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Tiêu đề The Legacy of Idealism
Tác giả Terry Pinkard
Trường học Northwestern University
Chuyên ngành Philosophy
Thể loại Book
Năm xuất bản 2002
Thành phố Cambridge
Định dạng
Số trang 392
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This page intentionally left blank GERMAN PHILOSOPHY         The Legacy of Idealism In the second half of the eighteenth century, German philosophy came for a while to dominate European philosophy It changed the way in which not only Europeans, but people all over the world, conceived of themselves and thought about nature, religion, human history, politics, and the structure of the human mind In this rich and wide-ranging book, Terry Pinkard interweaves the story of “Germany” – changing during this period from a loose collection of principalities to a newly emerged nation with a distinctive culture – with an examination of the currents and complexities of its developing philosophical thought He examines the dominant influence of Kant, with his revolutionary emphasis on “self-determination,” and traces this influence through the development of Romanticism and idealism to the critiques of post-Kantian thinkers such as Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard His book will interest a range of readers in the history of philosophy, cultural history, and the history of ideas             is Professor of Philosophy and German at Northwestern University His publications include Hegel’s Dialectic: The Explanation of Possibility (), Hegel’s Phenomenology: The Sociality of Reason (), and Hegel (), as well as many journal articles GERMAN PHILOSOPHY   The Legacy of Idealism TERRY PINKARD Northwestern University    Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge  , United Kingdom Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521663267 © Terry Pinkard 2002 This book is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 2002 - - ---- eBook (NetLibrary) --- eBook (NetLibrary) - - ---- hardback --- hardback - - ---- paperback --- paperback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of s for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this book, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate To Susan Contents Acknowledgements List of abbreviations page ix x Introduction: “Germany” and German philosophy           The revolution in philosophy (I): human spontaneity and the natural order   The revolution in philosophy (II): autonomy and the moral order   The revolution in philosophy (III): aesthetic taste, teleology, and the world order      : - Introduction: idealism and the reality of the French Revolution  The s: the immediate post-Kantian reaction: Jacobi and Reinhold    The s: Fichte   The s after Fichte: the Romantic appropriation of Kant (I): Hă lderlin, Novalis, Schleiermacher, o Schlegel   –: the Romantic appropriation of Kant (II): Schelling  vii viii Contents  –: the other post-Kantian: Jacob Friedrich Fries and non-Romantic sentimentalism        Introduction: post-revolutionary Germany   Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit: post-Kantianism in a new vein   Hegel’s analysis of mind and world: the Science of Logic    Nature and spirit: Hegel’s system       Introduction: exhaustion and resignation, –   Schelling’s attempt at restoration: idealism under review   Kantian paradoxes and modern despair: Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard  Conclusion: the legacy of idealism Bibliography Index    Acknowledgements Hilary Gaskin of Cambridge University Press first gave me the idea for this book Without her encouragement both at first and all along the way, the book would never have been written That she also contributed many helpful suggestions on rewriting the manuscript as it was under way all the more puts me in her debt I have cited several of Robert Pippin’s pieces in the manuscript, but his influence runs far deeper than any of the footnotes could indicate In all of the conversations we have had about these topics over the years and in the class we taught together, I have learned much from his suggestions, his arguments, and his ideas for how this line of thought might be improved I have incorporated many more of the ideas taken from mutual conversations and a class taught together than could possibly be indicated by even an infinite set of footnotes to his published work Fred Rush also read the manuscript; his comments were invaluable Susan Pinkard offered not