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[...]... here Mum / pog/ the biLL we / go / bg cor/ to the cof6 The',vo,tress *s-rolr-o '.ec.:s c ed unlform, but todoq she's\i/eqrinq-a-blug-undAfn J _. +4. _J- continuous the Use simple the present or 4 Complete sentences the present in of the verbs brockets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I us uol L U - - - - ( g o )swim m in g o n So tu r d o g s on Amg (send) emoitto Hotlgot the moment (eot) in with o knifeondfork... Iveryone prog(ctmme ctboul 1'heccn.c?ri Aolly played fhe g,ictr,c, :.ni t'rerfriends Suzy crnC i:.n,? ftco(Jeft fl ' ve \ flo o d ,b u t Ac\\y, Su z u Cr[\d Jc.ng to_ crll ve(y fired al the :nl 6 ou/ friends 3 Complete sentences questions the post simpleof be or hove the ond Use 1 Phi['s verghoppgbecouse exom wosn't the vergdifficuLt 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 e 10 I'm v er ghun r g I g b r e o kfo st Louise coke the... shopping during week the 4 Bethgoes (u o o 5 G rondpo n dG r o n d m o r eo f h o m e n Su n d o g s su o il.g ) (never) 6 I'm lotefor schoot of in the the 3 Complete text.Use postsimple theverbs brockets hod rdog,we' LostSotu Horrg ondI ] of term.Chor[ie, (be) of people there Mongof them Lots l There 4 - much We fun werestorting Review1 (hove) portgto celebrote end the o (invite) ourfriends o[[ (orrive)... instruments thegAnnoondZoe's? nice 3 Circlethe correctonswer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Thot'sours/@-Ddovourite tog ThetittLe dogis her/ hers This T-shirt gour/ gours is Some the sweets his/his's of ore Those rucksocks their/ theirs ore Theicecreom mg / mine is Is this CDgours gour? / TheDVDploger oursf our is pronouns 4 Completethe sentences possessive Use 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 got The Mum ond Dodhove o trophg trophuis is Leo's... The I'vegot o rucksock rucksock the-rrs Unit4 23 5 Lookof the pictures Circle correct the onswer Thet roiners r eh i s l h e r s o Is th o t th e ir s th e irco r ? / Th et roph iso u r s u s g / ju T h is m p e r ' s g / m in e m It'st heir s t h e i rd o L L / Thewoterbottle's hers his / Is it gou/ gourfootboLL? TheMP3ploger's hers her / 24 U n i t4 going have game we're to a putyour of football... somefood drink friendGemmo or Mg (hove) (ptoU)the piono I so Evergone 4 Tick(/) the correct sentences 1 Weorrived three dogsogo.e Weorrive ogothree d aogs.! 3 Dionorongme gesterdoU evening D Dionorongme gesterdog evening D 5 Night[ost,it roined Lost night, roined it D 2 The wos geo, gooa concert Lost ! Theconcert goodlost geor.D wos 4 Twoweeks ogo,I visited Zoe.! I two weeksogo,visitedZoe.| I 6 Yesterdog,... Look theirsn.*.or [-l of U n it4 2 Isthisgoursl[-l Isthisgorrl [-_l D It's Thisisn'tmg uniform hers.D It's Thisisn'tmg uniform her's It's 6 Don'ttokethot comic his's.[_-l It's Don't tokethot comic his.D It's 8 No,thot isn'therrucksock mine [_l It's No, thot isn'thers minerucksock [-l pronoun 2 Reploce underlinedwordswith o possessive the m!.ne- 1 Thisisn'tmq trumpet 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is Thisis mg woterbottle... verg /(dlErlunch eorlg 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Eric sow/ seen robotof the exhibition o Ho|'[g heord heoredthe music / losper ond Rgon buged bought sondwich o / I went / goed school gesterdog to lomie moke/ modebreokfost morning this Thebirdsftew/tLied owog Thescientist thinked thoughtoboutthe question / Lookof exercise Write negotive 3 sentences didn't qq_t_.LunEh_veru earlu r W_e 2 3_ 4 5_ 6 7 8 5 Complete text... Were the correct onswer 1 Circle 1 3 5 7 12 Thereiiryos on / wereo piono the stoge 2 Wewere/ wosexcited oboutthe concert 4 W os/ We r eg o uo f h o m e ? 6 Leo ondSeb wosn't/ weren't ot 8 the concert 2 Unit Ethon's weren'tf wosn'tverg voice Loud Whg wos/ wereAnnoondKote tired? ALI ourfriends were/ wosin the oudience Wh o two s/we r e th e n o m e f the pl og? o 2 Complete Horrg's diorg.Writewos,wereor... walks fast 6 Chonge odjectives odverbs 7 Circle correct the into the onswer l quick,luickl'g 1 T h o tco risve r gslo wL g sL o w / 2 fost go 2 Yo up lo g e d e o L L g o d/ we l.L r 3 nice 4 hop p g 5 good 6 heo lth g 3 4 s 6 p T h e g lo g e d o p p iL/h o p p Vto gether h g Weo lwo g s o t h e o [th g h e o L thi Lg e ,' food Wh gd o e s ino L wo stc Ik to u d/ Loudl g? F g T h o tte o mco n ' tr u nve . post simple ond continuous There, theg're ond their 8 L2 L6 20 22 26 30 34 36 t8 44 $ 50 54 58 62 64 68 72 76 78 80 After school We use tike + -ing to totk obout things thot we olwogs. I've done mg homework 11 A speciot odventure L2 We shouLd plog outside Review4 13 Hel"ping others 14 Hoppg memories 15 We were hoving funl Reviewl Grommor reference Irregulor verbs Like. / pLog tennis Beth [ikes ptouLna tennLs. IJJ mg friends / Like / wotch fiLms Som /not Like / pLoVthe piono gou/tike/surf/? 4 theg / like / cook / 7 Starter Like + -irg;

Ngày đăng: 13/01/2015, 14:56