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New round up 6 teacher 39 s book

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Tiêu đề New round-up 6 teacher's book
Tác giả Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley
Trường học Pearson Education Limited
Thể loại sách giáo viên
Năm xuất bản 2011
Thành phố Harlow
Định dạng
Số trang 82
Dung lượng 29,39 MB

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Học sinh sẽ tìm thấy các cấu trúc và các bài thực hành ngữ pháp thú vị với New Round Up. Bảng ngữ pháp và giải thích rõ ràng kết hợp với nhiều bài thực hành giúp cho trẻ dễ hiểu và tiếp thu. Bài học ở New Round Up chứa một loạt các trò chơi và các bài tập viết Sách giáo viên bao gồm các câu trả lời và câu đố photocopiable và trắc nghiệm.

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h Grammar Practice

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© Pearson Education Limited 2011

The rights of Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley to be identified as authors of this Work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers

First published 2011

Printed in Malaysia, CTP-PJB

ISBN 978-1-4082-3502-7

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A Lesson guidelines 4 D Key to Tests

Tests 1-4 51

B Key Tense Forms 6 E Quizzes 2 The Infinitive / -ing form / -ing/-ed Quiz 1 (Unit 1) 55

adjectives 7 2 Quiz 2 (Unit 2) 57

3 Modal Verbs 9 3 Quiz 3 (Unit 3) 59

Progress Check 1 11 4 Quiz 4 (Unit 4) 61

4 Adjectives / Adverbs / Comparisons 11 5 Quiz 5 (Unit 5) 63

5 Clauses / Linking Words 14 6 Quiz 6 (Unit 6) 65

6 Passive Voice / Causative Form 19 7 Quiz 7 (Unit 7) 67

Progress Check 2 22 8 Quiz 8 (Unit 8) 69

7 Reported Speech 22 9 Quiz 9 (Unit 9) 71

8 Conditionals / Wishes / Unreal Past 25 10 Quiz 10 (Unit 10) 73

9 Nouns / Word Formation / Articles 27 11 Quiz 11 (Unit 11) 75

Progress Check 3 29 12 Quiz 12 (Unit 12) 77

10 Emphasis - Inversion 30

11 Pronouns - Possessives - Quantifiers - F Key to Quizzes Demonstratives 31

12 Questions / Short Answers 34 Quizzes 1-12 (Units 1-12) . 81

Progress Check 4 37

Revision 1-4 37 G Audio scripts Progress Checks 1-4 82

C Tests Test 1 (Units 1-3) 39

2 Test 2 (Units 1-6) 42

3 Test 3 (Units 1-9) 45

4 Test 4 (Units 1-12) 48

Key to terms

Ex = exercise closed pairs = students sitting next to each other

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New Round-Up is a fun, practical English

grammar practice book that supplements your

coursebook It is perfect for extra grammar

practice at the end of a lesson or as homework It

is designed to be used with students who are

studying English in different situations Level 6 is

for upper- intermediate students

New Round-Up 6 English Grammar Practice is

divided into 12 units, each of which focuses on one

or more areas of grammar Within each unit there

are clear and colourful grammar reference boxes

and a series of straightforward, mainly write-in

activities to practise the grammar After every third

unit there is a Progress Check which gives students

the chance to consolidate what they have learnt in

the previous units There is also a Revision section

at the back of the book

Use the Progress Checks to help you and your

students identify the grammar points that need

further explanation and practice You can use

them in two ways:

1 as a diagnostic test to help you identify grammar

points that students have difficulty with

2 to help students identify the grammar points they

need to revise and practise before they do the

Revision at the end of each section

The Revision section provides exercises which test

students' progress and comprehension of grammar


Your Teacher's Guide has the answer key for the

exercises in the Grammar Practice book and a set

of photocopiable tests with keys as well as

quizzes which are to be taken at the end of each

unit These tests can save you preparation time

and give your students a good idea of their

progress Students will be well prepared for each

test once they have successfully completed the

appropriate revision unit

Level 6 of New Round-up Grammar Practice is

accompanied by a CD-ROM

Choose exercises from the Grammar Practice book that practise or revise language that has been presented You may want to use whole units

or select parts of units Do not feel that you have

to use all the exercises in a unit

The exercises can be used by simply following the instructions in the book and instructing students to write in the answers Alternatively, when there is time in class, you can use them orally first with the whole class or as pairwork or groupwork

Whole class

New Round-Up 6 includes several exercises that you can use with the whole class to work on students' pronunciation and intonation These are especially well-suited to whole class practice because they give you a chance to check on students' pronunciation and help them improve it through student-student correction or by modelling the pronunciation yourself An exercise that is well-suited to this type of oral practice is: Unit 12 Ex 1 (wh-questions)

Give students time to look at the exercise before they have to do it out loud Then select students at

random to do the exercise If students do not know who will be asked to speak next, they will have to pay closer attention and concentrate on all the

items in case they are chosen next

In Unit 12 Ex 16 (question tag intonation) you will need to refer to the key in the Teacher's Guide for the intonation patterns Read the sentences aloud while students tick the appropriate column Check answers, then get students to produce the correct intonation

Many of the exercises are worth using with the whole class to help them get used to oral practice For example, Unit 1 Ex 20 (future forms), Unit 2 Exs 11,

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14 (infinitive / -ing form / -ing/-ed adjectives), Unit 3 Ex

11 (modal verbs), Unit 5 Ex 22 (clauses / linking

words), Unit 6 Ex 22 (passive), Unit 7 Ex 21

(reported speech)


Many of the exercises can easily be done by

students in pairs Pairwork is vital because it

ensures that everyone gets the chance to speak

Like groupwork, it also allows you to spend time

with students who might be having difficulties

There are several different ways to vary the

pairwork Here are some examples

1 The simplest way is for the students to work

together (in closed pairs) to complete the

exercises orally first, then in writing When most of

the students have finished, check the answers in

open pairs so that everyone in the class can hear

Some exercises that work well this way are: Unit

1 Ex 1 (tense forms), Unit 2 Ex 10 (infinitive / -ing

form), Unit 3 Ex 8 (modal verbs), Unit 4 Ex 4


2 Some of the exercises can be done as dialogues

First students do the exercise in closed pairs:

e.g., one student asks the questions, the other

replies When they finish, they reverse the roles

Then, in open pairs, choose a student to ask a

question and one to reply

Practising the dialogues in closed pairs helps the

students gain confidence and allows you to

monitor and correct errors before they have to

speak in front of the whole class

Exercises that have dialogue parts and suit this

type of pairwork are:

Unit 1 Ex 21 (tense forms), Unit 3 Ex 11 (modal

verbs), Unit 4 Ex 24 (quite/rather), Unit 6 Ex 15

(passive), Unit 6 Ex 29 (causative)


1 Put the students into groups to go through the

exercises orally first, then do the written work

together When most groups have finished,

select a few to give feedback to the class at the

end Some of the exercises that work well in

groups are:

Unit 1 Ex 4, (tense forms), Unit 2 Ex 3

(infinitive / -ing form), Unit 5 Ex 24 (clauses of

contrast), Unit 7 Ex 6 (reported speech)

2 Communication activities:

Unit 12 Ex 20 (so - neither - but) can be extended and used as a group activity by adapting the grid in the book

1 Students ask and answer the questions about the grid in pairs

2 They copy the grid, substituting their names for the names in the book

3 They stand up and ask each other about whether they like dancing, have travelled abroad, etc

4 Stop the activity when they have complete information about each person in their group Choose a few students to give feedback to the whole class

The activity gives students a lot of practice and allows you to listen for mistakes and problems

Grammar boxes and tables

The grammar boxes and tables sum up the key points in each unit Students can refer to these while they are doing the practice activities and later when they are revising Encourage them to use the boxes and to reread them often In addition to being a grammar reference, they also provide information on the spelling and pronunciation areas that can easily cause students problems

Guessing new words

Students should be encouraged to use their own language and words that they already know in English to guess the meaning of new vocabulary

In New Round-Up 6, students are able to use context to help them guess the meanings of new words When students come across a new word they should try to decide what part of speech it is:

a verb, a noun, an adjective, etc They can then look at the other words in the sentence to determine what the word means

Encourage students to keep a record of new vocabulary The record should include the correct spelling of the word, the word used in a sentence, and the word's meaning

