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Date values, 114115, 413415 Date variable type, 89 DateAdd function, 115 DateClick event, MonthView control, 428429 DateDiff function, 115 DatePart function, 115 DateSerial function, 90, 115 DateTimePicker control, 410, 429430 DateValue function, 90, 115 Day function, 90 DBCombo boxes, binding to data controls, 847 DBEngine DAO object, 825 DblClick event combo boxes, 253, 268 label control, 446 list boxes, 253, 256257 multiselect list boxes, 261 option buttons, 233 DBList boxes, binding to data controls, 847 DDB function, 116 Deactivating OLE objects, 916 Deallocating memory, 809, 810 Debug menu, IDE, 43 Debug toolbar, IDE, 61, 62 Debugging, 1007, 10291030 breakpoints, 1031, 1036 examining expressions and variables, 10331036 executing code to cursor, 1036 Visual Basic 6 Black Book:Index (34 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:19 AM] Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com Immediate window, 10351036 Quick Watch window, 1033 single-stepping, 1032 skipping statements, 1036 using message boxes, 1030 Watch window, 1034 Decimal variable type, 89 Declaring arrays, 9395 Declaring constants, 8586 Declaring DLL procedures, 775776 Declaring DLLs, 818 Declaring functions, 9798 Declaring methods in code components, 950 Declaring properties in class modules, 946 Declaring subroutines, 9697 Declaring variables, 11, 8687 implicit declaration, 87 Option Explicit statement, 38, 88 Option Private Module statement, 91 variable scope, 9091 variable types, 8889 Declaring Windows API functions, 775776 DEF files, in DLLs, 818 Default property, 234, 236 Default values, optional arguments, 954 DefaultExt property, 355 Defensive programming, 37 DELETE (FTP command), 730 Visual Basic 6 Black Book:Index (35 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:19 AM] Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com Delete method data controls, 844845 FileObject, 574 MAPIMessages control, 719, 720 OLE control, 926 OLE objects, 898 Recordset objects, 872, 892893 DeleteDC function, 782 DeleteFile method, 574 DeleteSetting Windows API function, 999 Deleting OLE objects, 926 Deployment package, 10441048 Description property, 10211022 Design standards, 155156, 163165, 172173 Design time grid, 5354, 453 Design time properties, 46 Designed for Microsoft Windows logo, 10411042 Device contexts controls, 780 copying bitmaps between, 793794 deleting, 782 drawing in, 782788 for entire screen, 781782 printers, 365 ROP2 (binary raster operation) mode, 788789 windows, 780 Devices. See Media Control Interface (MCI) devices. DeviceType property, 744745 Visual Basic 6 Black Book:Index (36 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:19 AM] Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com DHTML controls, 710 DHTML (Dynamic HTML), 696, 710, 715. See also DHTML Page Designer; DHTML pages. DHTML Page Designer opening, 706 Table Operation drop-down box, 715716 text, entering, 709710 toolbar, inserting HTML tags, 710 toolbox, 710711, 712713, 716717 DHTML pages ActiveX controls, 713715 HTML controls, 712713 HTML tags, 710 hyperlinks, 716717 images, 710711 tables, 715716 testing, 717 text, 709710 Dialog boxes Cancel buttons, 244245 creating, 146147 designing, 122 displaying icons in taskbar, 995 libraries of, 962 modal display of, 147, 962, 996997 Dim statement, 11, 86, 9394, 138 DIR (FTP command), 730 Directories changing, 572, 816 Visual Basic 6 Black Book:Index (37 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:19 AM] Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com creating and deleting, 572 current directory, 353, 816 default directory, 816 downloading from Web pages, 731, 732 Windows installation directory, 814815 Directory list box control, 568, 569571 DisabledPicture property, 237 Disabling buttons, 236237 Disabling forms at runtime, 151 Disabling menu items, 180181 Disk space available, determining, 813814 Display screen. See Screen; Screen object. DisplayType property, 903904 Distances, changing measurement scale, 17 <DIV> DHTML tag, 710 DLL files, 1043 DLL procedures, 775776 DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) ActiveX components, 652 ActiveX documents, 684 C++ DLLs, linking to, 816818 code components (ActiveX DLLs), 935, 936, 945, 951953, 957, 963 components of, 816818 core Windows DLLs, 774 declaring, 818 DHTML pages, 706 error handling, 1023 vs. EXE files, 652, 684 Visual Basic 6 Black Book:Index (38 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:19 AM] Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com Do loop, 107 DOB files (ActiveX document files), 651, 686 Dockable toolbars, 44 Document views, 144 DocumentProperties Windows API function, 780 Documents, 141, 144145. See also ActiveX documents; MDI child forms; MDI forms. Done event, 741, 763764, 768 Dotted lines, drawing, 