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Chapter 20 determination of the fat soluble vitamins by HPLC

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20 Determination of the Fat-Soluble Vitamins by HPLC 20.1 Nature of the Sample The lipid fraction of foods containing the fat-soluble vitamins is composed mainly of triglycerides, with much smaller amounts of sterols, carotenoids, phospholipids, and minor lipoidal constituents All of these substances exhibit solubility properties similar to those of the fat-soluble vitamins, and therefore they constitute a potential source of interference A proportion of the indigenous fat-soluble vitamin content of a food is bound up with a lipoprotein complex, and hence the fat22protein bonds must be broken to release the vitamin The protective gelatine coating used in certain proprietary vitamin premixes will need to be dissolved before commencing the analysis of supplemented foods 20.2 Extraction Procedures It is essential for a successful assay that the vitamins be quantitatively extracted from the food matrix in a form that can be accurately measured by the particular high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique to be used An effective extraction procedure serves to homogenize and concentrate the sample, isolate the vitamin analyte from its association with protein, eliminate as far as possible known interfering substances, and destroy any indigenous enzyme activity Methods of extracting the fat-soluble vitamin from food matrices include alkaline hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis, alcoholysis, direct solvent extraction, and supercritical fluid extraction of the total lipid component 20.2.1 Alkaline Hydrolysis (Saponification) Alkaline hydrolysis (saponification) effectively removes the preponderance of triglycerides from fatty food samples and is a practical way of extracting a relatively large amount of material The hydrolysis reaction © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 419 420 Determination of Fat-Soluble Vitamins affects ester linkages, releasing the fatty acids from glycerides and phospholipids, and also from esterified sterols and carotenol esters The reaction also liberates indigenous vitamins from any combined form in which they may exist (e.g., lipoprotein complex) and breaks down chlorophylls into small, water-soluble fractions In addition, it dissolves any gelatine that might have been present in the vitamin premix added to supplemented foods Saponification can be used in assays for vitamins A, D, and E, but it is not expedient for vitamin K vitamers, which are rapidly decomposed in alkaline media Prepared samples of many types of food can be saponified directly High-starch samples, such as breakfast cereals, may be digested with the enzyme Takadiastase before saponification to avoid the formation of lumps [1] Saponification is conventionally carried out by refluxing the suitably prepared sample with a mixture of ethanol and 50% (w/v) aqueous potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution in the presence of pyrogallol or ascorbic acid as an antioxidant for 30 The amount of ethanolic KOH required for an efficient saponification is calculated on the basis that moles of KOH are needed for each mole of fat (taken to be triglyceride) [2] A slow stream of nitrogen is introduced into the saponification flask via a side-arm at the start and end of the process A nitrogen flow is not necessary during the actual refluxing because a blanket of alcohol vapor prevents aerial oxidation during boiling Rapid cooling aftersaponification is important The liberation of the unstable retinol and tocopherols from their relatively stable esters demands protective measures against light and oxygen during saponification and throughout the subsequent analytical procedure The sterols, carotenoids, fat-soluble vitamins, and so forth, which constitute the unsaponifiable fraction, are extractable from the saponification digest by liquid –liquid extraction using a water-immiscible organic solvent, after adding water to the digest to facilitate the separation of the aqueous and organic phases Multiple extractions are necessary to ensure a quantitative transference of the vitamin analyte in accordance with partition theory The combined solvent extracts are washed free of alkali with successive portions of water until the washings give no color on addition of phenolphthalein The solvent extract is dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate and concentrated to ca ml on a rotary evaporator The extract is quantitatively transferred to a glass tube and evaporated to dryness