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Footnote and endnote tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh tế...

Au0586 half title page 11/17/05 2:05 PM Page 1 EMBEDDEDLINUX SYSTEMDESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENT TEAM FLYAu0586 title page 11/17/05 2:04 PM Page 1 Boca Raton New YorkEMBEDDEDLINUX SYSTEMDESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENTP. Raghavan • Amol Lad • Sriram Neelakandan Published in 2006 byAuerbach Publications Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742© 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLCAuerbach is an imprint of Taylor & Francis GroupNo claim to original U.S. Government worksPrinted in the United States of America on acid-free paper10987654321International Standard Book Number-10: 0-8493-4058-6 (Hardcover) International Standard Book Number-13: 978-0-8493-4058-1 (Hardcover) Library of Congress Card Number 2005048179This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted withpermission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. 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Ⅲ Solaris and Java are registered trademarks and Kính Chào Thầy Và Các Bạn FOOTNOTE AND ENDNOTE Nhóm thực hiện: nhóm 17 Footnote hay Endnote gì? • • Footnote hay Endnote tùy thuộc vào cách trình bày bạn điểm khác biệt hai loại thích vị trí thích Nếu Footnote thích cuối trang bên phần chữ Endnote đặt thích cuối văn đoạn (section) Ngoài ra, hai kiểu thích đặt ký hiệu thích (dạng số ký tự) dạng cỡ chữ nhỏ nằm phía bên phải nội dung cần thích Phần giải thích cách biệt với văn dấu gạch ngang dài vị trí tùy chọn 2 Định dạng qua hộp thoại Footnote and Endnote • Tại thẻ References, nhấn vào biểu tượng mũi tên nhỏ góc phải mục Footnotes để mở hộp thoại Footnote and Endnote: • • • • • • • Location: chọn vị trí thích chèn Footnote, Endnote Convert: chuyển đổi thích dạng Footnote sang Endnote ngược lại Number format: chọn ký hiệu số chữ dùng thích Custom mark: sử dụng cần thích ký hiệu đặc biệt chữ số Start at: chọn số thứ tự khởi đầu cho thích Numbering: chọn cách đếm số thứ tự thích: liên tục, bắt đầu lại đoạn hay trang Apply changes to: thay đổi định dạng với đoạn chọn hay toàn văn Thêm Footnote vào văn • Chọn Insert Footnote thẻ References, mục Footnotes để chèn thích vào vị trí nháy văn Sau đó, nhấn Show Notes để đến vị trí cập nhật thích Thao tác với Endnote tương tự User HandbookPhysical & ChemicalCharacteristics of DDGSPhysical & ChemicalCharacteristics of DDGS 08 - Physical & Chemical Characteristics of DDGS 1Physical & Chemical Characteristics of U.S. DDGS Physical and chemical characteristics of distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) vary among sources and can influence its feeding value and handling characteristics. These characteristics include color, smell, particle size, bulk density, pH, flowability, shelf life stability and hygroscopicity. Color Color of DDGS can vary from being very light yellow in color to being very dark brown in color. Differences in color among DDGS sources are influenced by; • the natural color of the feedstock grain being used, • the amount of solubles added to grains before drying, • drying time, and drying temperature. The color of corn kernels can vary among varieties and has some influence on final DDGS color. Corn-sorghum blends of DDGS are also somewhat darker in color than corn DDGS because of the bronze color of many sorghum varieties. When a relatively high proportion of solubles are added to the mash (grains fraction) to make DDGS, the color becomes darker. Noll et al. (2006) conducted a study where they evaluated color in batches of DDGS where approximately 0, 30, 60 and 100% of the maximum possible of syrup was added to the mash before drying. Actual rates of solubles addition to the mash were 0, 12, 25 and 42 gallons/minute. As shown in Table 1, increasing solubles addition rate to the mash resulted in a decrease in L* (lightness of color) and b* (yellowness of color), with an increase in a* (redness of color). Similar results were also reported by Ganesan et al. (2005). Table 1. The Effect of the Rate of Solubles Addition to Mash on Color Characteristics of DDGS 0 gal/min 12 gal/min 25 gal/min 42 gal/min Pearson Correlation P Value Color (CIE Scale) L* 59.4 56.8 52.5 46.1 - 0.98 0.0001 a* 8.0 8.4 9.3 8.8 0.62 0.03 b* 43.3 42.1 40.4 35.6 - 0.92 0.0001 Adapted from Noll et al. (2006). Dryer temperatures in dry-grind ethanol plants can range from 127 to 621º C. The amount of time DDGS spends in the dryer also influences the color. In general, the higher the dryer temperature and the longer DDGS remains in the dryer, the darker the resulting DDGS will be. Smell High quality DDGS has a sweet, fermented smell. DDGS that has a burned or smoky smell has been overheated. 08 - Physical & Chemical Characteristics of DDGS 2 Particle Size, Bulk Density and pH Particle size and particle size uniformity of feed ingredients are important considerations of livestock and poultry nutritionists when selecting sources and determining the need for further processing when manufacturing complete feeds or feed supplements. Particle size affects: 1. Nutrient digestibility – as particle size is reduced, nutrient digestibility and feed conversion is improved. This is due to the increasing amount of surface area of an ingredient that is exposed and available for digestive enzymes to act upon. 2. Mixing efficiency – a more uniform particle size in a mixture of ingredients will reduce mixing time in order to achieve a uniformly distributed mix of ingredients in a complete feed. 3. Amount of ingredient segregation during transport and handling – particle and ingredient segregation (separation) occurs when particles of different sizes and bulk densities are blended CHECK YOUR ENGLISH VOCABULARY FORBUSINESSADMINISTRATIONRawdon WyattANDA & C Black Ⴇ London4th edition www.acblack.comFirst published as Check Your Vocabulary for Business in 1996 by Peter Collin PublishingSecond edition published 1999Third edition published 2003by Bloomsbury Publishing PlcThis fourth edition published 2007 byA & C Black Publishers Ltd38 Soho Square, London W1D 3HB© Rawdon