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Unit 2 SHORT MESSAGESIn the exam In part 2 of the reading test you will read five short notices, labels, notes, messages, yostcards or email.and answer a multiple-choice question on eac

Trang 1



Overview of the exam

f -+ -f -+ -jPaper Reading


Trang 2

possible answer choices, you will select the one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

Here are some examples:

1 The company had dumped waste into the river for years and it to continue doing so

2 After the female emperor penguin lays a single egg, she gives them to her mate, holds

it in a fold of skin near his feet for a two-month incubation period

Answers: 1 C 2 B

Inventory of grammatical areas

Verbs Regular and irregular forms Modals

Tenses Verb forms Compound verb patterns Conditional sentences Simple reported speech Nouns

Pronouns Determiners Adjectives Adverbs Prepositions Connectors Practice

Circle the letter next to the word or phrase, which best completes each sentence (A, B, C, D).

1 Neither Jane nor her brother -consent from for tomorrow's field trip

A need B needs C is needing D has need

2 No child the age of sixteen will be admitted to see this film

3 There considerable improvements in agriculture since World War II

4 Our flight from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City was delayed there was a heavy storm


D as result

Trang 4

5 They all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach.

6 Approximately 500 varieties of insectivorous plants, which trap animals for their sustenance, in the world

A that exist B exist C they exist D and their existence

7 My teacher told us that the school in 1946

A was building B was built C has been built D is built

8 The facilities of the older hospital _

A is as good or better than the new hospital

B are as good or better than the new hospital

C are as good as or better than the new hospital

D are as good as or better than those of the new hospital

9 Ozone is formed when ultraviolet radiation from the sun - molecules into highly reactive oxygen atoms

A oxygen breaks up B oxygen is broken up

C to break up oxygen D breaks up oxygen

10 The cyclist he crossed the main street

A looked with caution after

C was looked cautious when

B looks cautious when

D had looked cautiously before

11 Here notebook and report that I promised you last week

A is the B are the C was the D has been a

12 It for two days when I arrived in town

A rained B rains C has been raining D had been raining

13 He is very stubborn, so it will be difficult to him to go

A persuade

14 Life here is very _

A peaceful B peacefully

15 It's three years Mr Smith

C peace D peacefulness

A that I don't see B that I haven't seen C since I didn't see D since I last saw

16 My father asked me of the film

A what do you think B what I think C what did you think D what I thought

17 Dogs are good traveling companions They will go you take them

A whichever B wherever C whatever D whenever

18 Cuba is sugar growing areas in the world


Trang 5

A one of the larger B one of largest


Trang 6

C one of the largest D largest

19 The skiers would rather through the mountains than go by bus

C to travel on train D traveling by the train

20 Of the two new teachers, one is experienced and _

A the others are not B the other is not

C another is inexperienced D other lacks experience

21 The teacher, as well as the students, happy about the test result

22 little we may like it, old age comes to most of us

23 an insurance agent it is necessary to pass the state examination

A Become B To become C Having become D One becomes

24 In recent years, more and more people for things with credit cards

25 Please don't be so I can't do all the work by myself

A unreasonable B reasonable C reason

26 I don't like his stories, have unhappy endings

27 We are of the long journey

D have been paying

D reasonably

D who

28 Pioneer men and women endured terrible hardships, and _

A so do their children B neither did the children

C also the child's D so did their children

29 Last year, Matt earned his brother, who has a better position

A twice as much as B twice more than

C twice as many as D twice as more as

30 American landscape architect was Hideo Sasaki

A The most famous one of B Of the one most famous

C One of the most famous D The one most famous of

31 Most people enjoy to different parts of the world

A to travel B travel C traveling D traveled

32 Your hair is long It needs _

33 I helped my students their homework

A finish

Trang 7

B finishing

C finished

D have finished

Trang 8

36 Just keep on the baby while I cook the supper, will you?

A a


B a glance

C an eye

38 the wet weather, the football

match went ahead

Trang 9

D would have come

43 "I don't want to go out for a holiday", she said; "I'd rather at home"

46 The guide walked so that most of the party could not keep up with him

A fast B quick C rapid D lively

47 You will never finish that job by tomorrow morning unless you some help


48 She gives her children everything they want

;.; Put piants a window so that they will get enough light

50 Your brother used to visit you quite often, ?

A didn't he B doesn't he C wouldn't he D hadn't he


Trang 10


In the exam

In part 2 of the reading test you will read five short notices, labels, notes,

messages, yostcards or email.and answer a multiple-choice question on each one.