using a gentle stream of nitrogen The residue is redissolved in a small volume of a suitable solvent for chromatographic analysis or further purification Vitamins A, D, and E, being slightly polar compounds, are extracted more efficiently from the saponification digest using a slightly polar solvent, such as petroleum ether/diethyl ether (1 þ 1) than with a © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Vitamins in Foods: Analysis, Bioavailability, and Stability 421 nonpolar hydrocarbon solvent, such as petroleum ether or hexane The washing of diethyl ether-containing extracts to remove the alkali is troublesome, owing to the solubility of soaps (potassium salts of fatty acids) in this solvent and the formation of stable emulsions when soaps, water, and hydrophobic solvents are shaken in the absence of ethanol Therefore the washing step must be performed using a gentle swirling motion of the separatory funnel The use of hexane is advantageous in that soaps are not extracted and the hexane extracts are nearly neutral However, large amounts of soaps confer hydrophobic properties to the saponification digest, therefore, when hexane is used, the minimum number of extractions needed to achieve a quantitative recovery of the vitamins is affected by the amount of fat present in the original sample It is also important, when using hexane or other hydrocarbon solvent, to maintain the optimum proportion of water and ethanol in the extraction system For the efficient extraction of retinols [3] and tocopherols [4] using hexane, the ethanol strength must be below 40% Instead of refluxing for 30 min, saponification of homogeneous liquid samples can be scaled down and performed rapidly in a microwave oven In a method for determining vitamins A and E in beverages [5], ml of 50% aqueous KOH and ml of an ethanolic solution of ascorbic acid are added to a 2-ml sample in a reaction tube, and the mixture is microwaved for After saponification, the tube is removed from the microwave oven and rapidly cooled to room temperature Acetic acid (1 ml), saturated sodium chloride solution (10 ml), and cyclohexane (20 ml) containing 500 mg/l butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT, antioxidant) are added, and the mixture is mechanically shaken for 10 The tube is then centrifuged and the supernatant organic layer is analyzed by HPLC The addition of the salt solution and the choice of cyclohexane as an extraction solvent allow the extraction procedure to be performed in a single step Neutralization of the digest helps to prevent the formation of stable emulsions Vitamin A Retinol is stable in alkaline solution and has been reported to survive at least week while steeping in ethanolic KOH containing pyrogallol [6] Zahar and Smith [7] developed a rapid saponification method for the extraction of vitamin A from milk and other fluid dairy products, which avoids the need for multiple extractions and washings using separating funnels Into a series of 50-ml stoppered centrifuge tubes is placed ml of sample, ml of absolute ethanol containing 1% (w/v) pyrogallol, and ml of 50% (w/v) aqueous KOH The tubes are stoppered, agitated carefully, and placed in a water bath at 808C for 20 with periodic agitation After saponification, the tubes are cooled with © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Determination of Fat-Soluble Vitamins 422 running water and then placed in an ice-water bath before adding 20 ml of diethyl ether/petroleum ether (1 þ 1) containing 0.01% (w/v) BHT The tubes are again stoppered and vortex-mixed vigorously for min, allowed to stand for min, and again vortexed for To each tube is added 15 ml of ice-cold water, and the tubes are inverted at least ten times After centrifugation, 10 ml of the upper organic layer is accurately pipetted into a tube, and the solvent is evaporated to dryness in a stream of nitrogen or under vacuum at 408C using a rotary evaporator The residue is dissolved in 1.0 ml of methanol (for milk samples) to provide a final solution for HPLC Carotenoids Saponification causes a significant loss of xanthophylls, even when carried out under relatively mild conditions (ambient temperature for h) [8] In addition, several different saponification procedures have been shown to promote the formation of cis isomers of b-carotene [9] Since saponification prolongs the analysis and is error-prone, it should only be carried out when needed, as in high-fat samples or those containing carotenol esters Kimura et al [9] recommended a procedure in which the carotenoids are dissolved in petroleum ether, an equal volume of 10% methanolic KOH is added, and the mixture is left