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process heat transfer principles and applications

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medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made British Librar y Cataloguing in Publication Data Serth, R W Process heat transfer : principles and applications Heat - Transmission Heat exchangers Heat exchangers - Design Heat - Transmission - Computer programs I Title 621.4′ 022 Librar y of Congress Catalog number: 2006940583 ISBN: 978-0-12-373588-1 For information on all Academic Press publications visit our web site at http://books.elsevier.com Typeset by Charon Tec Ltd (A Macmillan Company), Chennai, India www.charontec.com Printed and bound in USA 06 07 08 09 10 11 10 Contents Preface viii Conversion Factors Physical Constants Acknowledgements x xi xii 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Heat Conduction Introduction Fourier’s Law of Heat Conduction The Heat Conduction Equation Thermal Resistance 15 The Conduction Shape Factor 19 Unsteady-State Conduction 24 Mechanisms of Heat Conduction 31 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Convective Heat Transfer 43 Introduction 44 Combined Conduction and Convection 44 Extended Surfaces 47 Forced Convection in Pipes and Ducts 53 Forced Convection in External Flow 62 Free Convection 65 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Heat Exchangers 85 Introduction 86 Double-Pipe Equipment 86 Shell-and-Tube Equipment 87 The Overall Heat-Transfer Coefficient 93 The LMTD Correction Factor 98 Analysis of Double-Pipe Exchangers 102 Preliminary Design of Shell-and-Tube Exchangers Rating a Shell-and-Tube Exchanger 109 Heat-Exchanger Effectiveness 114 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 Design of Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers 127 Introduction 128 Heat-Transfer Coefficients for Exchangers without Fins 128 Hydraulic Calculations for Exchangers without Fins 128 Series/Parallel Configurations of Hairpins 131 Multi-tube Exchangers 132 Over-Surface and Over-Design 133 Finned-Pipe Exchangers 141 Heat-Transfer Coefficients and Friction Factors for Finned Annuli Wall Temperature for Finned Pipes 145 Computer Software 152 106 143 vi C O NT E NT S 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 Design of Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers Introduction 188 Heat-Transfer Coefficients 188 Hydraulic Calculations 189 Finned Tubing 192 Tube-Count Tables 194 Factors Affecting Pressure Drop 195 Design Guidelines 197 Design Strategy 201 Computer software 218 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 The Delaware Method 245 Introduction 246 Ideal Tube Bank Correlations 246 Shell-Side Heat-Transfer Coefficient 248 Shell-Side Pressure Drop 250 The Flow Areas 254 Correlations for the Correction Factors 259 Estimation of Clearances 260 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 The Stream Analysis Method 277 Introduction 278 The Equivalent Hydraulic Network 278 The Hydraulic Equations 279 Shell-Side Pressure Drop 281 Shell-Side Heat-Transfer Coefficient 281 Temperature Profile Distortion 282 The Wills–Johnston Method 284 Computer Software 295 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 Heat-Exchanger Networks 327 Introduction 328 An Example: TC3 328 Design Targets 329 The Problem Table 329 Composite Curves 331 The Grand Composite Curve 334 Significance of the Pinch 335 Threshold Problems and Utility Pinches 337 Feasibility Criteria at the Pinch 337 Design Strategy 339 Minimum-Utility Design for TC3 340 Network Simplification 344 Number of Shells 347 Targeting for Number of Shells 348 Area Targets 353 The Driving Force Plot 356 Super Targeting 358 Targeting by Linear Programming 359 Computer Software 361 187 C O NT E NT S 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Boiling Heat Transfer 385 Introduction 386 Pool Boiling 386 Correlations for Nucleate Boiling on Horizontal Tubes Two-Phase Flow 402 Convective Boiling in Tubes 416 Film Boiling 428 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Reboilers 443 Introduction 444 Types of Reboilers 444 Design of Kettle Reboilers 449 Design of Horizontal Thermosyphon Reboilers 467 Design of Vertical Thermosyphon Reboilers 473 Computer Software 488 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 11.11 Condensers 539 Introduction 540 Types of Condensers 540 Condensation on a Vertical Surface: Nusselt Theory Condensation on Horizontal Tubes 549 Modifications of Nusselt Theory 552 Condensation Inside Horizontal Tubes 562 Condensation on Finned Tubes 568 Pressure Drop 569 Mean Temperature Difference 571 Multi-component Condensation 590 Computer Software 595 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.10 Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers 629 Introduction 630 Equipment Description 630 Air-Side Heat-Transfer Coefficient 637 Air-Side Pressure Drop 638 Overall Heat-Transfer Coefficient 640 Fan and Motor Sizing 640 Mean Temperature Difference 643 Design Guidelines 643 Design Strategy 644 Computer Software 653 Appendix Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Index 681 Thermophysical Properties of Materials 682 Dimensions of Pipe and Tubing 717 Tube-Count Tables 729 Equivalent Lengths of Pipe Fittings 737 Properties of Petroleum Streams 740 743 387 545 vii Preface This book is based on a course in process heat transfer that I have taught for many years The course has been taken by seniors and first-year graduate students who have completed an introductory course in engineering heat transfer Although this background is assumed, nearly all students need some review before proceeding to more advanced material For this reason, and also to make the book self-contained, the first three chapters provide a review of essential material normally covered in an introductory heat transfer course Furthermore, the book is intended for use by practicing engineers as well as university students, and it has been written with the aim of facilitating self-study Unlike some books in this field, no attempt is made herein to cover the entire panoply of heat transfer equipment Instead, the book focuses on the types of equipment most widely used in the chemical process industries, namely, shell-and-tube heat exchangers (including condensers and reboilers), air-cooled heat exchangers and double-pipe (hairpin) heat exchangers Within the confines of a single volume, this approach allows an in-depth treatment of the material that is most relevant from an industrial perspective, and provides students with the detailed knowledge needed for engineering practice This approach is also consistent with the time available in a one-semester course Design of double-pipe