Tài liệu tham khảo |
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48–49 strategy, 391to treat customers differently, 388 trust and, 20commoditization, 25, 95–96, 165, 282commoditized products and services, 4, 9, 285–86 communication. See alsocustomizationbusiness rules, 205, 295–302, 304, 388, 399, 413, 419–20, 423, 430, 449channels, 114, 119–20, 193, 211, 214, 223, 380, 391, 427 channels, customer contact, 403 closed-loop systems, 154, 368 contact optimization, 360, 379 Customer Interaction Centers(CICs) (See under Customer Interaction Centers (CICs)) dialogue, drip irrigation, 205,215dialogue management, 212–13 dialogue with customer, 183 |
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See also"customizationbusiness rules, 205, 295–302,304, 388, 399, 413, 419–20,423, 430, 449channels, 114, 119–20, 193, 211,214, 223, 380, 391, 427channels, customer contact, 403closed-loop systems, 154, 368contact optimization, 360, 379Customer Interaction Centers(CICs) ("See under |
10–11 transaction, 129Country Inns & Suites. See Carlson, Inc.coupons, 98, 108CPGs. See Consumer packaged goods (CPGs)CPO. See chief privacy officer (CPO)creative destruction, 473 Creative Destruction, 479 credibility, 81, 83–88, 442 credit cardsabout, 7, 12, 23 automotive, 35 bank, 73, 246companies, 123, 132, 246, 355 corporate cards, 290 credit risk, 335 customer analytics, 285“customer churn” rates, 65 customer growth opportunities,344 data, 110data security, 253, 256, 274 decile analysis of customers, 123,142 fraud, 262gasoline-company, 43 identities, individual customer,104industry, 28–29, 285 information, 254 invoice customization, 161 loyalty programs, 67 mass customization, 276–77 |
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See"Carlson,Inc.coupons, 98, 108CPGs."See"Consumer packagedgoods (CPGs)CPO."See"chief privacy officer(CPO)creative destruction, 473"Creative Destruction,"479credibility, 81, 83–88, 442credit cardsabout, 7, 12, 23automotive, 35bank, 73, 246companies, 123, 132, 246, 355corporate cards, 290credit risk, 335customer analytics, 285“customer churn |
285–86 number, 40, 263 number and third partyexposure, 245 online shopping, 247 providers, 269 RFID microchips, 112 SOC, automotive, 35 stolen, 253critical data elements (CDEs), 198, 215CRM. See Customer relationship management (CRM); customer relationship management (CRM)CRM at the Speed of Light, 460 CRM in the cloud, 355. See also cloud computing; customer relationship management CRO. See Chief relationship officer(CRO)cross-selling, 157, 333, 343–44, 417 crowd services, 210, 218–19 |
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See"Customer relationshipmanagement (CRM); customerrelationship management(CRM)CRM at the Speed of Light, 460CRM in the cloud, 355."See also"cloud computing; customerrelationship managementCRO."See |
226–28, 234, 241, 279, 459 CRV. See Customer referral value(CRV)CSRs. See Customer service representatives (CSRs) CSS. See Customer service andsupport (CSS)CSV. See customer spending value (CSV)Current State Touchmap, 196–98, 215. See also Customer Experience and Interaction TouchmapCUSAMS. See Customer asset management of services (CUSAMS)customer(s). See also customer analytics; customer differentiation; customer retention; customization; mass customization; privacy 360-degree view of, 117, 180, 193 acquisition, 26, 31–32, 357 actual value, 121–22, 124 |
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See"Customer referral value(CRV)CSRs."See"Customer servicerepresentatives (CSRs)CSS."See"Customer service andsupport (CSS)CSV."See"customer spending value(CSV)Current State Touchmap, 196–98,215."See also"CustomerExperience and InteractionTouchmapCUSAMS."See"Customer assetmanagement of services(CUSAMS)customer(s)."See also |
129–31, 134, 137–39, 150, 202 attrition, 319–20, 360behavior, predicting changes in, 331, 360, 367, 375below-zero (BZ), 139–40, 156–57, 171–72 benefits for, 40 collaboration with, 15 complaints, 70, 76, 388, 423,428contribution vs. profit, 128, 386 customer referral value (CRV) |
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139, 141–43, 333 databases (See underdatabase(s))defections, 29, 386, 388, 430 defined, 18–19differentiation, 159 dissatisfied, 49expectations, 31, 60–61, 68, 279, 424feedback loop, 76focus, 8, 13, 15–16, 26, 37, 41, 54, 87–88, 111, 123, 170, 180–82, 184, 230.future value, 41, 109, 125, 180, 347, 405grouping, 77, 430identifying, 69, 73, 82, 88, 101, 103–10, 112, 115, 414, 432 individual data, 35, 412 individualized approach to (Seeunder learning relationship) influencers, 105, 127, 162, 224 |
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Tiêu đề: |