In this unit

/Different words, same meaning

/Introduction to multiple-choice

/What's on the notice board?

/Practice with multiple-choice questions

1 Look at these labels and notices; decide what they are connected with Write the letter under the correct heading below.

Drink Food Clothes Medicine

a Shake well

before serving

d Adults and children over 12 take 1-2 tablets with water

f Place the bag in acup and leave for 5minutes

b Once open, eat

with three days

e Do not drink

Avoid contact with eyes g Wash dark

color separately

c Suitable for home freezing

Freeze on day of purchase

2 For multiple-choice questions, you need to understand that the same information can

be expressed in different ways.

e.g keep closed is the same as

Smoking is forbidden is the same as

)'tr ,r/JA'Jh.'Ci

Never leave open You're not allowed to smoke


Trang 11

Complete these sentences with one or two words so that the second sentence means the

A Not suitable for use on, plastic surface = Qqn 'f use on plastic surface

B Keep medicine ouo.fPeagfrof children =Make sure childrentAa get the medicine

C Don't walk on gr ss = Keep q? the grass

D No e try without permit =You can't enter if you k{;- have a permit


E Maximum capacity 50 passengers

= Only people permits can enter

=No f"ti.AI.L- than 50 passengers allowed

=Up 50 passengers only

F Not to be given to children under 12 =You fYIA fl:, rgive it to children less than

12 years of age

G Closed until 8.00 am

H Low ceiling Mind your head =The shop will be open r ,(

8.00 am

=Be C&A { d because he ceiling is low

3 Read these notices

First answer the questions in italics for each notice- they'll help you choose the correct

multiple-choice answer (Question 1-2 have only two choices and question 3-4 have three choices) Circle the correct answer


Important: Please read the instruction book

before using the machine Do you have to use this instruction book, or is it just a good idea?

A This machine can not be used without the instruction book

B This machine should only be used after you've read the instruction book


Please switch off the lights and lock

The door when you leave

' -: :::: :: -: , -, -,-, -, -=-= J Which action must you do first when leaving?

, A : Before leaving, turn the light off

B Before leaving, lock the door


No entry except with a valid permit which

can be bought from the Town Hall Why would you go to the Town Hall?

.A; If you want to come in, you must have a permit

B You must go to the Town Hall if you have a permit

C You need a permit if you want to enter a Town Hall


Accident here at 6.00 pm On Sunday 25th Who do the police want to speak to?

September Please contact police on

3569087 if you saw anything

A The police would like to speak to people on September 25th

B The police want to speak to people who had an accident on September 25th

C The police want people to tell them if they saw the accident on September 25th


Trang 12


What's on the notice board?

4 All these notices and messages are on a college notice board

H.ead them quiddy >nd then 'vrite the number of the notice after a- f

a You want to contact a student who used to be in your class

b You have found a bag in the ladies' toilets


- - 7 1/

c You don't understand the new Word for Windows computer programme

d You need to earn some money, but not on Saturday or Sunday

e You want to take some exercise in the evenings

f You need to know where your class will

-b-e- -

1 For sales

Grafta acoustic/electric

guitar, hardly used! Only 4

months old Bargain at half

original price £100 for

quick sale Cash only -sorry

software support for

almost all models of

PCs (sorry no Macs)

2 Room to let

In friendly shared house near college campus, on cit'l, c 't.,E1.dbus route Avad eOctober 15

t £225 per

\._month + b.l.[!s _., :p4 /


5 Local familywants baby sisterfor weekends andsome evenings £5

an hour some experien e

y 3 Tai Chi \ c., '! +)

exercise class Introductory 10-week beginners course starting 7.00 pm., September 30th

at Town Hall

For enrolment details, pis phone 236689

or just come along on the day


Fast and cost

efficient service /I/8 Lost(lu·


6 Freshgro - Anyone found a blue

\ rucksack? Last seen on

Will now open 24 hours.