only support but the help of a historian’s gaze when I was trying to figure out how to make my way along this path Without her, this book would not have been written ix Bibliography Allison, Henry E., Kant’s Transcendental Idealism (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, ) Kant’s Theory of Freedom (Cambridge University Press, ) Ameriks, Karl, “Kant, Fichte, and Short Arguments to Idealism, Archiv fă r die u Geschichte der Philosophie,  (), – Kant and the Fate of Autonomy: Problems in the Appropriation of the Critical Philosophy (Cambridge University Press, ) Ameriks, Karl (ed.), Cambridge Companion to German Idealism (Cambridge University Press, ) Barrow, J N., The Crisis of Reason: European Thought – (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, ) Barzun, Jacques, Darwin, Marx, Wagner: Critique of a Heritage (University of Chicago Press, ) Beiser, Frederick C., Enlightenment, Revolution, and Romanticism: The Genesis of German Political Thought – (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, ) The Early Political Writings of the German Romantics (Cambridge University Press, ) The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, ) Berlin, Isaiah, “Hume and the Sources of German Anti-Rationalism,” in Isaiah Berlin, Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas (New York: Viking Press, ), pp – Blackbourn, David, The Long Nineteenth Century: A History of Germany, – (Oxford University Press, ) Bonsiepen, Wolfgang, Die Begră ndung einer Naturphilosophie bei Kant, Schelling, Fries u und Hegel: Mathematische versus spekulative Naturphilosophie (Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, ) Bowie, Andrew, Schelling and Modern European Philosophy: An Introduction (London: Routledge, ) Brandom, Robert, “Holism and Idealism in Hegel’s Phenomenology,” in Robert Brandom, Tales of the Mighty Dead: Historical Essays in the Metaphysics of Intentionality (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, forthcoming)  Bibliography  “Some Pragmatist Themes in Hegel’s Idealism: Negotiation and Administration in Hegel’s Account of the Structure and Content of Conceptual Norms,” European Journal of Philosophy, () (August ), – Making It Explicit: Reasoning, Representing, and Discursive Commitment (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, ) Breazeale, Daniel, “Between Kant and Fichte: Karl Leonhard Reinhold’s ‘Elementary Philosophy,’” Review of Metaphysics,  ( June ), – “Fichte in Jena,” in Daniel Breazeale (ed and trans.), Fichte: Early Philosophical Writings (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, ) Breckman, Warren, Marx, the Young Hegelians, and the Origins of Radical Social Theory: Dethroning the Self (Cambridge University Press, ) Bungay, Stephen, Beauty and Truth (Oxford: Clarendon Press, ) Burnham, Scott, Beethoven Hero (Princeton University 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, ,  Ameriks, Karl, ,  apperception analytic unity of apperception,  as the “I think that must accompany all one’s representations,” , , , ,  in Hegel, ,  in Kant , , , ,  synthetic unity of apperception, , , , ,  art in Kant, , –, ; and nature, , ,  in Schiller,  Romantic sense of disclosing being,  in Novalis,  in Friedrich Schlegel, – in Schelling, – in Fries as beautiful soul,  in Hegel, , –, , ,  in Schopenhauer, – atheism controversy (Fichte), – autonomy in F Schlegel, in Fichte, in Hă lderlin, o in Fries (as inner necessity),  in Hegel, ; as historical achievement, ,  in Kant: and art, ; and dignity, ; and political order, –; and reciprocity, ; and religion, –; and virtue, ; as self-determination, ; Kantian legacy, ; of reason, ; in Kierkegaard, ,  in Schelling, , ; as developmental, ; and art, ; later works,  Barrow, J N.,  Barzun, Jacques,  beauty beautiful soul: in Kant, , , ; in Fries, ; Hegel s critique, , , –,  in Fries, – in Hegel, in Hă lderlin, o in Kant: and morality, ; as harmony of intellect and imagination, –; as reflective judgment, –; as universally communicable, ; of fine art, ; of nature,  in Novalis,  in Schelling,  in Schiller,  in Schopenhauer, – Beethoven, Ludwig van , , – Beiser, Frederick C., , , , , , , ,  Berlin, Isaiah,  Bildung, –, ,  Blackbourn, David,  Bonsiepen, Wolfgang, , , , ,  Bowie, Andrew, ,  Brandom, Robert, , ,  Breazeale, Daniel, , , , , , , , ,   Index  Breckman, Warren,  Bungay, Stephen,  Burnham, Scott, ,  Butler, Judith, , ,  evil discussed by Hegel,  discussed by Kant, –, , ,  discussed by Schelling, – Cartesian