456 Double-clicking. See DblClick event. Double variable type, 89 DoVerb method, 898, 913914 Down picture, adding to buttons, 241 DownClick event, 308309 DownloadComplete event, 701 Downloading files, 728736 DownLoadMail property, 721, 725 DownPicture property, 241, 248 Drag and drop operations columns in flex grid controls, 402403 controls, 976983 frames, 440442 OLE objects, 983990 Drag method, 440441, 924925 DragDrop event, 925, 977, 978982 DragMode property, 976 DragOver event, 982983 Drawing area, clearing, 585 Drawing boxes, 593594 Visual Basic 6 Black Book:Index (39 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:19 AM] Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com Drawing circles, 324325, 450, 459, 594595 Drawing freehand lines, 599600 Drawing images, 622623 Drawing lines, 325326, 455458, 591, 782783 Drawing mode, setting, 604606, 788789 Drawing ovals, 450 Drawing pen, setting, 604606, 786788 Drawing points, 326, 604 Drawing position, setting, 782783 Drawing rectangles, 449 Drawing rounded rectangles, 451 Drawing rounded squares, 451 Drawing scales, setting, 606607 Drawing squares, 449 Drawing style, setting, 602603 Drawing width, setting, 602603 DrawMode property, 604606 DrawStyle property, 602603 DrawWidth property, 602603 Drive list box control, 567568, 569571 Drive property, 567568 Drop-down combo boxes, 265 Drop-down list combo boxes, 265 Dynamic arrays, 9495 Dynamic HTML. See DHTML (Dynamic HTML). Dynamic HTML Application item, New Project dialog box, 706 Dynamic Link Libraries. See DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries). E Visual Basic 6 Black Book:Index (40 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:19 AM] Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com Edit menu, 43, 7879, 164165 Edit method, 868 Edit toolbar, 61, 62 Editing images, 623 Editing OLE objects, 896, 912 Eject command, multimedia MCI control, 748, 755 Ejecting CDs, 755 Elapsed time, displaying, 417, 752 Ellipse Windows API function, 784 Ellipses, drawing, 460, 596597, 784 Ellipsis ( &) in names of menu items, 155 ElseIf statement, 104 Email functionality. See also MAPIMessages control; MAPISession control. composing messages, 721722 MAPI controls, adding to projects, 718 MAPI session, initiating, 721 reading messages, 725726 sending messages, 722723 Visual Basic support for, 697 Embedded OLE objects, 897899, 902, 905907, 908911, 929930 Embedding ActiveX controls in Web pages, 657 Embossing images, 642644 Enabled property buttons, 237 combo boxes, 273 forms, 151 menu items, 181 scroll bars, 292 Visual Basic 6 Black Book:Index (41 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:19 AM] Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com text boxes, 202 timer control, 412 Encapsulation, 37 End Function keywords, 99 End statement, 116 End Sub keywords, 97 EndDoc method, 611 Ending programs, 116, 136 Engraving images, 644645 Enlarging OLE objects, 928 Enterprise Edition, Visual Basic, 2 EOF function, 556 EOF property, 870871 EOFEnable property, 409, 422 Erase statement, 96 Erasing images, 621 Err object Description property, 10211022 LastDLLError property, 1023 Number property, 10201021 Raise method, 10231024 Source property, 1022 Error ADO object, 827 Error function, 1021 Error handlers disabling error trapping, 10151016 disregarding errors, 1015 nested error handling, 10241025 Visual Basic 6 Black Book:Index (42 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:19 AM] Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com resuming execution, 10161020 using labels, 10121013 using line numbers, 1014 writing, 10091012 Error objects, creating, 10261027 Error property, 764768 Error strings, multimedia MCI control, 765767 ErrorMessages property, 764768 Errors comEvent& errors, 426427 determining which error occurred, 10201021 in DLLs, 1023 error description, 10211022 list of trappable errors, 10031007 Pentium FDIV error, 65 source of error, 1022 trapping Cancel button in Common Dialogs, 347348, 10281029 user-defined errors, 10231024 Errors collection, ADO, 827 Event handlers, 6, 659, 713 Events, 678680. See also names of specific events. Events ADO objects, 827 Exclamation point (!) in menu item names, 156, 176 Exclusive OR pen. See Xor Pen pen setting. EXE files ActiveX components, 652 ActiveX documents, 684 code components (ActiveX EXEs), 935, 945 Visual Basic 6 Black Book:Index (43 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:19 AM] Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com [...]... files, 104 0 compiling, 1 060 displaying, 368 370, 1 061 1 062 http://24.19.55. 