See under"database(s))defections, 29, 386, 388, 430defined, 18–19differentiation, 159dissatisfied, 49expectations, 31, 60–61, 68, 279,424feedback loop, 76focus, 8, 13, 15–16, 26, 37, 41,54, 87–88, 111, 123, 170,180–82, 184, 230.future value, 41, 109, 125, 180,347, 405grouping, 77, 430identifying, 69, 73, 82, 88, 101,103–10, 112, 115, 414, 432individual data, 35, 412individualized approach to ("See"under |
18, 26, 76, 104, 135, 139, 151, 155, 157, 160, 178, 180, 197, 224, 246, 276, 296, 345, 355, 357, 384, 407, 416, 430 multidivision customers, 417 needs (See under customerneeds)ongoing benefits, 40–41, 74, 82 pain points, 225preferences, 202, 285, 373 profitability, 3, 6, 23, 27, 34, 82 |
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141–43, 291, 333relationship, importance of, 387 relationships (See underrelationship(s)) super-growth, 139–40, 157 super-users, 226, 229, 232, 235 trajectories, 127–28, 141, 155 transactional data, 166, 335, 355 understanding, 34, 170, 314, 350,367, 372unprofitable, firing, 5, 88, 144–45, 382using up, 417–18value (See under customer value)“vintages,” 320 vital statistics, 333 customer acquisition. SeeAcquisition of customers customer analyticsabout, 303, 320, 349–52, 355–58, 361, 379–80, 419 |
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See under"relationship(s))super-growth, 139–40, 157super-users, 226, 229, 232, 235trajectories, 127–28, 141, 155transactional data, 166, 335, 355understanding, 34, 170, 314, 350,367, 372unprofitable, firing, 5, 88,144–45, 382using up, 417–18value ("See under"customer value)“vintages,” 320vital statistics, 333customer acquisition."See |
394–95, 432–35, 452, 454, 464, 466customer churn about, 56, 70 BSB, 378bundling services and, 338 credit card company, 65 customer center, 209 incentive programs,new-customer, 419 levels of, high, 32 mobile phone carrier, 65 modeling, 327as symptom of a disease, 66 Verizon Wireless, 315customer databases. See database(s) customer data integration (CDI),350, 418customer differentiation. See also customer lifetime value (LTV);lifetime value (LTV)customers, types of, 14, 128, 149, 155, 159, 161, 164, 169–71, 174, 176, 340–43, 346 customer value differentiation |
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See"database(s)customer data integration (CDI),350, 418customer differentiation."See also |
22, 178–79differentiate, defined, 101 mix of customers, managing,150–51most valuable customer (MVC), 18, 26, 76, 104, 135, 139, 151, 155, 157, 160, 178, 180, 197, 224, 246, 276, 296, 345, 355, 357, 384, 407, 416, 430 by needs, 184ranking customers, 137, 151, 211 share of customer, growing, 14 unprofitable customers, “firing,” |
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23, 25–26, 67, 75 information, 106, 110 Internet and personal profiles,91personal ID number (PIN), 200 problems with access to, 214 purpose of, 254recognizing customers, 30, 103, 194, 197smart markets, role of, 117–19 storing of, for customer-centeredenterprise, 110customer information. See also privacyabout customer experience, 22 analysis of, for customer-strategydevelopment, 416 as an economic asset, 75 brand, two-way, 4competency, mass-market, 117 competency, transitional, 117 competency categories, 116–17 competitive advantage from, 39 competitive advantage in use of,388–89for customer-facing employees, 116customer-focused strategies using, 111customer identities, obtaining, linking and cataloging, 410 customer identities in databases |
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80-20 Pareto principle, 136–37 market-basket analysis and, 360 metric impacts profit and loss,366 rewards for, 392 Customer Lifetime Value IsReshaping Corporate Strategy, 309customer loyalty. See also loyalty brands and branding, 9, 20, 28,30classification, 153–54 customer equity, 317–21 customer relationships and, 31 decreasing, 9increasing, 20individual customer relationships enhance, 28long-term, enhancing, 30 long-term value, 318, 419 privacy, 248products and services, 82 rewards, 406customer management. See also interaction with customers customer portfolios, 298, 336 |
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Customer Lifetime Value Is"Reshaping Corporate Strategy,"309customer loyalty."See"also loyaltybrands and branding, 9, 20, 28,30classification, 153–54customer equity, 317–21customer relationships and, 31decreasing, 9increasing, 20individual customer relationshipsenhance, 28long-term, enhancing, 30long-term value, 318, 419privacy, 248products and services, 82rewards, 406customer management."See also |
