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Microsoft Content management server Field Guide

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Tiêu đề Microsoft Content Management Server Field Guide
Tác giả Franỗois-Paul Briand, Michael Wirsching
Người hướng dẫn Jim Sumser, Lead Editor, Dan P. Dougherty, Technical Reviewer, Judith Myerson, Technical Reviewer
Trường học Apress
Chuyên ngành Content Management
Thể loại Field guide
Năm xuất bản 2005
Thành phố New York
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Microsoft Content management server Field Guide

Microsoft Content Management Server Field Guide Franỗois-Paul Briand and Michael Wirsching Microsoft Content Management Server Field Guide Copyright â 2005 by Franỗois-Paul Briand and Michael Wirsching Lead Editor: Jim Sumser Technical Reviewers: Dan P Dougherty and Judith Myerson Editorial Board: Steve Anglin, Dan Appleman, Ewan Buckingham, Gary Cornell, Tony Davis, Jason Gilmore, Jonathan Hassell, Chris Mills, Dominic Shakeshaft, Jim Sumser Associate Publisher: Grace Wong Project Manager: Laura Cheu Copy Edit Manager: Nicole LeClerc Copy Editor: Julie McNamee Production Manager: Kari Brooks-Copony Production Editor: Linda Marousek Compositor: Linda Weidemann Proofreader: Liz Welch Indexer: John Collin Artist: Kinetic Publishing Services, LLC Cover Designer: Kurt Krames Manufacturing Manager: Tom Debolski Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Briand, Franỗois-Paul, 1954 Microsoft Content Management Server field guide / Franỗois-Paul Briand and Michael Wirsching p cm Includes index ISBN 1-59059-528-9 Microsoft Content management server (Electronic resource) Web sites—Design— Computer programs Web sites—Management—Computer programs Database management I Wirsching, Michael II Title TK5105.8885.M52B75 2005 005.2'76—dc22 2005014408 All rights reserved No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher ISBN (pbk): 1-59059-528-9 Printed and bound in the United States of America Trademarked names may appear in this book Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use the names only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 233 Spring 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toujours instillộ en moi lamour du travail bien fait Franỗois-Paul Briand Contents at a Glance About the Authors xi About the Technical Reviewers xiii Introduction xv PART ■ ■ ■ Configuration CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER Configuring the Platform Configuring MCMS 2002 Components 21 Measuring and Tuning Performance 39 Authentication 55 PART ■ ■ ■ Administration and Deployment CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER Administration and Support 77 Administering a Publication Environment 91 Deploying Content 117 Troubleshooting 137 PART ■ ■ ■ Templates CHAPTER MCMS Development Using Page Objects 167 INDEX 195 v Contents About the Authors xi About the Technical Reviewers xiii Introduction xv PART ■ ■ ■ Configuration ■ CHAPTER Configuring the Platform Understanding Scalable Architecture Logical Architecture Physical Site Architecture Configuring MCMS Platform Options Check Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements Installing Windows 2003 Server Core Components 10 Installing Windows XP Components 11 Installing SQL Server 2000 11 Enabling Windows Installer Logging 14 Creating User Accounts 15 Initial MCMS Administrator 15 MCMS System Account 15 Creating the MCMS Database and Granting Rights 16 Creating a Web Site for MCMS 17 Summary 18 Additional Resources 18 ■ CHAPTER Configuring MCMS 2002 Components 21 Configuring MCMS 2002 Components on a Single Computer Configuring the MCMS Database Configuring the MCMS Server Configuring MCMS 2002 in a Multiple-Computer Production Environment Configuring a Multiple-Computer Production Environment 22 23 26 26 27 vii viii ■CONTENTS Installing Additional MCMS Components Installing Site Manager Installing Site Stager Installing Authoring Connector Activating the Web Author Summary ■ CHAPTER 33 34 34 35 36 36 Measuring and Tuning Performance 39 Performance Optimization Caching Balancing Items in Containers Using API Searches Efficiently Limiting the Use of Placeholders Site Navigation Considerations Capacity Planning Analysis and General Guidelines Transactions Failure Criteria Building a Test Site Summary Additional Resources ■ CHAPTER 40 40 42 42 42 43 43 44 44 46 47 52 53 Authentication 55 Windows Accounts Forms-Based Authentication Using IIS Anonymous User Access Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Logon Page Web.config Certificates Configuring Anonymous Authentication in IIS Creating and Administering Server Certificates Custom Authentication Active Directory Users and MCMS Subscriber Groups Forms-Based Authentication Summary of Authentication Recommendations Intranet Site Authentication Extranet Site Authentication Internet Site Authentication Web Farms Summary 56 58 58 59 60 62 64 64 65 66 67 69 70 70 70 71 71 73 ■CONTENTS ix PART ■ ■ ■ Administration and Deployment ■ CHAPTER Administration and Support 77 Server Administration Using SCA Setting the Content Site Entry Point ASP Compatibility Mode URLs Channel-to-Host Mapping Full-Text Search and Indexing MCMS Security Issues Supporting Authors, Editors, and Approvers Authoring Content Managing the Publication of Content Summary ■ CHAPTER 77 80 80 81 81 82 84 85 86 89 89 Administering a Publication Environment 91 The Site Manager 92 Rights Groups 93 Channels 96 Creating Channels 97 Managing Channels 98 Managing Pages 103 Resource Galleries 104 Managing Resource Galleries 105 Managing Resources 108 Templates 109 Managing Templates with Galleries 109 Managing Templates 113 Summary 115 ■ CHAPTER Deploying Content 117 Exporting Dynamic Content Objects Importing Channel and Rights Objects Importing Templates and Resources Tracking Revisions Revision Histories Clearing Revisions by Timestamp Using Site Stager Destination Directories Granting Access to the Staging Computers Summary 119 122 125 126 126 127 127 128 128 135 x ■CONTENTS ■ CHAPTER Troubleshooting 137 Troubleshooting Installation and Configuration If Setup Was Unsuccessful Upgrading from MCMS 2000 to MCMS 2002 Uninstalling MCMS 2002 MCMS 2002 Standard Edition SQL Server Database Issues Windows Server 2003 and MCMS 2002 Using MCMS Administration Tools Site Manager Site Stager Supporting Authors Dealing with Visual Studio NET Issues Summary Additional Resources 138 138 142 143 144 146 149 151 151 153 156 158 162 162 PART ■ ■ ■ Templates ■ CHAPTER MCMS Development Using Page Objects 167 Processing Pages Examining an MCMS Application Visual Studio and MCMS MCMS NET Class Reference MCMS COM Object Reference Developing Templates Template Development Procedures MCMS Authoring Connector Templates Creating MCMS Publishing Tasks Using the Web Author Creating Pages Publishing Pages Updating Pages The MCMS Authoring Connector Summary 168 170 170 174 174 174 176 183 186 187 187 188 190 192 194 ■ INDEX 195 About the Authors Franỗois-Paul Briand and Mike Wirsching develop business solutions called Learning Instruments, which embed training into the user interface Co-founder and president of BWI, Franỗois-Paul Briand is a computer architect who was, in no small part, responsible for moving forensic biometrics from mid-sized systems to distributed personal computing environments with open standards (HTTP XML) Under Franỗois-Pauls guidance, BWI has devel, oped commercial software products for the training and biometric security markets BWI also provides consulting services on a contract basis and custom products in various segments of the software industry Trained in engineering and behavioral science, Mike Wirsching’s passion is considering how thinking can be mediated by computers Embedding training into the UI has been his forte since he was an instructional designer at Microsoft BWI’s inspiration for a UI that teaches thinking is drawn from psychologists and educators such as Reuven Feuerstein (Instrumental Enrichment), Howard Gardiner (Multiple Intelligences), Barbara Clark (Optimizing Learning), and Edward de Bono (PMI Thinking Technique) xi 196 ■INDEX Authoring Connector, 87 additional information, 33 configuring Web.config file for, 62 connected pages fail to expire, 157 connected pages not appear after changes, 156 editing and submitting content, 88 empty wizard task list, 156 installing MCMS 2002 components, 35–36 MCMS Authoring Connector templates, 183 MCMS components, missing/unavailable on Word File Menu, 156 problems with, 156 Authoring console see Web Author authoring content creating Authoring Connector publishing tasks, 186 editing and submitting content, 86 authoring server see content authoring server authoring tools cannot modify custom properties, 158 cannot refresh Approval Assistant, 158 Internet Explorer fails on placeholder, 158 multiple placeholders bound to one definition, 158 page approval not match author/editor rights, 157 problems with, 156 troubleshooting, 156–158 ■B bandwidth capacity planning, 46 basic authentication IIS Basic Authentication, 83 ■C caching clearing memory cache, 42 fragment caching, 40 performance, 40–42 setting cache location, 41 setting cache size, 41 uninstalling MCMS 2002, 144 Caching classes, 174 capacity planning, 43–52 calculating, 52 cost per user, 51 failure criteria, 46 general guidelines, 44 testing, 47–52 transaction goals, 44 case-sensitivity SQL Server names, 12 certificates acquiring digital certificate, 59 certificate authentication, 64–66 configuring anonymous authentication in IIS, 64 cost of, 66 creating and administering Server Certificates, 65 mapping certificates, 65 certification see also security creating certificate trust list, 79 enabling server certificates, 79 Server Configuration Application, 78 channel manager role administrator rights, 94 rights group permissions, 93 channel rendering scripts upgrading MCMS 2000 to 2002, 142 channel tag publishing tasks, 186 channel-based (hierarchy) URLs