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AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 4 ppt

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© 2002 by CRC Press LLC Deep Tank Aeration with Blower and Compressor Considerations 4.1 INTRODUCTION Typical depths of diffused aeration tanks vary over a range from 3.50 to 6.00 m. This range is illustrated by an evaluation of 98 published performance tests in Germany (Pöpel and Wagner, 1989) showing the following tank depth distribution: • tank depths greater than 6.00 m: 10 percent • tank depths 4.00 to 6.00 m: 50 percent • tank depths less than 4.00 m: 40 percent Greater tank depths, 20 to 30 m, equipped with special ejector systems for oxygenation, have been used for treating industrial effluents only by applying the so-called “tower-biology” (Bayer company; Diesterweg et al., 1978) and bio-high- reactor (Hoechst company; Leistner et al., 1979). These systems produce very small bubbles (micrometer range), which remain stable at the high salinity (some 20 g/l) of the wastewater. However, at municipal wastewater conditions, these bubbles would coalesce and lead to poor oxygen transfer performance. There is, however, a strong tendency towards greater tank depths, probably due to the following reasons: • when upgrading wastewater treatment plants for biological nutrient removal, especially for biological nitrogen removal, the required increase of tank volume leads to much less area usage at greater depth; • due to the higher oxygen transfer efficiency at greater tank depth, less air is required, producing less off-gas and odor problems and leading to less extensive gas cleaning equipment; • in addition to the rise of the oxygen transfer efficiency, also an increase of the aeration efficiency is expected, which would lead to energy savings. Consequently, a number of activated sludge plants in Europe have been upgraded for nutrient removal using significantly greater tank depths than stated above. Table 4.1. (Wagner, 1998) gives more detailed information on this development. In this context, deep diffused aeration tanks can be defined by having a depth of (significantly) greater than 6.00 m. 4 © 2002 by CRC Press LLC Possible disadvantages of deep aeration tanks have also been envisaged imme- diately with the advent of greater tank depth (ATV-Arbeitsbericht, 1989). In each case, these have to be carefully considered, and measures need to be taken to prevent any process impairment, if required. The potential drawbacks are: • decreased CO 2 stripping from the wastewater due to the required smaller airflow rates, giving rise to a more intensive lowering of the pH-value, especially at low alkalinity. This occurrence may impair or even terminate nitrification unless countermeasures like addition of lime (pH) or soda ash (pH and alkalinity) are taken; • supersaturation of mixed liquor, with respect to all gases, due to the high(er) water pressure. Whereas the oxygen is generally utilized, a seri- ous supersaturation with respect to nitrogen may remain in the tank effluent and lead to (partial) solids flotation in the secondary clarifier. This problem can be solved by either limiting the tank depths to (not yet precisely known) values to avoid excessive nitrogen supersaturation or by installing special constructions for gas release between aeration tank and secondary clarifier; • the process of aeration and gas transfer in deeper tanks has been thor- oughly investigated and modeled only recently (Pöpel and Wagner, 1994; Pöpel et al., 1998). Hence, there was (is) much uncertainty with respect to design of diffused aeration systems in deep tanks. In this chapter, the process of oxygen transfer in deep tanks is characterized and modeled, based on the involved physical mechanisms. Although these hold, obviously, TABLE 4.1 Examples of Deep Aeration Tanks at European Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants City Water Depth m Aeration Tank Volume m 3 Diffuser Material Type of Blower Bonn, D 12.90 135,100 di-m C + S Bottropp, D 10.00 31,300 pl-m + do-c C Frankfurt, D 8.00 57,600 di-rpp C Heilbronn, D 7.80 45,000 di-m C Helsinki, SF 12.00 60,000 * di-m C Stockholm, S 12.00 110,000 * di-m C diffuser submergence ≈ water depth – 0.25 m * = average of variable volume allotted to nitrification, i.e., under aeration C = centrifugal blower pl = plate