Lets go 1a 2nd edition students book and workbookLets go 1a 2nd edition students book and workbookLets go 1a 2nd edition students book and workbookLets go 1a 2nd edition students book and workbookLets go 1a 2nd edition students book and workbook
Trang 2with songs by Carolyn Graham
Trang 3
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ISBN-13: 978 0 19 436450 8
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Editorial Manager: Shelagh Speers
Senior Editor: Sherri Arbogast
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Special Edition Editor: Maria Amelia Dalsenter
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Production Editors: Mark Steven Long, Joseph McGasko
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Original character art by Dora Leder
Characters rendered by Dora Leder, Bill Colrus, Mena Dolobowsky, and Michael Ng
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To our editors at Oxford University Press, and to the design team, thank you for your inspiration and hard work To our husbands and children, thank you for your support and understanding We would like to dedicate this series to the Wilkinson family in loving memory of Steve Wilkinson, our colleague and friend
Trang 4
Let's Go Student Book | consists of eight units, with a review section after every two units Every unit is
divided into six lessons Each lesson is identified by a colorful icon The same icons are used for reference
on the corresponding pages in both the Workbook and the Teacher’s Book
Let’s Learn Some More
Related grammatical structure
Let’s Move Classroom commands and action verbs
Let’s Listen Listening test and unit review
Let’s Review Further review after every two units
Trang 6
2 Student Book Unit |
Trang 7
My name is
Unit | Workbook 2
Trang 8` The Hello Song ‘
Hello, hello, hello!
What’s your name?
Hello, hello, hello!
3 Student Book
Trang 11Unit | Student Book 5
Trang 15Learn the alphabet
> The Alphabet Song :
Unit | Student Book 7
Trang 16\@\ ““?: £ |) ——Let's Learn Some More
A Circle the answer
2 Is this a book?
Yes, it is Yes, it is
No, it is not No, it is not
3 Is this a desk? 4 Is this a ruler?
No, it is not No, it is not
Trang 17
C Trace Connect the letters
Unit | Workbook 7
Trang 187 Please be quiet 8 Listen carefully
8 Student Book Unit |
Trang 19
Le†'s Move
® A Connect and write
el Open your book
2 Point to the teacher
3 Touch your desk ° °
4 Listen carefully
Unit | Workbook 8
Trang 219: What is this? 4, What is this?
Trang 24Le†'s Sing
ph y Hi, How Are You? |
Hi, how are you?
I'm fine
Hi, how are you?
I’m fine
Hi, how are you?
I’m fine How are you4 I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine
Trang 26
What color is this? Ha
12 Student Book Unit 2
Trang 27>The Black Cat Song ° xì
Green grass, blue skies, Black cats, yellow eyes, Red birds, blue skies,
Black cats, yellow eyes
Trang 32
‘@\ |}) ——Let's Learn Some More `
A Color and write
Trang 347 Write your name
Trang 35Raise your hand
Put your hand down
Write your name
Trang 37
Unit 2 Workbook 17
Trang 40_|TI@G)|y _ tle ẤN
18 Workbook Review Units | and 2
Trang 44This is my friend, Sarah
This is my friend, John
», Let’s play!
Trang 47
It’s a crayon
What are these?
acrayon crayons apencil case pencilcases a table tables
Trang 48uk 2m
B Connect and write
| What are these?
a desk desks
They are crayons
2 What are these?
Trang 50
(‘@\|) Let's Learn Some More `
y The Purple Sneaker Song A
One little, two little, three little sneakers,
Four little, five little, six little sneakers, Seven little, eight little, nine little sneakers, _ Ten little purple sneakers
j | How many sneakers?
- ie sneakers!
/ oo little, nine little, eight little sneakers,
Seven little, six little, five little sneakers, Four little, three little, two little sneakers, One little purple sneaker
How many sneakers?
One sneaker! 2
„` Ye
24 Student Book Unit 3
Trang 52
{@\ Ù —— Let's Learn Some More
A Complete and match
Trang 547 Draw a picture 8 Give me the crayon
26 Student Book Unit 3
Trang 55B Circle and write
| Count the boys
One Two
boys dd
Unit 3 Workbook 26
Trang 57this these this these
B Circle and write
I This 2 This
is a marker are pens
C Circle and write
Four Five
Seven Eight
Trang 5828 Student Book Unit 4
Trang 59Unit 4 Workbook 28
Trang 60
29 Student Book
The Family Song
This is my mother
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you, too
This is my father
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you, too
This is my sister
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you, too
This is my brother
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you, too
Trang 61Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you,
Trang 62
Who is she? : ,
She is my grandmother ao sae ae if
Who is he? He is my grandfather ao
30 Student Book Unit 4
Trang 66
Q N\
a ——Le?t’s Learn Some More
He’s tall She’s short
Ei morn
young old fall short pretiy ugly thin fat
32 Student Book Unit 4
Trang 67She is old She is pretty
She is pretty She is short
Who is she? ( Who is she?