exchangers is presented in Chapter Chapters 5–7 comprise a unit dealing with shell-and-tube exchangers in operations involving single-phase fluids Design of shell-and-tube exchangers is covered in Chapter using the Simplified Delaware method for shell-side calculations For pedagogical reasons, more sophisticated methods for performing shell-side heat-transfer and pressure-drop calculations are presented separately in Chapter (full Delaware method) and Chapter (Stream Analysis method) Heat exchanger networks are covered in Chapter I normally present this topic at this point in the course to provide a change of pace However, Chapter is essentially self-contained and can, therefore, be covered at any time Phase-change operations are covered in Chapters 9–11 Chapter presents the basics of boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow The latter is encountered in both Chapter 10, which deals with the design of reboilers, and Chapter 11, which covers condensation and condenser design Design of air-cooled heat exchangers is presented in Chapter 12 The material in this chapter is essentially self-contained and, hence, it can be covered at any time Since the primary goal of both the book and the course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed for modern industrial practice, computer applications play an integral role, and the book is intended for use with one or more commercial software packages HEXTRAN (SimSci-Esscor), HTRI Xchanger Suite (Heat Transfer Research, Inc.) and the HTFS Suite (Aspen Technology, Inc.) are used in the book, along with HX-Net (Aspen Technology, Inc.) for pinch calculations HEXTRAN affords the most complete coverage of topics, as it handles all types of heat exchangers and also performs pinch calculations for design of heat exchanger networks It does not perform mechanical design calculations for shell-and-tube exchangers, however, nor does it generate detailed tube layouts or setting plans Furthermore, the methodology used by HEXTRAN is based on publicly available technology and is generally less refined than that of the other software packages The HTRI and HTFS packages use proprietary methods developed by their respective research organizations, and are similar in their level of refinement HTFS Suite handles all types of heat exchangers; it also performs mechanical design calculations and develops detailed tube layouts and setting plans for shell-and-tube exchangers HTRI Xchanger Suite lacks a mechanical design feature, and the module for hairpin exchangers is not included with an academic license Neither HTRI nor HTFS has the capability to perform pinch calculations As of this writing, Aspen Technology is not providing the TASC and ACOL modules of the HTFS Suite under its university program Instead, it is offering the HTFS-plus design package This package basically consists of the TASC and ACOL computational engines combined with slightly modified GUI’s from the corresponding BJAC programs (HETRAN and AEROTRAN), and packaged with the BJAC TEAMS mechanical design program This package differs greatly in appearance and to some extent in available features from HTFS Suite However, most of the results presented in the text using TASC and ACOL can be generated using the HTFS-plus package APPENDIX E / 741 be 500◦ F and the pressure drop is set to zero After running the simulations, the following values are obtained from the output files Property ρ (lbm/ft3 ) CP (Btu/lbm · ◦ F) k (Btu/h · ft · ◦ F) µ (cp) σ (dyne/cm) Liquid Vapor 350◦ F 500◦ F 350◦ F 500◦ F 43.674 0.630 0.0561 0.416 16.98 39.227 0.715 0.0471 0.226 10.79 1.909 0.523 0.0114 0.00283 – 1.278 0.599 0.0160 0.00399 – References Kreith, F and M S Bohn, Principles of Heat Transfer, 6th edn, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA, 2001 Eckert, E R G and R M Drake, Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1972 Raznjeviˇc, K., Handbook of Thermodynamic Tables and Charts, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., New York, 1976 Touloukian, Y S., ed., Thermophysical Properties of High Temperature Solid Materials, vol 1: Elements, The MacMillan Company, New York, 1967 Holman, J P., Heat Transfer, 7th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1990 Brown, A I and S M Marco, Introduction to Heat Transfer, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1958 Anonymous, ASME Steam Tables, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1967 Anonymous, Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings and Pipe, Technical Paper 410, Crane Company, New York, 1988 Incropera, F P and D P DeWitt, Introduction to Heat Transfer, 4th edn, Wiley, New York, 2002 10 Vargaftik, N B., Tables of Thermophysical Properties of Liquids and Gases, 2nd edn, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., New York, 1975 11 R H Perry and C H Chilton, eds, Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 5th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973 12 McCabe, W L., J C Smith and P Harriott, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 4th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985 13 Kern, R., How to compute pipe size, Chem Eng., 82, No 1, 115–120, 1975 This page intentionally left blank Index Note: Page numbers in italics refer to figures and tables A-frame condenser, 660 Acceleration loss, 478, 510 Acetic acid, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 Acetone, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 ACOL, 311, 659–660, 662, 664 AES floating-head heat exchanger, 88–89 Air, properties of, 659, 678, 687 Air-cooled heat exchangers, 629 air-side heat-transfer coefficient, 637–638 air-side pressure drop, 638–640 computer software, 653 description, 630–637 equipment for cold climates, 636–637 fans and drivers, 635–636 high-fin tubing, types, 632–633 overall configuration, 630–632 tube bundle construction, 633–635 design guidelines, 643–644 strategy, 644–653 fan and motor sizing, 640–643 LMTD correction factors, 643, 669–674 overall heat-transfer coefficient, 640 standard US motor sizes, 675 Air density correction, for elevation, 675 Air-side heat-transfer coefficient, 637–638, 645, 648 Air-side pressure drop, 633, 638–640, 660, 665, 667 Air temperature, design value, 644 Akers-Rosson correlation, 620–621 Alloys, 31, 197 thermophysical properties, 684 Ammonia vapor, at atmospheric pressure thermophysical properties, 697 Aniline, 106, 141 properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 Annular fins, 47, 51, 192, 632 Annular flow regimes, 402, 404, 416, 430, 562, 564 API gravity, 740 API method for liquid density, 489, 497, 595 API Standard 661, 644 APLE, 311 Approach, see Temperature approach Area targets for HEN, 353–356 Arithmetic mean