People needed to work


From: Antonie Pinto

To: everyone, room 201B

Haven't heard from you- How's

everything? For next month

only my address is:

apinto@rapidmail.com After

Monday Please honest students, my life's work in it! Contact:

that my usual one Dr Fox's European History class will be in Block B.

-/Room 36, not room 43, tomorrow only (Wednesday) Pis

tell your classmates.

In the exam, it's important that you understand what the notice or message is saying

before you answer the multiple-choice question Read notices 1-9 again And answer

these following questions

Notice 2: Will the accommodation cost more than £225 per month? Why? '; 9 t-n 1 J

Notice 3: To join a class, is it necessary to :elephone first? /II S;,t J.- ., _ d"'j/




Trang 13

5- Ltvt- &,,.) Wl't;l, ffe-.

Notice 4: Why would you be interested in this service? / J If r j.,./v £- "- p '(11 rL 1

, sdfr'7l

Notice 5: What is an important thing for the advertiser?

Notice 6: Why are Freshgro advertising? k pt» )6 vfl'>f1 t/5' -W JiJ r+r

r f"'' rvz e_ • M 'If dtl7 l ·

Notice 7: Why is Antonie Pinto sending this email address? ik-· J? ne't "J hi LA>? #t k1


Notice 9: Where will Dr Fox's European History class be on Friday ;

Practice with multiple-choice questions

5 Answer these multiple-choice questions about the notices and messages

Notice 1: A The seller wants to get some cash quickly

B The seller has played his guitar a lot

C The seller is hoping to get more than £100 for the guitar

Notice 2: How much will the accommodation cost?

A £225 per month

B £225 per month plus bus fares

More than £225 per month

Notice 3: A It's important to reserve your place in advance

B It's not necessary to reserve your place

C You must reserve your place on the day

Notice 4: You might be interested in this service if you

A have a Mac computer which sometimes has problems

B sometimes have difficulty using your PC

C want to buy some new software from this company

Notice 5: A To do this job you must like babies very much

It If you want the job, you must have done babysitting before

C You have to be free every evening for this job

Notice 6: A Freshgro is looking for a store manager

B There are problems for people who work at Freshgro

C Freshgro have increased their opening hours

Notice 7: b - Antonio wants his friends to know how to contact him

B Antonio's friends must write to him this month

C Antonio thinks his friends have lost his address

Notice 8: A Claudia wants her rucksack back with or without the things inside

B Claudia is afraid that not all students are honest

C Claudia is worried about losing all her notes and papers

Notice 9: Dr Fox's European History class will

A no longer be on Wednesday

B be in different room from now on

change room for tomorrow


Trang 14


In Part 3 of the Reading test is the Reading Comprehension section In this part of the testyou will read a text and answer five multiple-choice questions, and you will be asked twotypes of questions about the text

I Reading Comprehension questions ask you to answer questions about the informationgiven in the reading passages There will be a variety of questions about each text, includingmain idea questions, directly answered detail questions, and implied detail questions

2 Vocabulary questions ask you to identifY the meanings of vocabulary words in the text

I Reading Comprehension questions


1 Skim the text to determine the main idea and the overall organization of ideas in the text.

You do not need to understand every detail in each passage to answer the questions correctly

It is therefore a waste of time to read the text with the intent of understanding every singledetail before you try to answer the questions

answer Each type of question is answered in a different way

3 Find the section of the text that deals with each question The question-type tells youexactly where to look in the text to find correct ans ers

* For main idea questions, look at the first line of each paragraph.