Trang 7

1 Tense Forms 10 2 Past perfect continuous - f

4 Past cont i nuous -a

5 Past cont i nuous - c

4 have recently seen 9 are using

5 have been trying 10 have done

12 2 was shin i ng 8 jumped up

3 2 am sitting 8 have been watching

3 have been staying 9 has just suggested

6 have done 12 are return i ng

3 was blow i ng 9 ran

4 had been sailing 10 looked

5 were sleep i ng 11 had hit

6 were relax i ng 12 had torn

3 are still looking , looks

4 are you tasting , tastes

5 are you feeling , feels

6 am seeing , see

5 before

7 are you smelling , smells

15 1 have already seen

5 2 is , i s be i ng 4 i s is being

3 is being , is 5 i s be i ng , is

2 have already been , went

3 Have you ever read , read

4 had , have never tried , have already made

3 had just graduated 11 offered

6 did no t have 14 took

8 applied / had applied 16 had won

9 d i dn't receive /

8 2 has gone to / has been in 4 has gone to hadn ' t rece i ved

3 haven ' t been in 5 have been to

17 He used to have long hair bu t now he has got short

3 H a e y ou f i nished 8 have been working

4 hav e b een s t udy i ng 9 have realised

5 have ch a ged 10 Have you thought

6 have d cid ed


He didn ' t use to wear glasses but now he wears glasses

He used to r i de a bicycle but now he dr i ves a car

He d i dn ' t use to wear suits but now he wears suits

Trang 8

4 had been taking

5 Have you booked

6 will have

9 is raining

10 will stay

New Round-Up 6 Key

Speaking Activity (Suggested Answer)

Miltons ran to the house and entered it The robbers had

Miltons called the police and they reported what had

that the alarm had not rung

Writing Activity (Suggested Answer)

Miltons ran to the house and entered it The robbers had

that they had forgotten to lock one of the front windows

English in Use 1

1 2 off 3 down 4 into

Trang 9

2 2 to inf i nit i ve 11 infinitive without to 11 2 to hear 7 to forget

3 to i nfin i tive 12 to inf i nitive 3 to look 8 taking

4 -ing form 13 i nf i n i t i ve without to 4 forgett i ng 9 to help

5 - i ng form 14 to i nfin i t i ve 5 to signal 10 to get

7 -ing form 16 -ing form

8 i nf i n i t i ve without to 17 to infinitive 12 2 to be 6 to play

5 to do

3 2 to have been working 8 to eat / to be eat i ng

3 to hear 9 to lend 13 2 to be i nfluenced / to have been influenced

4 to have been forced 10 to enjoy / to be 3 Having been hurt

7 to have met

4 2 to travelling 6 to wearing 8 to be given / to have been given

3 to cleaning 7 of painting 9 be i ng approached

4 to working 8 as raising 10 to be misunderstood

12 be i ng to l d / having been told

5 2 to have 5 cross i ng 8 Walking

3 running 6 to take part 9 win 14 2 boring 5 tiring

4 surprised

6 1 to tell 3 have seen , have been

2 to sit , to follow 4 to lie , be i ng 15 2 entertained 7 frightened

3 entertaining 8 pleased

3 her to take her med i c i ne eve/}' day 5 exciting 10 thrilling

4 him / his giving you the letter 6 excited

5 him to talk to me politely

7 us / our vi s i t i ng Sue last weekend 3 to find out 8 to offer

8 Sarah / Sarah 's singing that song last week 4 sending 9 to meet

5 learning

10 2 eating 9 to do

5 to become 12 spend i ng / hav i ng spen t 3 studying for exams

7 t o show 14 to post 5 to give up sweets

Trang 10

7 understanding what she is saying

8 to go to Australia

They were looking forward to relaxing on the water Bill

spent his time fishing while dad enjoyed steering the boat Mum

preferred to sunbathe Then, ft began to get dark They noticed a

storm approaching The wind became too strong to control the

boat and dad was having difficulty steering Eventually, he

.wasn't able to prevent the boat from overtuming Luckily , the

coast guard happened to see them and helped Bill and his

family get on board their boat They were glad to be safe

We were looking forward to relaxing on the water I spent

my time fishing while dad enjoyed steering the boat Mum

prefe"ed to sunbathe Then, it began to get dark We noticed

a storm approaching The wind became too strong to control

the boat and dad was having difficulty steering Eventually,

he wasn't able to prevent the boat from overturning Luckily ,

the coast guard happened to see us and helped my family

and me get on board our boat We were glad to be safe

3 prefers to ski (rather) than

4 took him hours to wallpaper

New Round-Up 6 Key

2 2 logical assumption (I'm sure she is)

3 absence of necessity (It isn't necessary)

4 suggestion / offer (Would you like me to ?)

5 possibility (Perhaps, I'm not sure)

6 advice (You ought to)

7 request (Could you?)

8 logical assumption (I'm sure she's not at work)

9 offer (Do you want me to ? May I ?)

10 prohibition (Children aren ' t allowed to )

11 obligation (I must ) necessity (I need to)

12 necessity (it's necessary)

5 could / was able to

6 had been able to

7 was able to

8 couldn ' t wasn't able to

9 couldn't wasn 't able to

9 2 didn't need to ask

3 needn't have given

4 needn't have bought

5 mustn 't

6 mustn't

5 didn't need to pay

6 didn 't need to get up

10 2 needn't don't have to 5 mustn 't

3 mustn't 6 needn't / don't

11 2 can ' t be working

3 may / might / could have gone

4 could / should have told

5 could have gone

Trang 11

6 could / may / might have had

7 could / may / might still be sleeping

8 may / might / could have worked / been working

9 may / might / could have gone

12 2 Shall we go / How about going for a bike ride?

3 She may / could be on holiday / It's possible that

she ' s on holiday

4 Would / Will / Can you hold this for me, please? /

Would you mind holding this for me, please?

5 You mustn ' t may not / are not allowed to take

photos in here

6 I'm supposed to wait outside the classroom / I

am to wait outside the classroom / I have to wait

outside the classroom

7 Let's go / We could go to the basketball match /

How about going to the basketball match?

8 Let's / We could invite Sally and Mary / Shall we

invite Sally and Mary?

9 Might / Could he be offered the job soon? / Is it

likely that he will be offered the job soon? / Is he

likely to be offered the job soon?

10 Will / Can / Would / Could you move your car, please?

12 You are to be here on time / You have to be here

5 may / might / could be sleeping

6 needn't / don ' t have to / don ' t need to dress

7 could / should / ought to have asked

3 She could / might / may be playing football in the


4 You should / ought to have studied more

5 You should / ought to / have to get more sleep

6 You don't have to / don't need to / needn ' t buy me

a birthday gift

7 You could/might/may have left it in the car

8 You should / ought to / have to / must apologise

3 Frank can ' t be at football practice

4 Lisa may / might / could go to the party tonight

5 You can't / mustn ' t make noise at night

6 We have to / ought to / are supposed to / are to wear a uniform at work

7 Shall / Can I carry your luggage? / Do you want

me to carry your luggage?

8 You can / could get a part-time job / Why don ' t you get a part time job?

9 You can't / mustn ' t park here

1 0 Tom was able to pass his driving test

You shouldn't stop attending university You could get

a job as a babysitter or a waitress You could try and save money How about cooking your own meals? You can walk instead of using public transport You had better apply for money from the Students' Support Fund

Writing Activity (Suggested Answer)

You could get a job as a babysitter or a waitress How about cooking your own meals? You can walk instead of using public transport You had better apply for money from the Students ' Support Fund

English in Use 3

1 2 out 3 across 4 down with 5 into

2 2 of 3 for 4 with 5 of

3 2 thick-skinned 4 a wild goose chase

4 2 are not allowed to take

3 needn ' t have paid

4 is likely to pass

5 can't / couldn ' t have lied

Trang 12

New Round-Up 6 Key

5 sc i ent i sts 6 useful 4 The dog is sitting by a lovely French marble

2 surroundings 7 clearly f i replace (opinion , origin , material)

3 d i rect i ons 8 probably 5 Frank is looking for a pair of grey woollen football

4 behav i our 9 incorrect socks (colour , material , used for)

5 particularly 10 helpful 6 Lisa has a large round dining-room table (size ,

shape , used for)

6 1 from 5 this / that 9 what

5 2 a badly - written book 5 a two - hour journey

Progress Check 1 (Units 1-3) 3 a three - year course 6 a f i ve-star hotel

1 2 A 6 C 10 B 14 C 18 B 4 a hard-working woman

3 C 7 C 11 B 15 C 19 B

4 A 8 A 12 C 16 C 20 C 6 2 a beautiful long wooden

4 comfortable burgundy-coloured des i gner

2 2 round 5 off 8 at 11 i nto 5 expens i ve modern square

3 on 6 in 9 out 12 from 6 l ovely medium - s i zed white

8 excellent Australian seafood

3 2 i s likely to pass

7 2 easy / easily 11 fantastically

3 like me to make you

3 dramatically 12 free / freely

4 had never seen such

12 wasn ' t old enough

8 2 hardly anything 5 hard

8 i mpolite 15 ungratefully

2 2 the sick 5 the poor people

3 the old people 6 the rich 10 2 sure , highly , pretty 7 late , hard

4 the homeless 3 fully , easy , shortly 8 Lately , free , badly

4 near , hardly , wrongly 9 widely , direct

3 2 They v i sited a huge ancient stone temple (s i ze , 5 Surely , wrong 10 Lastly , freely