S = crew compressor c = ceramic di = disc m = membrane do = dome rpp = rigid porous plastic © 2002 by CRC Press LLC for any water depth, some of them can be neglected for more shallow tanks without greater inaccuracies. The model is then verified by an extensive investigation and evaluation program leading to useful empirical relations for design. The application of the model is outlined at the end of the first section. The question of (higher) aeration efficiency in deep aeration tanks is covered in the following section. First, the components of the air supply system and their energy requirements are discussed, followed by an outline of different types of blowers and their energy consumption as a function of diffuser submergence. The above model is then applied to develop principles of blower selection for optimum aeration efficiency and hence maximum energy savings. 4.2 OXYGEN TRANSFER IN DEEP TANKS 4.2.1 C HARACTERIZATION OF THE P ROCESS OF O XYGEN T RANSFER IN D EEP T ANKS In an aeration tank of H (m) of water depth, the bubbles are released at the depth of diffuser submergence of H S (m), generally 0.20 to 0.30 m less than the wastewater depth H . The actual difference depends upon the height of the specific diffuser system construction (see Figure 4.1). The water level is exposed to the atmospheric pressure, P a . The total pressure, P t , at the bubble release level ( h = 0) is given as follows. (4.1) FIGURE 4.1 Schematic of deep tank. P a SOTE(0) = 0 SOTE(h 2 ) SOTE(h 1 )SOTE s (h 1 ) ∆h o course of bubbles h water depth H level of diffuser bubble release h 2 h 1 diffuser submergence H S PP gH ta S =+⋅⋅ ρ © 2002 by CRC Press LLC Because of this pressure, the bubble volume is reduced as is the interfacial area, A , through which gas transfer takes place. Secondly, the local saturation concentra- tion of oxygen, c s , (and other gases contained in air) is increased proportional to this pressure growth. This c s -increase is especially remarkable because the air composi- tion is still unchanged by gas transfer with 21 percent of oxygen. Thirdly, the oxygen transfer coefficient, k L , being a function of bubble size, is reduced accordingly. Following the bubbles along their rise from h = 0 to h = H S after bubble release, the total pressure P t is reduced, and the bubble volume expands. This occurrence causes the interfacial area A to grow again and k L to increase, eventually attaining its “normal value”. Also, by this pressure decrease, the saturation concentrations of all gases con- tained in air are reduced again. With respect to oxygen utilized by activated sludge or carbon dioxide liberated from it, the composition of the air is changed, which also affects the local saturation concentration. The oxygen content of the air is reduced due to the oxygen transfer efficiency from h = 0 to h = h (OTE( h ) as indicated in Figure 4.1). The CO 2 content is slightly decreased in clean water (tests) by some stripping and significantly increased under operational conditions by biological CO 2 production. These processes also change the bubble volume (slightly), which is normally neglected. Consequently, despite the enlargement of the interfacial area, A , and the gas transfer coefficient, k L , the specific oxygen transfer efficiency OTE s is continually decreasing (see Figure 4.1). This decrease is mainly due to the reduction of c s by the changes of pressure and air composition. When approaching the water level ( h ≈ H S ), the bubbles reach characteristics (with the exception of gas composition) they would have without any additional water pressure, hypothetically at a tank depth of zero or in very shallow tanks. These conditions of an aeration system of zero (or very small) depth and unchanged air composition are indicated by a subscript of zero: • bubble volume V B : V B 0 (m 3 ) • bubble diameter d B : d B 0 (m) • interfacial area A : A 0 (m 2 ) • specific interfacial area a : a 0 (m –1 ) • gas transfer coefficient k L : k L 0 (m/h) • saturation concentration c s : c s 0 (g/m 3 ), if air composition is not changed These “standard values” are used as references in modeling the described mech- anisms later. Again, it is pointed out, that the above processes and changes of bubble and transfer characteristics occur in aeration tanks of conventional or even shallow depth. However, the consequences for the rate