BPP House 142-144 Uxbridge Road London W12 8AA United Kingdom T 0845 075 1100 (UK) T +44 (0)20 8740 2211 (Overseas) E Learningmedia@bpp.com bpp.com/learningmedia • Banks of questions on every syllabus area • Answers with detailed guidance on approaching questions • Three mock exams with full answers and guidance For exams up to June 2015 Contact us One of a suite of products supporting Paper F9 Financial Management, for use independently or as part of a package, this Kit is targeted at ACCA’s exams up to June 2015 and contains: Practice & Revision Kit Paper F9 Financial Management This Kit provides material specifically for the practice and revision stage of your studies for Paper F9 Financial Management that has been comprehensively reviewed by the ACCA examining team This unique review ensures that the questions, solutions and guidance provide the best and most effective resource for practising and revising for the exam Financial Management BPP Learning Media is dedicated to supporting aspiring business professionals with top-quality learning material as they study for demanding professional exams, often whilst working full time BPP Learning Media’s commitment to student success is shown by our record of quality, innovation and market leadership in paper-based and e-learning materials BPP Learning Media’s study materials are written by professionally qualified specialists who know from personal experience the importance of top-quality materials for exam success ACCA F9 ACCA approved content provider ACCA APPROVED CONTENT PROVIDER ACCA Approved Practice & Revision Kit Paper F9 Financial Management Practice & Revision Kit for exams up to June 2015 Free access to our Exam Success site Look inside June 2014 £18.00 ACF9RK14.indd 1-3 30/05/2014 16:05 PAPER F9 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BPP Learning Media is an ACCA Approved Learning Partner – content for the ACCA qualification This means we work closely with the ACCA to ensure our products fully prepare you for your ACCA exams In this ACCA examination team-reviewed Practice and Revision Kit we: Discuss the best strategies for revising and taking your ACCA exams Ensure you are well prepared for your exam Provide you with lots of great guidance on tackling questions Provide you with three mock exams Provide the ACCA examiner's answers as well as our own for selected questions Our Passcard and i-Pass products also support this paper FOR EXAMS TO JUNE 2015 P R A C T I C E & R E V I S I O N K I T First edition 2007 Eighth edition April 2014 ISBN 9781 4727 1106 (previous ISBN 9781 4453 7999 9) e-ISBN 9781 4727 1170 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Published by BPP Learning Media Ltd BPP House, Aldine Place London W12 8AA www.bpp.com/learningmedia All our rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of BPP Learning Media Ltd We are grateful to the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants for permission to reproduce past examination questions The suggested solutions in the practice answer bank have been prepared by BPP Learning Media Ltd, except where otherwise stated Printed in the United Kingdom by Polestar Wheatons Hennock Road Marsh Barton Exeter EX2 8RP Your learning materials, published by BPP Learning Media Ltd, are printed on paper obtained from traceable, sustainable sources ii © BPP Learning Media Ltd 2014 Contents Page Finding questions Question index v Topic index ix Helping you with your revision xi Revising F9 Topics to revise xii Question practice xii Passing the F9 exam xiii Exam formulae xvi Exam information xix Useful websites xx Questions and answers Questions Answers 77 Exam practice Mock exam Questions 221 Plan of attack .231 Answers .232 Mock exam Questions 249 Plan of attack .259 Answers .260 Mock exam (Specimen paper) Questions 273 Plan of attack .283 Answers .284 ACCA examiner's answers Specimen paper 299 Mathematical tables and formulae 309 Review Form iii A note about copyright Dear Customer What does the little © mean and why does it matter? Your market-leading BPP books, course materials and e-learning materials not write and update themselves People write them: on their own behalf or as employees of an organisation that invests in this activity Copyright law protects their livelihoods It does so by creating rights over the use of the content Breach of copyright is a form of theft – as well as being a criminal offence in some jurisdictions, it is potentially a serious breach of professional ethics With current technology, things might seem a bit hazy but, basically, without the express permission of BPP Learning Media: Photocopying our materials is a breach of copyright