skepticism, , – categorical imperative, see morality Christianity and Schelling’s Naturphilosophie,  Catholic Christianity, as appropriated by philosophers, , , , , , , , , , , , ,  in the conservative reaction, – in Fichte,  in Hegel: and art, –; as Christian culture, –, ; as religion , – in Kant, as moral religion, , ,  in Kierkegaard, – in left-Hegelians, – in Novalis, as Christendom or Europe?, – in Schelling’s later work, –, , – in Schleiermacher as the religion of religion, – Protestant Christianity, as appropriated by philosophers, , , , , , , , , ,  concepts and intuitions as relation of representations to the object they represent, – in Kant: as representations –; and infinity, , –; pure intuition, –, , , , , ; combination of intuitions and concepts –, , ,  in Reinhold,  in Hegel, –, , ; unity of concept and intuition, –, –, , –; as subject-object,  in Schelling (later works),  Constantine, David,  Copernicus,  fact of consciousness in Reinhold –,  in Schopenhauer,  fact of reason, , , , , , , , ,  Falke, Gustav-H.H.,  Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, , , , , , , –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Forster, Michael, ,  Frank, Manfred, , , , , , , , , , , ,  freedom as legacy of idealism, – in Fichte, –; and recognition, ; political,  in Fries, , , , –,  in Hegel, –; actualization of freedom, –; aesthetic presentation of freedom, , –; and French Revolution, –; and nature, ; Greek freedom, ; in Christianity, , –; in history, –; in the state, –; theory of freedom, in Hă lderlin, o in Kant: and Kantian paradox, –; and supersensible substrate, , , , , , , , , , , ; as autonomy, ; as free choice (Willkă r), , ; u civic freedom, , –; nature and freedom, , , , , , –; of reason, –; of will, ; practical freedom, –; third antinomy, , , , , ; transcendental freedom, , , , , , , , , , ; see also autonomy in Kierkegaard, , ,  in Schelling, , , –, , , , –, , –, – in Schlegel, ,  in Schleiermacher,  in Schopenhauer,  see also Kantian paradox French Revolution, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Fried, Charles,  Darnton, Robert,  dignity in Fries, – in Kant, , ,  in Schopenhauer,  dogmatism, , , , , , ,  Dworkin, Ronald,  early Romanticism, , , –, , , , , ,  Eldridge, Richard, ,   Index Friedman, Michael, , ,  Fries, Jacob Friedrich, –, , ,  Fulbrook, Mary,  Furet, Fran¸ ois,  c Gay, Peter, , ,  Gerhardt, Volker,  Giovanni, George di, ,  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Guyer, Paul, , ,  Hamann, Johann Georg, ,  Harris, H S., , , ,  Hartmann, Klaus,  Hazlitt, William,  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Heine, Heinrich, , , ,  Heinrichs, Johannes,  Henrich, Dieter, , , , ,  Herder, Johann Gottfried, , , , Hă lderlin, Friedrich, , , , –, , o , , , , , , , , , ,  Holy Roman Empire, , , , , ,  Horstmann, Rolf-Peter,  Houlgate, Stephen,  Hume, David, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Iber, Christian,  Idea in Kant: regulative Idea, –, , ; practical Idea, , , ; aesthetic Idea,  in Schelling, , ,  in Fries,  in Hegel, , , , , , , , , , ; aesthetic Idea, –; Idea as beauty,  inferentialism, , , , , , , , ,  inference license, , ,  non-inferential, , , , ,  intuition intellectual intuition: in Fichte, as rational insight into things-in-themselves, –; as self-authorization, , ,  in Hă lderlin: of the self, ; as grasp of o being,  in Schelling, , , , ; of the absolute, –, , ; of pre-reflective unity, ; community’s grasp of itself, ; of the absolute in nature,  in Hegel, criticism of Schelling’s conception, ; critique of,  intuition (as way of seeing) in Schleiermacher, –,  in Schelling, –; as aesthetic intuition,  in Fries, – intuition, pure, –, , , , ,  irony, , –, ,  Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich , –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Jacobin, , ,  Jews in Germany, , , , , ,  Fries on Jewishness,  Judaism, , , ,  judgment, – aesthetic, –, , , ,  analytic and synthetic, – as related to object represented, – categories and,  determinative,  Hegel: judgment and objectivity, ; and truth, ; and unity of concepts and intuitions, ; and universal self-consciousness, ; of finite and infinite, –; of consciousness, –; of reflection, –; in mastery and servitude, –; of logic of essence, Hă lderlin on, , o innity and,  reflective judgment, , , , , , , ,  schematism,  synthesis in, ,  synthetic a-priori, –, , , ,  teleological, –,  Kant, Immanuel, , – Critique of Judgment, –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Critique