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In this paper a robust control is applied to a twowheeled mobile manipulator (WMM) to observe the dynamic behavior of the total system. To do so, the dynamic equation of the mobile manipulator is derived taking into account parametric uncertainties, external disturbances, and the dynamic interactions between the mobile platform and the manipulator; then, a robust controller is derived to compensate the uncertainty and disturbances solely based on the desired trajectory and sensory data of the joints and the mobile platform. Also, a combined system which composed of a computer and a multidropped PICbased controller is developed using USBCAN communication to meet the performance of demand of the whole system. What’s more, the simulation and experimental results are included to illustrate the performance of the robust control strategy.

TẠP CHÍ PHÁT TRIỂN KH&CN, TẬP 12, SỐ 16 - 2009 Bản quyền thuộc ĐHQG-HCM Trang 19 ROBUST ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF MOBILE MANIPULATOR Tan Lam Chung (1) , Sang Bong Kim (2) (1) National Key Lab of Digital Control and System Engineering, VNU-HCM (2) Pukyong National University, Korea ABSTRACT: In this paper a robust control is applied to a two-wheeled mobile manipulator (WMM) to observe the dynamic behavior of the total system. To do so, the dynamic equation of the mobile manipulator is derived taking into account parametric uncertainties, external disturbances, and the dynamic interactions between the mobile platform and the manipulator; then, a robust controller is derived to compensate the uncertainty and disturbances solely based on the desired trajectory and sensory data of the joints and the mobile platform. Also, a combined system which composed of a computer and a multi-dropped PIC-based controller is developed using USB-CAN communication to meet the performance of demand of the whole system. What’s more, the simulation and experimental results are included to illustrate the performance of the robust control strategy. Keywords: robust adaptive controller, mobile manipulator 1. INTRODUCTION The design of intelligent, autonomous machines to perform tasks that are dull, repetitive, hazardous, or that require skill, strength, or dexterity beyond the capability of humans is the ultimate goal of robotics research. Examples of such tasks include manufacturing, excavation, construction, undersea, space, and planetary exploration, toxic waste cleanup, and robotic assisted surgery. Robotics research is highly interdisciplinary requiring the integration of control theory with mechanics, electronics, artificial intelligence, communication and sensor technology. A mobile manipulator is of a manipulator mounted on a moving platform. Such the combined system has become an attraction of the researchers throughout the world. These systems, in one sense, considered to be as human body, so they can be applicable in many practical fields from industrial automation, public services to home entertainment. In literature, a two-wheeled mobile robot has been much attracted attention because of its usefulness in many applications that need the mobility. Fierro, 1995, developed a combined kinematics and torque control law using backstepping approach and its asymptotic stability is guaranteed by Lyapunov theory which can be applied to the three basic nonholonomic navigations: trajectory tracking, path following and point stabilization [2]. Dong Kyoung Chwa et al., 2002, proposed a sliding mode controller for trajectory tracking of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots presented in two-dimensional polar coordinates in the presence of the external disturbances [5]; T. Fukao, 2000, proposed the integration of a kinematic adaptive controller and a torque controller for the dynamic model of a nonholonomic mobile robot [4]. On the other hand, many of the fundamental theory problems in motion control of robot