. To get ready for presentation, Mrs. Warren spent the afternoon memorizing her prepared speech. (A) she (B) her (C) hers (D) herself 102. In the event bad weather, the marathon will be postponed to the following Saturday. (A) of (B) against (C) with (D) by 103. Mr. Johnson requested his intern the report on his desk by the end of the day. (A) type (B) was typing
2008년 5월 토익 기출 변형 문제 101 Diabetes patients are advised to - to 105 The semi-annual report has to summarize the clinic at least once a month for a the monthly sales and highlight any blood test indicators of - for the next quarter (A) return (A) rise (B) returns (B) result (C) returning (C) growth (D) returned (D) statement 102 Huckle Farms is a family-owned business 106 Our good friend and colleague Jay Walters committed to offering fresh organic produce will encounter many exciting and tough - a low cost - in his new position as vice president (A) in (A) challenge (B) at (B) challenges (C) on (C) challenging (D) after (D) challenged 103 Almost everyone at the office is in agreement 107 The legal expert selected by chief editor that Jane Kruger is - suited for the Dan Shelby is - for ensuring that position of team manager the magazine's content follows international copyright law (A) ideal (B) ideality (A) responsible (C) ideally (B) responsibly (D) idealize (C) responsibility (D) responsibilities 104 The memo you received in your e-mail lists the problems - need to discuss with you at our 108 To achieve the highest production rate next meeting possible, the CEO must - visit and evaluate each of the company's factories (A) I (B) my (A) previously (C) me (B) accidently (D) mine (C) brightly (D) regularly Copyright www.Hackers.co.kr All rights reserved 2008년 5월 토익 기출 변형 문제 109 The hiring committee - appointed Mrs Lang 113 Home delivery service is available for to the position of Director of Education for the those - purchase items over $100 district's eight public schools (A) whose (A) formal (B) who (B) formally (C) what (C) formality (D) their (D) formalize 114 Software included in your computer upon 110 Employees are asked to refrain from making noise in the office as a show of respect to their purchase can be reinstalled anytime at no extra - coworkers - that they can maintain a productive work environment (A) value (B) frequency (A) then (C) charge (B) as (D) product (C) if 115 If you are interested in an internship with (D) so our firm, pick up the student brochure 111 Mr Evans is a responsible employee and always completes - assigned to him on placed on the lobby desk and review thoroughly time (A) it (A) work (B) itself (B) worked (C) them (C) worker (D) themselves (D) working 112 The director of the human resources department - the company's staff to change their security codes at least once a month (A) adapted (B) depended (C) specialized (D) recommended 116 - having a famous actress endorse its most recent scent, Chic Perfume is hoping that its sales increase by at least 60 percent (A) By (B) Up (C) About (D) To Copyright www.Hackers.co.kr All rights reserved 2008년 5월 토익 기출 변형 문제 117 Reserve a - tour introduced by Free Tour 121 Hotels in the Grammercy area of New and receive a 10 percent discount coupon for York have to maintain a high - of dinner at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant and Cafe excellence (A) shown (A) category (B) reported (B) rate (C) guided (C) standard (D) demonstrated (D) qualification 118 The Grecian island hotels only - credit cards that are internationally approved (B) import (B) nearly (D) accept (C) largely 119 Our next guest speaker of the evening who comes to us from Eva Trust Funds requires an introduction (B) hard 123 Snacks at the institute's cafeteria are available to employees from a.m to (A) during (C) harder (B) while (D) hardest (C) whereas 120 Proponents of the flex-time system often talk about - it creates a more healthy environment for employees with families (D) how (D) particularly p.m - the main offices are open (A) hardly (C) only that the senator's daily schedule can (A) efficiently (C) include (B) most was hired yesterday with the hopes be handled more - (A) enter (A) therefore 122 A second administrative secretary (D) through 124 The - for the new office building is situated at the intersection of Washington Street and Central Street (A) belief (B) advancement (C) travel (D) site Copyright www.Hackers.co.kr All rights reserved 2008년 5월 토익 기출 변형 문제 125 - an overwhelming response from customers, the restaurant decided to put the 129 A recent lack - interest in sport utility vehicles has forced DatoAuto to launch a lobster on the menu as its main course new line of luxury sedans (A) Because of (A) from (B) Now that (B) with (C) In case of (C) of (D) In fact (D) for 126 The team's design proposal was received by the vice president 130 The company’s outing scheduled on May will take place in White Palace Park as long as weather conditions are - (A) positive (B) positively (A) favor (C) positivity (B) favors (D) positiveness (C) favorable (D) favorably 127 Fivo, Inc requires all full-time employees 131 - head chefs are primarily responsible to - in the in-house healthcare for the food's quality, numerous assistant workshop chefs also put forth effort to ensure diner satisfaction (A) expect (B) apply (A) But (C) attend (B) Even so (D) enroll (C) Although (D) Except 128 After nearly a decade in -, Avion Beauty Salon is closing and will reopen under different ownership 132 Sick leave requests must be turned in along with a doctor's note and any other - documents (A) operation (B) operate (C) operated (D) operational (A) competent (B) relevant (C) thoughtful (D) convinced Copyright www.Hackers.co.kr All rights reserved 2008년 5월 토익 기출 변형 문제 133 Customs officers must inspect all packages before they are shipped overseas 137 Any and all content posted on the following Web site is the - property of Marion Cosmetics (A) absolute (B) reversed (A) limiting (C) outgoing (B) observant (D) permissive (C) considerate (D) exclusive 134 Recent studies indicate that Asemine, a common herbal headache reliever, may also - deep sleep 138 Shares of Morgan & Freely, Inc dropped by an unprecedented nine percent - news of a possible downsizing was leaked to the (A) induce press (B) induced (A) due to (C) inducing (B) so as (D) will induce (C) within 135 Supervisors of Mutual Growth (D) once Investments want to expand their firm's potential by offering a wider variety of investment options 139 Almost of all of the office’s new desks have been - for, but a few seem to have not yet been delivered (A) commerce (B) commercial (A) accounted (C) commercially (B) recorded (D) commercializing (C) explained (D) calculated 136 When labeling products that need shelving, make sure to mark the goods - 140 Purity Inc has plans to create an urban -system which takes air samples regularly to (A) namely detect levels of pollution caused by (B) considerably automobile exhaust (C) accordingly (D) exceedingly (A) monitors (B) monitoring (C) to monitor (D) was monitored Copyright www.Hackers.co.kr All rights reserved 2008년 5월 토익 기출 변형 문제 Questions 141-143 refer to the following letter August 20, 2007 BETH HINES 95 Cranberry Street Southampton, New Jersey Dear Ms Hines, I am pleased to inform you of our offer of - as media developer at Soft-Spot, Inc after you 141 (A) staff (B) employment (C) profession (D) personnel graduated from the Elite Computer Training School with a certificate in digital arts and communications During the first three months, you - working as an assistant to Mike Mansfield who will serve as 142 (A) will be (B) had to be (C) have been (D) will have been your mentor I was extremely impressed with your skills and know-how as well as the - letter of reference 143 (A) excellently (B) excellence (C) excellent (D) excelled from your instructors at Elite Computer Training School We look forward to having you join our team of computer experts Sincerely yours, JILL LEEDS Copyright www.Hackers.co.kr All rights reserved 2008년 5월 토익 기출 변형 문제 Questions 144-146 refer to the following memo From: Barry Gordy Subject: Discounts for employees Date: Fri, Feb 2008 To: All Employees On behalf of the management, I would like to say that the company truly appreciates the hard work you put in to make January’s marketing campaign a big success As you all are well aware, we are currently giving customers a 20% discount on our new product line - the month of February, as a token of 144 (A) Except (B) Since (C) After (D) During our appreciation, we will also give our employees a 20% discount for new arrivals and 30% off on all other products We urge you to take advantage of this offer as the special discounts - on February 28 145 (A) expire (B) expiring (C) expires (D) to expire In order to receive the discounted price, you must - a special coupon which your supervisors 146 (A) donate (B) sponsor (C) direct (D) present will be distributing before the end of the day This coupon may be used at the designated outlets listed at the back of the coupon Thank you once again, and enjoy shopping! Copyright www.Hackers.co.kr All rights reserved 2008년 5월 토익 기출 변형 문제 Questions 147-149 refer to the following notice NOTICE TO ALL GRADUATING SENIORS A number of financial industry leaders are seeking graduates ready to begin a career in marketing and sales No previous - is required to apply for the job - a degree in business management or 147 (A) account 148 (A) Whenever (B) product (B) Even though (C) experience (C) Despite (D) technology (D) Because marketing is not necessary, it will be helpful If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities available, please send your resume to Headhunters Associates, and you - an application form and brochure 149 (A) are being sent (B) were sent (C) have been sent (D) will be sent Copyright www.Hackers.co.kr All rights reserved 2008년 5월 토익 기출 변형 문제 Questions 150-152 refer to the following article FILM REVIEW: The Monster at the Bottom of the Lake Without a doubt, “The Monster at the Bottom of the Lake” is the scariest movie to screen this summer What makes this movie truly exceptional, though, is that it is very nearly a one-man show It will probably surprise plenty of moviegoers to know that Mack Bernstein is not just the director of the movie Bernstein himself - as the story’s main character 150 (A) will star (B) would star (C) stars (D) starring The movie’s plot centers on a lake being used as a dumping ground for chemical wastes The toxic chemicals make a harmless creature in the lake turn into a monster that consumes - gets in its 151 (A) something (B) whatever (C) which (D) all way The film is just as - to watch now as it was when it was made ten years ago 152 (A) historical (B) prominent (C) talkative (D) entertaining Copyright www.Hackers.co.kr All rights reserved 2008년 5월 토익 기출 변형 정답 101 A 102 B 103 C 104 A 105 C 106 B 107 A 108 D 109 B 110 D 111 A 112 D 113 B 114 C 115 A 116 A 117 C 118 D 119 A 120 D 121 C 122 A 123 B 124 D 125 A 126 B 127 D 128 A 129 C 130 C 131 C 132 B 133 C 134 A 135 B 136 C 137 D 138 D 139 A 140 B 141 B 142 A 143 C 144 D 145 A 146 D 147 C 148 B 149 D 150 C 151 B 152 D ※ 해설은 http://www.Hackers.co.kr 에서 확인하세요 Copyright www.Hackers.co.kr All rights reserved