standing overnight (ca 16 h) in the dark at room temperature This treatment caused no loss or isomerization of b-carotene, while completely hydrolyzing b-cryptoxanthin ester Losses of xanthophylls could be reduced to insignificant levels by using an atmosphere of nitrogen or antioxidant To reduce the time and costs of the saponification process, Granado et al [10] proposed a “shortcut” protocol in which a 0.5-ml sample is placed into a disposable test tube followed by 0.5 ml ethanol containing 0.1 M pyrogallol and 0.5 ml of 40% KOH The tube is nitrogen-flushed and the contents are vortex-mixed for to effect saponification To the tube are added ml water and ml hexane/dichloromethane (5:1) The tube contents are vortex-mixed for 30 sec and then centrifuged The organic phase is evaporated and the residue is dissolved in HPLC mobile phase Compared to the standard protocol, the shortcut can save up to 90% of time and costs without noticeable loss of accuracy or precision Vitamin D Saponification is obligatory for the determination of vitamin D in fatty foods because of the need to remove the vast excess of triglycerides present Hot saponification results in the thermal isomerization of © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Vitamins in Foods: Analysis, Bioavailability, and Stability 423 vitamin D to previtamin D, and the consequent need to determine the potential vitamin D content Thompson et al [11] reported that saponification of milk at 838C in the presence of pyrogallol results in a 10 –20% loss of added vitamin D due to thermal isomerization Several workers have avoided the problem of thermal isomerization by employing cold saponification (i.e., prolonged alkaline digestion at room temperature) Whatever the saponification temperature, it is necessary to perform the reaction in an inert atmosphere Indyk and Woollard [12] avoided vitamin D losses of 10– 20% by flushing the saponification vessel with oxygen-free nitrogen and then sealing the vessel before cold saponification A mixture of petroleum ether/diethyl ether (1 þ 1) is suitable for extracting vitamin D from the unsaponifiable material and allows vitamins A and D to be coextracted For the determination of vitamin D alone in fortified milks, margarine, and infant formulas, Thompson et al [3] extracted the unsaponifiable matter three times with hexane in the presence of a 6:4 ratio of water to ethanol The combined hexane layers were then washed with 55% aqueous ethanol, after the initial 5% aqueous KOH and water washes, to remove material, including 25hydroxyvitamin D, that was more polar than vitamin D This extraction process was based on partition studies that showed that insignificant amounts of vitamin D were extracted from hexane by aqueous ethanol when the ratio of ethanol to water was less than 6:4 Vitamin E Saponification at 708C under nitrogen in the presence of pyrogallol for 45 gave quantitative recoveries (96.2 – 105.4%) of all eight tocochromanols from a barley sample spiked with a standard mixture Tocochromanol concentrations following hot and cold saponification of barley samples and analysis by HPLC were not significantly different, but standard deviations were higher when cold saponification was employed [13] Saponification of meat is essential to release the a-tocopherol, which is incorporated into the cell membranes Pfalzgraf et al [14] reported a rapid saponification method using a single vessel for the extraction of a-tocopherol in pork tissues Samples of homogenized tissue are weighed into amber 50-ml laboratory bottles, followed by the addition of ascorbic acid and methanolic KOH The bottles are flushed with nitrogen, sealed, and heated at 808C for 40 min, with occasional shaking To the cooled digest is added 20 ml water/ethanol (4:1 for muscle or 1:1 for adipose tissue) and 10 ml hexane/toluene containing 0.01% BHT The mixture is vigorously shaken for 10 and centrifuged A 20-ml aliquot of the upper layer is injected onto the HPLC column © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Determination of Fat-Soluble Vitamins 424 Indyk [15] extracted cholesterol, phytosterols, and tocopherols from dairy and nondairy foods using the following procedure Into a series of 200 Â 24-mm test tubes is placed 0.5 g of solid food or milk powder, 5.0 g of fluid milk, or 0.1– 0.2 g of oil or fat Ethanol (10.0 ml) is added to each sample, and the mixture is agitated to avoid agglomeration Ethanolic KOH solution (2.0 ml of 50%, w/v) is added immediately, and the loosely stoppered tubes are incubated for at 708C with periodic agitation After cooling, 20.0 ml of hexane/diisopropyl ether (3 þ 1) is added The