and efficiency of gas transfer are so small that they can be neglected, and it is only in tanks of greater depth that they have to be taken into account quantitatively. With respect to oxygen transfer to the water, it should be noted that there is an important oxygen concentration gradient in the rising bubbles. The highest oxygen © 2002 by CRC Press LLC content is present immediately after bubble release and the lowest when the bubbles leave the water at the surface. In the technique of off-gas measurement, use is made of this phenomenon. On the other hand, the (waste) water content of an aeration tank is fully mixed in the vertical direction. This difference has been shown in the multitude of oxygen transfer tests under clean and dirty water conditions with oxygen probes placed at different depths within a tank. In other words, there is no oxygen gradient present in the (waste) water. Finally, this means that transfer of oxygen takes place only during the bubble rise from h = 0 to h = H S , and this transferred oxygen is then distributed over the full body of water or over the complete water depth H . In modeling oxygen transfer, this has to be taken into account quantitatively. This influence is strong in shallow tanks, where the difference between water depth and depth of diffuser submergence is relatively large. It diminishes as the water depth increases. 4.2.2 M ODELING OF THE P ROCESS OF O XYGEN AND G AS T RANSFER IN D EEP T ANKS Influence of Depth and Water Pressure on the Transfer Parameters To quantify the influence of atmospheric plus water pressure on the transfer of oxygen, the pressure situation within the tank has to be thoroughly defined and quantified. To this end, the hydraulic pressure (m water column, WC) within the tank at depth h (see Figure 4.1) is converted into the standard unit P (Pa; N/m 2 ) and then related to the atmospheric standard pressure of P a = 101 325 Pa = 101.325 kPa. A bubble at depth h is exposed to an additional water pressure of ∆ P (m WC) = ( H S – h ), or ∆ P (Pa) = 9,810 ⋅ ( H S – h ), and hence, to a total pressure of P a + ∆ P . Relating this total pressure to the atmospheric standard pressure of P a yields the relative pressure π . (4.2) the conversion factor, z , being z = 9,810/101,325 = 0.0968 ≈ 0.1. The rounded value of 0.1 reflects the rule of thumb, that 10 m of water column will double the standard pressure. In the following, the relative pressure π is the relevant pressure parameter for quantifying the influence of tank depth on oxygen transfer via the influenced parameters k L , a , and c s . These parameters, together with the water volume of the aeration tank, V , define the standard oxygen transfer rate SOTR (kg/h). (4.3) π =+ =+ ⋅− () =+⋅ − () =+ ⋅ − () ≈+ ⋅ − () 11 9 810 101 325 1 1 0 0968 1 0 1 ∆P P Hh zH h H h H h a S SSS , , SOTR kacV Ls = ⋅⋅ ⋅ 1000 © 2002 by CRC Press LLC The following definitions apply. V water volume of aeration tank [m 3 ] A total interfacial area [m 2 ] a specific interfacial area = A/V [m –1 ] A at bottom area of aeration tank [m 2 ] k L liquid film coefficient [m/h] where k L ·a is similar to K L a 20 in Equation (2.42) c s oxygen saturation concentration [mg/l] similar to in Equation (2.42) G s standard airflow rate [m N 3 /h at STP] As pointed out when characterizing the process of oxygen transfer in deep tanks, the first three parameters of Equation (4.3), k L , a, and c s , depend on water pressure and c s , additionally on oxygen reduction within the bubble air. Since these effects are normally neglected, this equation is actually applicable for very shallow tanks (H → 0), only and should be written for these conditions with a subscript of zero. (4.4) This approach holds also for the standard oxygen transfer efficiency SOTE (–, %) and its specific value SOTE s (m –1 , %/m), based on the fraction or percent of oxygen absorbed per meter water depth, H. It differs slightly from per meter of bubble rise H S , although generally reported in this latter way. Both SOTE parameters will be extensively applied in modeling. With an oxygen content of ambient air of 300 g/m N 3 , the result is similar to Equation (2.51). (4.5) More accurately for shallow tanks (H → 0), the SOTE 0 is defined as follows (4.6) Similarly, the specific oxygen transfer efficiency SOTE s can be formulated. It has to be noticed, however, that SOTE s is