* For directly and indirectly answered detail questions, choose a key word in the question,and skim for that key word (or a related idea) in order in the text

* For vocabulary questions, the question will tell you where the word is located in thetext

4 Read the part of the text that contains the answer carefully The answer will probably be in

the same sentence (or one sentence before or after) the key word or idea

5 Choose the best answer to each question from the four answer choices listed in your test

paper You can choose the best answer according to what is given in theappropriate section of the text, eliminate definitely wrong answers, and mark your best guess

on the answer sheet

There are some types of questions in the Reading Comprehension section of the test You should be familiar with them

1 MAIN IDEA QUESTIONS: The answer to this type of question can generally be

determined by looking at the first sentence of each paragraph

The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about main idea questions:

Trang 15

Egyptian ArtFive thousand years ago, Egyptian art was the most advanced art ever known The ancientEgyptians created many great works of art Egyptian art is most famous for great paintings,statues, pottery and unique buildings The Egyptian artists tried to make art that accuratelyshowed humans, the world and their spiritual beliefs The artists were so skilled that many

:xzunplcs of Egyptiau an ::;till exist today, like the Sphinx arid the Pyramids They even used

painted pictures and symbols, called hieroglyphs, to write with

What is the main point of the passage?

(A) Egyptian art was very beautiful and unique

(B) Egyptians used art to show their symbols

(C) Egyptian art was the same as other cultures

(D) Egyptians were skilled at only one type of art

2 Sl'ATED DETAIL QUESTIONS: The answers to these questions are found in order in the passage

Ice ages, those periods when ice covered extensive areas of the Earth, are known tohave occurred at least six times Past ice ages can be recognized from rock strata that showevidence of foreign materials deposited by moving walls of ice or melting glaciers Ice agescan also be recognized from land formations that have been produced from moving walls ofice, such as U-shaped valleys, sculptured landscapes, and polished rock faces

The passage covers how many different methods of recognizing past ice ages?

Plasma differs in several important ways from whole blood First of all, plasma can bemixed for all donors and does not have to be from the right blood group, as whole blood does

In addition, plasma can be dried and stored, while whole blood cannot

All of the following are true about blood Plasma EXCEPT

(A) it is a deeply colored liquid

(B) blood cells have been taken out of it

(C) patients are often transfused with it

(D) it is generally more important to the patient than other parts of whole blood

4 FIND PRONOUN REFERENT QUESTIONS: the line where the pronoun is located isgenerally given in the question The noun that the pronoun refers to is generally found beforethe pronoun

The full moon that occurs nearest the equinox of the Sun has become known as theharvest moon It is a bright moon which allows farmers to work late into the night for severalnights; they can work when the moon is at its brightest to bring in the fall harvest Theharvest moon of course occurs at different times of the year in the northern and southernhemispheres In the northern hemisphere, the harvest moon occurs in September at the time


Trang 16

of the autumnal equinox In the southern hemisphere, the harvest moon occurs in March at the time of the vernal equinox.

1 The pronoun It refers to

(A) the equinox

(C) times ofthe year

(D) northern and southern


The answers to these questions are found in order in the passage

Eskimos need efficient and adequate means to travel across water in that the areaswhere they are surrounded by oceans, bays, and inlets and dotted with lakes and seas Twodifferent types of boats have been developed by the Eskimos, each constructed to meetspecific needs

The kayak is something like a canoe that has been covered by a deck A kayak isgenerally constructed with one opening in the deck for one rider; however, some kayaks aremade for two Because the deck of a kayak is covered over except for the hole (or holes) forits rider (or riders), a kayak can tip over in the water and roll back up without filling withwater and sinking One of the primary uses of the kayak is for hunting

The umiak is not closed over, as is the kayak Instead, it is an open boat that is built tohold ten twelve passengers Eskimos have numerous uses for the umiak which reflect the size

of the boat; "the umiak is used to haul belongings from campsite to campsite, and it is usedfor hunting larger animals that are too big to be hunted in a kayak