temperature difference, 56 Aspen Plus, 170, 295, 311 Aspen Pinch, 361 Aspen Technology, Inc., 170, 311, 361, 371 Assay data for petroleum streams, 495–496 Assay stream, 152, 496, 497 ASTM distillation, 496 Baffle cut, 89, 196, 218, 307, 308 Baffle leakage streams, 282, 288 correction factor, 249, 259 Baffle pitch, see Pitch, baffle Baffle space, 206, 580, 588 central baffle space, 251, 260, 261 entrance and exit baffle space, 253 inlet and outlet baffle space, 250, 253, 289 Baffle spacers, 196, 200, 579 Baffle window flow, 246, 252 correction factor, 249, 259 ideal pressure drop correction factor, 249, 259 for laminar flow, 252 for turbulent flow, 252 Baffles disk and doughnut, 91 helical, 197 rod, 197, 541 segmental, 89, 199 thickness of, 199, 200 window-cut, 91 Balance equation, thermal energy, 6, 7, 48, 114, 361 Balanced composite curve, 373 Balanced pressure drop requirement, 279 Beatty–Katz correlation, 568, 569 Bell–Delaware method, see Delaware method Bell–Ghaly method, 591–592 BEM fixed tube-sheet heat exchanger, 88, 89 Benzene, 106, 141, 175 properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 Bimetallic tubing, 632, 633 Birmingham Wire Gage, 90, 717–718 B-JAC, 218 Boiling curve, 386, 387, 540 Boiling heat transfer, 385 convective boiling, in tubes, 416–428 boiling, in vertical tube, 416–417 Chen correlation, 417–418 critical heat flux, 424–428 Gungor–Winterton correlation, 418–419 Liu–Winterton correlation, 419 film boiling, 428–431 nucleate boiling, correlations for critical heat flux, 399–402 mixture effects, 394–398 744 INDEX Boiling heat transfer (continued) nucleate boiling, correlations for (continued) pure component heat-transfer coefficients, 387–394 tube bundles, convective effects in, 398–399 pool boiling, 386–387 two-phase flow flow regimes, 402–404 pressure drop correlations, 404–412 recommendations, 416 void fraction and two-phase density, 412–416 Boiling number, 419, 422 Boiling range, 395, 397, 470 Box header, 634, 635 Boyko–Kruzhilin method, 558, 564 Brake power, 642, 652 Brazed-fin tubing, 632 Breber et al correlation, 564, 567 Breber et al method for determination of condensing flow regime, 562 Briggs and Young correlation, 637–638 Bromley equation, 429, 430 Bubble diameter, theoretical, 393 Bubble point, 397, 489, 496 Bubbly flow regime, 402, 404, 413, 416, 570 Building materials properties of, 685–686 R-value for, 18–19 Bulk property stream, 152, 496 Bulk temperature, 53 Bundle bypass flow, 258 correction factor, 249–250, 259–260 Bundle bypass flow area, 258, 268 n-Butyl alcohol, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 BWG, see Birmingham Wire Gage Bypass flow resistance, 288 Capital cost recovery factor, 358 Carbon dioxide at one atmosphere thermophysical properties, 697 Carpenter–Colburn correlation, 619–620 Central-tube-limit diameter, 253, 254, 255 Chen correlation, 417–418 Chisholm correlation, 406–407, 413 for two-phase density, 413, 416, 453 for two-phase pressure drop in pipes, 406 for two-phase pressure drop in shell-side condensers, 570 Chisholm parameter, 408, 410, 483 Chloroform, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 Churn flow, 402 Churn flow regime, 402, 416 CISE correlation, 413–414 Circulation rate in horizontal thermosyphon reboiler, 467 in kettle reboiler, 449 in Vertical thermosyphon reboiler, 478 Clearances, estimation of, 260–268 shell-to-baffle clearance, 261 shell-to-bundle diametral clearance, 261, 262 tube-to-baffle clearance, 261 Co-current flow, 86, 98, 117 Coefficient of volume expansion calculation of, 66, 130 definition of, 66 Colburn j-factor, 274, 561 Composite curve balanced, 373 grand, 334–335, 374 Composite curves, HEN, 331–334 cold composite curve, 331 hot composite curve, 331 Compositional stream, 152, 489, 654 Computer software for air-cooled heat exchangers, 653 for double-pipe heat exchangers, 152 for heat exchanger networks, 361 for shell-and-tube heat exchanger, 218 for stream analysis method, 295 HEXTRAN air-cooled heat exchangers, 653–659 condensers, 595–602 double-pipe heat exchangers, 152–169 heat exchanger networks, 361–371 reboilers, 488–502 Shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 218–231 HTFS Suite air-cooled heat exchangers, 659–664 COMThermo, 175–179 Condensers, 595 double-pipe heat exchangers, 170 mechanical design calculations, 170, 311, 659 reboilers, 502–515 shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 170 tube layouts, 311, 318–320, 507 tube vibration analysis, 311 HTRI Xchanger Suite air-cooled heat exchangers, 664–668 condensers, 595 reboilers, 515–526 shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 295 tube layouts, 295, 307 tube vibration analysis, 295 VMG Thermo, 295 HX-Net, 371–374 COMThermo, 175–179, 505, 509, 596–597 Condensate nozzles, sizing for gravity drainage, 614–615 Condensate subcooling, 553–557 Condensation, 540 on finned tubes, 568–569 on horizontal tubes, 549–552 inside horizontal tubes, 562–568 annular flow, 564 flow regimes, 562–563 stratified flow, 563–564 INDEX multi-component, 590–595 Bell–Ghaly method, 591–592 general problem, 590–591 on vertical surface plane wall, 545–549 vertical tubes, 549 Condensers, 539 A-frame, 631, 660 air-cooled, 631 computer software, 595–607 condensation on finned tubes, 568–569 on horizontal tubes, 549–552 inside horizontal tubes, 562–568 multi-component, 590–595 on vertical surface, 545–549 design considerations, 614–615 mean temperature difference, 571–590 Nusselt theory, 545–549 modifications, 552–562 pressure drop, 540, 569–571 types, 540–545 horizontal shell-side condenser, 540–541, 542 horizontal tube-side condenser, 541, 542 reflux condenser, 544–545 vertical shell-side condenser, 541–542, 543 vertical tube-side downflow condenser, 542–544, 543 Condensing curve, 540, 571, 572 Conduction and convection, 44–46 Conduction shape factor, 19–24 Configurations of hairpins, series/parallel of double-pipe exchangers, 131–132 Contact angle, 390, 393 Contact resistance, 18, 632, 640 Convective boiling, in tubes, 416–428 boiling, in vertical tube, 416–417 Chen correlation, 417–418 critical heat flux, 424–428 Gungor–Winterton correlation, 418–419 Liu–Winterton correlation, 419 Convective heat transfer, 43 conduction and convection, combined, 44–46 forced convection, 44 in external flow, 62–64 in pipes and ducts, 53–56, 61–62 free convection, 44, 65–68 heat transfer fins, 47–53 Cooper correlation, 389 Corrected fin height, 142 Corrected fin radius, 51, 192, 586, 649 Correction factors, correlations for baffle leakage, 259 for baffle window flow, 259 for bundle bypass flow, 259–260 laminar flow, 260 for unequal baffle spacing, 260 745 Counter-current flow, 86, 117, 592 Counter flow exchangers, 114, 353, 355 CP difference, 338–339, 342 CP