414–15, 433, 449customer management organization structures, 298, 398, 409, 412–14customer management team, 415 customer needsattributes and benefits of products, 162, 164, 171 benefits vs., 161–62, 164 categorizing customers by,169–71characteristics of, 171–73 community knowledge, 172–78 complaints and, 70, 76, 388, 423,428consumer research, 225, 236, 414 customer interaction, 279 customer value, use of to buildon, 196 customization, 162 demographics, 122, 163, 179 |
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253–56, 258 sharing, 327 stable, 115submission on-line, 263–64 tombs, 352transactional, 166, 335, 355 used in analytical models, 327–28 warehousing, 35database(s). See also customer analytics; customer identification; management strategy; software alumni, 182 analytical, 114 analytical software, 351 bank’s, 167Borders Group, 116 |
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80-20 distribution, 235. See also Pareto principleElectronic Data Interchange (EDI), 387e-mailabout, 12–13, 35, 99 addresses, 106, 152, 287 campaign management software,403 costs of, 219customer interaction, 213 interaction with customer, 99 requests for address, 106 spam, 208, 240, 253, 263, 266 two-way, addressable media |
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234, 244–45, 247, 433 Fortune magazine, 113, 146, 313,447, 469Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 91–93 Four Cs, 10four levels of customer experiences, 62 Four Ps, 10four stages of customer focus, 474 fragmentation, 353Franklin University, 182–83 fraud detection, 255 frequency marketing programsabout, 66, 103, 106–9 Clubcard [Tesco], 67–68, 108–9 |
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Fortune"magazine, 113, 146, 313,447, 469"Fort Worth Star-Telegram |
284–85, 357–58customer identification, 66, 103, 106–9customer information, 107 frequent-flier programs, 138 Learning Relationship, 66, 103,106–9frequently asked questions (FAQ), 211, 228Friends and Family program (MCI), 142. See alsomember-get-a-member strategy front office, 279FTC. See Federal Trade Commission (FTC) functional loyalty, 65, 70 Fuqua School of Business, 42, 168 Future Perfect, 276Future State Touchmap, 196–200, 215. See also Customer Experience and Interaction Touchmap |
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See also"member-get-a-member strategyfront office, 279FTC."See"Federal TradeCommission (FTC)functional loyalty, 65, 70Fuqua School of Business, 42, 168"Future Perfect,"276Future State Touchmap, 196–200,215."See also |
62, 367, 379, 390, 433, 436–38.See also employee(s) IIAPP. See International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) IBM, 435, 469Identification of customers. See customer identification Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize (IDIC), xiv, 102, 183, 241, 303, 307, 410. See also customizationanalysis and action components, 183differentiating customers, 159 interacting with customers (Seeunder interaction with customers)identity theft, 244–45, 256 IDIC. See Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize (IDIC)IKEA, 63, 438 ILog Software, 300 |
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See also"employee(s)IIAPP."See"International Associationof Privacy Professionals (IAPP)IBM, 435, 469Identification of customers."See"customer identificationIdentify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize (IDIC), xiv, 102,183, 241, 303, 307, 410."See"also"customizationanalysis and action components,183differentiating customers, 159interacting with customers ("See"under"interaction withcustomers)identity theft, 244–45, 256IDIC."See |
254–56, 394, 440, 445, 447, 466–67Intel, 140, 149, 313 Intellicheck, 273 interaction with customersAmazon.com (See websites) collaborative effort, 283 cost of, 128, 134–35, 140, 205,210–11customer feedback, 7, 76, 197 customer-initiated andcompany-initiated, 361 Customer Interaction Centers(CICs) (See under Customer Interaction Centers (CICs)) customer management, 398, 407 |
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See"websites)collaborative effort, 283cost of, 128, 134–35, 140, 205,210–11customer feedback, 7, 76, 197customer-initiated andcompany-initiated, 361Customer Interaction Centers(CICs) ("See under |
455, 458–59 Intuit, 230inventory, 23, 45, 95, 106, 200, 277–78, 281, 420–21, 455, 477investors, 21, 29–30, 270, 325, 371–72, 374, 383, 470 IP address, 266 iPhone, 191, 233, 284, 473 iPod, 210, 284, 471, 473 iRobot, 229–30IRS. See Internal Revenue Service (IRS)IS. See Information services (IS) ISPs. See Internet service providers(ISPs)IT. See Information technology (IT) |
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See"Internal Revenue Service(IRS)IS."See"Information services (IS)ISPs."See"Internet service providers(ISPs)IT."See |