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marking sheet writing task 2 ielts

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For IELTS downloads visit www.aippg.com/ielts/ Sample marking sheet for writing task 2 Prepared by Francisco Carrizo, Renowned IELTS Teacher Venezuela Writing: Task 2 Name: Date: Topics Issues Positive Needs attention To pic / Ta sk Main Issue s ide ntifie d a t be g inning Cle a r, justifie d pa ra grap h struc ture To pic se nte nc e in e a c h p a rag ra ph Ide a s in sup p o rting se nte nc e s: X Re le va nt X Co nsiste nt, e a sy to unde rsta nd X Cle a rly pre se nte d , suffic ie ntly de ve lo pe d X Give a de q ua te a tte ntio n to all a spe c ts o f to pic Co nc lusio n: X Summa rise s main po ints X Indic a te s a rg ume nt e nde d Ideas and supporting arguments Essay rig ht le ng th Re g iste r a p pro pria te Ide a s re le va nt to to p ic Clarity of message Te xt: X Easy to und e rstand X Lo g ic a lly o rga nise d X Co nta ins a ppro p ria te p a ra g ra phing X Co nta ins re le va nt c o he sive d e vic e s Erro rs ha ve minima l e ffe c t o n me ssa g e Varie d a nd ac c urate se t o f vo c ab ulary inc luding : X Wo rd fo rma tio n X Phrasa l ve rbs X Idio ma tic e xp re ssio ns X Co llo c atio ns X Fixe d e xpre ssio ns Vocabulary and syntax Varie d a nd ac c urate use o f struc ture s inc luding : X Ve rb c o nstruc tio ns X Re la tive c lause s X Se nte nc e typ e s X Ac tive a nd p a ssive voic e X Co nditio nals X Infinitive s a nd g e rund s X Pre po sitio ns X Artic le s Other AIPPG IELTS Section at http://www.aippg.com/ielts This page prepared by Francisco Carrizo and used with permission, All rights reserved 1 . For IELTS downloads visit www.aippg.com /ielts/ Sample marking sheet for writing task 2 Prepared by Francisco Carrizo, Renowned IELTS Teacher Venezuela Writing: Task 2 Name:. Infinitive s a nd g e rund s X Pre po sitio ns X Artic le s Other AIPPG IELTS Section at http://www.aippg.com /ielts This page prepared by Francisco Carrizo and used with permission, All

Ngày đăng: 18/08/2015, 15:11