inequality, 338, 339, 342 CP table, 339, 342 Critical heat flux, 471–472, 488 convective boiling for horizontal tubes, 426–428 for vertical tubes, 424–426 nucleate boiling, 399–402 in pool boiling, 386, 387 in tube bundles, 399–400, 457 Cross-flow over finned tube banks heat transfer in, 282 pressure drop in, 251 over plain tube banks heat transfer and pressure drop in, 246 over single cylinders, 63 Cross-flow area, 254–255, 263 Cross-flow resistance, 287, 289 Cross-flow (X-shell) heat exchanger, 467, 610, 643 Cross passes, 298, 303 Cylinder critical heat flux for, in pool boiling, 399 forced convection from, 63 free convection from, 67, 399 un-steady state heat transfer in, 28, 29 Darcy friction factor, 55, 128 Delaware method, 110, 191, 245 clearances, estimation of, 260–261 correction factors, correlations baffle leakage, 259 baffle window flow, 259 bundle bypass flow, 259–260 laminar flow, 260 unequal baffle spacing, 260 flow areas bundle bypass flow area, 258 cross-flow area, 254–255 shell-to-baffle leakage area, 257–258 tube-to-baffle leakage area, 255–257 window flow area, 258–259 ideal tube bank correlations, 246–248 shell-side heat-transfer coefficient, 248–250 shell-side pressure drop, 250–254 Design double-pipe heat exchangers, 127 horizontal thermosyphon reboilers, 467–473 kettle reboilers, 449 shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 187 vertical thermosyphon reboilers, 473 Design guidelines for air-cooled heat exchangers air flow distribution, 644 air velocity, 644 construction standards, 644 design air temperature, 644 746 INDEX Design guidelines (continued) for air-cooled heat exchangers (continued) outlet air temperature, 644 tubing, 643 for horizontal thermosyphon reboilers, 467–473 for shell-and-tube heat exchangers baffles and tubesheets, 199 fluid placement, 197 nozzles, 199–201 sealing strips, 201 shell and head types, 198–199 tube layout, 198 tube passes, 198 tubing selection, 198 Design strategy for air-cooled heat exchangers, 644–645 for heat-exchanger networks, 339–340 for horizontal thermosyphon reboilers, 467 for kettle reboilers, 449–450 for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 201 for vertical thermosyphon reboilers, 477–488 Design targets, HEN, 329 Desuperheating, 569, 571 Dew point, 395, 453, 534, 535, 536, 537 Diehl-Koppany correlation, 615 Diffuser, 636 Dittus–Boelter correlation, 419, 486, 564 Dome segment area, 451 Double-pipe heat exchanger, 86–87, 93, 131, 141 analysis, 101–106 multi-tube exchanger, 86, 87 simple double-pipe exchanger, 86, 87 Double-pipe heat exchangers, design, 127 computer software, 152–177 exchangers without fins heat-transfer coefficients, 128 hydraulic calculations, 128–131 finned-pipe exchangers, 141–143 characteristics, 141 efficiency, 141–143 flow area and equivalent diameter, 143 overall heat-transfer coefficient, 143 heat-transfer coefficients and friction factors for finned annuli, 143–145 hydraulic equations, in SI units, 178–179 incremental analysis, 179–180 multi-tube exchangers, 132 standard configuration, 142 over-surface and over-design, 133 series/parallel configurations of hairpins, 131–132 single finned inner pipes, standard configuration, 142 wall temperature, for finned pipes, 145–146 Draft forced, 630–632, 636, 644 induced, 630–632, 636, 644 Driving force plot, HEN, 356–358 Dry air at atmospheric pressure thermophysical properties English units, 687 SI units, 687 Dryout, see Critical heat flux E-fin, see Bimetallic tubing E-shell condenser, 540, 571 Eddy transport mechanism, of heat transfer, 44 Edge-wound/I-fin, 632 Effective mean temperature difference, 454, 469 Effectiveness heat exchanger, see Heat exchanger effectiveness of shell-side streams for heat transfer, 282 Efficiency fan, 665 fin, 50, 53, 141–143, 213, 586 motor, 643 speed reducer, 642 weighted, 142, 148, 663 Elbows, tees and bends, equivalent lengths of, 737 EMAT, see Exchanger Minimum Approach Temperature Embedded fin tubing, 632 Emissivity, 431 Engine oil, properties of, 700 Enhancement factor in convective boiling, 418 Enthalpy interval, 351, 354 Equilibrium ratios, 590 Equivalent diameter, 132, 143, 246, 252, 288, 568 Equivalent hydraulic network, 278–279 equations, 279–280 balanced pressure drop requirement, 279 flow resistance coefficient, correlation, 280 mass conservation, 279 stream pressure drops, 279 window friction factor, 280 window pressure drop, 280 Equivalent length concept, 416 Error function (erf), 25 Ethyl acetate, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 Ethyl alcohol, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 Ethylene glycol, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 EXCEL solver, 360 Excess temperature, 386 Exchanger Minimum Approach Temperature (EMAT), 361 Exchangers without fins heat-transfer coefficients, 128 hydraulic calculations, 128–131 Expanders and reducers, equivalent lengths of, 739 Expansion joint, 199 Extended surface, see Heat-transfer fins F-shell heat exchanger, 92 Face area, 644, 646 INDEX Face velocity typical values of, 637, 646, 647 Fan bay, 635 casing, 636 efficiency, 642 guard, 660 noise, 643 power, 642 ring, 642 selection, 643 shroud, 636 static pressure, 640, 641, 651 Fan and motor sizing in air-cooled heat exchanger, 640–643 Fan static pressure (FSP), 640, 641–642 Fanning friction factor, 143, 246, 638 Film boiling, 386, 428–431 Film temperature, 63, 64, 552 Fin efficiency, 50, 141–143, 192 Fin geometry, 665 Fin spacing, 568, 569, 637 Finned-pipe exchangers, 141–143 characteristics, 141 dimensions of, 142 efficiency, 141–143 flow area and equivalent diameter, 143 overall heat-transfer coefficient, 143 wall temperature, 145–146, 148 Finned tubing, 192–194 condensation on, 568–569 high-fin bimetallic (E-fin), 632, 633 brazed, 632 embedded (G-fin), 632, 633 integrally finned (K-fin), 632, 640 shoulder-grooved, 632, 633 tension wound (I-fin, L-fin, LL-fin), 632–633 in kettle reboilers design, 452 radial low-fin, 452 rectangular-fin, 47, 141 in shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 192–194 tension-wound, 632 Fixed-tubesheet heat exchanger, 198–199 Flat plate forced convection from, 62–63 free convection from, 66 Floating-head heat exchanger, 89, 90 externally sealed (Type W), 88 outside packed (Type P), 88 pull through (Type T), 88 split ring (Type S), 88 Floating head types comparison, 236 Flooding in reflux condenser Diehl-Koppany correlation for, 615 Flooding velocity, 615 747 Flow areas bundle bypass flow area, 258, 308 bypass flow area, 284 cross-flow area, 254–255 in finned-pipe exchangers, 143 shell-to-baffle leakage area, 257–258 tube-to-baffle leakage area, 255–257 window flow area, 258–259 Flow instability, see Vertical thermosyphon reboilers Flow regimes, 552 for