setting URL format, 81 channel-to-host header name mapping, 81 channels, 96–104 accessing, 93 adding custom properties, 101 assigning rights groups to, 98 assigning Stage-As rights group access channels, 133 copying or moving channels, 102 copying or moving pages, 103 creating, 97–98 deleting and restoring channels, 102 deleting and restoring pages, 103 describing, 97 importing channel and rights objects, 122 managing, 102–98 modifying channel rendering properties, 99 ■INDEX modifying channel rights, 101 modifying options, 98 modifying publishing schedule, 99 modifying web author default galleries, 100 naming conventions, 97 publishing consecutive channels, 104 publishing consecutive pages, 104 removing channels, 102 removing pages, 103 serving page requests, 169 sorting pages within channel, 100 Channels directory Destination directories, 128 characters invalid characters for object properties upgrading MCMS 2000 to 2002, 142 MCMS names, 81 classes MCMS NET Class Reference, 174 client browser cache uninstalling MCMS 2002, 144 cluster support MCMS 2002 Standard Edition, 145 CMS (Content Management Server) Visual Studio and MCMS, 173 CMS object model, 170 CmsHttpContext object serving page requests, 169 COM Object Reference, 174 compatibility MCMS 2002 SP1a, components, MCMS, configuring MCMS 2002 components multiple computers, 26–33 single computer, 22–26 installing MCMS 2002 components, 33–36 MCMS 2000, 22 troubleshooting missing components, 138 viewing missing software requirements, 138 configuration, 8–14 components for single computer, 22–26 197 MCMS database, 23–25, 31 MCMS server, 26 multideveloper environment, 30 multiple computer environment, 26–33 granting rights to MCMS database, 28 configuring MCMS Database, 31 creating web site for MCMS, 29–30 installing MCMS Content Server, 30 installing Site Manager, 33 production environment, 27 troubleshooting, 138–151 connected pages, 191 container assignments issues with Site Manager, 152 containers accessing, 93 assigning rights groups to, 95 assigning to rights groups, 68 exporting dynamic content objects, 119 exporting containers only, 121 importing channel and rights objects configuring container rules, 122 maintaining container hierarchies, 92 performance, 42 selecting orphaned objects container, 124 content approving and publishing, 89 editing and submitting, 86 content authoring server, 6, 26 Content Repository, configuring MCMS database, 23–25, 32 creating database, 16 Content Server, installing, 30 reading and writing to database, 28 content site setting content site entry point, 80 cookies server administration, 85 198 ■INDEX credentials acquiring external user’s credentials, 69 Integrated Windows authentication, 56 obtaining, 55 verifying against third-party source, 69 CTL (certificate trust list) creating, 79 custom authentication, 66–70 creating custom logon pages, 69 forms-based authentication, 69 mapping user to Active Directory user, 66 user access, 67 ■D databases see also MCMS database adding database users to system database role, 148 creating Content Repository, 16 creating new database, 16 granting System Account rights to, 17 naming conventions, 147 recognizing database users, 148 SQL Server creating, 147 DCA (Database Configuration Application) configuring MCMS database, 23–25, 31 recognizing database users, 148 SQL Server database issues, 146 DecryptionKey attribute Machine Key settings, 72 default console troubleshooting, 149 dependent pages identifying pages using template, 115 deployment, 117–135 ASPX scripts, 117 converting dynamic sites into static HTML pages, 127–135 dynamic content, 117 exporting dynamic content objects, 119–122 excluding objects from export, 120 executing the export, 121 exporting containers only, 121 exporting rights groups and users, 120 setting export options, 119 viewing/printing Export Preview Report, 121 importing channel and rights objects, 122–125 configuration options, 122 configuring container rules, 122 configuring rights groups, 124 executing Import Process/Viewing reports, 125 generating Import Report, 125 selecting orphaned objects container, 124 importing templates and resources, 125–126 incremental deployment, 117 tracking revisions, 126–127 clearing revisions by timestamp, 127 using Site Manager, 117, 127 using Site Stager, 127–135 description tag publishing tasks, 186 Destination directories, 128 scheduling automated staging, 135 destination user account, 129 adding destination user to administrators, 130 configuring on Site Stager, 131 creating, 130 granting Log On As Batch Job rights, 130 granting Log On Locally rights, 131 Developer edition, developers configuring multideveloper environment, 30 DeveloperTools.xml regenerating, 161 development developing templates, 175, 176 development environment requirements, 170 development procedures, 167 using Page objects, 167 development server, 6, MCMS server functions, 26 ■INDEX digital certificates acquiring, 59 document exchange scalable architecture, domain