Scanning, ripcasting or conversion of our digital materials into different file formats, uploading them to Facebook or emailing them to your friends is a breach of copyright You can, of course, sell your books, in the form in which you have bought them – once you have finished with them (Is this fair to your fellow students? We update for a reason.) Please note the e-products are sold on a single user licence basis: we not supply ‘unlock’ codes to people who have bought them second-hand And what about outside the UK? BPP Learning Media strives to make our materials available at prices students can afford by local printing arrangements, pricing policies and partnerships which are clearly listed on our website A tiny minority ignore this and indulge in criminal activity by illegally photocopying our material or supporting organisations that If they act illegally and unethically in one area, can you really trust them? iv Finding questions Question index The headings in this checklist/index indicate the main topics of questions, but questions often cover several different topics The exam format is changing for the December 2014 paper The format of old questions has been modified to reflect the new exam structure Time Page number Marks allocation Mins Question Answer MCQ bank – Financial management and financial objectives 20 36 77 MCQ bank – Financial management and financial objectives 10 18 78 ABC Co 10 18 78 Bark Co (12/11, amended) 10 18 79 MCQ bank – Financial management environment 10 18 80 MCQ bank – Financial management environment 10 18 81 MCQ bank – Financial management environment 10 18 82 Tagna (FMC, 6/03, amended) 10 18 10 82 Phoenix 10 18 10 83 10 MCQ bank – Working capital 10 18 11 84 11 MCQ bank – Managing working capital 20 36 12 85 12 MCQ bank – Working capital finance 10 18 13 86 13 JIT 15 27 14 88 14 EOQ 10 18 15 89 15 Thorne Co (FMC, 12/05, amended) 15 27 15 90 16 Anjo Co 10 18 16 91 17 Joan Co 15 27 17 93 18 Special Gift Suppliers (FMC, 12/01, amended) 15 27 17 94 19 Ulnad Co (Specimen paper 2007, amended) 10 18 17 95 20 Danul Co (Specimen paper 2007, amended) 10 18 18 97 21 PKA Co (12/07, amended) 10 18 18 99 22 HGR Co (6/09, amended) 15 27 18 100 23 RGH Co (6/09, amended) 10 18 19 103 24 APX Co (12/09, amended) 15 27 19 104 25 ZSE Co (6/10, amended) 15 27 20 106 26 WQZ Co (12/10, amended) 15 27 21 108 Part A: Financial management function Part B: Financial management environment Part C: Working capital management Finding questions v Time Page number Marks allocation Mins Question Answer 27 Bold Co (12/11, amended) 10 18 21 109 28 Wobnig Co (6/12, amended) 15 27 22 110 29 ZPS Co (6/11, amended) 15 27 23 112 30 KXP Co (12/12, amended) 10 18 23 114 31 PXK Co (12/12, amended) 10 18 24 116 32 Gorwa (2) Co (12/08, amended) 10 18 24 117 33 MCQ bank – Investment decisions 20 36 25 119 34 MCQ bank – Investment appraisal using DCF 20 36 27 120 35 MCQ bank – Allowing for tax and inflation 20 36 29 122 36 MCQ bank – Project appraisal and risk 10 18 31 124 37 MCQ bank – Specific investment decisions 20 36 32 125 38 Calvic Co 15 27 34 127 39 Trecor Co (Specimen paper 2007, amended) 15 27 34 128 40 Corter Co (Specimen paper 2007, amended) 10 18 35 130 41 OKM Co (6/10, amended) 15 27 35 131 42 CJ Co (12/10, amended) 10 18 36 133 43 BRT Co (6/11, amended) 15 27 36 134 44 Umunat Co (FMC, 12/04, amended) 10 18 37 136 45 Tanumu Co (FMC, 12/04, amended) 15 27 37 137 46 Duo Co (12/07, amended) 15 27 38 139 47 SC Co (6/08, amended) 15 27 38 141 48 PV Co (6/09, amended) 15 27 39 143 49 AGD Co (FMC, 12/05, amended) 15 27 39 145 50 Leaminger Co (FMC, 12/02, amended) 15 27 40 147 51 ASOP Co (12/09, amended) 15 27 41 149 52 Capital rationing 10 18 41 151 53 Filtrex Co 15 27 42 152 54 Warden Co (12/11, amended) 15 27 42 154 55 Ridag Co (6/12, amended) 10 18 43 155 56 Gadir Co (6/12, amended) 15 27 43 157 57 BQK Co (12/12, amended) 15 27 44 158 Part D: Investment appraisal vi Finding questions Time Page number Marks allocation Mins Question Answer 58 MCQ bank – Sources of finance 10 18 45 160 59 MCQ bank – Dividend policy 10 18 46 160 60 MCQ bank – Gearing and capital structure 10 18 47 161 61 MCQ bank – The cost of capital 20 36 48 162 62 MCQ bank – Capital structure 20 36 50 164 63 Tirwen Co (FMC, 12/04, amended) 15 27 51 165 64 Food retailers 15 27 52 167 65 Food retailers 10 18 52 168 66 TFR Co (FMC, 6/07, amended) 15 27 52 169 67 Echo Co (12/07, amended) 10 18 53 171 68 Echo Beach Co (12/07, amended) 15 27 54 173 69 Nugfer Co (12/10, amended) 15 27 55 175 70 Nug Co (12/10, amended) 10 18 55 177 71 YNM Co (6/11, amended) 10 18 56 178 72 Bar Co (12/11, amended) 10 18 57 180 73 IML Co 15 27 57 181 74 Li Co 10 18 58 