condensation inside horizontal tubes, 562–565 two-phase flow regimes, 402–403, 404, 504, 541 Flow resistance coefficient, correlation, 280 Fluid placement, 197 criteria for, 106 Forced convection in external flow, 62–65 and free convection effects, relative importance, 68 in pipes and ducts, 53–62 Forced-draft operation, 635–636 Forced flow reboilers, 446 Forster–Zuber correlation, 388, 418 Fouling factors, 93, 94–96 in kettle reboilers designing, 450 Fourier number (Fo), 26, 28 Fourier’s law of heat conduction, 2–6 FRAN, 311 Free convection, 65–70 and forced convection effects, relative importance, 68 Freon 12, properties of saturated liquid, 698 Friction factor for exchangers without fins laminar flow, 129–130 turbulent flow, 130 for finned annuli, 143–145 tube-side pressure drops laminar flow, 189 turbulent flow, 189 Friedel correlation, 407–408 Froude number, 408, 419 G-fin, see Embedded fin tubing G-shell heat exchanger, 467 Ganguli et al correlation for air-side heat transfer, 638 for air-side pressure drop, 639 Gas oil, 115 Gasoline, 124, 641, 701 Glycerine, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 Gnielinski correlation for laminar flow in annulus, 55 correlation for pipe flow, 55 Gorenflo correlation, 439–440 Grand composite curves, HEN, 334–335 Grashof number, 65–66 748 INDEX Gravity controlled condensation on horizontal tubes, 558–562 inside horizontal tubes, 562, 563 Nusselt theory of, 545, 557–558, 563 on vertical surfaces, 545 on vertical tube banks, 549 Gravity drainage of condensate, 614–615 Groeneveld correlation, 429–430 Gungor–Winterton correlation, 418–419 Hairpin configuration, 86, 131–132 Hairpin heat exchanger, see Double-pipe heat exchanger Hausen correlation, 54, 128, 566 Head types, comparison of, 235–236 Headers for air-cooled heat exchangers, 634–635 for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 92, 189, 190, 235–236 Heat capacity flow rate, 315, 328, 338, 669, 676 Heat capacity of liquids, nomograph for, 556 Heat conduction, conduction shape factor, 19–24 equation, 6–15 Fourier’s law, 2–6 mechanisms, 31 thermal resistance, 15–19 unsteady-state conduction, 24–31 Heat exchanger effectiveness, 114–116 Heat-exchanger networks (HENs), 327 area targets, 353–356 capital cost, 358 composite curves, 331–334 computer software, 361 design strategy, 339–340 design targets, 329 driving force plot, 356–358 feasibility criteria, at pinch, 337–339 heat capacity flow rate difference, 338–339 heat capacity flow rate inequality, 338 heat capacity flow rate table, 339 process streams and branches, number of, 338 grand composite curve, 334–335 linear programming, targeting by, 359–361 network simplification, 344–347 heat load loops, 344–346 heat load paths, 346–347 operating cost, 358 pinch, significance, 335–337 problem table, 329–331 required shells, 347–348 super targeting, 358–359 targeting, for required shells analytical method, 350–352 graphical method, 348–350 TC3, 328 minimum-utility design, 340–344 threshold problems and utility pinches, 337 Heat exchanger tubing high-fin, 632–633 radial low-fin, 192–194 dimensions of, 726–728 rectangular (longitudinal) finned, 47, 141 un-finned, dimensions of, 132, 152 Heat exchangers, 85 air-cooled heat exchangers, 629 and condenser tubing, dimensions, 717 double-pipe exchanger, 86–87 analysis, 102–106 design, 127 effectiveness, 114–116 LMTD correction factor, 98–101 derivation, 117–118 overall heat-transfer coefficient, 93–98 shell-and-tube exchanger, 87–93 preliminary design, 106–109 rating, 109–114 Heat load loops, in HEN, 344–346 Heat load paths, in HEN, 346–347 Heat Recovery Approach Temperature (HRAT), 361 Heat-transfer coefficients, 44, 398, 416, 548, 550 air-side, in air-cooled heat exchangers, 637–638 for boiling convective boiling, 416, 417 film boiling, 429 on horizontal tubes, 387–390 of mixtures, 394 nucleate boiling, 387 in tube bundles, 398 in vertical tubes, 420 for condensation on finned tubes, 568–569 on horizontal tubes, 550 on inclined surfaces, 552 inside horizontal tubes, 563 on vertical surfaces, 552, 553 on vertical tube banks, 558 for cross flow, 558 definition of, 44 for double-pipe heat exchangers, 102 for exchangers without fins, 128 for finned annuli, 143–145 for forced convection over circular cylinder, 63 over flat plate, 62 over non-circular cylinder, 63–64 over sphere, 63 in pipes and ducts, 53, 54, 55 for free convection on horizontal cylinder, 67 on horizontal plate, 67 on sphere, 67 on vertical cylinder, 67 on vertical plate, 67 INDEX for laminar flow in annuli, 128 overall for air-cooled heat exchangers, 630, 640 clean, 111 definition of, 93 design, 94 for finned-tube heat exchangers, 630 required, 111 typical values of for air-cooled heat exchangers, 641 for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 107 for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 188–189 shell-side Delaware method for, 248–250 simplified Delaware method for, 188–189 stream Analysis method for, 281–282 for steam as heating medium, 452 tube-side, 188 for window flow, 260 Heat-transfer fins, 47–53 annular fins, 47 rectangular fins, 47 Heat-transfer fluids, 17, 38, 44, 45, 73, 121, 533 Heat Transfer Research, Inc (HTRI), 110, 278, 295, 515, 664 Helical baffles, 197 n-Heptane, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 n-Hexane, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 HEXTRAN, 152–169, 218, 267, 268, 295, 361–371, 488–502, 595, 596, 653–659, 740 accessing input and output files for, 157–161, 220–231, 363–369, 490–495, 496–501 design mode, 218, 653 double-pipe heat exchanger (DPE) module, 152 example problems using, 161–169, 218 keyword file, 154, 159, 165, 221, 227, 364, 368, 492, 499, 599, 657 multi-tube hairpin exchanger (MTE) module, 152 rating mode, 152, 218, 295, 297, 653 stream types in, 152–157, 218–219, 295, 361–362, 488–490, 595–597, 653 streams, 152–153 synthesis mode, 361, 367 targeting mode, 361 High-fin tubing, 631–633 arrays, characteristics, 634 types, 632, 640 bimetallic, 632 brazed-fin, 632 embedded fin, 632 integrally finned, 632 tension-wound fin, 632 High-torque-drive (HTD) belt, 635 Homogeneous flow model, 404, 412–413, 414 Homogeneous two-phase density, 413, 431, 570 Horizontal shell-side condenser, 540–541, 542, 568 Horizontal thermosyphon reboilers, 445–446, 446 design, 467 749 guidelines, 467–468 strategy, 467 Horizontal tube-side condenser, 541, 542 Hot air recirculation, 630–631 HRAT, see Heat Recovery Approach Temperature HTFS, 170, 284, 311 HTFS/Aspen, 170, 218, 311, 595, 659–660 for kettle reboilers, 502 TASC, 502, 595 mechanical, 170, 311 thermal, 170, 311 for thermosyphon reboilers, 503–504 HTRI software, 295, 303, 515–516, 664–665 for air-cooled heat exchangers, 664–665 for kettle