tubes are then stoppered securely and shaken mechanically for Water (30 ml) is added and the tubes are re-stoppered, inverted ten times, and centrifuged (180 Â g) for 10 The upper organic phase is retained for analysis by HPLC with no need for cleanup Saponification results in the hydrolysis of a-tocopheryl acetate (and other esters) to a-tocopherol This can create a problem if the food sample under analysis is supplemented with all-rac-a-tocopheryl acetate, because the hydrolysis product, all-rac-a-tocopherol, has only 74% of the biological activity of naturally occurring RRR-a-tocopherol, and these two forms cannot be separated by the analytical HPLC techniques usually employed If the food sample originally contained both naturally occurring RRR-a-tocopherol and supplemental all-rac-a-tocopheryl acetate, it is impossible to calculate a true potency value from the single total a-tocopherol peak in the HPLC chromatogram This problem does not arise if the supplement used is RRR-a-tocopheryl acetate 20.2.2 Alcoholysis The lipid content of a food sample can be removed by converting the parent glycerides into their methyl esters by reaction with methanolic KOH solution under conditions that favor alcoholysis rather than saponification [16] Alcoholysis depends upon the KOH and methanol reacting to form potassium methoxide, which, in turn, converts the glycerides into glyceride methyl esters and soaps The reaction is completed within at ambient temperature; hence alcoholysis is a very rapid process compared with saponification Alcoholysis is also a milder process than saponification and does not hydrolyze vitamin A esters; consequently, there is less potential for destruction of vitamin A Alcoholysis has been used in the HPLC determination of vitamin A in fortified nonfat milk and vitamin D3 in fortified whole milk [17] 20.2.3 Enzymatic Hydrolysis Enzymatic hydrolysis is a nondestructive alternative to saponification for removing triglycerides in vitamin K determinations For the simultaneous © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Vitamins in Foods: Analysis, Bioavailability, and Stability 425 determination of vitamins A, D, E, and K in milk- and soy-based infant formulas, and dairy products fortified with these vitamins [18], an amount of sample containing ca 3.5 –4.0 g of fat was digested for h with lipase at 378C and at pH 7.7 This treatment effectively hydrolyzed the glycerides, but only partially converted retinyl palmitate and a-tocopheryl acetate to their alcohol forms; vitamin D and phylloquinone were unaffected The hydrolysate was made alkaline to precipitate the fatty acids as soaps and then diluted with ethanol and extracted with pentane A final water wash yielded an organic phase containing primarily the fat-soluble vitamins and cholesterol Woollard et al [19] found that removal of lipids from foods by lipase digestion, followed by single extraction into hexane, yielded a vitamin K fraction that was free from co-eluting contaminants when analyzed for vitamin K by HPLC In their procedure, the following amounts of foods are weighed into 100-ml Schott bottles: milk powders, infant formula powders, and hard cheeses (1 g), retorted baby foods (5 –10 g, depending on estimated fat content), yogurt (2.5 g), fluid milk, soymilk, health beverages (10 ml), vegetable oils and other high-fat foods (0.25 g), and meats and raw vegetables (minced, 5– 10 g) Lipase (1.0 –1.5 g, ca 1000 U/mg from Candida rugosa) and 20 ml of 0.2 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.9– 8.0) are added, and the suspensions are incubated at 378C for h with frequent shaking Additional buffer is added to the digest, if necessary, to maintain the optimal pH range of 7.6 –8.2 An alternative source of lipase (from porcine pancreas) is used for some hard cheeses Addition of the proteolytic enzyme papain (ca 200 mg, 30,000 USP U/mg from Carica papaya) aids the digestion of meat and animal-derived products After incubation, the digests are cooled to ambient temperature Ethanol (10 ml) and solid potassium carbonate (1.0 g) are added and the bottle contents are mixed by inversion Hexane (30 ml) is then added and the bottles are shaken mechanically for 30 After phase separation, an aliquot of the hexane layer is evaporated under nitrogen, and the residue is redissolved in methanol for analysis by HPLC 20.2.4 Direct Solvent Extraction The fat-soluble vitamins can be extracted from the food matrix without chemical change using a solvent system that is capable of effectively penetrating the tissues and breaking lipoprotein bonds A total lipid extraction is required for the simultaneous determination of