accounts server administration, 84 domains adding, 85 moving, 146 dynamic content deployment, 117 dynamic navigation performance, 43 ■E editions, editor role, 93 encryption see authentication Enterprise edition, error messages A potentially dangerous Request.Form value , 139 account passwords have expired, 147 An underlying connection was closed , 151 Cannot load root template gallery, 161 Package Microsoft Content Management Server , 143 The operation has timed-out, 162 The remote server returned , 150 Unable to install the InstallShield Scripting Runtime, 144 Unable to pre-create directory , 149 errors see also troubleshooting staging errors, 128 Evaluation edition, event handlers adding to logon page, 61 Events classes, 174 Export Preview Report viewing/printing before deploying content, 121 exporting dynamic content objects, 119–122 extranet site authentication, 70 199 ■F failure criteria capacity planning, 46 Flow tag category, 180 Font tag category, 180 Formatting property, 178 forms-based authentication, 58–64 anonymous user access (guest), 58 configuring for Authoring Connector, 62 configuring for MCMS Web site, 63 custom authentication, 69 logon page, 60 performance, 58 potential problems, 58 SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 58, 59 Web.config file, 62, 63 fragment caching, 40 ■G galleries importing channel and rights objects, 122 resource galleries, 104–109 template galleries, 109–113 Guest account/access configuring anonymous authentication in IIS, 64 configuring using Internet Services Manager, 59 custom authentication, 66 enabling, 84 forms-based authentication, 58 ■H hardware requirements, header name mapping channel-to-host header name mapping, 81 Heading tag category, 180 Hide When Published property modifying, 98 Site Manager, 152 host header mapping, 146 HTML adding HTML placeholder control, 185 adding HTML placeholder definition, 178 adding HTML placeholder, 181 adding Office HTML placeholder definition, 184 200 ■I ■INDEX IIS (Internet Information Services) configuring anonymous authentication in, 64 enabling, 11 IIS Basic Authentication, 83 IIS Lockdown Tool, 13 IIS Service Manager see Internet Services Manager IIS Timeout Connection, 151 IIS web sites cannot browse if located on localhost, 161 images adding image placeholder definition, 180 adding single image placeholder, 181 adding, 187 import function site deployment using, 29 Import reports, 125 Important Channel option, 98 Important property Site Manager, 152 importing channel and rights objects, 122–125 importing templates and resources, 125–126 incremental deployment, 117 Index Bot, 83 indexing web site indexing site for internet search, 82 Initial MCMS Administrator account, 15 configuring MCMS database, 25 configuring MCMS Database, 32 Installation Wizard setup unsuccessful, 138 installations Authoring Connector, 35 components additional components, 33–36 viewing missing software requirements, 138 Content Server, 30 IIS Lockdown Tool, 13 Internet Explorer WebControls, 14 MCMS 2002 with SP1a, 22 server side includes, 10 Site Manager, 33, 34 Site Stager, 34 SQL Server 2000, 11 troubleshooting, 138–151 uninstalling, 143 cannot reinstall after, 144 Visual Studio NET, 14 Web Author, 36 Windows 2003 Server core components, 10 Windows High Security Template, 12 Windows XP components, 11 Integrated Windows authentication, 56 Internet Explorer fails on placeholder, 158 Internet Explorer WebControls, 14 Internet Services Manager acquiring digital certificate, 59 administering Server Certificates, 65 configuring anonymous authentication in IIS, 64 configuring anonymous login using, 59 configuring Integrated Windows authentication, 57 configuring Web.config file for Authoring Connector, 62 granting access to staging computers, 128 internet site authentication, 71 intranet site authentication, 70 ISAPI filter and security service, ■K Kerberos, 56 ■L language fonts issues with Site Manager, 153 language versions upgrading, 146 latency capacity planning, 46, 47 LDAP user cannot use Site Stager, 155 leaf template, 175 List tag category, 180 localhost cannot browse IIS web sites located on, 161 locks managing object locks, 85 ■INDEX Log On As Batch Job rights, 130 Log On Locally rights, 131 logging enabling Windows Installer logging, 14, 138 logical architecture, 4–6 logon page, 60 adding event handlers, 61 creating custom logon pages, 69 Logs directory Destination directories, 128 ■M Machine Key settings, 72 Managekey.exe file web farms authentication, 71 mapping channel-to-host header name mapping, 81 Markup tag category, 180 MCMS administrative tools, issues with, 151 components, 5, 22 configuring components for single computer, 22–26 configuring for multiple computers, 26–33 configuring server, 26 creating web site for, 29–30 evaluating, 86 installing MCMS 2002 components, 33–36 installing MCMS 2002, 22 mixed mode authentication, 12 options not appear in Visual Studio NET, 161 Standard Edition issues, 144 uninstalling, 143 upgrading 2000 