reboilers, 515 for thermosyphon reboilers, 515 Xace module, 664–665 Xist module, 295, 296, 515, 595 HTRI Xchanger Suite, 152, 218, 595 HX-Net, 371–374 Hydraulic calculations, 86 for condensers shell-side condensing, 540–542 tube-side condensing, 542–543 for double-pipe heat exchangers minor losses, 130 nozzle losses, 130–131 in SI units, 178–179 with fins, 141–143 without fins, 128–131 for exchangers without fins, 128–131 for reboiler systems kettle, 449 vertical thermosyphon, 502 for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 189 minor losses, 190, 232 nozzle losses, 232–233 shell side for baffle window, 250 for cross flow, 281 Delaware method for, 250–253 for end baffle spaces, 281 simplified Delaware method for, 191 stream Analysis method for, 279–280 in SI units, 232–233 tube side, 189–190 of shell-side pressure drop, 191–192 in SI units, 232–233 of tube-side pressure drop, 189–190 Hydraulic equations, 279–281 balanced pressure drop requirements, 279 flow resistance coefficient, correlations, 280 mass conservation, 279 in SI units, 178–179, 232–233 stream pressure drops, 279 window friction factor, 280 window pressure drop, 280 Hydraulic network, 279–281 750 INDEX Hydrocarbon stream, 595, 596 Hyprotech Ltd, 170, 371 HYSYS process simulator, 170, 295, 300, 311, 371 I-fin tubing, 632, 633 Ideal heat-transfer coefficient for mixture boiling, 438 Ideal tube bank correlations, 246–248, 280, 285, 287 Ideal tube bank pressure drop, 250–251, 254 Impingement plate, 201, 515, 596 Impingement protection, 201, 209, 216, 317, 540 Incremental analysis, 179–180, 311, 592, 595, 659 Induced-draft operation, 630–631, 636, 644 Inlet and outlet baffle spaces, 234, 250, 289 equivalent lengths of, 738 Instability in two-phase flow, see Vertical thermosyphon reboiler Insulations and building materials, 18–19 thermophysical properties, 685–686 Integrally finned tubing, 632 Interfacial shear, 557–562 condensation in vertical tubes with vapor downflow, 558 with vapor upflow, 558–559 condensation outside horizontal tubes, 558–559 Internal reboilers, 447 Inverted annular flow, 429, 430 Isobutyl alcohol, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 Isothermal flow, 128 j-factor, 274, 561 J-shell condenser, 541, 570, 595–596, 604, 613 K-fin, see Integrally finned tubing Kandlikar correlation, 420 Kattan correlation, 420 Katto-Ohno correlation, 424–425 Kerosene, 115, 202, 219, 224 Kettle reboilers, 444, 445, 507, 515 design, 449–466 fin tubes, 452 fouling factors, 450 heating medium, 452–453 liquid overflow reservoir, 452 mean temperature difference, 450 nozzles use, 450 shell diameter, 451–452 two-phase density calculation, 453 Kinematic viscosity, 64, 66, 72, 252, 270 Kinetic energy correction factor, 641 Knockback condenser, see Reflux condenser L-fin tubing, 632, 633 Laminar flow, 128, 129, 130, 189, 252 correction factor, 250, 260 Laplacian operator, 7, 33 Lapse rate, 675 Latent heats of vaporization, organic compounds hydrocarbon compounds alkyl benzenes, 705–706 alkyl cyclohexanes, 706 alkyl cyclopentanes, 706 monoolefins, 707 paraffins, 704–705 non-hydrocarbon compounds, 707–711 Leakage flows, see Shell-side streams Level control, 445, 446, 447 Liedenfrost point, 386 Linear programming, HEN, 359–361 Liquid metals, 554 Liquid overflow reservoir, see Kettle reboilers Liquid water at saturation pressure thermophysical properties, 688 Liu–Winterton correlation, 419 LL-fin tubing, 632 Lockhart–Martinelli correlation, 404–406, 413 Lockhart–Martinelli parameter, 421, 558, 562 Logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD), 55–56, 131, 347, 450, 571, 643 correction factor for air-cooled heat exchangers, 643, 669 in multi-pass shell-and-tube exchangers, 98–101, 353 for TEMA J- and X- shells, 612, 613–614 in temperature profile distortion, 282–284 derivation, 117–118 Louvers, 636–637, 651, 660 Low-fin tubing, 192–193 Lube oil, 194, 125, 326 Mass conservation, 279 Mass-transfer coefficient, 395, 590 MATHCAD, 613 Maximum tube-side fluid velocities, 233–234 Maximum unsupported tube lengths, 234 McNaught correlation, 558–559 Mean temperature difference, 93, 571–590 in air-cooled heat exchangers, 643 in double-pipe heat exchangers, 138, 282 in horizontal thermosyphon reboilers, 467–468, 469 in kettle reboilers, 450 in shell-and-tube condensers, 550 in shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 198 Merilo correlation, 426 Metallic elements thermophysical properties, 682 Methane hydrates, 636 Methyl alcohol, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 MILP, see Mixed Integer Linear Programming Minimum utility design for TC3, 340–343 Minor losses, see Hydraulic calculations Mist flow, 402, 404 INDEX Mist flow limit, 477, 485 Mist flow regime, 402, 404, 413, 416, 429, 477, 478 Mixed integer linear program (MILP), 361, 371 Mostinski correlation, 388–389, 400 for critical heat flux, 388–389 for nucleate boiling, 422–423 Motor size, standard, 675 Multi-component condensation, 590–595 Bell–Ghaly method, 591–595 general problem, 590–591 Multi-pass shell-and-tube exchanger, 98, 347, 350, 353, 355 Multi-tube exchangers, 86, 87, 132 standard configuration, 142 MUSE, 311 Müller-Steinhagen and Heck (MSH) correlation, 408, 416 Natural convection, 44, 386, 660 see also Free convection Navier–Stokes equation, 546 Newton’s Law of Cooling, 44 No-tubes-in-window configuration, 197, 199, 218 Non-Newtonian fluids, 44 Nozzles, 453 Annular, 564 intermediate, in TASC, 172 sizing guidelines for, 199–201, 200 sizing of, for gravity drainage of condensate, 614–615 standard, 130–131 Nozzles, sizing, 199–201 NTU, 115–116 Nucleate boiling, correlations for, 387–402 critical heat flux, 399–401 mixture effects, 394–398 pure component heat-transfer coefficients, 387–394 Cooper correlation, 389 Forster–Zuber correlation, 388 Mostinski correlation, 388–389 Stephan–Abdelsalam correlation, 389–390 tube bundles, convective effects in, 398–399 Nusselt Number definition of, 54 Nusselt theory, 545–549 modifications of, 552–562 condensate subcooling, 553–557 inclined surfaces, 552 interfacial shear, 557–562 superheated vapor, 553 turbulence, in condensate film, 552–553 variable fluid properties, 552 n-Octane, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 Ohm’s Law of Electricity, 15 Once-through thermosyphon reboiler system, 447–448 751 Onset of nucleate boiling (ONB), 386 Outer-tube-limit diameter, 253, 254 Over-design, 133 Over-surface, 133 Overall heat-transfer coefficient, 93–98, 143, 641 fouling, 94 for high-fin tubing, 640 in tubular heat exchanger, 107–108 Overflow reservoir, see Kettle reboilers Palen correlation for convective film boiling, 428, 430 for critical heat flux in convective boiling, 424 for critical heat flux in tube bundles, 398, 400, 401, 