manipulators were solved. At the early stage, the major position control technique is known to be the computed torque control, or inverse dynamic control, which decouples each joint of the robot and linearizes it based on the estimated robot dynamic models; therefore, the performance of position control is mainly dependent upon the accurate estimations of robot dynamics. Spong and Vidyasaga [8] (1989) designed a controller based on the computed torque control for manipulators. The idea is to exactly compensate all of the coupling Science & Technology Development, Vol 12, No.16 - 2009 Trang 20 Bản quyền thuộc ĐHQG-HCM nonlinearities in the Lagrangian dynamics in the first stage so that the second stage compensator can be designed based on linear and decoupling plant. Moreover, a number of techniques may be used in the second stage, such as, the method of stable factorization was applied to the robust feedback linearization problem [9] (1985). Corless and Leitmann [10] (1981) proposed a theory based on Lyapunov’s second method to guaranty stability of uncertain system that can apply to the manipulators. In this paper, a robust control based on the work of [11] was applied to two-wheeled mobile platform and a 6-dof manipulator taking into account parameter uncertainties and external disturbances. In [11], the controller was only applied to a two-link manipulator, and the platform is fixed. To design the tracking controller, the posture errors of the mobile platform and of the joints are defined, and the Lyapunov functions are defined for the two such subsystems and the whole system as well. The robust controllers are extracted from the bounded conditions of the parameters, disturbances and the sensory data of the mobile manipulator. Also, the simulation and experimental results show the effectiveness of the system model and the designed controllers. And this works was done in CIMEC Lab., Pukyong National University, Pusan, Korea. 2. DYNAMIC MODEL OF THE WMM The model of the mobile manipulator is shown in Fig. 1. First, consider a two-wheeled mobile platform which can move forward, and spin about its geometric center, as shown in Fig. 2. The length between the wheels of the mobile platform is b2 and the radius of the wheels is w r . Y}{OX is the stationary coordinates system, or world coordinates system; }{Pxy is the coordinates system fixed to the mobile robot, and P is placed in the middle of the driving wheel axis; ),( cc yxC is the center of mass of the mobile platform and placed in the x-axis at a distance d from P ; the length of the mobile platform in the direction perpendicular to the driving wheel axis is a and the width is L . It is assumed that the center of mass C and the origin of stationary coordinate P are coincided. The balance of the mobile platform is maintained by a small castor whose effect we shall ignore. Fig 1. Model of the mobile manipulator TẠP CHÍ PHÁT TRIỂN KH&CN, TẬP 12, SỐ 16 - 2009 Bản quyền thuộc ĐHQG-HCM Trang 21  2 r w x p b X Y y p x y C P L a O x c y c d a=550 b=260 r w =220 L=400 d=0 Fig 2. Mobile platform configuration Second, the manipulator used in this application is of an articulated-type manipulator with two planar links in an elbow-like configuration: three rotational joints for three degrees of freedom. They are controlled by dedicated DC motors. Each joint is referred as the waist, shoulder and arm, respectively. Also, the manipulator has a 3-dof end-effector function as roll, pitch and yaw; and a parallel gripper attached to the yaw. The length and the center of mass of each link are presented as ),( 11 bb ZL , ),( 22 bb ZL , ),( 33 bb ZL , ),( 44 bb ZL , ),( 55 bb ZL , respectively. The geometric model and the coordinate composed for each link is shown in Fig. 3. 