to 2002, 142–143 upgrading 2001 to 2002, upgrading language versions, 146 Visual Studio NET and, 170 MCMS NET Class Reference, 174 MCMS Authoring Connector see Authoring Connector MCMS Content Repository see Content Repository MCMS Content Server see Content Server MCMS database see also databases 201 configuring, 23–25 configuring for multiple computers, 31 granting rights to, 28 MCMS default console troubleshooting, 149 MCMS empty Web project MCMS project types, 171 MCMS initial administrator account, 15 MCMS Installation Wizard, 138 MCMS projects ASP.NET project differences, 171 converting ASP NET Web Project into, 173 creating, 172 opening an MCMS solution, 172 opening Template Explorer, 173 MCMS Server Configuration Application see SCA MCMS Site Manager see Site Manager MCMS Site Stager see Site Stager MCMS system account see system account MCMS Template Explorer see Template Explorer MCMS Web application, 171 MCMS Web Author see Web Author MCMS Web service, 171 MCMS web site adding to trusted sites, 149 MCMS Word Authoring Connector, 192 metadata placeholders and, 42 Microsoft Application Center deploying web sites, 30 Microsoft certification see certification Microsoft recommendations authentication, 70–72 mixed mode authentication, 12 ASP compatibility, 80 mixed mode option configuring MCMS database, 24, 31 moderator role, 93 202 ■INDEX modes configuring MCMS database, 24, 31 Windows 2000 authentication modes, 56 Modify Members dialog box issues with Site Manager, 151 ■N name tag publishing tasks, 186 naming/naming conventions channels, 97 databases, 147 MCMS names, 81 rights groups, 94 NET Class Reference, 174 NET Framework troubleshooting Visual Studio NET issues, 159 NET Framework 1.1 troubleshooting compatibility, 139 NTLM protocol, 56 ■O object locks, 85 objects COM Object Reference, 174 Office classes, 174 orphaned objects selecting orphaned objects container, 124 ■P Page objects development using, 167 pages see also postings approving using Web Author, 189 connected pages fail to expire, 157 connected pages not appear after changes, 156 copying or moving, 103 creating connected pages, 191 creating logon page, 60 creating using Web Author, 187 deleting and restoring, 103, 157 deleting using Web Author, 192 editing using Web Author, 190 identifying pages using template, 115 importing channel and rights objects, 122 managing, 103–104 moving using Web Author, 191 page approval not match author/editor rights, 157 previewing in Web Author, 188 publishing consecutive pages, 104 publishing using Web Author, 188 removing, 103, 157 saving with Web Author, 188 selecting template using Web Author, 187 serving page requests, 168, 169 sorting pages within channel, 100 submitting using Web Author, 188 updating using Web Author, 190 pages, capacity planning page size, 46 pages per second, 45 performance API searches, 42 caching, 40–42 containers, 42 dynamic navigation, 43 forms-based authentication, 58 measuring, 40 methods for maximization, 40 optimizing, 40–43 performance counters, 47 placeholders, 42 permissions rights groups, 93 physical architecture, 6–8 placeholders adding Attachment placeholder control, 185 adding HTML placeholder control, 185 adding HTML placeholder definition, 178 adding HTML placeholder, 181 adding image placeholder definition, 180 adding images, 187 adding Office Attachment placeholder definition, 184 adding Office HTML placeholder definition, 184 adding single image placeholder, 181 ■INDEX adding XML placeholder, 182 classes, 174 errors binding controls to definitions, 159 Internet Explorer fails on placeholder, 158 multiple placeholders bound to one definition, 158 performance, 42 placeholder control, PlaceholderDefinition object, 169 placeholder definition properties, 178 tags and, 179 template anomalies, 159 using Web Author, 187 XML placeholder timeout error, 162 PlaceholderToBind property, 159 postings see also pages creating/submitting, 192 editing, 193 publishing, 193 presentation mode serving page requests, 168 production environment configuring, 27 production server MCMS installation physical architecture, MCMS server functions, 26 profiles creating staging profile, 154 using Site Stager, 127 properties adding custom properties to channel, 101 placeholder definition properties, 178 protocols NTLM protocol, 56 publishing API, Publishing classes, 174 publishing schedule modifying, 99 setting, 189 viewing, 189 publishing tasks, 186 ■R 203 remote access granting access to staging computers, 128 repurposing template, 175 request validation NET Framework 1.1 compatibility, 139 setting to false all applications, 140 MCMS internal applications, 141 MCMS web applications, 140 requests serving page requests, 168 requirements hardware requirements, resource galleries, 104–109 assigning rights groups to, 106 changing description, 106 copying or moving, 107 copying or moving resources from, 108 creating, 105 deleting and restoring, 107 deleting and restoring resources from, 108 managing, 105–108 