3 She is wearing a beautiful blue velvet dress

(opinion , colour , material) 11 (Suggested Answers)

2 Train serv i ces have been seriously affected by the heavy snow

Trang 13

3 The witness accurately recounted everything that

had happened during the robbery

4 John very carefully read my essay and changed

virtually everything I had incorrectly written

5 The wind is blowing extremely hard outside today

6 We will definitely be travelling around Australia

this summer

7 Ted is normally polite, but he was surprisingly

rude to Jenny last night

a I'm absolutely certain you'll be very happy with

the service in this hotel

9 The cost of living has risen dramatically recently

10 Fortunately, the seriously injured victims of the fire

were quickly taken to hospital

12 (Suggested Answer)

In a recent study, researchers carefully chose a

selection of songs and asked a group of joggers to

(carefully) listen to them They told the joggers to run

exactly in time to the beat of the music and stop only

when they felt too tired to continue The results were

extremely interesting The researchers found that the

joggers ran almost 15% longer than usual when they

listened to the music The joggers reported that

listening to the music made them feel energetic and

greatly improved their mood , too So, what are you

waiting for? If you don't normally listen to music

when you exercise, why not bring along your MP3

player the next time you go jogging or to the gym?

You'll probably be surprised with the results!

15a shyer than - the shyest

tall - taller than

earlier than - the earliest

17 2 more carefully, the most carefully

3 more peacefully, the most peacefully

4 worse, the worst

5 more quietly, the most quietly

6 harder, the hardest

18 2 more quickly than

5 the most carefully

6 more happily than

2 John is rich enough to buy an expensive car

3 These shoes are too tight to dance in

4 Leonard is strong enough to carry the table

5 The volume is too low for me to hear anything

6 Ted is too short to see over the wall

7 That dog is too tired to run

a Sue is tall enough to reach the top shelf

9 Linda ran fast enough to win the race

10 Her house isn't big enough to have a party

11 Alex is too young to drive

12 It's too noisy for me to do my homework

13 Tom is clever enough to solve the problem

14 It isn't windy enough for them to go sailing

Trang 14

24 2 quite 3 rather 4 quite 5 rather

25 2 awfully, terribly, really, very, extremely

3 quite / rather, pretty

4 quite, pretty, fairly

5 a bit / a little

26 2 The sooner, the sooner

3 as tasty as

4 as expensive as

5 The faster, the more tired

6 The harder, the more successful

27 2 like / the same as

3 like / the same as

4 twice as, as

6 The sooner, the sooner

7 would prefer, rather than

A doctor's job is better paid than a firefighter's job

A pilot's job is more exciting than a doctor's job

A doctor's job is more interesting than a pilot's job

An armchair is bigger, softer and more expensive

than a stool

A stool is more uncomfortable than a chair

A chair is harder than an armchair

A bike is cleaner and cheaper than a car

A car is faster, safer and more spacious than a


New Round-Up 6 Key

Slippers are more comfortable and lighter than boots Boots are more expensive, warmer and heavier than flip flops

Brenda is older and heavier than Julie

Julie is younger, better-looking and has longer hair than Brenda

Tim has shorter hair than Julie

Dinner is a bit more expensive at the City Inn than it is

at the London Bridge Hotel

The London Bridge Hotel has many more members

of staff than the City Inn

The Imperial Palace is older than Buckingham Palace and the Kremlin Palace

The Imperial Palace is bigger than Buckingham Palace and the Kremlin Palace

The Imperial Palace has many more rooms than Buckingham Palace and the Kremlin Palace

The Kremlin Palace has fewer rooms than the Imperial Palace and Buckingham Palace

The Kremlin Palace is more interesting than the Imperial Palace and Buckingham Palace

The Imperial Palace is more beautiful than Buckingham Palace and the Kremlin Palace

Trang 15

Writing Activity (Suggested Answer)

the Imperial Palace is older than Buckingham Palace

and the Kremlin Palace It is also bigger than Buckingham

Palace and the Kremlin Palace Finally, it has many more

rooms than the other two The Kremlin Palace has fewer

rooms than the Imperial Palace and Buckingham Palace

but it is more interesting to visit On the other hand, the

Imperial Palace is more beautiful than Buckingham Palace

and the Kremlin Palace

3 behaves in a respectful way

4 is much faster than

5 not as aggressive as

5 Clauses/Linking words

1 2 Wash your hands before you eat your dinner

3 As they were drinking their coffee ,

5 We will wait in the house until it stops snowing

6 While you are surfing online ,

Time Clause you can listen to music Main Clause

4 have / have had

6 arrive / have arrived

6 2 the moment, arrived / had arrived

3 by the time, got

4 when , are

5 whenever, want

6 while, were watching

7 just as, was leaving

8 after , ate / had eaten

10 2 When the Queen arrives , we must all stand up

3 As soon as I get home , /'1/ have something to eat

5 Every time I go shopping , I spend too much money

6 /'1/ phone you if there is a problem

7 The children cleared the table after they had finished eating

8 By the time we went to bed , it was nearly morning

9 I'll call you as soon as I reach my hotel

Trang 16

11 (Suggested Answers)

2 He got dressed after he had had breakfast

3 As soon as he got out of the house , it started raining

4 He was soaking wet by the time he reached his


5 He didn't leave work until five o'clock

6 He met an old friend while he was walking back


7 He fed his dog the moment he got home

8 He read a book before he went to bed

4 She saved money with a view to buying a car

5 Jane gave Bob her number so that he could ring her

6 Let's buy some biscuits in case we have guests

7 He took a taxi to the airport for fear that he might

miss his flight

A: What's a timer used for?

B: It's used for measuring time

3 a

A: What's a pot used for?

B: It's used for cooking food

4 d

A: What's a plunger used for?

B: It's used for clearing waste pipes

5 e

A: What's a broom used for?

B: It's used for sweeping the floor

3 It was such a bad meal that we never went back

to that restaurant So bad was the meal (that) we never went back to that restaurant The meal was

so bad that we never went back to that restaurant

It was a very bad meal Therefore, we never went back to that restaurant Because of the fact that the meal was so bad, we never went back to that restaurant We never went back to that restaurant because the meal was so bad

4 It was such hot soup that she burnt her mouth So hot was the soup (that) she burnt her mouth It was very hot soup Therefore, she burnt her mouth Because of / Due to the fact that the soup was so hot, she burnt her mouth She burnt her mouth because the soup was so hot

5 It is such a big house that it takes days to clean

So big is the house, it takes days to clean The house is so big (that) it takes days to clean The house is very big Therefore, it takes days to clean Because of / Due to the fact that the house

is so big, it takes days to clean The house takes days to clean because it is so big

6 So busy is Carla, she doesn 't have time to see anyone Carla is very busy Therefore, she doesn't have time to see anyone Because of / Due to the fact that Carla is so busy, she doesn't have time

to see anyone Carla doesn't have time to see anyone because she is so busy

20 2 The police didn 't catch the thief as they were fooled by his disguise (clause of reason)

3 Darren can ' t babysit since he has a meeting./Since Darren has a meeting, he can't babysit (clause of reason)

4 Sharon doesn't listen Consequently, she makes

mistakes (clause of result)

5 There were so many people at the fast-food

restaurant that they had to wait in a queue

(clause of result)

6 The Raiders lost the game as their best player

was hurt (clause of reason)

7 The reason why I don't like Roger is because he

is selfish (clause of reason)

Trang 17

8 It was such a beautiful gesture that she nearly In spite of studying all weekend , I didn ' t pass the

9 It was so cold that we couldn ' t feel our fingers 3 Even though he ' s just come back from a holiday ,

10 It is such stormy weather that the plane is Paul's just come back from a holiday However, delayed (clause of result) he looks exhausted