1 It is implied in the passage that if a kayak has two holes, then

(A) it accommodates two riders

(B) it is less stable than a kayak with one hole

(C) it is as large as an umiak

(D) it cannot be used on the ocean

2 It can be inferred from the passage that an example of the animal mentioned in the last paragraph might be

(A) a kangaroo

(B) a snake

(C) a whale

(D) a salmon

II Vocabulary questions

Vocabulary questions ask you to identifY the meanings of vocabulary words in thereading passages To answer these questions, you may have to know the meanings of thewords You can also identifY the meanings of some ofthe words by understanding the contextsurrounding the words, by using structural clues to identifY the meanings of the words, or bybreaking down the unknown words into known word parts in order to identifY them

Trang 17

There are skills that you can use to help you find the correct answer to the question:(I) finding definitions from structural cues, (2) determining meanings from word parts, and(3) using context clues to determine meanings.

The teddy bear is a child's toy, a nice, soft stuffed animal suitable for cuddling It is,

however, a toy with an interesting history behind it

Theodore Roosevelt, or Teddy as he was commonly called, was president of the

United States from 1901 to 1909 He was an unusually active man with varied pastimes, one

of which was hunting One day the president was invited to take part in a bear hunt; andinasmuch as Teddy was president, his hosts wanted to ensure that he caught a bear A bearwas captured, clunked over the head to knock it out, and tied to a tree; however, Teddy, whoreally wanted to actually hunt, refused to shoot the bear and in fact demanded that the bear be

extricated from the ropes; that is, he demanded that the bear be set free.

The incident attracted a lot of attention among journalists First, a cartoon-drawn byClifford K Berryman to make fun of this situation-s-appeared in the Washington Post, andthe cartoon was widely distributed and reprinted throughout the country Then toymanufacturers began producing a toy bear, which they called a "teddy bear." The teddy bearbecame the most widely recognized symbol of Roosevelt's presidency

1 According to the text, what is a "teddy bear"?

(A) A ferocious animal

(B) The president of the United States

(C) A famous hunter

(D) A plaything

2 The word pastimes could best be replaced by

(A) things that occurred in the past

(B) a type of teddy bear

(C) a drawing with a message


Trang 19

and Canada who use the American Sign Language (ASL) as their primary language range from 100,000 to 500,000.

Linguists have found that sign languages and spoken languages share many features.Like spoken languages, which use units of sound to produce words, sign languages use units

of form These units are composed of tour basic hand forms, hand shape, such as an openhand or closed fist; hand location, such as on the middle of the forehead or in front of thechest; hand movement, such as upward or downward; and hand orientation, such as the palmfacing up or out Linguists still have much to learn about the world's sign languages Whathas become clear is that hundreds, if not thousands, of sign languages exist around the world

1 is considered the native language of many deaf people

A English

B American

C Their own mother tongue

D The sign language

2 Which of the following sentences is true?

A Deaf communities mean the communities of only the deaf

B Only deaf people can learn sign languages

C Deaf communities include both deaf and hearing people who converse

4 The four basic hand forms of the sign language include

A hand shape, hand location, hand movement, hand orientation

B open hand, hand location, hand movement, hand orientation

C hand upward, hand location, hand movement, hand shape

D hand closed, hand location, open hand, hand orientation

5 Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A Spoken languages use units of sounds to produce words

B American Sign Language is the primary sign language in the world

C Linguists have learned enough about the world's sign languages

D There are many sign languages besides the ASL


Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821 and immigrated to New York Citywhen she was ten years old One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor Thatwas nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century After writingmanv letter<: seeking admission to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor inPhiladelphia So determined was she that she taught school and gave music lessons to earnmoney for her tuition

In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education inParis She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to abandon the idea.Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practicebecause she was a woman By 1857, Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with


Trang 20

another female doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children.Besides being the first female physician in the United States and founding her own hospital,she also established the first medical school for women.