105 -105 Z1 X0 105 -105 105 -15 X2 L b1 =276 Z2 L b2 =266 -105 105 -105 105 0 360 X3 Z3 L b3 =256 L b4 =150 L b 5 = 1 4 0 X4 X5 X6 Y6 Z b1 =138 Z b2 =133 Z b3 =128 1  2  3  4  5  6  Link 3 Arm Link 2 Shoulder Link 1 Waist Pitch Gripper Roll Yaw Base Z4 L b 6 = 5 0 Y5 X7 Y7 Z7 X1 Z0 Y4 Y3 Z5 Z6 Fig 3. Geometry of 6-dof manipulator Science & Technology Development, Vol 12, No.16 - 2009 Trang 22 Bản quyền thuộc ĐHQG-HCM The dynamics of the mobile manipulator subject to kinematics constraints is given in the following form [11]:                                                                      a vv d d v T v a v a v E qA F F q q CC CC q q MM MM      2 1 2 1 2221 1211 2221 1211 0 )(     (1) The system constraint Eq. (1) can be simplified to the nonholonomic constraint of the mobile platform only as follows: 0)(  vvv qqA  (2) where rm v R    represents the actuated torque vector of the constrained coordinates; )( rmmx v RE   , the input transformation matrix; n b R  , the actuating torque vector of the free coordinates; 1d  and 2d  , disturbance torques. According to the standard matrix theory, there exists a full rank matrix )( )( rmmx vv RqS   made up by a set of smooth and linearly independent vector spanning the null space of v A , that is, 0)()(  v T vv T qAqS . From Eq. (2), we can find a velocity input vector nm Rt  )(  such that, for all t,  )( vv qSq   (3) The Eq. (3) is called the steering system, and  is known as a velocity input to steer the state vector q in state space. Furthermore, )( v qS is bounded by sv qS  )( , s  is a positive number. 2.1 Tracking Controller for the Mobile Platform e 3 ),,( rrr yx    r  ),( r y r x  Reference trajectory x R X Y e 1 e 2 x r y y r x y P Fig 4. Kinematic analysis of tracking problem TẠP CHÍ PHÁT TRIỂN KH&CN, TẬP 12, SỐ 16 - 2009 Bản quyền thuộc ĐHQG-HCM Trang 23 The tracking errors of the mobile platform are given as follows [2]:                                       r r r yy xx e e e e 100 0cossin 0sincos 3 2 1 (4) The first derivative of errors yields                                          r r r ev ev v e e e e e   3 3 1 2 3 2 1 sin cos . 10 0 1    (5) The Lyapunov function is chosen as 2 32 2 2 10 cos1 2 1 2 1 k e eeV   (6) The derivative of 0 V can be derived as )( sin )cos( 22 2 3 310 rrr vek k e evveV    (7) The velocity control law d  achieves stable tracking of the mobile platform for the kinematic model as                 3322 113 sin cos ekevk ekevv rr r d d d   (8) Where 21 ,kk and 3 k are positive values. The Eq. (7) becomes 3 2 2 3 2 110 sin e k k ekV   (9) Clearly 0 1 V  and the tracking errors   T eeee 321 ,, is bounded along the system’s solution. It is also assumed that not only the velocity of 0 r v is constant with the orientation r  but also the reference angular velocity r  is bounded and have its bounded derivative for all t . From Eqs. (5), (6) and (9), it is shown that e and e  are bounded, so that  1 V  , that is, 1 V  is uniformly continuous. Since 1 V does not increase and converges to some constant value, by Barbalat’s lemma, 0 1 V  as 0  t . As   t , the limit of Eq. (9) becomes 2 33 2 121 0 ekekk  (10) Eq. (10) implies that   0 31  T ee as   t . From Eq. (5), the derivative of error 3 e is given   r e 3  (11) Substituting  in Eq. (11) by the kinematics control input d  in Eq. (8), the following result is derived 33223 sin ekveke r   (12) Since 0 3 e as   t , the limit of Eq. (12) yields r veke 223   (13) Science & Technology Development, Vol 12, No.16 - 2009 Trang 24 Bản quyền thuộc ĐHQG-HCM Since 3 2 ev r has the limit equal to zero when   t , the derivative of this term can be derived as follows: 2 2 23 2 )( evkev dt d rr  (14) Since Eq. (14) is bounded, 2 2 ev r is uniformly continous. From Barbalat’s lemma, 2 2 23 2 )( evkev dt d rr  tends to zero. Therefore, 3 2 ev r tends to zero, and thus 2 ev r tends to zero. Because the velocity of r v is constant, 0 2 e as   t from Eq. (14). Hence, the equilibrium point 0  e is uniformly asymptotically stable. 