Tài liệu tham khảo |
Loại |
Chi tiết |
(1787–1857), 58Cope, Edward Drinker (1840–1897), 68, 155–6, 338, 396, 474 death, 70and Marsh, 48, 65–7, 499 Copeia (journal), 66Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473–1543), 499Cope’s Rule, 155–6, 161, 276 coprolites, 64, 169, 448–51characteristics, 448–9 contents, 449–50 definitions, 448–50and diet, 239, 284, 288, 355 early studies, 78, 448 herbivorous dinosaurs, 242 marginocephalians, 393, 408 origin of term, 66, 448 preservation, 450–1 sauropodomorphs, 302, 322 taphonomy, 450–1tetanurans, 274 as trace fossils, 239 coprophagy, 448 coracoid, 126Coragyps atratus (black vulture), 194 Coría, Rudolfo, 81Cornwall (UK), 57 correlation, 96Corythosaurus spp. (ornithopods), 342early studies, 72 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Copeia |
Tác giả: |
Edward Drinker Cope, Rudolfo Coría |
Nhà XB: |
Copeia |
Năm: |
Unknown |
167–8, 247–8absolute age dating, 99–104 abundance, 137, 174, 175 ancestor–descendent relationships,137ancestors, 168–72 ancestry, 248 in art, 18–21, 57, 61bipedalism, 126, 172, 173, 246 birds as, 7, 80, 129, 458–87 blood pressure, 246–7, 321 buoyancy, 198–9characteristics, 137, 173clades, 8–9, 10, 136–7, 139 cladograms, 9, 138 classification, 7–11, 133–41“coexistence with people”hypothesis, 41–2 defining, 2–26 definitions, 4–7, 460refined, 120–1 diet, 219, 231–42 digestion, 237, 322, 380 duckbilled, 335, 354 earliest, 170–1evolutionary origins, 162–77 environmental causes, 172–7 genetic causes, 172–7 evolutionary theories, 62 feeding, 231–42first, 168–72 in folklore, 57food requirements, 239–42 genetic variation, 174 genotype frequencies, 154–5 geologic range, 168–9 growth, 226–31 locomotion, 4–6, 246 mating, 220–1mating combinations, 153 migrations, 160, 333, 401, 480,496–7neurophysiology, 243 new species, naming, 138–41 origin of term, 61phalangeal formula, 128, 131–2 phylogenetic proximity to, 248 piscivorous, 235, 289popular culture, 57 death scenarios, 185 fiction, 16–18 and science, 21–3 as scientific enquiry, 11–16 sex differences, 139–40 sexual activity, 219–21 sexual reproduction, 152 size, 6–7, 175, 246–7sex differences, 219, 276 social behavior, 244 societal importance, 11–21 swimming ability, 4–6 thermoregulation, 226–31,242–8units of measurement, 14, 15 weight estimation, 21–3 see also carnivorous dinosaurs;feathered dinosaurs;herbivorous dinosaurs;Ornithischia; Saurischia Dinosauria, The, 141Dinotopia (2002) (TV series), 18 dinoturbation, misuse of term, 437 Diplodocidae (diplodocids)amphibious behavior, 318–19 characteristics, 310classification, 308 genera, 308 growth, 317Diplodocus spp. (sauropods) classification, 308 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Dinosauria |
Năm: |
2002 |
(1829–87), 65head ornamentation, 277, 345 marginocephalians, 402 healthbirds, 483–4 illness, 185–8marginocephalians, 409 ornithopods, 356 sauropodomorphs, 325 theropods, 290–1 thyreophorans, 380–1 see also diseases hearts, 247heat dissipation, 246Heilmann, Gerhard (1859–1946), 472Heliaeetus leucocephalus (bald eagle), 508heliocentric model, 499Hell Creek Formation (USA), 63, 72, 399, 502–3extinction studies, 505–7 hematite, 189 |
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Tiêu đề: |
see also"diseaseshearts, 247heat dissipation, 246Heilmann, Gerhard (1859–1946),472"Heliaeetus leucocephalus"(bald eagle),"508"heliocentric model, 499Hell Creek Formation (USA), 63, 72,"399 |
(1954) (film), 17Judith River Formation (USA), 199, 401jugal, 124Jurassic Park (1990) (book), 17 Jurassic Park (1993) (film), 17, 266 Jurassic Park III (2001) (film), 17 Jurassic Period, 7ceratosaurs, 266dinosaur tracks, 57, 75, 78, 430–2 extinctions, 276sauropods, 78 seafloor, 107seafloor spreading, 160 subdivisions, 97–8 theropods, 177see also Early Jurassic; Late Jurassic; Lower Jurassic;Middle Jurassic; Upper Jurassic Kalahari, 421Kansas (USA), birds, 467 Karoo Basin (South Africa), 76 keels, 467, 471Kentrosaurus spp. (thyreophorans), 374discovery, 75 extinctions, 497 growth, 377monospecific assemblages, 380 keratin, 129kicking, 481–2Kielan-Jaworowska, Zofia (1925– ), 78killing techniques, theropods, 286–7, 289kilocalories, 240 kilojoules, 240King Kong (1933) (film), 17 kingdom, 7Knight, Charles R. (1874–1953), illustrations, 20, 406 Komodo dragons, 165, 235 Korea, 81kotares, 478–9Kritosaurus spp. (ornithopods), nasal chambers, 346K-T boundary seeCretaceous–Tertiary (K-T) boundarykudzu, 508 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Jurassic Park |