reduced during the bubble rise due to pressure changes and oxygen reduction in the air, as will be shown quantitatively later. Hence, the average value SOTE sa over the full bubble rise is calculated by dividing SOTE by the water depth H (not by the depth of diffuser submergence H S ). (4.7) C ∞20 * SOTR kacV o Lo o so = ⋅⋅ ⋅ 1000 SOTE kacV G SOTR G Ls ss == ⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = ⋅ mass of O transferred mass of O supplied 2 2 300 0 3. SOTE kacV G SOTR G o Lo o so s o s = ⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = ⋅300 0 3. SOTE kacV GH SOTR GH sa Ls ss = () ⋅ () = ⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅⋅ = ⋅⋅ average mass of O transferred mass of O supplied water depth H of aeration tank 2 2 300 0 3. © 2002 by CRC Press LLC Again, this equation can be expressed for very shallow tanks (H → 0). (4.8) The process of oxygen transfer in deep tanks is modeled by expressing the parameters varying with depth (k L , a, and c s ) as functions of their value for shallow tanks (k L 0 , a 0 , and c s 0 ). These functions are derived based on the physical laws governing the depths dependent processes as characterized in Section 4.2.1. The pressure influence on the bubble size is modeled by the universal gas law (P⋅V = m⋅R⋅T), to which the relative pressure π (Equation 4.2) is applied (π⋅V = m⋅R⋅T/P a = constant). Hence, the product of the relative pressure π and the bubble volume V B is constant, and the bubble volume V B 0 is reduced inversely proportional to the relative pressure π as defined in Equation 4.2. (4.9) Assuming geometrically similar deformation of the bubble by compression, the bubble diameter d B 0 is changed by the 1/3-power of the volume change. (4.10) Finally, the total area, A, and the specific area, a, are related by the second power of the diameter. This relationship leads to the dependence of the interfacial area on pressure and on depth H S – h. (4.11) Next to the area parameters, the liquid film coefficient, k L , is influenced by the pressure-dependent bubble diameter, d B , as was shown by Mortarjemi and Jameson (1978) and Pasveer (1955). Their findings are plotted in Figure 4.2. Already in 1935, Higbie proposed the penetration theory for quantifying this interrelationship as given in Equation 2.21. (4.12) SOTE kacV GH SOTR GH so Lo o so s o s = ⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅⋅ = ⋅⋅300 0 3. V VV zH h B Bo Bo S == +⋅ − () π 1 d dd zH h B Bo Bo S == +⋅ − () [] () () π 13 13 1 A AA zH h a aa zH h oo S oo S == +⋅ − () [] == +⋅ − () [] () () () () π π 23 23 23 23 1 1 k Dv d L B B = ⋅ ⋅ 2 π © 2002 by CRC Press LLC Here, v B (m/h) is the rise or slip velocity of the bubble with respect to water. As follows from Figure 4.2, this equation is valid only for bubbles greater than 2 mm. Generally, fine bubbles have an equivalent diameter of some 2 mm, so that the Higbie theory cannot yield correct results for compressed fine bubbles of smaller than 2 mm. By combining the results of Mortarjemi, Jameson, and Pasveer [k L = f(d B )] with Equation 4.10 [d B = f(d B 0 , H S -h)], an empirical relation is developed relating the liquid film coefficient to depth. (4.13) This function proceeds from a liquid film coefficient k L 0 = 0.48 mm/s, typical for an equivalent bubble diameter of d B = 3.0 mm. Figure 4.2 shows that the k L data are fitted very well by Equation 4.13. It should be noted, however, that a bubble diameter of 2 mm is reduced to only 1.55 mm in a 12 m deep tank. Hence, the liquid film coefficient is influenced only slightly under practical conditions. The last parameter influenced by pressure is the oxygen saturation concentration. This effect is quantified by multiplication of c s 0 , the standard saturation concentration without water pressure, with the relative pressure π. (4.14) FIGURE 4.2 Liquid film coefficient as a function of the equivalent bubble diameter after Mortarjemi and Pasveer, Higbie theory and empirical function. (From Pöpel and Wagner, 1994, Water Science and Technology, 30, 4, 71–80. With permission of the publisher, Perga- mon Press, and the copyright holders, IAWQ.) kk Hh LLo S =⋅ − ⋅ − () [] exp .0 0013 cc c zHh sso so S =⋅=⋅+⋅ − () [] π 1 © 2002 by CRC Press LLC In this case, however, the parameter c s 0 is also affected by the oxygen transfer during bubble rise, decreasing the oxygen partial