182 75 FAQ 15 27 58 184 76 Droxfol Co (Specimen paper 2007, amended) 15 27 59 185 77 Burse Co (6/08, amended) 10 18 60 188 78 Purse Co (6/08, amended) 15 27 60 190 79 DD Co (12/09, amended) 15 27 60 191 80 YGV Co (6/10, amended) 15 27 61 193 81 NN Co (12/10, amended) 10 18 62 195 82 NNN Co (12/10, amended) 10 18 62 196 83 AQR Co (6/11, amended) 15 27 63 197 84 Corhig Co (6/12, amended) 15 27 63 199 85 BKB Co (12/12, amended) 15 27 64 201 86 Zigto Co (6/12, amended) 10 18 65 203 Part E: Business finance Finding questions vii Time Page number Marks allocation Mins Question Answer 87 MCQ bank – Business valuations 20 36 66 204 88 MCQ bank – Market efficiency 10 18 68 205 89 Phobis Co (12/07, amended) 10 18 68 206 90 Close Co (12/11, amended) 10 18 68 207 91 Boluje Co (12/08, amended) 10 18 69 209 92 MCQ bank – Foreign currency risk 20 36 70 210 93 MCQ bank – Interest rate risk 10 18 71 211 94 ZPS Co (6/11, amended) 10 18 72 212 95 Gorwa Co (12/08, amended) 10 18 73 213 96 Ziggazigto Co (6/12, amended) 10 18 74 215 Part F: Business valuations Part G: Risk management Mock exam Mock exam Mock exam (Specimen paper) viii Finding questions Topic index Listed below are the key Paper F9 syllabus topics and the numbers of the questions in this Kit covering those topics If you need to concentrate your practice and revision on certain topics or if you want to attempt all available questions that refer to a particular subject, you will find this index useful Syllabus topic Question numbers Asset replacement decisions 38, 56 Betas 73, 75 Business valuation 90, 91 Mock Q5, Mock Q2 Capital rationing 38, 50, 52, 53 CAPM 73, 75, 78, 84 Cash management 15, 19, 22, 28, 31, 52 Cash operating cycle 16, 27, Mock Q1 Dividend policy 65, 67, 71, 79, 81, Mock Q5 Exchange rate risk 94, 96, Mock Q2, Mock Q3 Financial intermediaries Gearing 67, 69, 80 Interest rates 8, 70, 95, Mock Q3 Inventory management 13, 14, 21, Mock Q1 IRR 40, 46, 47, 48, Mock Q4 Islamic finance Mock Q3 Leasing 49, 50, 51, 68, Mock Q2 NPV 38, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 51, 54, 55, 56, Mock Q4, Mock Q4 Objectives 4, Overtrading 28, 32, 69 Payables management 29, 30, Mock Q1 Payback 44, 48 Pecking order 91 Project-specific discount rate 75 Ratio analysis 3, 16, 28, 32, 63, 64, 66, 71, 80 Receivables management 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 30, 31, Mock Q1 Rights issue 63, 68, 72, Mock Q3 Risk and uncertainty 23, 25, 44, 45 Sensitivity analysis 45, 54, 56 Shareholder wealth maximisation 48, 71 Sources of finance 65, 66, 68, 69, 86, Mock Q2 Stock market efficiency 70, 89 Total shareholder return Value for money 4, Finding questions ix 302 Examiner’s answers: Specimen paper Examiner’s answers: Specimen paper 303 304 Examiner’s answers: Specimen paper Examiner’s answers: Specimen paper 305 306 Examiner’s answers: Specimen paper Mathematical tables 307 308 Mathematical tables 309 310 Mathematical tables Mathematical tables 311 312 Mathematical tables Notes Notes Review Form – Paper F9 Financial Management (06/14) Name: Address: How have you used this Kit? (Tick one box only) During the past six months you recall seeing/receiving any of the following? (Tick as many boxes as are relevant) Home study (book only) On a course: college Our advertisement in Student Accountant With 'correspondence' package Our advertisement in Pass Other Our advertisement in PQ Our brochure with a letter through the post Why did you decide to purchase this Kit? (Tick one box only) Our website www.bpp.com Which (if any) aspects of our advertising you find useful? (Tick as many boxes as are relevant) Have used the complementary Study text Have used other BPP products in the past Recommendation by friend/colleague Prices and publication dates of new editions Recommendation by a lecturer at college Information on product content Saw advertising Facility to order books off-the-page Other None of the above Which BPP products have you used? Text Passcards Kit i-Pass Home Study Package Your ratings, comments and suggestions would be appreciated on the following areas Very useful Useful Not useful Good Adequate Poor Yes No Passing F9 Questions Top Tips etc in answers Content and structure of answers Mock exam answers Overall opinion of this Kit Excellent Do you intend to continue using BPP products? The BPP author of this edition can be e-mailed at: heatherfreer@bpp.com Please return this form to: Pippa Riley, ACCA Range Manager, BPP Learning Media Ltd, FREEPOST, London, W12 8AA Review Form (continued) TELL US WHAT YOU THINK Please note any further comments and suggestions/errors below [...]