426 Palen’s method for boiling in tube bundles, 398, 400 for critical heat flux in convective boiling, 424 for critical heat flux in tube bundles, 400, 401, 426 for heat transfer coefficient, 395 for mixture boiling, 396, 398, 471 Parallel flow, see Co-current flow Partial condenser, 570 Peng–Robinson equation, 595, 596 n-Pentane, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 Petroleum streams, properties of, 740 Pinch design strategy, 339–340 feasibility criteria at, 337–339 heat capacity flow rate difference, 338–339 heat capacity flow rate inequality, 338 heat capacity flow rate table, 339 process streams and branches, number of, 338 significance, 335–337 threshold problems and utility pinches, 337 Pinch design method, 328, 337 Pipe and tubing, dimensions of heat exchanger and condenser tubing, 717 radial low-fin tubing 16 fpi tubing, 726 19 fpi tubing, 727 26 fpi tubing, 728 steel pipe, properties, 720 Pipe fittings, equivalent lengths of elbows, tees and bends, 737 expanders and reducers, 739 inlets and outlets, 738 values, 738 Pitch, 92 baffle, 206, 511 tube, 89 longitudinal, 653 transverse, 653 Plenum, 636 Plug flow regime, 404, 477, 562 Plug header, 634, 645 Pool boiling, 386–387 Prandtl number, 63, 430, 553, 554 definition of, 54 752 INDEX Pressure balance, 474–475 Pressure drop, 569–571 shell-side pressure drop, 191–192, 250–254, 281 affecting factors, 196–197 and stream flow rates, 285–287 tube-side pressure drop affecting factors, 195 Pressure drop correlations, in separated flow model, 404–412 Chisholm correlation, 405–406 Friedel correlation, 406–407 Lockhart–Martinelli correlation, 404–406 Müller-Steinhagen and Heck (MSH) correlation, 408 Pressure gradient, 406, 476, 481 Prime surface, 47, 145, 194, 585, 649 PRO II, 152, 295, 300 Problem table algorithm, HEN, 329–331 ProMax, 218 Pseudo components, 395 Pseudo-critical pressure, 397–398, 455 Pseudo-reduced pressure, 398, 455, 470 Pull-through floating head, 261 Quality of vapor, 429, 558–559 R-value, 18–19 Radial fins, 192, 193, 452, 568, 632, 726–728 Radial low-fin tubing, 192, 193, 726, 727, 728 Radiative heat transfer, in film boiling, 429–431 Rating of heat exchangers role in design strategy, 339–340 thermal, procedure for, 112–114 using computer software, 295, 311 Reboiler design fouling factors, 450 Reboilers computer software, 488 selection, 448–449 types, 444–449 forced flow reboilers, 446 horizontal thermosyphon reboilers, 445–446, 466 internal reboilers, 447 kettle reboilers, 444, 449–466 recirculating versus once-through operation, 447–448 vertical thermosyphon reboilers, 444–445, 473–488 Recirculating thermosyphon reboiler system, 447 Rectangular fins, 47, 141 Reduced pressure, 389 Reflux condenser, 544, 545, 595, 615 Refrigerants, 419, 420 Regression analysis, 389, 570 Relative humidity, 643 Resistance, thermal, see Thermal resistance Reynolds number, 64, 65, 145, 157, 198, 246, 268 Robinson–Briggs correlation, 639 Rod baffles, see Baffles, rod Root tube diameter Effective, 194 Rose–Briggs method, 595 Rotated square pitch, 92, 198, 248 Saturated liquid Freon-12 thermophysical properties, 698 Saturated liquids thermophysical properties at 20◦ C, 699 engine oil, 700 ethylene glycol, 700 glycerin, 700 Saturated steam and water thermophysical properties, 689 viscosities of, 696 Saturation temperature, 386 Schlünder method for heat transfer coefficient, 394–395 Sealing strips, 92, 201, 219, 307, 603 Segmental baffle geometry, 253 Seider-Tate correlation, 54, 55, 57, 558 Seider-Tate equation, 102, 128, 250, 418 Self-venting line, 614 Semi-infinite solid, transient conduction in, 24 Sensible heat duty, 572 Sensible heating zone, see Vertical thermosyphon reboilers Series/parallel configurations of hairpins, 131–132 Shah correlation, 420, 567–568 for condensation, 564 for convective boiling, 420 Shape factor, see Heat conduction Shear controlled condensation, 558, 620 Shell-and-tube exchanger, 87–93 head types comparison floating head types, 236 stationary head types, 235 preliminary design, 106–109 rating, 109–114 mechanical features of, 91 baffles, 92, 199 head types, 88, 198–199 sealing strips, 92, 201 shell types, 88, 198–199 tie rods, 90, 307, 308 tube bundles, 92, 198 tubesheets, 89, 199 Shell-and-tube heat exchangers, design computer software, 218 design guidelines, 197–201 design strategy, 201, 311 finned tubing, 192–194 heat-transfer coefficients, 188–189 hydraulic calculations, 189–192 pressure drop, factors affecting, 195–197 tube-count tables, 194–195 INDEX Shell-side heat-transfer coefficient, 248–250, 281–282, 585 Shell-side pressure drop, 191–192, 196–197, 250–254, 281 Pc calculation, 250–251 Pe calculation, 253 Pw calculation, 251–252 Shell-side streams baffle-to-shell leakage, 282 bundle bypass, 249–250 cross flow, 282 tube-pass-partition bypass, 278 tube-to-baffle leakage, 255–257, 284 Shell-to-baffle clearance, 261, 283 Shell-to-baffle leakage area, 257–258, 259, 268, 282 Shell-to-baffle leakage flow resistance, 288, 292 Shell-to-bundle diametral clearance, 261 Short-pipe correction factor, 54, 57 Simple double-pipe exchanger, 86–87 Simplified Delaware method, 188, 191, 201, 219, 267, 560, 577 Slip ratio, 412, 413–414, 415, 482, 566 Slug flow regime, 402, 404, 416, 477, 562 Specific gravity of liquids, 129 Specific heat of liquids, nomograph for, 716 Speed reducer efficiency of, 642, 652 Sphere correlation for forced convection from, 68 correlation for natural convection from, 67–68 Split-ring floating head, 541 Standard US motor sizes, 675 Static head, 445, 446, 453, 460, 569 Stationary head types comparison, 235 STE module, 218 Steam, properties of, 688 Steam at atmospheric pressure thermophysical properties, 688 Steam coil, 637 Steel pipe, properties, 720 Stefan-Boltzman constant, 429 Steiner–Taborek correlation, 420 Stephan–Abdelsalam correlation, 389–390, 395 Stratified flow regime, 404, 562, 563–564, 570 Stream analysis method, 111, 277, 570 computer software, 295 equivalent hydraulic network, 278–279 equations, 279–281 shell-side heat-transfer coefficient, 281–282 shell-side pressure drop, 281 temperature profile distortion, 282–284 Wills–Johnston method, 284–294, 304 flow resistances, 287–289 inlet and outlet baffle spaces, 289 pressure drops and stream flow rates, 285–287 streams and flow areas, 284–285 total shell-side pressure drop, 289–290 Stream pressure drops, 279, 358 753 Streams and flow areas, 284–285 Subcooled boiling, 419, 475 Subcooling of condensate, 506, 553–557 parameter in Katto-Ohno correlation, 424–425 Super targeting, HEN, 334, 358–359, 371, 372 Superheated vapor, 553 Support plates, 197, 444, 454, 583, 604 Suppression factor in convective boiling, 417–418 Targeting for minimum heat-transfer area, 353–356 for minimum