4 John plays the guitar vel}' well but he has a

21 It was such an important day that I needed her terrible voice

support But Emma always gets such good grades John plays the guitar vel}' well However , he has a

that she doesn't understand what it feels like to fail terrible voice

My problem is that I get so nervous that I can' t think 5 Although it was snowing, he decided to walk to properly She is such an amazing teacher that there school

isn't anyone in my class who doesn't like her It was Despite the fact that it was snowing , he decided

such a high mark that I couldn' t believe my eyes to walk to school

6 While Spielberg is my favourite director, I don't

3 Despite 8 whereas Spielberg is my favourite director , yet I don ' t have

5 Even though 10 Even though

3 Despite 6 no matter what

3 whereas 5 Even though

27 2 e

24 (Suggested Answers) Janet was really upset She looked as if/as

A Despite the fact that teachers get long holidays, though/like she was going to burst into tears

they need to work at home a lot

Teachers get long holidays, yet they need to 3 c

work at home a lot Ann is exhausted She feels as if / as though/like she Teachers get long holidays However , they need needs a good night's sleep

B Even though/Despite the fact that footballers Greg is delighted He ' s behaving as if/as though/like earn a lot of money , they have short careers he has just won a million pounds

Footballers earn a lot of money , yet they have

Footballers earn a lot of money However , they Laura was vel}' scared She acted as if/as though/like

C Even though/Despite the fact that nurses get the

chance to help sick people , they work long shifts 28 2 hurt 6 was / were

Nurses get the chance to help sick people , yet 3 was / were 7 had never seen

Nurses get the chance to help sick people 5 knew

However , they work long shifts

D Even though/Despite the fact that pilots travel 29 2 as if / as though she had never

around the world , they are away from home a lot 3 as if / as though she lost / has lost

Pilots travel around the world , yet they are away 4 as if he was / were a

Pilots travel around the world However , they are 6 as if / as though it was / were

away from home a lot

25 2 I studied all weekend Nevertheless , I didn't pass 3 as though / as if 6 the same way as

Trang 18

32 2 Isn 't Laura friendly!

3 Ooesn't he run fast!

5 ~idn't they act rudely!

37 2 A school bus is a vehicle that / which takes

students to and from school

3 A library is a place where students read books

4 A computer is a machine that / which students

use to research topics

5 A laboratory is a place where students do science


6 A coach is a person who trains a sports team

38 (Suggested Answers)

2 where the sun always shines

3 why my teacher gives me so much homework

4 when I first met my best friend

5 that / which made time travel possible

6 who was a millionaire

40 2 I have ten cousins, none of whom are girls

3 There are some beautiful houses in the town,

some of which are more than two hundred years


4 She met lots of new people at the party, a few of

whom commented on her gorgeous dress

5 Ted planted lots of new roses in his garden, very

few of which survived the cold winter

6 The supermarket has thirty employees, most of

whom work part-time

7 She has a number of earrings, some of which are


a I have three brothers , all of whom are single

~ 17

New Round-Up 6 Key

41 2 The man driving that bus is my brother

3 The car broken into was a Porsche

4 People caught stealing are imprisoned

5 The woman living in this house is Russian

6 The man playing the piano is blind

42 3 My home town, which is near Birmingham, is very small (NO-not omitted)

4 His uncle, who is a millionaire, owns a house in the Bahamas (NO- not omitted)

5 The dog that Roger bought has just had six

43 2 where Frank lives

3 which / that you recommended to me

4 where Alan works

5 which / that she entered

6 ,which you sent the parcel to,

44 2 only some drivers all the drivers

3 only some restaurants all the restaurants

4 all the German students only some of the German students

5 all the COs only some of the COs

45 (Suggested Answers)

2 Elephants are animals which / that have trunks

3 A theatre is a place where you can watch plays

4 An oven is an appliance that / which you use to bake things

5 Shakespeare was someone who / that wrote plays

6 The seaside is a place where you can make sandcastles

7 A restaurant is a place where you can go for a meal

a A blanket is something which / that keeps you warm

9 A post office is a place where you can post letters

10 A key is something that / which opens doors

Trang 19

11 A necklace is something that / which you wear

around your neck

12 A tailor is someone who / that makes suits

13 An author is someone who / that writes books

14 A professor is someone who / that teaches at a


15 A pop Singer is someone who / that is usually

popular with teenagers

16 A school is a place where students learn different

48 2 I can ' t afford to lend her any more money ;

moreover , she already owes me £150 (positive


3 Not only do I enjoy my job , but it's also very well

paid (positive addition)

4 Even though he never does any homework , he

managed to get a good mark in the test

7 I'm going to phone him again even if he doesn 't

want to speak to me (contrast)

4 She is honest as well as hard-working

that he started an adventure reality show Because he was keen on showing audiences how to survive in the wild , he travelled to the Amazon jungle where he survived

in tough environments He is a courageous man who faced many dangerous animals The TV show , which was watched by millions of viewers, became very successful

He is a hard-work i ng person who has no time for family

Writing Activity (Suggested Answer)

that he started an adventure reality show Because he was keen on showing audiences how to survive in the wild , he travelled to the Amazon jungle where he survived

i n tough environments He is a courageous man who faced many dangerous animals The TV show , which was watched by millions of viewers , became very successful

He is a hard - working person who has no time for family

Trang 20

6 2 despite the fact (that)

3 to avoid being

4 with a view to working

5 in case it rains

6 Passive Voice / Causative Form

1 2 The politician is being inteNiewed now

3 The 'Mona Lisa' was painted by Leonardo da


4 My flat was burgled last night

5 All the tickets had been sold before we got there

6 The dog has not been fed yet

7 The prizes will be awarded by the president


8 Tea is grown in India

2 2 The office is cleaned every evening at 5:00

3 Trees are being planted in the forest by


4 The Summer Olympics are held every four years

5 Was America discovered in 1492?

6 The road has been closed due to an oil spill

7 The party invitations were sent yesterday


8 He will be awarded a Nobel prize

9 Have the plants been watered?

10 A dolphin was seen swimming in the sea

11 This package should be handled carefully

12 Tax is included in the bill

3 2 is baked

3 is not allowed

4 should be done

5 is the rubbish collected

6 was the light bulb invented

7 was announced

8 is visited

9 wasn't invited

10 was broken into, was caught

11 was the race won

Where were the 2000 Summer Olympic Games held?

They were held in Sydney

New Round-Up 6 Key

3 f Who was The Odyssey written by? It was written by Homer

4 a

When was Beethoven's 9th Symphony first performed?

It was first performed in 1824

5 d Where was the first Football World Cup held?

It was held in Uruguay

6 b When was 'The Dark Knight' released?

It was released in 2008

6 2 A strike is to be held by electricity workers tomorrow


3 The missing painting has not yet been recovered

4 The new Harry Potter film will be screened next month

5 Money is being raised for the homeless

6 A new airport is to be built next year

2 has been held 7 are given

3 is transformed 8 is called

4 are often made 9 is presented

5 is attended 10 have been discovered

6 are screened 11 will be shown

8 2 These tablets should be taken before meals (omitted; unimportant agent)

3 Coloured clothes must be washed separately (omitted; unimportant agent)

4 He was sent out of the classroom (omitted; obvious agent)

5 Spain will be visited by thousands of British tourists this summer (not omitted; essential to the meaning)

6 He is being questioned by the police now (not omitted; essential to the meaning)

7 A complaint has been made (omitted; unknown

Trang 21

10 2 are said to have been the cause of the damage

3 is considered that he is the best football player in

the country

4 is believed to have attended the wedding

5 was reported to have escaped

6 is thought to have stolen the paintings

7 is said that he lived in France last year

8 is thought that the company is losing a lot of money

It was used as a fortress and a priSOn

Nowadays it is guarded by the Beefeaters

It is used to hold the Crown Jewels

It is visited by thousands of tourists every year

14 It was released by 20th Century Fox in 2009 It was

given excellent reviews by most critics The public

was impressed by it, too Within 3 weeks of its release

over 1 billion dollars had been made at the box office!