2.2 Lyapunov function for the mobile platform Consider the first m -equation of Eq. (1) as follows: vvd T vavav EAFqCqCqMqM   1112111211  (15) Multiplying both sides by T S and using Eq. (3) to eliminate the constraint force term λ, it yields vd fCM   111111  (16) Here SMSM T 1111  , SMSSCSC TT  111111  , )( 112121 FqCqMSf aa T   , 1 1 d T d S   , vv T v ES   , and        ww ww v T rbrb rr ES // /1/1 It can be seen that 1 f , which consists of the gravitational and friction force vector 1 F and the dynamics interaction with the manipulator )( 1212 aa qCqM   , and the disturbances on the mobile platform (terrain disturbance force) needs to be compensated online. Property 1: 1111 2CM   is skew-symmetric Property 2: b T MSMSM 111111  and b MM 1212  Property 3: qCSCSC b T  111111  and qCC b  1212  Assumption 1: Disturbance on the mobile platform is bounded, that is, 11 Nd   , with 1N  is a positive constant. Assumption 2: The friction and gravity on the mobile platform are bounded by qqqF vv  101 ),(   , where 0  and 1  representing some positive constants. The velocity tracking error is defined as d   ~ (17) then, the mobile platform dynamics in terms of velocity tracking error is derived as vddd fCMCM   1111111111 ~ ~   (18) Let us consider the following Lyapunov function  ~~ 2 1 111 MV T  (19) and the derivative of 1 V can be derived as follows: TẠP CHÍ PHÁT TRIỂN KH&CN, TẬP 12, SỐ 16 - 2009 Bản quyền thuộc ĐHQG-HCM Trang 25 )( ~ 1111111 dddv T fCMV     (20) 2.3 Lyapunov function of the manipulator Consider the last n-equations of Eq. (1), advvaa FqCqMqCqM   2221212222 )(  (21) Equation (21) represents the dynamic equation of the manipulator. In this equation, the unknown terms need to be compensated are the gravitational and friction force 2 F , the dynamic interaction term )( 2121 vv qCqM   , and the disturbances on the manipulator. Property 4: 2222 2CM   is skew-symmetric Property 5: b MM 2121  and b MM 2222  Property 6: qCC b  2222  and qCC b  2121  Assumption 3: Disturbance on the manipulator is bounded, that is, 22 Nd   , with 2N  is a positive constant. Assumption 4: Friction and gravity in Eq. (21) are bounded by qqqF  322 ),(   , where 2  and 3  representing some positive constants. The joint tracking error is defined, and its derivatives are derived as follows: aada aada qqq qqq     ~ ~ (22) Also, the filter tracking error and its derivative, ) ~ ( ~~ 0, ~ ~ aaaadaaa T aaa qkrkqqqkqr kkqkqr       (23) The manipulator dynamics equation can be formulated in terms of filtered tracking error as follows: adaaa fqkrCkMrM   22222222 ) ~ )((  (24) where )( 2212122222 FqCqMqCqMf vvadad   The Lyapunov function for the manipulator is defined as a T a rMrV 222 2 1  (25) the time derivative of 2 V can be derived as follows ] ~ )([ 2 1 22222222 22222 daaa T a a T aa T a fkrMqkCkMr rMrrMrV       (26) 2.4 Lyapunov function of the mobile manipulator The Lyapunov function for the overall system, the mobile platform and the manipulator, can be defined and rearrange as follows: Science & Technology Development, Vol 12, No.16 - 2009 Trang 26 Bản quyền thuộc ĐHQG-HCM ) ~ ( 2 1 )( ~~ 2 1 2 1 ) ~ ( ~ )( ~ 2 1 2 1 ) ~ ( 2 1 ) ~ ( 2 1 ) ~ () ~ ( 2 1 ~ ~ 2 1 12210 2212110 2212110 221212110 2212 1211 0      SMrVVV rMrSMrMV rMrSMrSMSV rMrrMSSMrSMSV r S MM MM r S VV TT a a T a TT a T a T a TT a TT a T aa TTT a T a T T a                                (27) Taking the time derivative of V yields   ) ~ ( 21210  SMr dt d VVVV T a   (28) Substituting (20), (26) into (28) yields   ) ~ ( ~ )( )( ~ 2122222222 1111110   SMr dt d fkrMqkCkMr fCMVV T adaaa T a dddv T   ][   (29) On the other hand, 1 f can be rewritten in terms of error tracking filter a r as follows:           1121212 11212121212 11212 112121 ) ~ )(( )() ~ )(( ) ~ () ~ ( )( fqkrkMCrMS FqCqMSqkrkMCrMS FqkrqCqkrkrqMS FqCqMSf aaa T adad T aaa T aaadaaaad T aa T         (30) with )( 112121 FqCqMSf adad T   Similarly, 2 f , in terms of velocity error  ~ as follows: 2212121 2212121 222222121 2222221212 ) ~ )(() ~ )(( )()( )()( )( fSCSMSM fSCSMSM FqCqMSCSSM FqCqMqCqMf dd adad adadvv                 (31) with )( 222222 FqCqMf adad   Substituting (30) and (31) into (29) yields     22110 ~ ~ d T aa T ad T v T rrVV    (32) where   ) ~ ( ~ 1212111111 aaa T dd qkrkMqkCSfCM    dddaa SCSMSMfqkkMCkrM  21212122222222 ~ )(    The nonlinear terms 1  and 2  are need to be identical online using robust control scheme in the following section based on the work in [14]. 