56: 8080/temp /book- index.html (57 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:20 AM] Visual Basic 6 Black Book: Index Help projects, 104 9105 0 Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com index, 105 8 online help, 1 063 RTF files, creating, 105 11 060 Help menu, 44, 165 Help Workshop, 369 , 104 9105 0, 1 060 HelpCommand property, 368 ... in controls, 61 6 displaying in status bars, 489 displaying in Windows Common Controls, 61 6 editing using picture clip controls, 62 3 erasing, 62 1 filling, 60 160 2 flipping, 63 063 1 freeing memory used by graphics, 64 764 8 loading at runtime, 61 962 0 manipulating at pixel level, 63 564 7 printing, 61 061 1 saving to disk, 62 0 selecting in picture clip controls, 62 563 0 setting drawing mode, 60 460 6 setting drawing... http://24.19.55. 56: 8080/temp /book- index.html (55 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:20 AM] Visual Basic 6 Black Book: Index freehand lines, 59 960 0 Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com images, 62 262 3 lines, 591592, 782783 in picture boxes, 3233 26 points, 60 4 setting drawing mode, 60 460 6, 788789 setting drawing pen, 60 460 6, 7 867 88 setting drawing position, 782783 setting drawing scales, 60 660 7... Freeing memory, 64 764 8, 809 Friend keyword, 13, 96, 9 46, 950 FRM files (form files), 162 2, 26 http://24.19.55. 56: 8080/temp /book- index.html (53 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:20 AM] Visual Basic 6 Black Book: Index From property, 770 Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com FromPage property, 364 Front layer of forms, 61 1 FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 69 7, 727734, 1 066 1 068 See also... 60 660 7 setting drawing style, 60 260 3 setting drawing width, 60 260 3 text, 588589 fill color and patterns, 60 160 2 freeing memory used by, 64 764 8 layering, 61 161 2 manipulating at pixel level, 63 564 7 pasting from Clipboard, 61 0 printing, 61 061 1 redrawing, 584 resizing, 60 860 9 Graphics controls, vs graphics methods, 582583 Graying out menu items, 180181 Grayscale images, 63 764 0 Grid controls, 373374 See... freeing memory used by graphics, 64 8 loading images at runtime, 61 962 0 vs picture boxes, 61 461 5 properties BorderStyle property, 61 8 Picture property, 339340, 61 8, 64 8 Stretch property, 339340, 61 8, 63 3 stretching images to fit control, 339340, 63 3 Image element, DHTML, 710 http://24.19.55. 56: 8080/temp /book- index.html (60 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:20 AM] Visual Basic 6 Black Book: Index Image list control,... expressions, 115 examining values of (debugging), 103 310 36 operator precedence, 102 104 values of constants, 85 Extender objects, 66 6 Extender property, 66 6 F F argument, Line method, 60 2 Fast code, optimizing for, 75 FDIV error, Pentium, 65 Fetch method, 719, 725 http://24.19.55. 56: 8080/temp /book- index.html (44 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:19 AM] Visual Basic 6 Black Book: Index FetchMsgType property, 719 Simpo... 2:14:20 AM] Visual Basic 6 Black Book: Index Layers, 61 161 2, 8108 12 Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com LBound function, 96 LCase function, 90, 101 Learning Edition, Visual Basic, 2 LeaveCell event, 399 Left function, 101 Left property buttons, 239 forms, 133 frame control, 440 label control, 443 shape control, 454 Len function, 101 , 204 Let procedure, 66 766 8, 66 9, 947949... FileTitle property, 351, 354 Fill color, 60 160 2 Fill pattern, 60 2 FillColor property controls, 585 forms, 585, 60 160 2 picture boxes, 60 160 2 shape control, 453 FillStyle property forms and picture boxes, 60 2 shape control, 452 Filters, 3 563 57 http://24.19.55. 56: 8080/temp /book- index.html ( 46 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:19 AM] Visual Basic 6 Black Book: Index Financial functions, 1 16 Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered... menu, 5253 Hotspot targets, Help files, 105 5105 7 Hotspots, Help files, 105 3105 5 Hour function, 90 HPJ files, 104 9105 0 HTM files, 707 HTML controls, 712713 HTML tags, 710 HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol), 69 769 8, 735737 http://24.19.55. 56: 8080/temp /book- index.html (58 of 138) [3/14/2001 2:14:20 AM] Visual Basic 6 Black Book: Index Hungarian prefix notation, 7 767 77 Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered . IDE, 61 , 62 Debugging, 100 7, 102 9 103 0 breakpoints, 103 1, 10 36 examining expressions and variables, 103 3 10 36 executing code to cursor, 10 36 Visual Basic 6 Black Book: Index http://24.19.55. 56: 8080/temp /book- index.html. setting, 60 2 60 3 Drawing width, setting, 60 2 60 3 DrawMode property, 60 4 60 6 DrawStyle property, 60 2 60 3 DrawWidth property, 60 2 60 3 Drive list box control, 567  568 , 569 571 Drive property, 567  568 Drop-down. property, 60 4 60 6 DrawStyle property, 60 2 60 3 DrawWidth property, 60 2 60 3 Enabled property, 151 FillColor property, 585, 60 1 60 2 Visual Basic 6 Black Book: Index http://24.19.55. 56: 8080/temp /book- index.html

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