Wyatt 2007All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced inany form without the permission of the publishers.A CIP entry for this book is available from the British LibraryISBN-10: 0-7136-7916-6ISBN-13: 978-0-7136-7916-8 eISBN-13: 978-1-4081-0251-0Text typeset by A & C BlackPrinted in Great Britain at Caligraving Ltd, Thetford, NorfolkThis book is produced using paper that is made from wood grown in managed, sustainable forests. It is natural, renewable andrecyclable. The logging and manufacturing processes conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. If you want to practise and develop your knowledge of English vocabulary for Business andAdministration, you will find that the exercises in this book will help you. They areparticularly useful if:If you want to make the most of the exercises in the book, you should note the following:We hope that you enjoy doing the exercises in this book, and that they help you to practiseand develop the Business and Administration vocabulary that you need.Introduction¼You work, or are planning to work, in or around an English-speaking business environment.¼Your work brings you into regular contact with English-speaking business people.¼You are planning to take a Business English examination such as BEC Vantage /Higher, TOEIC, or one of the LCCI (London Chamber of Commerce and Industry) International Qualifications, especially 2nd, 3rdor 4thlevel Business.¼You do not work directly in Business and Administration, but your job requires you to have a working knowledge of common business words and expressions.¼This is not a course book, and you do not need to work through it 'mechanically' from beginning to end. It is better to choose areas that you are unfamiliar with, or areas that you feel are of specific interest or importance to you.¼Write down new words and expressions that you learn. Develop your own personal vocabulary 'bank' in a notebook or file. Review these words and expressions on a regular basis so that they become a part of your 'productive' vocabulary.¼Use a good general-English dictionary and a good business-English dictionary to check the meanings of new words and expressions (but try to do the exercises first before looking in the dictionary). Many of the examples in this book have been taken from the Macmillan English Dictionary (ISBN 978-0-333-96847-5) and the A&C Black Dictionary of Business 4thedition (ISBN 978-0-713-67918-2).¼The exercises in this book either focus on general business vocabulary (for example, phrasal verbs, formal words, words with similar meanings, etc) or topic-specific business vocabulary (for example, sales CHECK YOUR ENGLISH VOCABULARY FORPHRASAL VERBSIDIOMSRawdon WyattANDA & C Black Ⴇ London www.acblack.comFirst published in Great Britain 2006A & C Black Publishers Ltd38 Soho Square, London W1D 3HB© Rawdon Wyatt 2006All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced inany form without the permission of the publishers.A CIP entry for this book is available from the British LibraryISBN-10: 0 7136 7805 4ISBN-13: 978 0 7136 7805 5 eISBN-13: 978-1-4081-0158-2Text typeset by A & C BlackPrinted in Great Britain at Caligraving Ltd, Thetford, NorfolkThis book is produced using paper that is made from wood grown in managed, sustainable forests. It is natural, renewable andrecyclable. The logging and manufacturing processes conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. If you want to practise and develop your knowledge of phrasal verbs and idioms, you will find this book veryuseful. The various exercises contain many of the most common phrasal verbs and idioms, together withsome useful spoken expressions that you might expect to hear or use in an English-speaking environment.You should not go through this book mechanically from beginning to end. It is better to choose oneparticular verb or topic, do the exercise(s), make a record of any new words and expressions that you learn,then practise using these in sentences or situations of your own. When you feel you have a good commandof these, move to another verb or topic and do the same. You should also review the things you have learnedon a regular basis, so that they remain 'fresh' in your mind and become part of your 'active' vocabulary.The meanings of most of the phrasal verbs and idioms are explained in the book, either in the exercisesthemselves, or in the answer key at the back. This key also provides you with lots of similar or alternativeexpressions, together with examples of how they are used. However, we recommend that you keep a gooddictionary with you, and refer to it when necessary. In particular, we recommend the A & C Black EasierEnglish Intermediate Dictionary (ISBN 0-7475-6989-4) or the Macmillan English Dictionary (ISBN 0-333-96482-9), from which many of the definitions and sample sentences in this book have been taken.No vocabulary book can possibly contain all of the thousands of English phrasal verbs and idioms that you arelikely to come across or need, so it is important to acquire new ones from other sources. If you have accessto English-language newspapers, popular magazines, television and radio programmes, films and albums ofpopular music, you will find that these are excellent resources.We hope that you enjoy doing the exercises in this book. Before you begin, we suggest that you read thisimportant information about phrasal verbs and idioms.What is a phrasal verb?A phrasal verb is a verb formed from two (or sometimes three) parts: a verb and an adverb or preposition.These adverbs and .. .FOOTNOTE AND ENDNOTE Nhóm thực hiện: nhóm 17 Footnote hay Endnote gì? • • Footnote hay Endnote tùy thuộc vào cách trình bày bạn điểm khác biệt hai loại thích vị trí thích Nếu Footnote. .. thoại Footnote and Endnote • Tại thẻ References, nhấn vào biểu tượng mũi tên nhỏ góc phải mục Footnotes để mở hộp thoại Footnote and Endnote: • • • • • • • Location: chọn vị trí thích chèn Footnote, ... toàn văn Thêm Footnote vào văn • Chọn Insert Footnote thẻ References, mục Footnotes để chèn thích vào vị trí nháy văn Sau đó, nhấn Show Notes để đến vị trí cập nhật thích Thao tác với Endnote tương

Ngày đăng: 26/04/2016, 12:03