Năm: |
1990 |
377, 378 distribution, 375 evolution, 372 extinctions, 497 osteoderms, 370 titanosaurids, 497 tyrannosaurids, 275 use of term, 98 Late Jurassicbirds, 38, 464, 466, 469, 470, 482 characteristics, 463, 468 classification, 460–1 transitional, 157 ceratosaurs, 276dinosaur bones, 45, 73–5, 209 dinosaur toothmarks, 443 dinosaur tracks, 324, 422, 433,438 gastroliths, 445marginocephalians, 390, 395 ornithopods, 338, 339, 341, 343,350sauropodomorphs, 317, 325 sauropods, 97, 199, 308, 309 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
370"titanosaurids, 497tyrannosaurids, 275use of term, 98Late Jurassicbirds, 38, 464, 466, 469, 470, 482characteristics, 463, 468classification, 460–1transitional, 157ceratosaurs, 276dinosaur bones, "45", 73–5, 209dinosaur toothmarks, "443"dinosaur tracks, "324, 422", 433,"438"gastroliths, 445marginocephalians, 390, 395ornithopods, 338, "339, 341", 343,350sauropodomorphs, 317, 325sauropods, 97, 199, 308 |
397, 398, 408 evolution, 400–1 skeletons, 399 teeth, 392ornithopods, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 350paleontologists, 80–1sauropods, 308, 312, 320, 496–7 sloths, 285theropods, 132, 275thyreophorans, 371, 372, 375, 376, 497see also Canada; United States of AmericaNorth Dakota (USA), 503 Novas, Fernando, 81 novelties, 135nuclear winters, use of term, 501 nucleic acids, 227nucleus, 100Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell, A (1991) (film), 17–18 δ 18 O values, 225oblate spheroids, 223, 222 observational methods, 43–7 observationsapproaches, 43–4 direct, 31 field, 44–7 indirect, 31obturator notches, 267 occipital condyle, 124 occlusal surfaces, 232Odocoileus hemionus (mule deer), 449 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell, A |
Tác giả: |
Fernando Novas |
Năm: |
1991 |
(1894–1973), 80 roots, dinosaur teeth, 232 rose diagrams, 202–3 rostrals, 392, 397, 407Roth, Santiago (1850–1924), 69 Royal Naturaliensammlung(Germany), 75 Royal Tyrrell Museum ofPalaeontology (Canada), 72 Rozhdestvensky, Anatole K., 77 rumens, 237ruminants, 237Russian paleontologists, 77–8, 81 Russian Paleontological Institute, 77 sacral vertebrae, 123–4, 128, 259 sacrum, 128Saichania spp. (thyreophorans), body size, 372sails, 345 roles, 277 Saint Rosalia, 59 salamanders, 164 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
259"sacrum, 128"Saichania |
62, 67, 122–3, 171 Segnosaurus spp. (theropods)classification, 270 feeding, 284Seismosaurus spp. (sauropods), 59 classification, 307, 308 gastroliths, 322 growth, 317 length, 310Sellosaurus spp. (prosauropods) early studies, 79gastroliths, 238–9, 322, 445 teeth, 305semi-erect posture, 4, 5 semilunate carpals, 270 senses, 15auditory, 285 olfactory, 285–6, 346 vision, 285septic cultures, 235Sereno, Paul C. (1957– ), 80, 81 serrationsdinosaur teeth, 232, 234–5 swords, 232sex differences body size, 219, 276 determination, 139–40 theropods, 276–7 sex organs, 220sexual activity, dinosaurs, 219–21 sexual dimorphism, 139, 152, 396 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Segnosaurus"spp. (theropods)classification, 270feeding, 284"Seismosaurus"spp. (sauropods), 59classification, 307, 308gastroliths, 322growth, 317length, 310"Sellosaurus"spp. (prosauropods)early studies, 79gastroliths, 238–9, 322, 445teeth, 305semi-erect posture, 4, "5 |
266, 270, 496 abundance, 175, 275 arthritis, 186 classification, 267 coprolites, 239, 450 ectothermy, 245encephalization quotients, 261 foot anatomy, 274forelimb size, 126 fungal infections, 186 gout, 290growth, 280 hands, 128 illustrations, 20anachronisms, 21 infections, 290–1 injuries, 290 metatarsals, 271 momentum, 281 olfactory bulbs, 243, 286 oxygen isotope ratios, 244 predator–prey relationships, 409 scavenging issues, 289sex differences, 219, 276 size, 268, 276soft tissues, 210 speed, 280–1toothmarks, 236, 288, 443, 444 tracks, 273, 507 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
274"forelimb size, 126fungal infections, 186gout, 290growth, 280hands, 128illustrations, 20anachronisms, 21infections, 290–1injuries, 290metatarsals, "271 |