Writing WRITING INTRODUCTIONS Background information (hook + connecting information) + Thesis statement (to state your view) I Some common ways to provide BACKGROUND INFORMATION before writing the Thesis statement Telling an anecdote or example starting with an interesting story to get the reader’s interest Asking a question asking one or more questions at the beginning of an essay to lead the reader to the topic right away Giving facts or statistics using some facts or statistics to establish credibility Citing a quotation quoting an authority (famous people) / an article / a person, or using an interesting proverb Moving from general to specific starting with a general statement about the importance of the subject Starting with an opposite giving an idea or situation that is the opposite of the one you will develop Explaining the importance of the topic to the reader II Read the following introductory paragraphs and say how (= by what techniques) the general statements are written [1] Do movies and television programs affect our behavior? A special concern is whether movies and TV programs make children and society more violent I believe that they influence our behavior, both for the better and for the worse [2] In any house now you can find the so-called “couch potatoes” lying on the sofa watching TV The TV set is their friends and their dear relatives – they not need to communicate with anyone else I, therefore, believe that television is harming human relationships [3] I remember my childhood as being generally happy and can recall experiencing some of the most carefree times of my life However, I can also remember, even more vividly, moments of being deeply frightened As a child, I was truly terrified of the dark and of getting lost These fears were very real and caused me some extremely uncomfortable moments [4] Experience, not theory, has taught me the truth of the popular saying, “Two heads are better than one.” With two people working together, tasks tend to be completed more quickly, a wider range of skills is brought to the job, and most importantly, production increases [5] One student looks at his neighbour’s exam paper and quickly copies the answers Still another student sneaks a sheet of paper with formulas written on it into the exam room According to a national survey, 40 per cent of American teenagers would cheat in the exam rooms Why? Most students cheat on tests because they are pressed to get high scores, because they want to graduate without much learning, or simply because they are not concerned with honesty [6] Stress is said to be the consequence of a busy life Nobody likes it Everybody tries different ways to chase it away Some are successful, but many others fail Although people often react to stress in harmful ways, there are many positive ways to handle stress [7] Karate, which means the art of empty hands, is the most widely practiced of all the martial arts It is primarily a means of self-defence that uses the body as a weapon for striking, kicking, and blocking Originating in the ancient Orient, the art of karate is more Writing than 1,000 years old Over the years, this ancient art has gained much popularity, and today karate is practiced throughout the world More than a method of combat, karate emphasizes self-discipline, positive attitude, and high moral purpose [8] What is the biggest problem facing our company? – Employee morale And low morale means low productivity Since many of our employees are parents with heavy responsibilities at home as well as at work, having the option of working at home a certain number of hours each week would be sure to raise their morale It would raise their productivity as well [9] “Remember, Carla, you must always be true to your dream!” I can still see my Grandma smiling as she said this, her sharp eyes gazing intently into mine It is because of what Grandma taught me that I was able to realize my dream of becoming a dancer [10] Over the past forty years, television sets have become standard pieces of equipment in most homes, and watching television has become a standard activity for most families Children in our culture grow up watching television in the morning, in the afternoon, and often in the evening as well Although there are many excellent programs for children, many people feel that television may not be good for children In fact, television may be a bad influence on children for three main reasons .. .Writing than 1,000 years old Over the years, this ancient art has gained much popularity, and today