... Helping you with your revision BPP Learning Media – Approved Learning Partner - content As ACCA s Approved Learning Partner – content, BPP Learning Media gives you the opportunity to use exam team reviewed revision materials By incorporating the examiner’s comments and suggestions regarding syllabus coverage, the BPP Learning Media Practice and Revision Kit provides excellent, ACCA- approved support for... comments from the examiners to show you where students struggled or performed well in the actual exam We refer to the 2014 BPP Study Text (for exams up to June 2015) for detailed coverage of the topics covered in questions In a bank at the end of this Kit we include the official ACCA answers to the Specimen paper Used in conjunction with our answers they provide an indication of all possible points... Revising F9 xix Useful websites The websites below provide additional sources of information of relevance to your studies for Financial Management www.accaglobal.com ACCA' s website The students’ section of the website is invaluable for detailed information about the qualification, past issues of Student Accountant (including technical articles) and a free downloadable Student Planner App www .bpp. com... is considering converting its purchasing, delivery and inventory control of this item to a just-in-time system This will raise the number of orders placed but lower the administrative and other costs of placing and receiving orders If successful, this will provide the model for switching most of its inwards supplies on to this system Details of actual and expected ordering and carrying costs are given... the time is up (1.8 minutes per mark), move on to the next Revising F9 Gaining the easy marks Easy marks in this paper tend to fall into three categories Multiple choice questions Some MCQs are easier than others Answer those that you feel fairly confident about as quickly as you can Come back later to those you find more difficult This could be a way of making use of the time in the examination most... Practice and Revision Kit provides excellent, ACCA- approved support for your revision Tackling revision and the exam Using feedback obtained from the ACCA exam team review: We look at the dos and don’ts of revising for, and taking, ACCA exams We focus on Paper F9; we discuss revising the syllabus, what to do (and what not to do) in the exam, how to approach different types of question and ways of obtaining... qualification, past issues of Student Accountant (including technical articles) and a free downloadable Student Planner App www .bpp. com Our website provides information about BPP products and services, with a link to the ACCA website www.ft.com This website provides information about current international business You can search for information and articles on specific industry groups as well as individual... publications www.yieldcurve.com A useful website for research and articles on such areas as interest rate derivatives xx Revising F9 Questions 1 2 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FUNCTION Questions 1 to 4 cover Financial management function, the subject of Part A of the BPP Study Text for Paper F9 1 1.1 1.2 MCQ bank – Financial management and financial objectives Which of the following are the 3 key areas covered by... Questions FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENT Questions 5 to 9 cover Financial management environment, the subject of Part B of the BPP Study Text for Paper F9 5 MCQ bank – Financial management environment 5.1 A government has adopted a contractionary fiscal policy 18 mins How would this typically affect businesses? A B C D 5.2 Higher interest rates and higher inflation Lower taxes and higher government subsidies... to do complete questions to time so that you are able to work at an appropriate speed Make sure you practise written sections as well as the calculations xii Revising F9 Passing the F9 exam Displaying the right qualities The aim of Paper F9 is to develop the knowledge and skills expected of a finance manager in relation to investment, financing and dividend decisions You need to be able to communicate ...PAPER F9 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BPP Learning Media is an ACCA Approved Learning Partner – content for the ACCA qualification This means we work closely with the ACCA to ensure our... for this book is available from the British Library Published by BPP Learning Media Ltd BPP House, Aldine Place London W12 8AA www .bpp. com/learningmedia All our rights reserved No part of this... fully prepare you for your ACCA exams In this ACCA examination team-reviewed Practice and Revision Kit we: Discuss the best strategies for revising and taking your ACCA exams Ensure you are