pressure in the bubble air. This influence is quantified via the standard oxygen transfer efficiency SOTE(h) during the bubble rise from h = 0 to h = h. In Figure 4.1, for instance, the SOTE-values for h = h 1 and h = h 2 are depicted for the purpose of illustration; quantities, which are yet unknown. With SOTE(h), as standard oxygen transfer efficiency from the level of bubble release until depth h, the saturation concentration is decreased correspondingly. (4.15) By combining Equations 4.14 and 4.15, the final expression for the saturation concentration at any height above the diffusers, h, is obtained. (4.16) In summary, the influence of depth on the three basic transfer parameters, a, k L , and c s , can be expressed by simple mathematical functions found in Equations 4.11, 4.13, and 4.16, respectively. They include the respective values without water pres- sure, a 0 , k L 0 , and c s 0 , and the standard oxygen transfer efficiency during bubble rise from the release level until h. Development of the Model To develop the transfer model for deep tanks, the pressure influenced transfer parameters, Equations 4.11, 4.13, and 4.16, are inserted into Equations 4.7 and 4.8 to define the specific standard oxygen transfer efficiency as a function of depth. (4.17) (4.18) (4.19) c c SOTE h sso =⋅− () [] 1 c c z H h SOTE h sso S =⋅+⋅ − () [] ⋅− () [] 11 SOTE h kacV GH SOTE h zH h Hh s Lo o so s S S () = ⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅⋅ ⋅− () [] ⋅ +⋅ − () [] +⋅− () [] () 300 1 1 0 0013 13 exp . SOTE h SOTE SOTE h zH h Hh SOTE SOTE h h sso S S so () =⋅− () [] ⋅ +⋅ − () [] +⋅− () [] =⋅− () [] ⋅ () () 1 1 0 0013 1 13 exp . Φ Φ h zH h Hh S S () = +⋅ − () [] +⋅− () [] () 1 0 0013 13 exp . © 2002 by CRC Press LLC Equations 4.18 and 4.19 state that the specific standard oxygen transfer efficiency SOTE s at any depth position, h, within the tank depends on • the specific standard oxygen transfer efficiency of the aeration system in a very shallow tank, SOTE so . This parameter is further applied as a character- istic for the effectiveness of the aeration system and is referred to as “basic specific oxygen transfer efficiency” SOTE so ; • the standard oxygen transfer efficiency up to this position, and • a (mathematical) function Φ(h) of this position h and the depth of sub- mergence H S of the diffuser system. The differential equation for the deep tank model is derived on the basis of this approach and the transfer efficiencies depicted in Figure 4.1. The rise of the bubbles from the release level to the tank depths h 1 and h 2 yields the respective standard oxygen transfer efficiencies, SOTE(h 1 ) and SOTE(h 2 ). At depth h 1, the specific standard oxygen transfer efficiency amounts to SOTE s (h 1 ). The increase of SOTE over the reach from h 1 to h 2 is quantified by the product of the local specific standard oxygen transfer efficiency [SOTE s (h 1 )] and the bubble rise ∆h. (4.20) with ∆h = h 2 – h 1 Equation 4.20 can be rearranged into a difference equation. (4.21a) Applying the limit of ∆h → 0 yields a differential equation. (4.21b) The last two lines of Equation 4.21 are obtained by inserting the derived Equation 4.18 for quantifying SOTE s (h) to give the final differential equation of the model. Equation 4.21 is a nonhomogeneous linear differential equation of the first order, which can only be solved numerically (e.g., by the Runge–Kutta Method) due to the structure of Φ(h). The solution can also found by means of a PC spreadsheet. The numerical integration has to proceed from h = 0 to h = H S . SOTE h SOTE h SOTE h h s21 1 () = () + () ⋅∆ SOTE h SOTE h SOTE h h s () = () − () 21 ∆ SOTE h d SOTE h dh SOTE SOTE h zH h Hh SOTE SOTE h h s so S S so () = () [] =⋅− () [] ⋅ +⋅ − () [] +⋅− () [] =⋅− () [] ⋅ () () 1 1 0 0013 1 13 exp . Φ [...]... Press LLC TABLE 4. 4 Average Values of the Average Specific Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (SOTEsa) and the Basic Specific Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (SOTEso) at Different Test Conditions (% /m) Diffuser Density (% ) Water Depth H (m) Airflow Rate Gs (mN3/h) value SOTEsa SOTEso value SOTEsa SOTEso value SOTEsa SOTEso 4. 5 9.5 17.9 4. 22 4. 98 5. 24 4. 94 6.05 6.53 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 4. 81 5.18 4. 99 4. 75 4. 46 5.65 5.98... release (h = 0) until water level (h = HS = H – 0.3 m) in Figures 4. 