number of shells, 348–359 for minimum number of units, 340–344 for minimum utilities, 341, 343, 344 super, 358–359 TASC, 176, 296, 502, 504, 505, 506, 595, 596, 597, 603–607 TASC Mechanical, 170, 311, 318, 511 TASC Thermal, 170, 311 thermosyphon reboiler, configuration, 503 TEMA, see Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association TEMA Standards, 200, 234 Temperature approach, 304, 361 Temperature cross, 347–349 Temperature difference, 2, 93, 282, 356 arithmetic mean, 56 effective mean, 454, 469 logarithmic mean, 55–56, 117–118 Temperature gradient, 2, 47–48, 417, 476, 481–482 Temperature profile distortion, 282–284 Tension-wound finned tubing, 632 Test Case Number (TC3), 328 minimum-utility design cold end design, 341–343 complete network design, 343–344 hot end design, 340–341 Theoretical bubble diameter, 390, 393 Thermal conductivities, 2–3 of liquids, 701 of tubing materials, 703 Thermal diffusivity, Thermal energy, 6–7, 31, 48 Thermal resistance, 15–19, 21–22 Therminol® , 468, 469, 496 Thermodynamic methods in HEXTRAN, 488–495, 595–603 in HTFS Suite, 170, 311, 502 in HTRI Xchanger Suite, 296, 515–520 Thermodynamic packages COMThermo, 170, 175–177, 505, 596, 597 VMGThermo, 295, 300, 517, 596 Thermophysical properties, of materials, 682 alloys, 684 ammonia vapor, at atmospheric pressure, 697 carbon dioxide, at one atmosphere, 697 754 INDEX Thermophysical properties, of materials (continued) dry air, at atmospheric pressure English units, 687 SI units, 687 insulations and building materials, 685–686 latent heats of vaporization of organic compounds, 704–711 liquid water, at saturation pressure SI units, 688 metallic elements, 682–683 saturated liquid Freon 12, 698 saturated liquids at 20◦ C, 699 engine oil, 700 ethylene gylcol, 700 gylcerin, 700 saturated steam and water English units, 689 steam and water, viscosities of English units, 696 steam, at atmospheric pressure, 688 thermal conductivities of liquids, 701–702 of tubing materials, 703 Thermosyphon reboilers, 541 horizontal thermosyphon reboilers, 445–446 design, 467–473 once through types, 447–448 recirculating type, 447–448 vertical thermosyphon reboilers, 444–445 design, 473–488 Thome and Shakir method for heat transfer coefficient, 395 Threshold problems and utility pinches, HEN, 337 Tick-off heuristic, 340 Tie rods, 90, 307, 308 Toluene properties, 437 of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 Total shell-side pressure drop, 281, 289–290 Transient heat conduction in infinite cylinder, 20, 28, 29–30 in rectangular solid, 24, 28, 40 in semi-infinite solid, 24–29 in sphere, 28, 29 Transition region In pool boiling, 386–387 Transition region, flow in, 54, 128 Transport properties, 152, 489, 497, 595, 654 Transverse fins, 47 Tube bundle diameter, 254 Tube bundles in air-cooled heat exchangers, 633–635 boiling in, 398–399 condensation in, 541–542 finned, 189 plain, 189 in cross flow heat-transfer and pressure-drop correlations for, 254–255 Tube-count tables, 194–195, 729–736 Tube layout H-banded, 308, 312, 313, 315, 321 Quadrant, 308 ribbon-banded, 308, 312, 313–314 rotated square, 92, 110, 254, 287 square, 198, 293 triangular, 198, 284 Tube outstand, 320–321 Tube pitch, 88, 196 Tube side, minor losses on, 207 velocity heads, 190 Tube-side pressure drop, 111, 189–190, 195, 464–465 Tube-to-baffle clearance, 261 Tube-to-baffle leakage area, 255–257 Tube-to-baffle leakage flow resistance, 288 Tubesheets, 89, 199, 634 Tubing dimensions high-fin, 632–633 low-fin, 192–194, 726–728 plain (un-finned), 132, 152 Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA), 88, 261 E-shell, 444, 445, 446 fouling factors, 95–96 G-shell, 467 H-shell, 467 J- and X-shells LMTD correction factors, 609–613 K-shell, 444 Tubular heat exchanger overall heat exchanger coefficient typical values, 107–108 Turbulent flow, 44, 54, 128, 129, 130, 131, 189, 190, 198, 641 in condensate film, 558 in finned annuli, 143–145 in pipes and ducts friction factor correlations for, 55–56 heat transfer correlations for, 54–55 Turpentine, properties of liquid at 20◦ C, 699 Two-phase flow, 386, 402–416 flow regimes, 402–404 for horizontal tubes, 403, 404 for vertical tubes, 402, 403 pressure drop correlations, 404–412 recommendations, 416 void fraction and two-phase density, 412–416 Two-phase multiplier for heat transfer, 405, 406–407 for pressure drop, 407–408 U-bend supports, 604 U-tubes in air-cooled heat exchangers, 199, 444, 445 as alternative to floating head, 236 minor losses in, 190 tube counts for, 468 INDEX Unequal baffle spacing correction factor,249, 260 Unmixed-unmixed cross flow, 613 Unsteady-state conduction, 24–31 UOP characterization factor, 740 Utility pinches, 337 Utility stream, 152–153, 362 Utility usage targets for, 372 V-belt, 635 Vapor blanketing, 429 Vapor loading in kettle reboilers, 451–452 Vapor pressure, 481 Vaporizers, 444 Velocity heads, 130, 131, 190 Velocity pressure, 652 Vent condenser, see Reflux condenser Vents, 540, 541, 542, 604 Vertical shell-side condenser, 541–542, 543 Vertical thermosyphon reboilers, 416, 444–445 configuration for, 445 design, 473–488 flow instability, 477 mist flow limit, 477 pressure balance, 474–475 sensible heating zone, 475–476 size limitations, 477 strategy, 477–478 Vertical tube-side downflow condenser, 542–544 Vibration analysis, 603, 604 Viscosity of gases, 715 of liquids, 712 of steam and water, 696 Viscosity correction factor, 102, 129, 145 VMGThermo, 295, 517 Void fraction, 412 and two-phase density, 412–416 Chisholm correlation, 413 CISE correlation, 413–414 homogeneous flow model, 412–413 Lockhart–Martinelli correlation, 413 755 Wall temperature for finned pipes, 145–151 Water, properties of, 689–690 Water/steam stream, 152 Watson characterization factor, 740 Watson correlation, 396, 740 Wavy flow regime, 403, 552 Weber number, 414, 415 Wegstein’s method, 59 Weighted efficiency of finned surface, 142, 148, 586, 649 Wetted perimeter, 132, 143 Wills-Johnston method, 284–294 flow resistances, 287–289 bypass flow, 288 cross-flow, 287 shell-to-baffle leakage flow, 288 tube-to-baffle leakage flow, 288 window flow, 289 inlet and outlet baffle spaces, 289 pressure drops and stream flow rates, 285–287 streams and flow areas, 284–285 total shell-side pressure drop, 289–290 Window flow area, 258–259 Window flow resistance, 289 Window friction factor, 280 Window pressure drop, 280 Wispy annular flow, 402 X-shell condenser, 541, 605 Xace, 295, 664–668 Xchanger Suite, 295, 664 Xfh, 295 Xhpe, 295 Xist, 295–310, 515–526, 595–597 Xjpe, 295 Xtlo, 295 Xvib, 295 Zone analysis, 478, 485, 488, 571 Zuber equation for critical heat flux, 399, 400

Ngày đăng: 26/08/2016, 20:04

Nguồn tham khảo

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