modifying rights for, 106 removing, 108 removing resources from, 109 renaming, 106 Resource Manager rights group adding Stage-As User account as member of, 133 creating, 132 resource manager role, 93 resources, 104–109 importing, 125 importing channel and rights objects, 122 managing, 108–109 naming conventions, 97 Resources directory Destination directories, 128 restarting manually, 149 revisions clearing revisions by timestamp, 127 described, 126 revision histories, 126 comparing versions using, 190 tracking revisions, 126–127 204 ■INDEX rights directory rights, 143 granting rights to MCMS database, 28 granting system account rights to database, 17 modifying channel rights, 101 modifying for resource galleries, 106 page approval not match author/editor rights, 157 rights groups accessing containers/channels, 93 adding members to, 68, 94 assigning containers to, 68 assigning Stage-As rights group access channels, 133 assigning to channels, 98 assigning to containers, 95 assigning to resource galleries, 106 assigning to template galleries, 111 changing access, 152 configuring for import, 124 creating Resource Manager rights group, 132 creating Subscriber rights group, 132 creating, 67, 94 exporting dynamic content objects, 120 importing channel and rights objects, 122 modifying for template galleries, 111 naming, 94 roles custom authentication, 66 importing channel and rights objects, 122 MCMS 2002 Standard Edition limits, 145 modifying for template galleries, 111 rights group permissions, 93 root staging virtual directory accessing, 128 ■S sa login for SQL Server security, 146 SCA (Server Configuration Application), 77–85 see also server administration adding domains, 85 certification, 78 configuring, 152 launching, 79 port number, 78 recognizing database users, 148 remote administration using, 78 scalable architecture, 4–8 search engines indexing site for internet search, 82 security see also authentication; certification accessing root staging virtual directory, 128 creating CTL, 79 granting rights to MCMS database, 28 sa login for SQL Server, 146 server administration, 84 Security classes, 174 Select File dialog box, 160 server administration see also SCA ASP compatibility mode, viewing, 80 channel-to-host header names, mapping, 81 cookies, 85 domain accounts, 84 indexing site for internet search, 82 object locks, 85 security, 84 setting web entry point, 80 URL format, setting, 81 server certificates creating and administering, 65 enabling, 79 Server Configuration Application see SCA server side includes installing, 10 servers configuring MCMS server, 26 installing MCMS Content Server, 30 MCMS installation physical architecture, setup troubleshooting installation/configuration, 138 Sharable Content Objects, 175 site deployment Windows 2003 Server, 150, 151 Site Deployment API, Site Manager, 92–93 adding custom properties to channel, 101 ■INDEX adding members to rights groups, 68 assigning containers to rights groups, 68 assigning rights groups to channels, 98 assigning rights groups to resource galleries, 106 assigning rights groups to template galleries, 111 copying and moving template galleries, 112 copying or moving channel, 102 copying or moving pages, 103 copying or moving resources from resource galleries, 108 copying or moving resource galleries, 107 creating resource galleries, 105 creating rights groups, 67 creating template galleries, 110 deleting and restoring channels, 102 deleting and restoring pages, 103 deleting and restoring resource galleries, 107 deleting and restoring resources from resource galleries, 108 deleting and restoring template galleries, 112 deleting and restoring templates from template galleries, 113 deploying content excluding objects from export, 120 executing the export, 121 exporting rights groups and users, 120 setting export options, 119 viewing/printing Export Preview Report, 121 deploying content, 117 deployment, 127 exporting dynamic content objects, 119 identifying pages using template, 115 importing channel and rights objects configuring container rules, 122 configuring rights groups, 124 executing Import Process/Viewing reports, 125 generating Import Report, 125 205 selecting orphaned objects container, 124 importing templates and resources, 125 installing MCMS components, 34 installing MCMS for multiple computers, 33 issues with, 151 Active Directory group members cannot log on, 153 container assignments, 152 Hidden and Important properties, 152 language fonts, 153 Modify Members dialog box, 151 managing channels, 98 modifying channel options, 98 modifying channel rendering properties, 99 modifying channel rights, 101 modifying publishing schedule, 99 modifying rights for resource galleries, 106 modifying rights for template galleries, 111 modifying template gallery names/descriptions, 110 modifying web author default galleries, 100 naming and describing channels, 97 publishing consecutive channels, 104 publishing consecutive pages, 104 refreshing, 93 removing channels, 102 removing