Visual aids and main teaching purposes Visual aids Main teaching purposes Black board/ White board - Writing words and ideas that come up during the lesson - Drawing or displaying pictur
Trang 1ELT 2
Trang 2Topics you’ve covered
1 Classroom Management
2 Lesson Planning
3 Teaching Grammar
4 Teaching Vocabulary
5 Teaching Pronunciation
6 Teaching reading
7 Teaching listening
8 Teaching writing
9 Teaching speaking
Trang 3Classroom management
Visual Aids
Giving and checking instruction
Teaching large class
Motivating students
Keeping disciplines
Trang 4Visual aids and main teaching
Visual aids Main teaching purposes
Black board/ White board - Writing words and ideas that come up during the
- Drawing or displaying pictures
- Building up ideas in diagrams, word maps, etc
- For learners to write answers
- For whole- class compositions
The teacher Gestures/ action/ facial expression
àto help show meanings of words
àTo illustrate situations
àTo prompt practice
Realia (real objects brought
into the classroom) àà present new language (vocab or structure)Help students get into character when acting out a
dialogue or role play
àUsed as props for dialogues or role plays ( real money for a shopping scene, etc.)
Trang 5Visual aids and main teaching
Visual aids Main teaching purposes
Pictures and images
(flashcard/ large wall
pictures/ photographs/
illustrations/ cue cards)
àStructure practice
àUsed in drills (grammar items, cueing sentences, practicing vocabulary)
àCommunicative games (describe and draw…)
àCreative writing (from a series of pictures)
Trang 6Types of eliciting
Using pictures
Using games or activities
Using texts and dialogues
Miming: Using gestures, facial expression, body language
Using questioning techniques
(Doff, 1988)
Trang 7Techniques to give and check instructions
“Step-by-step” or “feed- in” approach
Break the instruction into separate steps
Demonstrate it, “model” it, “show- don’t- tell”
A demonstration is easier to understand than an explanation, and reduces teacher’s talking time
Say- Do- Check
T say instruction- S do it- T check
Student recall
T may ask S to recall in Vietnamese helpful for students of low level
Not What but How
Vietnamese or English: NOT important
Trang 8Teaching large class
Problem: insufficient time for students’ talk
it’s hard for teachers to maintain good rapport with a very large classroom
The lessons tend to be impersonal Teacher: Lecturing role
Suggestions ØPair- work
ØClass section
ØGroup- work
ØChorus response
ØTeam- teaching
Trang 9Characteristics of motivating
Clear goal
Varied topics and tasks
Make learning visual
Tension and challenge
Make learning fun
Information gap activities
Trang 10What to teach?
The three- dimension model:
(1) Form
(2) Meaning
(3) Use/ pragmatics
Different aspects of grammar
=> Teachers organize the knowledge relating to particular structure and
determine which part would potentially cause problems to learners’ acquisition.
Trang 11Morphosyntactic
and lexical patterns
Lexical meaning Grammatical meaning
Use/ Pragmatics Social context
Linguistics discourse context Presupposition about context
When/ Why is it used?
How is it formed?
What does it mean?
Different aspects of grammar
Trang 12 Presentation- Practice- Production
Deep- End Approach (Test – Teach - Test)
Task- based Approach
Common methods of teaching
Trang 13Vocabulary: What needs to be taught?
1 Form: Pronunciation and spelling
2 Grammar: e.g verb (base form/ irregular/ transitive-
intransitive); noun (plural form/ irregular); verb +
verbs that follow; verb/ adj + prep
3 Collocation
4 Aspects of meaning (1): denotation, connotation,
appropriateness/ formality
5 Aspects of meaning (2): meaning relationships
6 Word formation
Trang 14Techniques for teaching
Showing the meaning of words visually
Showing the meaning of words in context
Using synonyms and/ or antonyms
Using translation
Combining different techniques
Trang 15Techniques for consolidating and
checking new vocabulary
Guess the picture
Jumbled words
Noughts and Crosses
Rub out and remember
Slap the board
What and Where
Word square
Word storm
Trang 16Bottom-up approach Top-down approach
Stress, Rhythm, Tone,
The articulation of individual sounds or phonemes
The articulation of individual sounds or phonemes
Stress, Rhythm, Tone,
Trang 17Pennington, 1996: 157) Foundation of good pronunciation
Breath Voice quality setting Intonation
Rhythm Word stress Vowels
Description and Analysis Listening discrimination Controlled practice and feedback
Guided practice and feedback
Communicative practice and feedback