of Practical Reason, –, , , , ,  Critique of Pure Reason, –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Index Kantian paradox, –,  as idealist theme,  in early Romantics,  in Fichte, , , ,  in Fries,  in Hegel, , , ; as absolute Idea, ; as beautiful soul, ; as Christianity, ; as freedom, –, ; as Geist (spirit), , , , ; in Greeks, , ; in Logic, , ; in Phenomenology, as historical solution, , ; in Phenomenology, as sociality, – in Kierkegaard, as despair , ,  in Schelling’s later works, ,  in Schopenhauer,  Kierkegaard, Søren, , , –,  Kinlaw, Jeffrey C.,  Korsgaard, Christine,  Lance, Mark,  Larmore, Charles, ,  leap of faith, , , ,  Lear, Jonathan,  Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, ,  Longuenesse, Beatrice, , , , , , ,  Lucinde, ,  MacIntyre, Alasdair, ,  McDowell, John, , ,  Maimon, Solomon,  Martin, Wayne, , ,  Marx, Karl, , , –, , , , , ,  mathematics, –, , , , ; as iterative procedure, , , ,  Mendelssohn, Moses, , , , , , ,  Mills, Patricia Jagentowicz,  Milton, John,  monism, , , , , , ,  morality categorical imperative, , , , , , , , , , ,  enforceable duties, , ,  (in Fries) highest good, , , , , , , , , ,  hypothetical imperative,  kingdom of ends, , , , , , , , , , , , ,  moral duty (in Kant), , , , , , , , , ,  moral order, , , , , , ,  moral perfection,  obligation, , , , , , , , , , ,  motion, –, , , , ,  music, , , , –, –  Napoleon, , , , , , , , , , ,  naturalism, , , , , , , , , , , , ,  nature, see freedom Naturphilosophie in Schelling, –, , , , , ,  in Schelling’s later works, , ,  in Fries, ,  in Hegel, , –,  Neuhouser, Frederick, ,  Newton, Isaac, , , , , , , , , , , ,  Niethammer, Immanuel, ,  Nietzsche, Friedrich, , , ,  Norton, Robert E., ,  noumena, , , , , , , , , ,  Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg), , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Hymns to the Night,  role in early Romanticism, – political theory (Christendom or Europe? ), – Oelsner, Konrad Engelbert,  Pascal, Blaise, ,  Petry, Michael,  Pietism, , , , , , ,  Pinkard, Terry, , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Pippin, Robert, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Pă ggeler, Otto, o Popularphilosoph (popular philosopher), , , ,  purposiveness, ,  in Hegel,  in Schelling, ,  in Schopenhauer, ,  purposiveness without purpose (Kant), , , ,  radical evil, , , , , ,  Ranke, Leopold von, , ,  Redding, Paul,  Reinhold, Karl Leonhard, –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Elementarphilosophie, – Robinson, Henry Crabb,  Rockmore, Tom, , , ,  Rorty, Richard,   Index Salto Mortale ( Jacobi’s leap of faith), –, , Sandkă hler, Jă rg, u o Schelling, Caroline (Michaelis Bă hmer o Schlegel), , , , , , ,  Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  early writings, – later views, – Schiller, Friedrich, , , , ,  Schlegel, Friedrich, , , , , , , , –, , , – Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel, –, , , , ,  Schopenhauer, Arthur, , –, , , ,  Schulze, Gottlob Ernst, ,  Scottish influences on German philosophy, , , , ,  self-consciousness as criterionless self-ascription, ,  as self-relation, , , , , , , , ,  as universal self-consciousness, , : in Hegel, ; in Kant, ,  Beethoven’s music as romantic self-consciousness,  in Fichte: as intellectual intuition, ; as normative status, –; as requiring other self-conscious agents, ,  in Hegel, , , , , in Hă lderlin, : conicting tendencies o in self-consciousness, – in Kant: as apperception, ; conditions of apperception, –; and experience of moral duty,  in Novalis, – in Reinhold,  in Romanticism, as criticism of reflection model, – in Schelling, , ,  in Schlegel, – in Schopenhauer, – in the legacy of idealism, –, , , – Sellars, Wilfrid, ,  Seyhan, Azade,  Shaftesbury, Earl of, ,  Shakespeare, ,  Sheehan, James,  Sherman, Nancy, ,  Siep, Ludwig,  skepticism, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , – Speight, Allen, ,  Spinoza, Baruch, , , , , , , , , , , ,  Spinozism, , , , , , , , , ,  Stamm, Marcelo,  Stekeler-Weithofer, Pirmin,  Stendhal,  Stern, Robert, , Sorrows of Young Werther, , Stolzenberg, Jă rgen,  u Taylor, Charles, ,  Tilliette, Xavier  Toews, John Edward  Viellard-Baron, Jean-Louis,  Wagner, Richard, , , – Waibel, Violetta L.,  Williams, Bernard, – Winfield, Richard Dien,  Wolff, Christian, , ,  Wolff, Michael,  Wordsworth, William, , ,  Wood, Allen, , , , , Ziolkowski, Theodore, Ză ller, Gă nther, ,  o u

Ngày đăng: 21/09/2012, 10:54