pages, 103 removing resource galleries, 108 removing resources from resource galleries, 109 removing template galleries, 113 removing templates from template galleries, 114 renaming/modifying descriptions of resource galleries, 106 reverting to last approved template, 114 setting options, 92 sorting pages within channel, 100 tracking revisions clearing revisions by timestamp, 127 206 ■INDEX site manager role, 93 site navigation performance, 43 Site Stager see also staging profiles adding Stage-As User account, 132, 133 assigning Stage-As rights group access channels, 133 configuring destination user on, 131 creating Resource Manager rights group, 132 creating staging profile, 134, 154 creating Subscriber rights group, 132 deployment, 127–135 Destination directories, 128 granting Log On As Batch Job rights, 130 granting Log On Locally rights, 131 installing MCMS components, 34–35 issues with, 153 LDAP user cannot use, 155 profile fails to stage, 156 staging fails and no event is reported, 153 staging profiles sharing destination directory, 155 status does not refresh, 155 MCMS 2002 Standard Edition, 146 scheduling automated staging, 134, 154 staging errors, 128 staging site manually, 135 Solution Explorer adding Attachment placeholder control, 185 adding HTML placeholder control, 185 adding HTML placeholder, 181 adding single image placeholder, 181 adding Web Author Console to template file, 183 adding XML placeholder, 182 creating template file, 177 SQL Query Analyzer, 42 SQL Server case-sensitivity, 12 creating database, 147 granting MCMS system account rights, 147 installing, 11 moving domains, 146 sa login security, 146 system account errors, 146 TechNet Support Center, 19 troubleshooting, 146 upgrading language versions, 146 SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 58, 59 Stage-As Domain user account, 129 Stage-As rights group, 133 Stage-As User account, 132, 133 staging computers accessing root staging virtual directory, 128 creating destination user account, 130 creating Stage-As Domain user account, 129 granting access to, 128 staging profiles see also Site Stager creating staging profile, 134, 154 scheduling automated staging, 134, 154 staging site manually, 135 staging server MCMS installation physical architecture, MCMS server functions, 26 Standard edition, stress scripts Transaction Cost Analysis tool, 50 Subscriber rights group, 132 subscriber role MCMS 2002 Standard Edition, 145 rights group permissions, 93 subscription rights, 93 system account adding database users, 148 configuring MCMS database, 24 creating user accounts, 15 defining, 148 errors, 146 granting system account rights, 17, 147 granting rights to MCMS database, 28 server administration, 84 ■INDEX ■T Table tag category, 180 tags MCMS tag categories, 180 placeholders and, 179 publishing tasks, 186 Temp directory Destination directories, 128 template designer role, 93 Template Explorer adding HTML placeholder definition, 178 adding image placeholder definition, 180 adding Office Attachment placeholder definition, 184 adding Office HTML placeholder definition, 184 associating template file with template, 177 creating templates, 176 opening, 173 Visual Studio and MCMS, 173 template galleries, 109–113 assigning rights groups to, 111 cannot load root template gallery, 161 copying and moving galleries, 112 creating, 110 deleting and restoring galleries, 112–113 deleting and restoring templates from, 113 managing gallery rights, 111 modifying names/descriptions, 110 modifying rights for, 111 removing templates from, 114 reverting to last approved templates, 114 upgrading MCMS 2000 to 2002, 142 Template object serving page requests, 169 template tag publishing tasks, 186 templates, 109–115 adding Attachment placeholder control, 185 adding HTML placeholder, 181 adding single image placeholder, 181 207 adding Web Author Console to template file, 183 adding XML placeholder, 182 aggregation template, 175 associating template file with template, 177 channels and, 96 creating Authoring Connector template, 183 creating MCMS publishing tasks, 186 creating, 176 creating template file, 177 deleting and restoring from template galleries, 113 developing, 174–186 identifying pages using, 115 importing, 125 importing channel and rights objects, 122 laying out template file, 177 leaf template, 175 managing, 113–115 managing with galleries, 109–113 MCMS Authoring Connector templates, 183 removing from template galleries, 114 repurposing template, 175 reverting to last approved, 114 selecting using Web Authoring console, 187 Temporary Internet Files emptying, 144 test searches indexing site for internet search, 82 testing, capacity planning, 47–52 Transaction Cost Analysis tool, 48 Web Application Stress Tool, 48 timeout connection modifying IIS Timeout Connection, 151 tracking revisions, 126–127 Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) tool, 48–50 transaction goals, capacity planning, 44 bandwidth, 46 number of users, 45 page size, 46 pages