Trang 68‘@\ |} ——Let's Learn Some More
Trang 78
Let’s Go 1 Syllabus
It’s a (little) (yo-yo)
Can you (play with a yo-yo)?
Yes, I can No, I can’t
Hello, I am (Scott) Greetings Names
1 Hi! My name is (Kate) Introducing yourself Classroom objects
What's your name? Asking someone’s name
What's this? Asking about objects (singular)
It’s (a ruler) Identifying objects (singular)
Yes, it is No, it isn’t
What color is this? Identifying colors It’s (red)! Describing objects
This is a (blue) (book) Classroom commands This is a (red) and (yellow) book :
This is my friend, (Sarah) Introducing friends Numbers |—10
3 Hello, (Sarah) Suggesting an activity Classroom objects
Let’s play! Asking about objects (plural)
What are these? Identifying objects (plural)
They’re (cassettes) Asking about numbers
How many (sneakers)? Counting 1-10 (Ten) (sneakers) Classroom commands
Hi, Mom! I’m home Introducing family members Family
4 This is my (mother) Meeting someone politely
It’s nice to meet you Asking about people
It’s nice to meet you, too Identifying people
Who's (she)? Describing people
(She’s) my (grandmother) Negative commands
(She's) (short)
Don’t (watch TV)
Happy birthday, (Jenny)! Birthday greetings Birthdays
5 How old are you? Asking and telling age Age
This is for you Guessing
It’s (my) birthday today Describing objects
What is it? Asking about ability
I don’t know
Trang 79
How's the wedther? Asking about the weather Weather
How many (clouds) are there? Counting
There are (six) (clouds) Describing a situation
There's one (cloud) Asking about location
Where’s the (kite)? Specifying location It’s (in) the tree Asking about ability
Where are the (books)?
They’re (under) the (table)
Can (he) (climb a tree)?
Yes, (he) can No, (he) can’t
I’m (hungry) Expressing hunger and thirst Food and drink
7 I want (an apple) Asking what someone wants
You're welcome
What do you want?
I want (cake) and (ice cream)
Do you want (chicken)?
Yes, I do No, I don’t
Buy (an apple)
(Wash) it
What’s your favorite color? Asking about favorites Favorite colors
8 (Red) What about you? Animals
I like (blue)
What do you like?
I like (frogs)
I like (frogs), too
Do you like (spiders)?
Yes, I do No, I don’t
Trang 80crayon 23
cut 62
desk 5 dinner 34
do homework
34 dog 66 doll 40 don’t 34 door 26 draw 26 drink 62
eat 34
egg 25 eight 24
English 7
eraser 5
fat 32 father 29
favorite 64
fine 10
fish 25 five 24
flower 49
fly 52
for 38 four 24 friend 20
frog 66
girl 26 give 26 goto 26
good morning 34
good night 34 grandfather 30
grandmother 30
gray 13 green 13
12 ice cream 58
open 8 orange 13
peach 57
pen 5
pencil 5 pencil case 22 piano 34 pickup 16 picture 26 pink 13 pizza 59 play 20 please 8 plum 57 point to 8
pour 62
pretty 32 puddle 49 purple 13 put away 16 put down 16 puzzle 41
read 52 red 12 rice 59 ride 52
robot 38
rope 44
round 42 ruler 4 run 70
seven 21
she 30 short 32
sister 29
sit down 8 six 24
sleep 34 sneaker 24 snowy 47 spider 67 square 42 stand up 8 sunny 46
swim 70
table 23
tag 52 take out 16
tall 32
teacher 8 ten 24 thank you 10
the 8 there 66
these 22 they 22
thin 32
thirsty 56 this 4
three 24
throw 44 today 39
too 28 touch 8
welcome 56 what 2 where 50 white 13 who 30 window 69
yedrs 38 yellow I3 yes 6 yo-yo HI you 10 young 32 your 2
zero 69
Student Book Word List