vitamers or vitamins with a wide range of polarities and, for this purpose, a mixture of chloroform and methanol (2 þ 1) is highly efficient [20] The Ro¨se-Gottlieb method is particularly suitable for extracting the total fat from milk © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 426 Determination of Fat-Soluble Vitamins products and infant formulas It entails treatment of the reconstituted milk samples with ammonia solution and alcohol in the cold and extraction with a diethyl ether/petroleum ether mixture The alcohol precipitates the protein, which dissolves in the ammonia, allowing the fat to be extracted with the mixed ethers The method is suitable for the extraction of vitamins A and D, but not for extracting vitamins E and K, which are labile under alkaline conditions A new technology called accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) has been developed and marketed as the ASE 200w (Dionex Corp., Sunnyvale, CA) Solid or semisolid samples are loaded onto the ASE system and the solvent is pumped into an extraction cell, which is then pressurized and heated for several minutes After the extraction, the solvent containing the analyte is collected Extraction under pressure allows solvents to be heated while maintaining their liquid state The increased temperature allows extractions to be completed in a fraction of the time required for traditional extractions performed at room temperature or with warm solvent Some methods of selectively extracting the lipid fraction from various foods prior to the determination of the fat-soluble vitamins by HPLC are discussed below Vitamin A and Carotene In fortified fluid milks, in which the vitamin A ester (palmitate or acetate) in the form of an oily premix is thoroughly dispersed in the bulk product, the total vitamin A content can be extracted directly with hexane The hexane solution, after removal of the polar material, is then injected into the liquid chromatograph Thompson et al [21] developed a method in which sufficient absolute ethanol (5.0 ml) is added to a 2-ml sample of milk in a centrifuge tube so that the milk constituents are suspended in 71% aqueous ethanol; this solvent denatures the proteins and fractures the fat globules The lipid fraction is then partitioned into hexane, and water is added to induce the aqueous and organic phases to separate After centrifugation, the upper phase is a hexane solution of the milk lipids containing the vitamin A, and the lower phase is aqueous ethanol in which is dissolved salts, denatured proteins, and polar lipids The interface contains a mixture of upper and lower phases plus insoluble protein This extraction technique can, with slight modification, also be applied to the determination of vitamin A and carotene in margarine It is not recommended for milk powders, because the added vitamin A may be contained within a gelatine matrix, and a quantitative extraction may not be achieved © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Vitamins in Foods: Analysis, Bioavailability, and Stability 427 Carotenoids When green leafy vegetables are undergoing analysis, the carotenoids are prone to photoisomerization by the sensitizing action of coextracted chlorophylls For the determination of carotenoids in fruits and nonleafy vegetables, which contain a large percentage of water, direct solvent extraction using a suitable water-miscible organic solvent is appropriate Tetrahydrofuran has been found suitable, because it readily solubilizes carotenoids without causing isomerization, and it prevents the formation of emulsions by denaturing the associated proteins [8] However, tetrahydrofuran is known to promote peroxide formation, so it must be stabilized with an antioxidant such as BHT The extraction may be carried out in the presence of anhydrous sodium sulfate as a drying agent The addition of magnesium carbonate to the extraction system serves to neutralize traces of organic acids that can cause destruction and structural transformation of carotenoids In an extraction procedure described by Khachik and Beecher [22], homogenized vegetables are blended with anhydrous sodium sulfate (200% of the weight of the test portion of vegetable), magnesium carbonate (10% of the weight of the test portion), and tetrahydrofuran The extract is filtered under vacuum, and the solid materials are re-extracted with tetrahydrofuran until the resulting filtrate is colorless Most of the solvent is removed on a rotary evaporator at 308C, and the concentrated filtrate is partitioned between petroleum ether and water to remove the majority of contaminating nonterpenoid lipids The water layer is washed with