3. ROBUST CONTROLLER DESIGN First, consider the second term of the Eq. (32) and using Properties (1)-(3) and Assumptions (1)-(2): TẠP CHÍ PHÁT TRIỂN KH&CN, TẬP 12, SỐ 16 - 2009 Bản quyền thuộc ĐHQG-HCM Trang 27         11 11012 111211 111211 1211 1112 111211 1121211111 ~~ )( ~ ) ~ ( ~~ ~ ) ~ ( ~~ ~ ) ~ ( ~~ ~ ) ~ ( ~ ~            T v T Nsaadbs dbaaadbsdb v T d TT aad T d aaad T d T v T d TT aad T daaad T d T v T d T aaa T ddv T qqqkqC qCqkrkqMM SFSqkqCSC qkrkqMSM SFSqkqCS CqkrkqMSM qkrkMqkCSfCM                                                    (33) where the unknown vector T 1  and the robust damping vector 1  are defined in the following: )1,, ~ ,,) ~ (,( )(,,,,,( 1 101121112111 qqqkqqqkrkq CCMM aaddaaadd T sNsbsbbsb T       ) (34) Second, consider the third term of the Eq. (32) and using Properties (4)-(6) and Assumptions (3)-(4):   22 2322122 2122 222122 2122 222122 2122 2 2121 212222222 ~ ) ~ ( ~ ) ~ ( ) ~ ( )() ~ ( ~ )(              T aa T a Ndsbaadb ddbaaadb aa T a ddaad ddaaad T aa T a ddaad ddaaad T aa T a d T a dd daaa T a rr qCqqkqC SSMqkrkqM rr FSCqkqC SSMqkrkqM rr FSCqkqC SSMqkrkqM rr r SCSM SMfqkkMCkrM r                                                                    q (35) where the unknown vector T 2  and the RDC vector 2  are defined as follows: )1,,, ~ ,,) ~ (( ,,,,,( 2 23122212222 qqqqkqSSqkrkq CCMM daadddaaad T sbbbb T         ) N2 Let us choose the mobile platform and manipulator torque inputs as 2 111 ~~  kk pvv  (36) 2 222  aapaa rkrk  (37) Science & Technology Development, Vol 12, No.16 - 2009 Trang 28 Bản quyền thuộc ĐHQG-HCM where ,0 pv k 0 pa k , 0 11 k ,and 0 22 k are the controller gains; 1  and 2  are the robust damping control vectors, respectively. Then the tracking errors of the closed-loop system are guaranteed to be globally uniformly ultimately bounded. Substituting (36) and (37) into (32) yields min 2 max 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1min 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 22 2 1 1 110 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 110 2 22 2 2 2 2 1 11 2 1 2 10 22 2 2 2 211 2 1 2 10 22 2 2211 2 110 222 4422 4 2 4 2 ~~~~~ kk r k k kkk rk k kV k k rk k k kV k r rk k kV rrkkV rrrkrrkkkVV ad ad ad a a d d aadd T aa T aa T apa TTTT pv                                                                                                                                                 (38) where   21min ,min kkk  and   21max ,max   In Eq. (38), max  is a bounded quantity; therefore, V decreases monotonically until the solutions reach a compact set determined by the right-hand-side of Eq. (32). The size of the residual set can be decreased by increasing min k . According to the standard Lyapunov theory and the extension of the LaSalle theory, this demonstrates that the control input Eqs. (36) and (37) can guarantee global uniform ultimate boundedness of all tracking errors. Block diagram of robust controller is shown in Fig. 5 [...]... khóa: robust adaptive controller, mobile manipulator REFERENCES [1] T H Bui, T T Nguyen, T L Chung, and Kim Sang Bong, “A Simple Nonlinear Control of a Two-Wheeled Welding Mobile Robot,” KIEE International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, Vol 1, No 1, 2003, pp 35-42 [2] R Fierro and F.L Lewis, Control of a Non-holonomic Mobile Robot: Backstepping Kinematics into Dynamics,” in Proceedings of. .. Mode Tracking Control of Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots,” in Proceedings of the American Control Conference Anchorage, 2002, pp 3991-3996 [6] J M Yang and J H Kim, “Sliding Mode Motion Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots,” IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation, Vol 