Two sequels will be made by Cameron The same

actors have already been asked by him to star in the


15 2 must have been told

3 must have been repaired

4 might have been injured

5 shouldn ' t have been moved

6 can ' t have been stolen

16 2 are being served dinner now

is being served to them now

3 won ' t be shown his marks (by the teacher)

won ' t be shown to him (by the teacher)

4 was offered a ride by Ken

was offered to Janet by Ken

5 has been taught a new dance step by Miss Price

has been taught to Arnie by Miss Price

6 should have been ordered a taxi

should have been ordered for you

7 was given a receipt by the cashier

was given to me by the cashier

8 were sent a letter of complaint by Mrs Harris

was sent to the company by Mrs Harris

17 2 She likes being given/to be given flowers

3 They can ' t stand being criticised

4 She hates being kept/to be kept waiting

5 We ought to have been told about this

6 Tom loves being / to be complimented on his work

18 2 took , gathered , returned

3 to be reported , will / is going to have

4 is published , always has

5 has been grown, is/are trying, didn ' t make

6 were made , bought

19 All cars will be banned from the centre of town as

people's health is being seriously affected by pollutiOn Only bicycles and buses will be allowed to enter the town centre Plans for a new environmental police force are being made After all, something must be done before it's too late

22 2 The patients are given their medicine every

morning (by nurses) / Medicine is given to the

patients every morning (by nurses)

3 The drowning boy was rescued by a lifeguard

4 Our sink is being repaired by a plumber

5 You will be represented by a defence lawyer

6 The rooms are cleaned daily

7 Her suitcases were searched by customs


8 The explosion had been caused by a gas leak

9 The pOlice were given a full report by an eyewitness / A full report was given to the police

by an eyewitness

10 The product is going to be launched in May

23 2 was / has been moved to the fifth floor

3 was / has been promoted to manager

Trang 22


4 will be knocked down

5 were sent to the London office last month

6 is being repaired at the moment

2 The private detective located the missing person

3 The builders are fixing our leaking roof

4 A team of archaeologists have found dinosaur


5 A bodyguard will protect you 24 hours a day

6 The teacher punished several members of the


7 A famous scientist is presenting the award

8 She likes people admiring her paintings

9 You must attend to this matter immediately

10 A strike may delay your flight

Speaking Activity (Suggested Answer)

The event was attended by over 400 people Some

famous artists were invited by the owners Drinks and

sandwiches were served by waiters A speech was given

by the city mayor The gallery was praised by several art

critics In the next few weeks a website will be set up for

the gallery Tomorrow the public will be welcomed into the

gallery Tickets will be on offer at half price for the first


Writing Activity (Suggested Answer)

The event was attended by over 400 people Some

famous artists were invited by the owners Drinks and

sandwiches were served by waiters A speech was given by

the city mayor The gallery was praised by several art critics

In the next few weeks a website will be set up for the gallery

Tomorrow the public will be welcomed into the gallery

Tickets will be on offer at half price for the first month

25 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 B 6 A

26 2 She is having her nails painted by the beautician

3 Robert will have his novel published

4 Ann has had a special ring made by a jeweller

5 Simon has all his suits made by a tailor

6 Sonia is going to have her eyes tested

7 They should have had the grass cut

8 He had his tooth taken out

27 B He is having a suit made

C She is going to have her hair cut

D He has had his tap fixed

E She will have her car repaired

F He should have his trousers shortened

New Round~Up 6 Key

29 2 am having / will have some photogra phs developed

3 are having our roof fixed

4 had my nails painted

5 am having / am going to have my hair c ut

30 2 She ot her husband to cut the grass

3 He had the maid make his bed

4 He made the ardener water the flowers





Speaking Activity (Suggested Answer)

the windows put in He will have the lawn planted and

a fence put up He is having new kitchen counters installed and the patio fixed By the end of the month he will have had the swimming pool built and the house painted

Writing Activity (Suggested Answer)

the windows put in I will have the lawn planted and a

fence put up I'm having new kitchen counters installed and the patio fixed now By the end of the month I will have had the swimming pool built and the house painted Well, that ' s all my news for now Write back and let me know how you are doing

2 2 with 3 of 4 over/about 5 from

3 2 a hair ' s breadth 4 a bright spark

3 a storm in a teacup 5 a big fish

6 2 has been broken by

3 had his wallet taken

4 to have her winter coat

5 was made to wash

Trang 23

Progress Check 2 (Units 4-6)

3 2 such a long race that

3 was broken by Harry

4 despite the fact that

5 had his wallet stolen

6 to avoid getting lost

7 in a rude way

8 is much cheaper than

9 with a view to becoming

10 to have his football jersey

11 not as intelligent as

12 made the students finish

4 2 a year and a half

3 2 Ann said (that) the food was delicious

3 Ann said (that) they went swimming every day

4 Ann said (that) she would always remember that


5 Ann said (that) she hated going back to work

6 Ann said (that) she was learning Spanish

7 Ann said (that) she had a lovely suntan

8 Ann said (that) they were going back again the

following year

9 Ann said (that) she had made a lot of friends

10 Ann said (that) the hotel was nice


3 Ann said (that) it was time they moved to a new


4 He said (that) water freezes below 0 ·C

5 She said (that) she was reading / had been reading the children a story the night before when the lights went out

6 He told me (that) he would help me to repair my

car the following day

7 He said (that) he hadn ' t understood the meaning

11 He said (that) she didn ' t understand

12 He said (that) he would invite more people if he had a bigger flat

13 He told us (that) he wouldn ' t repeat that again

14 He said (that) he had applied for several jobs that week

/ had been employed at Fredo ' s restaurant

3 Mr Roberts asked Frank if / whether he played any sports

4 Mr Roberts asked Frank if / whether he had experience working with children

5 Mr Roberts asked Frank if / whether that was the first time he had applied for a job at a summer camp

6 Mr Roberts asked Frank if / whether he would be willing to work at weekends

7 Mr Roberts asked Frank what secondary school

he went to

8 Mr Roberts asked Frank what salary he would hope to receive

3 I want to know if / whether we are going out tonight

4 I doubt if / whether this is correct

5 I wonder whose car this is

6 Could you tell me if / whether this train stops at Leeds?

7 2 I asked her where the dog was

3 Usa asked Ted if / whether he could help her carry the bags

4 Daniel wondered where he had put his car keys

5 He asked me if / whether I liked spaghetti

6 Jim asked Pam if / whether she would get him

some bread from the supermarket

~ 22 ~

Trang 24

New Round-Up 6 Key

7 The teacher asked ho w many countr i es there 14 2 The Science teacher sa i d ( that ) when you freeze were i n the EU water , you get i ce

The t enses do not change because it is a law of

8 2 Could you tell me what special features the car has? nature

3 Could you tell me if I may pay by card? 3 Ian said (that) he should have given her a bi rthday

4 Could you tell me when I can collect the car? present

The tenses do not change because the modal

9 2 She told them not to smoke at anytime during the ' should ' stays the same

flight 4 Alan says the museum i s still open

3 She told them to put their bags i n the overhead The tenses do not change because the reporting lockers verb i s in the present s i mple

4 She asked them to keep their seats upright dur i ng 5 She said that she would arr i ve home in half an hour


5 She told them not to run in the aisles 15 (Suggested Answer)

6 She asked them not to leave their seats during The doctor replied that he mustn ' t eat sweets or takeoff or landing oily food , but he could eat potatoes He added that

7 She told them to turn off their mobile phones he should also get plenty o f exerc i se / He also

8 She told them to press the button to call a flight adv i sed h i m to get plenty of exerc i se Alan asked i f he attendant should j o i n a gym The doctor answered that he

didn ' t need t o / i dn ' t have to j o in a gym, bu t t hat he

10 2 suggested 4 ordered could go joggi ng evel}' day

3 begged 5 adv i sed

16 2 He gave an exclamation of delight when the bank

11 2 George said (that) he might v i s i t Brenda that manager agreed to lend h i m the money

night 3 He cried out in pain as the nurse gave him the

3 The teacher told us (that) we should always throw inject i on

our rubbish in the bin / The teacher advised us to 4 He wondered if I 90uld lend him any money

always throw our rubbish in the bin 5 She gave an exclamat i on of surprise when she

4 He told her (that) he would call her later saw the Pyram i ds

5 She told him (that ) they would be able to meet the 6 She asked h i m if he would li ke another p i ece of following Monday cake and he accepted / he said he would

7 She gave an exclamat i on of disgust as she

12 2 was going stepped into the mud puddle

" I am going to the supermarket "

3 has to 17 A (Suggested Answer)

" I have to finish my report by Fr i day " Her friends wished her a happy birthday Her best

4 had to friend Karen told her tha t t hey had wanted to

" I have to go for a job i nteNiew tomorrow morning " surpr i se her Lisa exclaimed in surpr i se and

5 had thanked evel}'one Karen asked whether / if she

" I have a stomachache " w ould like to open her presents i mmediately and

6 was hav i ng Lisa sa i d that she would / accepted Karen

"/'m havi ng a great time over here " suggested that they play some music and said

that she had some great new CDs which she

13 2 Lisa said (thalj she (had seen) saw the acc i dent from thought they would like

inside a shop across the street She said that she

B (Suggested Answer)

(had been) was vel}' shocked She said (that) she

was a nurse, so she ( had run) ran outside to help Sandra sa i d he must have got stuck i n traff i c and

3 Ann said (that) she (had been) was reading a offered to phone h i m Mr Brown answered tha t

newspaper in a cafe when she heard a loud crash Sandra didn ' t need to / d i dn 't have to phone h i m