1 Why couldn't Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon?

A She couldn't get admitted to medical school

B She decided to further her education in Paris

C A serious eye infection halted her quest

D It was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States

2 What main obstacle almost destroyed Elizabeth's chances for becoming a doctor?

A She was a woman

B She wrote too many letters

C She couldn't graduate from medical school

D She couldn't establish her hospital

3 How many years elapsed between her graduation from medical school and the opening of her hospital?

A 8

B 10

C 19

D 36

4 All of the following are "firsts" in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell EXCEPT

A she became the first female physician in the United States

B she was the first woman surgeon in the United States

C she and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children

D she established the first medical school for women

5 How old was Elizabeth Blackwell when she graduated from medical school?

A 10

B 21

D 36

Trang 21


In Section 4 of the Reading test is the GAP FILLING section In this part of the testyou will read a short text with ten gaps in it You fill each of the gaps with ONE suitableword from the box This part of the test will test you about vocabulary, grammaticalstructures

The word you choose to fill the gaps in section 4 must:

fit grammatically

fit with the meaning of the sentence

Before filling the gaps, you remember:

It's important to understand what the text is about, so try and read it once without looking at the choices

Read the words before and after the gap very carefully so that your choice makessense grammatically

Check that the word you choose makes sense in the sentence


Read the text below and fill each of the blanks with ONE suitable word from the box.

My friend Alexander is having a wonderful time at university It is the freedom that

he likes the most- he does not live at home, you see In fact, he and his parents did not get onwell with each other (21)so he left home They usually made him study for threehours every evening, gave him very little pocket money, and did not allow him to go(22) out He is much happier now, and goes out a lot with his friends, despite not (23)…having much money He is studying in London (24)now , and shares a flat withthree (25)other boys there He does not always (26).pass his exams, though, andhis teachers have told him to study (27).harder in the future The problem is that he doesnot have much time, (28).because he is doing a part-time job to help pay the universityfees He does not know what kind of job he look (29).for when he has finished thiscourse, (30) before he will probably do some traveling and get seasonal or temporarywork

Trang 22


The body of the average adult has in storage enough food to last for several weeks Ithas enough water to last for several days At any one time, however, the body has onlyenough oxygen stored in the (21) lungs to last for three or four minutes! Fortunately,

it is (22)not difficult for us to acquire the oxygen we need (23)as a rule, weneed only to breathe in the (24).air around us for an adequate supply

The amount of oxygen needed (25).by a person at one time depends uponhis activities As the activities of the body increase, the use of oxygen (26) also increases He begins to breathe deeper and faster to bring (27).more oxygen into thelungs More red cells are thrown into the bloodstream to aid in carrying the added supply ofoxygen Blood from the stomach and the intestines is transferred into the blood vessels of themuscles (28) w h i c h are at work This blood helps to transfer the added oxygen to the(29).parts of the body that need it

If blood is taken from the stomach right after a meal digestion of food will behampered It is best, therefore, (30).not to exercise strenuously right after eating

Trang 23

In this unit

• Saying things another way

• Matching the meaning

1 Read the postcard that Monika has written to her English friend, Sue She wants to say the same things but in a different way to another friend, Anna Using the words that are given, write her postcard to Anna

.J'm havltlg a wondeP(ul flme

hePe In Acapulco.

The weafheP 's been gt"eaf.

011/y one day of t'aln!

.Jfs vePy lnfePesfl11g clfy.

The hofel has a gPeaf swimming pool.

f !ope you 1Ve PemembePed J'/1 be

In O.x(oPd t1e.xf week.

Cilve yauP bPofheP my love.


Sue Co.x

14 Whlfelands Rd O.x{od

Trang 24

2 In this part of the exam, you're given a sentence and you must complete a similar sentence using different words that give the same meaning Find a connection between a phrase from A and a phrase from B.

Ngày đăng: 01/02/2015, 00:00