15, No 3, 1999, pp 578-587 [7] M S Kim and J H Shin, and J J Lee, “Design of a Robust Adaptive Controller for a Mobile Robot,“... v Mobile Platform Sv Fig 5 Block diagram of robust controller 4 CONTROL SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT The control system is based on the integration of computer and PIC-based microprocessor The computer functions as high as high level control for image processing (not presented in this paper) and control algorithm and the microprocessor, as low level controller for device control The configuration diagram of. .. PHÁT TRIỂN KH&CN, TẬP 12, SỐ 16 - 2009 6 CONCLUSIONS The robust controller was designed for the mobile manipulator to study on the dynamic behavior of such the combined system The mobile manipulator is considered in terms of dynamic model The tracking errors are defined, and the robust controller is designed for both the mobile platform and the manipulator to guarantee that the tracking errors go to... Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, 1995, pp 3805-3810 [3] J M Yang, I.-H Choi, and J H Kim, “Sliding Mode Motion Control of a Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robot for Trajectory Tracking,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics & Automation, 1998, pp 2983-2988 [4] T Fukao, H Nakagawa and N Adachi, 2000, Adaptive Tracking Control of a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot,” IEEE Transaction on... Planning Manipulator s Inverse kinematics qad Joint space   qad qad qa + - ~ qa  Manipulator s Robust Controller Filter Tracking Error ra Eq (2.39) ra k pa + a + Manipulator  qa 2 k 22 Eq (5.4)   ~   ra qad qad qa d  d qa Platform’s Robust Controller  xr  qr   yr    r    ~ qv + - Coord Tranform Eq (2.28)  x qv   y        e v  d   d   d  Kinematics Controller... Mobile Robot,“ in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2000, pp 1816-1821 [8] M V Spong and M Vidyasagar, Robot Dynamics and Control, John Wiley & Son Inc., New York, 1989 [9] M W Spong and M Vidyasagar, Robust Nonlinear Control of Robot Manipulators,” Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, 1985 [10] M Corless... satisfied the mechanical condition of the experimental mobile manipulator The reference trajectory of the platform is given in Fig 30 The posture of the mobile platform can be calculated using dead-reckoning method via encoders, then the errors e1 ,e2 and e3 can be derived shown in Figs 31- 33 The errors go to zero after about 3 seconds The joint’s reference trajectory for the manipulator is designed as sinusoidal... 0.3125Hz ) as shown in Fig 21, respectively The kinematic controller constants are k1  5, k 2  20 and k 3  10 The robust controller gains are k pv  40, k11  0.001, k pa  300, k 22  1.2 The mobile robot for the simulation has the following parameters: b  200mm , r  110mm , m c  20.6kg , m w  1.2kg The initial posture of the mobile manipulator and the reference trajectory  is x(0)  0.1m... 15 -10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 Time (s) Fig 17 Robust vector of mobile platform 15 Wheel torque (Nm) 10 Right torque 5 0 -5 Left torque -10 -15 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (s) Fig 18 Wheel’s torques of mobile platform Bản quyền thuộc ĐHQG-HCM Trang 37 Science & Technology Development, Vol 12, No.16 - 2009 1000 Y-coordinate (mm) 800 Reference trajectory 600 400 Mobile platform trajectory 200 0 0 500 1000 1500

Ngày đăng: 06/04/2015, 10:36

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Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
[1]. T. H. Bui, T. T. Nguyen, T. L. Chung, and Kim Sang Bong, “A Simple Nonlinear Control of a Two-Wheeled Welding Mobile Robot,” KIEE International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2003, pp. 35-42 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: A Simple NonlinearControl of a Two-Wheeled Welding Mobile Robot,” "KIEE International Journal ofControl, Automation