She said that when she went outside , she (had but advised her to tell John ' s secretaI}' to chec k seen) saw that a car had driven into a shop window that day ' s dial}' as he m i ght have an appOintment

4 Robert said (that) he couldn ' t move He said that he tha t morning

(had) watched as the car lost control on the icy road

Trang 25

3 Paula refused to tell me her password

4 Rachael apologised for not replying to my email

5 She offered to help me make the cake

6 He reminded me to turn off the oven

7 Tom admitted to breaking / that he had broken

the vase

a The police officer ordered the thief to put his

hands up

20 2 we go / going to the cinema that night

3 that I do / on me doing my chores before I

watched the football match

4 to lend me any money

5 his mother to let him stay up late that night

6 eating / having eaten / that he had eaten all the

3 Sam encouraged her to try and finish it by 5 pm

so she could go to his basketball match

4 Chloe exclaimed that that would only give her two

and a half hours

5 Sam urged her to write it quickly

6 Chloe refused to rush because she wanted a

good mark on the essay

7 Sam complained that she never went to see him


a Chloe promised to go / that she would go to his

next match

22 2 "I broke the window, " said Frank

3 'This is how you do the experiment, " said the teacher

4 "I did not steal the money, " he said

5 " Please, please buy me a car, " Steve said to his father

6 "You cheated on the test, " the headmaster said to


7 "I've travelled / travelled around China , " said Lisa

24 2 " Colin, " his mother said, " is not here "

3 He said, " Stop making noise "

4 "Why are you late?" the teacher asked

5 "Red is my favourite colour," Tom said

6 Danny said, " I play the piano "

7 "Do you prefer basketball or football?" Peter asked

a Barbara said, " I wasn 't even listening "

25 (Suggested Answer)

"OK, " said the driver " What's the matter?"

"Did you see the speed limit signs? " asked the policeman

" No, I didn't, " said the driver

"It is illegal to drive at more than 50 km an hour on this stretch of road, " said the policeman

"But I wasn 't speeding," said the driver

"Well, I'll have to give you ticket, " said the policeman

26 2 Dad recommended (that) I (should) wear a tuxedo

to the wedding

3 He proposed (that) we (should) go to the park

4 She requested (that) I (should) bring her a glass

of water

5 Mrs Jones insisted (that) I (should) study harder

6 She advised me (that) I (should) keep a record of

my appointments

27 2 should change / change

3 should see / see

4 should be revealed / be revealed

5 should consult / consult

6 should remain / remain

7 should be delivered / be delivered

a should take / take

Speaking Activity (Suggested Answer)

both his parents had been competitive skiers and that he thought it ran in the family The reporter asked Mr Jones if he had always liked skiing Mr Jones exclaimed that he had fallen in love with the sport the very first time he had put on skis, at the age of 6 The reporter asked what he liked best about racing Mr Jones replied that he liked speeding down

a slope because it was always thrilling The reporter asked if competitive skiing was dangerous Mr Jones replied that it wasn't at all and added that it was no more dangerous than other sports The reporter asked Mr Jones what his ambitions for the future were Mr Jones replied that he hoped that he would win a gold medal the following year

Writing Activity (Suggested Answer)

both his parents had been competitive skiers and tha t

he thought it ran in the family We then asked Mr Jones if

he had always liked skiing Mr Jones exclaimed that he had fallen in love with the sport the very first time he ha

Trang 26

put on skis , at the age of 6 Next we asked what he liked

best about racing Mr Jones replied that he liked speeding

down a slope because it was always thrilling We also

asked if competitive skiing was dangerous Mr Jones

replied that it wasn ' t at all and added that it was no more

dangerous than other sports We finally asked Mr Jones

what his ambitions for the future were Mr Jones replied

that he hoped that he would win a gold medal the

3 2 barking up the wrong tree 5 broke the news

3 am sick and tired

4 beat about the bush

3 complained to the team about

4 begged me not to play

5 refused to tell her

8 Conditionals/Wishes/Unreal Past

Macy's It's the second largest department

store in the world

3 b If you want to stay at a lUxury hotel , go to the

Plaza Hotel It has a pool and a spa

4 c If you want to get a great view of the city , visit

the Empire State Building It's the tallest

building in New York City

5 e If you want to enjoy thrilling rides , go to Coney

Island It has a number of amusement parks

6 a If you want to see an entertaining musical , go

to Broadway Avenue It's the centre of the

American theatre industry

New Round-Up 6 Key

3 If I wanted to earn some money , I would find a

part-time job

4 If I had a week off , I would go to Athens

3 2 If he hadn't woken up late, he wouldn ' t have missed the bus

3 If he hadn ' t missed the bus , he wouldn ' t have gone to the cafe

4 If he hadn ' t gone to the cafe , he wouldn ' t have met the singer

5 If he hadn ' t met the singer , he wouldn ' t have got free tickets to his concert

3 Unless the traffic is heavy , we should arrive by 10


4 Unless the buses are running , we ' ll get a tax i

5 Unless the athlete can improve his speed , he won ' t break the record

6 Unless the weather gets better , we will cancel the football game

6 If we don ' t water the flowers , they die (Type 0)

8 2 Should the plane leave on time, I'll arrive in Paris

at noon

3 Had you left earlier , you wouldn ' t have missed the bus

4 Were I you , I wouldn ' t tell anyone about it

5 Should you see Paul , tell him I want to see him

6 Had he studied harder , he would have passed the test

7 Should you drink too much coffee , you won ' t be able to sleep

8 Were I you , I would write him a thank-you letter

Trang 27

9 2 A had not helped would never have passed

3 you would have arr i ved on time

4 tell her I miss her

5 would never have coped w i th the problem

6 you ' ll be late

7 i f she had felt better

8 will you be able to go on holiday th i s year

11 2 lost would you do

4 If he had trained every day , he would w i n the race

5 If I had booked seats , we could go to the concert


6 If he was dr i v i ng carefully , he wouldn ' t have

crashed the car i nto a tree

7 If I knew him better , I would have invited him to

my party

8 If you pa i d attent i on , you wouldn ' t have made so

many m i s t akes

14 2 but ou added so much salt

If you hadn ' t added so much salt , the soup would

have been delicious

3 I don ' t know anyth i ng about cars , otherwise

If I knew someth i ng about cars , I would have

changed the tyre myself

4 but she didn ' t ask me to

If she had asked me , I would have lent her the


5 but they weren ' t inv i ted

If they had been invited , they would be at the

recept i on

6 but I had to study

If I i dn ' t have t o study , would have gone t o the cinema with you

7 The film was ve 0 ular otherw i se

If the f i lm didn ' t have a very original plot , the director wouldn ' t have won an Oscar

8 but the lead actor ot ill

If the lead actor hadn ' t got ill , the play would ha ve been a success

15 2 I wish it weren ' t wasn ' t raining all day

3 I wish my tent weren ' t wasn ' t leaking ; w i s h I could f i x i t

4 I w i sh I had bought a good tent

5 I wish the mosquitoes weren ' t biting me

6 I w i sh I had brought some insect repellent

16 2 had 7 d i d 12 were / was

17 2g If only the politician would answer my questions

about the economy -journalist


3a I wish my pat i ents would eat healthily -doctor

4e If only the audience wouldn ' t talk dur i ng the play

- actor 5d I wish my staff would arrive at work on time - shop manager

6b If only the teams would play fa i rly -referee 7f I w i sh visitors wouldn ' t feed the an i mals - zoo- keeper

2 had tra i ned

19 2 I wish I hadn ' t lifted the weights If I hadn ' t lifted weights , I wouldn ' t have pulled a muscle

3 I w i sh I had slept earlier last night If I had slept earlier last night , I wouldn ' t feel tired now

4 I w i sh I had more free time If I had more free time , I could take up a hobby

20 2 would / could return

Trang 28

22 2 owned 5 saw 8 had known

5 would you lend

24 2 my brother took it out

6 to stay at home rather than go to the beach

7 eat less junk food

8 not have gone

Speaking Activity (Suggested Answer)

• You ' d better introduce yourself first If you do so ,

other students won ' t be nervous around you

• Smile if you want people to approach you

• Only if you are yourself, will students enjoy talking to


• If you join an afterschool club , you ' ll meet students

with the same interests

Writing Activity (Suggested Answer)

It's also a good idea to introduce yourself first so that you

appear friendly If you do so, students won't feel nervous

around you Don't forget to smile if you want people to

approach you Nobody finds it easy to talk to someone who

looks grumpy! And remember , only if you are yourself will

students enjoy talking to you Finally , if I were you, I'd join an

afterschool club There are lots of activities to choose from

and if you join a club, you'll meet students with the same


I hope my advice has been of some help Try it out and let

me know how you get on!

