn' f '1r* ,l t* Appendix Unitl Datel t{ amei >> Follow the steps and eomplete your essay Writethe titlerof your essay st€p1.,Iiue Step Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it Beginning ParagraPh $tep3 Middle Paragraph :1' Use the ehari in Activity6B and write it Step4 Ending ParagraPh Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it $tepS Revise and Edit Flead.your essay and make n€cessary changes photocopiable a e-future 2010 words for describing countries prepositional phrases wilh around, in, of, oceans and continents Descrlptive lllly Country and with comparative sentences with as-as words related to landscapes and Essay climate rlL:i,::]-::l:ll !ri:rla!r!::ri!J !'i*= comparatives prepositional phrases with for of, and on words related to popular websites Descriptive My Favorite Website comparative sentences with as-as for children Essay and activities websites offer complex sentences wilh after i t j i"-*-, .*-" "-'-"'-: words related to seasons and prepositional phrases wilh about Descriptive My Favarite usage of weather Season Essay activities related to seasons complex sentences wilh as and when family members and relatives prepositional phrases wilh around, at, on, l i Th* Best Gift tver words related to popular gift items : under, and with : words for describing parts of popular ; complex sentences wilh when , : gift items j : so and such , weekend places and activities ii$'l:l l-astweekend Narrative Essay iili'ti.li:'ri,i,ij to-infinitives adjectives describing feelings words and phrases related to weekend bare infinitives i i complex sentences with because activities i i i My Sumrner or Winter 0oals Expository Essay words and phrases related t0 summer or winter vacation activities to-infinitives prepositional phrases with for complex sentences wilh before on, "gsj3 M Writing, completing the series for multi-paragraph essay writing ln book students learn to write a cohesive paragraph that includes a topic sentence, body, and a closing sentence ln books and 3, students expand their ideas and develop their writing into multi-paragraph essays Paragraph and essay writing is guided through a comprehensive step-by-step approach with the use of model essays The series covers a wide range of interesting topics so that students can practice and develop various writing skills along the way is the following series to My First 'o lnteresting Writing Topics q UsefulVocabulary in Meaningful Chunks *e, Activities for Writing Longer and More Cohesive Sentences 'r Activities for Writing ldeas and Details + Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Paragraph and Essay Writing ecmPeaeRts e Student Book *'Teacher's Manual 'l Visit www.e-future.co.kr for downloadable resources; MP3 files, worksheets, and answer keys t:&$ For young EFL beginners, be sure to pick up My First Writing! "l'i',.- ,, lJ;Uruuu ]ililil|l||]ilffJl IIMNNI rsBN 978-89-5635-462-0 ... the city library and check out books to keep my desk clean every week I have already made the list of the books want to read My third goal is to keep my desk clean My desk is usually very messy... tennis lessons at the YMCA with my friends The lessons will be three times a week My second goal is read ten books before the summer is over My third goal is to read ten books before the summer is... on my school website There is my class to play There are many fun ffiffiffi I can take care of a on the website I can get ideas for my I can find out the I can get I can I can at my school on my

Ngày đăng: 12/05/2017, 21:38