[2]. R. Fierro and F.L. Lewis, “Control of a Non-holonomic Mobile Robot: Backstepping Kinematics into Dynamics,” in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision &Control, 1995, pp. 3805-3810 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Control of a Non-holonomic Mobile Robot: BacksteppingKinematics into Dynamics,” "in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision &"Control
[3]. J. M. Yang, I.-H. Choi, and J. H. Kim, “Sliding Mode Motion Control of a Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robot for Trajectory Tracking,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics & Automation, 1998, pp. 2983-2988 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Sliding Mode Motion Control of a Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robot for Trajectory Tracking
Tác giả: J. M. Yang, I.-H. Choi, J. H. Kim
Nhà XB: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics & Automation
Năm: 1998
[4]. T. Fukao, H. Nakagawa and N. Adachi, 2000, “Adaptive Tracking Control of a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot,” IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation, Vol.16, No. 5, 2000, pp. 609-615 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Adaptive Tracking Control of a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot
Tác giả: T. Fukao, H. Nakagawa, N. Adachi
Nhà XB: IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation
Năm: 2000
[5]. D. K. Chwa, J. H. Seo, P. Kim, and J. Y. Choi, “Sliding Mode Tracking Control of Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots,” in Proceedings of the American Control Conference Anchorage, 2002, pp. 3991-3996 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Sliding Mode Tracking Control ofNonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots,” "in Proceedings of the American ControlConference Anchorage
[6]. J. M. Yang and J. H. Kim, “Sliding Mode Motion Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots,” IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1999, pp.578-587 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Sliding Mode Motion Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots
Tác giả: J. M. Yang, J. H. Kim
Nhà XB: IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation
Năm: 1999
[7]. M. S. Kim and J. H. Shin, and J. J. Lee, “Design of a Robust Adaptive Controller for a Mobile Robot,“ in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2000, pp. 1816-1821 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Design of a Robust Adaptive Controller for a Mobile Robot
Tác giả: M. S. Kim, J. H. Shin, J. J. Lee
Nhà XB: Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
Năm: 2000
[9]. M. W. Spong and M. Vidyasagar, “Robust Nonlinear Control of Robot Manipulators,”Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, 1985 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Robust Nonlinear Control of Robot Manipulators
Tác giả: M. W. Spong, M. Vidyasagar
Nhà XB: Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control
Năm: 1985
[10]. M. Corless and G. Leitmann, “Continuous State Feedback Guaranteeing Uniform Ultimate Boundedness for Uncertain Dynamic System,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 26, pp. 1139-1144, 1981 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Continuous State Feedback Guaranteeing UniformUltimate Boundedness for Uncertain Dynamic System,” "IEEE Transactions onAutomatic Control
[11]. S. Lin and A. A. Goldenberg, “Robust Damping Control of Mobile Manipulators,”IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 32, No.1, pp. 126 - 132, 2002 Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Robust Damping Control of Mobile Manipulators
Tác giả: S. Lin, A. A. Goldenberg
Nhà XB: IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics
Năm: 2002
[8]. M. V. Spong and M. Vidyasagar, Robot Dynamics and Control, John Wiley & Son Inc., New York, 1989 Khác