3 wish I had attended

4 would rather not annoy

5 wouldn't have woken up

9 Nouns / Word Formation / Articles

Trang 29

10 2 a li ttle, a lot of, hardly any

3 two , both , some, several

4 hardly any , too much, no

5 a little , some, plenty of

6 no , a little, hardly any

7 a few , a couple of , a number of

8 plenty of , a great deal of , a lot of

Trang 30

She tasted some Japanese soup She looked round

Tokyo city centre She bought an elegant fan She visited a

Buddhist temple She took photos of Mount Fuji

Dear Lucy ,

I've just come back from Japan and I had a wonderful

time I visited three different places and I bought some


I stayed at the Emerald hotel It was so comfortable

and my room was furnished in the traditional Japanese

style, with sliding doors and mats on the floor On my first

morning there , I tasted some delicious Japanese soup

called miso, which they serve for breakfast!

New Round-Up 6 Key

I spent the first couple of days looking around Tokyo city centre , which is amazingly modern and full of big shops I bought an elegant Japanese fan which I thought you might like Later in the week, I visited a Buddhist temple It was very impressive I also made a trip to Mount Fuji and took some gorgeous photos of it covered in snow 1'1/ tell you more when I get back

3 2 a blessing in disguise 4 a stone ' s throw

3 a bad patch 5 a rule of thumb

6 2 a small amount of tea 5 is used to heat /

3 are a great number of for heating

3 2 apologised for breaking/having broken

3 were you , I'd eat

4 wondered what she was expected

5 warned me not to leave

6 are a great number of

7 complained to the waiter about

8 wish I had bought

9 would rather not wear

Trang 31

10 refused to tell him

11 had won the race

12 is used to make / for making

13 told me not to forget

10 Emphasis - Inversion

5 0

celebrity in London./It was the celebrity who/that our

top joumalist inteNiewed in London./It was in London

that our top joumalist inteNiewed the celebrity

3 It was Steve who/that wrote a detective novel four

years ago./It was a detective novel that Steve

wrote four years ago./lt was four years ago that

Steve wrote a detective novel

4 It was the Smiths who/that installed a burglar

alarm last month./lt was a burglar alarm that the

Smiths installed last month./It was last month that

the Smiths installed a burglar alarm

5 It is Greg who/that eats an omelette on Sunday

mornings./It is an omelette that Greg eats on

Sunday mornings./It is on Sunday mornings that

Greg eats an omelette

2 2 Wherever did I leave my car keys?

3 Robert did enjoy hiking even though it was

rainy./What Peter did was (to) enjoy hiking even

though it was rainy

4 Do have another cup of tea

5 It was James Cameron who/that directed the film


6 It was in Japan that the digital camera was first


7 Do wait a minute I'm nearly ready

8 It was in June 1997 that the first ' Harry Potter '

book was released

3 2 What you need to wear on rocky and hot sandy

beaches is foot protection

3 What you should avoid is swimming near rocks

and piers

4 What you should do is swim in areas supervised

by a lifeguard

5 What you have to follow are any directions the

lifeguard gives you

6 What you should remember is to put on sun

cream regularly./What you should do is (to) put on

sun cream regularly

7 What you must do when you see a red flag is get

out of the water

8 What you need to take care of are your personal


9 What you have to do when you leave the beach is (to) collect your rubbish

4 2 It's not football he ' s playing, it's rugby

3 It's not Spanish I study , it's Italian

4 It's not a table I bought , it's a chair

5 It's not Laura who ' s a nurse, it's Sarah

6 It's not apples I like , it's oranges

7 It's not a novel he wrote , it's a short story

8 It's not an oven they want , it's a microwave

played the lead parts

3 It was Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio who/that wrote the screenplay

4 It was in 2003 that the film was released

5 It was in Disneyland that the film was first shown

6 It was soon after its release that the film became a

huge success

7 It was five Oscars that the film was nominated for

i n 2004

3 Why ever did they close the amusement park?

4 What she needs is a haircut

5 He did promise to email her

6 When was it that you moved house?

7 Whatever are you cooking?

8 I did tell you to be careful

9 It was Jimmy who/that turned the TV on

10 Do stay a little longer

7 (Suggested Answers)

2 how to play the guitar

3 a seaside cottage

4 cooking meals for fr i ends

5 dOing the laundry

6 getting up late at the weekend

7 sunbathing on a quiet beach

8 getting good marks at school

8 2 It was at the grocer ' s that I left my purse

3 It was an hour ago that I realised I'd left it there

4 It was there that I left it

5 It was about fifty pounds and my bank card that I had in my purse

6 It was just before I saw you that I cancelled my bankcard

Trang 32

10 2 must you give 4 will our plan be

5 will we have

3 will you be able to

11 2 Away ran the boy

3 Onto the stage came the singer

4 Across the river swam the dog

5 Up into the sky flew the rocket

6 Onto the boat climbed the divers

7 Down the street cycled Greg

8 Up the mountain climbed the hiker

12 2 Little did I know (that) I was in the wrong


3 Never before had Jane arrived late to work

4 Only if they leave now will they catch their flight

5 Not once have I travelled on a plane

6 No sooner did I arrive in London than I phoned

my parents

7 Rarely do the Thomsons eat fast food

8 Only by studying hard will you pass the test

13 On no occasion were Crum ' s crisps good enough for

him Not only were the crisps too oily but also they

were not salty enough To make the customer happy ,

Crum tried something new He sliced the potatoes as

thinly as possible , fried them and added salt No

sooner had the customer tried the new snack than

Crum knew it was something important Never before

had Crum and the customer been so happy! These

days crisps are one of the most popular snack foods

in the world

14 2 Such a fierce dog did he have that we were terrified

3 So angry did I get that I screamed

4 Such a big telephone bill did we receive that we

couldn ' t pay it

5 So lovely did the sea look that we dived in

6 So thirsty was Sandy that she drank three glasses

of water

A: It had recently rained and there was still a smell of rain

in the air

B: When the jeep approached a clearing , the students

suddenly saw two giraffes Paul got very excited and

grabbed his camera to get a shot

A: A short distance away in a pool of water a tremendous

honking noise could be heard like a flock of geese

They drove the jeep closer to investigate

B: When they got to the pool , they saw a flock of

flamingos splashing around in the water looking for

food The noise was deafening!

New Round-Up 6 Key

A: By the time the safari had finished that evening, everyone felt dead tired but they had really had the time of their lives!

We were travelling by jeep in the African bush -a totally new experience for me! It had recently rained and there was still

a smell of rain in the air , which I found very pleasant

As we were approaching a clearing , two giraffes suddenly appeared in front of us " Wow! " exclaimed Paul , who ' s a

really good photographer " I've got to get this shot f" He grabbed his camera and managed to get some very good pictures of the animals together

The other outstanding moment of the safari for me was the flamingos A little later we were driving through the bush when we heard a tremendous honking noise It sounded like a flock of geese Splashing around in a pool of water, looking for food , was a flock of flamingos They looked amazing with their pink feathers and long legs but the noise was deafening !

That evening we all felt pretty exhausted but we all agreed the safari had been the experience of a lifetime and we

had had the time of our lives

English in Use 10

3 2 get cracking 4 gets on my neNes

3 by training hard will you/if you train hard will you

4 account should you lend

5 it that you graduated

11 Pronouns - Possessives - Quantifiers

Trang 33

9 2 the princess's ring

3 the couple ' s honeymoon

4 the taste of honey

5 the roots of the tree/the tree's roots

6 the children ' s toys

7 the symbol of peace

8 my mother-in-Iaw's hat

9 the neighbours ' cats

10 the power of/ove

11 the man's wallet

12 the students ' books

13 the monkey ' s tail

14 the bride ' s mother

15 the girls ' father

16 the capital of Spain

10 2 We had a party in Sue and Sally ' s flat

3 That man over there is a relation of mine

4 The child held the woman ' s hand

5 Have you seen today ' s paper?

6 A security guard checked the passengers ' bags

7 Mr Brown ' s and Miss Green ' s offices are being


8 He worked part-time in his parents ' shop

9 I was a bridesmaid at my brother-in-Iaw's wedding

10 Paul lost a day ' s work when his computer broke down

11 Never underestimate the power of fire

12 We should look at this week ' s timetable

13 They put their luggage in the boot of the car

14 That's the father of one of my classmates

15 Simon is a good friend of ours

17 3 There isn ' t any food on the table

4 There are some men in the room

5 There are some documents on the table

6 There aren ' t any flowers on the table

7 There are some chairs in the room

8 There are some laptops on the table

Trang 34

23 2 hardly ever see anything nice

3 hardly ever plays

4 hardly ever goes out

New Round-Up 6 Key

6 each one 10 all

30 2 Neither Peter nor Rachael can speak French

3 Both Sarah and Karen are walking in the park

4 Either Dave or Alice is dOing the washing up

5 Neither Karl nor Sam watches football on TV

6 Both Catherine and Wendy have got long hair

7 Either Mike or Deidre will take out the rubbish

8 Neither Kate nor Debra likes action films

9 Both Pamela and Alan are good swimmers

10 Both your coat and your trousers need a wash

Trang 35

40 2 several , no

3 much , a lot of , any

4 a few , lots of , some

45 2 vel}' few -a little

3 (vel}') little - (vel}') few

Both films are about space travel in the future

Neither ' Star Wars: The Phantom Menace ' nor ' 2001 :