per second, 45 208 ■INDEX troubleshooting see also errors additional resources, 162 authoring tools, 156–158 enabling Windows Installer logging, 137 installation and configuration, 138–151 NET Framework 1.1 compatibility, 139 initialization errors, 139 MCMS 2002 Standard Edition, 144 SQL Server database, 146 uninstalling MCMS 2002, 143 unsuccessful setup, 138 upgrading MCMS 2000 to 2002, 142 Windows Server 2003 and MCMS 2002, 149 MCMS administrative tools, 151 slow restarts, 139 Visual Studio NET, 158–162 trust creating CTL, 79 trusted sites adding MCMS web site to, 149 ■U Unapproved page revisions, 126 uninstalling MCMS 2002, 143 upgrades to MCMS 2002 language versions, 146 MCMS 2000, 142 MCMS 2001, restored 2001 database, 146 URLs naming conventions, 97 setting URL format using SCA, 81 user accounts creating, 15, 67 creating Stage-As Domain user account, 129 custom authentication, 67 destination user account, 129, 130 users approving and publishing content, 89 editing and submitting content, 86 exporting dynamic content objects, 120 users, capacity planning cost per user, 51 determining user profile, 49 number of users, 45 ■V validateRequest attribute NET Framework 1.1 compatibility, 139 Validation attribute, 72 ValidationKey attribute, 72 versions using Revision History to compare, 190 video-only placeholders upgrading MCMS 2000 to 2002, 142 virtual directory configuring, 160 Visual Studio NET configuring MCMS integration with, 162 configuring Web.config file for forms-based authentication, 63 converting ASP NET Web Project into MCMS project, 173 creating Authoring Connector templates, 183 creating logon page, 60 creating MCMS projects, 172 developing templates, 174 installing, 14 MCMS 2002 and, 170 MCMS components, MCMS options not appear in, 161 opening an MCMS solution, 172 opening Template Explorer, 173 selecting template from Select File dialog box, 160 solutions, 171 troubleshooting, 158–162 cannot browse IIS web sites located on localhost, 161 cannot load root template gallery, 161 cannot view Select File dialog box, 160 errors binding placeholder controls to definitions, 159 MCMS 2002 (SP1a), 159 new ASP.NET application, 159 ■INDEX placeholder template anomalies, 159 XML placeholder timeout error, 162 ■W Web application MCMS project types, 171 Web Application Stress Tool (WAST), 48 web applications cannot create Visual Studio NET 2002 web application, 150 troubleshooting Visual Studio NET issues, 158–162 Web Author, 86 adding images, 187 adding Web Author Console to template file, 183 approving and publishing content, 89 approving pages, 189 creating pages, 187 deleting pages, 192 editing and submitting content, 87 editing pages, 190 installing MCMS 2002 components, 36 MCMS components, modifying web author default galleries, 100 moving pages, 191 placeholders, 187 previewing pages, 188 problems with, 156 problems with attachments, 158 publishing pages, 188 saving pages, 188 selecting template, 187 setting publishing schedule, 189 submitting pages, 188 updating pages, 190 using, 187–194 using Revision History to compare versions, 190 viewing publishing schedule, 189 Web classes, 174 web crawlers indexing site for internet search, 82 209 web farms authentication, 71 Web project MCMS project types, 171 Web Robots Can Crawl Links option modifying, 98 Web Robots Can Index This Channel’s Navigation option modifying, 98 Web service MCMS project types, 171 web services MCMS components, web sites adding MCMS web site to trusted sites, 149 configuring MCMS database, 24, 31 creating web site for MCMS, 17, 29–30 indexing site for internet search, 82 setting web entry point, 80 Web.config file configuring for Authoring Connector, 62 configuring for forms-based authentication, 63 configuring to poll for authentication, 62 MCMS/ASP.NET project differences, 171 modifying for handling authentication, 57 WebControls classes, 174 Windows 2000 authentication modes, 56 Windows 2003 Server NET Framework requirement, 158 site deployment, 150–151 uninstalling MCMS 2002, 143 upgrading issues, MCMS 2002, 149, 150 Windows 2003 Server core components installing, 10 Windows accounts authentication, 56–57 Windows High Security Template installing, 12 210 ■INDEX Windows Installer logging enabling, 14, 138 Windows XP components installing, 11 Word Authoring Connector, 192 ■X XML adding XML placeholder, 182 XML placeholder timeout error, 162 .. .Microsoft Content Management Server Field Guide Franỗois-Paul Briand and Michael Wirsching Microsoft Content Management Server Field Guide Copyright © 2005 by Franỗois-Paul... Franỗois-Paul, 1954 Microsoft Content Management Server field guide / Franỗois-Paul Briand and Michael Wirsching p cm Includes index ISBN 1-59059-528-9 Microsoft Content management server (Electronic... of the Web site Installing Microsoft Content Management Server Install MCMS Content Server on your public Web server and your Web Authoring server Content Server responds to page requests by dynamically

Ngày đăng: 21/08/2012, 10:27