petroleum ether several times, and the resulting organic layers are combined, dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, and evaporated to dryness The residue is taken up in a small volume of HPLC solvent for analysis Taungbodhitham et al [23] evaluated an extraction method for the analysis of carotenoids in tomato juice, carrot, and spinach in which –5 g samples are extracted twice with 35 ml of ethanol/hexane mixture (4:3) Vitamin D In a simplified method for screening vitamin D levels in fortified skimmed milk, the milk sample was mixed with water, ethanol, and ammonium hydroxide and then extracted four times with diethyl ether/hexane The dried residue obtained from the combined organic phase could be analyzed by HPLC without the need for purification [24] © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Determination of Fat-Soluble Vitamins 428 Vitamin E For the determination of vitamin E in seed oils by HPLC, the oils can simply be dissolved in hexane and analyzed directly Solid-food samples demand a more rigorous method of solvent extraction In a modified Ro¨se-Gottlieb method to extract vitamin E from infant formulas [25], dipotassium oxalate solution (35%, w/v) was substituted for ammonia to avoid alkalizing the medium, and methyl tert-butyl ether was substituted for diethyl ether because of its stability against the formation of peroxides Sa´nchez-Pe´rez et al [26] performed continuous extraction of vitamin E from vegetable oils using a silicone nonporous membrane coupled online with the liquid chromatographic system The donor solution is obtained by dissolving the oil sample in a nonionic surfactant (Triton X-114) in the presence of methanol and hexane As this solution passes along one side of the membrane, the acceptor solution (acetonitrile) is stopped and it extracts the vitamin E that has previously diffused across the membrane After a preset period of enrichment, the acceptor solution is moved on via a diluter, and a given volume is introduced into the injection loop Quantitation of a-, g-, and d-tocopherols is performed by reversed-phase HPLC using coulometric detection in the redox mode A washing step is performed between each successive determination A similar technique was used to extract vitamin E from seeds and nuts [27] In this case, the donor solution was Triton X-114 in the presence of methanol and acetonitrile Katsanidis and Addis [28] tested several solvents for their ability to quantitatively extract vitamin E from muscle tissue Methanol was unsuitable as it extracts and denatures proteins in muscle, causing foaming, and making volume reduction by rotary evaporation impossible Extraction with methanol/chloroform (2:1) resulted in poor recovery (ca 60%) The following adopted procedure gave ca 96% recoveries for all tocopherols and tocotrienols; recovery of cholesterol was 94% Place g of muscle tissue (meat) into a 100-ml plastic tube, add ml of absolute ethanol, and homogenize for 30 sec Add 10 ml of distilled water and homogenize for 15 sec Add ml of hexane and homogenize for 15 sec Cap the tubes and centrifuge at 1500 rpm for 10 Collect the upper (hexane) layer for analysis Vitamin K For the analysis of infant formulas, Ayi and Burgher [29] modified the Ro¨se-Gottlieb procedure by replacing the ammonia/ethanol treatment by acidified ethanol Shearer [30] extracted phylloquinone from vegetables, fruits, cereals, meats, and fish by grinding in a mortar with fine quartz granules before extracting with acetone After the addition of water and hexane to the acetone extract, the phylloquinone partitioned © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 570 Determination of Fat-Soluble Vitamins 43 Perretti, G., Marconi, O., Montanari, L., and Fantozzi, P., Fat-soluble vitamin extraction by analytical supercritical carbon dioxide, J Am Oil Chem Soc., 80, 629, 2003 44 Muniz, J.F., Wehr, C.T., and Wehr, H.M., Reverse-phase liquid chromatographic determination of vitamins D2 and D3 in milk, J Assoc Off Anal Chem., 65, 791, 1982 45 Itoh, T., 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2.4.4 Vitamin E For the determination of vitamin E... reports of online coupling with HPLC are rare SFE – SFC offers prospects for the extraction and determination of the fat- soluble vitamins in food The SFE –SFC coupling has been achieved by flowing the. .. resolved, Rs ! 1.5 © 200 6 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Determination of Fat- Soluble Vitamins 442 20. 4.2.4 Efficiency The efficiency of a column is expressed as the number of theoretical plates,

Ngày đăng: 11/04/2017, 11:13

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