3 to 4. 5 As can be read from the figures, the function lines are almost straight in Figure 4. 3 (H = 3.00 m) and become increasingly curved when going to Figures 4. 4 © 2002 by CRC Press LLC FIGURE 4. 4 Specific (% /m) and standard (% ) oxygen transfer efficiency in a tank of 6.00 m water depth and a depth of diffuser submergence of 5.70 m (From... the publisher, Pergamon Press, and the copyright holders, IAWQ .) © 2002 by CRC Press LLC (H = 6.00 m) and 4. 5 (H = 12.00 m) In this sequence, the standard oxygen transfer efficiency of the three aeration systems is strongly increasing from shallow (1 1, 16, and 22 percent) to greatest depth (4 1, 55, and 71 percent), and the local specific oxygen transfer efficiency SOTEs(h) is reduced due to oxygen depletion... of 5.70 m (From Pöpel and Wagner, 19 94, Water Science and Technology, 30, 4, 71–80 With permission of the publisher, Pergamon Press, and the copyright holders, IAWQ .) FIGURE 4. 5 Specific (% /m) and standard (% ) oxygen transfer efficiency in a tank of 12.00 m water depth and a depth of diffuser submergence of 11. 70 m (From Pöpel and Wagner, 19 94, Water Science and Technology, 30, 4, 71–80 With permission... The volumetric capacity can easily be controlled by the rotational speed (Figure 4. 1 6), e.g., via a variable-frequency drive At a required pressure rise of 60 kPa (about 5 m water depth), for instance, the airflow © 2002 by CRC Press LLC FIGURE 4. 14 Two types of rotary-lobe blowers (positive displacement blowers) Left: Twolobe PD-blower (older type) Right: Three-lobe PD-blower (modern type) FIGURE 4. 15... are reduced to (former German) standard conditions (T = 10˚C and Pa = 101.325 kPa) The present standard (2 0˚C) yields values some two percent higher (OTR20/OTR10 = θ10⋅cs,20/cs,10 = 1.0 241 0⋅9.09 /11. 29 = 1.020 6) From both parameters, kLa and cs, the standard oxygen transfer efficiency SOTE and the average specific oxygen transfer efficiency SOTEsa, are calculated by means of Equations 4. 5 and 4. 7 respectively... [cbm/(cbm·h)] and of the water depth H [m] (From Pöpel and Wagner, 19 94, Water Science and Technology, 30, 4, 71–80 With permission of the publisher, Pergamon Press, and the copyright holders, IAWQ .) FIGURE 4. 8 Average specific oxygen transfer efficiency [%/m] as a function of specific airflow rate [cbm/(cbm·h)] and of the water depth H [m] (From Pöpel and Wagner, 19 94, Water Science and Technology, 30, 4, ... Pergamon Press, and the copyright holders, IAWQ .) © 2002 by CRC Press LLC TABLE 4. 2 Comparison of Measured Data with Calculated Model Data for the Standard Oxygen Transfer Efficiency, SOTE (% ) Data Calculated with SOTEso = Tank Depth Range Data Range Measured 4 %/m 6 %/m 9 %/m 3 .4 4. 0 4. 0 4. 5 4. 5–6.0 7.5 10.0 12.0 15–29 19–35 19 45 36 48 48 –59 56–69 15 16 20 28 36 42 21 24 28 39 48 55 30 33 40 52 63 70... For a positive displacement blower (Westphal, 199 5), the power demand (WP in W) depends upon the airflow rate Gs (mN3/s), the differential pressure ∆p (Pa, N/m 2) and the overall efficiency e0 WP = Gs ⋅ ∆p eo (4 .2 5) For a PD-blower delivering an airflow rate of Gs = 5 ,40 0 m3/h (1 .5 m3/s) at a differential pressure of 45 kPa (4 5,000 N/m 2) with an estimated overall efficiency of 60 percent, the required wire... Gs (line 1) and the measured SOTR values (line 3) by means of Equation (4 . 5) [SOTE = SOTR /(0 .3⋅Gs)] The average specific oxygen transfer efficiency is obtained from this value by dividing through the water depth H (SOTEsa = SOTE/H) From either SOTE or SOTEsa and the water depth H (and depth of diffuser submergence HS), the basic specific oxygen transfer efficiency SOTEso is found either via Figure 4. 6 (upper . h s21 1 () = () + () ⋅∆ SOTE h SOTE h SOTE h h s () = () − () 21 ∆ SOTE h d SOTE h dh SOTE SOTE h zH h Hh SOTE SOTE h h s so S S so () = () [] =⋅− () [] ⋅ +⋅ − () [] +⋅− () [] =⋅− () [] ⋅ () () 1 1 0. h sso S S so () =⋅− () [] ⋅ +⋅ − () [] +⋅− () [] =⋅− () [] ⋅ () () 1 1 0 0013 1 13 exp . Φ Φ h zH h Hh S S () = +⋅ − () [] +⋅− () [] () 1 0 0013 13 exp . © 2002 by CRC Press LLC Equations 4. 18 and 4. 19 state. Equations 4 .11, 4. 13, and 4. 16, are inserted into Equations 4. 7 and 4. 8 to define the specific standard oxygen transfer efficiency as a function of depth. (4 .1 7) (4 .1 8) (4 .1 9) c c SOTE h sso =⋅− () [] 1 c

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