A Space Odyssey ' won the Oscar for Best Picture

Both films have a lot of special effects

Neither has original soundtracks

Both ' Star Wars : The Phantom Menace ' and ' 2001 : A

Space Odyssey ' made a lot of money at the box office Neither ' Star Wars: The Phantom Menace ' nor ' 2001 :

A Space Odyssey ' was filmed w i th 3D technology

Both films are about space travel in the future Although neither The Phantom Menace ' nor 'A Space Odyssey ' won the Oscar for Best Picture , both films made a lot of money at the box office

Neither of the films was / were filmed with 3D technology or has / have orig i nal soundtracks However , both films have a lot of special effects

4 Mal}' didn ' t pass was

5 a good / great deal of information

12 Questions / Short Answers

1 2 Do you want a b i scuit? (offer)

3 How far is it from your house to the station? (information)

4 Would you like to come sailing at the weekend? ( i nvitat i on)

5 Can I have a look at your newspaper? (permission)

6 Would you like to come to the cinema? ( i nv i tation)

7 Could you help me w i th my bags , please? (request)

8 Shall we have a party for your birthday? (suggestion)

9 Who did you meet at the coffee shop yesterday? ( i nformat i on)

Trang 36

3 2 Where does Janet live?

3 How often do you wash your hair?

4 Who rented a new flat?

5 What is Ann like?

6 Who wants to see Sally?

7 What is the weather like today?

8 How long has he worked here?

9 How long does it take to get from here to London?

10 How much does this CD cost?

3 What did she love dOing when she was young?

4 What did she study at university?

5 Where did she work as a teacher?

6 When did she get the idea to write a novel about a

young wizard called Harry Potter?

7 What is the title of her first book? / What was her

first book called?

8 How many more 'Harry Potter ' books has she

written since 1997/ the first one?

6 2 Who did Chris save?

3 Who likes Spain?

4 Who did Jack shout at?

5 Who saw the postman?

6 What did Shakespeare write?

7 What does Sally hate?

8 Whose new house is very big?

9 What did Terry drive?

10 What did Jane send Paul?

11 What lives in the ocean?

12 Who has read the newspaper?

13 What did Maria open?

14 Whose new mobile phone is very expensive?

7 2 Who did you go with?

3 Where exactly does he come from?

4 Who did he have an argument with?

5 Where is he going to?

6 What's it about?

7 Who is it from?

8 What did you fix it with?

9 What is she excited about?

New Round-Up 6 Key

10 Who does he live with?

8 2 a What does Sarah donate to a charity every year?

2 b Who donates money to a charity every year?

3 b What did Leonard find?

4 a Who visited Laura last weekend?

4 b Who did Peter visit last weekend?

A: What did the object he saw in the sky look like?

B : It looked like a huge plate

A: How did Isaac feel?

B : He was shocked

A: What did he do?

B: He started screaming

A: What did he think?

B : He thought the world was being invaded by Martians

A: How long did it all last?

B: It all lasted five minutes

A: Did Isaac's wife wake up?

B: No , she didn ' t wake up at all

A: What does his wife think?

B : She thinks that her husband had a nightmare

A: What did she tell the journalist?

B: She told the journalist that Mr Jones should be more worried about the dirty plates in the kitchen than alien plates in the sky

11 2 Do you know why Bob isn ' t here yet?

3 Could you tell me the price of this car? / Could you tell me what the price of this car is?

4 Could you tell me if / whether the film has started yet?

5 Can you tell me what time the last bus leaves?

6 Have you any idea what ' laconic ' means?

7 Do you know how much Steve earns?

8 Have you any idea if/whether they appeared in


9 Do you know what the capital of Austria is?

10 Have you any idea where I put my keys?

Trang 37

12 2 Doesn ' t he come to football practice any more?

3 Can 't Kate ride a bicycle?

4 Doesn ' t she understand the question?

5 Don't you know how to send an email?

6 Didn't he give you directions to the house?

7 Haven ' t we got any biscuits left?

8 Couldn ' t you find anything you liked?

13 2 A: Didn ' t you notice him?

4 B: Why are you asking?

5 A: What do you think

6 B: how are you getting / how are you going to

get / how will you get

3 Walk more slowly please, will you?

4 It doesn 't look nice, does it?

5 You haven't finished the chores(yet) , have you?

3 A: am I

B : you aren ' t

4 A: didn ' t she B: she did

5 A: are you B: I'm not

6 A: won't you B: Iwill

7 A: haven't they B: they have

8 A: don ' t you B: I do

20 2 So has Tom , but Beth and Ray haven't

3 So does Ray but Beth and Pam don't

4 So can Beth but Tom and Pam can ' t

5 Neither does Beth but Tom and Ray do

6 Neither has Beth but Pam and Tom have

7 Neither can Tom but Beth and Ray can

8 Neither does Pam but Beth and Ray do

4 B: No , thanks / No , thank you

5 B: I'd love to / I'd like to / Yes , all right

6 B: I'm afraid I can't / I'd love to but I can't / I'm sorry but I can ' t

7 B: I'd rather you didn ' t / I'm afraid not / No , you can't

Speaking Activity (Suggested Answer)

John: What is your favourite sport?

Ken: My favourite sport is rugby

John : Where do we sleep?

Ken: We sleep in the dormitory

John : What time do we have to get up?

Ken : We have to get up at 7am

Trang 38

John: How much free time do we get each day?

Ken: We get around 3 hours free time in the evening

John: How do I get to the dormitory?

Ken: 1'1/ take you there

Ken: There are around one hundred children in the


John : How long does each practice session last?

Ken : Each practice session lasts around an hour

John: Where do we eat our meals?

Ken : We eat our meals in the canteen

John: What do we eat for lunch?

Ken : Different dishes are served every day

John : What is the bead coach ' s name?

Ken: Mr Hartman

John: How do we get to the sports fields?

Ken: A bus drives us there

English in Use 12

3 a fair-weather friend 5 a smooth operator

6 2 Do you know if/whether there is

3 Would you like me to buy

4 She suggested playing tennis the

5 Could you tell me how much it

Progress Check 4 (Units 10-12)

New Round-Up 6 Key

3 2 a mile ' s walk from here

3 it that you arrived

4 you know if there is

5 of them are

6 wasn ' t me who spilt

7 you any idea when

8 of the men play

9 no account should you tell

10 me how long it takes

11 invite whoever you want

12 was Peter that he fell

5 has difficulty understanding

6 aren't allowed to bring

Trang 39

2 such a spicy dish that

3 to have his shirts

5 to avoid getting burned/burnt

4 1 refused to tell the police

2 wish I had brought

3 is being loaded

4 warned them not to dive

5 would rather not go camping

6 is/are a great number

5 1 Ian said (that) he had to go home then

2 Jeff wondered where he had put his glasses

3 Karen said (that) she should have helped her mum

with the housework

4 She said (that) she would arrive at Heathrow

Airport at noon

5 Jackie asked if I was happy with my new car

6 Alex said (that) he might leave the following/next day

2 wasn ' t anybody who could

3 you like me to fry

4 was the child that he

5 of the women take

6 you know if/whether there is your

6 1 Who won the gold medal in the 100 metres sprint?

2 What does Julie want to eat for lunch?

3 What time/When did you arrive at Paddington Station?

4 How will they travel to the island?

5 How much does the brown jacket cost?

6 How often does David go to the gym?

7 Why did you bring your umbrella?

8 How many eggs are there in the fridge?

Trang 40

(Units 1-3) NAME CLASS

Choose the correct item

mates again

I • run much faster when I was younger

You ••••• do the washing-up I've already

done it

• • • • • I borrow your pen for a moment?

every morning

next room

He ••• the light and lay down on h i s bed

A was turning off C turned off

Ngày đăng: 15/07/2016, 07:49

